Low Node Density
Low Node Density
Low Node Density
Changed by: Personnel on: 23.03.2018 at: 10:16:05
Important hint: At least one warning has occurred during the calculation:
2-> For shaft with internal diameter the notch factors are not available.
None of the known calculation methods produces reliable data. It is proposed to
use the data for the full shaft and to judge the results conservatively.
Input data
Label input
Initial position (mm) 0.000
Length (mm) 241.800
Speed (1/min) 2400.00
Sense of rotation: clockwise
Material 20 MnCr 5
Young's modulus (N/mm²) 206000.000
Poisson's ratio nu 0.300
Density (kg/m³) 7830.000
Coefficient of thermal expansion (10^-6/K) 11.500
Temperature (°C) 20.000
Weight of shaft (kg) 0.935
(Notice: Weight stands for the shaft only without considering the gears)
Weight of shaft, including additional masses (kg) 1.020
Mass moment of inertia (kg*mm²) 222.103
Momentum of mass GD2 (Nm²) 0.009
Label Shaft 2
Initial position (mm) 213.300
Length (mm) 20.000
Speed (1/min) 2400.00
Sense of rotation: clockwise
Material C45 (1)
Young's modulus (N/mm²) 206000.000
Poisson's ratio nu 0.300
Density (kg/m³) 7830.000
Coefficient of thermal expansion (10^-6/K) 11.500
Temperature (°C) 20.000
Weight of shaft (kg) 0.077
(Notice: Weight stands for the shaft only without considering the gears)
Weight of shaft, including additional masses (kg) 0.077
Mass moment of inertia (kg*mm²) 6.006
Momentum of mass GD2 (Nm²) 0.000
Outer contour
Surface roughness (µm) [Rz] 8.0000
Cylinder (Cylinder) 183.800mm ... 186.800mm
Diameter (mm) [d] 30.0000
Length (mm) [l] 3.0000
Surface roughness (µm) [Rz] 8.0000
Taper (Cone) 229.450mm ... 230.450mm
Diameter left (mm) [dl] 42.2000
Diameter right (mm) [dr] 39.0000
Length (mm) [l] 1.0000
Surface roughness (µm) [Rz] 8.0000
Inner contour
Position in global system (mm) [yglobal] 218.5000
Operating pitch diameter (mm) 56.0000
Helix angle (°) 29.9274 left
Working pressure angle at normal section (°) 18.9103
Position of contact (°) 20.0000
Length of load application (mm) 21.6500
Power (kW) 45.2389 driving (Output)
Torque (Nm) -180.0000
Axial force (N) -3700.6875
Shearing force X (N) -4586.5802
Shearing force Z (N) 5171.7642
Bending moment X (Nm) 35.4399
Bending moment Z (Nm) -97.3702
Outer contour
Shaft 'input': The mass of the following element is taken into account (y= 207.7375 (mm)): Cylindrical gear 'Cylindrical gear'
m (yS= 207.7375 (mm)): 0.0011 (kg)
Jp: 0.0000 (kg*m²), Jxx: 0.0000 (kg*m²), Jzz: 0.0000 (kg*m²)
Shaft 'input': The mass of the following element is taken into account (y= 210.5500 (mm)): Cylindrical gear 'Cylindrical gear'
m (yS= 210.5500 (mm)): 0.0215 (kg)
Jp: 0.0000 (kg*m²), Jxx: 0.0000 (kg*m²), Jzz: 0.0000 (kg*m²)
Shaft 'input': The mass of the following element is taken into account (y= 221.3125 (mm)): Cylindrical gear 'Cylindrical gear'
m (yS= 221.3125 (mm)): 0.0627 (kg)
Jp: 0.0000 (kg*m²), Jxx: 0.0000 (kg*m²), Jzz: 0.0000 (kg*m²)
Shaft 'Shaft 2' Bearing 'Support'
Position (Y-coordinate) [y] 15.00 mm
Bearing reaction force [Fx] 3.949 kN
Bearing reaction force [Fy] 3.567 kN
Bearing reaction force [Fz] -5.096 kN
Bearing reaction force [Fr] 6.447 kN (-52.23°)
Displacement of bearing [ux] 0.000 µm
Displacement of bearing [uy] 0.000 µm
Displacement of bearing [uz] 0.000 µm
Displacement of bearing [ur] 0.000 µm
Misalignment of bearing [rx] -0.245 mrad (-0.84')
Misalignment of bearing [ry] -21.534 mrad (-74.03')
Misalignment of bearing [rz] -2.004 mrad (-6.89')
Misalignment of bearing [rr] 2.019 mrad (6.94')
