Engine Seating
Engine Seating
Engine Seating
Edition 2010
The following Guidelines come into force on 1 July 2010.
Alterations to the preceding Edition are marked by beams at the text margin.
Germanischer Lloyd AG
Head Office
Brooktorkai 18, 20457 Hamburg, Germany
Phone: +49 40 36149-0
Fax: +49 40 36149-200
"General Terms and Conditions" of the respective latest edition will be applicable
(see Rules for Classification and Construction, I - Ship Technology, Part 0 - Classification and Surveys).
Table of Contents
Section 1
– characteristic curves for the horizontal and ver- B. Principles for the Workmanship of Seatings
tical load direction with details concerning per-
missible continuous load 1. General requirements
– data concerning the time settling behaviour at
ambient conditions, compare the GL Rules for 1.1 For the design and construction of ships'
Machinery Installations (I-1-2), Section 1, C. structural foundations and their sub-structures the GL
Rules for Hull Structures (I-1-1) and the GL Rules for Specification data for the torsionally flexible Hull Design and Construction (I-2-2) apply.
coupling as well as for the essential flexible pipe con-
nections. 1.2 Access to the assembly and inspection open- Calculation of the natural frequencies of the ings provided in the propulsion plant for maintenance
total vibrational system for 6 degrees of freedom. activities must be maintained. Calculation of the static displacements in the x, 1.3 Each seating must only be carried out after
y, and z directions at the flexible system components, on completion of the process of alignment, where align-
the basis of all loadings effective at rated power, result- ment is to be carried out taking into account thermal
ing from the engine's dead weight, the engine's rated expansion under operational conditions and the dy-
torque, or shaft torque where there is a close-coupled namic behaviour of the plant components (coupling,
gearbox, the ship's angles of inclination (athwartship/ gearbox, etc).
for-and-aft), and, if applicable, propeller thrust.
Care must be taken that the alignment of the individ- Comparison of the calculated displacements ual plant components with respect to each other is not
with the permissible values for the flexible system altered during the seating activities.
Before seating, all welding procedures in the seating Calculation for the forced, damped vibrations. area have to be finished.
This calculation is only to be submitted when re- 1.4 In the course of the seating of the individual
quested by GL. It is required if the natural frequency plant components the installation instructions of the
calculation predicts important resonances within the manufacturers must be observed.
operating speed range.
For operation with misfiring, evidence for the accep- 1.5 The seating must be carried out under the
tance of the loadings must be proved by calculation. supervision of GL.
The results from the calculation must be commented
upon appropriately. Barred speed ranges are to be 2. Mounting
defined, and a comparison must be carried out of the
amplitudes calculated with the values permissible for
2.1 Rigid mounting
the flexible system components.
A rigid mounting is a direct connection of the plant The main data and the results of the calcula- components to the ship's structural foundations using
tion for resilient mounting have to be summarized on rigid chocks.
the form in Annex B.
The chocks must be of the same material throughout. Trial measurements Any deviations require the agreement of GL.
Insofar as deemed necessary by GL, the proper design The use of shims is not permissible.
for the resilient mounting is to be verified by means of
measurement in the course of the sea trial. The test All innovative types of rigid mountings have to be
program must be agreed with GL. approved by GL in advance. The kind of approval and
the scope of examination will be defined by GL in
2.2 Documents to be presented to the GL Sur- individual cases.
2.1.1 Metal chocks
On request the following documents have to be pre-
sented to the Surveyor: Metal chocks are preferably to be manufac-
tured from steel, including cast steel; the use of grey
– the documentation according to 2.1 iron is permissible.
– documents in analogous form as in 2.1 for To enable satisfactory adjusting of the chocks, the top
mountings of auxiliary machinery not defined in plates of the foundations are to be machined in the vicinity of the chocks.
2.3 Deviations from the defined scope Multi-layer chocks are to be avoided.
Deviations from the scope defined in 2.1 and 2.2 will Cut-outs in chocks should not amount to more than
be defined, if necessary, case by case by GL. 20 % of the total surface area.
