Technological University of The Philippines
Technological University of The Philippines
Technological University of The Philippines
Civil Engineering Department
101.1 Demolition and removal of concrete slab as shown in the contract drawings. Concrete demolished and
removed shall be disposed of as instructed by the Architect.
102.1 The Contractor shall furnish labor, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary for the proper prosecution
of all structure excavation and back filling including concrete steps.
103.1 Excavation for structures to be founded on base slabs and footings are to be carried to undisturbed natural soil
of approved bearing capacity. If this material is unsuitable for the support of the structures, such material shall
be removed and replaced with compacted structural fill.
103.2 When excavation for foundation has reached the required depth, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer for
final inspection and acceptance. If materials and conditions are not satisfactory, the Engineers will issue
instructions for corrective measures. No reinforcing bars shall be placed or concrete poured until the Engineer
has approved in writing the acceptability of the soil capacity for each individual footing.
104.1 After all unsuitable materials have been stripped and removed, the area to be filled shall be compacted by
rolling using pneumatic tire rollers or tandem rollers of approved by the Engineer. Moisture content of the in-
site material should be dry of the optimum. At least 95% of the Modified Proctor maximum density must be
attained. The Engineer shall conduct density test on the compacted base. Depending upon the results of such
tests the Engineer may order the Contractor to perform additional rolling necessary.
104.2 Fill shall be spread, by graders or bulldozers and compacted in layers not thicker than 150mm.
104.3 Compacted structural fill shall be placed and compacted as specified laterally to the limits defined by 45
degrees slope line outward and downward from a point at least 0.7 meter outside the bottom edge of all
104.4 Water shall be added by means of sprinklers over each layer in amounts that will bring the fill materials to its
optimum moisture requirement for maximum density. Compaction will not be permitted on completely dry
105.1 Trench excavation for pipe, conduits, and ducts on earth foundations shall be made to the depths and widths
indicated on the drawings. The bottom of the excavation shall be firm, dry and acceptable to the Engineer.
105.2 Rock shall be removed to a minimum of 200mm clear from the bottom and the full width of the trench
105.3 Trench for pipe, conduits or ducts to be laid in gravel bedding or encased in concrete, may be excavated by
machine to or just below the designated sub grade provided that the materials remaining in the bottom of the
trench is undisturbed natural soil.
105.4 Backfilling over pipes shall begin after the pipe has been laid, jointed and inspected. The trench shall be filled
with screened gravel, compacted granular fill, or compacted common fill as indicated on the drawings.
a. Class AA concrete shall be a mixture of 1 part cement, 1 ½ parts fine aggregate and
3 parts coarse aggregate by volume, plus enough clean water to make the mixture into
a pliable paste.
b. Class A concrete shall be a mixture of 1 part cement, 2 parts fine aggregate and 4
parts coarse aggregate by volume, plus enough clean water to make the mixture into a
pliable paste.
c. Class B concrete shall be a mixture of 1 part cement, 2 1/2 parts fine aggregate and
5 parts coarse aggregate by volume, plus enough clean water to make the mixture into
a pliable paste.
d. Class C concrete shall be a mixture of 1 part cement, 3 parts fine aggregate and 6
parts coarse aggregate by volume, plus enough clean water to make the mixture into a
pliable paste.
e. The fine aggregate for concrete shall consist of natural sand, or of inert materials
with similar characteristics, having clean, hard and durable grains, free from organic
matter or loam.
f. The coarse aggregate for concrete shall consist of crushed rock of durable and strong
qualities, or clean and hard gravel. Size of the aggregate to be used shall vary from
20mm to 40mm (3/4” to 1 1/2”)
1105.1 The Contractor shall excavate to the elevations and dimensions as may be required to properly execute the
foundations and footing works as indicated in the drawings
1105.2 The excavation work shall include the removal of all materials of every nature and description, which are
encountered in obtaining the levels and grades indicated in the drawings.
1105.3 Existing underground pipes, tunnels etc., shall be brought to the attention of the Structural Engineer for
1105.4 Parking sidewalks etc., shall be compacted 90% compaction in layers of 0.30 meters unless otherwise
specified by the Structural Engineer.
