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Lesson Plan: Introducing Primary and Secondary Source Quotations in Body Paragraphs

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Lesson Plan

Grade/Content Area 12th Grade English Language Arts

Lesson Title Introducing Primary and Secondary Source Quotations in

Body Paragraphs
State Standards: RI CCSS 2.c Writing Standards:
GLEs/GSEs Use appropriate and varied transitions and syntax to link the
Or Common Core major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the
State Standards: relationships among complex ideas and concepts.

RI CCSS 8 Research to Build and Present Knowledge:

Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print
and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively;
assess the strengths and limitations of each source in terms of
the task, purpose, and audience; integrate information into the
text selectively to maintain the ow of ideas, avoiding
plagiarism and overreliance on any one source and following a
standard format for citation. Grades 9–10 students:
Context of the Lesson The 12th grade students at Cranston East are working on
Where does this lesson writing literary criticism papers on Beowulf. They have
fit in the curriculum and already found their primary and secondary sources that they
instructional context? are going to use. However, they were never taught about how
Is it the opening of a to properly introduce primary and secondary source
unit or a series of quotations. Due to this, my cooperating teacher has asked me
lessons? to teach them this content.

Opportunities to Learn Plans to differentiate instruction:

I have decided to use a video to supplement my lesson
Definition: Materials, today. The video reviews the basic elements to
Learners and incorporating quotations within body paragraphs. I will
Environments use this video to jumpstart my lesson, and spark student’s
engagement. Working in groups or partners caters to the
kinesthetic and interpersonal learning styles. My lecture
at the beginning of class caters to the auditory and visual

Accommodations and modifications:

In order to accommodate students in my class, I will allow
them to work in partners or small groups. They will be
given a video to help them understand the basic elements
of incorporating quotations in body paragraphs. I will
also be walking around the room to help students create
introductions for their primary and secondary source
quotations. Additionally, I will provide students with a
link to an online website which will help guide their work.

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Environment factors:
I will be teaching this lesson to four sections of my
cooperating teachers 12th grade Comprehensive ELA class.
There are anywhere from about 10-20 students in each
class period. They sit in desks that are positioned in rows
all facing the front of the room where the whiteboard and
chalkboards are located.


This link above is a website that explains in detail how to

introduce quotations in body paragraphs. I will provide
students with this link to aid them while they are working
in partners or groups on writing their introductory
statements/sentences for their quotations.


The above video will be watched on student’s phones because

of the limited technology available in the school.

Whiteboard markers and eraser

Scrap pieces of paper for all students.
Writing utensil for all students.
Copies of students primary and secondary source quotations.

Objectives The student will be able to accurately introduce a primary and

secondary source quotation on an exit slip at the end of class
as an informal, formative assessment, and they will earn a

“Hello everyone! Long time no see! I hope you have all
Instructional been doing well since the last time I saw you. Today, we
Procedures are going to be learning how to introduce your primary
and secondary source quotations within the body
paragraphs of your essays.”

“Obviously, you will all need to be able to know how to
accurately introduce primary and secondary source quotations
in your essays. I am going to review with you all as a class
how to do this, then you will break up into pairs to work on
writing introductions for your quotations for your body

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paragraphs of your essay. As an informal assessment at the
end of class, I am going to ask you to all individually write
one sentence introducing one primary source quotation and
one secondary source quotation. You will write this on a scrap
paper with your name at the top. I will collect this to assess
your understanding of this content. The first thing we are
going to be doing is watching short video on incorporating
quotations within your body paragraphs. I have written the
link to this video on the board, please go to the video and
watch it. You may use headphones, turn on the closed
captioning, or watch in small groups.”

“Today, we learned how to introduce primary and
secondary source quotations within body paragraphs.
Please write down one introduction for one of your
primary source quotations and one for one of your
secondary source quotations on a piece of scrap paper. I
will be collecting this to assess your understanding of the

“Does anyone want to volunteer to read one of the

sentences that you wrote on your exit slip?”

Assessment As an informal, formative assessment to assess students

understanding of the content of my lesson, students will write
two sentences on an exit slip. One sentence will be
introducing a primary source quotation, and one sentence will
be introducing a secondary source quotation. The exit slips
will be graded as either check plus, check, or check minus. A
check plus means they accurately introduced the quotes with
no errors. A check is that students accurately introduced both
quotations with minimal errors, and a check minus is that
students did not accurately introduce both quotations.
Reflections When I taught this lesson, I believe it went very well. I
This section to be used raffle tickets as my incentive for getting work done.
completed only if lesson If students submitted three quotations they will receive one
plan is implemented. raffle ticket. If students submitted five quotations they
Cite RIPTS and national will receive two raffle tickets. If students complete all
teacher candidate quotations (six) they will receive two raffle tickets, and the
standards here bragging rights for being awesome. Once I mentioned
these rewards, the students began to work very hard.
Every student handed in their exit slip which required one
example of a primary source quotation introduction, and
one example of a secondary source quotation introduction.

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Many students wrote three examples, and a few wrote up
to six. However, I was very upset when I found out that
my students did not record where they got their quotations
from. When I asked they would say, “the internet” or
“google”, or “a book from the library”. This made citing
the secondary sources very difficult. During this lesson, I
conveyed the following Rhode Island Professional
Teaching Standards: 2.3 elect appropriate instructional
materials and resources (including technological
resources) based on their comprehensiveness, accuracy,
and usefulness for representing particular ideas and
concepts in the discipline/content areas. 3.3 create age-
appropriate lessons and activities that meet the variety of
developmental levels of students within a class. 6.2
establish a safe, secure and nurturing learning
environment that supports the active engagement of all
students. The above is student work. The first example of
student work is a check minus because the student did not
properly introduce the quotations. The next example is a
check. The student accurately introduced the quotes with
minimal errors. Errors being grammatical and
punctuation, the student also did not include the second
quote. The third example is a check plus. The student
accurately introduced all three quotes correctly. Next time
I do this lesson, I am going to try to group students
homogeneously instead of allowing them to create their
own groups. I am going to group them based on learning
level, that way I can better help my students. Some
students did not need any help, but many of them
constantly required my one on one assistance. By creating
groups based on the individual students learning I will be
able to better assist my students.

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