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European Journal of Operational Research 181 (2007) 59–75


Discrete Optimization

Comparison of agent-based scheduling to look-ahead

heuristics for real-time transportation problems q
Martijn Mes *, Matthieu van der Heijden, Aart van Harten
Department of Operational Methods for Production and Logistics, Faculty of Business, Public Administration and Technology,
University of Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands

Received 3 June 2004; accepted 27 February 2006

Available online 7 September 2006


We consider the real-time scheduling of full truckload transportation orders with time windows that arrive during sche-
dule execution. Because a fast scheduling method is required, look-ahead heuristics are traditionally used to solve these
kinds of problems. As an alternative, we introduce an agent-based approach where intelligent vehicle agents schedule their
own routes. They interact with job agents, who strive for minimum transportation costs, using a Vickrey auction for each
incoming order. This approach offers several advantages: it is fast, requires relatively little information and facilitates easy
schedule adjustments in reaction to information updates. We compare the agent-based approach to more traditional hier-
archical heuristics in an extensive simulation experiment. We find that a properly designed multi-agent approach performs
as good as or even better than traditional methods. Particularly, the multi-agent approach yields less empty miles and a
more stable service level.
 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Transportation; Multi-agent systems; Auctions/bidding

1. Introduction dows) this leads to the need for a flexible, stable

and robust planning and control system. It should
For operational planning and control of many be flexible in the sense that schedule adjustments
transportation networks it is important to deal with in reaction to information updates should be easy.
uncertainties like transportation times (e.g. due to It should be stable in the sense that minor informa-
congestion), arrival of rush orders during schedule tion updates (e.g. the arrival of a single rush order)
execution, and order modifications. In combination should have impact on a small part of the schedule
with sometimes tight restrictions (e.g. time win- only. It should be robust in the sense that the overall
network performance (e.g. transportation costs,
on-time delivery performance) should remain
Research supported by the BSIK project ‘‘Transition Sus- acceptable under a large number of scenarios for
tainable Mobility (TRANSUMO)’’.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +31 53 489 4062; fax: +31 53 489
unexpected events like rush orders.
2159. Traditionally, operations research (OR) based
E-mail address: m.r.k.mes@utwente.nl (M. Mes). global optimization methods are used to construct

0377-2217/$ - see front matter  2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
60 M. Mes et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 181 (2007) 59–75

integral transport schedules. However, one may be transported, will resources properly be utilized
wonder whether such methods are most suitable and will prices remain within reasonable bounds in
for planning and control of stochastic, dynamic the absence of a coordination mechanism?
transportation networks. Firstly, most optimization Although many papers have appeared on multi-
algorithms require a lot of information in advance. agents systems, also applied to logistics, literature
Secondly, global optimization algorithms can be on the performance comparison between traditional
sensitive to information updates: a minor modifica- OR-based systems and multi-agents systems is
tion in information may have impact on the sched- scarce. In this paper, we aim to make such a com-
ules of many vehicles. Thirdly, the time required for parison for a transportation network where orders
the algorithm may not permit timely response to (full truck loads) with varying soft time windows
unexpected events such as equipment failure and arrive during schedule execution and should be
the arrival of rush orders. Finally, flexible transpor- scheduled in real time. That is, an order should be
tation networks may consist of multiple indepen- assigned to a vehicle and a feasible start time should
dent organizational units that are working in an be determined. Because a fast response is required,
autonomous, self-interested and not necessarily we use local dispatch rules and serial scheduling as
cooperative way. Therefore, these individual players benchmarks, see van der Heijden et al. (2002) and
may not be willing to share all their information Ebben et al. (2005). For the multi-agent system,
(like their cost structure, current vehicle locations we develop an auction mechanism with several pric-
and current schedule), so that traditional centralized ing variants. To compare the agent-based approach
or hierarchical approaches are not applicable with the two more traditional approaches, we use
anymore. discrete event simulation for an extensive numerical
An alternative that has been proposed within the experiment. As overall network performance crite-
computer science literature is the multi-agent system ria we focus on the average on-time delivery per-
(MAS). Such a system consists of independent intel- centage as service measure, variation in the on-
ligent control units linked to physical or functional time delivery percentage as robustness measure and
entities (e.g. vehicle, order). It seems to be a prom- the empty mile percentage as efficiency measure.
ising solution for controlling complex networks, We also use total costs (transportation costs, pen-
providing more flexibility, reliability, adaptability alty costs) to measures a combination of service
and reconfigurability. Agents act autonomously by and efficiency.
pursuing their own interest and interact with each The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
other, for example using information exchange lows. In the next section, we give an overview of
and negotiation mechanisms. In a transportation related literature and we explain the contribution
network, each order (job) and each resource can of our paper. In Section 3, we present our model
have its own goal-directed agent. For example, a and in Section 4 we discuss our choice for a partic-
job agent may focus on on-time delivery against ular agent based planning concept. Next, we discuss
the lowest possible costs, and a resource agent several options for agent bidding and bid evaluation
may strive for utilization and/or profit maximiza- in Section 5. In Section 6, we briefly present the two
tion. A key issue is how to configure agents such more traditional planning approaches that we use as
that their self-interested behavior yields a near-opti- benchmarks in a simulation study. We describe the
mal solution for the network as a whole. One option experimental settings in Section 7 and provide the
is to use a market mechanism like an auction. An numerical results from this study in Section 8. We
overall goal for the network performance can be end up with conclusions, remarks on generalizations
to balance the total lateness and the total relevant and directions for further research (Section 9).
The principle of multi-agent systems is elegant 2. Related literature
and has clear advantages from an ICT point of
view. However, it is unclear whether the system- 2.1. Transport planning
wide performance will be similar to or even better
than the performance of more centralized or hierar- Our problem of assigning jobs to vehicles in a
chically organized planning systems. It is even not transportation network is well known in the area
guaranteed whether and when a multi-agent system of vehicle routing problems (VRP) as a real-time
will show a stable behavior. That is, will all orders multi-vehicle pickup and delivery problem with time
M. Mes et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 181 (2007) 59–75 61

