Soil Liquefaction Analysis and Its Mitigation by Driven Pre Cast Concrete Pile Foundation in Bangladesh-A Case Study
Soil Liquefaction Analysis and Its Mitigation by Driven Pre Cast Concrete Pile Foundation in Bangladesh-A Case Study
Soil Liquefaction Analysis and Its Mitigation by Driven Pre Cast Concrete Pile Foundation in Bangladesh-A Case Study
Ground Water or Pore water pressure development in Sandy Soil formation is Critical
situation in foundation analysis and design.Moreover it become severe while associated with higher
liquefaction probability in river bank areas. It is difficult to find cost optimized solution for liquefaction
mitigation under limited budget allocated for the project. Here in this research paper the attempt has been made
to have clear picture of liquefaction by using various techniques and field tests. And its mitigation by suitable
foundation type. In Bangladesh, On Bank of River Meghana, Power plant structures are proposed. The
particular site is full of fine sand having partial silt throughout from EGL to 55 m depth. Hence in addition to
Conventional Boring / Drilling operations, CPLT, SCPT, SCHT and PMT had been performed to arrive
deterministic effect of liquefaction. By use of Geologismiki software and some excel based program developed
which indicates that Certainly liquefaction occurs under the event of earthquake. By Checking past records of
Bangladesh we found, there are small magnitude earthquakes are inevitable and frequent. Hence fourth to
overcome the bad effect of liquefaction, the deep pile foundation -Driven Pre Cast Solid Square Pile of min. 400
mm dia. had been suggested for various types of power plant structures. Which densify the soil and ground will
improve in resisting liquefaction.
SEE-USQ, Brisbane, Australia, Nov.13-16, 2017
Through 24 nos. of Bring/ Drilling of Boreholes, and performing laboratory tests it is evident that
on site it is SAND Matrix with variable densities having intermittent presence of silt up to depth of
55m. Here attempt had been done to get most accurate results for all field tests shown below.
Hence it is very clear from the above relationship that low values of pressure meter modulus
indicate high values of deformation vice a versa. Deformation Modulus and deformation had
inversely proportional relationship. The result of pressure meter modulus at 20m depth in the
borehole MPMT-1 and MPMT-2 is found to be 48.97 MPa and 19.15 MPa, respectively. The
Second Result of 19.15 Mpa itself indicates that there was highly deformed soil at deeper strata.
Which helps in judging whether in past the particulate soil had been liquefied?? OR one may
assume it as a guideline to check liquefaction potential.
CYCLIC PLATE LOAD TESThad been also conducted shown below indicates initial settlement
values within span of 24 hours as per IS 2974 were also very high. Higher Settlement values always
acts as clue to check liquefaction probability. Rebound is very less indicates permanent
deformation. All these CPLT were performed in test pit of size 2mX2mX2.5m.
DYNAMIC CONE PENETRATION TESThad been also performed as per IS 4968 termination
SEE-USQ, Brisbane, Australia, Nov.13-16, 2017
Termination criteria had been achieved at a depth of 11.5 m from the existing ground level. So it is
proved that it was saturated/ loose sand having low shear strength up to the termination depth of
dynamic Cone driving.
STATIC CONE PENETRATION TEST had been performed to get true picture of reliability of
bearing layer. The true static cone resistance and Static cone + sleeve frictional resistance of the
bearing layer up to the depth of 15 m had been achieved as shown below.The cone resistance and
sleeve frictional resistance found are of lower value indicates the deformed soil. And CPT data is
also act as measure of liquefaction probability in general. Here we had relied more on laboratory
data to achieve accurate results of liquefaction probability.
SEISMIC CROSS HOLE TEST – The aim of the performing the seismic cross hole test was to
determine dynamic properties of soil alike dynamic shear modulus, G. But the subsequent data of
shear wave velocity and primary wave velocity were also useful in determination of liquefaction
potential studies through the Geologismiki software. The stratigraphy of soil was conformed from
these test as sand matrix from EGL to 55 m depth i.e. depth of termination of boreholes .
A Compositional check had been performed according to US Army Corps of Engg. Criteria for
Liquefaction susceptibility as shown below based on laboratory testing results.
Geologismiki software is used to get deterministic idea about the liquefaction potential of the
proposed site based on various field as well as laboratory studies parameters. Geologismiki
software has potential to analyses three varieties of data.
