Bareilawis History and Beliefs PDF
Bareilawis History and Beliefs PDF
Bareilawis History and Beliefs PDF
; n
ted by
Dr. Abdullah
First Published
in 1985
Chapters page
Translator's Note 15
Foreword J7
Preface 25
Bareilawis 25
The need of writing a book on them 26
Excommunication of Muslims by them 27
Unity and Intergration 30
Chapter — I
Chapter - V
Translated by
Dr. Abdullah (Ph.D.)
the object of its existence and the need for the support of the
The learned author has disclosed the extent to which
the eponym of this sect received the aid and support from
the British, although he pretended to the naive people by its
use that he had only a small bag from which he used to
bring out money, jewellery and cloths.
As regards the genesis of its founder, his first teacher
was Mirza Qadir Baig who was a brother of Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad Qadiyani. Thus it is true to say that the Qadiyanis
and the Bareilawis were twin brothers in the service of the
(Although he is not she, or she is not he, yet
he is her brother; his mother has suckled him
with her breast.)
If the Qadiyani and the Bareilawi (i.e. the founders)
had come to know the decline of the Imperialists in their
country, and withdrawal of their assistance from them, they
wo ild have changed their stand. Nonetheless, their eyes were
no blind, but their hearts in their chests were blind.
Secondly, now I deal with the school of thought of
rhe Bareilawis. They have combined the two extremes and
(a) They have exaggerated in their beliefs about
their deities except Allah, whether they are alive or dead,
so much so that they have given them the attributes of
omnipotent. They believe that their divines and missionaries
have treasures of the world in their land, and the pens of
salvation in the next world lie with them.
These are the beliefs not held by a same person, not
even by a polytheist before Islam.
(b) They have exercised negligence by supposing the
ransom sufficient for a person who abondoned prayer during
his whole life; the offered to their missionaries in
proportion to the number of years he had not prayed.
23 March 1983.
12 Jumada al-Akhira, 1403 A.H.
46. Ibid.,p.2.:..,_:..._.
47. A description of these words will follow.
48. Fatawa Bareilawiyya, p.14.
they could not count more than five hundred and forty-eight
.To show the ridicule of these people we mention
below the names of some of the books which they have
enumerated among his works:
1. Hashiya Sahih al-Bukhari.
2. Hashiya Sahih Muslim.
3. Hashiya al-Nasa'i.
4. Hashiya Ibn Maja.
5. Hashiya al-Taqrib.
6. Hashiya Musnad al-lmam al-Azam.
7. Hashiya al-Taha'wi.
8. Hashiya Khasa' is Kubra.
9. Hashiya Kanz al-'Ummal.
10. Hashiya Kitab al-Asma' wal-Sifat.
11. Hashiya al—Isaba.
12. Hashiya Mawdu'at Kabir.
13. Hashiya Shams Bazigha.
14. Hashiya 'Umdat al-Qari.
15. Hashiya Fath al-Bari.
16. Hashiya Nasb al-Raya.
17. Hashiya Faid al-Qadir.
18. Hashiya Ashi'at al-Lama'at.
19. Hashiya Majma'Bihar al-Anwar.
20. Hashiya Tahdhibal-Tahdhib.
21. Hashiya Musamara wa Musayara.
.22. Hashiya Tuhfat al-lkhwan.
23. Hashiya Miftah al-Sa'ada.
24. Hashiya Kashfal Ghumma.
25. Hashiya Mizan al-Shari'a.
26. Hashiya al-Hidaya.
27. Hashiya al-Bahr al-Ra'iq.
published from the day when the Bareilawi was alive until
this day of ours does not exceed one hundred and twenty
five as mentioned by the author of "Anwar Rida".98 and all
these writings are included in his Fatawa.
Fourthly, we mention another lie and exaggeration of
this sect in describing the writings of the Bareilawi to
al-Millah wa'l Din Maulana al-Mufti Muhammad Burhan
al-Haqq al-Qadiri al-Jabalpuri has written about him:
Al-Bareilawi was renovator (mujaddid), and the proof
of this assertion is that he has written the Fatawa which is
unparalled among the early and later Muslim jurists. It falls
into twelve copious volumes of large size, and each volume
contains more than one thousand pages.99
Apart from the value of the Fatawa, we draw the
attention of the readers to the clear and unequivocal lies of
this sect. He has said above, "His Fatawa fall into 12 volumes."
But it is generally known that only eight volumes have been
published up till now. Secondly, out of these eight volumes
only one volume has been published on large size and the rest
on the small size.
Thirdly, none of these volumes consists of a thousand
pages. The volume which has been published on the large
size consists of 264 pages, and the rest which have been
published on the small size consist of 500 or 600 pages. One
of them consists of 325 pages. We find no volume among
them which consists of thousand pages.
We have dealt with this theme in greater detail to draw
the attention of the readers to the fact that the faith of this
sect and of similar other sects is grounded on perbole,
extremism and lies.
Fourthly, the authors of these Fatawa were the
103. The Imperialists used the word Wahhabis for the first
time in the subcontinentThey applied this word to the
monotheists and adherents to the Qur'an and the Sunna
and to those who cirticised them.Thus, they created'
hatred towards them among the people.
in this war (1918 A.D.), and did not keep their word.
Commenting on these circumstances one of the Bareilawis
says: "When the British triumphed over Germany and Turkey,
and made an agreement with the Turks on strict conditions,
they deviated from their word which they gave to the Indians •
for liberation of India. For that treachery the free Indians
became upset and stood furiously against them. They
intended to take revenge on the British for the breach of
agreement and their perfidy. They exploited the question
of Khilafat in Turkey for this purpose. They exhorted the
Muslims to protect the Islamic Khilafat, and it was their basic
duty to protect it. and it is binding on them to fight against
its opponents (i.e. the British). The Khilafat movement
stands on this footing and it roused a great tumult among the
Muslim quarters.' 116
In 1919 the Muslim leaders of the freedom movement
of the country actually made use of this slogan against the
tyrant British Imperialism. They moved the sentiments of
the people and instigated them to throw away the iron collars
and to break the chains and fetters. They exhorted them to
strike at the root of the Imperialism and the Imperialists.
This has been stated by one of the leaders of this movement,
a learned scholar, entitled Imam al-Hind, who spread the
call of the Salafiyya to follow the early pious predecessor. He
was Abu'l-Kalam Azad.117
The Bareilawi preceived the danger of this movement
and of the call to.Jihad and freedom of the country.
Therefore, he hastened to compose his well-known
monograph to put an end this movement and stood as
a strong barrier before it. He produced another tract "Dawam
'Aish" in which he refuted the claim of the advocates of the
If this had not been so, the episodes and tales would
have been told. Is the foging of false stories improbable by
the people who fabricated that when his lier was lifted some
persons saw that the angels of Allah lifted it on their
shoulders.136 Some said about it: "The Messenger of Allah
(may peace be upon him) was sitting along with a group of
his Companions waiting for the coming of the Bareilawi," for
when he asked about his silence and that of his Companions,
he said: We are waiting for the Bareilawi till he comes, 36
Moreover, the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him)
sent the gift of perfume for the washing of the Bareilawis.