VI - Part 4 Section 1 B Seating of Propulsion Plants and Auxiliary Machinery Chapter 3
GL 2010 Page 1–3
Chocks must be finished and trued up on both sur- 2.2.3 The resilient mounting of high speed and
faces. The load-bearing area of the chock must amount medium speed diesel engines is primarily used in
to at least 75%. order to reduce the transmission of vibrations and
structure-borne sound into the ship's hull. The desired
Tack welds are not permissible on chocks. insulation effect can, however, only be achieved if the Metal chocks with adjustable height have to natural frequencies of the resilient mounting are suffi-
be approved by GL for every application. ciently separated from the excitation frequencies. For
plants operating at constant speed a safety margin of at
2.1.2 Cast resin chocks least 10 % between the rated speed and the resonance
speed must be maintained. The casting compounds provided for the
manufacture of the cast resin chocks must be approved 2.2.4 In the design of a resilient mounting account
by GL for applications according to these Guidelines, must be taken of the ageing and natural wear of the
thus observing the GL Guidelines for the Approval of mounting components. The settling rates over defined
Reaction Plastics and Composite Materials for the time intervals must be checked and recorded in accor-
Seating and Repair of Components (VI-9-5). dance with the manufacturer's details. When the
maximum permissible amount of settling is reached
The chocks may only be poured by companies author- the resilient mounting must be renewed.
ized by the cast resin manufacturer whilst maintaining
the boundary conditions required by the process. 2.2.5 Pipe connections to resiliently mounted plant
Authorization respectively evidence of training the components require flexible connectors, which must
personnel performing the cast resin process by the cast be held as short as possible, type approved by GL and,
resin manufacturer has to be presented to the local insofar as prescribed by GL, must be designed to be
GL Surveyor on request. flame-resistant. Flexible hoses are preferably to be
installed in the length-wise direction of the plant with
For approval of the submitted documentation see a small amount of slack.
2.2.6 Mounting components Two foundation bolts should as far as possi-
ble be located in each cast resin chock. The properties (quality, elasticity and loading direc-
tion) of the resilient mounting components must be
The height of a cast resin chock should in normal matched to vibrational conditions and component
circumstances be between 20 and 50 mm. Lower or weights.
greater chock heights are possible dependent on the
cast resin approval conditions. Under no circum- The mounting components are to be arranged so that
stances may the height of the chock exceed the width an uniform loading is ensured.
or length of the chock.
Mounting components must be protected effectively
Cast resin chocks may only be placed under load if the and permanently against the effects of oil and fuel.
casting compound has achieved the requisite mini-
mum hardness. This is to be verified by means of a To limit the vibrational amplitudes a sufficient number
of buffer stops are to be installed.
hardness test. Plant components mounted on cast resin are 3. Fixing to the foundation
to be fitted with a reference plate that must contain the
following details: 3.1 Instructions for installation
– name of the company carrying out the work
In order to ensure the fixing of the propulsion plant
– designation of the casting compound under all operating conditions, the individual plant
components must be effectively and permanently
– tightening values of the foundation bolts secured to the foundations in accordance with the
– date of pouring manufacturers instructions for installation.
– front stoppers in conjunction with fitted bolts (in 4.1.2 When using necked-down bolts (bolts with a
the case of gear boxes with an integrated thrust reduced shank diameter) the shank diameter has to be
bearing), see Annex A, Figs. A.8 and A.9 less than the thread root diameter but on the other hand
may not be less than 80 % of the thread root diameter.
– fitted pins and clamping sleeves (only permissi- Otherwise subsequent heat treatment and/or material
ble for smaller plants) testing of the finished bolts must be carried out.
– special configurations (in accordance with the
instructions of the component manufacturers), 4.1.3 Tack welds are not permissible on foundation
see Annex A, Figs. A.5 and A.6 bolts and nuts.
3.3 Chocks 4.1.4 The mating surfaces for bolt heads, nuts and
extension sleeves on the bed plates and top plates must
Chocks for front and side stoppers are to be made be machined plane parallel.
from metallic materials. There must be metal-to-metal
contact on both sides and they must be secured against 4.1.5 In order to hold amounts of settling as small
displacement. as possible, the number of parting lines in the bolted
For propulsion plants the stopper chocks are to be joints is to be limited to a minimum.
manufactured to a wedge or double wedge design. If washers are necessary, they must be provided to a
Positioning of the wedge-shaped chocks without machined and rigid design. Collared washers are to be
clearance must be executed with the plant at its oper- located as required, see Annex A, Fig. A.17.