1.) Shear Wave & Primary Wave Velocity. i.e. through Seismic Cross Hole Test
2.) Soil Penetration Resistance i.e. through Static Cone Penetration Test
3.) Standard Penetration Resistance (N) Value Test.
Here attempt had been made to analyses the Liquefaction potential through Laboratory test
parameters as well as standard penetration test (N) values. The Particular software analyses the
given data with the help of empirical relationship of very well-known and proved methodology
mentioned as follows. Figures of operations of Geologismiki software is not given due to space
Project : Detailed Geotechnical Investigation for Proposed 750 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant Project., Meghnaghat, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Methodology of Analysis : *Idriss & Boulanger (2004)
Bore Hole No. : 16
Terminology : amax/g = 0.15 FC = Fines content Magnitude of EQ = 7.5
Thickness of Density (KN/M ) FC σv σ'v rd N *CN CN CE CR CB CS *(N1)60 (N1)60 Cσ *Kσ Kσ τav CSR Δ(N1)60 (N1)60CS CRR τh Factor of Liquefection Remark
From To layer Safety
1.50 3.00 1.50 18.20 22 13.65 6.15 0.9800 7 3.746 1.700 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 16.518 7.5 0.0839 1.1679 1.0000 1.3043 0.2121 4.7790 12.28 0.1345 0.8273 0.6343 Yes
3.00 4.50 1.50 18.20 22 27.30 12.30 0.9700 9 2.751 1.700 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 15.600 9.6 0.0910 1.1191 1.0000 2.5819 0.2099 4.7790 14.42 0.1513 1.8609 0.7207 Yes
4.50 6.00 1.50 18.20 22 54.60 24.60 0.9500 5 2.265 1.700 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 7.135 5.4 0.0769 1.0473 1.0000 5.0573 0.2056 4.7790 10.13 0.1190 2.9274 0.5788 Yes
6.00 7.50 1.50 18.20 22 81.90 36.90 0.9300 7 1.774 1.700 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 7.823 7.5 0.0839 1.0176 1.0000 7.4263 0.2013 4.7790 12.28 0.1345 4.9637 0.6684 Yes
7.50 9.00 1.50 18.20 22 109.20 49.20 0.9100 14 1.443 1.443 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 12.728 12.7 0.1020 0.9920 0.9920 9.7665 0.1985 4.7790 17.51 0.1788 8.7962 0.9006 Yes
9.00 10.50 1.50 18.22 22 136.65 61.59 0.8900 15 1.291 1.291 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 12.196 12.2 0.1001 0.9698 0.9698 12.2276 0.1985 4.7790 16.98 0.1737 10.6966 0.8748 Yes
10.50 12.00 1.50 18.22 22 163.98 73.92 0.8650 10 1.196 1.196 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 7.534 7.5 0.0840 0.9593 0.9593 14.4168 0.1950 4.7790 12.31 0.1348 9.9644 0.6912 Yes
12.00 13.50 1.50 18.25 18 191.63 86.48 0.8550 7 1.100 1.100 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 4.852 4.9 0.0753 0.9518 0.9518 16.7835 0.1941 4.1104 8.96 0.1110 9.5952 0.5717 Yes
13.50 15.00 1.50 18.25 14 219.00 98.85 0.8450 15 1.012 1.012 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 9.562 9.6 0.0908 0.9297 0.9297 19.4064 0.1963 2.9391 12.50 0.1362 13.4649 0.6938 Yes
15.00 16.50 1.50 18.25 14 246.38 111.23 0.8000 22 0.952 0.952 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 13.201 13.2 0.1038 0.9074 0.9074 21.1772 0.1904 2.9391 16.14 0.1660 18.4641 0.8719 Yes
16.50 18.00 1.50 18.25 14 273.75 123.60 0.7800 19 0.898 0.898 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 10.750 10.8 0.0949 0.9054 0.9054 22.9941 0.1860 2.9391 13.69 0.1454 17.9742 0.7817 Yes
