Load Torque Motor
Load Torque Motor
Load Torque Motor
Motor torque,
load torque and
2 selection of
specially designed rotors, however, to achieve a high Tr Tr
starting torque sometimes the pull-out torque Tpo Tpo = Tst
may not be available on the speed–torque curve. It
is possible that in such cases the Tst may be the
highest torque developed by the motor in the entire
speed range (Figure 2.2).
Tr = rated or the full-load torque and should occur as
near to the synchronous speed as possible to reduce S
slip losses. Speed Nr
S = rated slip at which occur the rated torque and current.
Figure 2.2 Tst too high to have Tpo on the speed–torque curve
2.2 NEMA rotor designs
As a further step towards standardization and to achieve
more harmony in motor sizes and designs, for better NEMA,* in its publication MG-1 for Induction Motors,
interchangeability in the motors produced by different has prescribed four rotor designs, A, B, C, and D, covering
manufacturers, in the same country or by other countries, almost all sizes of LV motors, to possess a prescribed
minimum Tst, Tpo and pull-up torques. These torques are
generally as drawn in Figure 2.3 to meet all normal
industrial, agricultural or domestic needs. (Refer to the
said publication or IEC 60034-12 for values of these
torques. IEC 60034-12 has also provided similar
However, motor manufacturers may adopt more flexible
designs with more reserve capacity and better speed–
Tpo torque characteristics to suit the requirements of a
particular sector. These are particularly for installations
where the distribution system may have wider voltage
fluctuations or the load itself may have varying load
Tst demands. It is possible that the same motor may have to
Tm drive more than one type of loads at different times. An
agricultural pump motor may be one such application
where it may also have to drive a thrasher or a winnower
at different times. A motor with higher flexibility would
be more desirable for such applications.
Figure 2.1 Defining a motor torque *NEMA – National Electrical Manufacturers’ Association, USA.
2/44 Electrical Power Engineering Reference & Applications Handbook
% Speed and the rotor current is carried into two parallel paths
0 20 40 60 80 100 made of these two cages, having a low effective resistance,
280 being in parallel. In such designs, therefore, the speed–
260 torque curve can be achieved to take any desired shape
by suitably choosing the resistances of the two cages, the
D width of the slot opening and the depth of the inner cage.
220 sig The equivalent circuit diagram of a motor with a single
200 De and a double cage rotor is illustrated in Figure 2.4(a) and
s ign
C (b) respectively. To draw the speed–torque curve for such
a motor theoretically, consider the two cages developing
160 nB two different torques separately. The effective torque will
De be the summation of these two, as shown in Figure 2.5.
% Torque
100 1 The inner and outer cages are separated by a narrow slit to
facilitate linking of the main flux with the inner bars which are
quite deep.
60 2 MV motors are also manufactured with double cage rotors.
They are designed especially to match a particular load
40 requirement when the load characteristics are known, or as in
20 NEMA class C, or as the manufacturer’s own practice, when
the starting torque requirement exceeds 150% of the full-load
0 torque (FLT). The likely applications for a high starting torque
100 80 60 40 20 0 may be induced-draught fans, blowers, coal crushers, mill
% Slip motors and coal conveyor motors.
3 Generally, depending upon the type of load, different
Figure 2.3 Speed–torque characteristics of motors as per manufacturers may adopt to different design practices, such as
NEMA standard high Tst and low thermal withstand time or moderate Tst and
high thermal withstand time.
lative torq
ue c
Outer ca
ge high R b
Speed Nr
of stator and rotor slots in practice, are given in Table Ist2 For T
For T
Ist1 st1
Table 2.1 Typical angles of skew for cage rotors
Number Number Number Skew angle
of poles of stator of rotor (degrees)
slots slots
4 Ï 24 18 20
Ì 36 28 13 to 14
6 36 33 11 to 14 S
Slip Nr
2.4 Effect of starting current on torque
Figure 2.8 Starting (locked rotor) currents corresponding to
Ignoring the friction and core losses, the torque developed different starting torques
in synchronous watts,
Tr = 3 ◊ I rr2 ◊ R2 ◊ 1 – S corroborating this statement.) The Tst and Ist are, therefore,
S a matter of compromise to achieve a good Tpo, a better
power factor and a lower slip. Figure 2.9 shows for
I rr2 ◊ R2 different starting torques the corresponding pull-out
or 3◊
S torques and their occurrence of slip, maintaining the same
full-load slip.
