ASTM F606 - 05 Fastener Test Methods
ASTM F606 - 05 Fastener Test Methods
ASTM F606 - 05 Fastener Test Methods
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
bolts, which shall be based on four threads) by the method the grips.
described in 3.4.2 Test studs by assembling one end in the threaded Method 2A, Yield Strength for Austenitic Stainless fixture to the thread runout. For studs having unlike threads,
Steel and Non-ferrous Materials—Assemble the product in the this shall be the end with the finer pitch thread, or with the
testing equipment as outlined in 3.4. As the load is applied, larger minor diameter. Likewise, assemble the other end of the
measure and record the total elongation of the product in order stud in a threaded fixture, leaving six complete threads exposed
to produce a load elongation diagram. Determine the load or between the grips. For continuous thread studs, at least six
stress at an offset equal to 0.2 % strain based on the length of complete threads shall be exposed between the fixture ends.
c = clearance of hole
D = diameter of bolt or screw
R = radius or chamfer
T = reference thickness of wedge at thin side of hole equals one half diameter of bolt or
W = wedge angle (see Table 2)
FIG. 3 Wedge Test Details—Bolts
TABLE 2 Tension Test Wedge Angles TABLE 3 Tensile Test Wedge Hole Clearance—Details
Nominal Product Size, in. Degrees Nominal Product Nominal Clearance in Nominal Radius on
Size, in. Hole, in. Corners of Hole, in.
BoltsA Studs and
Flange Bolts 14⁄ – ⁄
12 0.030 0.030
9 16 – ⁄
34 0.050 0.060
⁄ –1
14 10 6 7⁄ 8 – 1 0.060 0.060
Over 1 6 4
1 1⁄ 8 – 1 1⁄ 4 0.060 0.125
Heat-treated bolts that are threaded one diameter or closer to the underside of 1 3⁄ 8 – 1 1⁄ 2 0.094 0.125
the head, shall use a wedge angle of 6° for sizes 1⁄4 through 3⁄4 in. and 4° for sizes 1 3⁄ 4 – 2 0.094 0.225
over 3⁄4 in. 2 1⁄ 4 – 3 0.125 0.256
FIG. 5 Tension Test Specimen for Bolt with Turned-Down Shank
FIG. 6 Examples of Small-Size Specimens Proportional to the balance position, and the beam of the machine will drop for
Standard 2-in. Gage Length Specimen a brief but appreciable interval of time. When a machine
equipped with a load-indicating dial is used, there is a halt or
hesitation of the load-indicating pointer corresponding to the Yield Point—Yield point is the first stress in a drop of the beam. Note the load at the “drop of the beam” or
material, less than the maximum obtainable stress, at which an the “halt of the pointer” and record the corresponding stress as
increase in strain occurs without an increase in stress. Yield the yield point.
point is intended for application only for materials that may Autographic Diagram Method—When a sharp-
exhibit the unique characteristic of showing an increase in kneed stress-strain diagram is obtained by an autographic
strain without an increase in stress. The stress-strain diagram is recording device, take the stress corresponding to the top of the
characterized by a sharp knee or discontinuity. Determine yield knee (Fig. 8), or the stress at which the curve drops as the yield
point by one of the following methods: point (Fig. 9). Drop of the Beam or Halt of the Pointer Method—In Total Extension Under Load Method—When testing
this method apply an increasing load to the specimen at a material for yield point and the test specimens may not exhibit
uniform rate. When a lever and poise machine is used, keep the a well-defined disproportionate deformation that characterizes
beam in balance by running out the poise at approximately a a yield point as measured by the drop of the beam, halt of the
steady rate. When the yield point of the material is reached, the pointer, or autographic diagram methods described in
increase of the load will stop, but run the poise a trifle beyond and, a value equivalent to the yield point in its practical
NOTE 6—For steel with a specified yield point not over 80 000 psi, an
appropriate value is 0.005 in./in. of gage length. For values above 80 000
FIG. 8 Stress-Strain Diagram for Determination of Yield psi, this test method is not valid unless the limiting total extension is
Strength by the Offset Method increased.