18.00 19.50 1.50 18.25 14 301.13 135.98 0.7700 28 0.866 0.866 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 15.276 15.3 0.1119 0.8777 0.8777 25.7566 0.1894 2.9391 18.22 0.1859 25.2779 0.9814 Yes
19.50 21.00 1.50 18.25 14 328.50 148.35 0.7700 35 0.840 0.840 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 18.522 18.5 0.1262 0.8512 0.8512 28.9739 0.1953 2.9391 21.46 0.2251 33.3920 1.1525 No
21.00 22.50 1.50 18.25 14 355.88 160.73 0.7500 37 0.811 0.811 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 18.912 18.9 0.1280 0.8387 0.8387 31.0265 0.1930 2.9391 21.85 0.2308 37.0954 1.1956 No
22.50 24.00 1.50 18.25 14 383.25 173.10 0.7000 39 0.786 0.786 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 19.317 19.3 0.1300 0.8266 0.8266 31.6424 0.1828 2.9391 22.26 0.2370 41.0298 1.2967 No
24.00 25.50 1.50 18.25 14 410.63 185.48 0.7000 43 0.768 0.768 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 20.814 20.8 0.1376 0.8070 0.8070 34.7284 0.1872 2.9391 23.75 0.2632 48.8259 1.4059 No
25.50 27.00 1.50 18.25 14 438.00 197.85 0.7000 47 0.753 0.753 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 22.306 22.3 0.1458 0.7860 0.7860 38.0309 0.1922 2.9391 25.24 0.2959 58.5489 1.5395 No
27.00 28.50 1.50 18.25 14 465.38 210.23 0.6800 35 0.702 0.702 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 15.490 15.5 0.1128 0.8276 0.8276 37.2795 0.1773 2.9391 18.43 0.1881 39.5483 1.0609 No
28.50 30.00 1.50 18.25 13 492.75 222.60 0.6800 38 0.689 0.689 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 16.484 16.5 0.1170 0.8146 0.8146 40.1065 0.1802 2.5450 19.03 0.1946 43.3178 1.0801 No
30.00 31.50 1.50 18.25 13 520.13 234.98 0.6800 40 0.674 0.674 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 16.981 17.0 0.1192 0.8047 0.8047 42.8535 0.1824 2.5450 19.53 0.2002 47.0480 1.0979 No
31.50 33.00 1.50 18.25 13 547.50 247.35 0.6800 45 0.668 0.668 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 18.951 19.0 0.1282 0.7833 0.7833 46.3428 0.1874 2.5450 21.50 0.2256 55.7990 1.2040 No
33.00 34.50 1.50 18.25 13 574.88 259.73 0.6800 27 0.601 0.601 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 10.230 10.2 0.0931 0.8381 0.8381 45.4748 0.1751 2.5450 12.77 0.1383 35.9202 0.7899 Yes
34.50 36.00 1.50 18.25 75 602.25 272.10 0.6800 30 0.593 0.593 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 11.213 11.2 0.0965 0.8277 0.8277 48.2429 0.1773 5.5592 16.77 0.1718 46.7380 0.9688 Yes
36.00 37.50 1.50 18.25 75 629.63 284.48 0.6800 50 0.633 0.633 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 19.953 20.0 0.1332 0.7563 0.7563 55.1947 0.1940 5.5592 25.51 0.3027 86.0994 1.5599 No
37.50 39.00 1.50 18.25 75 657.00 296.85 0.6800 50 0.619 0.619 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 19.499 19.5 0.1309 0.7549 0.7549 57.7025 0.1944 5.5592 25.06 0.2914 86.5021 1.4991 No
39.00 40.50 1.50 18.25 75 684.38 309.23 0.6800 50 0.605 0.605 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 19.067 19.1 0.1288 0.7536 0.7536 60.2104 0.1947 5.5592 24.63 0.2814 87.0282 1.4454 No
40.50 42.00 1.50 18.25 75 711.75 321.60 0.6800 50 0.592 0.592 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 18.656 18.7 0.1268 0.7524 0.7524 62.7185 0.1950 5.5592 24.22 0.2726 87.6573 1.3976 No
