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PG Ordinance Appendix-I « Bangladesh University of Engineering and ... http://www.buet.ac.bd/?


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Format for Thesis of Ph. D., M. Phil., and M. Sc. Engg. Degrees, and Project Report of M. Engg., and Post
Graduate Diplomas

The following instructions may be followed as standard format for the theses and project reports.

Arrangement of Items

The final copies of the manuscript are to be arranged as follows:

1. 1. A blank page
2. Title page (as shown in Annexure 1)
3. Copyright page (optional)
4. Approval page (format of which is shown in Annexure 2)
5. Declaration page (format of which is shown in Appendix 2)
6. Preface, dedication, and/or acknowledgement pages
7. Abstract
8. Table of contents with page references
Individual listing of preliminary pages (Preface, dedication, acknowledgement, etc)
List of chapter and section headings
About BUET
Bibliography or references
9. Individual listing of tables, figures, illustrations, etc. (if included)
10. Text printed on single-sided paper, top, bottom, and right margins 25 mm from the edge of the paper and left
margin 35 mm from the edge of the paper
11. Tables, figures, illustrations (if included)
12. Bibliography or references
13. Appendices (if included)
Registrar Office
14. Blank pages (two)
Directorate, Centers
& Others
Directorate of
Students' Welfare Page numbering:
Central Library/
e-Resources The preliminary pages preceding the main text of the thesis carry consecutive lower-case Roman numerals, centered at
Research and the lower margin of the page. The Title Page is unnumbered, but carries the implied number "i". The text carries
Consultancy consecutive Arabic numbers positioned in the upper right-hand comer. The pages at the beginning of the chapter do not
Conferences and show the page number


The thesis shall be submitted on A4 size offset paper or bonded paper weighing between 70 and 80 gsm.


A quality printer should be used for printing the final copies of the thesis. The acceptable fonts (12 point) are Times New
Roman, or similar serif fonts, and Arial, or similar sans serif fonts. Times New Roman font is preferred. The text should
be justified.

Title Page:

Follow in detail the attached sample form (Annexure 1) in preparing the title page.


An abstract is to be included in each copy of the thesis. The abstract may not exceed 350 words for a Thesis of Ph. D or
150 words for a Thesis/Project of Masters or Postgraduate Diploma. The abstract should be a miniature version of the
thesis and should contain summary of the results, conclusions and main arguments presented in the thesis.

Main Body of the Text



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PG Ordinance Appendix-I « Bangladesh University of Engineering and ... http://www.buet.ac.bd/?page_id=3485

• Text in the chapter titles should be in upper case.

1.1 Secondary Headings Should be Flush Left 12 Point Bold

• The first letter in each word of the secondary heading should be capitalized.

I.I.I Third level headings should be flush left 12 point bold

Only the first letter of the first word of the third level heading should be capitalized.

In the case of the paragraph starting left justified, there should be a spacing between the paragraphs. Otherwise, the
paragraphs may be indented by a consistent amount.

The font, point size, positioning, numbering and referencing of equations:

The typeface for equations will be 12 point Times New Roman and are to be numbered sequentially by chapters (right
justified). Reference for equation numbers in the text should be enclosed in parentheses, such as (5.2). All equations,
however, need not be numbered – that is at the discretion of the author.

The layout and numbering of figures and tables and their captions:

Figures should be centred between the left and right margin with their captions centred below the figure in point size 12
Times New Roman single spaced. Figures should be consecutively numbered per chapter. The word Figure may be
abbreviated as "Fig." Tables should be centred between the left and right margin with their captions (12 point Times New
roman) centred above the table. Tables should be consecutively numbered per chapter. Main heading and number of
Figures and Tables should be bold.

Computer Disks

If a student wishes to include computer disks as a part of his data, he must submit a disk for each required copy of his
thesis. These must be submitted loosely. It is not necessary to submit them at the time he schedule his defense. In this
case there should be a pocket in the thesis/project report on the inside back cover. He should also indicate the presence
of computer disks in his Table of Contents.

List of Abbreviations of Technical Symbols and Terms

Page of the list of Abbreviations of Technical Symbols and Terms should be incorporated following the page of list of
Tables and Figures. In this respect the student is advised to consult information sources such as Abbreviations Published
by the American Standards Association and other information sources available in the Central Library. These
abbreviations are also frequently found listed at the back of standard texts on technical writing.

