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Technological University of The Philippines

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Ayala Blvd., Ermita, Manila

Civil Engineering Department


101.1 Demolition and removal of concrete slab as shown in the contract drawings. Concrete demolished and
removed shall be disposed of as instructed by the Architect.
102.1 The Contractor shall furnish labor, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary for the proper prosecution
of all structure excavation and back filling including concrete steps.
103.1 Excavation for structures to be founded on base slabs and footings are to be carried to undisturbed natural soil
of approved bearing capacity. If this material is unsuitable for the support of the structures, such material shall
be removed and replaced with compacted structural fill.
103.2 When excavation for foundation has reached the required depth, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer for
final inspection and acceptance. If materials and conditions are not satisfactory, the Engineers will issue
instructions for corrective measures. No reinforcing bars shall be placed or concrete poured until the Engineer
has approved in writing the acceptability of the soil capacity for each individual footing.
104.1 After all unsuitable materials have been stripped and removed, the area to be filled shall be compacted by
rolling using pneumatic tire rollers or tandem rollers of approved by the Engineer. Moisture content of the in-
site material should be dry of the optimum. At least 95% of the Modified Proctor maximum density must be
attained. The Engineer shall conduct density test on the compacted base. Depending upon the results of such
tests the Engineer may order the Contractor to perform additional rolling necessary.
104.2 Fill shall be spread, by graders or bulldozers and compacted in layers not thicker than 150mm.
104.3 Compacted structural fill shall be placed and compacted as specified laterally to the limits defined by 45
degrees slope line outward and downward from a point at least 0.7 meter outside the bottom edge of all
104.4 Water shall be added by means of sprinklers over each layer in amounts that will bring the fill materials to its
optimum moisture requirement for maximum density. Compaction will not be permitted on completely dry
105.1 Trench excavation for pipe, conduits, and ducts on earth foundations shall be made to the depths and widths
indicated on the drawings. The bottom of the excavation shall be firm, dry and acceptable to the Engineer.
105.2 Rock shall be removed to a minimum of 200mm clear from the bottom and the full width of the trench
105.3 Trench for pipe, conduits or ducts to be laid in gravel bedding or encased in concrete, may be excavated by
machine to or just below the designated sub grade provided that the materials remaining in the bottom of the
trench is undisturbed natural soil.
105.4 Backfilling over pipes shall begin after the pipe has been laid, jointed and inspected. The trench shall be filled
with screened gravel, compacted granular fill, or compacted common fill as indicated on the drawings.


201.1 The work includes the provisions of a base course composed of gravel, crushed gravel or crushed stone,
constructed on the prepared sub base course in accordance with these specifications and in conformity with the
lines, grades and typical cross sections shown on the plans.
202.1 Placing & Spreading. All base course material shall be placed on the prepared sub grade and compacted in
layers to the thickness shown on the plans.
203 Compaction
203.1 The moisture content of sub-base material shall if necessary be adjusted prior to compaction by watering with
approved sprinklers mounted on trucks or by driving out, as required, in order to obtain the required
203.2 The sub-base materials shall be compacted by means of approved vibration rollers or steel wheel rollers.
203.3 Any areas inaccessible to rolling equipment shall be compacted by means of mechanical tampers.
203.4 The compacted dry density of each layer of the compacted sub-base shall not be less than 98% of the
maximum dry density determined according to AASHTO T180 Method D. The field density shall be
determined to AASHTO T191.


