Flexbone O-Line Play
Flexbone O-Line Play
Flexbone O-Line Play
The offensive line in any offense is the most important part, and the Flexbone is of no
exception. Properly training the offensive line in the techniques needed to block defenses is paramount
to any coach interested in running the Flexbone offense.
The flexbone offensive line is made up of five players with varying uniqueness to their positions. The
center, by far, should be the best offensive lineman of the five. The reason for this is that the center
may be called upon to block a noseguard by themselves, which is a tough task, especially with having to
snap the football. The guards are the larger, more physically imposing, and stronger of all the
linemen. The guards need to be able to move players aligned directly over them, but still be athletic
enough to pull and trap or lead up on plays such as the Rocket Toss. The offensive tackles would most
likely be tight ends or H-backs in other offensive styles. The tackles need to be athletic enough to block
on the second and third levels off the offense, however they must also be decent enough of a lineman
to block a defensive end or help out on a double or triple team block with the offensive guards.
The major difference in the offensive line, in say a pro-style offense versus the Flexbone is the
stance. When looking at typical offenses the offensive linemen (OL) are allowed to have their buttocks’
lower and their chests more upright as they want to read and react to a defender’s movement. The
Flexbone is not a reactive offense, yet it is a proactive offense that attacks the defense before the
defense knows what has hit it. The stance of the OL in the Flexbone is one where the buttocks is higher
than the head and is more of a traditional sprinter’s stance.
To start, the OL should have their feet no wider than shoulder width apart. By utilizing this
framework the OL can move laterally as quickly as they can forward. The OL wants to have at least a 60
percent to 40 percent weight ratio of weight on their down hand versus weight on their feet. If this is a
problem, the OL is recommended to utilize a four point stance (both hands on the ground instead of
one). This weight ratio, ideally, should be in the 70 percent on the down hand, and 30 percent on the
balls of the OL’s feet. The weight ratio described is one that sets the Flexbone OL apart from many
other offenses, because of so much weight forward. The idea behind this technique is again, that of a
sprinter. The OL, in the Flexbone, want to knock a hole in the defense, not react to the defense’s
movement and get in their way. The OL’s back should be flat with the buttocks rising slightly above the
level of their helmet (as shown in Figure 10-1). The down hand should be out in front of the facemask
with the appropriate weight placement. A good test is to take and slap the OL’s hand and see if he rocks
forward. If the player falls forward at a steady rate then there is plenty of weight on the down hand. If
the player does not fall forward, then the player needs to put more weight on the down hand. If the
player falls rapidly forward, then the weight needs to be adjusted back from the down hand and
transferred to the balls of the feet.
In all of football there is no greater component to success than footwork. More football players are
defeated in their first step than in any other progression of their footwork. The offensive line is no
different, in that the first initial step is as critical as it is to any other position on the field.
The first step, or initial step, for the offensive linemen is a six-inch power step. This step, should be
in the direction of the play, and should be a step that gains ground into the defense. The chest should
not elevate on the first step, yet should stay centered over the lineman's center of gravity, or be slightly
forward. The hands should come from their normal position and move to that in a ready-to-punch
motion (figure 10-2). The head and eyes should be focused on the aiming point, depending on the type
and direction of the block. This first step, if too long in stride, will cause the offensive lineman to
become off balance, and they will thereby lose power in their striking ability, or ability to adjust to the
defender's movement. If the initial step is too short, then the lineman cannot get to his aiming point
before the defender has reacted, making the block that much more difficult to control. This initial step
is the most crucial part of the blocking process and must be conditioned through countless repetitions.
The steps an offensive lineman will take will vary depending on the type of block that is being
made. For instance, a lineman on the front side of a play, executing a base block, will take a more
forward and direct step attacking their landmark. On the backside of an offensive play, if the lineman is
scoop blocking, then the initial step will be much flatter, as the angle of attack by the offensive lineman
is much greater when they are attempting to cut off any backside pursuit. No matter the type of block,
the initial step, cannot be too large or too small, or the block will surely fail, leading to the demise of the
integrity of the play.