The notation convention for references:

Use a blank line between references.

A numbered list of references must be provided at the end of the thesis, before any appendices. The list should be
numbered either in the order of citation in the text, or in alphabetical order and there should be only one reference per
reference number. Each reference number should be enclosed in square brackets. In text, citation of references may be
given simply as

"in [1]…"; rather than "in reference [1]…".

Some examples are shown below:

[1] Borgnakke, C., "Flame Propagation and Heat-Transfer Effects in Spark-Ignition Engines," in J. C. Hilliard and G.
S. Springer (eds.). Fuel Economy in Road Vehicles Powered by Spark Ignition Engines, chap. 5, pp. 183-224, Plenum
Press, New York, 1984.

[2] Farrelly, D. (1966) The book of bamboo. Thames and Hudson Ltd., London.

[3] Benson, R. S., Garg, R. D., and Woolatt, D., "A Numerical Solution of Unsteady Flow Problems," Int. J. Mech.
Sci., vol. 6, pp. 117-144, 1964.

[4] N. R. Dhar, S. Paul and A. B. Chattopadhyay, (2000) “Role of Cryogenic Cooling on Cutting Temperature in
Turning Steel”, Trans. of the ASME, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 123,pp. 1-9.

Articles from published conference proceedings:

[5] Nichols, M. A., Siegel, H .J., Dietz, H .G., Quong, R. W., and Nation, W. G.,"Minimizing memory requirements
for partitionable SIMD/SPMD machines," in 1990 International Conference on Parallel Processing, Vol. I, Aug. 1990,
pp. 84-91.

Papers presented at conferences (unpublished):

[6] Ebehard, D., and Voges, E., "Digital single sideband detection for interferometric sensors," presented at 2nd Int.
Conf. Optical Fiber Sensors, Stuttgart, F.R.G., 1984.
[7] Reber, E. E., Mitchell, R. L., and Carter, C. J., "Oxygen absorption in the earth’s atmosphere," Aerospace Corp.,
Los Angeles, CA, Tech. Rep. TR-0200 (4230-46)-3, Nov.1968.

[8] GOB (1993) National housing policy 1993. Government of Bangladesh, Ministry of Housing and Public Works,

[9] Rahman, M. A., The Structure of Turbulent Mixing Layers, M. Sc. Engg. Thesis, Department of Mechanical

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PG Ordinance Appendix-I « Bangladesh University of Engineering and ... http://www.buet.ac.bd/?page_id=3485

Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 1998.

Binding and Colour:

The thesis/ project report should be sewn and bound in strong, waterproof cloth. The colour of the cloth for various
degrees and diplomas will be as follows:

Ph. D Maroon
M. Sc. Engg., MURP by course and thesis, M. Arch., and M.
M. Engg., and MURP by course and project Blue
Post Graduate Diploma Green

The lettering in all cases will be in golden colour, centre-justified.

The cover should include the Title of the thesis/project. Author’s name, and Department.

The following items should be written on the spine of the thesis/project report:

Name of the degree (in abbreviated form) at the top, Name of the Author (initials and surname)
in the middle, and year of defence at the bottom of the spine. All letters should in golden letters.

Format of the Title Page

12 Point Bold,
Title of the thesis/Project Report Upper- and
lowercase letters

by 12 Pt lowercase letters

The name of the Author 12 Point Upper- and lowercase


NAME OF THE DEGREE 12 Point Uppercase letters

Name of the Department/Institute 12 Point Upper- and lowercase




Month and year of the defense 12 Point Upper- and lowercase


Annex- II

The thesis titled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Submitted by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . Roll No :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . has been accepted
as satisfactory in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of . . . . . . . . . .
. . on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


( Signature )
Name of the Supervisor Chairman
Designation & Address

( Signature )
Name of the Head of Dept. Member
Designation & Address (Ex- officio)

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PG Ordinance Appendix-I « Bangladesh University of Engineering and ... http://www.buet.ac.bd/?page_id=3485

( Signature )
Name of the Internal Member Member
Designation & Address

( Signature )
Name of the Internal Member Member
Designation & Address

( Signature )
Name of the External Member Member
Designation & Address (External)

Last Updated: October 9, 2011 @ 12:49 pm

Comments to: Webmaster

Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh. Tel: (880 2) 9665650 Fax: (880 2) 8613046. 2010 © All rights
reserved, BUET

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