301.1 Except where otherwise definitely specified, furnish labor and materials to complete Chemical Soil
Treatment, as herein amplified in detail.
301.2 Chemical soil treatment materials and procedures shall comply with current HUD-FHS Manual of Acceptable
Practices, Publication No. 4930.1, Volume 4, Section 502.1 and 602-3.67 and with recommendations contained
in USDA H&G Bulletin No. 4, Subterranean Termites, Their Prevention and Control in Buildings.
Chemical soil treatment specified herein for main structure shall also apply to attached and
detached accessory building construction.
Treatment Shall be performed by an experienced pest control operator in a timely fashion
and in a manner that will produce the specified results.
401.1 Except where otherwise definitely specified provide items, articles, materials and methods listed, mentioned,
indicated or scheduled on plans, or herein specified or generally inferred therefrom, including labor, materials,
equipment, plant, facilities, supervision, superintendence, management and incidental necessary and required
for completion and satisfactory performance of work called for under this division.
402.1 Concrete hollow blocks shall have minimum face shell thickness of 8mm. Minimum compressive strength
shall be as follows:
All units shall be stored for a period of not less than 28 days (including curing period) and
shall not be delivered to the job site prior to that time unless the strengths equal or exceed
those mentioned in these specifications.
402.2 Wall reinforcement shall be as mentioned, as shown on the drawings.
402.3 Sand shall be river sand, well screened, clean, hard, sharp, silicon, free from loam, silt or other impurities
composed of grains of varying sizes.
402.4 Cement shall be standard Portland cement, ASTM C-150-68 Type 1.
402.5 Mortar:
a. General: Mix mortar from 3 to 5 minutes in such quantities as needed for
immediate use. Retampering will not be permitted if mortar stiffens because of
premature setting. Discard such materials, as well as those which have not been used
within one hour after mixing.
b. Proportioning: Cement mortar shall be one (1) part Portland cement and two (2)
parts sand by volume but not more than one (1) part Portland cement and three (3)
parts sand by volume.
501.1 The work covered by this section
Wood door frames
502.1 For items not completely detailed on the drawings, the Contractor shall submit for approval by the Engineer,
shop drawings of all finish carpentry specified herein.
502.2 Millwork shall be kept dry and delivered to the job in dry weather.
503.1 Materials for millwork and finished woodwork throughout shall be sound stock, thoroughly seasoned, kiln-
dried to a moisture content not exceeding twelve percent and well fabricated. Finished carpentry shall not be
delivered until buildings are enclosed and plastered. All materials, when delivered to the site, shall be piled to
insure proper drainage, ventilation and protection from the weather. Work that is finished in paint shall be free
from defects or blemishes on surfaces exposed to view in the finished work which will show after the second
coat of paint is applied.
503.2 Mahogany of the sizes indicated shall be used for all finish carpentry and millwork except that Narra shall be
used in areas subjected to exposure to moisture.
503.3 Plywood shall be in mahogany in painted finish where required, narra or marine plywood of the thickness
504.1 The size, thickness and design of wood door frame shall be as shown on drawings. The finish shall be such
that neither machine nor tool marks shown through the finished surface. All surfaces and joints shall be primed.
601.1 The work includes the provision of vapor barrier, complete.
602.1 Vapor barrier materials shall be provided beneath all concrete floor slabs on grade and on fill, to prevent
701.1 The work includes the waterproofing of all crawl spaces.
701.2 See drawings and details for location and extent of work required.
701.3 All surfaces must be smooth, clean and dry, free of loose materials and obstructions. The floor shall contain
no projections or holes and shall provide a solid base for the membrane waterproofing. Installation of cants in
the angle formed by the floor and vertical walls shall be completed before roofing work shall be started.
701.4 Application - as per manufacturer’s standard application subject to Architect’s approval.
801.1 The work shall not be started until rough-in for plumbing and electrical works has been completed and tested.
The work of all trades in the area where the tile work is to be done shall be protected from damage in skillful
manner and as directed.
802.1 Ceramic tiles shall be of good quality grade; heavy duty or medium duty, gloss smooth finish, same color and
size code should be strictly followed. Color, design and texture shall be approved.
802.2 Listed or trim units shall be provided as required by the Architect for a completely and neatly finished
installation. Trim units shall be of material identical to the tiles or of different material such as plastic or other
synthetic materials.
802.3 The adhesive and grout shall be Bostik manufactured by Bostik Industrial Corporation or specified otherwise.
- Tile adhesive (tile bonding agent) shall be used as the dry-set mortar to install on
walls and floors employing the thin-set method conforming to ANSI A 108.1b. Use
Bostik Adhesive for combination of latex-dry set installation to conform to ANSI
- Tile grout shall be used as ceramic tile joint filler conforming to ANSI A11.8.6.
Color shall match the design of the tiles.
802.4 Grout sealers shall be clear, as recommended by the adhesive manufacturer, and used on a tile grout
installations for lasting color retention.