The types of blocks in the flexbone offense vary depending on whether or not the offensive lineman is
on the play side or the backside of the play. Technique may vary, but the goal is the same for any of
these types of blocks, stop the defender from gaining an advantage over the offense by stopping his
initial charge and then moving him in a direction that gains the offense yardage by reestablishing the
line of scrimmage.
Play Side Blocks
Scoop or Zone
Double/Triple Team
A base block is simply as the term implies, basic. What this means is that the offensive lineman will be
attacking a defender, with either inside or outside leverage, depending on the direction of the play, and
will be attempting to lock on to the defender and stay engaged in the block for the duration of the
play. The base rule for a player having to execute a base block is to check outside, on, over, inside when
looking for who to block. Once the assignment is calculated by the lineman, then they will step with the
play side foot and engage the near shoulder of the defender. This defender, may or may not be on the
line of scrimmage, so it is unwise to tell players who to block, but better yet give them a hard and fast
rule on where to block instead. Base blocking is a very simple block to imitate in practice by the use of
such drills as King of the Boards (figure 10-3), or the chase linebacker drill (figure 10-4). These drills,
though basic in nature, will solidify the principle of base blocking.
Veer blocking is a block that will called upon by the flexbone offensive lineman quite often, because
of the direct nature of an option offense and the need to not block certain defenders. When executing a
veer block, the offensive lineman will do very similar to the technique employed by defensive linemen
when they utilize the rip technique. The offensive lineman, will step with the foot opposite of the
direction play and then take an elongated second step, turning the shoulders and dipping the outside
arm to the ground in an attempt to get skinny and not make contact with a defender on the line of
scrimmage. The lineman will then use the rip technique to drive their arm up through any contact that
may be made by a defender aligned over them or to the outside and attempt to get the shoulders back
square and replace the defender (figure 10-5). It is of the utmost importance that the veer blocking
lineman, not allow themselves to be moved or washed down the line of scrimmage when executing this
technique. This washing technique is utilized by defenders in hopes of having a linebacker or secondary
player run free by utilizing a two-for-one mentality. When the defense can play two-for-one the impact
of the triple option is greatly reduced, if not negated.
Figure 10-5 (Veer block, replacing the defender)
Loop blocking is similar to veer blocking, in that the offensive lineman will try to elude the defender
aligned over them, however instead of stepping away from the direction of the play, the offensive
lineman will step in the direction of the play. The steps for the loop block are exactly the same as the
veer block, except that the lineman will step with the play side foot, use the rip technique and then
attempt to get the shoulders back square as they go to block a second, or third level defender (figure 10-
Figure 10-6 (Loop block)
Scoop blocking is very similar to the traditional inside zone block. The lineman will step with the
play side foot and attack their aiming point in an attempt to engage the defender and maintain the block
for the duration of the play. The lineman has a simple rule, they will block anything that crosses their
path in an area that goes from their nose, to the nose of the next offensive player in the direction they
are blocking (figure 10-7). If the defender, stunts away from the offensive lineman's path, the lineman
does not block this defender, yet merely gets a hand on them to allow the next offensive lineman to
overtake the defender. Scoop blocking is more common on the back side of plays, than the front side,
however certain plays in the offense do require that the front side players also scoop block.
Figure 10-7 (Scoop block reads)
The double team block is one that occurs quite often, and sometimes goes hand-in-hand with veer
blocking. Each offensive lineman will step in the direction of the defender to be blocked. The idea here
is that both offensive lineman will weldtheir hips together as they attack their respective aiming points,
which is usually the near shoulder or near number. As these lineman come together, they are to get
hip-to-hip and work to drive this defender off of the ball and into the next level, blocking any second
level defender with the defender they double teamed. Some coaches teach this block where one player
is to come off at some point and block the second level defender. The preferred method, is to block this
second level defender with the initial push of the double teamed defender. The only time an offensive
lineman will leave a double team is once the block has moved to the second level and the offensive
lineman can clearly disengage the first level defender. This is a key component to double teaming a
defender, as many times when a lineman leaves the first level defender, the double team block breaks
down, and the first level defender has a chance to make the play for a minimal gain. By securing the
first level defender, and altering the second level defender's path to the ball, whether blocked or not,
the play now has a greater chance of gaining positive yardage, than if the double team was not allowed
to fully develop.