ating thermal condition. The subsequent fixing is
preferably to be ensured by welding up the wedges 4.1.6 For the layout of the foundation bolts a suffi-
over the entire wedge length, see Annex A, Figs. cient high utilisation of the bolt material has to be
A.10, A.11 and A.12. considered. It is recommended to provide in the range
of the minimum bolt cross section an utilisation of at
3.4 Stoppers least 70 % of the material’s yield strength.
For the seating of high speed and medium speed en-
gines with more than 6 cylinders in one line and a cyl- 4.2 Foundation bolts
inder diameter ≥ 250 mm, a further pair of side stoppers
is to be provided near the midpoint of the engine length, 4.2.1 Mounting on metal chocks
in the vicinity of a bearing stool, in addition to the side Bolted joints are to be dimensioned so that,
stopper pair at the opposite end to the coupling. according to calculation, a bolt elongation of at least
The transmission of the propeller thrust to the ship's 0,25 mm is achieved under the requisite preloading,
structure can be achieved via front stoppers or fitted see calculation example in C.6.
bolts. Fitted bolts are to be specified for fixing and
According to the special conditions of a mounting on securing the plant components. With appropriate di-
cast resin chocks, the conditions of are to be mensioning, fitted bolts can be taken into account for
observed. the transmission of propeller thrust.
Front stoppers are to be structurally designed so that The nuts for the foundation bolts must be
they can withstand the maximum ahead and astern secured with locking nuts. Self-locking nuts are per-
occurring propeller thrust, without taking into account missible. Securing of the nut can be dispensed with if
the foundation bolt preloading. the bolted joint is based on a bolt prestress, calculated
Examples of stopper arrangements for engines and on the thread root cross-sectional area, of at least
steering gears can be found in Annex A. 250 N/mm2.
For directly coupled 2-stroke combustion engines, 5. Surveys after the sea trials
fitted bolts can be accepted for the transmission of
propeller thrust under the following conditions: Directly following the sea trials the seating of propul-
sion plants has to be checked visually and the tighten-
– agreement of the engine manufacturer or licen- ing torque/hydraulic pressure of the main engine foun-
see is provided dation bolts has to be measured and recorded. Bolted joints are to be dimensioned so, that 1. Definitions, symbols and units
under the requisite preloading, a calculated minimum Ae = Effective total mating surface of cast resin
bolt elongation is achieved as a function of the cast chocks [mm2]
resin surface pressure that is present, see calculation
example in C.6. Am = Required minimum mating surface of cast
resin chocks [mm2] The nuts of the foundation bolts are to be
secured with locking nuts. Self-locking nuts are per- Ap = Effective piston area of hydraulic tension
missible. Securing of the nut can be dispensed with if device [mm2]
the bolted joint is based on a bolt pre-stress, calculated
on the thread root cross-sectional area, of at least Dm = Minimum shank diameter of foundation bolt
150 N/mm2 for high speed and medium speed engines, [mm]
or 100 N/mm2 for low speed engines respectively, see Do = Outer diameter of thread of foundation [mm]
calculation example in C.8.
Dr = Thread root diameter of foundation bolt [mm]
4.3 Materials
Ds = Shank diameter of foundation bolt [mm]
4.3.1 Quality standards Ds1 ... Dsi = Individual shank diameters of founda-
The quality standards for the foundation bolts and nuts tion bolt corresponding to L1 ... Li [mm]
must correspond to the GL Rules for Steel and Iron Fo = Axial bolt force exerted on each bolt under
Materials (II-1-2), Section 6, C. and have to be tested.
