Ing Lengua Inglesa II 11
Ing Lengua Inglesa II 11
Ing Lengua Inglesa II 11
Universidad: UNT
SYLLABUS - 2011 -
• To enable the students to communicate fluently and accurately in a wide range of situations and speech
• To provide the students with adequate knowledge about the language so they can account for its use.
• To help the students develop their own studying strategies and vocabulary learning skills.
• To expose the students to as much authentic spoken and written language as possible.
• To raise awareness of cross-cultural differences and strengthen the students’ sense of identity.
The topics and structures to be dealt with in the language learning process will be those presented in the
text books used in the course, the reading material and specially designed booklets and study guides with
activities obeying to students’ interests.
• Articles
• Determiners
• Too/Enough
• Partitives
• Stative verbs
• Reported speech
• Introductory verbs
• Present Perfect
• Adjectives
• Adverbs
• Comparisons
• Modal verbs
UNIT 7: History
• Past forms
• Past modals
• The passive
• The causative
• Future forms
• Conditionals
• Mixed conditionals
• Wishes
• Relative clauses
• Question tags
• Interaction between students and teacher
• Interaction among students (pair work and group work – small /large)
• Communicative tasks
• Vocabulary development
• Reading and oral comprehension exercises: reordering jumbled texts, finding the suitable heading,
jigsaw reading, summarising, identifying the speakers, listening for specific information, creating the other
side of the conversation, retelling the story, etc.
• The writing process (generating ideas, organising , planning, writing, revising, editing)
• Extensive reading (novels, plays, magazine and newspaper articles, information downloaded from the
Internet, etc.)
• Written :
- PRÁCTICOS: Papers including different types of written exercises based on the contents dealt with in
- PARCIALES: Global assessment focusing on the use of English (listening reading and writing
activities), short stories and American and British culture.
At least 4 (four).
• Oral:
- PRÁCTICOS : Periodical interviews (in small groups) on the short stories/ books assigned for
a) Textbooks :
- Obee, Bob and Evans, Virginia, (2008). Upstream Upper Intermediate, (Units 1 –10) Express
b) Intensive Reading Material :
- Cultural Awareness: An Insight into American and British Identity and Culture.
- Culturally Responsive Reading in the Language Class. .( A selection of Short Stories with guided
language activities).
Short stories:
∗ The students will also see the corresponding film on this book.
d) Supplementary Material :
Other Sources :
e) Dictionaries :
- Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners
- Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary of Current English
- Webster’s New World Dictionary
- Longman’s Dictionary of Contemporary English
- Longman’s Lexicon of Contemporary English
- Longman’s Language Activator
- Longman’s Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs
- Longman’s Dictionary of Language and Culture
- NTC’s American Idiom Dictionary
- NTC’s Contemporary American Slang Dictionary
- NTC’s Common American Phrases in Everyday Contexts.
- Simon and Schuster, Diccionario Internacional Inglés-Español, Español-Inglés