The triple team, is also very similar to the double team in that movement of the first level defender
is paramount, however there are now three components to the block instead of two. In a triple team
block, as illustrated in figure 10-8, there is a point blocker, and two supporting blockers. The point
blocker is the blocker who has the first level defender aligned over them once the ball is snapped. This
blocker will execute a normal base block, attacking their normal aiming point as if there were no help on
the play. The support blockers will take a step with the foot closest to the defender they are to triple
team, and just like with the double team, the three offensive lineman will attempt to weld their hips
together. By getting the hips together, there is little chance the defender can split the block and get any
penetration. As with the double team, the triple team block should look to block second level defenders
with the body of the first level defender. The unique point about the triple team block, is that a blocker
can come off quicker to block a second level defender than if the block were a double team. This is due
to the nature of the block having an extra blocker involved and allows for the point blocker to better
gain control of the defender, quicker than they would had the block been a double team.
The fan block is a type of block that is only used on certain plays, but is best defined as a block that
requires a blocker to block a defender that is one full man in the direction of the play. The midline play
is one play where this type of block is required in the flexbone offense. On the fan block, the offensive
lineman will step with the play side foot and attack the near shoulder of the defender in an attempt
to wall off this defender. The idea here is that it is okay if the defender gets up field penetration, just do
not let this defender fall back in on the play (figure 10-9).
Figure 10-9 (Fan block)
Pulling involves having a lineman remove themselves from their current position and lead a play,
usually to the outside. An example of this can be found in Chapter Seven under the play Rocket Toss. In
this play, the play side guard will pull out and around the formation to help cutoff backside
pursuit. When pulling, a lineman will open with the play side foot, pointing down the line of scrimmage,
and use the back foot to push and gain ground. The chest remains over the thigh on the first step, much
as the blocker would do when executing the normal initial step. The play side arm of the blocker
should rip open quickly as the blocker throws this arm towards the play side hip, in an attempt to get
the shoulders to open up and now be perpendicular to the line of scrimmage (as shown in figure 10-
10). Once the blocker has opened up and is running down the line of scrimmage, they must read where
the first opening is, and look to turn up in this opening. When they turn up, the blocker should read the
defense looking inside to outside for the first opposite colored jersey to show. When this defender
shows, the blocker should attempt to step on his toes as he blocks the defender in space. The offensive
lineman does not need to make a vicious, or overpowering block here, they simply need to put their
body between the defender and the ball carrier.
Figure 10-10 (Pull technique)
Backside Blocks
The trap block can be executed by a tackle or guard depending on how the coach wants to block this
type of play. Trap blocking involves the offensive lineman opening in the direction of the play, by
turning their first step either perpendicular to the line of scrimmage, or slightly into the line of
scrimmage. The blocker then pushes off of the back foot and heads into the line of scrimmage looking
to block an unblocked first level defender coming across the line of scrimmage. The blocker should
attempt to get their head on the up field shoulder of the defender as well as having their up field hand
on the back or hip of the defender to prevent this defender from falling back in on the play.
With defenders being taught the wrong-arm or spill technique, trap blocking has become increasingly
more difficult. This is where the log block comes into play. The log block is simply where a trap blocking
offensive lineman, will work for outside, instead of inside leverage on the trap defender. What this
does, is basically take the defender and use their momentum against them, and attempts to wash them
down inside opening up a run lane outside of the defender’s position. The blocker should execute the
log block exactly like the trap scheme, however upon contact, the blocker should work the head and
hands into an outside position on the defender, as shown in figure 10-11. Once outside leverage has
been made, the blocker will now move their feet in an attempt to wash the defender down inside and
create an opening in the defense.
Figure 10-11 (Log block)
Pass Blocking
Although not a staple of the flexbone offense, the flexbone offensive lineman is not unlike any other
offensive lineman in that they need to be able to protect the passer and be proficient in the various pass
protection schemes within the offense. There are three basic protections in the flexbone offense as
discussed in Chapter Eight, and these are as follows:
Big on Big
Turn back
The technique utilized by the offensive lineman varies between the protections, so in this section the
technique for each type of protection will be broken down.