operational loading conditions [N]
4.3.2 Certificates Fp = Preloading force exerted on each bolt by
tightening [N]
For new seatings, evidence of quality standards is to
be provided in form of GL Material Certificates ac- k = Hydraulic coefficient for setting and resil-
cording to the GL Rules: Principles and Test Proce- ience behaviour [–]
dures (II-1-1), Section 1, H., which have to be issued
by a GL Surveyor. ΔL = Theoretical elongation of foundation bolt
Standardized, in bulk production manufactured bolts
and nuts with threads up to M 39, which are made ΔLm = Required minimum theoretical elongation of
from alloyed or unalloyed steel of the strength cate- foundation bolt [mm]
gory according to ISO 898 (EN 20898-1 and -2), and
L1 …. Li = Individual part shank lengths of founda-
which are subject to a continuous quality control, may
be accepted with Manufacturer's Inspection Certifi- tion bolt corresponding to Ds1 ... Dsi
cates according to the GL Rules: Principles and Test [mm]
Procedures (II-1-1), Section 1, H., with details con- n = Number of foundation bolts [–]
cerning the chemical and mechanical characteristics of
the material. pa = GL approved surface pressure [N/mm2]
For auxiliary machinery and in case of repairs Manu- ph = Hydraulic pressure for hydraulic tension
facturer's Inspection Certificates according to the GL device [bar]
Rules: Principles and Test Procedures (II-1-1), Section
1, H. with details concerning the mechanical and pt = Total surface pressure exerted on the chocks
chemical characteristics of the material may be ac- caused by weight of plant component and
cepted with agreement of the GL Surveyor. bolt preloading force [N/mm2]
Chapter 3 Section 1 C Seating of Propulsion Plants and Auxiliary Machinery VI - Part 4
Page 1–6 GL 2010
pw = Total surface pressure exerted on the chocks 5. Calculation of hydraulic pressure if using
caused by weight of plant component hydraulic tension device
P = Pitch of bolt thread [mm] p h = 10 [bar]
Ap ⋅ k
ReH = Minimum yield strength of bolt material
[N/mm2] Boundary conditions:
T = Tightening torque of foundation bolt [Nm] – k = 0,85
W = Weight of serviceable plant component [N] – If hydraulic coefficients k are to be used which
deviate from the given one the preloading forces
σe = Equivalent stress (tensile stress combined actually applied have to be proved to GL by
with torsional stress) [N/mm2] measurements.
σt = Tensile stress [N/mm2]
6. Calculation of bolt elongation on basis of
2. Calculation of the required minimum mat- preloading force
ing surface of cast resin chocks
⎛ L L L ⎞
ΔL = Fp ⎜ 1 + 2 + ..... + i ⎟ 618 ⋅10−8 [mm]
W ⎜ D2 D2 2
Dsi ⎟
Am = [N/mm2] ⎝ s1 s2 ⎠
Boundary conditions:
Boundary conditions:
ΔL ≥ ΔL m
p w ≤ 0, 7 [N/mm2]
Cast resin chocks.
0, 7 < p w ≤ 0,9 [N/mm2] with special autho-
rization by GL ΔL m = 0, 0343 ⋅ p t [mm] for pt ≥ 3,5 [N/mm2]
Side stopper
Effective mating surface of cast resin chocks for a diesel engine
Annex A
Drive end
Chapter 3
Page A–1
Chapter 3 Annex A Examples for Foundations VI - Part 4
Page A–2 GL 2010
Do ´ P
Extension sleeve
Clamped length
Bed plate L2
Cast resin chock
Top plate
Plan-parallel bearbeitet
machined plane-parallel
Do ´ P
Extension sleeve
Clamped length
Bed plate
Gießharz-Passstück DS2
Cast resin chock Æ
Topp-Platte Æ
Top plate
Plan-parallel bearbeitet
machined plane-parallel
Yield Strength: ............................. N/mm2
Top plate
Mitte Zyl. 8
C.L. No. 8 Cyl.
Mitte Zyl. 7
Adjusting screws
C.L. No. 7 Cyl.
Mitte Zyl. 6
C.L. No. 6 Cyl.
Mitte Zyl. 5
C.L. No. 5 Cyl.
Through bolts
Mitte Zyl. 4
C.L. No. 4 Cyl.
Mitte Zyl. 3
Side stopper
C.L. No. 3 Cyl.
Mitte Zyl. 2
C.L. No. 2 Cyl.
Mitte Zyl. 1
C.L. No. 1 Cyl.
Fitted bolts
Drive end
Fig. A.4 Illustration of method of locating engine on seating using fitted bolts
and side stoppers
VI - Part 4 Annex A Examples for Foundations Chapter 3
GL 2010 Page A–5
Zyl. 8
Cyl. 8
Zyl. 7
Cyl. 7
Side stopper
Zyl. 6
Cyl. 6
Zyl. 5
Cyl. 5
Zyl. 4
Cyl. 4
Zyl. 3
Cyl. 3
Zyl. 2
Cyl. 2
Zyl. 1
Cyl. 1
Fitted bolts
Drive end
Fig. A.5 Illustration of method of locating engine on seating using side stoppers
and fitted bolts located at one engine side
Chapter 3 Annex A Examples for Foundations VI - Part 4
Page A–6 GL 2010
Zyl. 8
Cyl. 8
Zyl. 7
Cyl. 7
Zyl. 6
Cyl. 6
Side stopper
Zyl. 5
Cyl. 5
Zyl. 4
Cyl. 4
Zyl. 3
Cyl. 3
Fitted bolts
Zyl. 2
Cyl. 2
Zyl. 1
Cyl. 1
Drive end
Fig. A.6 Illustration of method of locating engine on seating using side stoppers
and fitted bolts located at one side and in the middle of the engine
VI - Part 4 Annex A Examples for Foundations Chapter 3
GL 2010 Page A–7
Top plate
Mitte Zyl. 6
C.L. No. 6 Cyl.
