PCC Poles For Distribution Engg.
PCC Poles For Distribution Engg.
PCC Poles For Distribution Engg.
1.0 SCOPE:
This specification covers the design and manufacture of 9 Meter long, rectangular shaped,
solid prestressed cement concrete poles as per the reference at clause No. 2 required for
creation of 11/33 KV urban distribution system.
The poles shall conform in all respect IS as detailed below. Poles meeting any other
authoritative standard which ensure an equal or better quality than the standard mentioned
below will also be acceptable. In such cases the copy of standards (English version)
adopted should be enclosed with the tender.
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The following quality of material should be used for manufacturing of PCC poles.
The cement used in manufacture of prestressed concrete poles shall be 43 grade ordinary
Portland cement conforming to IS: 8112/1976 or IS: 8041- 1978 (Specification for rapid
hardening Portland cement) or Portland slag cement conforming to IS: 455 but with not
more than 50% slag cement or 53 grade ordinary Portland Cement conforming to IS 12269.
Aggregates used for the manufacture of prestressed concrete poles shall conform to IS
383/1970 (specification for coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for concrete).
The nominal maximum size of coarse aggregates shall not exceed 12 mm. Only coarse
sand of FM not less than 2.5 is permissible.
4.3 WATER:
Water should be free from chlorides other salts and organic matter. Potable water is
generally suitable.
These admixtures should not contain calcium chloride or other chlorides and salts which
are to likely to promote corrosion of prestressing steel. The admixtures shall conform to IS
6.1 Min. working cube strength at 28 days should be at least 450 kg./Sq. cm.
6.2 The mix. Should contain at least 380 kg. cement per cubic meter of concrete.
6.3 The concrete strength at transfer should be at least 245 kg. /Sq. cm.
6.4 The mix. Should contain as low water content as is consistent with adequate workability. If
it becomes necessary to add water to increase the workability the cement content should
also be raised in such a way that the original value of water cement ratio is maintained.
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6.5 Weigh Batcher should be used for mixing aggregates and coarse sand by weight.
7.2 The working load on the poles shall be 400 kg. applied at 0.6 M from top.
7.4 The average permanent load should be 40% of the working load.
7.5 The factor of safety against first crack load shall be 1.0.
7.6 At the design value of first crack load the modulus of rupture shall not exceed 53 kg. / cm2.
7.7 The ultimate moment capacity in the longitudinal direction should be at least one fourth of
that in the transverse direction.
7.8 The max. Compressive stress in concrete at the time of transfer of prestress should not
exceed 0.8 times the cube strength.
7.9 The concrete strength at transfer shall not be less then half of the 28 days strength ensured
in the design.
8.1 EARTHING: Earthing shall be provided, by having continuous length of 4 mm dia G.I. wire
left projected from the transverse face of the poles to a length of 100 mm at 250 mm from
top and 150 mm below ground level (Planting depth to be 1.5 M). The tolerance of 25 mm
shall be allowed in position of earth wire. The earth wire shall not be allowed to entangle
with prestressing wires. G.I. wire coatings should be heavy as per IS 4826: 1979
8.2 MARKING: The poles shall be clearly marked by embossing during manufacture, the
following particulars at a height of 3 meters from the bottom end which should be clearly
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8.5 Name of manufacturer mark. It should be distinct and should not resemble with mark of
other manufacturers and if it is found that it resembles with marking of other manufacturers
then you should change your marking.
Inspection shall comprise of:
10.1 Visual inspection for shape, workmanship and finish of the PCC poles.
10.2 Checking of dimensions/quantity as per the GTP.
10.3 Witness of tests:
10.4 On PCC poles for its transverse load strength, and Testing arrangement shall be
preferably as specified in the relevant specification i.e. IS: 1678/1998 and IS: 2905/ 1989
(both latest amended). As per provision of clause No. 6.2.3 of IS: 2905/ 1989, the load
shall be applied at a point stipulated in the relevant IS by means of a suitable device such
as a wire rope and which placed in a direction normal to the relevant IS by means of a
suitable device such as a wire rope and which placed in a direction normal to the direction
of the length of the pole so that the minimum length of the pole under pull is not less than
the length of the pole.
10.5 As per provision of clause No. 6.2.5 of IS-2905/1989 (latest amended)” load measurement”,
the dynamometer or any other satisfactory method of load measurement shall be calibrated
at regular intervals and capable of measuring load to the accuracy of 50 N may be adopted.
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10.6 The supplier should have transverse load testing arrangements of its own.
11.1 The material used with negative tolerance more than above tolerance in the pole will not
be acceptable.
11.2 All the tests (as mentioned above) and Inspection shall be made at the place of
manufacture unless otherwise especially agreed upon by the bidder and purchaser at the
time of purchase. The bidder shall afford the inspection officer (s) representing the
purchaser all reasonable facilities without charges, to satisfy him that the material is being
furnished in accordance with this specification. The purchaser has the right to have the
tests carried out at this own cost by an independent agency whenever there is a dispute
regarding the quality of supply.
11.3 The Inspection may be carried out by the purchaser at any stage of manufacture/ before
dispatch as per relevant standard.
11.4 Inspection and acceptance of any material under the specification by the purchaser, shall
not relieve the bidder of his obligation of furnishing material in accordance with the
specification and shall not prevent subsequent rejection if the material is found to be
substandard. The Bidder shall keep the purchaser informed in advance, about
manufacturing programme so that arrangements can be made for inspection.
11.5 The purchaser reserves the right to insist for witnessing the acceptance/ routine testing of
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the bought out items.