We have begun our book with the exaggerations of these
people and their overstatemetns about the Bareilawi. Now we
wish to mention some more statements about him. The most
disgracing exaggeration of this sect is their statement about
him, is: The seeing of the Bareilawi reduced the eagerness
for visiting the Companions of the Prophet (may peace be
148. Ibid.
149. Ibid, p. 303.
150. Badr al-Din: Sawanih A'la Hadrat p.110; Anwar Rida.
the pole, the fulfiller of the needs, the remover of the grief,
the one who takes away the affliction, the responder to the
calls and the father of the dogs.
On the basis of these exaggerations, speculations,
humbugs, and escapades stand the edifice of his Shari'a,
and on the same extremism is based his faith, flourishes his
market and his goods are in great demand.
—: **±t~ &j f* J*
•-i6L—- o Ul „ do^^
* «j - / ot OUJj'-^T' •*'---*
befell them. They never sought help from anyone, nor did
they call anyone but upon their Lord alone, from Adam to
Noah, from Abraham to Moses, from Jonah to the last
Prophet, Muhammad b. Abdallah (may peace be upon all
of them). It is all the same whether they asked for forgive
ness, or a child, or healing, or deliverance from straitened
circumstances and ruin on account of an injury, poverty,
and imprisionment, or they asked for help. They did not
present their prayer to anyone but ot Allah alone. If any
calamity befel a servant of Allah who was close to Him, he
always sought help from Him alone. But the Bareilawi
says: "Whoever is related to a Prophet or an apostle, he must
help him during his sufferings."39
Another said: "The whole world belongs to the saints
like a palm of the hand which they are watching. If anyone
calls upon them and seeks help from them from any part of
theworld, they help him and supply his needs."40
The Prophet (may peace be upon him) said to his
cousine Abdallah b. Abbas (Allah be pleased with him):
"If you ask for anything, ask Allah, for it; if you seek help,
seek it from Allah; whatever you will meet in your future
life, that has been decreed for you; if all the creatures strive
to benefit you, they cannot benefit you but to the extent
Allah has decreed for you; if they strive to harm you, they
cannot harm you but to the extent Allah has decreed against
But the Bareilawi says: "If you are embarrassed in
your affairs, seek help from the inmates of the tombs"42
Above all, he criticises those who deny this assertion, and do
not seek aid except Him, nor do they trust anyone besides
Him, except adhering to the Book of Allah and the Sunna
of his Prophet (may peace be upon him). This innovator
reviles them saying: "In our day, a small group has cropped
up who denies seeking help from the saints, and they assert
whatever they assert; of that they have no knowledge. They
do nothing but lie."43
These are the words of Allah and the saying of the
Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) about this question,
and this is the statement of the Bareilawis. They have
reversed the matter. They have named the adherents of the
Qur'an and the Sunna the innovators, and named themselves
the followers and the adherents of the opinions of the early
Muslims about whom Allah has not sent any authority. The
following words of Allah, the Exalted, apply to them:
2^£j. J-. IjJUi aJJI J>il La I^Lwl |oJU J^3 IJIj
qj>1 •«.«••? |<Jk' l_J i,L£ jJ j\ lj» l_-l a—JLe l \..,fl l| u
"How many are the creatures that carry not their own
sustenance: It is Allah who feeds (both) them and you:
for He bears and knows all things."53
jjJLjj »Li- o*J jSJi^I' h..^., o*j G'
"The blind and the seeing are not alike; nor are the
depths of darkness and the light, nor are the (chilly) shade
and the (genial) heat of the sun: nor are alike those that
are living and those that are dead. Allah can make any that
He wills to hear; but thou cannot make those to hear who
are (buried) in graves."56
Allah, the Exalted, has truly said:
Jl aJJl c*.. ft < 'au>lj aj>l ,j.t_JI ^LS
i>Sxj ) (jp^W wLV.^.tl pSbJLt Jjjl J « £xiji\ *> BJ
v>rfAJI VI a_*i ijiJb>l l_aj < a_*i |jJJLl>l I « ..B^I-lJI
< jr »•'•„•,- 1—**? c^.'t.j->JI aA£p L> La J-b-< j>o a^jl
aU>^L_> JaJI G-° **•* lj>fl !"•>! LaJ l>*«T g^^' tf«**-*
• fija"i..,o Jbl^s ^Jl » Li- j>o i5**** aJJl j
(may peace be upon him) who heals up the diseases and pains
removes every calamity from the Muslim people; he gives
life, and resolves the dilemmas, benefits all the creatures,
and raises their degrees. He is the guardian, the helper, the
remover of the adversity. It is he who cooled down the fire
upon Abraham. It is he who donates and bestows, and his
command is in force and his order is operative in the
He also said quoting one of his leaders: "He (peacevbe
upon him) is the treasure of mystery and object of enforcing
the command. No command operates . except him,
and no good shifts but from him.""*
He also said :
you give life and death. The Prophet is the distributor and
you are the joiner."76 He invokes saying:
jJl aJIj ^ a II JJ> l-
jJl xJl^c jUjjJI IaJUL^j
»l •JJj u^>< ^»uJ L^il
J1,9" 6JJ »>• *>..' !•" J,?*-IL. >-. 'i o t_a_» iS^lj*
JI t»"oHoJI jJUUIa-* J^jwoLj f '• «' ..
J' .eit-. Jl> jUUUIjurf Jit-Jly^lj ^Ju)|
99. Ibid.
100. Ibid.
101. Ibid., p. 9 f.
102. Ibid., p. 25.
103. 'Abd al-Sattar al-Bareilawi, Naghmat al-Ruh, p.42.
.104. Ibid., p.46.
"Shaikh Jilani sees every moment, and listens to the call
of all and sundry."110 The Bareilawi himself has written:
"The dead hear, for only he who hears] 1 is addressed."
He produced a monograph on this subject with the
title "Al-Wifaq al-Mubin Baina Sama' al-Dafin wa Jawab
el-Yamin." It was published amongst the treatises which
constituted "al-Fatawa al-Ridwiyya". He has related several
false stories proving thereby that the dead hear, Indeed they
also speak. Among them there is an episode mentioned in
"Malfuzat", and "al-Hikayat al-Ridwlyya". It runs as follows:
"Once al-Sayyid Isma'il al-Hadrami passed by a
graveyard accompanied by his disciples. He stopped near
forty graves and remained standing there for a long time.
He kept on weaping till the mid-day and then laughed.
Ho was uskod about the cause of his wouping and toughing.
