5 Years Strat
5 Years Strat
5 Years Strat
See to it that all committees will do their functions All committee Continuous
actively. members
c. Books of Maintain an ever Hire for a qualified bookkeeper that is willing to devote Manager and BOD Continuous
account updated books of some time to perform promptly and reliably the positions
accounts. duties and responsibilities
Preparation/submission of monthly financial statements Bookkeeper and Continuous
every 15th working day of the month manager
d. Social To be able to be To participate in the clean and green campaign of our General membership Continuous
responsibilities known in the barangay.
community community as a coop
involvement with social mission.
e. Compliance to To be able to know To attend the seminar on COOP-PESOS and try to make BOD’s and Continuous
providential and practice the set self-assessment using this method. Management Staff
standards criteria of COOP-