I rr2 ◊ R2
i.e. Tr µ (2.1)
Since the stator current is a function of the rotor current,
the motor torque is proportional to the square of the
stator current. Generalizing,
2 Tpo1
Tst ÊI ˆ
= Á st ˜ ◊ S (slip at start = 1) (2.2)
Tr Ë Ir ¯ Tpo3 Tpo2
2 Tst3
Tst1 ÊI ˆ
= Á st1 ˜ (for the same rotor resistance R2) Tst2
Tst2 Ë I st2 ¯
Tst1 ÊI ˆ R2
or = Á st1 ˜ ◊
(for different rotor resistances)
Tst2 Ë I st2 ¯ R2¢
Analyzing Equation (2.2), the higher the starting torque,
the higher will be the starting current for the same motor Tr
parameters (Figure 2.8). An attempt to keep the starting
current low and yet achieve a higher starting torque may S
be feasible, but only up to a certain extent, by suitably S3 S2 S1
redesigning the rotor with a higher resistance (Equation Speed Nr
(2.1)). However, the results of such an attempt may Slip
adversely affect the other performance of the motor. For Tst3 > Tst2 > Tst1
example, the Tpo will be reduced due to a higher rotor Tpo1 > Tpo2 > Tpo3
resistance and may occur at a higher slip, even if the S3 > S 2 > S1
full-load slip is the same. The increased slot leakage,
due to the skin effect, will also diminish the full-load
power factor. (See the circle diagram, Figure 1.16, Figure 2.9 Effect of starting torque on Tpo and slip
Motor torque, load torque and selection of motors 2/47
Serial Load Characteristics of Starting torque Opposing torque with Figure no.
no. load speed
1 Presses, punches, latches – Light duty 20–30% Torque remains constant 2.10
and drilling machines and at a very low value,
since the load is applied
when the motor has run to
2 Fans, blowers, centrifugal The power is Medium duty 10–40% Torque rises with square of 2.11
pumps and compressors proportional to the the speed (T µ N2)
third power of the
speed (P µ N3)
3 Rolling mills, ball mills, The power is Heavy duty 30–40%. Near full-load torque 2.12
hammer mills, calendar proportional to the May be more and have to
drives and sugar square of the speed accelerate large masses
centrifuges (P µ N2) of heavy moment of
inertia, requiring a
prolonged time of start-up
4 Conveyors and hoists The power is Heavy duty 100–110% Torque remains constant 2.13
proportional to the throughout the speed range
speed (P µ N) and at almost the full-load
2/48 Electrical Power Engineering Reference & Applications Handbook
M = mass and
GDT2 ◊ N r g · M = W (weight in kg)
ts = (2.5)
375 ◊ Ta K = radius of gyration in m
where Ta = average accelerating torque in mkg (Figure 2.14),
ts = time of start-up in seconds i.e. average (Tst – TL) in mkg
TL = opposing torque (load torque)
GDT2 = total weight moment of inertia of all the rotating
masses, referred to the motor speed in kg.m2
GD L2 at motor speed
= GDM2 + GDL2
(GDM2 is motor and GDL2 is load weight moment If the load is driven through belts or gears at a speed
of inertia referred to the motor speed) different from that of the motor, the effective value of
GD2 of the load, as referred to the motor speed, will be
where different. Equating the work done at the two speeds:
GD2 = 4 · g · M · K2
g = 9.81 m/s2 GDL2 ◊ N r2 = GD12 ◊ N L2
100 100
Load torque
80 80
% Torque
% Torque
60 60
40 40
L o ad t o
20 20
0 0
% Speed % Speed
Figure 2.10 Light duty Figure 2.12 Heavy-duty start
80 100
1. Load torq
% Torque
e qu
% Torque
rq Po
40 to 2.