Good pass protection involves that a lineman does not get their head too far forward, and this must
be stressed in individual pass protection drills. The lineman, should utilize their normal stance, however
they may shift a bit of their weight back on their heels if in Big on Big (BOB) protection.
For slide protection, the lineman is only focused on knocking the defender back off the ball in an
attempt to stun the defender's rush, and to give the appearance to second and third level defenders of a
running play. The offensive lineman can maintain a normal stance, and on the snap, fire off the ball in a
manner consistent with that of a run block. The lineman should step in the direction of their respective
gap with the corresponding foot, as shown in Figure 10-12. The lineman will deliver a controlled blow to
the defender and drive the defender backwards for two steps. Any more than two steps, and the
lineman could be called for an ineligible receiver downfield. A lineman that is uncovered should also fire
out the standard two steps, again to give the defense the perception of a run play. The ball should be
away by the time the defender has a chance to react to the pass, so the lineman needs little in the way
of pass protection technique after the initial blow has been delivered, however it is wise to teach the
players that once the second step is met, then regular pass protection techniques can take over.
In big on big or BOB protection, the lineman will use a slightly more passive approach to protecting
the quarterback. The lineman should put be in a more balanced stance than their normal stance, with
less weight out on the down hand. On the snap, the lineman should push off with the down hand, and
pop their head and shoulders back in a rapid, single motion. The lineman, should attempt to bull the
head and neck back as far as possible so that they may still see their defender, yet keep the head out of
the block. The hands should also come up in this first step and be in a cocked, coiled, ready to strike
position. The back should be straight, and there should be no forward body lean (see figure 10-
13). Forward body lean is what gets an offensive lineman beat when protecting the quarterback. The
lineman should look as though they are sitting in a chair once they have popped out of their stance.
Figure 10-13 (Proper pass protection technique)
The footwork for BOB protection is very simple. The lineman should drop their outside foot, keeping
the shoulders square to the line of scrimmage. Another area lineman get beat is by turning their
shoulders, allowing an easy inside move for a defender. As the defender approaches, the lineman
should strike a controlled blow to the near peck of the defender in an attempt to stymie the rush. Once
this blow is delivered the lineman must now read the rush of the defender.
If the defender is on a hard charge, the offensive lineman, should sink the buttocks, lock the hands
on the chest pad of the defender and actually sit down in order to slow the rush. The offensive lineman
does not want to be pushed back into the quarterback, so he must slow this bull rush technique in a
manner that slows the defender, yet keeps the head and shoulders out of the block. Once this initial
charge has been stopped the lineman should now be ready for the defender to make a counter
move such as a rip, swim, push-pull, or spin.
If the defender comes off the ball hard, and makes a rip move (figure 10-14), the offensive lineman
should leave the near hand on the defender's near pectoral muscle, while sliding the off hand down to
the defender's hip area. Once the hands are in place, the offensive lineman should push back in the
direction the defender came from with the near hand, while pushing in the opposite direction with the
off-hand. This hand placement and push technique should create quite a discomforting twisting motion
of the upper body of the defender. Once the hands are in place, the offensive lineman can now turn his
shoulders in an attempt to run the defender by the quarterback.
Figure 10-14 (Rip move)
The swim move is defeated in a similar manner to that of the rip move, in that it is done with proper
hand placement. When the offensive lineman recognizes the move, they should again, leave the near
hand in its original position on the near peck of the defender. The off-hand should now come off and
attempt to grasp the forearm area of the defender. The feet should keep shuffling in order to keep
leverage on the defender, and the off-hand should continue to push the defender in an attempt to get
the defender off balance.
The push-pull move is one of the deadliest moves a pass rushing defender can utilize because of the
quickness in which the move happens. The push-pull is a very deceptive move in that the move appears
to mimic a bull rush, but once the defender has made contact and gotten a hold of the lineman
the snatch the lineman in one direction or the other in an attempt to clear the blocker on their way to
the quarterback. The key to stopping the push-pull is that the offensive lineman not allow the defender
to get their hands in proper position to grab the offensive lineman. The defender is taught to get the
hands inside and extend and then snatch the offensive lineman. The push-pull move cannot be initiated
if the hands of the defender never reach their mark, or the hands are removed before the defender can
execute the snatch portion of the move. The technique utilized by the offensive lineman is quite simple,
if the defender does get their hands into the chest of the offensive lineman, they may use either a
downward chopping motion, or an uppercut motion to free themselves from the grips of the pass
rusher. This move is down by releasing the defender and then either slapping the hands downward, or
ripping the hands upward through the forearms of the defender. Once free, the offensive lineman
should reset and be ready to deliver another blow to the rusher. A key defeat point of the push-pull
move is that the blocker gets their head and shoulder too far forward and into the defender, allowing
the defender to use the blocker's weight and lack of momentum against them. For this reason, it is
imperative that the pass blocker keep their head and shoulder back at all times.