windows. This problem type is also known as the assignment of vehicles to loads for real-time truck-
dial-a-ride problem. Such problems arise a.o. in load pickup and delivery problems. They provide
the transportation of elderly and/or disabled per- relatively simple and fast local rules. Yang et al.
sons, shared taxi services, certain courier services (2004) extend this work to a formal optimization-
and so on. We consider a variant with full truck- based approach for the same problem class. They
loads, stochastic arrival of orders and stochastic use simulation to compare this approach with the
handling- and travel times, where even the probabil- previously developed heuristics. Mahmassani et al.
ity distributions are not known in advance. (2000) present a hybrid approach combining fast
The VRP and its variants have been studied heuristics for initial assignment with the optimiza-
extensively; see Laporte (1992) and Toth and Vigo tion-based approach for the off-line problem of
(2002) for a survey. It is well known that most vari- reassigning and sequencing accepted loads. Kim
ants of the VRP problem are NP-hard, so that it is et al. (2002) develop several approaches for routing
virtually impossible to find an optimal solution and scheduling in oversaturated demand situations.
within a short time. Most work focuses on static
and deterministic problems where all information 2.2. Agent-based logistic planning
is known when the schedule has to be generated,
see for example Desrosiers et al. (1995). When the According to Wooldridge and Jennings (1995),
input data (travel times, demands) are stochastic an agent is a hardware or software based computer
and depend on time, the planning result is not a system with key properties autonomy, social ability,
set of routes but rather a policy that prescribes reactivity and pro-activeness. A multi-agent system
how the routes should evolve as a function of those (MAS) is a group of agents that interact with each
inputs that evolve in real-time (Psaraftis, 1988). other to solve a complex problem. One way to
Such policies have been studied in several papers, achieve this interaction between agents is by using
see for example Psaraftis (1988) and Gendreau some market mechanism where resource agents
and Potvin (1998). The most common approach to compete for orders by dynamic pricing of orders.
handle these problems is to solve a model using In this paper we will use a market-based control
the data that are known at a certain point in time, mechanism for the allocation of vehicles to trans-
and to reoptimize as new data become available. port orders.
Because a fast response is required, it is common In the last years, research on multi-agent systems
to use relatively simple heuristics or parallel compu- also has boosted in the logistics and operations
tation methods, see Giani et al. (2003) for an research community. Particularly, several papers
overview. have appeared in the area of manufacturing sched-
The dynamic assignment problem as discussed in uling and control. For example Cardon et al.
Godfrey and Powell (2002) also shows some similar- (2000) who use genetic algorithms to solve job-shop
ities. Here resources (e.g. vehicles) are also dynami- scheduling problems, and derived schedule improve-
cally assigned to tasks that arrive during schedule ments by agent negotiations. There are also some
execution. Key differences are (1) each individual applications in material handling and inventory
vehicle schedule contains only one order at a time management (Kim et al., 2002) and supply chain
(2) the price of an order is exogenous and the only management (Ertogral and Wu, 2000). Only Dewan
issue is whether to accept this order and if so, to and Joshi (2000) compare their agent approach with
assign a vehicle to this order (3) only the most prof- an exact solution found by CPLEX. They conclude
itable orders are accepted . In Powell and Carvalho that centralized models are an unattractive choice
(1998), they use so-called Logistics Queuing Net- compared to decentralized models because of com-
works (LQN) to decompose the large and complex putational inefficiency and degradation in the qual-
scheduling problem by a series of very small prob- ity of solution with increasing problem size.
lems. In this way, many real world details can be Also, several papers on agent-based transport
included in the model that cannot be dealt with using planning and scheduling have been published. In
traditional approaches. Still this is a centralized the area of railroad scheduling, Böcker et al.
planning approach in contrast to the decentralized (2001) present a multi-agent approach for real-time
agent-based approach that we consider in this paper. coupling and sharing of train wagons. In Zhu et al.
Closely related work can be found in Regan et al. (2000) a multi-agent solution for air cargo assign-
(1995, 1996, 1998) who investigate the dynamic ment is considered. Although this paper contains
62 M. Mes et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 181 (2007) 59–75

an interesting agent-based application, it does not Our contribution focuses on the following new
provide detailed information on the design of a issues for agent-based transport scheduling:
multi-agent system itself in terms of goals, behavior,
pricing strategies etc. An interesting contribution • A combination of soft time windows and incom-
comes from Fischer et al. (1996) who developed a plete information (demand, order handling times).
simulation testbed for multi-agent transport plan- • A study of the impact of additional intelligence
ning, called MARS. They describe the information of agents (both vehicle agents and shipper agents)
architecture and decision structure for quite generic on the overall system performance.
transport planning systems and test their model on • A comparison of our multi-agent system to more
the traditional vehicle routing problem with time- traditional approaches for real time transport
windows where all orders are known in advance. planning based on fast look-ahead rules and
In Hoen and Poutré (2004) a multi-agent system OR algorithms (serial scheduling).
is presented for real-time vehicle routing problems • An analysis of performance robustness, measured
with consolidation in a multi-company setting. by the standard deviation of the daily service
Cargo is assigned to vehicles using a Vickrey auc- levels.
tion. They show the advantage of truck decommit- • An analysis of the impact of order characteristics
ment, which is the option to break an agreement in (such as tightness of the time window) on the
favor of a better deal if another truck from the same overall costs.
company can handle the cargo. They use a simple
bidding strategy, i.e. the vehicle bid equals the reve- 3. Model, assumptions, terminology and notation
nue of an order that is delivered minus the additional
pickup, transportation and delivery costs. They do The key issue in our research is to match avail-
not consider time windows within a day. able transportation capacity to orders that arrive
Another interesting contribution comes from during schedule execution. The matching of avail-
Figliozzi et al. (2003), who present a framework able vehicle capacity with incoming orders can be
for the study of carriers’ strategies in an auction done using OR-based heuristics or using an agent-
marketplace for dynamic full truckload vehicle based approach. We make the following model
routing problems with time windows. They also assumptions:
use a Vickrey auction and a simple heuristic for gen-
erating bids, namely the additional costs of serving a • All transport orders have a size of one Full Truck
shipment by appending it to the end of the vehicle Load (FTL);
schedule. They focus on profit allocation rather • Vehicles are location aware and fleet owners are
than on the efficiency of assignment decisions. In aware of the next node to be visited by their
Figliozzi et al. (2004) they study the impact of differ- vehicles;
ent assignment strategies on the travel costs under • No orders may be rejected, even if it is clear that
various demand conditions. They consider four fleet an order cannot be delivered in time;
assignment methods that are related to the agent- • The total transportation capacity is sufficient to
based approaches considered in this paper. We handle all orders in the long run;
explain the differences compared to our research in • An order in process cannot be interrupted (no
the next section. preemption); that is, a vehicle may not temporar-
ily drop a load in order to handle a more profit-
2.3. Contribution to the literature able load and return later on; however, empty
moves may be interrupted any time;
Although some results on multi-agent planning • Communication between shippers, vehicles and
and scheduling are available in the area of transpor- fleet owners is possible any time.
tation, the level of intelligence is still limited in many In the next sections we describe our transporta-
cases. Also, many papers deal with the design of an tion problem in more detail.
agent architecture rather than analyzing the relation
between agent behavior and the overall network 3.1. Transportation network and demand
performance. Especially little is known about the
performance of agent-based transportation control We consider a transportation network that is
compared with more traditional control methods. inspired by a case for an automated transportation
M. Mes et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 181 (2007) 59–75 63