42.00 43.50 1.50 18.25 75 739.13 333.98 0.6800 50 0.580 0.580 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 18.263 18.3 0.1250 0.7513 0.7513 65.2270 0.1953 5.5592 23.82 0.2646 88.3728 1.3548 No
43.50 45.00 1.50 18.25 75 766.50 346.35 0.6800 50 0.568 0.568 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 17.888 17.9 0.1232 0.7503 0.7503 67.7359 0.1956 5.5592 23.45 0.2574 89.1614 1.3163 No
45.00 46.50 1.50 18.25 8 793.88 358.73 0.6800 55 0.571 0.571 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 19.777 19.8 0.1323 0.7273 0.7273 72.3718 0.2017 0.3948 20.17 0.2080 74.5987 1.0308 No
46.50 48.00 1.50 18.25 8 821.25 371.10 0.6800 55 0.560 0.560 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 19.399 19.4 0.1304 0.7267 0.7267 74.9245 0.2019 0.3948 19.79 0.2034 75.4731 1.0073 No
48.00 49.50 1.50 18.25 8 848.63 383.48 0.6800 56 0.552 0.552 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 19.485 19.5 0.1308 0.7215 0.7215 77.9769 0.2033 0.3948 19.88 0.2044 78.3810 1.0052 No
49.50 51.00 1.50 18.25 8 876.00 395.85 0.6800 57 0.545 0.545 0.750 0.800 1.050 1.000 19.575 19.6 0.1313 0.7164 0.7164 81.0680 0.2048 0.3948 19.97 0.2055 81.3431 1.0034 No
Table.2Soil Liquefaction Accessement studies using Corrected Spt (N) Values according to
Idriss &Boulanger (2004) Approach
SEE-USQ, Brisbane, Australia, Nov.13-16, 2017
Allowable Driven Cast in Situ OR Allowable Pre cast Driven Solid Square Concrete Pile Capacities based on IS 2911 Part.1 (Sec.1/Sec.3 )(R2010)
D, Dia. Of Pile Shaft = 400 mm = 0.4 m Square Pile Ap, Cross Section Area of Pile tip, = 0.1600 m2 BH 16
ϒ = effective unit weight of the soil from EGL to 6.0 M = 18.200 kN/m3 ϒeffective = 8.200 kN/m3 GWT = 8.54 m
ϒ = effective unit weight of the soil from 6m to beyond = 18.250 kN/m3 ϒeffective = 8.250 kN/m3
ϒw = Effective Unit weight of water = 10.000 kN/m3
Length of Pile upto 15D for consideration of Effective overburden = 6m
Nq And Nϒ = Bearing capacity factors depending on angle of internal friction at pile tip
Nϒ = Bearing capacity factors depending on angle of internal friction at pile tip taken from IS 6403 Nq = Bearing capacity factors taken from IS 2911 Part 2 / Sec. 2, Figure.1, Page.11 depending on Soil friction angle ( φ)
Pd = effective overburden pressure at pile tip,in kN/m2 Pdi = effective overburden pressure for the ith layer, in kN/m2;
Ki = coefficient of earth pressure for the ith layer as per IS 2911 Part 2 / Sec. 2, Page.10, where ki values Varies as 1 to 1.5 depending on variation of phi value from 30 o to 40o
δi = angle of wall friction between pile and soil for the ith layer; and Asi = surface area of pile shaft in the ith layer,in m2.
Factor of Safety = 2.5 Assuming Vibratory/ Impact /Heavy Loads are expected due power plant construction
Assume RCC M40 grade will be used
Density of M40 grade Concrete = 25 kN/m3 Factor of safety for uplift capacity = 3
Characteristic Compressive strength of Concrete = 40 N/mm2 Modulus of Elasticity of Pile Material = 31622.78 N/mm2 31622776.60 KN/m2
Allowable lateral load by Assuming lateral deflection = 0.5 cm = 5 mm Pile Cut Off level (m) from EGL = 1.5 m
Horizontal Modulus of Subgrade reaction = 800 kN/m3 For Loose Sand As per annex.c of IS 2911/1/2 pg.14 0.0008 N/mm3