He replied: I passed by these graves, for their inmates were
being punished. Ithen began to intercede with the Lord and
weap for their punishment, till the punishment was removed
from them. When I finished, I heard awoman's call me from
the end of the graveyard, and say: I am so and so, a singing
girl. You interceded for them and deprived me. Ilaughed at
her words and said to her: You are one of them. Then the
punishment was removed from her."11
109. Ahmad Yar, 'llm al-QuKan, p. 189.
110. Mufti 'Abd al-Qadir, Izalat al-dalala, p. 6.
111. Al-Fatawa al-Ridwiyya, Vol. IV, p. 327.
112. This Is no argument, for there are many things that
are addressed, but they do not hear. When the Prophet
(may peace be upon him) saw the new moon, address
ing it, he said: My Lord and your Lord is Allah.
(Transmitted by al-Tirmidhi). In another version he
said: New moon for the good and right guidance.
I believed in Him who has greated you." (Transmitted
by Abu Dawud).
113 Al-Hikayat al-Ridwiyya. This book, deals with the
powers and authority of saints and the pious men.
"The saints are alive, although they die; they only shift
from one territory to another."127 "A person died, and
when his spiritual guide came to bury him in the grave.he
opened his eyes. He said to him: Are you alive? He relied:
yes I am alive, and every lover of Allah is alive. Me
established a heading: The prophets saints, martyrs^are
physically alive in their shrouds. 129 A story runs: A
person was travelling, and the night overlook him.. He
intended to take rest So he placed his baggage on the ground
and slept. He placed his head on a high mound. In the
morning he found that this mound was agrave of a person.
Suddenly, the inmate of the grave called him complaining:
You have been causing me trouble130, since last night.
These people compete each other in lying, as another says:
Aperson died. People washed and shrouded him. Afterwards
he called": Hurry up, and carry my.bier soon, since the
Prophet (may peace be upon him) is waiting for me to pray
over me. .'*' •
This is the non-sense talk of these people, and this
is their belief, entirely repugnant to what Allah, the Exalted,
and His Messenger(peace be upon him) have said, and
contrary to the Islamic Shari'a, clear and pure from the
dirt of polytheism, idolatry and superstitions. These people
J>* j*j v*-?4" J> *" •JJI' ^J,6' ' ai>«' **'
^i^j i^**--v **»J' i»» f^J*"*3 a'^' ^-^ f*~Aii
(to - J^iJi )
Say: None in the heavens or on earth, except Allah, knows
what is hidden.139Allah said:
"Say: The unseen is only for Allah (to know). Then wait
ye: Itoo will wait with your."143
Allah, the Exalted, said:
>-JI o-i l-a f»-LarfJ J* i\ L^.it^j w-«JI CiP*-*-» aj^*J
oLoJfc oJ '<Li»tfj I>l» !(% VI '<Ujj Jjj JbJUS Uj ^*J|^
"With Him are the keys of the unseen; the treasures that none
knoweth there is on the earth and in the sea. Not a leaf
doth fall but with His knowledge. There is not a grain in the
darkness (or depths) of the earth, nor anything fresh or dry
(green or withered) clear (to those who can read)."144
He said and He is the truest of all those who speak:
i^iU-o ft I«,.;j &^iall Jj-^j 5UUJI fJU ajJfcC «JU| ,;,',
O-i- U»j«*- Laj \Al tv,mSji\S Lo o-Jl- tSj^iLoj |*L>^^I
• .«*> f*J* *JJ| 0« ' • o^yi^l ejL-
"Verily, the knowledge of the Hour is with Allah (alone).
It is He who sends down rain, and He who knows what is
in the wombs. Nor does anyone know what it is that he will
earn on the morrow: Nor does anyone know in what land
he is to die. Verily, with Allah is full knowledge and He is
acquainted (with all things).'
There is a large number of similar verses of the Qur'an
and the numerous traditions of the Prophet (peace be upon
him) that will be cited later in the course of discussion,
fiut the Bareilawis hold views contrary to these verses and
traditions. "The prophets (peace be upon them) know,
rather see and watch over all. that which-happened and all
that which will happen from the first day to the last"146
Another. Barielawi says: "The prophets know the unseen
since their birth."147 As for the Prophet (peace be upon
him), he possesses the knowledge of all subsidiary and
fundamental sciencess and encompasses them all."148 The
Bareilawi said: "The knowledge of the guarded Tablet, the
knowledge of the Pen, and the knowledge of whatever
existed and of whatever will exist are a part of the knowledge
of the Prophet (peace be upon him)"149 "His knowlege
(i.e. the Prophet peace be upon him) comprehended all
sorts of minutiae and essentials, realities and complexities,
impediments and learnings concerning the essence of Allah
and His attributes, and the knowlege of the guarded Tablet
and the Pen constitutes an iota of his knowledge, and a
channel from the oceans of his knowledge. Alongside of this
his knowledge and wisdom encircled the whole world by
hisblessed existence."150
He also said: "The Prophet (peace be upon him) has
the knowledge of all things concerning the divine affairs,
and the commands of the attribtes of Allah, the names, the
acts and the signs. He comprehended all the external and
internal, and first and last learnings."151 Another scholar
belonging to his group said: "Nothing of the universe remain
ed hidden from the spirit of the Prophet (may peace' be
upon him) : he is acquainted with His Throne, high and
low dimensions, this world and thereafter the hell and
paradise, for all of them have been created for his sake."152
"They ask thee about the (final) Hour when will be its
appointed time ? Say: The knowledge thereof is with my
Lord (alone): None but He can reveal as to when it will
occur. Heavy were its burden through the heavens and the
earth. Only, all of a sudden will it come to you. They ask
thee- as if those wert eager in search thereof. Say: The
knowledge thereof is with Allah (alone), but most men
know not."161
Allah, the Exalted, also said :
"With Him are the keys of the unseen, the treasures that
noneknoweth but He."165
The Prophet (peace be upon him) himself negated
the knowlege of these unseens from his as well as from
others, and mentioned that the knowledge of the unseen
is peculiar to Allah, the Exalted, alone; no one is His partner
in the knowledge of it The well-known tradition of Gabrie!
says that he asked the Prophet (peace be upon him) : when
will the last Hour occur ? He replied : The onewho is asked
about it is no better informed than the one who is asking.
I shall tell you about its signs. When a maid-servant begets
her mistress, and the herdsman of the camels exalt them
selves in buildings, (the Hour will come), as well as five
things which no one but Allah knows. Then the Prophet
(peace be upon him) recited: "Verily Allah has the know
ledge of the Hour."166
• 2L-5fl • iet-Jl fj« ajLKt aJJ| 0l
"Say I tell you not that with me are the treasures of Allah,
nor do I know what is hidden nor do I tell you angel. I but
follow what is revealed to me. Say: can the blind be held
equal to the seeing ?will yethen consider not ?"196
Allah, the Exalted, said warning him and informing
the creatures that he had knowledge of the unseen:
oLAj-o criS-^ dU aJJI J>| U f>x£ f>J t>^J1 l*-l L-
* rV>-> _»** *Uij * d»\jj\
"0 Prophet I why boldest thou to be forbidden that which
Allah had made lawful to thee ? Thou seekest to please
thy consorts. But Allah is oft-forgiving most merciful."197
He negated the knowledge of the unseen from him'
by saying:
ffto l»'i v>»w fft-e InllV (jjLJCJI u-le IjJ^o *'-j *n11 Jjs| £y»*
"One day will Allah gather the apostles together, and ask:
what was the response ye received (from men to your teach
ing) ? They will say: We have no knowledge: it is Thou who
knowest in full all that is hidden."200
Similarly, He negatived the knowledge of the unseen
from His angels by saying:
stL>\ I••"•o Ip U 511 UJ ,Uc* dbt*^ . i^juj
• (B.^-vl! (n,,i laJI cwl
"They said: Glory to thee: of knowledge we have none,
save what Thou hast taught us: in truth it is thou who art
perfect in knowledge and wisdom."'201
There are numerousevents and accounts, in the Qur'an
and the Sunna, of the Prophets from Adam to Noah, from
Abraham to Moses, and from him to the last Prophet, the
Chief of the Messengers (peace and blessings be upon him).