network using AGVs (Automatic Guided Vehicles) The relevant cost factors for vehicles are (i) vari-
as described in van der Heijden et al. (2002). The able costs ct per time unit, both for loaded or empty
network consists of a set of nodes and a set of arcs driving (ii) penalty costs cp(T) as function of the tar-
connecting these nodes. In the case study, the arcs diness T. We assume that the fixed costs are identi-
represent underground tubes through which the cal for all vehicles, so that they are not relevant for
AGVs drive between nodes (terminals). Each node scheduling decisions.
has a number of docks for loading and unloading
cargo. As a consequence, vehicles may face signifi-
3.3. Schedules
cant waiting times at the nodes. For more details
we refer to Section 7.1.
The transport schedule consists of a set of sched-
Orders to transport unit loads between these
ules per vehicle. Each vehicle has a list of jobs and a
nodes arrive one-by-one according to some
schedule to execute these jobs. Here we use the term
unknown stochastic arrival process. Orders are
‘job’ for orders that have been accepted by a vehicle
characterized by the following parameters: the ori-
for execution.
gin node i, the destination node j, the earliest pickup
Formally, we define a vehicle schedule as a
time at the origin r, the latest delivery time at the
sequence of actions of the following types: (i) move
destination d (due time) and the time a at which
loaded along arc (i, j); (ii) move empty along arc (i, j)
the order becomes known in the network a 6 r.
(iii) wait at node j until time t. If a job has been
The earliest pickup time is a hard restriction and
delivered at node i and the next job in the schedule
the due time is a soft restriction. The time to handle
has to be loaded at j later on, the vehicle moves
an order from node i to node j (waiting for loading,
immediately empty to j and waits over there. At
loading, driving from node i to node j, waiting for
any point in time, the first job in a vehicle schedule
unloading, and unloading) is a random variable
is in execution and cannot be interrupted. A sche-
and denoted by sfij . Variation in handling times
dule will always end with option (iii) at some node
may arise from traffic congestion, variation in load-
with t = 1. Given a set of K jobs, the number of
ing and unloading times and waiting times at the
job sequences equals K! Given a certain job
nodes. We do not consider limitations in loading
sequence, the timing of the jobs and the correspond-
and unloading capacity at the docks explicitly, but
ing empty moves should be determined.
include it as a stochastic effect in the transport order
Vehicle schedules are updated at the following
handling times. The time to drive empty from node i
events: (a) completion of the first action in a sche-
to node j is a random variable seij . The order han-
dule (b) matching a new external load with available
dling times and travel times of empty vehicles are
vehicle capacity. Depending on the control method,
unknown and should be learned from historic data.
also periodical replanning is possible.
3.2. Cost structure and performance measurement
4. Agent-based planning concepts
To evaluate the system performance, we use the
following key performance indicators: In our agent-based planning concept, we assign
vehicles to jobs using a market-like negotiation pro-
• Service level, i.e. the fraction of orders that is tocol that implicitly coordinates the agents’ deci-
delivered before the due time. sions. The definition of such an agent-based
• Stability of the service level, measured by the planning concept depend on three key choices: (i)
standard deviation in service level per simulation which agents to distinguish with their tasks and goals,
period. (ii) which products (services) to trade, and (iii) which
• Percentage of driving loaded, i.e. the fraction of market mechanism (auction) to define. We will
the total distance that is traveled empty, being address these three issues below. The goal-directed
an indicator for energy waste and loss of vehicle behavior of each agent will be discussed in Section 5.
• Relative additional costs, defined as the ratio of 4.1. Agent types
the costs for empty driving and penalties and the
costs for driving loaded, or (total costs  costs To assign orders to vehicles, we choose for an ele-
driving loaded)/costs driving loaded. mentary structure with one agent per vehicle and
64 M. Mes et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 181 (2007) 59–75

one agent per order. Further, we use a fleet manager and local schedules of all their vehicles, they can
agent to collect and analyze auction and processing reassign vehicles to jobs to improve the profit of
time data of all its vehicles and to distribute the the fleet.
results to its vehicles when needed. In this way, Although a hierarchical concept is interesting, we
the vehicle agents have access to more information start with a fully decentralized concept. It is interest-
than their own history only. The same applies to ing to examine whether such a simple agent-based
the shipper agents for all the orders issued by the concept can already meet the performance of tradi-
shipper. Hence our multi-agent structure consists tional OR based planning methods. However, we
of four agent types, see Fig. 1. will use fleet agents and shipper agents to collect rel-
A vehicle agent has the goal to maximize its evant information and to distribute it to the vehicle
profit by deploying its capacity. A job agent has agents and job agents. In Sections 5.1 and 5.2 we
the goal to arrange transportation of the corre- present two extensions that require some form of
sponding load before the due time at minimal costs. hierarchical coordination.
In a basic structure, all vehicle agents and job agents
meet on the marketplace where they negotiate to 4.2. Product definition
assign jobs to vehicles. Each vehicle agent maintains
its own schedule. Hence the solution to the global To create a marketplace, we need a product def-
scheduling problem emerges from the local schedul- inition. We distinguish the following options:
ing and pricing decisions of the vehicle agents. In
this way, one complex overall plan is replaced by • Transportation of an order from location i to
many smaller and simpler plans. location j, to be loaded not earlier than the
The introduction of hierarchy may improve the release time r and to be delivered before the
coordination between agents. We can define hierar- due time d.
chy both at the job level and at the resource level. At • Transport capacity of a unit load that is available
the job level, a shipper agent can be responsible for at node i at time t1 to be used during a time per-
a set of orders. A possible task is to reallocate the iod T. The advantage compared to the first
transport capacity that has been acquired such that option is that it provides the flexibility to reserve
their orders are handled before the due times at low- capacity for future jobs with some arbitrary des-
est costs. For example, they may switch an order tination. However, bidding is harder because not
that has been scheduled but that has not been much can be said about the expected vehicle loca-
started yet with a rush order with a similar trajec- tion at time t1 + T.
tory. To this end, they have full information on all • Transport capacity of N vehicle loads that can be
orders under their control and all transport capacity used in some time interval [t1, t2]. Such a bulk
that has been acquired for these orders. At the trade may be advantageous for fleet management
resource level, a fleet agent can be responsible for as a whole, but it is not suitable for a decentral-
a subset of vehicles. If they know the positions ized planning concept.

