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Final Rules - Annex A of Res20

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Rules for Setting the

Distribution System Loss Cap
And Establishing Performance
Incentive Scheme for
Distribution Efficiency

Final Rules

05 December 2017

Table of Contents
I. General pro~sions
1.1 Background 5

1.4 Construction of the Rules
:::::: 6

1.5 Definition of Terms 6

1.6 Provision of Information 10

1.7 Computation of Distribution System Loss 10
II. Distributioh System Loss Caps 11
2.1 Electrib Cooperatives Clusters 11
2.2 Distri~Ution System Loss Caps for Electric Cooperatives 12
2.3 Distribution System Loss Caps for Private Distribution Utilities 12
2.4 Distribution System Loss Recoverable through System Loss Charge 13
III. Performan~e Incentive Scheme 13
3. Generlu Provisions for the PIS 13
3. Perfor'mance Incentive Scheme for Electric Cooperatives 14
3.3 PIS fo~ Private Distribution Utilities 15
IV. APplicatioh forlndividualized Distribution System Loss Caps 17

4. General Provisions for the Individualized Distribution System Loss Cap 17

4. TechJical Loss Component of the Individualized DSL Cap 17
4.3 Non-Technical Loss component ofthe Individualized DSL Cap 18
V. Reportona.1 ReqUlrements
. 19
Regular Review by the Energy Regulatory Commission 19
5. Incoxhplete Submission or Non-Submission of Documents 20
VI. Final ProVisions 20
6.1 Exce~tion from the Provisions of this Rules 20
6.2 Regulatory Costs 20
6.3 Effect of the New System Loss Cap under this Rules on DU's Existing Cap 20
6.4 RepJaling/separability Clause 20
6.5 EffeJtivity 20

ANNEX A:.Methodology for Segregating DSL 21
A.1 Introduction 21
A.2 Comppnents of Distribution System Loss 21
A.3 Calculation of Distribution System Loss 22
I .
A.4 Distribution Network Models ~..26
A.S Distribution Load Models 30
A.6 Data Requirements : 32

ANNEX B: Reportorial Requirement Guidelines 38

B.1 Monthly Sub-Transmission and Substation DSL Data 38

B.2 Monthly Feeder DSL Data 63

B.3 Energy Quantities, Network Parameters, and CAPEX/OPEX Programs 80

ANNEX C: ERe Prescribed Templates

C.1 Subttansmission and Substation Data DSL Template


C.2 Feeder Data DSL Template

C.3 DU Lual Reportorial Requirements Template

List of Tables

Table 1. Electric ICooperatives Cluster 1 11

Table 2. Electric Cooperatives Cluster 2 .•..••......•......•...•......•.......•..•..........•...•...•...•..•........•........•......... 11
Table 3. ElectriC1 Cooperatives Cluster 3 12
Table 4. Distribution Feeder Loss Cap for ECs 12
Table 5. Distribution Feeder Loss Cap for PDUs 12
Table 6. Perforlllance AssesSlllent Factor COlllputation for ECs
Table 7. PIS Structure Thresholds for ECs (% System LoSS) 15
Table 8. Performance Assessment Factor Computation for PDUs 16
Table 9. PIS Structure Thresholds for Private DUs 16
Table 10. ERC Customer Class Values 83
Table 11. DU Customer Type Values 83
Table 12. Sample Customer Class Template 83
Table 13. ERC 9ustomer Class Values 85
Table 14. DU CUstomer Type Values 85.
Table 15. Sample Customer Class Template 85
Table 16. Expe~diture Type Values 87
Table 17. Targ~ Loss Components Values 87
Table 18. Month Values 88

List ofFi~res
Figure 1. Rew~rd Structure ofllie PIS for Electric Cooperatives 14
Figure 2. Reward Structure of the PIS for Private Distribution Utilities 15
Figure 3. Conductor Arrangement 42
Figure 4. Bundling of Conductors 44
Figure 5. Conductor Spacing 45
Figure 6. Spacing of Phase Conductors and Ground Wire ..45
Figure 7. Distkce between Ground Wires .45
Figure 8. Dist~nce between Circuit 1 and Circuit 2 46
Figure 9. Height of Phase Conductors and Ground Wires 46
Figure 10. Constructional Data of Underground Cable .48
Figure 11. Conductor Arrangement 58

I. Gene,al Provisions
1.1 Background
sebon 38 of Republic Act No. 9136, otherwise known as the Electric Power
Industry Reform Act of 2001 or EPIRA, created the Energy Regulatory
Cohtmission (ERC) as an independent quasi-judicial regulatory body.

uJder Section 43 of the EPIRA, the ERC is tasked to promote competition,

enl:ourage market development, ensure customer choice and penalize abuse
oflmarket power in the electricity industry. To carry out this undertaking,
the ERC shall promulgate necessary rules and regulations, including
cdmpetition Rules, and impose fines or penalties for any non-compliance
wi~ or breach of the EPIRA, its Implementing Rules and Regulations, and
ot~er rules and regulations which it promulgates or administers as well as
other laws it is tasked to implement and enforce.
Likewise, Section 43 (f) of the EPIRA provides:
I To achieve this objective and to ensure the complete removal of
cross subsidies, the cap on the recoverable rate of system losses
prescribed in Section 10 of Republic Act No. 7832, is hereby amended
~nd shall be replaced by caps which shall be determined by the ERC .
based on load density, sales mix, cost of service, delivery voltage and
bther technical considerations it may promulgate. xxx"
Jrsuant to Section 43 (f) of the EPIRA, the ERC shall establish and enforce
a ;methodology for setting transmission and distribution wheeling rates and
retail rates for the captive market of a distribution utility, taking into
aCcount all relevant considerations, including the efficiency and inefficiency
of the regulated entities. To achieve the said objective, the cap on the
recoverable rate of system loss prescribed in SectionlO of Republic Act No.
7832 is amended and shall be replaced by caps which shall be determined by
the ERC based on load density, sales mix, cost of service, delivery voltage
ahd other technical considerations it may promulgate.

IL view thereof, the Regulatory Operations Service (ROS), specifically it!i

Standards and Compliance Monitoring Division (SCMD), being at the
fbrefront in recommending various standards to be promulgated and
epforced by the ERC and to be followed and observed by stakeholders in the
electric power industry, is tasked to determine the applicable Distribution
System Loss (DSL) Caps.

1.2 Purpose
This Rules for Setting the Distribution System Loss Cap and Establishing
Performance Incentive Scheme for Distribution Efficiency embodies the
new regulatory framework for all Distribution Utilities (DUs) that is
designed to achieve the following:
a. Determine reasonable DSL Caps for all DUs based on technical criteria
i and objectives given in the EPIRA;
b. Align the new DSL Caps with the existing Performance Incentive
I Schemes (PIS) that promote efficient operation and service of the DUs;
c. Promote submission from the DUs of comprehensive information
relevant to DSL.

