TM4031 Uts
TM4031 Uts
TM4031 Uts
NIM : _____________________________
I hereby affirm that I understand and accept the RULES stipulated above.
— You MUST ensure that all pages are correctly ordered (poorly constructed/assembled work will not be graded)
— Neatness, proper structure, clarity of your work is critical. No scratch-outs, use a good pen/pencil. (Page 1 of 2)
Name : _____________________________
NIM : _____________________________
Describe with your own words (simple and straight forward), the definitions of these terms:
a. Artificial Intelligence
b. Knowledge Base
c. Decision Tree Analysis
Design and construct a simple expert system (decision tree analysis) based on your expertise and/or
interest, use the following as your guidance
• Minimum of 5 outcomes (20 points)
• Draw the decision tree analysis neatly (10 points)
• The terms must be properly defined (20 points)
• Provide short description (max. 200 word) about the problem (10 points)
— You MUST ensure that all pages are correctly ordered (poorly constructed/assembled work will not be graded)
— Neatness, proper structure, clarity of your work is critical. No scratch-outs, use a good pen/pencil. (Page 2 of 2)