The life of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and its
accounts are replete with the circumstances which decisively
indicate that he (i.e. the Prophet) did not possess the know
ledge of the unseen. Had he possessed it, the incidents that
took place during his life-time would not have happened,
like the martyrdom of the Qur'an-readers at Bir Mu'una,
Bai'at al-Ridwan, the incident of bringing the lie against
A'isha, facundation of the palm-trees and the event of the
people of Uraina, and similar many other events. Still these
people insist that the prophets and saints possessed the know
ledge of the unseen, even the Bareilawi himself had the
knowledge of the hidden things, as they say: "Ahmad Rida
al- Bareilawi had the knowledge of the day of hisdeath, and
its exact time."202
"Then we sent Moses and his brother Aaron with our signs
and authority manifest to Pharaoh and his Chiefs: but
these behaved insolently. They were an arrogant people.
They said: Shall we believe in two men like ourselves."
208b. Quran XXI
209. Qur'an XXXVI: 13-15.
2-iq. Qur'an XXIII: 45-47.
PS t-"a J?-i *' '•«> •-• *-o>» G* Ij^ G*^1 f3UJI JLJLs
iSiiU J>i5f aUI * Li jJj pS„. U jAiO- 0I ol.^
«* J>j 5fl J* 0» ' O^Jj^l LiiL-7 ^ !.**_, I ••b.8,1, U
«_< I
He said :
UtLu) i£4> cA1 'i-A1 G-" *-',>"• o-*J V ^.^-l*0 0-° "-0
"Every child has dust in his navel from which he was created
till he is buried in it. Abu Bakr, 'Umar and I were created
from the same dust, and in itwe shall be buried."223
This is all what Allah has stated, and what His
Messenger(peace be upon him) has said about the humane
ness of the prophets and chief of the Prophets, contrary to
the belief of those who denied the prophethood of the
prophets. They denied it on the basis of their belief that a
man cannot be a prophet. In other words, the prophets do
not belong to mankind, for prophethood is incompatible
to man. Prophethood and humaneness cannot be combined.
One can be either a man or a Prophet. They surely knew
that these pious people were men like them. They were born
among them, married, procreated children, walked on earth,
ate and drank like men, and possessed all the necessary
qualities of man. Hence they rejected their prophethood.
As for the Bareilawi and other ignorant persons
like them, they were born in the Islamic environment and
in the homes of the Muslims, they could not reject their
prophethood, but harboured the same belief: the incompati
bility between humaneness and prophethood. Therefore
they denied the humaneness of the prophets, and resorted
to the spurious reports and fabricated stories, taking refuge
in the inner interpretation of the Qur'anic verses and
•traditions of the Propnet ( upon him) borrowed
Sj\-sj a liwj J* i j^jJ' «£*«? ' jlA" *^"j ' j,A" *-fc0j
G***?»S ^LajIj
light, and bless the rays of his lights his family, companions
and moons, bless all of them."226
He has included in it a fabricated and false tradition
and attributed it to 'Abd al-Razzaq, saying that he has
transmitted it in his 'musannaf" despite the fact that it is
not there. This tradition goes as follows:
"The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said to
Jabir: 0 Jabir, Allah created the light of your Prophet from
His Light before He created all things. He then made that
light circulate by His power wherever He pleased. At that
time there was no preserved Tablet, Pen, paradise, hell, angel,
heaven, the sun, the moon, jinn, and man. When Allah
intended to create the creation, he divided the light into
four parts. From the first part He created the Pen, from the
second the Tablet, from the third the Throne, and then
divided the fourth part into four sub-divisions. From the
first He created the bearers of the Throne, from the second
the Seat (Kursi), from the third the rest of the angels. He
then divided the fourth division into four parts. From the
first He created the heavens, from the second the earths,
from the third paradise and hell, then he divided the fourth
into further four parts-., up to the end of the tradition."227
He commented on it saying :"The whole Muslim community
has accepted this tradition. If thecommunity at large accepts
a thing, this implies that it is a great thing which does not
need any chain of narrators for its support after it."228
We do not know which community the Bareilawi
means by the community? If he means by the community
the persons like him who follow ignorance and deviation
22a Ibid.
l_i£Jj U*3L*I fA-J* jJLi ^Jlo Jai o-» ^o1- c*-"s '-"J
"Thou wast not with them when they cast lots with arrows,
as to which of them should be charged with the care of
Mary: nor wast thou with them when they disputed the
Before it He mentioned the events of Noah and Joseph
to him, as in the following verse:
c-il I ft.o Inn o^SLo i cLJl i-»>j^ <-...>H * l_^l &» dUb
259. Qur'anXVII: 1.
260. Qur'an IX: 40.
261. Qur'an III: 123.
"Ye shall enter the sacred Mosque if Allah wills, with minds
secure, heads shaved, hair cut short and without fear."264
It means that you will enter it where you were not
present before.
There are a large number of the Qur'anic verses and
daily events that occurred during the life—time of the Prophet
(peace be upon him) and indicate his presence in his
apartment, his waiting for his Companions in the mosque,
his coming out from the house, his presence in the mosque,
his absence in the mosque when he was present in the
market, his absence in Medina when he was present in Hunain,
his presence in Tabuk and his absence in Medina and his
presence in 'Arafat during the Farewell Pilgrimage, and his,
absence in Mecca and Medina, and similar other incidents
and clear events that are hidden from him whose heart has
been blinded by Allah coupled with the blindness of his
eyes. Their eyes are not blind, but their hearts are blind
in the breasts.
