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Prestressed Precast Concrete Wall Panel (Structure), Item SPV.0165.XX

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Prestressed Precast Concrete Wall Panel (structure), Item SPV.0165.XX

A Description
This special provision describes constructing precast prestressed concrete wall panels with
heights and patterns as shown on the plans including product design, fabrication,
transportation, erection, anchorage and other related items. The design life of the precast
concrete wall panels and all panel components shall be 75 years.

These specifications provide for prestressing concrete panels by the pretensioning

method. In this method, stress the reinforcing tendons initially, then place and cure the
concrete and release the stress from the anchorages to the concrete after developing
specified concrete strength.

B Materials
B.1 Design Requirements
It is the responsibility of the contractor to submit a design and supporting documentation
as required by this special provision, for review and acceptance by the department, to
show the proposed wall design is in compliance with the design specifications. The
submittal shall include the following items for review: erection drawings, production
drawings, complete design calculations, explanatory notes, supporting materials, and

Erection drawings shall conform to the contract plans and consist of member piece marks
and completely dimensioned size and shape of each member; plans and/or elevations
locating and defining all products furnished by manufacturer; sections and details
showing connections, cast-in items and their relation to the structure; relationship to
adjacent material including footings and copings; joints between members and structure;
description of all loose, cast-in and field hardware; field installed anchor location
drawings; erection sequences, when required to satisfy stability, and handling
requirements; and all dead, live and other applicable loads used in the design.

Production drawings shall conform to the contract plans and consist of elevation view of
each member; sections and details to indicate quantities and position of reinforcing steel,
anchors, inserts, etc.; handling devices; dimensions and finishes; prestress strand
quantities; initial prestress forces; material strengths; estimated cambers; and methods for
storage and transportation.

The plans and shop drawings shall be prepared on reproducible sheets 11 inch x 17 inch,
including borders. Each sheet shall have a title block in the lower right corner. The title
block shall include the WisDOT project identification number and structure number.
Design calculations and notes shall be on 8 ½ inch x 11 inch sheets, and shall contain the
project identification number, name or designation of the wall, date of preparation,
initials of designer and checker, and page number at the top of the page. All plans, shop
drawings, and calculations shall be signed, sealed and dated by a professional engineer
licensed in the State of Wisconsin, experienced in the design of Prestressed Precast
Concrete Wall Panels.

The design of the Prestressed Precast Concrete Wall Panel shall be in compliance with the
current American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials LRFD
(AASHTO LRFD) Bridge Design Specifications with latest interim specifications for
Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls, WisDOT’s current Standard Specifications for
Highway and Structure Construction (standard spec), Chapter 14 of the WisDOT LRFD
Bridge Manual and standard engineering design procedures as determined by the
Department. Loads, load combinations, load and resistance factors shall be as specified in

Design and construct the panels in accordance to the lines, grades, heights and
dimensions shown on the plans, as herein specified, and as directed by the engineer.
Design panels and components to withstand initial handling, transportation, and erection
stress limits; dead loads; wind load of 40 pounds per square foot; suction load of 20
pounds per square foot; thermal stresses; and other loads specified. Although the cavity
shall remain free of backfill and debris, consider backfill within the cavity not exceeding
the finish grade elevation at the front face of wall for design. In addition to the above
loads also design inserts and connection assemblies for the loads indicated on the plans
and a horizontal force equal to at least 20% of the dead weight of the panel and coping.

Provide a minimum prestress of 250 pounds per square inch after losses and minimum
temperature and shrinkage reinforcement as required by AASHTO LRFD 5.10.8.

B.2 Submittals
Submit on request reports on materials, compressive strength tests on concrete and water
absorption tests on units.

Submit to the engineer, for acceptance and placing on file before commencing, one set of
the submittals that the contractor has checked. In addition, provide two sets to the Region
office, (Enter Region Contact Name, (XXX) XXX-XXX), and one set to the Bureau of
Structures for acceptance and inspection purposes. Only after acceptance by the Region
may panel fabrication commence. The engineer may refuse prints of submittals that are
not clear and legible. If the engineer requests, submit one additional copy of submittals
for review. After acceptance, furnish as many copies of submittals as required. Submit no
later than 60 days from the date of notification to proceed with the project and a
minimum of 30 days prior to the date proposed to erect the wall panels.