1. 40
rr 20
0 0
% Speed % Speed
1. Torque µ (speed)2 1. Torque constant
2. Power µ (speed)3 2. Power µ speed
3 also H = W ·d · q (2.8)
or q= H ∞C
W = weight of heated portion in kg
2 d = specific heat of the material of windings, in watt · s/
15–20% of Tr q = temperature rise in ∞C (Table 11.1)
cage motors, manufactured with a judicious design of
stator and rotor resistances, an efficient means of heat
dissipation and a proper choice of active material. The 100%
heat generated during a no-load start-up can be expressed Motor torque on Y
Ta on Y
◊ N r2 Load curve
H nl = W·s (2.10)
This expression, except for the mechanical design, is
Speed Nr
totally independent of the type of start and the electrical
design of the motor. Electrically also, this is demonstrated
in the subsequent example. The expression, however, Figure 2.15 Variation in Ta with Y / D switching
does not hold good for an ON-LOAD start. On load, the
accelerating torque diminishes substantially with the type
of load and the method of start, as can be seen from
Figure 2.14, and so diminishes the denominator of starting heat. Care should therefore be taken when selecting
Equation (2.5), raising the time of start. a motor for a particular type of switching and magnitude
of the opposing torque. This is to avert possible damage
Example 2.3 to the motor due to prolonged starting time, as a
A squirrel cage motor is started through an auto-transformer consequence of an inadequate accelerating torque.
starter with a tapping of 40%. Compare the starting heat with Maintaining a minimum accelerating torque at each
a DOL starting when the motor shaft is free. point, during the pick-up may also not be adequate
With DOL Ta = 100%
sometimes. In which case the starting time may exceed
the locked rotor or thermal withstand time of the motor,
With an auto-transformer Ta = (0.4)2 or 16%
as discussed below.
Starting time with DOL, t s = ¥ r
375 Ta 2.8 Thermal withstand time
GD M2 Nr
and with auto-transformer, t s1 = ¥ This is also known as safe stall time or the locked rotor
375 0.16T a
withstand capacity of the motor. This is the time during
i.e. 6.25 times of DOL which the motor can safely withstand electromagnetic
effects and consequent heating in a locked condition.
Since the heat during start-up µ (I st)2 · t These are drawn for the cold and hot conditions of the
motor in Figure 2.16. Evidently, the motor must come to
\ Heat during start on a DOL µ (I st)2 · ts
speed within this time, irrespective of type of load or
and on an auto-transformer µ (0.4I st)2 · ts1 method of switching. In a reduced voltage start-up or
slip-ring motors the starting current would be low and
or µ 0.16(I st)2 ¥ 6.25ts these curves would signify that for any reason if the
rotor becomes locked during start or run, or takes a
i.e. µ (I st)2 · ts prolonged time to come up to speed, the protective device
Thus at no-load, irrespective of the motor torque and the type must operate within the safe stall time. Generally, these
of switching, the starting heat would remain the same. curves are drawn for the stator to monitor the actual
running condition and not the condition during start-up.
2.7.3 Heating during an on-load start-up The rotor can withstand much higher temperatures during
a run. With the help of these curves, knowing the starting
Against an opposing torque, the accelerating torque of time and the starting current of the motor, one can ascertain
the motor, which hitherto had varied in proportion to the the number of starts and stops the motor would be capable
type of switching, will now diminish disproportionately of undertaking. These curves also help in the selection of
with a switching other than DOL (Figure 2.15). The the protective relays and their setting as discussed in
starting time rises disproportionately and so does the Chapter 12.