Figure: Deformation (bending etc.) (Arbitrary plane 173.7051626 120)
Strength calculation according to DIN 743:2012
Material 20 MnCr 5
Material type Case-carburized steel
Material treatment case-hardened
Surface treatment No
Cross section Kfb Kfs K2d SD SS SA
A-A 1.00 0.87 0.95 1.20 1.01 5.64
B-B 1.00 0.87 0.93 2.87 2.57 12.73
C-C 1.00 0.87 0.93 2.95 2.79 12.24
D-D 1.00 0.87 0.93 2.50 2.57 10.39
E-E 1.00 0.87 0.90 5.65 6.07 23.65
F-F 1.00 0.87 0.90 4.47 4.89 18.69
G-G 1.00 0.87 0.87 35.39 37.57 133.81
Kfb: Notch factor bending
Kfσ: Surface factor
K2d: size factor bending
SD: Safety endurance limit
SS: Safety against yield point
SA: Safety against incipient crack
E-E 19.781 21.224
F-F 24.542 26.829
G-G 3.194 3.390
Utilization = Smin/S (%)
Figure: Strength
Calculation details
General statements
Label input
Length (mm) [l] 241.80
Speed (1/min) [n] 2400.00
Material 20 MnCr 5
Material type Case-carburized steel
Material treatment case-hardened
Surface treatment No
Material data calculated according DIN743/3 with K1(d)
Material strength calculated from size of raw material
Geometric size factor K1d calculated from raw material diameter
[σBeff] (N/mm²) 936.17
[σSeff] (N/mm²) 663.12
[σbF] (N/mm²) 663.12
[τtF] (N/mm²) 382.85
[σBRand] (N/mm²) 2180.00
Stresses: (N/mm²)
[σzdm, σbm, τm, τqm] (N/mm²) -0.332 0.000 111.906 0.000
[σzda, σba, τa, τqa] (N/mm²) 0.332 7.897 111.906 4.249
[σzdmax,σbmax,τmax,τqmax] (N/mm²) -1.130 13.424 380.480 7.223
Influence coefficient of mean stress sensitivity.
[ψσK] 0.210 0.261 0.152
Permissible amplitude (N/mm²) [σADK] 1.135 25.959 191.426
Safety against fatigue [S] 1.197
Required safety against fatigue [Smin] 1.200
Result (%) [S/Smin] 99.7
Present safety
for proof against exceed of yield point:
Static notch sensitivity factor [K2F] 1.000 1.000 1.000
Increase coefficient [γF] 1.000 1.000 1.000
Yield stress of part (N/mm²) [σFK] 663.119 663.119 382.852
Safety yield stress [S] 1.006
Required safety [Smin] 1.200
Result (%) [S/Smin] 83.8
Present safety
for proof of avoiding incipient crack on hard surface layers:
Safety against incipient crack [S] 5.638
Required safety [Smin] 1.200
Result (%) [S/Smin] 469.8
Stresses: (N/mm²)
[σzdm, σbm, τm, τqm] (N/mm²) -0.176 0.000 43.047 0.000
[σzda, σba, τa, τqa] (N/mm²) 0.176 27.556 43.047 2.248
[σzdmax,σbmax,τmax,τqmax] (N/mm²) -0.597 46.845 146.360 3.821
Total influence coefficient [K] 1.154 1.231 1.160
Present safety
for proof against exceed of yield point:
Static notch sensitivity factor [K2F] 1.000 1.000 1.000
Increase coefficient [γF] 1.000 1.000 1.000
Yield stress of part (N/mm²) [σFK] 663.119 663.119 382.852
Safety yield stress [S] 2.573
Required safety [Smin] 1.200
Result (%) [S/Smin] 214.4
Present safety
for proof of avoiding incipient crack on hard surface layers:
Safety against incipient crack [S] 12.726
Required safety [Smin] 1.200
Result (%) [S/Smin] 1060.5
Stresses: (N/mm²)
[σzdm, σbm, τm, τqm] (N/mm²) -0.161 0.000 37.673 0.000
[σzda, σba, τa, τqa] (N/mm²) 0.161 50.943 37.673 2.057
[σzdmax,σbmax,τmax,τqmax] (N/mm²) -0.547 86.604 128.088 3.497
Tension/Compression Bending Torsion
Present safety
for proof against exceed of yield point:
Static notch sensitivity factor [K2F] 1.000 1.000 1.000
Increase coefficient [γF] 1.000 1.000 1.000
Yield stress of part (N/mm²) [σFK] 663.119 663.119 382.852
Safety yield stress [S] 2.787
Required safety [Smin] 1.200
Result (%) [S/Smin] 232.2
Present safety
for proof of avoiding incipient crack on hard surface layers:
Safety against incipient crack [S] 12.237
Required safety [Smin] 1.200
Result (%) [S/Smin] 1019.7
Stresses: (N/mm²)
[σzdm, σbm, τm, τqm] (N/mm²) -0.161 0.000 37.673 0.000
[σzda, σba, τa, τqa] (N/mm²) 0.161 77.778 37.673 2.058
[σzdmax,σbmax,τmax,τqmax] (N/mm²) -0.547 132.222 128.088 3.498
Present safety
for proof against exceed of yield point:
Static notch sensitivity factor [K2F] 1.000 1.000 1.000
Increase coefficient [γF] 1.000 1.000 1.000
Yield stress of part (N/mm²) [σFK] 663.119 663.119 382.852
Safety yield stress [S] 2.570
Required safety [Smin] 1.200
Result (%) [S/Smin] 214.2
Present safety
for proof of avoiding incipient crack on hard surface layers:
Safety against incipient crack [S] 10.388
Required safety [Smin] 1.200
Result (%) [S/Smin] 865.7
Amplitude [Fzda, Mba, Ta, Fqa] 66.8 112.1 90.0 641.3
Maximum value [Fzdmax, Mbmax, Tmax, Fqmax] -227.1 190.6 306.0 1090.2
Cross section, moment of resistance: (mm²)
[A, Wb, Wt, A] 614.2 2980.6 5961.2 614.2
Stresses: (N/mm²)
[σzdm, σbm, τm, τqm] (N/mm²) -0.109 0.000 15.098 0.000
[σzda, σba, τa, τqa] (N/mm²) 0.109 37.624 15.098 1.930
[σzdmax,σbmax,τmax,τqmax] (N/mm²) -0.370 63.960 51.332 3.281
Present safety
for proof against exceed of yield point:
Static notch sensitivity factor [K2F] 1.000 1.000 1.000
Increase coefficient [γF] 1.000 1.000 1.000
Yield stress of part (N/mm²) [σFK] 663.119 663.119 382.852
Safety yield stress [S] 6.066
Required safety [Smin] 1.200
Result (%) [S/Smin] 505.5
Present safety
for proof of avoiding incipient crack on hard surface layers:
Safety against incipient crack [S] 23.650
Required safety [Smin] 1.200
Result (%) [S/Smin] 1970.9
Inner diameter (mm) [di] 22.000
Notch effect Smooth shaft
Mean roughness (µm) [Rz] 8.000
Stresses: (N/mm²)
[σzdm, σbm, τm, τqm] (N/mm²) -0.158 0.000 18.012 0.000
[σzda, σba, τa, τqa] (N/mm²) 0.158 50.021 18.012 2.958
[σzdmax,σbmax,τmax,τqmax] (N/mm²) -0.536 85.036 61.242 5.028
Present safety
for proof against exceed of yield point:
Static notch sensitivity factor [K2F] 1.000 1.000 1.000
Increase coefficient [γF] 1.000 1.000 1.000
Yield stress of part (N/mm²) [σFK] 663.119 663.119 382.852
Safety yield stress [S] 4.890
Required safety [Smin] 1.200
Result (%) [S/Smin] 407.5
Present safety
for proof of avoiding incipient crack on hard surface layers:
Safety against incipient crack [S] 18.688
Required safety [Smin] 1.200
Result (%) [S/Smin] 1557.3
Cross section 'G-G' Smooth shaft
Position (Y-Coordinate) (mm) [y] 220.000
External diameter (mm) [da] 50.000
Inner diameter (mm) [di] 31.200
Notch effect Smooth shaft
Mean roughness (µm) [Rz] 8.000
Stresses: (N/mm²)
[σzdm, σbm, τm, τqm] (N/mm²) 0.823 0.000 1.862 0.000
[σzda, σba, τa, τqa] (N/mm²) 0.823 6.491 1.862 5.615
[σzdmax,σbmax,τmax,τqmax] (N/mm²) 2.798 11.035 6.330 9.545
Present safety
for proof against exceed of yield point:
Static notch sensitivity factor [K2F] 1.000 1.000 1.000
Increase coefficient [γF] 1.000 1.000 1.000
Yield stress of part (N/mm²) [σFK] 663.119 663.119 382.852
Safety yield stress [S] 37.570
Required safety [Smin] 1.200
Result (%) [S/Smin] 3130.8
Present safety
for proof of avoiding incipient crack on hard surface layers:
Safety against incipient crack [S] 133.809
Required safety [Smin] 1.200
Result (%) [S/Smin] 11150.7
- The shearing force is not considered in the analysis specified in DIN 743.
- Cross section with interference fit:
The notching factor for the light fit case is no longer defined in DIN 743.
The values are imported from the FKM-Guideline..