This Rules shall apply to all DUs, whether Electric Cooperative (EC) or
Private Distribution Utility.

1.4 donstruction of the Rules

This Rules shall be construed to promote the objective of securing a just,
speedy, and inexpensive disposition of the proceedings for promulgating the
DSL Caps and the PIS for the DUs.

1.5 Definition of Terms

The following words and phrases as used in this Rules shall have the
rheanings set forth below:
.Captive Customer A Customer who does not have the choice of
supplier of electricity, as determined by the ERC
in accordance with EPlRA.
.Connection Assets Those assets that are put in place primarily to
connect a Distribution Utility to the Transmission
System and used for purposes of transmission
connection services for the conveyance of
electricity, which if taken out of the system will
only affect the Distribution Utility connected to it
and will have minimal effect on the Transmission
System and other entities connected to the
Transmission Stem.
Contestable A Customer who has the choice of supplier of
Customer electricity, as determined by the ERC in
accordance with EPIRA.
Customer A person or entity supplied with electric service
under a contract with the Distribution Utility. For
the purpose of this Rules, no distinction shall be
made between Captive Customers and Contestable
Customers, provided they are served through the
Distribution S stem ofthe Distribution Utili .
I Distribution The charges for distribution, supply, metering and
Cha e other related char e and ad'ustments.

This is the sum of Feeder Technical Loss and Non-
Feeder Loss Technical Loss.
The system of wires and associated facilities that
belong to a franchised Distribution Utility,
SYstem extending between the delivery points on the
Transmission or Sub-Transmission System or
generator connection and the point of connection
to the remises of the End-User.
The electric Energy Input minus the electric
Distribution Energy Output for a specified billing period or set
System Loss
DSL of billin eriods.
Any Electric Cooperative, private corporation,
government-owned utility, or existing local
Utility (DU)
government unit, which has an exclusive franchise
to operate a Distribution System in accordance
with its franchise and EPIRA.
The aggregate of energy used for the proper
Utili Use o eration of the distribution tern.
The level of Distribution System Loss recoverable
from Customers.
I The Distribution System data containing
information that can be used to simulate the
Technical Loss, and is described under Annex A of
this Rules.
A Distribution Utility organized pursuant to
Electric Presidential Decree No. 269, as amended, or
, (00)
otherwise rovided in EPIRA.
Generating Units that is indirectly connected to
Embedded the Grid through the Distribution Utilities' lines or
industrial generation facilities that are
synchronized with the Grid. For the purpose of
this Rules, this term shall include a Generating
Plant that is connected to an Isolated Distribution
The integral of electrical power with respect to
';Energy time and is measured in kilowatt-hours Wh.
I Energy delivered to the Distribution System by the
iEnergy Input Transmission System, Embedded Generators,
other Distribution Systems, and User Systems
with eneratin facilities.
Energy delivered to the Users ofthe Distribution
i Energy Output System, including the Energy for Distribution
! Utili Use.
The independent quasi-judicial regulatory body
Energy Regulatory
Commission created under EPIRA.
RC A group of Distribution Utilities entering a
Entrant Group regulatory program at the same time, as defined in
ERC Resolution No. 10, Series of 2010 for Private
DUs or in ERC Resolution No.8, Series of 2011 for
Electric Coo eratives.
Republic Act No. 9136, otherwise known as the
EPlRA Electric Power Indus Reform Act of 2001. .
All apparatus, machines, and conductors, among
Equipment others, that are used as a part of or in connection
with an electrical installation.

Feeder Technical The sum of the Technical Losses associated with
Loss the Primary Distribution System and the
Seconda Distribution S em.
Generating Plant A facility consisting of one or more Generating
Generating Units A conversion apparatus, including auxiliaries and
associated Equipment, that function as a single
unit and is used to produce electric Energy from
some other form of Ener .
Grid The high voltage backbone System of
interconnected transmission lines, substations,
and related facilities, located in each of Luzon,
Visayas, and Mindanao, or as may be determined
by the ERC in accordance with Section 45 of the
Higher Voltage A Customer that is connected to and served
Customer (HV or through the Sub-Transmission System or the
MVCustomer Prim Distribution Stem.
Isolated The backbone system of wires and associated
Distribution facilities that are not directly connected to anyone
System of the national Transmission Systems of Luzon,
, Visa s or Mindanao.
Low Voltage A Customer that is not a Residential Customer and
:Customer (LV is connected to and served through the Secondary
Customer Distribution S em.
.Non-Technical The aggregate of Energy lost due to pilferage,
Loss(NTL) meter reading errors, meter tampering, and any
Energy loss that is not related to the physical
characteristics and functions of the electric
An Electric Cooperative that operates an Isolated
I Off-Grid EC
I Distribution tern.
An Electric Cooperative that operates a
IOn-GridEC Distribution System that is connected to anyone
of the national Transmission Systems in Luzon,
Visa s or Mindanao.
The maximum value of power, measured in MW,
Peak Power
required by the Distribution Utility for a specific
billin eriod or set of billin eriods.
Performance Mechanism designed to incentivize the
Distribution Utility to improve its performance.
i Incentive
For the purpose of this Rules, performance shall
I Schemes (PIS) be in terms of distribution efficiency measured
throu h Distribution em Loss.
A compilation of rules and regulations that govern
Distribution Code the Distribution Utilities in the operation and
maintenance of their Distribution Systems, which
(PDC) includes, among others, standards for service and
performance, and defines and establishes the
relationship of the Distribution Systems with the
facilities or installations ofthe parties connected
A portion of the Distribution System delineated by
Primary the secondary side of the Substation transformer
Distribution and the primary side of aU Distribution

Private A Distribution Utility that is operated by a private
Distribution corporation.
Utili PD
Reference An idealized version ofthe Distribution System,
Distribution formulated as prescribed in Section 4 of this
Network Rules.
Regulatory Period A period of time over which the rates of the
Distribution Utility is defined under a set of rules
issued b the ERe.
Republic Act No. The law otherwise known as the Anti-electricity
and Electric Transmission Lines/Materials
Pilfer e Act of 1
Residential A Customer that is residential in nature and
Customer connected to and served through the Secondary
I Distribution S stem.
Secondary A portion of the Distribution System that is at the
Distribution secondary side of a Distribution transformer.
S stem
Secondary Line A Distribution line connected at the Secondary
Distribution System.
Sub-Transmission This is the sum of Sub-Transmission System and
and Substation Substation Technical Losses and Non-Technical
Loss Loss.
Sub-Transmission The sum of the Technical Losses associated with
and Substation the Sub-Transmission System and Distribution
Technical Loss substations.
Sub-Transmission The portion of the Distribution System that is
System delineated by the connection point to the
Transmission System and the primary side of all
Substation transformers.
System A group of components connected or associated in
a fixed configuration to perform a specific
I function.
System Loss The charge representing recovery of the cost of
Chare ower due to Distribution Stem Loss.
System Loss Rate The rate determined in accordance with ERe
Resolution No. 16, Series of 2009 and any
I amendments thereto.
The component of Distribution System Loss that is
Technical Loss
(TL) inherent in the physical delivery of electric
Energy. It includes conductor loss, transformer
I, core loss and technical error in meters.
Three-Phase An analytical tool that simulates the power flows
Power Flow in an unbalanced three-phase Distribution
Transmission Has the same definition as "Grid".
User A person or entity that uses the Distribution
System and related distribution facilities.
User System A System owned or operated by a User of the
Distribution System.