Vehicle agent Job agent

Fleet agent Shipper agent

Vehicle agent Job agent


Vehicle agent Job agent

Fleet agent Shipper agent

Vehicle agent Job agent

Fig. 1. Agent structure for transportation networks.

M. Mes et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 181 (2007) 59–75 65

• Transport capacity of a unit load from node A to We implement the market mechanism as follows.
node B that has to be picked up at time t1 and Each time an order l arrives, the corresponding job
that has to be delivered at time t2. Although this agent starts an auction by asking all vehicles to bid.
definition fits well with the order definition, it Each vehicle agent v creates a single bid b, consisting
hampers flexibility for dynamic reallocation of of a price, an expected departure time and an
capacity when additional (rush) orders arrive. expected arrival time. Next, the job agent evaluates
all bids and sends a grant or reject message to the
We choose for the first option, because it offers vehicle agents. We allow the job agent to reject all
both simplicity for bidding and flexibility for sche- bids if it expects to receive a better bid later on
dule alteration, particularly if the order due time (see next section).
may be violated at some penalty costs as described
in Section 3.2. 5. Bid calculation and evaluation

4.3. Auctioning mechanism 5.1. Bid calculation by vehicle agents

Several auction mechanisms have been proposed Let us denote the current schedule of vehicle v by
for distributed scheduling, see e.g. Wellman and S 0v . The acceptance of an additional job will lead to a
Walsh (2001). Some common auction types are: new vehicle schedule, for which we may consider
several alternatives S nv , where n is the index of the
• Bargaining, this is a one-on-one negotiation pro- vehicle schedule alternative. For example, we may
tocol where all trading partners contact each insert the new job at various positions in the current
other individually. schedule or we may shuffle the entire schedule to
• Sealed-bid auctions where every bidder submits find a new optimum. Because we use a Vickrey auc-
his bid only once and the best bid is selected; spe- tion, the bid price of vehicle v equals to the mini-
cial cases are the first-price sealed-bid auction mum additional costs over all alternative schedules
where exactly the price offered is paid, and the n. As mentioned in Section 3.2, the additional costs
Vickrey auction in which the bidder receives the depend on the additional time needed to move the
price of the one but best offer (second-price load, possibly additional waiting time and the
sealed-bid). change in the total penalty costs for tardiness
• Open outcry auctions consist of multiple bidding
rounds where all bids are known to each bidder. Pb v;l ¼ min ctv DT v;l;n þ cwv DW v;l;n
Variants are (i) the English auction, where bid- !
ders sequentially either raise their bids or with- X
draw in each round until a single bidder is left, þ fcdo ðDv;o;l;n tÞ  cdo ðDv;o;l;0 Þg
8o2S nv
and (ii) the Dutch auction, where the price is
reduced step by step starting from a high level where DTv,l,n is the expected additional travel- and
until some bidder accepts the price. handling time required for vehicle v in schedule
alternative n to transport the job l, DWv,l,n is the ex-
We select the Vickrey auction as mechanism in pected additional waiting time for vehicle v in sche-
our paper because of its simplicity. First of all it dule alternative n after adding job l (which may be
requires a single bidding round. Second, under negative if the new job can be inserted in a gap in
some mild conditions the optimal bid is the net the current vehicle schedule thereby reducing wait-
cost price of the bidder, who will make profit from ing time), and Dv,o,l,n is the tardiness of job o after
the margin between the two best bids (cf. Vickrey, adding job l to the schedule of vehicle v using alter-
1961). Therefore, it provides a natural mechanism native n (where the tardiness Dv,l,l,0 of the new job l
for acceptable profits. An advantage of this simple in the current schedule is zero because it has not
bid price is that it enables us to concentrate on the been scheduled yet).
transportation control variables themselves rather Note that we cannot simply include the difference
than on learning and rationality issues of the in total tardiness in the bid price, because the pen-
agents. A drawback is that the profits may reduce alty costs are not necessarily a linear function of
to (almost) zero if the number of competitors the tardiness. It is obvious that a bid depends on
becomes large. the internal order scheduling of the vehicle agent.
66 M. Mes et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 181 (2007) 59–75

We consider three variants for internal vehicle We consider two variants for job agent behavior.
scheduling. In the first variant, the agent simply accepts the best
First, the simplest method (called AgentEnd) is to bid received by all vehicle agents. In the second var-
add a new job to the end of the current schedule. So, iant, the job agent rejects all bids if they are all
we have a single schedule alternative (n = 1). Then higher than a certain threshold. The idea behind this
the change in penalty costs can only be due to tardi- is that the job agent may expect to receive a better
ness for job l because the expected arrival times of bid when reauctioning at a later point in time. After
the jobs in the current schedule are not affected. all, prices fluctuate over time due to changes in the
Additional waiting time DWv,l,1 can only occur at available transportation capacity and in the vehicle
the origin of job l. The additional travel time DTv,l,1 schedules. So if the best bid is relatively high (which
equals the handling time of order l plus the time can be learned from history) and there is still quite
needed to move the vehicle empty from the end some time until the latest pickup time of the job at
location of schedule S v to the start location of job l. its origin, it may be better to wait for a more attrac-
A second option is to insert the new job at any tive price. As the deadline for dispatch comes
position in the existing schedule S v without altering nearer, the job agent may increase the threshold to
the order of execution for the other jobs. We will refer get transportation.
to this option as AgentInsert. Hence the number of We assume fixed periods between reauctioning of
schedule alternatives equals the number of jobs in an order that has not been assigned to a vehicle yet.
the current schedule, because the first job is in execu- We call this variant DynamicThreshold. The deci-
tion. For bid calculation we have to consider the cost sion of the job agent is (1) to set an initial threshold
components for the new job plus all jobs from the price for the first auction round (2) to determine the
current schedule that will be served later on. threshold prices for all further auction rounds. The
A third option is to construct a completely new fixed time between auction rounds for the same
schedule except for the job currently in execution. order is a parameter of the job agent. In order to
As this means solving a Traveling Salesman Problem determine the thresholds, the job agents need insight
(TSP), we refer to this method as AgentTSP. We use in the cost and handling times for their routes. As
a depth-first, branch and bound algorithm, where we mentioned in Section 4.1, the shipper agents keep
used an upper bound found with AgentInsert to test track of travel times and prices and distribute it to
the lower bound for the remaining branch. This the job agents.
requires not too much computation time because The bid acceptance under DynamicThreshold
the number of jobs in a vehicle schedule is usually works as follows. For the timing between successive
small (say less than ten) and AgentInsert provides auctions for the same order, we take a fixed period
a reasonable upper bound. Otherwise we have to rely R. It is logical to relate the threshold price to the max-
upon well known fast heuristics for the TSP, such as imum number of auction rounds N before the job has
tabu search (cf. Gendreau et al., 1994). to be transported. We have that N = b(d  t  a)/
Because of the dynamic nature of the problem it is Rc + 1 with d the due date, a the first announcement
not guaranteed that the initial assignment of a job to time of the order and t the expected handling time as
a vehicle remains optimal as new orders arrive and obtained from the shipper agent. Without loss of gen-
travel time realizations become known. Therefore erality, we assume that R is such that always N P 2 (if
we introduce an option to exchange jobs between not, the DynamicThreshold variant coincides with
vehicles that we call Trade. Whenever a vehicle, after the first variant discussed in this section in which
unloading at a certain terminal i, has to travel empty the lowest bid is always accepted).
to terminal j, its agent searches for another vehicle The threshold prices can be based on expecta-
agent that has a job from i to j that has been released tions of the outcomes of future auctions. In this
but that is not started yet. Then the job that yields case, the threshold price for a certain round equals
the highest savings (if positive) will be transferred the expected price we could receive in the next auc-
to the vehicle to avoid empty traveling. tion rounds given a certain threshold policy. How-
ever, it is difficult to model the outcomes because
5.2. Bid evaluation by job agents different auction rounds are not independent.
Therefore we will consider a much simpler strategy.
The job agents have to evaluate all bids; deter- The threshold price pN for the last auction round
mine for each bid whether to accept or to reject it. is always infinite, i.e. any offer is accepted in order
M. Mes et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 181 (2007) 59–75 67

