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EE5310/EE3002: Analog Circuits Tutorial 3 Due On 18th Sep. 2014

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EE5310/EE3002: Analog Circuits

Tutorial 3 : PROBLEM SET 3

Due shanthi@ee.iitm.ac.in
on 18th Sep. 2014
Problem 1 5V

The MOSFET in Fig. 1 has VT = 0.7 V , and μn Cox =

500 μA/V 2 . The drain current in the device is 1 mA. 100μΑ 2K
C3 vout
5V 50K C1

3.3M 2K 1M
C3 vout vs 2K
50K C1

vs 1.7M 0.8K 2K
Figure 2: Problem 2

• The lowest frequency contained in vs is 100 rad/s. De-

Figure 1: Problem 1 termine the minimum values of C1 and C3 required so
that the natural frequencies associated with their charg-
ing/discharging is atleast 10 times smaller than the
• Determine the small signal gain from vs to vout .
smallest input frequency.
• Determine the (W/L) of the device and the quiescent • Determine the voltage swing limits at vout . What is the
VGS and VDS . approximate amplitude of the largest sinusoidal input
signal that can be applied before the output begins to
• The lowest frequency contained in vs is 100 rad/s. De- clip ?
termine the minimum values of C1 , C2 and C3 required
so that the natural frequencies associated with their • The supply voltage is changed to 5.5 V. Determine the
charging/discharging is atleast 10 times smaller than small signal gain of the amplifier. How does this com-
the smallest input frequency. pare with the results of Problem 1 ? Why ?

• Determine the voltage swing limits at vout . What is the • What is the small signal gain of the amplifier if (a)
amplitude of the largest sinusoidal input signal that can VT,M1 = 0.8 V ,VT,M2 = 0.7 V (b) VT,M1 = 0.7 V ,VT,M2 =
be applied before the output begins to clip ? 0.8 V and (c) VT,M1 = 0.8 V ,VT,M2 = 0.8 V ? How does
this compare with the results of Problem 1 ? Why ?
• The supply voltage is changed to 5.5 V. Determine the
small signal gain of the amplifier.
Problem 3
• Due to a change in temperature, VT increases by 100 mV.
What is the new small signal gain of the amplifier ? The MOSFETs in Fig. 3 have VT = 0.7 V , and μn Cox =
500 μA/V 2 . Like in Problem 1, the drain current in M2 is
1 mA, and has the same (W/L) as in that problem.
Problem 2 • Determine the small signal gain from vs to vout .
The MOSFETs in Fig. 2 have VT = 0.7 V , and μn Cox = • Determine the (W/L) of M1 and the quiescent VGS and
500 μA/V 2 . Like in Problem 1, the drain current in M2 is VDS .
1 mA, and has the same (W/L) as in that problem.
• The lowest frequency contained in vs is 100 rad/s. De-
• Determine the small signal gain from vs to vout . termine the minimum values of C1 and C3 required so
that the natural frequencies associated with their charg-
• Determine the (W/L) of M1 and the quiescent VGS and ing/discharging is atleast 10 times smaller than the
VDS . smallest input frequency.


100μΑ 2K
C3 vout
50K C1
M2 3.3M 2K
C3 vout
1M 50K C1
vs 2K
0.8K Cb

8K vs
C2 1.7M 0.8K 2K


Figure 4: Problem 4
Figure 3: Problem 3
• Based on the observations above, the student adds
• Determine the voltage swing limits at vout . What is the a huge capacitor Cb between the battery output and
amplitude of the largest sinusoidal input signal that can ground. Does this solve the problem(s) faced in part 3
be applied before the output begins to clip ? above? Why ?

• The supply voltage is changed to 5.5 V. Determine the

small signal gain of the amplifier. How does this com- Problem 5
pare with the results of Problem 1 & 2 ? Why ?
The MOSFET in Fig. 5 has VT = 0.7 V , and μn Cox =
• What is the small signal gain of the amplifier if (a) 500 μA/V 2 .
VT,M1 = 0.8 V ,VT,M2 = 0.7 V (b) VT,M1 = 0.7 V ,VT,M2 =
0.8 V and (c) VT,M1 = 0.8 V ,VT,M2 = 0.8 V ? How does 5V
this compare with the results of Problem 1 & 2 ? Why ?

3.3M 1 mA
Problem 4 VD 1.7 V
This problem illustrates the effects of battery internal re-
sistance on the small signal performance of an amplifier.
The MOSFETs in Fig. 4 have VT = 0.7 V , and μn Cox = VS
500 μA/V 2 . Like in Problem 1, the drain current in M2 is to 1.7M
be 1 mA. Rb represents the internal resistance of the battery.
To determine the operating point, neglect the drop across Rb
due to the current flowing through the gate-bias resistors. (W/L)=100
For the first three parts, set Cb = 0.
• For Rb = 0, determine the (W/L) of the FET and the Figure 5: Problem 5
quiescent VGS and VDS . Determine the small signal y-
• Reason through the circuit of Fig. 5 and figure out why
parameters of the two port enclosed in the box. What do
this makes sense.
you observe about y12 ? Why ? Is there any AC negative
feedback around M2 ? • Determine the signs on the opamp for negative feedback
• Repeat the above exercise for Rb = 500 Ω. Comment on
the results. • Determine the potentials at nodes VD and VS .
• To avoid degradation in performance due to the DC
drop across Rb , a student deliberately increases the bat-
tery voltage to 5.5 V, so that the device operating point
is identical to that in the first part of this problem. De-
termine the small signal y-parameters of the two port
enclosed in the box. What do you observe about y12 ?
Why ? Is there any AC negative feedback around M2 ?

7) In the circuit shown below, it is known that
both M1 & M2 operate in saturation. Further, k
and W/L for both transistors is the same. The
threshold voltage of M2 is slightly larger than
that of M1, by an amount ΔVT. Determine I2.
Assume ΔV1 V1.

Figure 7: Circuit for Problem 7

8) The small signal equivalent circuit of an

amplifier is shown below. M1 is assumed to be Figure 9: Circuit for Problem 9
in saturation, with transconductance gm and
output conductance go. Determine the Norton 10) The input to the amplifier shown below is a
equivalent looking in at A, as well as the sinusoid of amplitude A. Determine R1, R2, A,
Thevenin equivalent looking in at B. What Vdd and Vss in the circuit to achieve the
happens to these equivalents when gm ∞? following:
 There must be no quiescent current
flowing through the load and source.
 The incremental gain must be -4.
 The output sinewave must begin to just
begin to clip at both extremes.

Figure 8: Circuit for Problem 8

9) Determine the quiescent operating point and

small signal gain of the amplifier shown below.
What is the maximum permissible amplitude of
the sinewave input so that clipping of the
output is avoided?

Figure 10: Circuit for Problem 10

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