1.6 Provision of Information

Th~ results and findings presented in this Rules utilized information

proVided by the DUs through the ERC. For the purpose of this Rules,
su~plementary information, calculations, and data may be required as
dedmed necessary by the ERe.
Computation of Distribution System Loss
f .
1.7.:1 The Technical Loss and Non~TechnicalLoss shall be calculated using
I the methodology described in Annex A: Methodology for.
Segregating Distribution System Losses of this Rules.

1.7:2 The Distribution Utility Use shall be treated as an operation and

maintenance expense of the DU.

1.7.3 In determining the boundaries of the Distribution System for

calculating the DSL, the definition of asset boundaries under Annex
A: Amended Rules on the Definition and Boundaries of Connection
Assets for Customers of 7ransmission Provider of ERC Resolution
No. 23, Series of 2016 shall prevail. For the avoidance of doubt, thi!!
means that the Distribution System shall include the Connection
Assets for the DU, even if these are not owned by the DU.

1.7.4 For the purpose oftbis Rules, no distinction shall be made between a
Captive Customer and a Contestable Customer. They shall be
considered Customers insofar as they are served through the
Distribution System of the DU.

II. Distribution System Loss Caps
2.1 Electric Cooperatives Clusters
I For the DSL Caps, the following clusters of Electric Cooperatives are
set as shown in Table 1to Table 3. '

Table 1. Electric Cooperatives Cluster 1


Table 2. Electric Cooperatives Cluster 2



111 P age
Table 3. Electric Cooperatives Cluster 3


2.2 Distribution System Loss Caps for Electric Cooperatives

2.2.1 For Electric Cooperatives, the Distribution Feeder Loss Cap shall be
as shown in Table 4.

12.00% 12.00 % 12.00%

12.00% 11.00% 11.00 %
12.00% 10.25 % 10.00%
12.00% 10.25 % 9.00%
12.00% 10.25 % 8.25 %
2022 onwards

2.2.2 For Electric Cooperatives whose service area is composed of on-grid

and off-grid areas, the Distribution Feeder Loss Cap for the on-grid
area shall be that of the assigned cluster while the Distribution
Feeder Loss Cap for the off-grid area shall be based on Cluster 1.

2.3 Distribution System Loss Caps for Private Distribution Utilities

2.3.1 For Private Distribution Utilities (PDUs), the Distribution Feeder

Loss Cap shall be as shown in Table 5.

2018 6.50%
2019 6.25%
2020 6.00%
2021 5.50%

The Distribution Feeder Loss Caps for Private Distribution Utilities

shall be reviewed in 2021. A Private Distribution Utility who fails to
submit at the minimum one-year's (from 2018 to 2020) worth of all
the data described in Section 5.1 of the Rules, shall be excluded from
the review and assigned a Distribution Feeder Loss cap of 4.75% by
2022 onwards.


2.4 Distribution System Loss Recoverable through System Loss

2.4.1 The level of Distribution System Loss that a Distribution Utility may
recover from its Customers through System Loss Charge shall not
exceed the sum of:

a. The actual Sub-Transmission and Substation Loss (DSLsT+ss);

b. The actual sum of Non-Technical Loss (NTL) and Feeder
Technical Loss (TLfdr), or the Distribution Feeder Loss cap
(DSLjdr,cap), whichever is lower.

SLSy1LossCharge = DSLsT+SS + Min{(TLfdr + NTL), DSLfdr,cap} (Equation 2.1)

SLsysLossCharge = Total Distribution System Loss that can be
recovered through the System Loss Charge, in
DSLsT+ss = Sub-Transmission and Substation Loss, in percent;
TLfdr = Feeder Technical Loss, in percent;
NTL = Non-Technical Loss, in percent; and
DSLfdr,cap = Distribution Feeder Loss cap, in percent.

2-4.2 Distribution Utilities shall submit the Monthly Sub-Transmission and

Substation DSLData.

2.4.3 Sub-Transmission and Substation Loss (DSLsT+SS) shall be computed

using actual metered quantities. It shall be set to 0.00 for non-
submission of the Monthly Sub-Transmission and Substation DSL .
Data by the DU.

2-4-4 In the absence of Metered DSLsT+SS data submitted by the DU, the
I Distribution Feeder Loss (DSLjar) shall be set to 0.00.

III. Performance Incentive Scheme

3.1 General Provisions for the PIS
The goals of the Performance Incentive Scheme (PIS) are to: (1)
reduce the costs of DSL passed on to Customers and (2) promote
efficiency in Distribution Systems over the long-term. The PIS is
intended to motivate DUs to reduce the Technical Losses and Non-
Technical Losses in Distribution Systems.

3.1.2 The PIS shall involve a price-linked reward for DUs. The reward shall ~
I be a percentage of the Distribution Charge. ~,.

3.~.3 The Distribution Feeder Loss to be used for the PIS shall be
computed based on the actual Distribution Feeder Loss for the most
recent 12-month period.

3.i.4 The reward under the PIS for distribution efficiency is separate from
and does not affect the System Loss Rate that the Distribution Utility
can pass on to its Customers through the System Loss Charge.

3.2 Penormance Incentive Scheme for Electric Cooperatives

3.2J1 This Section 3.2 applies exclusivelyto Electric Cooperatives.

3.2J2 The PIS reward structure for ECs shall be as shown in Figure 1, with
three regions, in order of improving distribution efficiency: (1) no
reward, (2) increasing reward, and (3) maximum reward.

Max. Reward Direction of Improving efflclencv

Distribution Feeder Loss (%)

Figure 1. Reward Structure of the PIS for Electric Cooperatives

, The distribution feeder loss component ofthe performance incentive
I factor (8) shall be computed in the following manner:

= Performance incentive for Distribution Feeder

Loss for year t;
= Weight assigned to Distribution Feeder Loss
performance; and
PerfDSLfdr.t-1 = Performance Assessment Factor for
Distribution Feeder Loss in the previous year.