The submittals become a part of the contract, provided any differences between the
production drawings and the plans are approved by the engineer and provided those
changes are made at no additional expense to the department.

After initial submittal and acceptance, make no deviation from the production drawings
or changes to them without the engineer’s further review and acceptance.
The engineer's review of submittals is only a review of the character and sufficiency of
the details and does not relieve the contractor from responsibility in regard to errors or
omissions on those drawings.

B.3 Wall System Components

Materials furnished for wall system components under this contract shall conform to the
requirements of this specification. All certifications related to material and components of
the wall systems specified in this subsection shall be submitted to the engineer.

B.3.1 General
Furnish materials conforming to the following:

Standard Spec
Masonry Anchors 502
Coated High Strength Bar Steel Reinforcement 505
Pretensioning Reinforcement 503
Welded Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement 505
Structural Steel and Miscellaneous Metals 506
Elastomeric Bearing Pads 506

Galvanize or furnish stainless steel materials for all hardware incorporated into the
finished structures. (Not including reinforcement bars or pretensioning reinforcement.)

B.3.2 Concrete
Furnish concrete as specified in standard spec 501 and 716.

Ensure concrete attains a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 5,000 pounds per
square inch. Base all tests on 6 inch by 12-inch cylinders, or 4 inch by 8-inch cylinders,
provided the engineer develops and approves a correlation factor. Mold concrete
cylinders in suitable steel or plastic molds. Cure concrete cylinders according to
AASHTO T 23, except cure the cylinders with the member until release strength is
obtained, then cure the cylinders according to AASHTO T 23.

Make and test the cylinders and make available to the engineer all information relating to
the making and testing of cylinders. Notify the engineer immediately if concrete cylinder
compressive strengths are less than the required 28-day strength. Keep neatly
documented records of all cylinder testing on the day of the test and make them available
to the engineer. Provide copies of the tests to the engineer by contract completion.

Furnish precast prestressed concrete panels cast from air entrained concrete. Use type I,
IS, I(SM), IP, II, or III cement. The contractor may replace up to 30 percent of type I, II,
or III portland cement with an equal weight of fly ash conforming to standard spec
501.2.6 or slag conforming to standard spec 501.2.7. Use only one source and
replacement rate for work under a single bid item. Use a department-approved air
entraining admixture conforming to standard spec 501.2.2 for air entrained concrete. Use
only size No. 1 coarse aggregate conforming to standard spec 501.2.5.4.

Determine proportions for the mix within the following limitations:

Proportion Limitation
Water cement ratio 0.45 max.
Cement content 610 lbs/cy min.
Air content of concrete 3.5%-6.0%
Slump of mixed concrete 4 inches max.

If the mix does not contain a high range water reducer admixture, use a department-
approved set retarding admixture as specified in 501.2.3.2 at the recommended rate if the
ambient air temperature is 70 degrees F (21 degrees C) or higher. The contractor may use
it at their option if the ambient air temperature is less than 70 degrees F (21 degrees C).

Do not add more admixtures or water after mixing is complete.

Use admixtures that do not have significant chlorides or chlorides added during

Use admixtures that are compatible with all ingredients of the concrete mixture.

B.3.3 Pretensioning Reinforcement

Use high tensile strength, 7-wire strands conforming to ASTM A416, grade 270.

B.3.4 Lifting Devices

The type, number and locations of lifting devices and the method of handling the
Prestressed Precast Concrete Wall Panels is determined by the fabricator and approved by
the engineer. Lifting devices shall not be located on the exposed front face of the panel.