Stiffness factor T = (EI/kh) 1/5 = 2.184 m5
Cantiliver length above GL /bed to point of load application, e = 0 m e/T = 0.000
Based on ratio e/t = 0.0 from fig.4, pg.15 = Zf/T = 2.15 Virtual length of Fixity, Zf = 4.70 M
Allowable lateral load ,Qu Lateral = 12EIY/(e+Zf) 3 23.03 kN = 2.30 T
Bore Log Details SPT (N) Value Correction From IS 6403
Depth of layer below Cumulative Skin Total
Submerg Overbur Applied Effective Overburden Nq Nᵧ Ki value for Skin End
ground (m) Thicknes Over burden Submergence ᵟ(Degree) angle Surface Area Frivtion at every Capacity, Uplift
e den overburden pressure at pile tip, in earth Friction Bearing Net Total
s of Soil type SPT(No) correction factor, Correction of friction @pile of Pile for ith 1.5 m layer kN using Capacity
density, pressure correction kN/m2 limited upto IS IS pressure Capacity in Capacity in Capacity, MT
From (m) To (m) Layer (m) Cn N'=15+0.5*(N-15) stem layer, m2 depthwise, kN = FOS 2.5 = MT
kn/m3 ,kn/m2 =Nn=Cn*No 15D -GWT@EGL 2911 6403 coefficient kN kN =Y2
Y1 (Y1+Y2/2.5)
1.5 3 1.5 Sand 7 8.200 12.30 1.703 11.92 11.92 30.576 6.15 33.456 23.727 2.4 1.0576 9.22 9.22 46.74 22.38 1.91 0.68
3 4.5 1.5 Sand 9 8.200 24.60 1.471 13.24 13.24 30.972 18.45 35.832 24.639 2.4 1.0972 29.16 38.38 120.13 63.40 5.73 2.04
4.5 6 1.5 Sand 5 8.200 36.90 1.335 6.68 6.68 29.336 30.75 28.406 20.87 2.4 0.9336 38.72 77.10 151.91 91.60 8.24 3.72
6 7.5 1.5 Sand 7 8.250 49.28 1.238 8.67 8.67 29.734 43.09 29.362 21.036 2.4 0.9734 57.50 134.60 214.70 139.72 12.77 6.04
7.5 9 1.5 Sand 14 8.250 61.65 1.164 16.29 15.64 31.692 49.28 40.152 26.298 2.4 1.1692 85.37 219.97 331.92 220.76 20.67 9.31
9 10.5 1.5 Sand 15 8.250 74.03 1.102 16.54 15.77 31.731 55.46 40.386 26.388 2.4 1.1731 96.56 316.53 373.80 276.13 25.95 12.96
10.5 12 1.5 Sand 10 8.250 86.40 1.051 10.51 10.51 30.153 61.65 30.918 22.753 2.4 1.0153 87.27 403.80 318.26 288.82 26.87 16.29
12 13.5 1.5 Sand 7 8.250 98.78 1.006 7.04 7.04 29.408 61.65 28.579 21.036 2.4 0.9408 78.46 482.26 294.19 310.58 28.72 19.32
13.5 15 1.5 Sand 15 8.250 111.15 0.966 14.50 14.50 31.35 61.65 38.1 25.51 2.4 1.135 102.31 584.57 390.72 390.12 36.46 23.17
15 16.5 1.5 Sand 22 8.250 123.53 0.931 20.49 17.74 32.322 61.65 43.932 27.75 2.4 1.2322 115.36 699.93 449.55 459.79 43.20 27.45
16.5 18 1.5 Sand 19 8.250 135.90 0.899 17.09 16.04 31.812 61.65 40.872 26.575 2.4 1.1812 108.42 808.35 418.68 490.81 45.99 31.50
18 19.5 1.5 Sand 28 8.250 148.28 0.870 24.36 19.68 32.904 61.65 47.424 29.091 2.4 1.2904 123.54 931.89 484.78 566.67 53.36 36.07
19.5 21 1.5 Sand 35 8.250 160.65 0.843 29.51 22.26 33.678 61.65 52.068 30.874 2.4 1.3678 134.86 1066.75 531.63 639.35 60.40 41.02
21 22.5 1.5 Sand 37 8.250 173.03 0.818 30.28 22.64 33.792 61.65 52.752 31.137 2.4 1.3792 136.58 1203.33 538.53 696.74 65.89 46.03
22.5 24 1.5 Sand 39 8.250 185.40 0.795 31.02 23.01 33.903 61.65 53.418 31.393 2.4 1.3903 138.25 1341.58 545.25 754.73 71.43 51.09
24 25.5 1.5 Sand 43 8.250 197.78 0.774 33.27 24.14 34.272 61.65 55.632 32.243 2.4 1.4272 143.90 1485.48 567.58 821.22 77.84 56.35
25.5 27 1.5 Sand 47 8.250 210.15 0.753 35.41 25.21 34.563 61.65 57.378 32.913 2.4 1.4563 148.45 1633.93 585.20 887.65 84.25 61.76
