Lost and Found Spell
Lost and Found Spell
Lost and Found Spell
What you need is a picture or an item that may represent what you have lost; 7 green candles and
a gold or silver colored incense
Wait for the candles to burn out then the spell will start to work.
Healing Spell...
You Need:
Powdered cinnamon
Green ribbon
A glass jar or other container with a lid
Various small objects- preferably green, silver or white
(such as paper, dried leaves, beads, pieces of smooth
glass and colored wood)
Green or silver glitter.
‘I call on thee, spirits of water, earth, fire and air, to aid me in this
‘Thrice I bind thee, and so with nine calls, you will heal.’
5. Put all the small objects and the glitter into the jar ,
screw on the lid and shake it nine times
What to do: Light the black candle, say the following words while erasing the letter M:
Snuff out the candle. Every night earse the next letter. When the letter T is erased, use the flame of
the candle to burn the paper, and say: So mote it be!
Rain Spell...
Simply Take a bowl full of water and if you have 2 people sit across
from each other... if it is just you then just put it in front of you.
Make sure you make your circle then chant over the bowl of water
Nymphs strike the clouds so rain will fall freely to the ground" while
doing that visualize clouds bursting open and water falling down over
the area you wish for rain. this really works i did it with a friend
Here is a protection chant to protect you from evil, you should
do this before and after doing spells,
By Gcola Gcola56@aol.com
Cast while pointing your wand to the sky then say...
all three,
elements of astral i summon thee ,
Earth by Divinity,Divinity by Earth,
give the enemy the power to see,
The strength of the elements by my side,
No rules magic i shall abide,
now when my enemy meets his downfall,
this spell will have no power left at all,
in no way shall this spell reverse or place upon me any curse
so mote it be.
Protection spell
a protection spell from any spirit or demon.( has been tested and never had a problem with it)
cast a circle on the ground all casters enter.. 1-? casters can be used( the more the more powerful).
Hear me knights of past, Knights of the ancient law. Hear me dead knights of an english tongue.
Hear me knights lost in battle, who's blade did good. Hear me knights of old, hear me knights of
lost souls. This night I invoke thee . I summon thee to my arms aid. Hear me knights, a new cause
be given. Your body gone now spirit be. Hear me Dead Knights I invoke thee. By your spirit blade
I invoke you. By your might I invoke you. By your spirit I invoke you. Come now , follow a new
cause, I summon thee. Each of thee I enlist. I invoke you dead knights lost. Hear me and come to
my aid. Hear me and fight at my side. Protect me from spirits harm. Fight my battles I say to thee.
Hear me Spirits of lost knights , come to my aid, come to my side. Protect me from spirits harm.
Protect me from spirits light. I invoke you. I invoke you. I invoke you. I invoke you. I invoke you.
Let my army be done.
Let it be .
Let it be
Questions about his spell? ... ... ... Eric Williams ericw@cwv.net
Protection chant for out-door spells:
Before attempting spells at night, out-doors, take up
a blessed object (wand for instance) and draw a
pentagram in the air. Imagine the pentagram glowing
and the evil around being trapped inside until after
your spells, chant:
Questions about this spell? ... ... ... Orica firstar oricora@yahoo.co.uk
"By the dragons light
On this (month) night
I call to thee
To give me your might
By the power of three
I conjure thee
To protect all
That surrounds me
So mote it be
So mote it be!"
Here is a spell to make you less noticeable, this spell may not work for
people depending on experience.
First of all, visualize a white or black light (which ever one is more
suitable) and visualize yourself inside that light, now picture that light
getting blurry and taking in the colors of the objects around you, now see
yourself getting blurry or being sucked into the light and the light taking
the form of the objects around you until you cannot see the light. your
must be closed for you to do this.