802.5 Portland cement shall be gray color for use on screeding and plastering. This shall conform to the
requirements of PNS 07-Type 1.
802.6 Sand for screeding and plastering work shall conform to the requirements of ASTM specifications C35.
802.7 Water shall be potable.
803.1 Floor and wall tiles installation. Make sure that floor surface to be tiled shall be sound, smooth and clean. Use
Bostik Adhesive as your dry-set mortar (thin-bed method). For tile installations on other substrates like old tiles,
granolithic floors, and gypsum boards, use Bostik Redifix with tile adhesive for increased bonding strength and
flexibility. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendation on mixing and application.
803.2 Grouting. Grouting can be applied on newly installed tiles after curing. Use Eurotiles as ceramic joint filler.
Prior to application of grout, ensure that the grout lines are clean and if needed, remove excess tile adhesive on
the tiles. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendation on mixing and application.
901.1 The types and locations of glass are indicated. Determining the actual sizes by measuring the openings to be
glazed. Each piece of glass shall bear the manufacturer’s label, giving his name and the quality, type and
thickness of the glass. Do not remove labels until final cleaning.
902.1 The Contractor shall furnish copies of shop drawings showing dimension and details and indicating all
necessary items to the Architect’s for approval.
902.2 Any correction required by the Architect shall be done immediately by the Contractor and corrected copies of
drawings affected shall be returned to the Architect. The examination and approval of shop drawings by the
Architect shall not relieve the Contractor from any obligation to perform the work strictly in accordance with
plans and specifications. The responsibility for errors in shop drawings shall remain with the Contractor.
903.1 General: Employ only skilled labor, set glass without springling, accurately fitted and carefully set, using
setting and spacer blocks in accordance with the recommendation of the glass manufacturer. Set all glass before
final painting. Take every precaution to ensure first-class free from edge chips, cracks or other defects and all
glazing materials properly installed to meet approval.
1001.1 This is except where otherwise definitely specified, furnish and install. Finishing required for construction as
shown on plans, as herein amplified in detail, or both. Work includes necessary screws, special screws, bolts,
special bolts, expansion shields, other devices necessary, required for proper hardware application.
1001.2 Finishing hardware, obviously necessary and suitable to the service required to fully equipped in most
satisfactory operative conditions, for all doors, windows, closets, built-in cabinets, drawers and other operating
members throughout the project. Furnished and installed they are specified herein.
1002.1 Fastening: Make sure that proper screws, bolts, brackets, nuts and the like are furnished with each hardware
item to ensure durable installation.
1002.2 Unless otherwise required, locate hardware as follows:
a. Hinges: Top edge of top hinge: 5” from hand of door. Bottom edge of barrel of
bottom hinge: 10” from finished floor line. Other hinges: centered between top and
bottom hinge.
b. Locksets and panic devices: 35” from finished floor line with minimum backset
of 2 3/4”.
c. Deadlocks: 57” from finished floor line.
d. Arm pull (lower base) and center line of Push Plate.
e. Bar and pull: 40” from finished floor line.
1101.1 This General Notes & Specifications for Structural Works shall form a part of the structural plans.
1101.2 In the interpretation of the structural plans, indicated dimensions shall govern and distances of sizes shall not
be scaled for construction plans.
1101.3 In case of conflict in details of dimensions between the architectural and structural plans, refer to the
Structural Engineer or his representative for final decision.
1101.4 In case of conflict between the structural plans and general notes and specifications, the plan shall govern.
1102.1 Dead Loads. The design dead loads unless otherwise specified in the structural plans are as follows:
a. Floor Mortar Finish 1200 Pa
b. Ceiling & Utilities 240 Pa
c. Wooden Partition 240 Pa
a. Roof live load 0.75kPa
b. Per floor areas
Rest room 2.40 kPa
Stairs 3.35 kPa
1. Concrete, minimum 28 day compressive strength, f’c = 3000 psi
2. Reinforcing bars, yield strength, fy = 275 mPa
3. Rafter & purlin steel section, fy = 248.22 mPa
4. Allowable soil bearing capacity 2T/ft2 = 4000 ft2
1102.4 The Architect and building contractor shall get the approval of the structural Engineer of any loading
different from and/or exceeding those loads.
1102.5 Concrete hollow block partition and are as indicated in the structural plans. Additional CHB shall be
subjective to the approval of the Structural Engineer.
1103.1 All concrete works shall be done in accordance with the standard specifications for plain and reinforced
concrete as adopted by the Government.
1103.2 Cement to be used shall be of any nationally known brand of Portland and pozzolan cement bearing the
Philippine Products Standard “PS” mark more readily available in the locality.
1103.3 Cements so selected must meet the requirements of Portland and pozzolan cements, approved by the
Architect or Engineer in charge of construction.
1103.4 The following proportions shall be used, unless otherwise indicated in the drawings:
Class AA (1 : 1 ½ : 3) – Columns and footings
Class A (1 : 2 : 4) – Reinforced concrete beams and slab
Class B (1 : 2 ½ : 5) – CHB footings
Class C (1 : 3 : 6) – Slab on fill