to force the job to be served. The first threshold as the due time minus an offset for the expected han-
price p1 equals a certain minimum price Pmin and dling time (loading, transportation, unloading) and
the threshold price for the second last auction round the variation in the handling time. Next, we sort the
pN1 equals a maximum price Pmax. These values order list in increasing order of latest departure
Pmin and Pmax can be based on historical data pro- times. We process the list sequentially. To each
vided by the shipper agent. We consider two pricing order, we assign the vehicle that can be available
strategies: linear and quadratic. For the linear strat- at the earliest point in time. If a vehicle is waiting
egy, the threshold price pr in round r is given by at or driving to a different node, the top level issues
  an empty vehicle repositioning orders with corre-
P max  P min sponding latest dispatch time to that node.
pr ¼ P min þ ðr  1Þ
N 2 At the node level, we have a list of orders to be
for r ¼ 1; . . . ; N  1 dispatched (with latest departure time) and a list
of empty vehicle dispatch orders (with latest dis-
For the quadratic pricing strategy we define patch time). Every time a vehicle becomes available
! at the node, we choose the highest priority order
P max  P min 2 from both lists. For efficiency reasons, we try to
pr ¼ P min þ 2
ðr  1Þ
ðN  2Þ combine empty dispatch orders with load dispatch
orders if possible. For example, if it is most urgent
for r ¼ 1; . . . ; N  1
to dispatch a job from node A to node B, we look
We will examine the impact of DynamicThresh- in the order list of node A whether there is a (lower
old in Section 8. priority) load dispatch order from A to B, and if so,
the vehicle takes this load on its trip. Hence the
6. Traditional OR based heuristics as benchmark node level operates independently of the top level,
but within the conditions set by the top level (see
Traditionally, heuristics from operations van der Heijden et al. (2002) for more details). In
research are used for real-time scheduling in trans- the remainder of this paper we refer to this method
port networks. We will use two of the methods from by LocalControl.
van der Heijden et al. (2002) as benchmark for our In the integrated planning approach, we con-
agent system, because the focus in that paper is on a struct a better planning to distribute vehicles over
similar problem as we consider here. nodes. To this end, we use serial scheduling (Ebben
Both methods that we consider are hierarchical et al., 2005), where different priority rules are being
methods. At the top level, vehicles are distributed used to create a sequence of jobs, which are virtually
amongst nodes based on actual and expected orders, assigned to vehicles. At the node level, we still
without detailed job assignment. At the node level, decide on the assignment of jobs to vehicles. How-
vehicles are assigned to jobs, where only the vehicles ever, to maintain the structure of the vehicle distri-
can be used that are assigned to that node by the top bution planning from the top level, the node level
level. The advantage of such an approach is that a has to handle all orders in a sequence that has been
complex schedule is decomposed into two simpler prescribed by the top level. In that sense, we move
decisions. One of these decisions, assignment of responsibility from the node level to the top level,
vehicles to jobs, should be done in real time. The hoping to receive a better performance in return in
other decision, distribution of vehicles amongst terms of fill rate and distance traveled empty. In
nodes, should be done frequently, but not necessar- the remainder of this paper we refer to this method
ily real time, because it is a higher-level decision by SerialScheduling.
without immediate consequences. We will use two The aim of a hierarchical control concept as
methods that fit within this hierarchical framework, described above is to construct a more flexible and
namely hierarchical coordination and integrated fast schedule compared to a fully centralized con-
planning. cept. The difference between centralized, hierarchi-
Under hierarchical coordination, the top level cal and heterarchical (agent based) control
distributes vehicles using a simple priority rule, structures is illustrated in Fig. 2.
based on a central order list and a central overview Of course, a hierarchical control concept has
of all vehicle positions and current activities. First, some advantages compared to purely central con-
we calculate the latest departure time for each order trol. It requires less data exchange and is capable
68 M. Mes et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 181 (2007) 59–75

Central control Hierarchical control Heterarchical control


Global vehicle manager Global vehicle manager Global vehicle manager

Local vehicle manager


Fig. 2. Control structures.