3.6.3 Yield Strength—Yield strength is the stress at which a
material exhibits a specified limiting deviation from the pro-
portionality of stress to strain. The deviation is expressed in
terms of strain, percent offset, total extension under load, etc.
Determine yield strength by one of the following methods: Offset Method—To determine the yield strength by
the “offset method,” it is necessary to secure data (autographic
or numerical) from which a stress-strain diagram may be
drawn. Then on the stress-strain diagram (Fig. 8) lay off Om
equal to the specified value of the offset, draw mn parallel to
OA, and thus locate r. The yield strength load R is the load
corresponding to the highest point of the stress-strain curve
before or at the intersection of mn with r. In reporting values of
yield strength obtained by this method, the specified value of
“offset” used should be stated in parentheses after the term
yield strength, thus:
Yield strength ~0.2 % offset! 5 52 000 psi (2)
In using this method, a minimum extensometer magnification
FIG. 9 Stress-Strain Diagram Showing Yield Point of 250 to 1 is required. A Class B1 extensometer meets this
Corresponding with Top of Knee requirement (see Note 5). See also Note 7 for automatic
devices. Extension Under Load Method—For tests to deter-
significance may be determined by the following method and
mine the acceptance or rejection of material whose stress-strain
may be recorded as yield point: Attach a Class C or better
characteristics are well known from previous tests of similar
extensometer (Note 4 and Note 5) to the specimen. When the
material in which stress-strain diagrams were plotted, the total
load producing a specified extension (Note 6) is reached,
strain corresponding to the stress at which the specified offset
record the stress corresponding to the load as the yield point,
(see Note 8) occurs will be known within satisfactory limits.
and remove the extensometer (Fig. 10).
The stress on the specimen, when this total strain is reached, is
NOTE 4—Automatic devices are available that determine the load at the the value of the yield strength. The total strain can be obtained
specified total extension without plotting a stress-strain curve. Such de satisfactorily by use of a Class B1 extensometer (Note 4 and
vices may be used if their accuracy has been demonstrated. Multiplying Note 5).
calipers and other such devices are acceptable for use provided their
accuracy has been demonstrated as equivalent to a Class C extensometer. NOTE 7—Automatic devices are available that determine offset yield
NOTE 5—Reference should be made to Practice E 83. strength without plotting a stress strain curve. Such devices may be used
middle half of the gage length or in a punched or scribed mark causes two adjacent parts of a body to slide on each other to
within the reduced section, the elongation value obtained may cause separation. Shear tests may be conducted in either
not be representative of the material. If the elongation so tension-type or compression-type single shear fixture.
measured meets the minimum requirements specified, no 3.8.1 The specimen shall be tested using hardened steel
further testing is indicated, but if the elongation is less than the plates of sufficient thickness to preclude bearing failure. Holes
minimum requirements, discard the test and retest. in the shear plates shall be 1⁄16 in. larger than the nominal thread
3.6.6 Reduction of Area—Fit the ends of the fractured diameter of the test bolt and the holes shall be chamfered 0.010
specimen together and measure the mean diameter or the width in. to relieve sharp edges. Shear plates shall be prevented from
and thickness at the smallest cross section to the same accuracy separating by means of a suitable jig or by using a nut on the
as the original dimensions. The difference between the area test bolt tightened finger tight.
