EE5310/EE3002: Analog Circuits Tutorial 3 Due On 18th Sep. 2014
EE5310/EE3002: Analog Circuits Tutorial 3 Due On 18th Sep. 2014
EE5310/EE3002: Analog Circuits Tutorial 3 Due On 18th Sep. 2014
3.3M 2K 1M
C3 vout vs 2K
50K C1
vs 1.7M 0.8K 2K
Figure 2: Problem 2
• Determine the voltage swing limits at vout . What is the • What is the small signal gain of the amplifier if (a)
amplitude of the largest sinusoidal input signal that can VT,M1 = 0.8 V ,VT,M2 = 0.7 V (b) VT,M1 = 0.7 V ,VT,M2 =
be applied before the output begins to clip ? 0.8 V and (c) VT,M1 = 0.8 V ,VT,M2 = 0.8 V ? How does
this compare with the results of Problem 1 ? Why ?
• The supply voltage is changed to 5.5 V. Determine the
small signal gain of the amplifier.
Problem 3
• Due to a change in temperature, VT increases by 100 mV.
What is the new small signal gain of the amplifier ? The MOSFETs in Fig. 3 have VT = 0.7 V , and μn Cox =
500 μA/V 2 . Like in Problem 1, the drain current in M2 is
1 mA, and has the same (W/L) as in that problem.
Problem 2 • Determine the small signal gain from vs to vout .
The MOSFETs in Fig. 2 have VT = 0.7 V , and μn Cox = • Determine the (W/L) of M1 and the quiescent VGS and
500 μA/V 2 . Like in Problem 1, the drain current in M2 is VDS .
1 mA, and has the same (W/L) as in that problem.
• The lowest frequency contained in vs is 100 rad/s. De-
• Determine the small signal gain from vs to vout . termine the minimum values of C1 and C3 required so
that the natural frequencies associated with their charg-
• Determine the (W/L) of M1 and the quiescent VGS and ing/discharging is atleast 10 times smaller than the
VDS . smallest input frequency.
100μΑ 2K
C3 vout
50K C1
M2 3.3M 2K
C3 vout
1M 50K C1
vs 2K
0.8K Cb
8K vs
C2 1.7M 0.8K 2K
Figure 4: Problem 4
Figure 3: Problem 3
• Based on the observations above, the student adds
• Determine the voltage swing limits at vout . What is the a huge capacitor Cb between the battery output and
amplitude of the largest sinusoidal input signal that can ground. Does this solve the problem(s) faced in part 3
be applied before the output begins to clip ? above? Why ?
3.3M 1 mA
Problem 4 VD 1.7 V
This problem illustrates the effects of battery internal re-
sistance on the small signal performance of an amplifier.
The MOSFETs in Fig. 4 have VT = 0.7 V , and μn Cox = VS
500 μA/V 2 . Like in Problem 1, the drain current in M2 is to 1.7M
be 1 mA. Rb represents the internal resistance of the battery.
To determine the operating point, neglect the drop across Rb
due to the current flowing through the gate-bias resistors. (W/L)=100
For the first three parts, set Cb = 0.
• For Rb = 0, determine the (W/L) of the FET and the Figure 5: Problem 5
quiescent VGS and VDS . Determine the small signal y-
• Reason through the circuit of Fig. 5 and figure out why
parameters of the two port enclosed in the box. What do
this makes sense.
you observe about y12 ? Why ? Is there any AC negative
feedback around M2 ? • Determine the signs on the opamp for negative feedback
• Repeat the above exercise for Rb = 500 Ω. Comment on
the results. • Determine the potentials at nodes VD and VS .
• To avoid degradation in performance due to the DC
drop across Rb , a student deliberately increases the bat-
tery voltage to 5.5 V, so that the device operating point
is identical to that in the first part of this problem. De-
termine the small signal y-parameters of the two port
enclosed in the box. What do you observe about y12 ?
Why ? Is there any AC negative feedback around M2 ?
7) In the circuit shown below, it is known that
both M1 & M2 operate in saturation. Further, k
and W/L for both transistors is the same. The
threshold voltage of M2 is slightly larger than
that of M1, by an amount ΔVT. Determine I2.
Assume ΔV1 V1.