of reacting quicker to unexpected events because of Zwanenburg landing strip (RTZ). At Aalsmeer
the allocation of tasks and responsibilities to two there is 1 terminal, at Schiphol Airport there are 8
hierarchical levels. However, this hierarchical terminals and there is 1 rail terminal. Besides, there
decomposition of control does not take into account is a central parking area where AGVs can wait if
the different roles of various independent stakehold- there are temporary no jobs, because the parking
ers that negotiate on their mutual services and cor- space at (underground) terminals is limited. Each
responding prices. Besides, a key difference with the terminal has an internal track structure and consists
agent approach is that under the hierarchical plan- of 4 docks where AGVs can be loaded or unloaded.
ning all order and vehicle information should be The terminals are connected by tubes as illustrated
centrally available and that a central vehicle distri- in Fig. 3.
bution plan is constructed. The times to drive through or along a terminal
are significant, as a terminal may have a length up
7. Experimental setting to 200 m and AGVs drive slower within terminals
for safety reasons (see next section). When an
In this section we discuss the experimental AGV enters a terminal to pickup or to deliver an
design. We successively describe the network char- order, it is assigned to a specific dock within the ter-
acteristics (7.1), the fixed parameters settings (7.2) minal. The distance from the terminal entrance to
and the experimental factors (7.3). the dock may vary between 100 and 400 m, so the
dock assignment causes a part of the variation in
7.1. Network characteristics order handling times.
Because this is a quite specific setting, we also
To test the proposed multi-agent concepts and to consider a second network structure consisting of
compare them with other control methods, we use 20 nodes that are uniformly placed in a squared
network settings inspired by a case study on a pro- region of 10 · 10 km. All nodes are mutually con-
posed underground transportation system near nected and the distances between these nodes are
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, the Netherlands Euclidean. A central parking area is located in the
(van der Heijden et al., 2002). We refer to this appli- centre of the area.
cation as the OLS case, which is the Dutch abbrevi- One way to deal with random networks is to gen-
ation for underground logistic system. In this erate a few (2–3) random network structures and
system, Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) carry perform some replications for each scenario. This
cargo between terminals that are connected by provides insight in the performance of a few config-
tubes. urations only. Because we are interested in the aver-
We use two different network settings. First a age performance of the control methods over a
network layout that is derived from a specific net- range of random network structures, we chose for
work layout for the OLS-case with an internal another option. That is, we start each replication
transportation system at Amsterdam Airport Schi- with the creation of a new network, i.e. reposition-
phol (AAS), see van der Heijden et al. (2002). This ing the location of all nodes. Of course the required
network consists of a connection of the airport with number of replications will increase, but we will also
the world’s largest flower auction market in Aals- get a better idea of the average performance of the
meer (VBA) and a planned rail terminal near the various control methods.
M. Mes et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 181 (2007) 59–75 69

Fig. 3. OLS network structure.

Orders arrive according to a (non)stationary Poi- 7.2. Fixed parameter settings

son process (cf. Section 7.3). Travel times between
terminal entrances are deterministic and known in The vehicles have a speed of 6 m/s outside the
advance because they only depend on the distance terminals and 2 m/s inside the terminals. The maxi-
and speed of vehicles. Although the distances are mum number of AGVs allowed at a terminal is lim-
deterministic, the handling times show variation ited to 5.
due to the following: As costs factors we use travel costs ct = 1 per min-
ute and a linear penalty cost function cp(T) = 10T,
• Variations in loading and unloading times. where the tardiness equals T minutes. These penalty
• Waiting times at the terminals due to limitations costs are such that in case of agent-based control a
on the number of AGVs on terminals. job agent will almost always prefer an AGV that
• Waiting times at the terminals due to limitations delivers the job with minimum tardiness.
in dock capacity. The agent-based approaches also use waiting
• Dock-dependent distances on terminals. costs in their bid prices. We set these costs equal
to the historical average profit per time unit. This
Therefore, we treat the handling times as random information is collected and distributed by the fleet
variables. The mean and standard deviation of the agent.
handling times are dynamically being updated using We set the parameters of DynamicThreshold as
a standard exponential smoothing procedure, see follows. Pmin is equal to the mean price for a specific
Silver et al. (1998). In case of agent-based control route, Pmax to the maximum price paid so far for
we use the fleet manager to keep track of all han- this route and the fixed time interval R between
dling times and the corresponding estimates are the auction rounds is set to 5 minutes, which equals
available to all vehicles under its control. the minimum handling time in the OLS network.
To provide an indication of the stochasticity we The replanning period for the two hierarchical
found the following values in the OLS network set- methods is set to 4 minutes.
tings. The expected handling times range from
5 minutes (T1–T2) with standard deviation of 7.3. Experimental factors
40 seconds, to 25 minutes (VBA to T6) with a stan-
dard deviation of 90 seconds. Although these devia- In this section, we discuss the factors that we will
tions are not very large, they are significant in the vary in our simulation experiments for both the
handling times. OLS network case and the random networks.
70 M. Mes et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 181 (2007) 59–75

7.3.1. OLS network demand structure 22 AGVs. The announcement

Table 1 shows the experimental factors and their times a for jobs are equal to the earliest departure
settings for the OLS network. time r. Therefore the time-windows can be defined
The experimental factor ‘‘Demand structure’’ as the time between the first auction for a job and
refers to the variation in transportation flows over the due time d.
time. We distinguish three cases: Stable, Dynamic, To limit the number of experiments, we test the
and Highly Dynamic. In the stable demand struc- vehicle agent coordination (Trade) and the job
ture, (i) the order arrival rates are identical for all agent control (DynamicThreshold) for the highly
origin destination pairs, (ii) the order arrival rates dynamic demand structure only. We consider four
are constant over the day, and (iii) all orders have settings: Trade, DynamicThreshold with linear pric-
a same time window of 60 minutes. ing, DynamicThreshold with quadratic pricing and
In the dynamic demand structure, (i) the order the combination of Trade with DynamicThreshold,
arrival rates are still identical for all origin destina- linear pricing. We omit the combination of Trade
tion pairs, (ii) the time between orders vary over with DynamicThreshold, quadratic pricing because
hours of the day according to a sinus function with we observed that the differences between both price
period of half a day, the same mean as in the stable functions are small (see Section 8.1).
demand structure, and an amplitude of 3 seconds,
and (iii) we have three different time-windows of 7.3.2. Random network
30, 60, and 90 minutes that are drawn with equal As a basic scenario we use a network consisting
probability. of 20 nodes, 20 AGVs, a time between orders of
The highly dynamic demand structure is similar 1.5 minute and a time-window of 60 minutes. As
to the dynamic demand situation, except that the key performance indicator we use the average rela-
order arrival rates are no longer identical for all ori- tive costs per order, see Section 3.2. This value
gin destination pairs. The imbalance is given in resembles the extra costs we make relative to the
Table 2. Within AAS all terminals have equal prob- minimum costs for all orders.
ability of being origin or destination. The experimental factors can be found in Table
The average number of orders per day is 1800, 3. Each of these factors will be varied keeping the
that is a time-between-orders (TBO) of 48 seconds. other factors equal to the basic scenario.
These orders have to be transported by a fixed num- We use as control methods LocalControl,
ber of AGVs. This number is chosen such that all SerialScheduling, AgentEnd, AgentInsert and the
methods are capable of handing all orders in the combination of AgentInsert with Trade and
long run, but not necessarily on time. In case of a DynamicThreshold with linear pricing, referred to
stable or dynamic demand structure we choose to as AgentInsertSmart. To vary the time between
use 20 AGVs and in case of a highly dynamic orders during a day, we describe the TBO as a sinus
with a period of half a day, a mean of 1.5 minute
and change the amplitude.
Table 1 We use a replication/deletion approach for our
Experimental factors simulations (Law and Kelton, 2000), where each
Factor Range experiment consists of a sufficient number of repli-
Demand structure Stable, dynamic, highly dynamic cations (each with different seeds) of six days, each
Vehicle control LocalControl, SerialScheduling, including a one-day warm-up period. The number
AgentEnd, AgentInsert, AgentTSP
Vehicle coordination None, Trade
Job control None, DynamicThreshold (linear),
DynamicThreshold (quadratic) Table 3
Experimental factors
Factor Value
Table 2
Distribution of transportation flows Length time-windows (seconds) 50, 70, 90, 110, 130
Look-ahead (minutes) 0, 3, 6, 9, 12
From/to AAS (%) RTZ (%) VBA (%) Time between orders (seconds) 84, 87, 90, 93, 96
AAS 0 26 10 Amplitude in deviation 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
RTZ 40 0 4 from mean TBO (seconds)
VBA 8 12 0 Number of nodes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20
M. Mes et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 181 (2007) 59–75 71