3.2.4 Based on the value of the actual total DSUdrand its relationship with
the various thresholds in the PIS reward structure for ECs, the value of
the Performance Assessment Factor (PerfDSLfdr.t-1) shall be
determined in the manner shown in Table 6.

3.2.5 The values of the thresholds (a and b) in the PIS structure for each
cluster of electric cooperatives are shown in Table 7.

Maximum reward a ~ DSLfdr PerfDSL{dr.t-l = +1.0

Proportional b - DSLfdr)
b ~ DSLfdr>a . Per fDSL{dr,t-l = ( b_ a

Deadband region DSLfdr>b Per fDSL{dr,t-l = 0.0

DFL = Non-Technical Loss + Feeder Technical Loss

Table • PIS Structure Thresholds for ECs

3.2.6 The thresholds of the PIS structure shall be used by the Commission in
its setting of the maximum price-linked incentive for ECs.

3.3 PIS for Private Distribution Utilities

3.3.1 This Section 3.3 applies exclusivelyto Private Distribution Utilities.

3.3.1 The PIS reward structure for Private DUs shall be as shown in
Figure 2, with three regions, in order of improving distribution
efficiency: (1) no reward, (2) increasing reward, and (3) maximum

Max. Reward Direction of Improving efficiency

Distribution Feeder Loss (%)

Figure 2. Reward Structure of the PIS for Private Distribution Utilities

3.3.3 The system loss component of the performance incentive factor (Sr)
shall be computed in the following manner:

SDSL{dr,t= WDSL{drxPerfDSL{dr,t-l (Eq. 3.2)

SDSL{dr.t = Performance incentive for Distribution Feeder
Loss for year t;
= Weight assigned to Distribution Feeder Loss
performance; and
Per fDSL{dr.t-1 =
Performance Assessment Factor for Distribution
Feeder Loss in the previous year.

3.34 Based on the value of the actual total DSLfdrand its relationship with
the various thresholds in the PIS structure for Private DUs, the value
of the Performance Assessment Factor (PerfDSLfdT,t-l) shall be
determined in the manner shown in Table 8.
3.3.5• The values of the thresholds (a and b) in the PIS reward structure for
Private DUs are shown in Table 9.

a ••DSLfdT PerfDsLfdT.t-t = 1.0

Maximum reward
b -DSLldT)
Proportional b •• DSLfdr>a PerfDSLfdT.t-t = 1.0 x ( b- a

Deadband region DSLfdT>b PerfDSLfdT.t-l = 0.0

DFL = Non-Technical Loss + Feeder Technical Loss

.. '.,

The thresholds of the PIS structure shall be used by the Commission in
the next setting of the maximum price-linked incentive for Private

. :

IV. Application for Individualized DSLCaps

4.1 Geheral
, Provisions for the Individualized DSL Cap
4.1i.1 A Distribution Utility may elect to use an alternative method for
determining an individualized DSL Cap that shall be applied to it.
This section of the Rules is intended to provide the framework for
such a method.

4.1.2 The individualized DSL Cap shall have two components: one for
Technical Loss and another for Non-Technical Loss in accordance
with the prescribed methodologies in this Rules.

4.1.3 If a Distribution Utility has elected for an individualized DSL cap (or
a component thereof), it may continue to use the existing cap subject
to prior approval ofthe Commission.

4.1.4 In case a DU fails to seek a provisional authority for the exemption or

Individualized DSL Cap, the applicable DSL Cap to the said DU shall
be the cap of the cluster it belongs.

4.1.5 In determining the reasonable level of individualized DSL Cap, costs

and benefits must be analyzed from the viewpoint ofthe Customer.

4.2 Technical Loss Component of the Individualized DSL Cap

4.2.1 In determining the Technical Loss component of the individualized
DSL Cap, the DU shall develop its Reference Distribution Network.
The Reference Distribution Network is the Distribution System with
equipment capacities selected to minimize the total cost, and serves
the Customers of the DU while meeting all relevant performance

4:2.2 For each segment of the Reference Distribution Network, the total
cost shall include capital expenditures, operating and maintenance
expenditures, the cost of Technical Loss, and all other associated
costs. In deciding the appropriate size for each segment, the DU may
consider load forecasts and associated costs up to the expected
economic life of the segment (for example, 30 years for distribution
lines). For segments where special considerations must be made (for
example, in segments where one type of conductor is favored due to
environmental considerations), the DU must be able to justify these.

4.2.3 To the extent possible, the characteristics of the load of the Reference
Distribution Network shall have the same characteristics (in terms of
location and load behavior) as the Customers of the Distribution
Utility. c:/
In determining the Technical Loss component of the individualized
DSL Cap, the DU may use load forecasts up to the end of the next
Regulatory Period.
17 I P age ,
4.2.5 For each year; from the test year to the end of the next Regulatory
Period, the Technical Loss of the Reference Distribution Network
shall be determined based on load flow simulations. If the load flow
simulations show that there are voltage violations in the distribution
network, the DU must first correct these in the model through
selection of appropriate sizes of distribution lines and distribution
transformers, application of corrective equipment such as automatic
voltage regulators and capacitors, or change in nominal system
voltages, among others.

4.2.6 The Technical Loss component of the individualized DSL Cap shall be
based on the maximum value of the Technical Loss obtained over all
relevant periods for the Reference Distribution Network.

4.3 Non-Technical Loss component of the Individualized DSL Cap

4.~.1 In determining the reasonable level of the Non-Technical Los~

component of the individualized DSL Cap, the DU shall first
determine two cost curves as functions of the Non-Technical Loss:
the NTL Cost Curve and the NTL Reduction Cost Curve.

4.3.2 The NTL Cost Curve represents the cost of Non-Technical Loss to
Customers, assuming these costs are pass-through.

4.3.3 The NTL Reduction Cost Curve represents the cost that the DU
expects to incur to achieve a certain level of Non-Technical Loss.

4.3.4 The NTL Total Cost Curve shall be calculated as the sum of the NTL
Cost Curves and the NTL Reduction Cost Curve, also expressed as a
function of the Non-Technical Loss. The level of Non-Technical Loss
at which the NTL Total Cost Curve is the minimum shall serve as the
basis for the Non-Technical Loss component of the individualized

4.3.5 In case a practicality issue arises (for example, if required resources

to meet the optimal value of the Non-Technical Loss that are outside
the control of the Distribution Utility cannot be mobilized in time
within the next Regulatory Period), the DU must justify using a
different value for the Non-Technical Loss component of the
individualized DSLCap.

5. Monthly submission of power supply bill/s and supporting documents"
This data in PDF format shall be submitted on or before the 30th day of
the following month.