Motor torque, load torque and selection of motors 2/51
\ t st = q ◊ C = q 2◊ W ◊ d
A – Maximum withstand time under hot condition (on DOL)
B – Maximum withstand time under cold condition (on DOL) H st I st ◊ R
C – Maximum withstand time under hot condition during Y
D – Maximum withstand time under cold condition during Y
q ◊ ( L mt ◊ Z s ◊ Acu ◊ d ) ◊ d
Figure 2.16 Thermal withstand curves I st2 ◊ R
r ◊ L mt ◊ Z s
where R =
2.8.1 Heating phenomenon in a motor during a and r = r40(1 + µ h)
stalled condition
where µ = temperature coefficient of resistivity
(a) For the stator 1 ∞C
Stalling is a condition in which the rotor becomes locked
due to excessive load torque or opposing torque. Stalling r40 = resistivity of copper at 40∞C
is thus a replica of a locked rotor condition and can h is known as the middle temperature during the entire temperature
variation in the locked rotor condition.
occur at any speed below the Tpo region, as illustrated in
Figure 2.17. The figure also shows that the stator current
during stalling will generally correspond to Ist only, due Ist Motor current
to the characteristic of the motor speed–current curve.
Whenever the rotor becomes locked in a region that almost
corresponds to the Ist region of the motor (Figure 2.17) it
will mean a stalling condition. Tpo
In such a condition, if the heat generated in the windings
raises the temperature of the windings by q above the Motor torque at Vr
temperature, the motor was operating just before stalling.
Current Ir
Then by a differential form of the heat equation:
Starting torque
Hst · tst = q · C (2.11) at reduced voltage
\ q = 185 – (40 + 80) The period after which this can be repeated will depend upon
= 65∞C for hot conditions the heating curve and the thermal time constant of the motor,
i.e. the time the motor will take to reach thermal equilibrium
and q = 185 – 40 after repeated starts (see Chapter 3).
Mo 130
125 tor
torq 115.2 120
120 ue at ra
ted vol ta ge
% Torque
110 110
100 100
0.96Tr Curve-2
tor t 83.2 85
orq ue at 80% voltage
75 80
70.4 70
que 60
r tor
50 presso 50
Calculate the starting time and consecutive cold and hot starts Ê ˆ
for which the motor will be suitable with a DOL starting. (e) Total GD T2 at motor speed = 30 + (4 ¥ 9.81 ¥ 2.5) Á 4500 ˜
Ë 1485 ¯
Solution where [GD L2 = 4 ◊ g ◊ MK 2 ] (at the compressor speed)
To determine the exact accelerating torque, measure the
ordinates of torque as shown at different speeds and calculate
i.e. GD T2 = 30 + 901
the average torque as follows:
(a) Average load torque = 931 kgm2
931 ¥ 1485
T L = 35 + 40 + 50 + 60 + 70 + 80 + 85 + 95 + 100 (f) Stating time t s =
375 ¥ 146.9
= 25.1 seconds
= 615
9 Take roughly 10% more to account for any tolerance and
= 68.33% variations,
(b) Average motor torque \ ts = 25.1 ¥ 1.1
150 + 120 + 110 + 110 + 130 + 170 + 180 + 120 + 100 27.6 seconds
9 This motor is therefore suitable for only one cold or one
hot start at a time until the temperature rise stabilizes
= 1190 again.
If this motor is started with an auto-transformer with a
132.2% tapping of 80%, the motor average torque will be
(c) \ Average accelerating torque = 132.2 ¥ 0.64 (curve 2, Figure 2.18)
Ta = 132.2 – 68.33
or T = 84.6%
= 63.87%
and accelerating torque Ta = 84.6 – 68.33
(d) Motor rated torque
= 16.27%
T r = 350 ¥ 974 i.e. 230 ¥ 0.1627 = 37.42 mkg.
230 mkg 931 ¥ 1485
and ts =
375 ¥ 37.42
\Ta = 230 ¥ 0.6387
= 98.52 seconds
= 146.9 mkg which is much more than the safe stall-withstand time.
2/54 Electrical Power Engineering Reference & Applications Handbook
Inference Note
On an ON-LOAD start, the starting time increases Friction braking may be employed for all sizes of drives, either as
disproportionately, depending upon the type of switching. This the only braking means as noted below, or as a supplementary
load therefore cannot be accelerated within a safe stall time safety means to keep the drive locked stationary when required.
through an auto-transformer, even with a tapping as high as
80% although the motor possesses some accelerating torque 1 AC solenoid brakes These are employed for small
at each point during pick-up (curve 2 of Figure 2.18). motors, say, up to 15–20 h.p. They are suitable for
applications such as conveyors, hoists, cranes, machine
tools, lock gates and dumb waiters (Figure 2.19).