thus found and the area of the original cross section expressed 3.8.2 The test specimen, when assembled in the shear jig,
as a percentage of the original area, is the reduction of area. shall be mounted in a tensile-testing machine capable of
3.7 Total Extension at Fracture Test: applying load at a controllable rate. The grips shall be
3.7.1 The extension at fracture (AL) test shall be carried out self-aligning and care shall be taken when mounting the
on stainless steel and nonferrous products (bolts, screws, and specimen to assure that the load will be transmitted in a straight
studs) in the finished condition, with lengths equal to or in line transversely through the test bolt. Load shall be applied
excess of those minimums listed in Table 1. and continued until fracture of the bolt. Speed of testing as
3.7.2 The products to be tested shall be measured for total determined with a free-running cross head shall not be less than
length (L1) as described in and shown in Fig. 11. 1⁄4 in. nor greater than 1⁄2 in. per min. Mark both ends of the bolt, screw, or stud using a 3.8.3 The maximum load applied to the specimen, coinci-
permanent marking substance such as bluing so that measuring dent with or prior to bolt fracture shall be recorded as the shear
reference points for determining total length L1 and L2 are strength of the bolt. At the discretion of the testing activity,
established. Using an open-end caliper and steel rule or other tests need not be continued to destruction provided that the
device capable of measuring to within 0.010 in., determine the specimen supports, without evidence of bolt fracture, the
total length of the product as shown in Fig. 11. minimum load specified.
3.7.3 The product under test shall be screwed into the 3.8.4 A typical test fixture for tension shear testing is shown
threaded adapter to a depth of one diameter (see Fig. 2) and in Fig. 12.
load applied axially until the product fractures. The maximum
NOTE 9—This single-shear test is primarily used for testing Specifica-
speed of the free-running cross head shall not exceed 1 in./min.
tion A 394 tower bolts which range in size from 1⁄2 through 1 in. diameter.
3.7.4 After the product has been fractured in accordance For general use, the shear test practices and fixturing found in MIL STD
with 3.7.3, the two broken pieces shall be fitted closely 1312 Test 13 is used for double shear and Test 20 may be used for single
together and the overall length (L2) measured (see and shear.
Brinell hardness shall be used at the option of the manufac- values listed in the product specification.
turer, taking into account the size and grade of the product. 4.1.4 Nuts exhibiting a proofload in excess of 160 000 lb
4.1.1 The preparation of test specimens and the perfor- may be considered, at the option of the manufacturer, as too
mance of hardness tests for Rockwell and Brinell testing shall large for full-size testing. Full-size testing is recommended
be in conformance with the requirements of Test Methods E 18 whenever possible.
and E 10, respectively. 4.1.5 For nuts on which hardness and proof load tests are
4.1.2 Readings when taken on the bearing face shall be performed, acceptance based on proof load requirements shall
halfway between the major diameter of the thread and one take precedence in the event of controversy with hardness tests.
corner. The reported hardness shall be the average of two 4.2 Proof Load Test—Assemble the nut to be tested on a
hardness readings located 180° apart. The readings when taken hardened threaded mandrel (4.2.2) or a test bolt (4.2.1) as
on the wrench flats shall be one third of the distance from a illustrated in Fig. 15(a) Tension Method or Fig. 15(b) Com-
corner to the center of the wrench face. The reported harness pression Method. The hardened test mandrel and the tension
shall be the average of two readings located from opposite method shown in Fig. 15(a) shall be mandatory as a referee if
corners. arbitration is necessary. Apply the specified proof load for the
4.1.3 For the purpose of arbitration or for nuts too large for nut against the nut. The nut shall resist this load without
full size testing, where hardness alone shall determine accep- stripping or rupture, and shall be removable from the test bolt
tance (see 4.1.4), the following shall apply. or mandrel by the fingers after the load is released. Occasion- Sample nuts shall be sectioned laterally at approxi- ally it may be necessary to use a manual wrench or other means
mately one half (1⁄2) of the nut height. Such samples need not to start the nut in motion. Use of such means is permissible,
be threaded, but shall be part of the manufacturing lot that was provided the nut is removable by the fingers following the
formed (in the case of heat-treated nuts, formed and heat- initial loosening of not more than one-half turn of the nut. If the
treated) with the product to be shipped. The preparation of the threads of the mandrel or test bolt are damaged during the test,
sample shall be in accordance with 4.1.1 above. All readings discard the test.
shall be conducted on a Rockwell Hardness testing machine.