B.3.5 Accessories and Inserts

Furnish materials conforming to the following:

Item Material
Shims High-density plastic or galvanized steel, 1/8-inch thick,
smooth both sides
Carbon steel plate ASTM A283
Welded headed studs AWS D1.1 – Type B
Bolts, nuts, rods, washers Standard spec 506.2
Neoprene Filler Closed cell 100% virgin chloroprene (neoprene) filler
meeting Section 14 of AASHTO LRFD
Inserts Galvanized with minimum 12 Gage steel conforming to
ASTM A1011 SS GR 33 or ASTM A653 GR 33 A.
Inserts anchors to have 1 1/2-inch minimum cover.
Zinc coated fabrications Conform to ASTM 385 for fabricating zinc coated work
B.3.6 Footing and Coping
Furnish and place footings and coping as shown on the plans and as hereinafter provided.

Use a footing that consists of poured concrete, Grade A, A-FA, A-S, A-T, A-IS, A-IP, or
A-IT concrete conforming to standard spec 501 as modified in standard spec 716. Provide
QMP for leveling pad concrete as specified in standard spec 716, Class II Concrete.

For cast in place sections of cap and coping, use poured concrete Grade A, A-FA, A-S, A-
T, A-IS, A-IP, or A-IT concrete conforming to standard spec 501 as modified in standard
spec 716. Provide QMP for cast in place cap and coping concrete as specified in standard
spec 716, Class II Concrete.

Use high-strength bar steel conforming to standard spec 505.

B.4 Plant Certification

Obtain all precast prestressed concrete wall panels from fabrication plants that comply
with the department’s plant certification program for precast prestressed concrete, unless
the engineer agrees to accept these items according to the alternate procedures set forth in
the department’s plant certification program.

C Construction
C.1 Excavation and Backfill
Excavation will encompass the preparation of the foundation below the wall panel
footing and to the limits and extents as shown on the plans, in accordance to standard
spec 206. At the end of each working day, provide good temporary drainage such that the
backfill shall not become contaminated with run-off soil or water if it should rain. Do not
stockpile or store materials or large equipment within 10 feet of the back of the wall.

C.2 Stressing Procedure

Stressing procedure shall be in accordance to standard spec 503.3.1. Ensure all the
strands of a pretensioned member are free from kinks or twists before starting tensioning
operations. Ensure no strand unwinds more than one turn after starting tensioning

Perform transfer of prestress to concrete after the concrete develops the minimum
required strength for transfer determined by the test cylinders.

C.3 Placing and Fastening Steel

Placing and fastening steel shall be in accordance with standard spec 503.3.1.1. Place all
steel units in the position the plans show and hold firmly during concrete placing and
setting as specified in standard spec 505.3.

Ensure that all prestressing steel is free of dirt, grease, wax, scale, rust, oil, or other
foreign material that may prevent bonding between the steel and the concrete.
C.4 Placing Concrete
Handle and place the concrete as specified in standard spec 502.

C.5 Tolerances
Cast Prestressed Precast Concrete Wall Panels to plan dimensions within the following
applicable tolerances:

Item Tolerance
Overall height of panel measured at the face exposed to view ± 3/16-inch per 10 ft.
Overall width of panel measured at the face exposed to view ± 3/16-inch per 10 ft.
Total thickness ± 1/4-inch
Structural thickness ± 1/4-inch
Variation from square or designated skew ± 1/2-inch
Local smoothness, unconcealed surfaces ± 1/4-inch per 10 ft.
Bowing Length/360, to a
maximum of 1-inch
Warp (from adjacent corner) ± 1/16-inch per ft.
Location of inserts ± 1/2-inch
Tipping and flushness of inserts ± 1/4-inch
Position of handling devices ± 3-inch
Reinforcing steel:
Where position has structural implications or affects
concrete cover ± 1/4-inch
Otherwise ± 1/2-inch
Location of strand:
Perpendicular to panel ± 1/4-inch
Parallel to panel ± 1-inch
Dimensions of architectural features and rustications ± 1/4-inch

C.6 Curing
Cure concrete in accordance to standard spec 503.3.2.2.

C.7 Surface Finish

Provide surface treatment as detailed in the plans. Provide a rubbed surface finish on the
remaining exposed surfaces of prestressed concrete panels as specified in standard spec
502.3.7.3 before shipping from the plant. Exposed face to match approved mockup panel.
Use rigid molds to maintain panels within specified tolerances conforming to shape,
lines, and dimensions shown on the production drawings. Construct molds to withstand
vibration method selected.