2.9 Braking The brakes are spring loaded and mounted on two
mechanically opposing brake shoes. They grip a brake
Braking results in heating, irrespective of the method drum or disc, coupled rigidly at the NDE of the motor
used. When the braking is external, the heat will appear shaft. The brakes are applied mechanically and released
in the external circuit and the motor windings will remain electrically. The braking action takes place by
unaffected. But when it is internal, the entire braking deenergizing the spring. The brakes are normally
heat will be generated within the motor windings. Due applied in the OFF position for reasons of safety in
consideration of this must be made when selecting the the event of a power failure. They are released only
motor rating, particularly when the loads are heavy and when the solenoid is energized.
the braking frequent. An analogue to the starting time 2 Electromagnetic shoe-brakes These are similar to the
gives the braking time tb as above, but are used for still higher motor ratings, say,
5–800 h.p. (Figure 2.20.) In this case instead of a
GDT2 ◊ N solenoid coil, an electromagnetic coil is employed.
tb = seconds (s) (2.13)
375 ◊ Tb This releases the brakes and develops a torque at
least equal to the motor torque, to brake or hold the
where full load. In this case also, the brakes are applied on
N = Nr – Nr1, i.e. speed reduction in r.p.m. the motor shaft when the holding coil (electromagnet)
Tb = braking torque in mkg is de-energized and is released only when the
electromagnet is energized to make it safe against
An analogue to starting heat (Equation (2.10)) gives the failure. Possible applications include cranes, hoists,
braking heat Hb as elevators, conveyors, machine tools, rolling mills and
ball mills, etc. and also holding of loads in conveyors,
GDT2 hoists and elevators, etc.
Hb = ◊ ( N r2 – N r12 ) watt-seconds (W · s) (2.14)
The wider the speed range of braking, the greater will be (i) In both the above types of braking systems, a hand-operated
the heat generated. device is also provided, to release the mechanical brakes in
applications such as lifts, elevators, cranes, and winders. This
lowers the load to the ground loading station or the desired
2.9.1 Types of braking
There are several methods of braking, external or internal,
and they are briefly discussed below. Any of them can be
employed, depending upon the torque requirement, i.e.
size of motor, its speed, the type of load, etc.
1 Solenoid-operated brakes,
2 Electro-magnetically operated brakes, or
3 Magnetic particle brakes.
Strength of brakes
The brakes should be suitable to counter at least the
torque developed by the motor. They must therefore
develop at least this amount of torque. To find the least Figure 2.21(b) Cross-section of a typical magnetic particle
braking torque, the brake drums must be able to develop, brake
2/56 Electrical Power Engineering Reference & Applications Handbook
k 2 ◊ Tst
R3 where
idc = braking current
R1 > R2 > R3
Ist(ph) = phase value of the starting current
I st
= (for a delta-connected stator or rotor)
k1 = factor to determine the equivalent ampere
turns for a particular configuration, as
0 25 50 75 100
% Speed
indicated in Figure 2.23. To avoid over-
heating and excessive electromagnetic forces,
idc is normally not allowed to exceed Ist(ph)
Figure 2.22 Typical braking torque curves for a wound rotor T = average load torque between the running
for different external resistances but same excitation current speed and the final speed (Figure 2.25)
Motor torque, load torque and selection of motors 2/57
Tb = average braking torque between the running the rated voltage, and slip as 2S, for the changed
speed and the final speed (Figure 2.25). This magnetic field. With these changed parameters, the
will depend upon the braking duty the motor is current and torque curves can be approximately
required to perform such as the final speed, Nr1 determined from Equations (1.7a) and (1.3a)
(which we have considered as zero in Figure respectively, for high slip conditions.