5.2 Incomplete Submission or Non-Submission of Documents

The Distribution Utility shall be issued fines and penalties for incomplete
submission or non-submission of the documents and data described in
Section 5.1 of this Rules. The ERG Resolution No. 03, Series of 2009 (A
Resolution Amending the Guidelines to Govern the Imposition of
Administrative Sanctions in the Form of Fines and Penalties Pursuant to
Se'ction 46 of Republic Act No. 9136), and any amendments thereto shall
VI. Final Provisions
6.1 Exception from the Provisions of this Rules
Where good cause appears, the Commission may allow an exception from
a~y provision of this Rules, if such exception is found to be in public interest
arid is not contrary to the law, rules and regulations.
6.2 Regulatory Costs
I Distribution Utilities shall bear the regulatory implementation costs or
costs associated with the implementation of this Rules, including but not
limited to, costs attendant to the public hearings in the DU's localities.

6.3 Effect of the New System Loss Cap under this Rules on DU's
Existing Cap
The DSL Caps determined under this Rules shall supersede the existing
approved cap of the DUs and mandatory bind them to adopt this new loss
cap, except as otherwise provided herein.
6.4 Repealing/Separability Clause
6'.4.1 All existing Rules or any part thereof which are inconsistent with this
I Rules are hereby repealed, amended or modified accordingly.
6-4.2 If any provision or part of a provision of this Rules is declared invalid
I or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, those
provisions which are not affected thereby shall continue to be in full
force and effect.

6.5 Effectivity
This Rules shall take effect on the billing month of 2018.

v. Reportorial Requirements
5.1 Relwar Review by the Energy Regulatory Commission

Thl Distribution Utility shall submit the following documents and data for
the1reviewand verification of the ERC:
1. Monthly DSL data for the Sub-Transmission network (including
Connection Assets), the Customers connected to the Sub-Transmission
network, and the distribution substations encoded according to the ERC-
prescribed template. Refer to Annex B Section B.1 of this Rules for the
data description. This DSL sub-transmission data in MS Excel format
shall be submitted on or before the 30th day of the following month.

2. Monthly DSL data per feeder for the whole coverage area encoded
according to the ERC-prescribed template. Refer to Annex B Section B.2
of this Rules for the data description. This DSL feeder data in MS Excel
format shall be submitted on or before the 30th day of the following
3. Annual summary of Energy quantities and relevant network parameters
such as the following:

a. Total Energy Input, in kWh;

b. Total Energy Output, in kWh;
c. Distribution Utility Use, in kWh;
d. Total Number of Substations;
e. Total Number of Feeders;
f. Total Number of Customers;
g. Peak Demand, in MW;
h. Total Circuit Length of Primary Lines, in meters;
i. Total Circuit Length of Secondary Lines, in meters;
j. Total System Loss, in kWh;
k. Sub-Transmission and Substation Loss, in kWh;
1. Feeder Technical Loss, in kWh;
m. Non-Technical Loss, in kWh;
n. Total Energy Output for each Customer class, in kWh (e.g., HV
Customers, LVCustomers, and Residential Customers);
o. Total Number of Customers per Customer class, in kWh (e.g., HV
Customers, LVCustomers, and Residential Customers);
p. List of CAPEXand OPEXprograms related to the Technical Loss and
Non-Technical Loss reduction programs;
q. DU Use Load Data; and
r. Actual Segregated DSLData.
Refer to Annex B Section B.3 of this Rules for the data descriptions.

This annual data (in MS Excel format) from the previous year shall be
submitted by the end of May of the current year.
4. Monthly submission of actual Sub-Transmission Line and Substation
. single line diagram with the location of billing meter/s, including feeder
metering, and any changes therein. In the alternative, a DU may submit
a sworn statement that no changes/modifications were made. This data
in PDF format shall be submitted on or before the 30th day of the
following month.

ANNEX A: Methodology for Segregating DSL

A.l Introduction
This dJcument describes the methodology for segregating Distribution System
Loss acCordingto its various components and various occurrences throughout the
distribution network. The methodology presented is consistent with the
methodology which is part of the Guidelinesfor the Application and Approval of
Caps on the Recoverable Rate of Distribution System Losses (ERC 2004). In
additioh, this document enhances the previous document as follows: (a)
recognizing Distribution Utility Use as the aggregate energy used for the proper

operati\:mof the distribution system which is consistent with ERC Resolution No.
17 Series of 2008, thus replacing the term Administrative Loss; (b) providing

instrudtions that Sub-Transmission Technical Loss shall be computed separate

from the Feeder Technical Loss and Non-Technical Loss. Other minor revisions
to maintain consistent writing style were also applied accordingly.

A.2 comJonents of Distribution System Loss

DistriJUtion System Loss shall be segregated into the following components:

a. Sub-Transmission and Substation Technical Loss;

b. Feeder Technical Loss; and
c. Non-Technical Loss.

Technical Loss is the component of Distribution System Loss that is inherent in

the el~ctrical equipment, devices and conductors used in the physical delivery of
electric energy. It includes the Load Losses and No-Load Losses (or fixed losses)

in the1following:

a.I Sub-Transmission Lines;

bJ Substation Power Transformers;
cJ Primary Distribution Lines;
dl Voltage Regulators;
eJ capacitors;
f.1 Inductors or Reactors;
g. Distribution Transformers;
H. Secondary Distribution Lines;
iJ Service Drops; and
j! Metering Equipment and Instrument Transformers;
~. All other electrical equipment necessary for the operation of the
I Distribution System.
Sub-Transmission and Substation Technical Loss is the technical loss incurred by
the !sub-transmission lines, substation transformers, and associated network
elements of the Distribution Utility. Feeder Technical Loss is the technical loss
incdrred by the primary and secondary distribution network of the Distribution

21\ P age

Non-TeJnical Loss is the component of Distribution System Loss that is not

related t4 the physical characteristics and functions of the electrical system, and
is caused primarily by human error, whether intentional or not. Non-Technical
Loss inciudes the electric energy lost due to pilferage, tampering of meters',
erroneou's meter reading, and erroneous billing. For the purpose of segregating
Distribuiion System Losses, the Load Loss due to electric energy pilferage shall
be considered part of the Non-Technical Loss.