The Bareilawis say: "The Messenger of Allah is
omnipresent and omniscient, and they also say: It is not
lawful to use the word 'hadir (omnipresent) for Allah, the
Exalted."265 They also assert: "The Messenger of Allah
(may peace be upon him) knows the affairs of all the
existents and creations, and nothing is hidden from him."266
They also say: "The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him)
sees the whole world with his blessed eyes."287 "The
Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) is not far away from
anyone and not unaware of anyone."268 The Bareilawi
says: 'His death and life (i.e. the Prophet's death and life)
makes no difference in keeping watch over his people, his
awareness of their affairs and intentions. All that is manifest
to him. There is no hiddenness."269 He says: "Weep, 0
Wahhabis, for the Prophet (peace be upon him) of Allah is
omnipresent and omniscient. Nothing happened in the
world and nothing will happen in it but he sees it and
observes it. He is present at every place, and sees every
thing."270 So long as the Messenger of Allah(peace beupon
4. Qur'an IV : 82.
5. Ja'al-Haqq, p. 282.
6. Ibid., p. 285. .
7. This tradition has been transmitted by Muslim, al-
Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, al-Nasai-,Ahmad in his Musnad
and al-Baihaqi in his Sunan.
not leave an image but obliterate it; and a high grave but
leave it."8 'Umar b. al-Harith narrated on the authority
of Thumama that he said: " We were with Fadala b. 'Ubaid
in the country of the Romans at a place (known as )Rudis,
a friend of ours died. Fadala b* 'Ubaid ordered to prepare:a
grave for him and then it was levelled, and he said: I heard
the Messenger of Allah(peace be upon him)commanding (us)
to level the grave."9 if
It is incorrectly stated that.the Hanafi jurists have
also held the same view. Muhammad b. al-Hasan al-Shaibani
has .reported his teacher Abu Hanifa (Allah have mercy on
them) as saying: "My teacher has narrated to me attributing
.it to the Prophet (peace be upon him) that he forbade
constructing the graves.quadrangular and plastering them
with gypsum."10 Imam Muhammad b. al-Hasan, the disciple
of Abu Hanifa wasasked: "Do you disapprove.of theplaster-
ing of the graves with gypsum? He sajd: Yes".1} Al-Sarakhsi
said in his "al-Mabsut:" "the graves should not be plastered
with gypsum, as it has been narrated from, the Prophet
(peace be upon him) that he forbade the; plastering of the
graves with gypsum and constructing them quadrangular."12
An eminent Hanafi judge iHasan b. aI-Mansur; surnamed
Qadi Khan, said in his Fatawa: "The grave should not be
plastered with gypsum, nor should any erection be built
21. . P- 50.
22. Ibrahim al-Qi (d. 1000 A.H.),, Majalis aNAbrar,
p. 129.
be pleased with her) has said, and that is what the Hanafi
jurisits have said. Nevertheless, the Bareilawis insist on
constructing the domes oyer the tombs, as the Bareilawi
says: "These domes are built (over the tombs) so that the
tombs and graves of the saints and the pious men become
distinguished from the graves of the common men, and so
that the people may exalt and fear them, and may not put
themselves into perdition for want of good manners and for
As regards placing the covers, turbans, and garments,
on the graves, and lighting the lamps and candles, and
offering oil and similar, otherthings to the tombs, it is lawful,
indeed obligatory; for it meets the expenses of these people.
All these things are purposely desired, as the Bareilawi
seeks to establish it on the basis of a report from one of the
scholars whom he follows: "The purpose thereby is the
exaltation of the saints in the eyes of the public, so that they
may not look down upon the inmate of the grave on which
the garments and turbans are placed, in order to attain
humility and good manners, and these are meant for the
unmindful visitors, whose hearts being diffident, at the
time of their visit, in showing reverence to the saints of
Allah, buried in those graves, as we have already stated that
their blessed spirituality pervades near their graves. Therefore,
it is lawful practice, and it should not be prohibited."25
He also writes: "It is lawful to light the candles if it is the
tomb of a saint or of a learned scholar in order to exalt
his spirit which illuminates the dust of the earth by the sun
to inform the people that he is a saint, so that they may get
it, kissed it, placed it on his head, and accepted it from him
with a great pleasure. At the end of the day an inhabitant
of Isbahan came and began to talk to us. During his con
versation he said by chance: The Faqih of Maghrib who is
staying with you has purchased a beautiful carpet today
for such and such price. Thereupon my father ordered to
bring the carpet. Seeing it the man said. Yes, by Allah, this
is the same. My father kept silence, and Ibn Dihya fell down
in his eyes.
This was that monarch, and this was his assistant in
introducing this evil innovaton. They innovated this practice
in imitation of the Christians in order that they might cele
brate the birthday of their Prophet as they celebrated the
birthday of Jesus Christ, (peace be upon them.).
These people are in the habit of standing up while
reciting the events of the birthday and life of the Prophet
and say: The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) is
present in the assembly of celebration of his birthday; so
we welcome him by standing up. Then they recite the well-
known Urdu couplet that we quote below in original:
the third day after the death of a person, and also after a
Ibn Bazzaz, a Hanafi jurist, says: "It is disapproved
to hold a feast by the heir of the dead, and to eat food by
the relatives of the dead at his home during three days after
the death of a person. Feast has been allowed by the Shari'a
for occasions of rejoicing. The holding of feast and distribu
tion of food among the relatives on the 1st and the 3rd day
after the death of a person and also after a week are
prohibited. It is also disapproved to celebrate festivals and
death anniversaries, to take food to the grave on specified
days, to take wages for recitation of the Qur'an, to gather the.
righteous men, and the Qur'an readers for the recitation of
the whole Qur'an, or to recite Surat al-An'am or up to
Surat al-lkhlas. In short, recitation of the Qur'an for the
sake of eating is disapproved."89
This is the position of the Hanafis about these feasts
arranged after the death of a person, that have been devised
to fill the hell of the hungry bellys and to quench their
These are the teachings of the tradesmen of religion
who have sold the hereafter for this world, and made the
eternal divine religion means of snatching the properties of
the orphans and widows, plundering the indigent, the grieved,
and the dejected —the teachings which go round eating,
drinking, earning and usurping. May Allah give us refuge
from them.
name this day Bara Wafat (the day of the Prophet's death,
or his death anniversary on the 12th). When the criticism
was made on them by the monotheists and the adherents
of the Qur'an and the Sunna, they changed this name, and
instead named it 'Id Milad at-Nabi (the festival of the
birthday of the Prophet). They have given the same name as
used by the Christians for their festival, namely 'Id Milad
al-Masih (the festival of the birth-day of Jesus). Thus they
fell out of the frying pan into the fire.
The market of these people is in full swing by the food
provided by the heirs of the deceased under the name of the
feast of the 3rd, the 7th and the 10th day, etc. and by the
earnings plundered by them. Despite the fact that these
practices were not established as lawful during the genera
tions which have been declared the best by the Prophet
(peace be upon him), nor from the Messenger of Allah
(peace be upon him), nor from his Companions and their
successors,, the jurists, traditionists and the lawyers, it has
-been even forbidden by the Hanafi jurists in their works
of Fiqh, about which these people claim that they are its
followers. All this proves that these peopleare excluded from
the Hanafi school of Fiqh. They are liars in their claim of
their attribution to the Hanafi Fiqh, since a conformist
(muqallid) does not oppose the opinion of his master, nor
does he go outside his school of Fiqh.