a. Class AA concrete shall be a mixture of 1 part cement, 1 ½ parts fine aggregate and
3 parts coarse aggregate by volume, plus enough clean water to make the mixture into
a pliable paste.
b. Class A concrete shall be a mixture of 1 part cement, 2 parts fine aggregate and 4
parts coarse aggregate by volume, plus enough clean water to make the mixture into a
pliable paste.
c. Class B concrete shall be a mixture of 1 part cement, 2 1/2 parts fine aggregate and
5 parts coarse aggregate by volume, plus enough clean water to make the mixture into
a pliable paste.
d. Class C concrete shall be a mixture of 1 part cement, 3 parts fine aggregate and 6
parts coarse aggregate by volume, plus enough clean water to make the mixture into a
pliable paste.
e. The fine aggregate for concrete shall consist of natural sand, or of inert materials
with similar characteristics, having clean, hard and durable grains, free from organic
matter or loam.
f. The coarse aggregate for concrete shall consist of crushed rock of durable and strong
qualities, or clean and hard gravel. Size of the aggregate to be used shall vary from
20mm to 40mm (3/4” to 1 1/2”)
1105.1 The Contractor shall excavate to the elevations and dimensions as may be required to properly execute the
foundations and footing works as indicated in the drawings
1105.2 The excavation work shall include the removal of all materials of every nature and description, which are
encountered in obtaining the levels and grades indicated in the drawings.
1105.3 Existing underground pipes, tunnels etc., shall be brought to the attention of the Structural Engineer for
1105.4 Parking sidewalks etc., shall be compacted 90% compaction in layers of 0.30 meters unless otherwise
specified by the Structural Engineer.
1106.1 Unless otherwise noted in the plans or specifications, camber all R.C. beams at least 6mm for every 3000mm
of clear span.
1106.2 If there are two (2) more layers of reinforcing bars, use 25mm separator spaced at 0.90 meters O.C. in no
case shall there be less than two (2) separators between layers of bars.
1106.3 When a beam crosses a girder, rest beam on top of the girder bars. At column intersection, girder bars shall
be on top of the beam bars.
1106.4 Top bars splices shall be located at midspan and bottom bar splices at a distance of L/5 of beam.
1106.5 Bend for stirrups and ties shall be made around a pin having a diameter of not less than six (6) times the
diameter of the bar.
1106.6 Rebar splicing: hook, bend and concrete cover shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Structural
Code of the Philippines. Splices of reinforcement shall be made only as authorized by the Engineer. All hooks
shall be bent cold.
1107.1 Unless otherwise noted in the plans or specifications, camber all R.C. slabs 3mm for every 3000mm of the
shorter span.
1107.2 If slabs are reinforced both ways, bars along the shorter span be placed below those along the longer span at
the center and over the longer bars near the supports.
1107.3 For flat slabs, long span bottom bars shall be placed below the short span bars and top bars, vice versa.
1107.4 Concrete covering shall be 20mm clear from top and bottom bars.
1107.5 Unless otherwise specified by the Structural Engineer, bar chairs shall be provided at least 600mm each way
to support the top and bottom bars separately.
1108.1 Unless otherwise indicated, the column pedestal embedded in the ground shall be 50mm larger than the
column as per plan at the ground floor level.
1108.2 Construction joints on columns shall be located at the top of the pedestal (ground floor line) or at least a
distance above the floor equal to the maximum dimension of the column or one-sixth (1/6) story height.
1108.3 All ties shall be fastened to column vertical reinforcement by wires at all intersection points of ties and
column bars.
1108.4 Not more than one-half (1/2) of the total number of bars be spliced at the same level.
1108.5 Column bar splice lengths shall be as shown in the structural plans.
1108.6 Confinement ties shall be provided at all columns at beam-column intersection as shown in the structural
1109.1 Unless otherwise specified, the vertical and horizontal reinforcement for CHB shall be 10mm at 600mm
O.C. for all wall thickness.
1109.2 Where the top of CHB wall adjoins a column provide a 25mm gap to be filled with a soft material like
1109.3 Where the side of CHB wall adjoins a column provide a 25mm gap to be filled with a soft material like
1109.4 Where columns and beams are to be poured without CHB wall dowel, provide ramsets and 16-gauge
galvanized steel straps 0.40 meter O.C. No chipping of concrete columns and beams is allowed unless
otherwise permitted by the Structural Engineer.
1109.5 Structural Tolerances
Unless otherwise specified by the Structural Engineer the following are acceptable structural tolerances for cast-in-
place concrete construction. All dimensions which are not within the required tolerances shall be corrected prior to
pouring of concrete. Tolerances for pre-cast concrete construction shall be 1/2 of the values given below.
a. Cross sectional dimensions and location of reinforcements, pre-stressing steel and
pre-stressing steel ducts.