Calculation of Distribution System Loss

A.3.1 daIculation Period

D\stribution System Loss shall be calculated monthly and shall coincide
Jith the Billing Cycle adopted by the Distribution Utility. The Distribution
• shall report the total number of days, total number of hours, and
, inclusive dates covered by the Billing Cycle used as the period for
cluculating the Distribution System Loss. '
A.3.!! Total Distribution System Loss
Distribution System Loss shall be computed as the difference between the
I Electric Energy Input and the Total Electric Energy Output during
, Billing Period. The Total Electric Energy Input shall include all electric
bnergy delivered to the Distribution System by the Transmission System,
, Embedded Generators, by other Distribution Systems, and by User
I with generating units. The Total Electric Energy Output shall
include all electric energy delivered to the Users of the Distribution System
bd the electric energy for Distribution Utility Use.
In equation form, the Total Distribution System Losses shall be computed
as follows:
Equation A.1. Total Distribution System Loss

Total Distribution System Loss

= LEnergy dellvered by the Transmission System
+L Energy deltvered by Embedded Generators
+L Energy dellvered by other Distribution Systems
+L Energy delivered by User Systems with Generating Units
_L Energy delivered to the Users of the Distribution System
_ Distribution Utility Use

A.3.3 Distribution Utility Use

Distribution Utility Use accounts for the electric energy used by the
Distribution Utility in the proper operation of the Distribution System.
This includes the electric energy consumption of connected essential
electrical loads in the following facilities, subject to the approval by the


, ,""" .

a. Distribution Substations;
'b. Offices of the Distribution Utility;
c. Warehouses and Workshops ofthe Distribution Utility; and
d. Other essential electrical loads ofthe Distribution Utility.
distribution Utility Use shall be the sum of actual electric energy
consumption of the essential loads used by the facilities of the Distribution
U;tilityduring the BillingPeriod.
Ih equation form, the Distribution Utility Use shall be calculated as
Equation A.2. Distribution Utility Use

Distribution Utility Use

=L Energy Consumed by Distribution Substations
+L Energy Consumed by Offices of the Distribution Utility
+L Energy Consumed by Warehouses and Workshops of the DU

A.3.4 Sub-Transmission and Substation Technical Loss
1'he Sub-Transmission and Substation Technical Loss for the Billing
~eriod shall be the sum of the hourly Load Losses and No-Load Losses
incurred by the sub-transmission network and the distribution
~ubstations. It shall be calculated based on Load Flow simulations of the
sub-transmission network and distribution substations using the
appropriate network models and load models. The Load Flow simulations
must capture the Technical Loss from the metering point associated with
the root branch of the sub-transmission network to the root branch of the
medium-voltage distribution feeders (typically at the secondary of the
Distribution Substation transformer).
In equation form, the Sub-Transmission and Substation Technical Loss
khall be computed as follows:
Equation A.3 Sub-Transmission and Substation Technical Loss
Subtransmission and Substation Technical Loss
=L Hourly Load Losses in Subtranmission Lines
+L Hourly Load Losses in Substation Transformers
+L Hourly No - Load Losses in Substation Transformers
+L Hourly Load Losses in Subtransmission Service Drops
+L Hourly Load Losses in Subtransmission Voltage Regulators

+L Hourly Load Losses in Subtransmission Capacitors

+L Hourly Load Losses in Subtransmission Inductors

+L Losses in Sub transmission Metering Equipment

+L Losses in other Subtransmission Equipment

A.3.5 FJeder Technical Loss
nJe Feeder Technical Loss for the Billing Period shall be the sum of the
hdurly Load Losses and No-Load Losses in all medium-voltage
dibbution equipment, devices and conductors, excluding the hourly Load
Ldsses and No-Load Losses in the Sub-Transmission System and
Distribution Substations (which are already accounted for under Section
It shall be calculated based on Three-Phase Load Flow simulations of
the Distribution System using the appropriate distribution network models
a~d distribution load models. The Load Flow simulations must capture the
T~chnical Loss from the metering point associated with the root branch of
th'e medium-voltage distribution feeders to the connection points of the
U~ers and loads covered under Distribution Utility Use.

Ij equation form, the Feeder Technical Loss I!hallbe computed as follows:

Equation A.4. Feeder Technical Loss
Feeder Technical Loss
=L Hourly Load Losses In Primary Distribution Lines

+L Hourly Load Losses of Primary Service Drops

+L Hourly Load Losses in Distribution Transformers

+L Hourly No - Load Losses in Distribution Transformers

+L Hourly Load Losses in Secondary Distribution Lines

+L Hourly Load Losses in Secondary Service Drops

+L Hourly Load Losses in Voltage Regulators

+L Hourly Load Losses In Capacitors

+2: Hourly Load Losses in Inductors

+L Losses in Metering Equipment

+ 2: Losses in other Distribution Equipment

A.3.6 Metering Equipment Loss

he Technical Loss associated with Metering Equipment shall be the
~lectric energy dissipated in the burdens of the Metering Equipment and
instrument Transformers. The Distribution Utility shall separate the
Metering Equipment based on its location (that is, whether the metering
bquipment is connected to (1) the sub-transmission network or the
kubstation or (2) to the primary or secondary distribution network). In the
balculation of Distribution System Losses, the Distribution Utility shall
'ensure that each Metering Equipment is accounted for only once. It shall
be estimated using the following equations, where the subscripts may
denote brand, model, andlor type of each of the components:

I Equations A.5. MeteringEquipmentLoss
Potential Transformer Loss
I = Lt ower Loss in PTI x Number of PT,
x Number of Operating Hours

Current Trans former Loss

= L J Power Loss in CTj x Number of CTj
x Number of Operating Hours

Electric Meter Potential Coil Loss

= LmPower Loss in Electric Meter Potential Coilm
x Number of Electric Metersm
x Number of Operating Hours
Electric Meter Current Coil Loss
= LnPower Loss in Electric Meter Current Coiln
x Number of Electric Metersn
x Number of Operating Hours

Losses in Metering Equipment

= Potential Transformer Loss
+ Current Transformer Loss
+ Electric Meter Potential Coil Loss
+ Electric Meter Current Coil Loss

'J1heMetering Equipment Loss for customers connected through the sub-

transmission network of the Distribution Utility shall be considered in the
Shb-transmission Technical Loss, while the Metering Equipment Loss for
chstomers connected through the primary and secondary distribution
Jetworks of the Distribution Utility shall be considered in the Feeder
, .

The Distribution Utility shall conduct electrical tests to determine the

p'ower loss in kW of the Instrument Transformers and Electric Meters. In
the absence of exact values, the number of operating hours may be
ektimated as the difference between the number of hours in the Billing
~eriod and the System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAlDI) in
hours in the same Billing Period.