11.6 The bidder shall give 15 days (for local supplies) /30 days (in case of foreign bidder)
advance intimation to enable the purchaser to depute his representative for witnessing the
acceptance and routine tests. The inspection charges (inspectors traveling, boarding/
lodging) would be to the purchaser’s account.
12.1 Randomness is the pre requisite for sample checking and testing. Starting from any
random serial number of PCC poles in the offered lot (arranged serial number wise and
sub-divided sub-lots each not exceeding 200 Nos. of poles) every pole shall be included in
the sample “r” being the next higher integral part of N/n where N is the size of the lot or
sub-lot and “n” is the sample size as per the table below: -
Sample size and criterion for conformity:
Size of lot or sub-lot Dimensional requirement No of sample poles
for transverse
(N) Permissible No. of strength test (r)
Sample size (n)
defective samples (Till breakage)
Upto 100 10 1 1
101 to 200 15 1 3
201 to 300 20 2 4
301 to 500 30 3 5
12.2 The maximum size of lot which can be offered for inspection at site is 200 Nos. except in
case of last lot which will be balance quantity left. Lots size once offered for inspection
cannot be reduced subsequently under the re-inspection if required unless re inspection
charges for each sub lots out of the original lot are deposited.
12.3 Deviation in selection of samples may be effected by the inspecting officer only if he thinks
that the purpose of checking/testing will be better served by such deviation.
12.4 The number of poles, in every lot/sub lot, which does not satisfy, the requirement of overall
length, cross section and uprightness shall not exceed the corresponding number given in
col.3 of the above Table. If the number of such poles exceeds the corresponding number,
supplier shall segregate the pole not conforming to the requirement of specification and
shall submit the remaining poles for checking. Fresh poles as per sample size indicating in
col.2 will be drawn from the remaining poles also exceeds the permissible number
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indicated in Col.3 then the subject lot or sub lot under inspection will be rejected without
further checking. Result of all such checking shall be recorded.
12.5 PCC poles, in every lot/sub lot sampled for transverse load strength test shall satisfy the
requirement of the test. If one or more poles fail, twice the number of poles originally tested
shall be selected as before and subjected to the test. If there is no failure among these
poles the lot or sub lot under inspection shall be considered to have satisfied the
requirements of this test. All result shall be recorded.
12.6 All of the poles subjected to transverse load strength test shall be reserved for at least 7
days from the date of inspection for any subsequent checking by any other representative
of the purchaser, if required. These poles shall not be dispatched/supplied to the
12.7 The pole out of these already subjected to transverse load strength test, from every lot/sub
lot, shall be destructed to:
Measure clear thickness of concrete cover at three points one within 1 metre from the butt
end of the pole, the second within 0.6 metre from the top end of the pole and the third at an
inter mediate point and the mean value compared with the specified value.
12.8 Check size, quantity and configuration of steel reinforcement and GI earth wire.
12.9 The destructed poles shall also be preserved for at least seven days from the date of
inspection for subsequent checking by any other representative of the purchaser if
required. In case of foreign bidders, this period shall be fifteen days.
13.2 Information and copies of test certification as in (i) above in respect of bought out
13.4 Level of automation achieved and list of areas where manual processing exists.
List of areas in manufacturing process, where stage inspections are normally carried out for
quality control and details of such tests and inspections.
13.6 The successful tenderer shall within 30 days of placement of order, submit following
information to the purchaser.
13.6.1 List of raw material as well as bought out accessories and the name of sub-suppliers
selected from those furnished along with offer.
13.6.2 Quality assurance plan (QAP) with hold points for purchaser’s inspection. The quality
assurance plan and purchasers hold points shall be discussed between the purchaser and
the supplier, before the QAP is finalized.
13.6.3 The successful tenderers shall submit the routine tests certificates of bought out
accessories and central excise passes for raw materials at the time of routine test.
All drawings shall be in ink and suitable for microfilming. All dimensions and data shall be in
SI units.
15.2.1 Configuration of HT wires (Tensioned & Un tensioned) size and No. of HT wires eye hooks
positions and projection of earth wire marking and reinforcement.
15.2.2 Test reports, literature, pamphlets of the bought out items, and raw material.
15.2.3 Proven design.
16.0 The successful tenderer shall, within two weeks of placement of order, submit three sets of
final versions of all the above said drawings for purchaser’s approval.
17.0 The manufacturing of the poles shall be strictly in accordance with the approved drawing
and no deviation shall be permitted without the written approval of the purchaser. All
manufacturing and fabrication in connection with the pole prior to the approval of the
drawing shall be at the suppliers risk.
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1 2 3 4
1. Name of the Manufacturer
2. Over all length of the Pole
3. Depth of plantation.
4. Minimum Ultimate transverse Load
5. Weight of the Pole in Kgs.
6. Factor of safety
7. Working load applied at 300 mm from top.
8. Volume of the pole in cubic meter.
9. Dimensions of pole:
a.) Top Dimension.
b.) Bottom Dimension.
10. Actual consumption/quantity of material Used in
manufacture of each PCC Pole
i.) Cement
ii.) Aggregate
iii.) Sand.
iv.) Stone Chips.
v.) Steel
a) Dia of Wire.
b) No. Of Wire.
c) Weight of Wire.
vi.) Other M.S Reinforcement
H.T Wire Rings
H.T Wire Hooks
Weight of Steel.
11. Process adopted for compacting & curing.
12. Ear thing arrangement in each PCC Pole.
a.) Length of G.I Wire & SWG
b.) Weight of G.I Wire.
c.) No. of Galvanized Bolts, with 2 nuts &3 Washers
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