1106.1 Unless otherwise noted in the plans or specifications, camber all R.C. beams at least 6mm for every 3000mm
of clear span.
1106.2 If there are two (2) more layers of reinforcing bars, use 25mm separator spaced at 0.90 meters O.C. in no
case shall there be less than two (2) separators between layers of bars.
1106.3 When a beam crosses a girder, rest beam on top of the girder bars. At column intersection, girder bars shall
be on top of the beam bars.
1106.4 Top bars splices shall be located at midspan and bottom bar splices at a distance of L/5 of beam.
1106.5 Bend for stirrups and ties shall be made around a pin having a diameter of not less than six (6) times the
diameter of the bar.
1106.6 Rebar splicing: hook, bend and concrete cover shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Structural
Code of the Philippines. Splices of reinforcement shall be made only as authorized by the Engineer. All hooks
shall be bent cold.
1107.1 Unless otherwise noted in the plans or specifications, camber all R.C. slabs 3mm for every 3000mm of the
shorter span.
1107.2 If slabs are reinforced both ways, bars along the shorter span be placed below those along the longer span at
the center and over the longer bars near the supports.
1107.3 For flat slabs, long span bottom bars shall be placed below the short span bars and top bars, vice versa.
1107.4 Concrete covering shall be 20mm clear from top and bottom bars.
1107.5 Unless otherwise specified by the Structural Engineer, bar chairs shall be provided at least 600mm each way
to support the top and bottom bars separately.
1108.1 Unless otherwise indicated, the column pedestal embedded in the ground shall be 50mm larger than the
column as per plan at the ground floor level.
1108.2 Construction joints on columns shall be located at the top of the pedestal (ground floor line) or at least a
distance above the floor equal to the maximum dimension of the column or one-sixth (1/6) story height.
1108.3 All ties shall be fastened to column vertical reinforcement by wires at all intersection points of ties and
column bars.
1108.4 Not more than one-half (1/2) of the total number of bars be spliced at the same level.
1108.5 Column bar splice lengths shall be as shown in the structural plans.
1108.6 Confinement ties shall be provided at all columns at beam-column intersection as shown in the structural
1109.1 Unless otherwise specified, the vertical and horizontal reinforcement for CHB shall be 10mm at 600mm
O.C. for all wall thickness.
1109.2 Where the top of CHB wall adjoins a column provide a 25mm gap to be filled with a soft material like
1109.3 Where the side of CHB wall adjoins a column provide a 25mm gap to be filled with a soft material like
1109.4 Where columns and beams are to be poured without CHB wall dowel, provide ramsets and 16-gauge
galvanized steel straps 0.40 meter O.C. No chipping of concrete columns and beams is allowed unless
otherwise permitted by the Structural Engineer.
1109.5 Structural Tolerances
Unless otherwise specified by the Structural Engineer the following are acceptable structural tolerances for cast-in-
place concrete construction. All dimensions which are not within the required tolerances shall be corrected prior to
pouring of concrete. Tolerances for pre-cast concrete construction shall be 1/2 of the values given below.
a. Cross sectional dimensions and location of reinforcements, pre-stressing steel and
pre-stressing steel ducts.
b. Member length or height ± 6mm per 3.0 meters (Maximum limitation = 12mm)
c. Deviation from straight line (sweep and/or plumbness) ± 6mm per 3.0m.
Minimum Cover
Minimum Cover
Minimum Cover
Age of Concrete
1117.3 For post-tensioned (P.T.) construction the following shall be the basis of removal of forms shoring.
Age of Concrete
The plumbing fixtures and accessories to be provided and installed shall be as follows:
- HCG New Monet P150 C3 OP from HCG
Water Closet
Manufacturing Corp.
Lavatory - HCG Lavatory Alea Wall Hung White
Shower - Pozzi Shower with Faucet
Floor drain - Size 50mm x 50mm (2” x 2”) Stainless-Steel
Kitchen sink - Stainless steel type