Dimensions less than 200mm ± 6mm

200mm to 600mm ± 9mm

Over 600mm ± 12mm

b. Member length or height ± 6mm per 3.0 meters (Maximum limitation = 12mm)

c. Deviation from straight line (sweep and/or plumbness) ± 6mm per 3.0m.

d. Location of bar cut-offs or bends ± 50mm.


The following minimum concrete cover shall be provided for reinforcing bars, pre-stressing tendons or ducts. For
bar bundles, the minimum cover shall equal the equivalent diameter of the bundled bars needed not be more that
50mm on the tabulated whichever is greater.

1110.1 Cast-In-Place Concrete (Reinforced Concrete Construction)

Minimum Cover

a. Cast against & permanently exposed to earth 75mm

b. Exposed to earth or weather
20mm diameter & larger 50mm
16mm diameter & smaller 40mm
c. Not exposed to weather or in contact with slabs, walls and
36mm diameter & smaller 20mm
No.14 & No.18 40mm
Beams, girders & columns
Principal reinforcements, ties, stirrups or spirals 40mm
1110.2 Cast-In-Place Concrete (Pre-Stressed Concrete Construction)

Minimum Cover

a. Cast against & permanently exposed to earth 75mm

b. Exposed to earth or weather
Slabs & joints 25mm
Other members 40mm
c. Not exposed to weather or in contact with slabs, walls and
Principal reinforcements 40mm
Ties, stirrups or spirals 25mm

1110.3 Pre-Cast Concrete

Minimum Cover

a. Exposed to earth or weather

Wall panel
No.14 & No.18 bars 40mm
No.11 & smaller 20mm
b. Other members
No.14 and No.18 bars 50mm
20mm diameter to 36mm diameter 40mm
20mm diameter & smaller 30mm
c. Not exposed to weather or in contact with slabs, walls, and
No.14 & No.18 30mm
36mm diameter & smaller 16mm
Beams, girders & column
Principal reinforcements
Bar diameter but not less than 16mm & not more than
Ties, stirrups or spirals 10mm