A.'.7 +...- Teebnkal 1.0_

'I1heNon-Technical Loss shall be the residual loss calculated as the Total
ilectric Energy Input less the total Technical Loss for the Billing Period.
T.he total Technical Loss shall be calculated as the sum of the Sub.•
T:ransmission and Substation Technical Loss and the Feeder Technical

In equation form, the Non-Technical Loss shall be computed as follows:

Equations A.6 Non-Technical Loss

Non - Technical Loss

= Total Distribution System Loss
_ Technical Loss in Subtransmission and Substations
_ Technical Loss in Distribution Feeders

A.4 Distribption Network Models

For the purpose of calculating the Technical Loss, the Distribution System shall
be repr~sented by distribution network models that are appropriate for three-
phase load flow simulations. All equipment, devices, and conductors of the
Distribution System shall be characterized to capture the unbalances due to
equipment construction, installation configurations, and connections and due to
unbalanced loading. In addition, the models must capture the Load Losses and
No-Load Losses of Distribution System equipment, devices and conductors,
except Metering Equipment (which are estimated separately).
The Di~tribution System shall be modeled by an interconnected network of
elements. Each element is represented by series and shunt impedances (or
admittJnces) using a common node as reference, as illustrated in Figure A-l.
Self- ahd mutual impedances (or admittances) of each Distribution System
element, such as lines and transformers, shall be included. .

~ «- a
I. I.
(or Admittance)
«- I, b
f Ie parameters of
Distribution System «- c
VA v. vel v.l V. V,

Ground (Reference Node)

Figure A-I. Distribution Network Element Model

A.4.1ILine Models
Overhead sub-transmission lines and overhead primary distribution lines
shall be represented by a three-phase pi (11) equivalent network with the
corresponding self- and mutual impedances of the phase and ground
conductors, as shown in Figure A-2.

A z•• Z•• Z"
B Z•• Z•• z., b

c z.. z.. 2,. c

v•• v•• v" v•• v•• V"

2 v•• v•• v.,
V•• V•• V.,
v•• v•• v" v•• v•• v"

!;r ...•!F
Figure A-2. Equivalent 7t-Network of Distribution Lines
The series self- and mutual impedances of the conductors are given by the
, equations:

Zaa = Zbb = Zee = (Ta + Ta) + jwk In ~: #(7a)

Z"" = Ta +}W. k InV

De (
# 7b)
z~x = Self-impedance of the conductor, in ohms per meter;
Zxy = Mutual impedance of the conductor, in ohms per meter;
k = Constant factor for inductance, equal to 2 x 10-7 ohms per meter;
Ta = Resistance of the conductor, in ohms per meter;
Resistance of the earth (a function of frequency), in ohms per
Ta = meter;
I Empirical constant equal to 2160 x (ear;hrequency y
reslstMt ) feet;
Ds = Geometric mean radius (GMR)of the conductor, in feet; and
Distance between conductors x and y (xY can be ab, bc, or cal, in
P"y = feet.

The shunt parameters consist of self- and mutual capacitive reactance due
tp the voltages (potentials) across and electrical charges of the conductors
and their mirror images below the ground, as illustrated in Figure A-g.
rese parameters[::]n be[::ain;a: us~~ th;a:]l1[o:]n equations:

Vb = Pba Pbb Pbe Pbw qb #(Ba)

Ve Pcb Pcb Pee Pew qe
Va Pwa Pwb Pwe Pww qw

i 1 Hxx
P. =-!n- Eq.Bb
"" 21rE T,
1 H"y
PXy = -2 !n- Eq.Bc
1rE D

= Distance of conductor x to its image;
H"" Distance of conductor x to the image of conductor Yj
r,,: = Radius of conductor Xi
Distance between conductors x and y (xy can be ab, bc, or cal;
D,,~ = and
£1 = Permittivity of the region surrounding the conductors.

If :conductor w represents the overhead ground wire or grounded neutral

wire, then Vw = 0, and the coefficient matrix (the [P] matrix) in Eq. 8 can
be, reduced using Kron reduction technique to eliminate the row and
co~umn corresponding to conductor w. The resulting matrix equation can
thlm be inverted to obtain the self- and mutual capacitance of the lines, as

Figure A-S. Conductors and their Mirror Images

The admittance parameter Y can be obtained from the inverse of the
capacitive reactance Xc, which can be obtained using the following

I ' X =-=--

6> = angular frequency in radians per second; and
f = frequency in cyclesper second.
llnderground and submarine cables shall be modeled using the self- and
mutual impedance and admittances, taking into account the characteristics
9f the phase and neutrals conductor, the geometry and spacing of the
Conductors inside the cable, the type of cable (for example, if the cable is of
concentric neutral or tape-shielded type), and the parameters of the
material used inside the cables.

Secondary Distribution Lines and Service Drops may be modeled similarly,
but i the shunt capacitances and mutual reactances for these may be
A.4.2 Trll-nsformer Models

Substation Transformers, Distribution Transformers, and Voltage

Regulators shall be modeled based on the structure of the magnetic circuit
and the connections of the windings. The leakage impedance (series
impedance) . and the magnetizing admittance (shunt admittance) shall
capture the self- and mutual impedance or admittance parameters of the
windings ofthe transformer or the voltage regulator.

A.4.3 Capacitors and Inductors

Shunt capacitors shall be modeled as either constant resistance and
reactance or constant real and reactive demand that is connected to a bus,
as illustrated in Figure A-4. The real component of the power represents
the No-Load Losses in the capacitors while the reactive power into the bus
is tequired for power quality improvement.


I Ploss, Qvar
j Figure A-4. Shunt Capacitor Model
Shunt inductors shall be modeled as impedance (a resistance and a
r~actance in series) that is connected to a bus, as illustrated in Figure A-5.
1'he inherent resistance of the shunt inductor shall account for the losses
ih the shunt inductor. .


Figure A-5. Shunt Inductor Model

Series inductors shall be modeled as series impedance that is connected
across two buses, similar to distribution lines, neglecting the shunt
admittances and mutual reactances, as illustrated in Figure A-6. The
inherent resistance of the series inductor shall account for the losses in the
series inductor.

Busi Busj
I "N~.r-
ttl. I
I 'M-l_tn.

I 'M-l---
ffil I
Reference Ground

Figure A-6. Series Inductor Model

A.5 Distrib~tion Load Models

Typical ILoad Curves for different types of customers and customer monthly
energy billing are the basic inputs to the Load Models. The total energy
consumed by each customer is convolved with the normalized load curve
according to the type of customer to determine the hourly real and reactive power
demands, as illustrated in Figure A-7. The power factor of each customer is
specified based on measurements or reasonable assumptions.

o Period 50
i LoadCurva 0-
t Customer Energy Bill
!~ Converted to Hourly power

custoiner Energy Bill (kWh)

Figure A-7. Developingthe Load Models


Figure A-~I shows the step-by-step procedure for converting energy consumption
(expressed in kWh for one billing period) to 24 hourly kW demands. The real
power d~mand Pt for time t is obtained from the per unit (p.u.) demand pt
divided by the total area under the normalized load curve.

