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The Basic E2E drills consist of hitting 40 balls each practice session. The second drills are hitting 4
balls with each club with a full shot, two partial shots and one open stance shot. You should perform
the basic 40 ball drill a minimum of three times a week for the next two years. Neuroscience
references state that this is the time frame for the motion to become automatic (move from short term
memory to the outer cortex). The first 30 days will be as frustrating as anything you have ever done to
change your mechanics. You have no brain patterns established to allow your body to perform the
E2E mechanics. Until a pattern is established in short term memory (the hippocampus), every
movement will be difficult to perform. It takes about 30 days to establish useable patterns. Within 90
days, you will establish useable patterns in short term memory and will be striking the ball better.
Around the six month time frame, you will start to believe that you have conquered golf mechanics. If
you stop doing the drills, short term memory will dump the patterns and you will be starting over
again. You must persist for two years.
The right hand grip is taken in the palm. Push the Wrap the fingers around the grip. The shaft and
grip firmly into the thumb pad. grip are in line with the bottom of the right
Grip is taken inside the red Grip using the LPG Grip using the LPG Grip with fingers
lines. Trainer. Trainer & club. closed
Start by taking the Move the index Left hand pisiform bone. (pi'si-form)
grip between the two finger to the
fingers shown. position shown.
Wrap the thumb around the The pisiform bone (red Both hands on the grip. Pisiform
grip. Back of hand is circle) is outside the grip. bone (green arrow)
pronated on top of the grip.
The SWOP grip allows the wrist to remain stable from address to impact. The back of the leading
hand remains on plane from address to impact. This allows for a double shortening of the radius
during the downstroke. The combination of on-plane and double shortening of the radius produces
greater clubhead speed and dramatically improved accuracy.
Hands just inside the left Start the backstroke by pulling the TOP: Right elbow is behind
thigh and ahead of the ball. right elbow backward. Keep the left the body. Right shoulder is in
Body is balanced with even hand on plane. line with right hip. Left
distribution of the weight on shoulder has rotated another
both feet. 45 degrees to in line with the
ball. Back of Left hand is still
on plane.
The start of the downstroke is moving the right When the hands continue down-on-plane to
hand down on plane. This ACTION is balanced impact, there are two shortenings of the radius.
by the REACTION of the body sitting into the One is when the hand changes direction from the
knees and moving slightly to the left. Observe previous photo position moving toward impact.
that there is no lagging of the clubhead behind the The second change is when the left elbow moves
hands. The hands are passive in E2E. Clubhead around the body. This double shortening of the
speed is produced by the physics principle of radius produces maximum clubhead speed.
shortening-of-the-radius. Staying on plane with the hands creates optimum
After impact, chase after the ball with the right arm. Let the
hands rotate naturally to the position shown. Keep the eyes
focused in the impact zone.
Hit 10 balls off the Alignment/Practice mat with a wedge
using the E2E trainer and MGNS.
Swing at 20% clubhead speed. This drill is to train your
elbows to move around your spine.
Hit 10 balls off the Alignment/Practice mat with a wedge using
the LPG and MGNS trainers
You can obtain 90% of your distance with these two training
Hit 10 balls off the Alignment/Practice mat with a wedge
without training aids.
Drill #4:
Hit 10 balls off the Alignment/Practice mat with a wedge sitting
on a stool
This is an extremely important drill; it lets you prove to yourself
that clubhead speed comes from the arms and that the body is
just a stabilizer.
o You should hit the ball within 5% of you standing up
Four Ball Drill and Distance Chart:
This is Jack Kuykendall chart at age 73.
Scoring in golf takes place from 100 yards and in shots. You must know the distances and have
extreme confidence in producing partial shots. When you complete the chart distances, your scores
will be optimized.
Wall Sponge Trainer:
Using the E2E Trainer, take the SWOP left hand grip with separated fingers or with the index finger
wrapped around the grip. Pull the right elbow back and rotate the shoulders until the sponge touches
the wall. Pull the left elbow around the body. Do this drill for 20 repetitions every day.