In the following paragraphs the statements of the
Hanafi Fuqaha', are quoted about these rites which have been
borrowed from the Magians, Christians and Hindus, and not
from Islam brought by Muhammad (peace be upon him);
he is free from it. Describing the Hanafi law about these
ceremonies Mulla 'Ali al-Qari, a Hanafi jurist, says: "The
jurists of our school have decisively settled the point that
it is disapproved (makruh) to hold feast on the first and
"I make a covenent when my laps have been filled with those
walls and courtyard, that I shall rub with the dust of these
relics my white hair among them, by kissing and gulping
them frequently."
ft" 10 0 ^ 6Jl> «|
jl<* G4
"For him who touches the figure of the sandal ofthe Prophet
named Taha, there will be abundant good and virtues on the
day of resurrection.
In this world he will live a good life, and will get
honourand comfort beyond doubt
0 sandal, the figure and representation of yours bears
the highest noble character. It has mysteries by which we
have witnessed wonders.
If the cheek of a man sinks by supplication, that
which is requisite is partially supplied for him."127
"Kissing the figure of the sandal is like the kissing of
the original respected sandal. One is healed up by kissing it,
and one seeks healing up from its name.
So Kiss it, and rub the face by placing it thereon,
with a sincere intention, you will get what you conceal in
your heart."128
These' people show disrespect to Allah, the Exalted,
by venerating the figure of the Prophet's sandal, and by
exalting the graves, and they say about writing the name of
Allah upon the figure of the Prophet's sandal: "It is lawful
to write the name of the Alimghty Allah on the figure of
the Prophet's sandal. Then he argues on thebasis of a report
that the jurists (a'imma) in the past used to write tthe name
of Allah) on the backs of the sandals."129
After mentioning all this, he states the purpose for
which all these things have been given currency, and com
manded to exalt and venerate them, and getting blessings
from them. The purpose is eating, drinking and earning,
He says: "It is commendable for thevisitor to offer oblations
to one whose relics he visits, to the Prophet (peace be upon
him), or to the esteemed saint. He who presents agift and he
who takes subscription for the help of the Muslims are
rewarded. One who isvisited helps the visitors who visit these
relics, and the visitors help the one who is visited by their
offerings to him, to which the saying of the Messenger of
Allah (peace be upon him), comes true: If any of you can
benefit his brother, he should benefit him." 130 ,
He said: 'The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
Allah helps His servant as the servant continues
helping his brother. In particular when the inmates of these
relics are respectable and noble persons, for service to them
is the cause of attaining the reward and blessings."131
This is the cult of these people and these are their
teachings against the teachings ofthe Prophet (peace be upon
him) who prohibited his Companions and his community
from hyperbole even about his person. He said:
(in - ,.(-^11 )
"Those whom He willeth to leave straying - He makes their
breast close and constricted, as if they had to climb up to
the skies: thus doth Allah (heap) the penalty on those
who refuseto believe."13"
Allah, the most great, has spoken the truth. They have
invented a strange rule and introduced an evil practice for
eating and drinking: If a man died and he did not pray and
fast during his life, it is possible to admit him to paradise
by offering food to the scholars and monks half asa' ofwheat
or a sa-of dates or barley for each fast, and similarly for each
prayer. If a man wants to carry out business, he will be grant
ed concession, as a special case. For this they have suggested
a legal device (hi-la). we give below their statements on this
subject from their own works, and they have forgotten what
Allah, the Exalted, has said in His Book:
[\. _/UJJl )
may Allah forgive and remit them. Those which can be dis
charged by ransom and remained due to him as his liability,
tr-.'i copy of the Qur'an is given along with this money in
cash and commodity in kind as aransom."141
Or this copy of the Qur'an is donated along with
this money in cash and commodity in kind to exonerate
the deceased from prayers and fasts and other liabilities
due to him.142 If any man did not pray and fast during
his whole life, about him they say: 'The years of his age
should be counted after discounting twelve years in the
case of male and nine years in the case of female, for it is
the minimum period of her puberty, then it is necessary to
donate half a basket for each month by measuring with the
Mudd of Damuscus, and six baskets for each solar year."143
But by this reckoning the weight does not decrease,
and the number of sa's increases, then what is the legal
device (hila) ? They say: "He should take a limited quantity
(of some commodity) and give that quantity to a poor man.
Thus, the liability is dropped from the deceased commen
surate with this quantity. Then the poor man should give
this quantity to the heir of the dead. He should again give
this quantity to the poor man, and the liability is diminished
in proportion to the quantity. Again the poor man should
give this quantity to the heir of the dead, and he should take
possession of it. Again the heir should give it to the poor man
so that the remaining number of prayers and fasts due to
the deceased be dropped."! 44
eyes, I shall seek him in the rows of the people on the day
of resurrection, and lead him to paradise."14**
Look at these people and their courage to forgery
and lying upon the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him)
who said: If anyone lies upon me intentionally, he should
makehisabode in hell-fire."150
They have reported the first version from "al-Maqasid
al-Hasana " by al-Sakhawi, and al-Sakhawi himself has
written about this tradition in his book before narrating
it: Similarly Abu'l-Abbas Ahmad b. Abi Bakr al-Raddad
al-Mutasawwif has quoted it in his work "Mujibat al-Rahma
wa 'Aza'im al-Maghfira."
With a chain of narrators which contain obscure
narrators and link connecting al-Khidr is missing.151
Even after all this criticism on this tradition it is
permissible, to argue on its basis and despite the existence of
the name of al-Khidr therein and what has been said about
him ?.The second version has no trace of it. I do not know
from where he has brought it They hold this view despite
the scholars' criticism of such traditions: "The traditions
narrated about the kissing of fingers and placing them on the
eyes after hearing his (the Prophet's) name from the
mu'adhdhini contained in the words I bear witness that
Muhammad is Allah's Messenger, are all spurious." .
Al-Sakhawi himself has said after stating permissibi
lity of acting upon the weak traditions about merits, ex-,
hortation and fightehing: "As regards a spurious traditon,
it is not permissible to act upon it in any circumstance."153
149. Ja'al-Haqq, p. 394.
150. Muslim transmitted it.
151. Al-Sakhawi, al-Maqasid al-Hasana.
152. Al-Suyuti, Taisir aKal-Maqal.
153. Al-Qawl al-Badi, p. 196.
"I have left two things among you, and you never go astray
as long as you adhere to them: the Book of Allah, and the
Sunna of His Messenger."1
The Ahl al-Hadith have asserted that Allah has not
commanded in His Book to obey anyone except obedience
to Himself and obedience to His Messenger (peace be upon
him) in a large number of the verses. We quote here only
three: ^ .. * , . . ,
1. Mishkat al-Masabih.
2. Qur'an III: 132.
3. Qur'an VIII: 20.
4. Qur'an IV : 59.
cation of Shaikh 'Abd al-Bari. His son has collected all his
fatawa in an independent book named "al-Tari al-Dari li
hafawat 'Abd al-Bari". He and his followers often state after
excommunication of a Muslim: He who is doubtful about
his unbelief and undoubtedly rejects faith, i.e. is unbeliever.