Hourly Demand

1', = Energy d.'ly [--/!J-]

. 1=1

Q, = 1',tan(cos -' pi,)

Figure A-S. Converting Monthly Customer Energy Billto Hourly power Demand

The poler factor (Pit) is used to compute for the hourly reactive power demand
(Qt) ba~ed on the real power demand of the corresponding hour.
The re~l power and reactive power may be divided into three components to
represerit constant power, constant current, and constant impedance load models
if theit coefficients are known. For the purpose of segregating Distribution
systeml Loss, constant power load models (that is, constant P and Q) shall be
Figure IA-9 shows
the shows an example of the hourly real and reactive power
demanas for a customer.
Real and Reactive Power (Residential)
_ 300

~ 250
•••Iii 200
~ 150.
E 100.
2l 50
o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 121314151617 18 192021 222324

Figure A.9. Example of the Hourly power Demand of a Customer

31\ P age
The Distrfbution Utility may develop more accurate load models by preparing as
many loaa curves as possible through a load survey for each type of customer,
and even ~or each sub-type of customer. Different load curves may also consider
seasonal :variations (for example: dry and wet season) and variations based on
types ofthe day (for example: weekday, weekend, and/or holidays).

A.6 Data Re~uirements

This sechon specifies the data required to segregate Distribution System
Losses into Technical Loss and Non-Technical Loss and establish caps on the
Recoverable Rate of Distribution System Losses. These data shall be
submittdi to the ERC using the Data Requirements Templates in Annex C.
Data sh~ll be organized and submitted to the ERC so that the entire
, system covered by each set of incoming metering point(s) can
be simulated (e.g., per substation).
A.6.1 Jistribntion Utility Load Data
Fbr the Distribution Utility Use, the Distribution Utility shall submit to
ERC for approval, the list of actual connected and essential loads
sliown in Table 1. These are required to establish the allowances for
Distribution Utility Use hat can be passed on to customers. These
d~ta shall be submitted using the template ERe-DSlro8 which shall be
signed by the Responsible Person of the Distribution Utility.
Table 1. DistributionUtili LoadData
IDistributionUtili Load
INameof Facili
IPu oseof Facili
IS aceArea s.m.
INumberofUsers Occu ants
I uanti
! ConnectedLoad Descri tion
i Useof ConnectedLoad
iRati atts
! Avera e Demand
I Avera e Duration
Ave.Monthl Consum tion Wh
TotalMonthl Ene Consum tion Wh

A.6.2 !Datafor Distribution Load Models

~e data for developing the Distribution Load Models are shown in
ifable 2 to Table 5. These are required to determine the hourly power
demands in a billing period that shall be used for the calculation of
Technical Loss. The following templates shall be used in submitting
these data to the ERC:
a) 'ERC-DSlr02: Customer Data;
b) ERC-DSlro3: Billing CycleData;
c) ERC-DSlro4: Customer Energy Consumption Data; and
d) ERC-DSlr05: Load Curve Data.

Table 2. Customer Data
Customer Name
CiIstomer Tvne
Service Voltal!e
Billin Period Code
Period Covered of the Billin
Number of Da for the Billi Period
Number of Hours for the Billin Period
Table . Customer Ener
Billin Period Code
Ener Consumed Wh b the Customer for the Billin Period
Measured or Estimated Power Factor
Table . Load Curve Data
Customer e
Descri tion of the Customer e
p'er Unit Load of each Customer Type for Hour 1 to Hour 24

A.6.3 Dlta for Distribution Network Models

nIe following Distribution System data are required for developing
Distribution Network Models for the Three-Phase Load F10w
. I Ia ti' ons:

a) Bus Data;
b) Sub-Transmission Line Data;
c) Substation Power Transformer Data;
d) Primary Distribution Line Data;
e) Distribution Transformer Data;
o Secondary Distribution Line Data;
g) Primary and Secondary Customer Service Drop Data;
h) Voltage Regulator Data;
i) Shunt Capacitor Data;
j) Shunt Inductor Data; and
k) Series Inductor Data.
The details of these Distribution System data are specified in Table 6 to
T~ble 21 and shall be submitted to the ERe using Templates found in
Mtnex C of this Rules.
Table 6. Bus Data
[Identification of Connection Points (Bus ID)
IBusDescrintion (e.ll:. Location of the Connection Point)
INominal Voltlll!eof the Connection Point
Note:Connectionpoint refersto a deliverypoint or a point connectingtwo
o'rmorediBtributionByBtem element

Ta b.Ie". Su b-TransmIsSIon Lme Data - Over hea d
Subtransmission Line Sev:ment ID
Connection Points Identification (From Bus ID and To Bus ID)
No. of Ground Wires
Lenv:th of Subtransmission Line Seltment
Phase Conductor 1'vne
Size of Phase Conductors
No. of Strands of Phase Conductors
No. of Bundled Conductors
Bundled Conductors SnaciIIV:
Conductor TvDe of Ground Wire
Size of Ground Wire
lITo.of Strands of Ground Wire
Snacinv: between nhase conductors
Snacinv: between nhase conductors and e;round wire
Snacinv: between v:round wires (meters)
Spacing between circuits for parallel/double circuits
Heiv:ht of Phase Conductors
HeilZht of Ground Wire
Earth Resistivitv

Ta bi e 12. PnmarvDIStribution
. Lme Data - Un d ergroun
Primarv Distribution line Se"ment ID
Connection Points Identification (From Bus ID and To Bus II))
. Phasine:
, Lenlrth of PrimarY Distribution Line Se"ment
I Conductor TYPe
, Conductor Size
No. of Cores
Diameter under Armor
Armor Wire Diameter
Overall Diameter
AC Resistance
Inductive Reactance
I Earth Resistivitv

Size of Phase Conductors
No. of Strands of Phase Conductors
ConductorTvne of Neutral Wire
Size of Neutral Wire
No. of Strands of Neutral Wire
Snacinl!:betweenohase conductors
Spacing between Circuits for Parallel/Double Circuits
Heililit of Phase Conductors
Heil!:ht of Neutral Wire
-garth ResistiVitY
Table PrimarY Customer Service Dron Data - Underl!:round
Primarv Customer Service Dron ID
Connection Points Identification (From Bus ID and To Bus II»)
Lenl!:th of Service Dron
'Conductor Size
•Diameter under Armor
!Armor Wire Diameter
IOverall Diameter
I AC Resistance
I Inductive Reactance
I Caoaci~ce
I Earth Resistivitv

Distribution Line Be ent

before the Meteri

h after the Meterin

, Shunt Inductor ID
, Connection Point Identification (Bus ID)
, PhaseTvne
Voltae:e Ratine:

Table 21.Series Inductor Data

Series Inductor ID
Connection Points Identification (From Bus ID and To Bus 1m
Voltae:e Ratin"


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