The spin move is another move utilized by pass rushing defenders, however this move is not all that
hard to defeat. The spin move is usually fairly easy to spot due to the lack of contact that a defender will
make prior to executing the spin. Once the offensive lineman feels the spin move being executed, they
should push off the defender and slide the foot nearest the defender back quickly to regain leverage on
the defender. As the defender has their back turned to the blocker, the blocker can execute short
choppy pops to the back and kidney area of the rusher. The key here, is dropping and resetting on the
spinner. If the blocker does not get enough depth, then the spin will roll right off of their near arm and
shoulder and the defender will now be past the blocker and on their way to a sure sack.
When utilizing turn back protection, the technique is no different than BOB, only the initial steps are
different. The offensive lineman should take a step, similar to that of when they execute a scoop block
on their first step. Once the play side foot is in the ground, the blocker will now pivot off that play side
foot, and drop the backside foot, so that now the shoulders are perpendicular to the line of
scrimmage. Once this initial footwork is complete, the blocker can execute the normal pass protection
as described prior. The key to winning with turn back protection is that the lineman must understand
they cannot lose a defender to their up field shoulder. The rule here is always make the pass defender
go around the blocker and through the backfield to get to the quarterback. The quarterback will be
sprinting away from this rush, and the defender's efforts are negated (see figure 10-15).
Figure 10-15 (Turn back protection, correct and incorrect)
In all pass protection schemes as with any scheme for that matter, footwork is essential. When
involved in pass protection the offensive lineman cannot allow their feet to ever be less than shoulder
width apart. Nor should the offensive lineman ever stop their feet when blocking a pass rushing
defender. The feet should be kept moving, and all weight should be on the heels so that the blocker's
weight cannot be used against them, as when a defender executes a pass rush move, such as the push-
This is not meant to be an end-all-be-all guide to how to block in the flexbone offense, yet more of a
starter's guide. With the advent of vertical set pass protection and other styles of blocking techniques
the sky is the limit when it comes to teaching the techniques of blocking in the flexbone offense. The
key here is proper technique that can be taught clearly to the players, and executed without fail by the
players. The offensive line is by far the most important unit on the field in any offense, and the flexbone
is no different. The head coach or offensive coordinator that does not see that the offensive line is
coached properly, will surely fail at whatever offense they so choose to run.
Labels: Flexbone Passing, flexbone triple option, fundamentals, midline, offense, Sprintout, triple
option, veer, vertical set pass protection
Some of the regular formations that are good in short yardage situations are:
· Base
· Tight
· Over
· Bone
· I
However, the most common formation to utilize in these short yardage situations is
the Tackles formation shown in Figure 9-1. Tackles is a formation that simple moves the tackle from one
side of the offense to the opposite side. The tackle that moves, will align outside of the offensive tackle
that is currently aligned there to give the line a three man surface to that side. The X receiver will move
down and align in a three point stance, three feet from the offensive guard. Everyone else in the offense
aligns as they would normally.
Figure 9-1 (Tackles right)
When looking at the Tackles formation, one can clearly see the main advantage the offense still
has all of its receivers as eligible receivers. The offense is also now presenting the defense with not only
a three man surface to contend with, but an unbalanced three man surface at that. To note, a three man
surface is any time the offense employs three players to the immediate right or left of the offensive
center. The reason this three man surface is such an important factor is that there are only two other
offensive formations in the Flexbone that utilize this three man look. When opponents are practicing
how to defend the Flexbone, they put in little time working on three man surfaces. The unbalanced look
also serves to the offenses advantage, as the defense may not notice this and will not adjust, leaving
them a man down to the strong side of the formation.