This has been witnessed by 'Abd al-Hayy Lucknawi,
father of Abu'l-Hasan Ali al-Nadawi, the illustrious author on
Islam. He says in his work while describing the account of
the life of Ahmad Rida al-Bareilawi: He was harsh in the legal
and theological questions, sweeping and hastening in excom
munication of Muslims. He raised the standard of excom
munication of Muslims and schism among them in India in
recent times. He played a prominent role and became the
leader of this sect who support him, ascribe themselves to
him and argue on the basis of his statements. He did not
allow any leniency and magnanimity in the interpretation of
the unbelief of one who did not agree with him on his
belief and findings, or of one whom he found deviating
from his way and the way of his forefathers. He was severe
in opposition, perpetually pursuing every reformation
"I have left two things among you: the Book of Allahand my
Sunna; You will not stray as long as you hold fast to
As regards the things that have come down to us from
the later scholars and saints, we should see if they have some
bases; otherwise they will be struck to the ground.
They have put up anoppositionto the innovations and
12. Qur'an V: 3.
13. Mishkat al-Masabih.
call and the reviver of the straight way followed by the early
generation of the Muslims. Its voice was suppressed since
centuries and was lost under the heaps of innovations and
myriads of absurdities and was totally changed by the later
evil ways. Consequently, the graves were worshipped,, and
people prostrated themselves towards them and on them,
and the mosques were ruined from the right guidance and the
guides, and vacated from the worshippers and the explorers.
The hospices were inhabited and flourished, while the people
abandoned worshipping Allah alone. The commandments
of Allah were suspended and the divine Shariawasthrown
back. The Sunna of the Messenger of Allah was dominated
by the sayings of the men of religion ahd acts of the ignorant
mystics. The people bought misguidance and straying for
guidance to the straight way, and adopted darkness instead
of light. Therefore) he stood up and battled with his pen,
tongue, hand and sword. He took out Allah's Book and began
to teach and explain it. He invited the people to guidance
and to adhere to its teachings after it had been hidden
in the silky covers and was designed for getting blessing,
kissing and taking oaths. He produced his famous book
'Taqwiyyat al-lman" in the light of the Qur'an. In this book
he has invited the people to worship Allah alone, and to the
pure divine unity, to abstain from polytheism and seeking
help from saints and the inmates of the graves, besides Allah.
He prohibited the people from calling upon others besides
Allah, and swearing by Him alone. He invited them to the
Book of Allah, to the one who explained this Book
Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him),
and to throw away the conformity of the forefathers, and
religious stagnance. He also invited to the battlefield to lift
the word of Allah, to raise His standard, and to establish
the Islamic state governed by the Book of Allah and the
Sunna of Muhammad (pace be upon him). He and his dis
ciples and followers set out to the battlefield of Jihad. He
came out from the territory of Najd in the 13th century and
were known as Najd is. Their leader was a Shaikh of Najd.
Then Allah broke their glory into pieces, destroyed their
cities and gave victory to the Muslim armies over them in
1233 A.H.72
He says in reply to a query whether the Wahhabi sect
was in existence in the time of the rightly-guided caliphs?
He said: Yes. They were those people who rebelled against
'Ali (Allah be pleased with him) . . . . In the current days
they have appeared in the name of the Wahhabis. Their
leader was Abd al-Wahhab Najdii. Their signs are contained
in the traditions of the Prophet (peace be upon him). All of
them dre found in them. They look down upon your prayer
while praying, your fasts, while fasting, and your deeds
while doing good deeds. They recite the Qur'an which does
not exceed their collarbones. They speak the words of the
best of the creatures (i.e. the Prophet), but they come out of the
religion as the arrow comes out from its shot Their forehead
is shaved, and they roll up their lion clothes. The Najdi Ibn
Abd al-Wahhab exaggerated in shaving the head. If a woman
enters his impure religion, he used to get her head shaved, for
it was the residence of the pagan days.73 There are a large
number of similar non-sense statements.
His father lived in the lifetime of the Prophet (peace
be upon him) and the Prophet had ordered Abu Bakr Siddiq
and 'Umar Faruq to kill him. Had he been killed, there would
have been no commotion today.74 One of his henchmen
has written that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him)
predicted about this trial (fitna) of Najdi by saying: There
turban and gown, the dress of the ulama and fuqaha. In those
days he did not issue fatawa, nor was he a famous person.
Instead, he remained engaged in the remembrance of Allah
and devotion to Him so much so that the doors of truths and
knowledge were opened to him. Shaikh Imdad Allah appoint
ed him his successor, and praised him saying that the parallel
of Qasim is found only in the past generations of Muslims.
Scenes of great significance were noticed in his debates with
the Christians and'Ariyas. He died in 1297 A.H.81
They excommunicated this Shaikh, the Imam of the
Hanafis of his time, the founder of the movement called
Deobandiya. The Bareilawi says about him in his defective
Arabic: The Qasimiyya is a sect, attributed to Qasim
Nanautawi, the author of the book'Tahdhir al-Nas."ln this
book he says: If it is supposed that in the time of the Prophet
(may peace be upon him) there was a prophet or after
him a new Prophet came, it will not damage the finality of
his prophethood. The public will continue to think that he
(the Prophet, peace beupon him) was the final Prophet, that,
the last of the Prophets. But there is no excellence in it in the
eyes of the intellectuals . . .. till the end of his non-sense
statement Nanautawi is a person whom Muhammad Ali
Kanpuri, the Director of Nadwa, calls the wiseman of the
Muslim community. Glory be to Allah, who upturns the
hearts and eyes. There is no might and no strength except
with Allah, the Dominant. These are the rejected people who
withdraw themselves from the scene.82 He said the Qasimi
sect is accursed, apostates for ever, may Allah curse them.83
One of his followers said: the work "Tahdhir al-Nas" of the
93. Ibid., p. 31
94. Al-Fatawa al-lfriqiyya, p. t24
95. Al-Fatawa al-Ridwiyya, vol. VI, p. 56
96. Ibid., p. 104
97. Ibid., p. 237.
"xZZ2JS£i£Z~*alShihabiyya fi Kufri*«
114. Ibid., p. 59
115. Ibid., p..60
116. Al-Bareilawi, Ahkam Shari'at p 112.
117. Ibid., p. 117.
118. Fatawa lfriqiyya> p 125
119. Ibid., p. 172
120. Khalisal-I'tiqad, p. 54
The Bareilawi has said about a particular book of a
scholar of the Wahhabis: It is forbidden for the Muslims to
read this, book..156 Muradabadi has reported one of his
masters as saying: Beware of lending ear to the works of
Ibn Taimiyya and Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziya and others. They
have made their deity their desire and Allah has led them
astray despiteitheir knowledge, sealed up their hearing and
;heart, and covered their eyes with aveil. Who will guide them
after Allah. How did these heretics transgressed the limits,
exceeded-the marks, and broke the hedge of the Sharia and
Al Saud may Allah have mercy upon him and forgive him.
