Standby - Prime - Continuous Ratings of DG
Standby - Prime - Continuous Ratings of DG
Standby - Prime - Continuous Ratings of DG
( (
( (
800-853-2073 (tel:+800-853-2073)
Standby power rated generators arethe most commonly rated generator sets. Their primary application
is to supply emergency power for a limited duration during a power outage. With standby rated
generators there is no overload capability built into the units. It is important to note that standby rated
generators, under no circumstances, should run in conjunction with a public utility source.
Standby power rating should be applied to the unit where public utility power is available. The typical
rating for a standby engine should be sized for a maximum of 80% average load factor and roughly 200 1/4
27/02/2017 Standbyvs.Primevs.ContinuousGeneratorPower:WhichGeneratorEngineRatingisRightforYourApplication?
Elevation and temperature are factors to consider before rating the engine. The engine may be operated
at 3,000 ft. of altitude and at a temperature of 100 F without deration for standby power rating. For
prime power rating the engine may be operated at 5,000 ft. of altitude and at a temperature of 100 F
without power deration. For continuous duty operations at higher altitudes, the engine should be
congured to limit performance by 3% per 1,000 ft. of altitude and 1% per 10 F inlet air temperature. 3/4
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