1111.1 All reinforcing bars shall be deformed conforming to ASTM A615 68.
1111.2 Unless otherwise noted in the plans the minimum yield strength of the reinforcing bars corresponding to the
structural member shall be as enumerated:
All structural member 40,000 psi
1111.3 Development length requirements
1111.4 Splice and anchorage lengths shall follow those set for development lengths unless otherwise indicated in the
plans or approved by the Structural Engineer.
1112.1 A standard hook for rebars if required shall be either of the following:
a. A semi-circular turn plus an extension of at least 4Ø but not less than 62mm at the free end of bar.
b. A 90º turn plus as extension of at least 12Ø at the free end of bar.
1112.2 Minimum diameter of bend measured on the inside of the bar shall be as follows:
10mm diameter to 25mm diameter 6Ø
28mm diameter to 26mm diameter 8Ø
No.14 & No.18 10Ø
1113.1 Lap welded splices when used shall develop a resistance equal to at least 125% of the tensile strength of the
bar being spliced.
1113.2 Butt-welded splices when used shall be considered 75% efficient. The remaining 50% capacity to develop
125% of the tensile capacity of the bar shall be provided for by an additional welded lap since connection on
the same joint.
1113.3 Details of all welded splices shall be submitted by the contractor for approval by the structural engineer.
1113.4 Only certified welders will be allowed to perform welding operations. These welders shall be subject to the
approval of the work’s engineer.
1113.5 TESTING OF WELDS. Welds shall be considered satisfactory if 9 cut of 10 samples passed the
requirements. Otherwise welding procedure shall be corrected to attain quality welds. Unsatisfactory welds
shall be remedied subject to the approval of the structural engineer. Testing of welds shall be x-ray method
(nondestructive test) unless otherwise directed by the structural engineer.
1113.6 Connection of crossing bars by track welding is not permitted.
1114.1 Construction joints shall be located near the middle of span of slabs, beams or girders.
1114.2 At beam girder intersection, the construction joint on the girder shall be offset at a distance equal twice the
width of the beam. Diagonal bars shall be provided to resist 100% shear of the construction joint. The total
length of the diagonal bars shall at least twice the development length required for the bar. The ends of the bar
shall be hooked.
1114.3 Construction joints in column shall be located a distance above the floor equal to maximum dimension or 1/6
the storey height.
1114.4 Where a joint is to be made, the surface of the concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned and laitance and standing
water removed. Vertical joints also shall be thoroughly wetted and coated with heat cement grout immediately
before placing new concrete.
1114.5 Construction joints in walls, slabs and other structures that are subject to water pressure shall be provided
with water stops. Kind type and size of water stops shall be as approved by the engineer.
1115.1 All electrical conduits shall be placed between the top and bottom reinforcement in slabs and R.C. walls.
1115.2 The spacing of these conduits shall be at least three (3) diameter.
1115.3 Electrical wires shall be free from cuts, kinks or other injuries. Injured portions shall be cut and the
conductor properly spliced and covered with electrical tape.
1115.4 All electrical works and materials shall conform to the provisions of the latest edition of the Philippine
National Electric Code.
1115.5 The electric installation shall be done in accordance with the approval plans and under the direct supervision
and control of a licensed Professional Electrical Engineer or Master Electrician.
1116.1 Pipes and their findings shall not displace more than four (4%) of the cross-sectional area of the column.
1116.2 No vertical pipes are allowed to punch through a beam or girder.
1116.3 Horizontal pipes may punch through a beam or girder subject to the approval of the structural engineer. The
contractor shall submit to the engineer the actual location where pipes cross a beam or girder. When permitted
by the engineer, provide at least 2(two) No.5 (600mm long) “U” bars to enclose the pipe at the point of
intersection at each face of the beam.
1116.4 Pipes made of aluminum shall not be embedded in concrete.
1116.5 Concrete cover of pipes shall be at least 400mm for concrete surfaces exposed to weather or in contact with
the ground or 20mm for concrete surfaces not exposed to the ground or weather.
1117.1 Forms shall be removed in such a manner as to safety of the structure.
1117.2 Unless otherwise specified by the structural engineer, the following shall be the basis of removal of forms
and shorings for reinforced concrete (R.C. Construction)

