Sheet Metal Gauge Size Chart
Sheet Metal Gauge Size Chart
Sheet Metal Gauge Size Chart
Polymer Processing
Sheet Metal Gauge Size Chart
Gauge (or gage) sizes are numbers that indicate the thickness of a piece of
Blow Molding
sheet metal, with a higher number referring to a thinner sheet. The equivalent
Injection Molding thicknesses differ for each gauge size standard, which were developed based on
Metal Injection Molding the weight of the sheet for a given material. The Manufacturers' Standard Gage
provides the thicknesses for standard steel, galvanized steel, and stainless steel.
Thermoforming The Brown and Sharpe Gage, also known as the American Wire Gage (AWG), is
Metal Casting used for most non ferrous metals, such as Aluminum and Brass. In the UK, the
Birmingham Gage (BG) is used for a variety of metals and should not be
Centrifugal Casting confused with the Birmingham Wire Gage (BWG), which is used for wires. Lastly,
Die Casting a standard exists for Zinc in which a higher gauge number indicates a thicker
sheet. The chart below can be used to determine the equivalent sheet thickness,
Investment Casting
in inches or millimeters, for a gauge number from the selected gauge size
Permanent Mold standard. The weight per unit area of the sheet can also be seen in pounds per
Sand Casting square foot and kilograms per square meter.
Thickness Weight Per Area
Gauge in mm lb/ft² kg/m²
000000 0.5800 14.732 8.185 39.962
Drill Size Chart 00000 0.5165 13.119 7.289 35.587
Tap Size Chart 0000 0.4600 11.684 6.492 31.694
Sheet Metal Fabrication 000 0.4096 10.404 5.780 28.222
Forming 00 0.3648 9.266 5.148 25.135
Cutting with shear 0 0.3249 8.252 4.585 22.386
Cutting without shear 1 0.2893 7.348 4.083 19.933
2 0.2576 6.543 3.635 17.749
Gauge Size Chart
3 0.2294 5.827 3.237 15.806
Additive Fabrication
4 0.2043 5.189 2.883 14.076
5 0.1819 4.620 2.567 12.533
6 0.1620 4.115 2.286 11.162
SLS 7 0.1443 3.665 2.036 9.942
DMLS 8 0.1285 3.264 1.813 8.854
3D Printing 9 0.1144 2.906 1.614 7.882
Inkjet Printing 10 0.1019 2.588 1.438 7.021
Jetted Photopolymer 11 0.0907 2.304 1.280 6.249
LOM 12 0.0808 2.052 1.140 5.567
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Sheet Metal Gauge Size Chart
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