Adjusting screw
Mitte Zyl. 5
C.L. No. 5 Cyl.
Mitte Zyl. 4
C.L. No. 4 Cyl.
Through bolts
Mitte Zyl. 3
C.L. No. 3 Cyl.
Mitte Zyl. 2
C.L. No. 2 Cyl.
Side stopper
Mitte Zyl. 1
C.L. No. 1 Cyl.
Mitte Drucklager
bolted connection
Drive end
VI - Part 4
GL 2010
GL 2010
VI - Part 4
Fig. A.9
Zyl. 1 Zyl. 2 Zyl. 3 Zyl. 4 Zyl. 5 Zyl. 6
Cyl. 1 Cyl. 2 Cyl. 3 Cyl. 4 Cyl. 5 Cyl. 6
Examples for Foundations
Schnitt A - A Getriebe etc.)
Section A - A Bed plate
(engine, gear etc.)
Bohrung f. Fundamentschraube
Hole for foundation bolt
Metal chock
mittels Schrauben
Chock securing by
Schnitt A - A Getriebe etc.)
Section A - A Bed plate
(engine, gear etc.)
Bohrung f. Fundamentschraube
Hole for foundation bolt
Cast resin chock
mittels Schweißnaht
Chock securing by
welding seam
Fig. A.11 Illustration of a side stopper when mounting on cast resin chocks
Page A–12
Chapter 3
Annex A
Fig. A.12
(Motor,Getriebe etc.)
Bed plate (engine, gear etc.)
Frontstopper Metall-Paßstück
Front stopper Metal chock
Plan-parallel bearbeitet
machined plane-parallel
Bolted connection
Front stopper
Top plate
VI - Part 4
GL 2010
VI - Part 4 Annex A Examples for Foundations Chapter 3
GL 2010 Page A–13
= vorzusehende Stopper
stoppers to be provided
Fig. A.13 Principal arrangement for the fixing of a rudder drive with double
acting cylinders
Chapter 3 Annex A Examples for Foundations VI - Part 4
Page A–14 GL 2010
= vorzusehende Stopper
stoppers to be provided
Fig. A.14 Principal arrangement for the fixing of a rudder drive with single
acting cylinders
VI - Part 4 Annex A Examples for Foundations Chapter 3
GL 2010 Page A–15
= vorzusehende Stopper
stoppers to be provided
Fig. A.15 Principal arrangement for the fixing of a rudder drive with
rotating piston
Chapter 3 Annex A Examples for Foundations VI - Part 4
Page A–16 GL 2010
Hexagon nut
(Motor, Getriebe etc.)
Bed plate
(engine, gear etc.)
Metal chock
Top plate
Hexagon through bolt
Fig. A.16 Illustration of a through bolt connection when mounting on metal chocks
VI - Part 4 Annex A Examples for Foundations Chapter 3
GL 2010 Page A–17
Hexagon nut
(Motor, Getriebe etc.)
Bed plate
(engine, gear etc.)
Metal chock
Top plate
Hexagon fitted bolt
Fig. A.17 Illustration of a fitted bolt connection when mounting on metal chocks
Chapter 3 Annex A Examples for Foundations VI - Part 4
Page A–18 GL 2010
Hexagon locking nut
Hexagon nut
Extension sleeve
(Motor, Getriebe etc.)
Bed plate
(engine, gear etc.)
Cast resin chock
Top plate
Necked-down bolt
Hexagon locking nut
Hexagon nut
Extension sleeve
(Motor, Getriebe etc.)
Bed plate
(engine, gear etc.)
Cast resin chock
Top plate
Fitted necked-down bolt
Hexagon locking nut
Hexagon nut
Extension sleeve
(Motor, Getriebe etc.)
Bed plate (engine, gear etc.)
Fitted sleeve
Cast resin chock
Top plate
Collared washer
Necked-down bolt
Annex B