Age of Concrete

Beams side forms 2 days

Column side forms 2 days
Bottom forms 14 days
Slab bottom forms 14 days
Beams & slab shorings 14 days
Principal reinforcements 40mm
Ties, stirrups or spirals 25mm

1117.3 For post-tensioned (P.T.) construction the following shall be the basis of removal of forms shoring.

Age of Concrete

P.T. beams side forms 2 days

R.C. columns side forms 2 days
R.C. slab shorings & bottom forms 7 days
P.T. beam shorings after post-tensioning
P.T. slab shorings after post-tensioning


1201.1 Applicable provisions of “General Conditions” govern work under this section.
1201.2 All fittings, connections and piping embedded in concrete shall be subject to inspection by the Architect
and/or his representative before covering and/or completion.
1201.3 The Contractor shall provide all items, articles, materials, operation or methods listed, mentioned or
scheduled on the drawings and/or herein, including all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary
and required for their completion.
1201.4 The contract drawings and specifications are complementary to each other, and any labor or materials called
for by either, whether or not called for by both, if necessary, for the successful operation of any of the particular
type of equipment furnished and installed will be without additional cost to the owner.
All dimensional locations of fixtures, drains, riser and pipe chase shall be verified on the Architectural drawings and
manufacturer’s catalogue.
All cases where there are conflicts between the drawings and specifications, the Contractor shall within three (3)
days, inform the Engineer of such conflicts.
1201.5 Intent: It is not intended that the drawings shall show every pipe, fitting, valve and appliance. All such items
whether specifically mentioned or not, or indicated on the drawings shall be furnished and installed, if
necessary, to complete the system in accordance with the best practice of the plumbing trade and to the
satisfaction of the Engineer and the owner.
1201.6 The plumbing contractor is required to refer to all architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical plans
and specifications and shall investigate all possible interferences and conditions affecting the work.
1201.7 Electrical systems are not included in this division, but the Plumbing contractor will provide all facilities and
make provisions for the installation of the work as construction progresses.
1202.1 Work included under this section of the specifications consists in furnishing all labor, tools and equipment,
appliances and materials necessary for complete installation, testing and operation of the plumbing system in
accordance with the contract.
a. Roof, storm drainage system and connections to storm drainage system and connections nearest storm drainage
b. Soil, waste and vent pipe system of the building as shown on the drawings.
c. Cold water distribution and supply pipes to the fixtures within the building.
d. Furnishing and installation of plumbing fixtures, trims and accessories.
e. Water meter connections as shown in the plans to be verified at the jobsite.
f. Payments for all permit incidental to the completion of the project.
g. Procedure for disinfection and testing of building water distribution system.
h. The contractor shall provide all necessary shop drawings and as built plans.
i. All other works described in other sections of this document necessary for the completion of this contract.
1203.1 All plumbing works to be done and sizes of pipes to be used shall be in accordance with the National
Plumbing Code and the Uniform Plumbing Code of the Philippines.
1203.2 The Plumbing Contractor shall verify the above paragraphs with each section of the specifications and
coordinate his work so that the General Contractor will understand clearly the intent of the work to be done.
1203.3 All plumbing materials shall comply with the American Standards for Testing Materials, American National
Standard Institute. The U.S. Federal Specifications or International Standard Organization Specifications as
called for in the specification or as in required in the drawings.
a. AWWA C700-64 Positive Displacement
Water meter approved by the MWSS
Type, by ARAD
PVC pipes and fittings series 1000 (ultra
b. ASTM 2729-71
strength) By Moldex or approved equivalent.
c. ASTM D2564 Solvent cement for joining uPVC pipes.