2.25), and the duration within which the motor Current and voltage will both give a transitory kick
must brake to this speed from Nr. This can be at the instant of plugging, depending upon the effective
determined from Equation (2.13) voltage across the windings, under the influence of
Tex = braking torque of the external brakes, if provided the motor’s self-induced e.m.f. and the applied voltage.
otherwise it may be considered to be zero The transitory state will last only a few cycles and
Tst = locked rotor (starting) torque of the motor then the curves will generally take the shape as in the
k2 = a factor to account for the average braking torque. equations noted above and illustrated in Figure 2.26.
This may be considered to be 1.3–1.7 (consult Generally, except for the initial kick, there will be no
the manufacturer for a more accurate value) significant variation in the current and torque values
In addition to electrical braking, a mechanical brake, compared to their starting values at S = 1. These
as discussed in Section 2.9.1(A) may also be essential values can be varied in slip-ring motors by altering
if the motor is required to be stopped completely the rotor’s circuit resistance. During plugging, if the
because, at any value of excitation current, the motor supply is not switched OFF at the instant of reaching
will never reach a standstill condition. The heat of the standstill position, the motor will start rotating in
braking up to the standstill condition (Nr1= 0) is roughly the reverse direction, tracing the same speed–torque
equal to one start and is expressed by Equation (2.14). and speed–current curves as in the forward direction.
But a reverse direction may damage the driven load.
2 Plugging By changing any two of the phases the motor Precautions are essential to prevent such a situation
will develop a torque in the reverse direction and by providing an electrical interlocking and/or a reverse
provide the necessary braking. The voltage across ratchet arrangement in the load coupling.
the windings at the instant of plugging becomes twice The windings may, however, be subject up to twice
the rated voltage and must be suitable to withstand
this voltage repeatedly when necessary. The heat
generated during braking will be roughly three times
R the heat generated during start-up as determined below:
c ur v
Motor running torque
) curve
Load torque (T
Nr1 = 0 Ns
Mechanical or electrical
C1 C2
interlocking or both
Motor braking torq
ue (T
b ) cu
M Total braking torque at point A = T + Tb
Figure 2.24 Obtaining d.c. voltage through a bridge rectifier Figure 2.25 Braking torque during d.c. electric braking
2/58 Electrical Power Engineering Reference & Applications Handbook
Motor c
I st I st
r tor
Motor torque (T ) Moto
T st b T st
ue (T )
Tb Load torq
200% 100% Nr0
T Slip
Load torqu
e (T )
Figure 2.26 Approximate motor torque and current characteristic curves during plugging
Rotor losses per phase W = I rr2 ◊ R2 than the former. Figure 2.26 illustrates this. But in view of the
high current during plugging the ratio of heat as noted above is
I rr2 ◊ R2 a near approximation.
Rotor torque per phase T =
3 Regenerative braking If the motor be run beyond
synchronous speed by some external means it will
\ Rotor loss per unit torque W = S work as a generator and feed back useful energy to
the supply system. It will draw only the necessary
( S1 + S 2 ) excitation current, Im, for the generator action from
Average loss between slip S1 and S 2 = ◊T
2 the source of supply. In such a condition, the motor
(i) During a normal running, will exert a counter torque, the magnitude of which
will depend upon the motor speed above synchronous.
when S1 = 1 and S2 = 0 Such braking conditions may occur automatically in
downhill conveyors, lifts and hoists etc. while
starting heat µ starting loss µ T descending with the load, i.e. operating as an induction
2 motor while ascending and as an induction generator
(ii) During plugging, while descending. The generator and the braking action
ceases at synchronous speed. For speed control below
when, S1 = 2 and S2 = 1 synchronous speed, therefore, it will be essential to
Heat generated during plugging employ a multi-speed motor which, at a higher speed,
can be switched to the lower speed winding to make
(1 + 2) the motor work as a generator between the high and
µ T or µ 3T the low speeds. Such a braking method, however,
2 2
has only limited commercial applications, as in a sugar
Therefore the heat of the motor during plugging is centrifuge motor (Section 7.4).
three times that of during a normal start. Stator heat With the application of solid-state technology,
and thus the total motor heat is a function of the rotor however, as discussed in Chapter 6, the potential energy
heat (see also Section 2.7.1). Such a method is therefore of the loads in hoists, lifts and conveyors during
not suitable for larger motors or for frequent brakings. descents can be saved and fed back to the source.