27 28.5 1.5 Sand 35 8.250 222.53 0.734 25.70 20.35 33.105 61.65 48.63 29.554 2.4 1.3105 126.43 1760.36 496.95 902.92 85.44 66.42
28.5 30 1.5 Sand 38 8.250 234.90 0.716 27.22 21.11 33.333 61.65 49.998 30.079 2.4 1.3333 129.75 1890.11 510.75 960.34 90.92 71.20
30 31.5 1.5 Sand 40 8.250 247.28 0.699 27.96 21.48 33.444 61.65 50.664 30.335 2.4 1.3444 131.39 2021.50 517.47 1015.59 96.19 76.03
31.5 33 1.5 Sand 45 8.250 259.65 0.683 30.72 22.86 33.858 61.65 53.148 31.289 2.4 1.3858 137.57 2159.07 542.52 1080.64 102.45 81.07
33 34.5 1.5 Sand 27 8.250 272.03 0.667 18.01 16.51 31.953 61.65 41.718 26.9 2.4 1.1953 110.32 2269.39 427.22 1078.64 101.88 85.18
34.5 36 1.5 Sand 30 8.250 284.40 0.652 19.57 17.28 32.184 61.65 43.104 27.432 2.4 1.2184 113.46 2382.85 441.20 1129.62 106.71 89.41
36 37.5 1.5 Sand 50 8.250 296.78 0.638 31.90 23.45 34.035 61.65 54.21 31.697 2.4 1.4035 140.26 2523.11 553.24 1230.54 116.63 94.54
37.5 39 1.5 Sand 50 8.250 309.15 0.624 31.22 23.11 33.93 61.65 53.58 31.455 2.4 1.393 138.66 2661.77 546.88 1283.46 121.66 99.62
39 40.5 1.5 Sand 50 8.250 321.53 0.611 30.56 22.78 33.83 61.65 52.98 31.22 2.40 1.38 137.15 2798.92 540.83 1335.90 121.51 105.24
40.5 42 1.5 Sand 50 8.250 333.90 0.599 29.93 22.47 33.74 61.65 52.44 31.02 2.40 1.37 135.79 2934.71 535.38 1388.04 126.26 110.23
42 43.5 1.5 Sand 50 8.250 346.28 0.586 29.32 22.16 33.65 61.65 51.89 30.80 2.40 1.36 134.42 3069.13 529.81 1439.58 130.95 115.18
43.5 45 1.5 Sand 50 8.250 358.65 0.575 28.73 21.87 33.56 61.65 51.37 30.60 2.40 1.36 133.12 3202.25 524.55 1490.72 135.60 120.08
45 46.5 1.5 Sand 50 8.250 371.03 0.563 28.17 21.58 33.47 61.65 50.84 30.40 2.40 1.35 131.83 3334.08 519.28 1541.34 140.20 124.93
46.5 48 1.5 Sand 50 8.250 383.40 0.552 27.62 21.31 33.39 61.65 50.34 30.21 2.40 1.34 130.59 3464.67 514.20 1591.55 144.75 129.75
48 49.5 1.5 Sand 50 8.250 395.78 0.542 27.09 21.04 33.21 61.65 49.26 29.80 2.40 1.32 127.96 3592.63 503.30 1638.37 148.96 134.48
49.5 51 1.5 Sand 50 8.250 408.15 0.531 26.57 20.79 33.24 61.65 49.42 29.86 2.40 1.32 128.35 3720.98 504.94 1690.37 153.70 139.22
Table .3 As remedial measure against liquefaction - Pre cast driven solid square pile capacities for individual layers
according to I.S.2911 Part.1 Sec.3 (R2010)
SEE-USQ, Brisbane, Australia, Nov.13-16, 2017
b.) It can be act as ground improvement 2.) SPT Based Liquefaction Triggering
technique like stone column., but Procedures by Idris and Boulanger, -
here solid pre cast concrete element’s A Research Paper – Deptt. Of Civil
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3.) Earthquake time history for Dhaka,
c.) Here is ground is treated by Solid Bangladesh as Competent Seismic
Square Driven Pile up to 36m length Record- A Research Paper by S.
with considerable reduction of joints Islam, Jameel, Rahman, Jummat.,
i.e. Normally 3. Hence there is no Deptt. Of Civil Engg., University of
obstruction of monolithickness etc. Malaya., Malaysia
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4.) Dhaka Earthquake Risk Guidebook
We had done comparison for the Pile (HVRA) – Bangladesh Urban
Carrying Capacity analysis for Driven Development Earthquake Resilience
Piles, Bored Cast in Situ piles and Pre Project –FEBRUARY 2014 by
cast Solid Square Piles of 400 mm dia. GFDRR