11 Stat 6 Measures of Dispersion
11 Stat 6 Measures of Dispersion
11 Stat 6 Measures of Dispersion
Measures of Dispersion
value; i.e., 30th value, which lies in to rich and poor, from the median of
class 40–60. Now using the formula the entire group.
for Q3, its value can be calculated as Quartile Deviation can generally be
follows: calculated for open-ended distribu-
tions and is not unduly affected by
- c.f. extreme values.
Q3 = L + 4 i
30 - 29 AVERAGE
Q3 = 40 + 20
7 Recall that dispersion was defined as
Q3 = 42.87 the extent to which values differ from
their average. Range and Quartile
42.87 - 16.25 Deviation do not attempt to calculate,
Q.D. = = 13.31
2 how far the values are, from their
In individual and discrete series, Q1 average. Yet, by calculating the spread
of values, they do give a good idea
n +1 th about the dispersion. Two measures
is the size of value, but in a
4 which are based upon deviation of the
continuous distribution, it is the size values from their average are Mean
n th Deviation and Standard Deviation.
of value. Similarly, for Q3 and Since the average is a central
value, some deviations are positive
median also, n is used in place of
n+1. and some are negative. If these are
added as they are, the sum will not
reveal anything. In fact, the sum of
If the entire group is divided into
deviations from Arithmetic Mean is
two equal halves and the median
calculated for each half, you will have always zero. Look at the following two
the median of better students and the sets of values.
median of weak students. These Set A : 5, 9, 16
medians differ from the median of the Set B : 1, 9, 20
entire group by 13.31 on an average.
You can see that values in Set B
Similarly, suppose you have data
about incomes of people of a town. are farther from the average and hence
Median income of all people can be more dispersed than values in Set A.
calculated. Now if all people are Calculate the deviations from
divided into two equal groups of rich Arithmetic Mean amd sum them up.
and poor, medians of both groups can What do you notice? Repeat the same
be calculated. Quartile Deviation will with Median. Can you comment upon
tell you the average difference between the quantum of variation from the
medians of these two groups belonging calculated values?
A 0 90
Calculation of Mean Deviation from
B 2 150
C 6 100 Arithmetic Mean for ungrouped
D 14 200 data.
E 18 80
Direct Method
Now, if the college is situated in
(i) The A.M. of the values is calculated
town A, 150 students from town B will
(ii) Difference between each value and
have to travel 2 kilometers each (a
the A.M. is calculated. All
total of 300 kilometres) to reach the dif ferences are considered
college. The objective is to find a positive. These are denoted as |d|
location so that the average distance (iii) The A.M. of these dif ferences
travelled by students is minimum. (called deviations) is the Mean
You may observe that the students Deviation.
will have to travel more, on an average, S |d|
if the college is situated at town A or i.e. M.D. =
E. If on the other hand, it is
somewhere in the middle, they are Example 3
likely to travel less. The average Calculate the Mean Deviation of the
distance travelled is calculated by following values; 2, 4, 7, 8 and 9.
M. D. from Median is thus, (iii) Multiply each |d| value with its
corresponding frequency to get
S | d | 11 f|d| values. Sum them up to get
M.D.( median ) = = = 2.2
n 5 Σ f|d|.
(iv) Apply the following formula,
Short-cut method
S f |d|
To calculate Mean Deviation by short M.D. ( x ) =
cut method a value (A) is used to
calculate the deviations and the Mean Deviation of the distribution
following formula is applied. in Table 6.2 can be calculated as
M.D.( Median )
S | d| + ( Median - A )(S f B - S f A ) Example 6
C.I. f m.p. |d| f|d|
where, A = the constant from which
10–20 5 15 25.5 127.5
deviations are calculated. (Other 20–30 8 25 15.5 124.0
notations are the same as given in the 30–50 16 40 0.5 8.0
assumed mean method). 50–70 8 60 19.5 156.0
70–80 3 75 34.5 103.5
Mean Deviation from Mean for 40 519.0
Continuous distribution S f | d | 519
M.D.( x ) = = = 12.975
TABLE 6.2 Sf 40
Profits of Number of
companies Companies Mean Deviation from Median
(Rs in lakhs) frequencies
Class-intervals TABLE 6.3
10–20 5 Class intervals Frequencies
20–30 8
20–30 5
30–50 16
30–40 10
50–70 8
40–60 20
70–80 3
60–80 9
40 80–90 6
The procedure to calculate Mean
(i) Calculate the mean of the Deviation from the median is the
distribution. same as it is in case of M.D. from
(ii) Calculate the absolute deviations Mean, except that deviations are to
|d| of the class midpoints from the be taken from the median as given
mean. below:
Example 9 S x2
s= - ( x )2
X d d2
5 –20 400
or s = - (24 )2
10 –15 225 5
25 0 0
30 +5 25 or s = 254 = 15.937
50 +25 625
Standard Deviation is not affected
–5 1275
by the value of the constant from
which deviations are calculated. The
Formula for Standard Deviation value of the constant does not figure
in the standard deviation formula.
S d2 Sd Thus, Standard Deviation is
s= -
n Łn ł Independent of Origin.
1275 -5 Step-deviation Method
s= - = 254 = 15.937
5 Ł 5 ł If the values are divisible by a common
factor, they can be so divided and
The sum of deviations from a value
other than actul mean is not equal standard deviation can be calculated
to zero from the resultant values as follows:
Example 11
Direct Method
Since all the five values are divisible
Standard Deviation can also be by a common factor 5, we divide and
calculated from the values directly, get the following values:
i.e., without taking deviations, as
shown below: x x' d d2
5 1 –3.8 14.44
Example 10 10 2 –2.8 7.84
25 5 +0.2 0.04
X x2 30 6 +1.2 1.44
50 10 +5.2 27.04
5 25
10 100 0 50.80
25 625
(Steps in the calculation are same
30 900
50 2500 as in actual mean method).
The following formula is used to
120 4150
calculate standard deviation:
Example 16
• A measure of dispersion improves our understanding about the
behaviour of an economic variable.
• Range and Quartile Deviation are based upon the spread of values.
• M.D. and S.D. are based upon deviations of values from the average.
• Measures of dispersion could be Absolute or Relative.
• Absolute measures give the answer in the units in which data are
• Relative smeasures are free from these units, and consequently can
be used to compare different variables.
• A graphic method, which estimates the dispersion from shape
of a curve, is called Lorenz Curve.
X 25 85 40 80 120
Y 50 70 65 45 80
Which batsman should be selected if we want,
(i) a higher run getter, or
(ii) a more reliable batsman in the team?
8. To check the quality of two brands of lightbulbs, their life in burning
hours was estimated as under for 100 bulbs of each brand.
Life No. of bulbs
(in hrs) Brand A Brand B
0–50 15 2
50–100 20 8
100–150 18 60
150–200 25 25
200–250 22 5
100 100