The run game out of the Tackles formation is endless, but with the slight change in the offensive
structure, there are a few rule tweaks that must be practiced. To keep this formation, and its run game
simple, the following is recommended:
· Run this formation to the right or left only, especially early in the season. This will allow players to
become more comfortable in executing their assignment if they only have to learn how to execute in
one direction. This also involves moving the same tackle over every time as well, so the new teaching is
limited to only one player instead of two.
· Use a substitute at the X receiver if available. In the years the author ran this offense, there was
always an offensive lineman or two that had some decent hands, but was a good blocker too. The
author has put backup B backs here as well too. Sometimes the X receiver can double as a receiver or a
tight end type, if this is the case that's great however it was never the norm in the author’s situations.
· Keep the plays to a minimum. This is not the base offense, so don't attempt to run everything out
of it.
The latter key in the list above is very important to note. The run game used on a year-to-year basis out
of the Tackles formation was:
· Quarterback Follow
· Zone Dive/Give
· Counter Iso
· Rocket
· Quarterback Sneak
Quarterback sneak is not listed in the primary run game, but is an easy install as all players, including the
slot backs will simply scoop block in toward the center as the quarterback looks for an opening on either
side of the center. All of these plays are fairly easy installs, as they are staples out of the Base formation.
One question a lot of coaches have is why not run the triple option? Well, the reason is, the offense
doesn’t have to in these situations. Short yardage, especially goal line is one area on the field where the
offense is actually at a disadvantage due to the lack of space in which the offense has to work. Plays that
involve a bunch of reads, or a bunch of moving parts in this area of the field, tend not to work as well,
because the defense can overplay them, and can play much more aggressive than normal. All of the
plays listed above, are quick-hitting, simple plays that still give the offense the illusion that it is running
the triple, which the defense must honor at any time.
Don't get too complicated
The Tackles formation is not limited to just short yardage. This formation is quite useful against
odd defensive fronts, in setting these fronts up to run the Outside Veer. Many coaches have questioned
the Flexbone's ability to run the Outside Veer, however, with some minor tweaking, the Flexbone can
easily run this deadly offensive play.
The first component to adding the Outside Veer to the Flexbone offense goes against one major
rule talked about in earlier posts, and that is reducing the offensive line splits. On the play side, which
out of the Tackles formation, would be to the overload side, the splits should be reduced to one foot. All
other players can remain the same with their normal three foot split alignment. Reducing the splits,
keeps the reads the same for the quarterback on Outside Veer as it would on the Inside Veer play. This
reduction in splits also keeps the aiming point for the B back the same as well in terms of the angle that
the B back takes to get to the line of scrimmage. The Outside Veer, as illustrated in Figure 9-2, is very
simple to run, and the rules are shown below:
· C- Scoop/Ace
· BSG- Scoop
· BST (Outside tackle)- Inside gap, playside linebacker, backside linebacker (same as Veer)
· PSWR- Stalk
· BSWR- Cutoff
Another good play to run coupled with the Outside Veer, is the Outside Veer Wedge. Wedge, as drawn
in Figure 9-3, changes only the playside guard’s assignment. The guard will now scoop block to assist on
the defender aligned over the inside tackle. This is a good play if the defensive tackle is a very good
player and if the center can handle the nose alone. The latter point is very crucial to the offense’s ability
to run the wedge play. If the center cannot handle the nose, the offense can simply run Outside Veer
Figure 9-3 (OSV Wedge)
Playaction passes out of the Tackles formation can catch the defense off guard as to the defender’s eye,
the Tackles formation looks like a run formation. The position of the X receiver is one of clever
deception, and allows for quick strike routes down the middle of the defense from this alignment.
Veer pass is the common playaction pass utilized in the Tackles formation in short yardage
situations. The veer pass play can be run to either side with very good efficiency. Pass protection
remains the same as do the routes shown in both Figures 9-4 and 9-5. It should be noted max protection
is needed when running veer pass to the nub side of the offense.
The idea that the Flexbone offense is not a good goal line or short yardage offense is a complete
myth. The Flexbone and its plays are a great way to force the defense to defend the entire field in these
short yardage situations.