5e Lesson Twirly Birds
5e Lesson Twirly Birds
5e Lesson Twirly Birds
NGSS and Common NGSS: 3-PS2-1- Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence
Core Standards of the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces on the motion of an
Objective for Students will be able to predict how a force will change an object’s
Students motion and what variables affect the object’s motion.
Explore: What will Students will be constructing a twirly bird and discovering which
the students do? factors affects its flight with a partner. Students will think it, design it,
build it, test it, and refine it. (fill in investigation 2.3 packet) below
Students will then pick their best design to test in a target area where
they will receive points for accuracy.
Explain: What is the Discuss which different variables affected the flight of the twirly bird.
main concept? Why does the twirly bird go to the floor? What makes it do that? Why
doesn’t it float up? What makes the twirly birds go at different speeds?
What is the opposite force acting on the bird? How does it move
down and not side-to-side? Which design allowed for the best flight?
Worst flight? Which variables did you change? How could toy makers
test variables to make the best flying helicopter?
expanded and cardstock, larger twirly bird, more weight) bring in twirly bird to show
Foss Online Resources:
connected to real
“brainpop” activities
Videos: all about motion and balance
Evaluate: How will Formative: Check science sheets/ notebooks throughout the lesson.
the students show Listen to students reactions to the “testing” of the twirly birds.