of replications will be determined in the next We see that AgentInsert and AgentTSP both
sections. yield similar results which are better than the hierar-
chical methods LocalControl and SerialScheduling.
8. Numerical results Because of the dynamic system behavior, solving a
TSP problem exactly has apparently little added
In this section, we present the results of our sim- value. Because AgentTSP is also computationally
ulation experiments. First, we present the results for intensive we skip this method in the remainder.
the OLS network (8.1) and afterwards for the ran- We see that AgentEnd yields lower service levels
dom networks (8.2). in some cases. With regard to the percentage of driv-
ing loaded we see that our agent approach always
8.1. OLS network perform better than the hierarchical control
We first determine the number of replications. To The differences in service levels is larger in case of
this end we consider the percentage of driving loaded dynamic demand compared to stable demand. In
(DL) and the service levels (SL) of all control meth- case of highly dynamic demand, we even observe
ods for all three demand structures. The maximum that decreasing the number of AGVs from 22 to
number of replications needed with a confidence level 21 yields lower service levels for the agent-based
of 99% and relative error of 5% is 10. To facilitate methods whereas the Local Control and Serial
comparison, we use 10 replications for all scenarios. Scheduling heuristics are simply not able to handle
We also performed a paired t-test on the key per- all demand (the order backlog steadily increases).
formance indicators SL and DL of SerialScheduling To gain insight in the sensitivity of the control
and AgentInsert using the 10 replications with a sta- methods to the order arrival intensity we vary the
ble demand structure. Results show that both differ- time between orders from 46 to 50. The impact on
ences are significant with a confidence level of 99%. the percentage of driving loaded for the different
The results for all control methods for the different control methods in case of stable demand can be
demand structures can be found in Table 4. found in Fig. 4(a) and the impact on the service lev-
els in Fig. 4(b).
Table 4 From these figures we see that with increasing
Simulation results: comparing control methods TBO, the service levels go to 100% for all control
Control Stable Dynamic Highly dynamic methods. However, the differences in percentage of
driving loaded between the heuristics and the two
agent methods increase. This means that the agent
LocalControl 73 95.9 72 91.4 78 93.6
SerialScheduling 73 99.2 74 96.6 78 94.8
methods do not lead to unnecessary empty miles if
AgentEnd 82 99.7 80 95.3 82 93.9 the transportation capacity is sufficient to handle
AgentInsert 83 100 80 97.8 82 97.0 all orders in time. In case of (highly) dynamic
AgentTSP 83 100 80 98.1 82 97.2 demand situations this effective use of capacity can

0.85 120
Percentage of driving loaded

Service level

SerialScheduling 40
0.65 AgentEnd
AgentEnd 20
0.6 0
46 47 48 49 50 46 47 48 49 50
Time between orders Time between orders

Fig. 4. Impact of varying time between orders. (a) Impact on percentage of driving loaded and (b) impact on service level.
72 M. Mes et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 181 (2007) 59–75

10 20
Standard deviation in service level

Local Control

Standard deviation in service level

9 18 LocalControl
SerialScheduling SerialScheduling
8 AgentEnd 16
7 AgentInsert 14 AgentInsert

6 12

5 10

4 8

3 6

2 4

1 2

0 0
46 47 48 49 50 1 2 3 4 5
Time between orders in case of stable demand Time between orders in case of highly dynamic demand

Fig. 5. Impact of time between orders on standard deviation. (a) Stable demand structure and (b) highly dynamic demand structure.

be used to cope with uncertainty such as rush there are no time windows and all travel- and han-
orders. Therefore our agent control seems to be dling times are deterministic. Then penalty costs
more robust than the two hierarchical control meth- are not relevant and the problem reduces to the min-
ods. This can also be seen from the standard devia- imization of the total empty travel time under flow
tion in service levels per replication over the ten conservation constraints. Using the average han-
replications for both the stable demand structure dling times and demand data resulting from our
(Fig. 5(b)) and the highly dynamic demand structure simulation experiments for the highly dynamic case,
(Fig. 5(a)). We see that our agent control is less sen- we find an upper bound of 89% for the percentage
sitive to variations in demand volume, loading times of driving loaded. Even though this upper bound
and unloading times. is calculated under strongly simplifying assump-
To examine the impact of additional agent intel- tions, our agent methods still achieves a percentage
ligence, we show the key performance indicators DL of driving loaded that is only 6.7% less than the
and SL for agent systems with or without vehicle upper bound. On the other hand, LocalControl
coordination (Trade) and DynamicThreshold (both and SerialScheduling lead to a percentage driving
linear and quadratic) in Table 5. loaded that is 12.4% worse than the upper bound.
We see that the use of additional intelligence
improves the performance, especially in case of 8.2. Random networks
AgentEnd. However, the improvement in service
level is only significant at confidence level 98% for Again, we first determine the number of replica-
Trade. It might be surprising to see that the addi- tions based on the basic scenario. With a confidence
tional intelligence does not improve the percentage level of 95% and a relative error of 5%, we find that
of driving loaded. The reason for this is that there we need 6 replications in case of AgentInsert and 40
is very little room for improvement. To illustrate replications in case of LocalControl. The differences
this, we calculate a simple upper bound for the per- between the control methods are higher than before.
centage driving loaded. Let us relax the problem by First, this is due to changes in the network layout
assuming that all orders are known in advance, with each replication. Second, we are now looking
at the relative costs for which the variances are
Table 5
much higher. We decided to use 20 replications
Simulation results: additional intelligence because this provides enough significance to distin-
AgentEnd AgentInsert AgentTSP
guish between the agent control methods and the
two heuristics. This can be seen from the confidence
Normal 82 93.9 82 97.0 82 97.2
intervals for the relative costs in the basic scenario
Trade 83 96.2 82 98.2 82 98.3 (Table 6).
DP-lin 83 95.5 83 97.5 82 97.9 First we vary the time between orders. In Fig. 6
DP-Qdr 83 95.4 82 97.6 82 97.8 we see that, for all methods, the relative costs
TR-DP-lin 83 96.4 83 98.4 83 98.4 decrease with the time between orders. We also see
M. Mes et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 181 (2007) 59–75 73

