Answers Quiz2 2010
Answers Quiz2 2010
Answers Quiz2 2010
Quiz 2 Solutions
Quiz 2 Solutions
1. (5 pts) “While cost always increases in output quantity, sometimes the quantity of an input decreases
when output increases.” Illustrate this statement with a picture with isoquants and isocost lines on it. As-
sume that one isoquant is associated with one more unit of output that the other isoquant. Label all parts
of your diagram. Carefully explain how your diagram illustrates the statement. (hint: input prices don’t
Grading Policy: One point for correctly labeling all parts of your graph. Two points for cor-
rectly showing two parallel isocost lines with tangent isoquants and higher output associated
with the higher isoquant. One point for clearly and correctly showing that one input increases
and one input decreases as output increases on your graph. One point for the explanation.
When output quantity increases, the new isoquant (Q1 ) will lie above the original isoquant (Q0 ). The point
of tangency with the isocost lines, as well as the shape of the firm’s isoquant, will determine the chosen input
bundles. In the graph above the production cost to produce Q1 has increased because the isocost line shifts
out parallel to produce more output, but the quantity of input 1 (denoted L) has decreased.
2. Explain whether each statement below is true, false, or uncertain. Be sure to explain your answer.
Grading Policy: for each question, half a point for getting true, false or uncertain correctly
and half a point for the explanation.
a. (1pt ) Competitive firms always choose their price so that price equals marginal cost.
FALSE. Competitive firms are price takers and do not choose their price. They take price as given and only
choose quantity. They will produce up to where price equals marginal cost.
b. (1pt ) A question of the form “How much are you willing to pay to....” elicits an answer that is compen-
sating variation.
UNCERTAIN. It depends if the change is positive or negative. If the change is positive, then a question of
the form “How much are you willing to pay to....” elicits an answer that is compensating variation. However
if the change is negative, then a question of the form “How much are you willing to pay to....” elicits an
answer that is equivalent variation.
c. (1pt ) A technology based effluent standard costs more than a tax that causes the same reduction in
pollution, with output held constant.
FALSE. A technology based effluent standard costs less than a tax that causes the same reduction in pollution,
with output held constant.
FALSE. The shutdown point is at the minimum point of average variable cost. You also got full credit if you
said that this statement is UNCERTAIN because in the long run firms will shutdown for any price below the
minimum point of average cost.
e. (1pt ) Drinking milk causes heroin usage. We know this because essentially all heroin users first drank milk.
FALSE. Drinking milk is a necessary condition to heroin usage in this example. However, it is not sufficient.
Correlation does not imply causation. Therefore we cannot conclude that drinking milk causes heroin usage.
3. You are asked to find a monetary value for Elephant seals, both use and non-use values. These seals
reach 5m in length and weigh up to 2700kg. They can be found on many Pacific beaches. (1 pt) Why would
someone ask you to make such a study, and what method would you use? (4 pts) What are the steps you
would take to conduct your study. Name at least four separate steps needed to produce a valid study.
Grading Policy: Half a point for saying that you should use the contingent valuation method
and half a point for saying that you would want to conduct such a study to find a money
measure of the benefits people derive from Elephant seals. One point for each step you say
should be done to produce a valid study. If you mention more than four, any four correct
steps are sufficient to get the points.
Though elephant seals are a non-market good, people may derive both use and non-use values from them.
You may be asked to conduct a contingent valuation study in order to estimate a money measure of the
benefits people derive from elephant seals. There are several key steps you should conduct in your contin-
gent valuation study to produce valid results. These include: (i) describing a specific project or good the
interviewee will be asked to value; (ii) describing a specific payment method; (iii) reminding the interviewee
that their money can be used for several competing purposes; (iv) asking them a willingness to pay question;
and (v) conducting a debriefing to ensure the respondent understood the questions or check whether protest
responses were made. The debrief typically also includes questions about the respondent’s characteristics,
such as income, education level, and attitude towards environmental issues.
4. Consider two firms with two cost functions, C(Q) and C*(Q) = C(Q) +tQ, where t is a tax per unit
output. (The tax can be levied to compensate for pollution, but that is not essential to what follows.) As-
sume that C(Q) has U-shaped average costs. (2 pts) Draw one picture with AC, MC for both cost functions.
Draw them on the same picture and carefully show the relation of one to the other (hint: where does t come
in on your diagrams?).
Now redraw your picture because you will be adding an additional curve. (1 pt) Assume that the price is
set so that the low cost firm, the one with costs C(Q), makes zero profits. Label the price P on your graph.
(2 pts) Show what level of output the high cost firm makes if it produces at all. Call that quantity Q’. First
assume that AFC(Q’) > t. With this assumption place AVC on your diagram. Now show the profits of the
high cost firm. Now suppose AFC(Q’)< t. What are profits now? Explain in words.
Grading Policy: One point for correctly drawing the the low cost firm’s AC, MC curves and
one point for drawing the high cost firm’s curves. One point for adding the P=MC at the
minimum point of the low cost firm’s AC curve. One point for showing and explaining that
if AFC(Q’) > t profit will be negative but the firm will still produce a positive amount. One
point for explaining that if AFC(Q’) < t the firm will shut down (and profit will be -FC). Your
graphs need to be clearly and correctly labeled to get full points.
The first thing you need to figure out is that the high cost firm’s marginal and average cost curves will be
t units higher than those for the low cost firm. To get the point you could have shown this mathematically
or just directly put it on your graph without showing the math. Either way, you have to draw your graph to
get the points. Here is how to show this mathematically. We denote the high cost firm’s costs as AC ∗ and
M C ∗ , and the low cost firm’s cost functions as AC and M C.
Now we can combine these two facts to show graphically what the two firms’ AC and MC curves will look
like. See the first figure below. AC, MC are the low cost firm’s curves and AC+t, MC+t are the high cost
firm’s curves.
Since you are told the low cost firm makes zero profits, it must be the case that price is equal to the minimum
AC of the low cost firm. So price intersects MC where MC=AC. This is shown on the second graph below.
For the next step you need to use the fact that the difference between the average cost (AC) and the average
variable cost (AVC) will always be equal to the average fixed cost (AFC): AC - AVC = AFC.
C(Q) V C(Q) F C
C(Q) = V C(Q)+F C ⇒ AC(Q) = = + = AV C(Q)+AF C ⇒ AF C = AC(Q)−AV C(Q).
This means that when you draw AV C for the high cost firm on your diagram, the difference between AC+t
and AV C will be the AFC. So when AFC(Q’) > t, the high cost firm’s AVC curve will be below the low cost
firm’s AC curve because the difference between AC+t and AC is t. This is AV C0 on your graph. In this
situation price will cross M C + t at a point above AV C0 , and the high cost firm will produce Q’. The firm
is going to lose money (i.e. make negative profit) but it will make fewer losses than if it produced nothing.
The light shaded box is the firm’s loss from producing Q’. If the firm produced nothing the losses would be
the combination of the light and dark shaded boxes. So it is better off producing the positive quantity Q0 .
Finally, when AFC(Q’) < t, the AVC curve will be above the low cost firm’s AC curve. This is AV C1 on
your graph. In this situation price will cross M C + t at a point below AV C1 , and the high cost firm will
be better off shutting down because profits will be more negative than -FC, which is the profit from shutting
down. So Q’ will be zero in this case, and profits will be -FC.
$ MC + t $
MC MC + t MC
AC + t AC + t
Q Q’ Q