This is an approximate derivation for a simple illustration of 2.10 Inching or jogging
the ratio of heats. The time of start and braking is not considered
in the above derivation, whereas both would be different and
so will be the heat generated. The time of start would be much This means repeated short-duration application of power
higher than the time of braking, as the latter is much higher to the motor to cause small movements of the shaft from
Motor torque, load torque and selection of motors 2/59
rest to perform certain load requirements. The motor may placing no strain on the motor. This factor will
normally not reach its full speed, nor at times complete depend upon the electrical and mechanical design
even one full revolution, and can be rotated in either of a motor and will vary from one manufacturer to
direction. Likely applications may relate to lifting or another. The cooling capacity, its effectiveness,
hoisting which may call for delicate handling and a rather i.e. heating and cooling characteristics and starting
slow, smooth and more accurate final movement for exact torque of a motor, are the parameters that would
positioning, lifting or unloading etc. Similarly in torque determine this factor. The smaller the motor, the
motors or actuator motors (Section 7.8) for throttle and greater number of starts it will be capable of
vane controls. performing. For a lower-speed motor, the average
This is a severe duty for the switching contactors as starting torque will be normally less and the inertia
they have to endure repeated arcing of the interrupting more. Therefore the permissible number of
contacts every time they make or break. (Select only switching operations will be comparatively less
AC–4 duty contactors: see Section 12.10.) for a low-speed motor than for a high-speed motor
of similar rating. As a rough guide, small motors,
say, up to 20 h.p., may have a factor as high as
2.11 Number of starts and stops 1000–2000.
Kb = factor of braking, which depends upon the type of
Due to excessive starting and braking heat losses it is not braking used, such as
advisable to switch an induction motor ON and OFF (a) Mechanical braking Kb = 1
frequently. The number of starts and stops a motor is (b) D.C. braking Kb = 0.6–0.5
capable of performing will depend upon its working (c) Plugging Kb = 0.3–0.4
conditions such as type of switching, braking and load (d) Regenerative braking Kb = 0.4–0.5
demand etc. and can be determined from
KL = mean load factor, i.e. the ratio of the average load
K torque to the motor torque which depends upon
Z L = Z NL ◊ b ◊ KL (2.17) the loading on the motor during start-up.
For most applications (e.g. cranes, lifts or machine
where tools) this factor is based on a loading of 0.5 or
ZL = number of starts and equivalent stops per hour on 0.75. This factor is also determined by the
load. For example, in plugging one start and one manufacturer and may have a shape as shown in
stop will mean four starts and if reversal is also Figure 2.27
involved then five starts.
ZNL = permissible number of starts per hour for a motor GDM2 + GDL2
FI = (3.1)
with a free shaft, using mechanical braking, thus GDM2
Relevant Standards
N = Nr – Nr1 (i.e. speed reduction in r.p.m.) Tb = average braking torque between running speed
Tb = braking torque in mkg and the final speed
Tex = braking torque of the external brakes, if provided;
Braking heat otherwise this may be considered as zero
Tst = starting torque of the motor
GDT2 k2 = a factor to account for the average braking torque
Hb = ◊ ( N r2 – N r1
)W.s (2.14)
730 Number of starts and stops
Minimum braking torque Kb
Z L = Z NL ◊ ◊ KL (2.17)
P ◊ 974 FI
Tb ≥ r mkg (2.15)
Z L = Number of starts and equivalent stops per hour
Electrodynamic or d.c. electric braking on load.