Coat bottom of panels with bitumastic after cutting strands flush. Do not coat top of

C.8 Erection
Erect panels without damage to shape or finish. Replace or repair damaged panels. Do
not drill or form holes through the precast prestressed wall facing panels to erect panels.
An alternate method of anchoring/attaching the precast prestressed concrete wall panels
may be submitted to the engineer for review and possible acceptance.

Place precast concrete wall panels so that their final position is vertical. Ensure that the
vertical joint openings between panels are uniform and that decorative patterns between
panels are aligned.

When panels require adjustment beyond design or tolerance criteria, discontinue affected
work; advise engineer.

Verify structure, footings, anchors blocks, rods, couplers, clevises, and other anchor
devices are ready to receive panels. Verify that wall panel footings are placed at the
proper horizontal and vertical alignments and are ready to the receive wall panels. Place
elastomeric pad and shims behind panels to ensure proper horizontal alignment. Set
panels on elastomeric bearing pads and shims and install base angles at ends of panels.
Place a layer of Geotextile Type DF over the joint between the tilt up panel and the panel
footing as shown on the plans. Shim vertical joints to get proper opening. Install and
compress neoprene joint filler in the lap joints between panels. Fasten top of panels to
deadman anchor block assemblies at MSE walls, as shown on the plans.

Touch-up scratched or damaged galvanized surfaces with 2 coats of zinc dust/zinc oxide
paint. Clean and deburr the damaged and adjacent areas thoroughly before applying paint.

The cavity between the MSE wall and the panels shall remain free of backfill and debris
throughout construction unless plans indicate otherwise or approved by the department’s
Bureau of Structures.

C.8.1 Erection Tolerances

Item Tolerance
Plan location from wall reference line ± 1/2-inch
Plan location from wall alignment ± 1/2-inch
Top elevation from nominal top elevation ± 1/4-inch
Support elevation from nominal elevation:
Maximum low 1/2-inch
Maximum high 1/4-inch
Plumb in any 10 ft. of panel height ± 1/4-inch
Maximum offset of matching edges and decorative patterns ± 1/4-inch
Maximum offset of matching faces ± 1/4-inch
Joint width (governs over joint taper) ± 1/4-inch
Joint taper maximum ± 3/8-inch
Joint taper over 10 ft. length ± 1/4-inch
Differential bowing or camber as erected between 1/4-inch
adjacent members of the same design

C.9 Adjusting
Adjust panels so joint dimensions are within tolerances.

D Measurement
The department will measure Prestressed Precast Concrete Wall Panel by the square foot
acceptably completed, measured at the front face of wall as defined by the pay limits the
contract plans show. Unless the Engineer directs in writing, a change to the limits
indicated on the contract plan, wall area constructed above or below these limits will not
be measured for payment.

E Payment
The department will pay for accepted measured quantities at the contract unit price under
the following bid item:


SPV.0165.XX Prestressed Precast Concrete Wall Panel (structure) SF

Payment is full compensation for preparing the design drawings and calculations,
production drawings, and coordination; for providing concrete and reinforcement steel for
the cast-in-place concrete footings and copings, decorative surface finish, sample panels,
prestressed precast concrete wall panels, including all concrete, grout, mortar,
reinforcement steel, tie bars, bearing pads, geotextile Type DF, excavation, shims,
masonry anchors, filler, anchor plates, angles, slotted inserts and other embedded metal;
for casting and curing concrete; for jacking and prestressing; and for furnishing all
handling, hauling and erecting. Deadman, anchor blocks, rods, couplers and clevises shall
be produced and supplied to the job site under this item.

Parapets, railings, vehicle barriers, anchor slabs and their supports, abutment bodies and
other items above the wall panel cap or coping will be paid for separately. Architectural
Surface Treatment and Concrete Staining will be paid for separately.

Any required topsoil, fertilizer, seeding or sodding and mulch will be paid for at the contract
unit price for these items.
SPV.0165.XX (20170223)

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