The plumbing fixtures and accessories to be provided and installed shall be as follows:
- HCG New Monet P150 C3 OP from HCG
Water Closet
Manufacturing Corp.
Lavatory - HCG Lavatory Alea Wall Hung White
Shower - Pozzi Shower with Faucet
Floor drain - Size 50mm x 50mm (2” x 2”) Stainless-Steel
Kitchen sink - Stainless steel type


1205.1 Pipe and material fittings shall be equivalent to series 1000 by Moldex to ASTM D-2729 Rigid (uPVC) pipe
and drainage pattern fittings or equivalent.
1205.2 All branch vent lines shall be polyvinyl chloride pipes series 1000 by Moldex or approved equivalent
1205.3 All storm drainage lines shall have a minimum slope of 1/2 percent slope.
1205.4 Solvent cement joint to ASTM D2564


1301.1 All works hereunder shall conform to the rules and regulations of the Philippine Electric Code. All municipal
ordinances and national laws pertinent to the practice of Electrical Engineering of the Rules & Regulation of
utilities concern.
1301.2 All wirings shall be done in rigid conduit pipe. For service entrance will be rigid steel conduit and PVC pipe
concealed on concrete, CHB wall, floor slab or run concealed between double wall partitions. Between ceiling
and floor or run exposed on crowd spaces properly supported by conduit clamp or straps.
1301.3 Minimum size of conduit shall be not smaller than 13mm ** nominal diameter.
1301.4 Exact location of outlet equipment shall be determined at the jobsite.
1301.5 All materials to be used shall be of the approved type and new for use and purpose.
1301.6 Adequate service equipment grounding shall be provided.
1301.7 Phasing of conductor shall be thoroughly checked before energizing.
1301.8 Electrical job shall be done by a competent electrician and shall be supervised by an Electrical Engineer.
1401 Grilled and anchor straps shall be punched or drilled as required and bent to the shape and dimensions
indicated in the drawings without injury to the properties.
1402 Railings and anchor straps shall be punched or drilled as required and bent to the shape and dimensions
indicated in the drawings without injury to the properties.
1501 SCOPE
1501.1 The work covered by this part of the General Specifications consists in furnishing all materials, labor, tools
and equipment and in performing all necessary operations for the printing, varnishing and finishing the building
in accordance with the contract.
1502.1 For paints, stirring and varnishing materials shall meet the requirements of the Standard Specifications of the
manufacturers. Paints shall be of such composition that can be broken up easily with a paddle on a smooth
consistency. Paint shall neither settle badly or take in the containers.
a. Concrete, Stucco and Masonry. After required preparation, all exposed exterior surfaces of concrete, masonry and
mortar to be painted shall be given two (2) coats of an approved cement wash on hydraulic base paint similar
and equal to “Koncrex” containing not less than 65% of white cement as its main constituent and the necessary
amount of approved line proof and sum proof mineral pigments ground with the other materials at the factory.
An interval of at least seven (7) days of good drying weather between coats shall be observed. Use “Boysen” or
approved equal.
b. Metal. After the required protective painting for metal has been applied and allowed to dry for at least seventy
two (72) hours in good drying weather, exposed metal exterior surface to be painted shall be given two (2)
coats of the required color of paints. An interval of at least seventy two (72) hours of good drying weather
between coats shall be observed.
c. Wood. After the necessary preparation, all exposed wood surfaces to be painted including the ceiling under
awnings shall be given two (2) coats of the same paints as that specified for metal surfaces. It shall be applied
in the same manner with the same drying interval between coats.
a. Concrete, Masonry and Mortar. Interior concrete, masonry and mortar surfaces shall be given two (2) coats of the
same kind of paints as that specified hereof, applied similarly and with the same drying interval between coats.
b. Metal and Wood. After the necessary preparation, interior surfaces of metal and wood to be painted including the
composition ceiling boards shall be given two (2) coats of the required color of paint and to be applied in the
same manner and with the same drying interval between coats those specified for exterior metal and wood
surfaces. Use “Boysen or Davies” or approved equal.
1505.1 After the necessary preparation, all interior wood surfaces to be stained and varnished shall be given two
coats of a mixture of varnish and stain of such color and such proportions. Varnish shall consist of the best
quality dissolved in alcohol.
1506.1 All interior wooden structures shall be applied with Resist-A-flame fire retardant solution applied as per
manufacturer’s specifications.
1506.2 All other requirements of the fire code of the Philippines as far as they relate to this project shall likewise be
complied with.
Prepared by: Checked/Approved by:
Angel B. Rondilla Engr. Marjun Macasilhig
March 15, 2019 March 15, 2019

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