Table 6 tude has negative effect on the relative costs. Not

Simulation results: confidence intervals for relative costs surprisingly, the AgentInsertSmart method is less
Control Confidence interval sensitive from these deviations.
LocalControl [59.5, 69.7] Second, we vary the length of the time-windows.
SerialScheduling [57.5, 63.6] From Fig. 8 we see that the relative costs for all
AgentEnd [40.5, 44.1] methods decrease with the length of the time win-
AgentInsert [38.9, 41.4]
AgentInsertSmart [39.0, 41.2]
dows. The costs converge to a situation where the
penalty costs are negligible. The methods Local-
Control and SerialScheduling are not able to reduce
their empty trips when the time windows increase.
AgentInsert AgentInsertSmart benefits more from increasing
time windows because the number N of possible
Relative costs

AgentInsertSmart auction rounds is higher.
80 Finally we vary the number of nodes in the net-
work keeping the rest of the parameters the same,
see Fig. 9. In case of AgentInsert the relative costs
40 first slightly increase converging to a value of about
40%. AgentInsertSmart works relative better if the
network is small (less nodes) because then the aver-
84 87 90 93 96
age distances between nodes are higher and there-
Time between orders fore trading jobs will be more beneficial. The
Fig. 6. Varying time between orders.

that SerialScheduling and LocalControl will con- 70
verge to a same level. The two basic agent methods
Relative costs

converge to a same, but lower level. The addition of
Trade and DynamicThreshold yields lower costs if
the time between orders is small. The reason is that 40

the average length of the vehicle schedules increases. 30 AgentEnd

Then there are more options for load exchange 20
(Trade). Also, it can be more beneficial to use SerialScheduling
threshold prices. AgentInsertSmart

In the next experiment we keep the mean time 0

50 70 90 110 130
between orders the same for all simulation runs, Lenght time-windows
but we change the deviation from the mean during
Fig. 8. Varying lenght of time windows.
the day. We see in Fig. 7 that increasing the ampli-

80 110
70 AgentInsert
90 LocalControl
Relative costs

60 80 SerialScheduling
Relative costs

70 AgentInsertSmart
30 AgentEnd 40
AgentInsert 30
10 SerialScheduling
AgentInsertSmart 10
0 0
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Amplitude in deviation from mean TBO Number of nodes

Fig. 7. Varying amplitude in time between orders. Fig. 9. Varying number of nodes.
74 M. Mes et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 181 (2007) 59–75

relative costs for all other methods decrease in the The two agent extensions result in an increase in
number of nodes. Closer inspection reveals that computation times. The extension Trade results in
the penalty costs always decrease with the number an increase of about 0.09 ms per order exchange
of nodes while the amount of empty kilometers (about 0.5% of the orders are exchanged in both
increase. However, both costs factors converge to network settings). Using DynamicThreshold has a
a stable value. Because the penalty costs are rela- bigger impact, because a load requires on average
tively small and stable for AgentInsert, the increase 2.6 auction rounds resulting in a proportional
in costs for empty trips will dominate the relative increase of the computation time.
costs. The hierarchical methods SerialScheduling
and LocalControl will benefit most from an increase 9. Conclusions, generalizations and further research
in the number of nodes. However, based on our sim-
ulation results we expect that differences in relative In this paper, we proposed a distributed agent-
costs will remain. Besides that, the computation based solution to real-time, dynamic transport
time of the hierarchical methods (especially for Seri- scheduling problems. This approach has a number
alScheduling) increases with the number of nodes. of advantages. First, it is more robust in the sense
Therefore we end with some notes about the compu- that it is less sensitive to fluctuations in demand or
tation time of the different control methods. available vehicles than more traditional transporta-
We implemented our methods in the simulation tion planning heuristics (LocalControl, SerialSched-
software eM-Plant and we performed the experi- uling). Second, it provides a lot of flexibility by
ments using a Intel Pentium 4 processor at solving local problems locally. Third, it provides
3.4 GHz. The computation times (milli-seconds per online decision-making using auction mechanisms.
order) for the basic scenarios can be found in From our simulation experiments, we conclude
Table 7. The computation times of the agent that our agent approach yields a high performance
approaches include starting the auction, bidding in terms of vehicle utilization and service level.
by all vehicle agents (sequential whereas in practice When we compare the best hierarchical method
parallel execution is plausible) and bid evaluation (of the two considered in this paper) with AgentIn-
by the job agent. The computation times of the hier- sert, we see that the differences in costs and percent-
archical methods consist of a periodical planning age of driving loaded are always significant. With
time and time for local decision making. In both regard to the service levels, AgentInsert performs
hierarchical methods the computation times for significantly better in most cases and never signifi-
local decision making per order are 2 ms on average, cantly worse.
the computation times for periodical replanning can We can improve the performance of the agent-
be found between the brackets. based approach using two extensions: (1) we allow
We observed that the computation time of the vehicle agents exchange jobs and (2) we allow ship-
agent methods is dependent on the number of vehi- per agents to reject all bids and start a new auction
cles (participants in the auctions). As can be later on. These extensions are particularly valuable
expected, AgentInsert and AgentTSP also depend if vehicle schedules contain many jobs on average.
strongly on the average length of the vehicle sched- Further research will mainly focus on the
ules. The hierarchical methods are also dependent improvement of the agent behavior. For the job
on the average number of open orders, but also agents, formal methods for the dynamic threshold
on the number of nodes in the network. Therefore policy will be developed. For the vehicle agents, fur-
we see some longer computation times in the ran- ther improvement of the pricing strategy is relevant.
dom network with 20 nodes. Similar to the dynamic pricing used to sell airline
seats, vehicles can price their services based on the
Table 7 available capacity. Although vehicles can schedule
Simulation results: computation time more jobs in advance, our model is still myopic.
Control OLS Random Vehicle agents only consider the direct cost of doing
AgentEnd 2 1.6
certain jobs, whereas it could be better to include an
AgentInsert 8.3 6.6 opportunity loss for arriving at a terminal without a
AgentTSP 19.0 8.8 next order with low expectations for an attractive
LocalControl 2.9 (4.9) 3.8 (5.3) load in the near future. To this end, formal methods
SerialScheduling 20.2 (91.8) 78.6 (109.7) for estimating the value of arriving at a certain
M. Mes et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 181 (2007) 59–75 75

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