Power Quality Improvement Wind/Pv Hybrid System by Using Converters
Power Quality Improvement Wind/Pv Hybrid System by Using Converters
Power Quality Improvement Wind/Pv Hybrid System by Using Converters
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Modern Education (IJMRME)
ISSN (Online): 2454 - 6119
(www.rdmodernresearch.org) Volume II, Issue I, 2016
The principle of TCSC. in voltage stability enhancement is to control the transmission
line impedance by adjust the TCSC impedance. The absolute impedance of TCSC. which can
be adjusted in three modes:
- Blocking mode : The thyristor is not triggered and TCSC. is operating in pure capacity
which the power factor of TCSC is leading.
- By pass mode: The thyristor is operated in order to XL=XC. The current is inphase with
TCSC. voltage.
- Capacitive boost mode: XC > XL, and then Inductive mode: XL>XC, respectively.
B. SEPIC Converter:
Single Ended Primary Inductor Converter (SEPIC) is a type of converter,
performs DC-DC conversion and it makes the voltage magnitude at its output to be
exceeding, fewer, or same as its input. Its operation is similar to a buck boost converter.
It has the capability to operate in step up and step down modes [12]. The output
polarity of the SEPIC converter is positive with respect to its common terminal.
L1 C1 D
Vin L2
Figure 2: SEPIC Converter
The capacitor C1 blocks any DC current path between the input and the output. The
anode of the diode D is connected to a described potential [16]. When the switch M is
turned on, the input voltage Vin appears across the inductor L1 and the current IL1
across that inductor rises. Energy is also stored in the inductor L2 as soon as the voltage
across the capacitor C1 appears across L2. The diode D is reverse biased during this
period. But when switch M turns off, D will conduct. The energy stored in L1 and L2 is
delivered to the load and C1 is recharged by L1 for the next cycle of operation. The
voltage conversion ratio MSEPIC of the SEPIC converter is given by:
Vo = Vin[D/(1-D)] (2)
2. Renewable Energy Sources:
A. PV Array:
In PV system the output voltage is a constant DC and its magnitude depends on
the composition in which the solar cells/modules are coupled. On the same way, the
current outputs of the PV system mainly lean on the available solar irradiance [7]. The
main concern of power electronic interfaces for the PV systems is to convert the
generated DC voltage into a suitable AC for consumer use and utility connection.
The characteristic equation of a solar module is relying on the number of cells
connected in parallel and number of cells connected in series [6]. It is ascertained from
experimental results that the current variation is less subordinate on the shunt
resistance and is more relying on the series resistance.
I = Iph – Io[exp{qV/kT} – 1] (3)
Iph = photocurrent,
Io = saturation current,
q = electronic charge 1.6x10-9,
KB = Boltzmann’s gas constant (1.38x10-23), T = cell temperature,
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Modern Education (IJMRME)
ISSN (Online): 2454 - 6119
(www.rdmodernresearch.org) Volume II, Issue I, 2016
I = cell current, V = cell voltage.
B. Wind Energy System:
Wind turbines novitiate kinetic energy in the wind into mechanical power that
can be again converted into electrical energy by using generator. Power is ordinarily
generated either with an induction generator or with a synchronous generator [3].
Induction generators are normally employed on standalone systems and Synchronous
generators are typically used where grid connection is possible through power
electronics converters [11].
The basic equation for the power of the wind is given by:
P = (ρACpV3)/λ (4)
P is the power,
ρ is the air density,
V is the wind speed and, Cp is the power coefficient, which describes the fraction
of the wind captured by a wind turbine.
3. Design of Proposed System:
A hybrid wind-solar energy system is shown in Fig.3. The design incorporates
two converters at an output side of the sources [15], where one of the converter inputs
is connected to the output of the wind generator and the converter input is connected to
the output of a PV array. An unification of the two converters is rendered by reforming
the two existing diode from respective converter and the shared utilization of the
inductor on the output side [16] of the CUK converter by the SEPIC converter.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Modern Education (IJMRME)
ISSN (Online): 2454 - 6119
(www.rdmodernresearch.org) Volume II, Issue I, 2016
In this case the circuit becomes a Cuk converter as shown in Fig. 1. The input to output
voltage relationship is given by equation (1). In this case, both step-up/down operations
are possible.
B. State III (M1 off, M2 on):
IL1=IPV+((VPV-Vc1)/L1) t (d1Ts < t < d2Ts) (10)
C. Model of Proposed System:
If only the PV source is available, then diode D1 turns off and D2 will be on. Above two
circuits are combined likewise in the fig.3. to get the hybrid system with integrated Cuk
converter and SEPIC converter[12]
IL2 = Idc (Vc2/L2) t, (d1Ts < t < d2Ts) IL3= IW+(Vw/L3) t , (d1Ts < t < d2Ts)
D. State IV (M1 & M2 off):
IL1 = Ipv+((VPV- Vc1 )/L1) t, (d2 Ts < t < Ts)
IL2 = Idc – (Vc2/L2) t , (d2 Ts < t < Ts)
IL3 = IW +(Vw-Vc2-Vdc )/L3)t ,(d2 Ts< t< Ts)
4. Results:
In this section, simulation results from MATLAB are given to verify that the
proposed rectifier stage can support standalone as well as integrated operation. Finally,
Insert the TCSC between the bus 6 and bus 2 which the one weak bus and repeat the
simulation again. The maximum loading point is increasing at =7.69 p.u. The Figure is
shown in 9. The ability of TCSC can extend the maximum loading point which the TCSC
connected at bus 1 – 4.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Modern Education (IJMRME)
ISSN (Online): 2454 - 6119
(www.rdmodernresearch.org) Volume II, Issue I, 2016
B. Model of wind turbine with SEPIC converter
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Modern Education (IJMRME)
ISSN (Online): 2454 - 6119
(www.rdmodernresearch.org) Volume II, Issue I, 2016
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