Z NL = Permissible number of starts per hour with a free
T1 + Tb – Tex shaft
idc = k1 ◊ I st(ph) ◊ (2.16) Kb = Factor of braking
k 2 ◊ Tst
KL = Mean load factor
idc = braking current FI = Factor of inertia
Ist(ph) = phase value of the starting current
= I st / 3
k1 = factor to determine the equivalent ampere turns Further Reading
for a particular configuration
T1 = average load torque between running speed and Machinery Hand Book, Industrial Press Inc., 200 Madison
the final speed Avenue, New York, USA.
Electric Motor DATA Library
I have presented this informtion for your educational and entertainment use only. You can, and should,
compare it with other data that you have, from other sources, and other formulas you may have acquired or use.
The Astro Flight, Inc. Electric Motor Handbook, by Bob Boucher is an invaluable asset in helping you to
understand, and use, the following data. Astro Flight, Inc., 13311 Beach Ave., Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 or (310) 821-6242
If you have any motor data, like the following, that you could give to me to enter here, I'd love to share it
with the rest of the folks in the world.
The Following Data is from "Model Electronics Corp. Turbo 10 Plus" - Product Review - Model Airplane News -
Tom Hunt - May 1995
Speed 500
The SPEED 500 series has two classes. The high performance and high quality group consisting of the motors no.
1740, 3305, 3315 and 3317. The other motors are the economy group for general purpose use. This group consists of motor
no. 1788, 1789, 1799 and 3322.
All motors of the Speed 500 series have a 3-slot armature. Graupner recommends the SPEED 500 motors for sport
models with an all up weight of about 1000 - 1250g (35 - 44 oz.), the span shouldn't exceed 1200 mm (47 in.).
Type BB 9.6V 9.6V BB 7.2V 7.2V 8.4V
Cat-No. 1780 1786 1787 1793 3301
Ri (Ohm) 0.194 0.265 0.096 0.085 0.125
Io (A) 1.8 1.37 2.8 2.8 2.3
n/V 1584 1979 2638 2526 1890
Eta (%) 66 65 65 67 66
I_Eta(A) 9.4 7 14.5 15.9 12.5
Weight(g) 201 (7 oz.) 198 (7 oz.) 197 (7 oz.) 198 (7 oz.) 220 (7.75 oz.)
Flux-ring no no no no yes
Some Math
How to calculate the motor parameters
There are various ways to calculate the motor para-meters. The formulas shown below are close approxi-mations
of the actual motor performance.
Motor constant K
K = Uk/n
Uk (V) and n (rev/min) motor data from data sheet - Example: 8.4 Volt /16000 rev/min = 0.000525 (data for SPEED 600
BB 8.4V No. 3316)
Note: This is the inverse of n/V which is rpm per volt
Uemk(V) = nL x K
Example: 11600 rev/min x 0.0003636 = 4.218 Volt (data for SPEED 500 BB No. 3315)
Motor resistor voltage drop Uri
Uri(V) = UkL - nL x K
Example: 6.5 Volt - 11600 rev/min x 0.0003636 = 2.282 Volt (data for SPEED 500 BB No. 3315)
Pin (W) = Uk x Im
Example: Pin = 6.5 Volt x 24.3 Ampere = 157.95 Watt (data for SPEED 500 BB No. 3315)
Efficiency Eta
Eta (%) =Pw/Pin x 100
Example: 95.82 Watt /157.95 Watt x 100=60.66 %
Remark: measurments show a result about 10% below this value! 54 % (data for SPEED 500 BB No.3315)
Figuring Power Absorbed in Static condition by Various Props (several common formulas)
(The easiest way to see what is happening is to enter the following in a spread sheet)
Note that the Abbott, Boucher and Young formulas give about the same power out to the prop;
Note the large difference these Australian formulas give, compared to the above formulas;
Stevenson/Tapp: Fixed = 1.1 * 10-15 * pitch in inches * diameter in inches4 * RPM3.15
Folding = 9.5 * 10-16 * pitch in inches * diameter in inches4 * RPM3.15
Unknown: Fixed = 5.525 * 10-6 * pitch in inches1.03 * diameter in inches3.86 * RPM in thousands3.03
Folding =3.395 * 10-6 * pitch in inches0.96 * diameter in inches3.94 * RPM in thousands3.14