For standard hex, heavy hex and square nuts, the half of the nut
not to be tested may be discarded. For special nut configura-
tions both sections shall be identified and made available to the
purchaser, if specified on the purchase order or inquiry. Nonheat-Treated Nuts (See Fig. 13)—Two readings
shall be taken 180° apart at the core (halfway between the
major diameter if threaded, or blank hole if not threaded) and
a corner of the nut. The reported hardness shall be the average
of the two readings, and in addition both readings shall be
within the hardness values listed in the product specification. FIG. 14 Heat-Treated Nut
4.2.1 The test bolt shall have threads appropriate to the eter plus 0.002 in. or 0.25 times the major diameter tolerance
standard specified for the nut being tested and shall have a (whichever is greater) of Class 3A threads.
yield strength in excess of the specified proof load of the nut 4.2.3 The proof load shall be determined at a free running
being tested. cross head speed not exceeding 1.0 in/minute and shall be held
4.2.2 Mandrels shall have a hardness of 45 HRC minimum at load for 10s minimum.
and shall have threads conforming to Class 3A except that the 4.3 Cone Proof Load Test—Perform this test using a conical
maximum major diameter shall be the minimum major diam- washer and threaded mandrel (as illustrated in Fig. 16) to
used, torque shall be applied in the ON direction until the nut average of the three measured torques shall be the tightening
rotates a noticeable amount. The retightening torque with the torque. The surface against which the nut is torqued should be
nut in motion shall be measured and shall be no less than 90 % similar in hardness and finish to that of the test fixture (Fig. 18)
of the initial tightening torque. and use of a hardened washer (7.3.3) is recommended.
NOTE 1—For expedience sake the test fixture shown above reflects a single bolt under load. It should be noted, however, that test fixtures with multiple
test locations are acceptable
NOTE 2—Work is continuing on this test method and revisions are anticipated. Additionally caution should be taken when applying this test procedure.
The heads of embrittled fasteners may suddenly break off and become flying projectiles capable of causing serious injury or blinding.
FIG. 18 Test Fixture
how far a fastener is from failure. This test method is to be used for 8.3 Notwithstanding the absence of a signature, the organi-
embrittlement testing on a production scale and is not to be used for zation submitting either the EDI transmission or paper copies
analytical purposes. Test Method F 1624 can be used as an analytical of certificates of test is responsible for the content of the report.
method to test fastener products in cases of uncertainty, or where
quantitative or analytical data are required. Test Method F 1624 is not 9. Keywords
suited for embrittlement testing on a production scale due to the time and 9.1 compression load; hardness; proof load; properties;
costs associated with performing the test. tensile; testing; yield
(Mandatory Information)
{ Height of boss = 0.085 in. +0/−0.0005 in. with no more than 0.0002 in. difference between side“ A” and side “B” }
Direct Tension Indicator
Size C in. E in. F in.
in. max min max min max min
1⁄ 2 0.485 0.475 0.130 0.080 0.96 0.91
5⁄ 8 0.615 0.605 0.145 0.095 1.15 1.10
3⁄ 4 0.735 0.725 0.150 0.100 1.34 1.29
7⁄ 8 0.855 0.845 0.150 0.100 1.54 1.49
1 0.985 0.975 0.165 0.115 1.73 1.68
1 1 ⁄8 1.105 1.095 0.165 0.115 1.93 1.88
1 1 ⁄4 1.225 1.215 0.165 0.115 2.12 2.07
1 3 ⁄8 1.355 1.345 0.165 0.115 2.31 2.26
1 1 ⁄2 1.475 1.465 0.165 0.115 2.51 2.46
FIG. A1.2 Support Block Dimensions
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