He made' use of all possible fabrication and falsehood and
uttered them with full courage and valour without any fear
of Allah and modesty.
In the end, he issued a fatwa for the abolition of the
obligaiton of Hajj during their time and rule. One of the sig
natories on this fatwa commented: By this fatwa the sacred
territory of Mecca and Medina have been purified from the
^^ThSt'the true picture of the Bareilawi and this
is their hatred towards the monotheists and the Book of
Allah and the Sunna of His Messenger (peace be upon him).
If this fatwa indicates anything, it indicates the callousness
of their hearts, fossilisation of their reasons, sharpness of
their tongue, sporting with the religion, and making the*
Shari'a the goal of their mean ends, so much so that thaw
abolished an obligatory., duty imposed by Allah on th.
Muslims without any reason except to express their malm,
strangulation and grudge against the people whom Allah
has crowned with honour and granted them government
and rulership. .
We have never seen any faction from the factions ot
the world who are ascribed to Islam most callous and
invokers of curses like this faction besides the Shi'a. We do
not know which of them is more severe and frequent
(in cursing). ' •.. .
We have expatiated on the description of the reality,
doctrines and tenets of these people against their
Now we may give a brief account of these groups,
parties, and scholars whom these people have declared
impious, unbeliever, heretic and apostate. We mention a
few names referring to the books in which the declara
tion about their heresy has occurred to those who have
issued fatwa abou t them.
the light which Allah has sent down to scatter the depths
of darkness and to dispense the ignorance. Are the depths
of darkness and light are equal? Allah, the Almighty, has said:
2) Qur'an XXIV: 40
7) Ibid., p. 181.
8) Mustafa Rida (ed.), Malfuzat li mujaddid al-Mi'at
al Hadira, p. 189.
"I used to send my soul when Iwas far away from you. That
kissed the ground on my behalf. It was my representative.
Now I have personally come to you. Extend your hand so
that my lips have a pleasure by kissing them."
It is said that the hand of the Holy Prophet (peace be
upon him) came out and he kissed it.18
The same happens with the saints. The proof of that
is as follows: Abd al-Wahhab al-Shar*ani regularly attended
the death anniversary of my Chief Ahmad al-Badawi al-
Kabir (Allah be pleased with him). Once he was delayed by
two days in attending the anniversary. The attendants of the
grave saw that Sayyid al-Badawi removed the screen repea
tedly and asked whether.his novice had come ornotbythat
time. When hecomes, the attendants of his grave informed
him about removing the curtain and questioning about his
attendance. Abd al-Wahhab said: Is my Chief aware of my
visit to his grave? They replied: Howl It is he who has said:
Whoever intends to pay a visit to my grave while he is at his
home, how so farther his home is, I know his intention, and
I accompany him till he reaches my grave. As soon as he
These are the wonders of these people that they narrate
the fables that are rejected by reason and disdained by
human thought. A story goes: Two persons who were saints
lived at both the banks of a river. Once, one of them pre
pared pudding and wished to send it to the other saint at
the other bank of the river. He said to his servant, "Take
it to that friend of ours". He said, "How can I cross the river;
I have no boat or anything else for crossing it." H"e said, "Go
to the river and say to it: I have come from a person who
never had intercourse with his wife", The servant was
astonished, for the saint had children. He complied his order
and went to the river. He said whatthe saint had said to him.
The river was split up and he passed through it safe and
sound. He presented the pudding to the saint who lived at
the other bank and he ate it and blessed him. He said,
"Convey my greetings to your master". The servant said",
I shall convey your greetings to him when I reach there.
How can I reach him, for a river lies between him and me".
He said, "Go to the river and say to it: I have come from a
person who did not take meals for thirty years". The servant
was surprised, for he saw him eating the pudding which he
had brought to him. But as soon as he conveyed his message
to the river, it was split up and gave him the way for going
They have narrated another wonderful story: A man
from the novices of Yahya al-Muneyri fell into the sea.
He was about to sink when al-Khidr (peace be upon him)
appeared to him and said: Bring your hand in my hand, I
the people away from Allah, and lead them to other besides
Allah. They indicate that there remained no power and
authority for Allah, and He has no power of enforcement
and execution. But all these things have been transferred to
the saints and the righteous men. The best example to this
effect is the story related by the Bareilawi himself: My
Chief, Bayazid al-Bistami, stood at the bank of the Tigris
river. He went down in it and began to walk on its water as
he did on the earth. A man saw him and he wanted to cross
it. He also went down in it and walked behind him, and
mentioned his name. When he reached near him, he found
that he was remembering Allah. He imitated him, and
mentioned his name. When he reached near him, he found
that he was remembering Allah. He imitated him, and
mentioned Allah's name. But suddenly he began to sink in
the river. So B'ayazid turned to him and said, "My name,
my name, and not the name, and abandon my name?" The
drowining man siad, "I saw that you were mentioning Allah's
name. So I also mentioned His name". He said, "Have you
not reached me till you reach Him?" So he called out by
the name of Bayazid, and was saved from being drowned.
He began to walk on the water as he was walking on the
paved road. 4
We close this chapter with another marvellous anecdote
out of hundreds and thousands upon which these people
have founded their religion, built their Sharia, and made their
authority in both religion and -worldly affairs. How much
loss they are suffering! and how cheap they are!.
The Bareilawi himself has related the following story : A
gnostic was searching for a perfect spiritual guide. But he
could not reach him. One nighthe said to Allah, the Exalted,
"By Thy honour, and by Thy grandeur, I shall swear an
Bibliography -
1. Qur'an
2. Sahihal- Bukhari
3. Sahih Muslim
4. Sunan Abu Dawud
5. Jami al-Tirmidhi
6. Sunan al-Nasai
7. Sunan Ibn Maja
8. Muwatta Imam Malik
9. Musnad Ahmad
10. Sunan al-Baihaqi
11. Mustadrak li'l- Hakim
12. Sunan Said Ibn Mansur
13. Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaiba
14. Musannaf Abdal-Razzaq
15. Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Shaibani,*Kitab al-Athar"
16. Mishkat al-Masabih.
17. Al- Haithami Majma al-Fawaid
18. Tafsir Ibn Kathir
19. Tafsir al-Tabari
20. Tafsir al-Qurtubi
21. Siddiq Hasan Khan,*Fath al-Bayan"
22. AI-Shawkani/'Fath al-Qadir"
23. AI-TirmidhirKitab al-Shamail"
24. Al-Baihaqi, "Shuab aMman"
25. Ibn Hajar al-AsqalanCFath al-Bari"
26. Mulla Ali al-Qari.Tvlirqat Sharh ai-Mishkat"
27. AI-Alusi,'Ruhal-Maani"
28. Rashid Rida,'Tafsiral-Manar'
29. .AI-QadiThanaAlla;Tafsiral-Mazhari"
30. Mulla Ali al-Qari, "Mawduat"
31. Muhammad Tahir Patni,Tadhkirat al-Mawdu'at"
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