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Designation: F 606 – 02e1

Standard Test Methods for
Determining the Mechanical Properties of Externally and
Internally Threaded Fasteners, Washers, and Rivets1

This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 606; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A

superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

e1 NOTE—Section 3.5.1 was editorially corrected in March 2004.

1. Scope priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
1.1 These test methods cover establishment of procedures bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.

for conducting tests to determine the mechanical properties of NOTE 1—A complete metric companion to Test Methods F 606 has
externally and internally threaded fasteners, washers, and been developed—F 606M; therefore, no metric equivalents are shown in

rivets. these test methods.

1.2 Property requirements and the applicable tests for their
2. Referenced Documents
determination are specified in individual product standards. In
those instances where the testing requirements are unique or at 2.1 ASTM Standards: 2
variance with these standard procedures, the product standard
shall specify the controlling testing requirements. arA 394 Specification for Steel Transmission Tower Bolts,
Zinc-Coated and Bare
1.3 These test methods describe mechanical tests for deter- E 4 Practices for Force Verification of Testing Machines
mining the following properties: E 8 Test Methods of Tension Testing of Metallic Materials
Section E 10 Test Method for Brinell Hardness of Metallic Materi-

For Externally Threaded Fasteners: 3 als

Product Hardness 3.1 E 18 Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell
Proof Load 3.2.1
Superficial Hardness of Metallic Materials

Method 1, Length Measurement 3.2.3

Method 2, Yield Strength 3.2.4 E 83 Practice for Verification and Classification of Exten-

Method 3, Uniform Hardness 3.2.5 someters

Axial Tension Testing of Full-Size Product 3.4
Wedge Tension Testing of Full-Size Product 3.5 F 436 Specification for Hardened Steel Washers
F 606M Test Methods for Determining the Mechanical

Tension Testing of Machined Test Specimens 3.6

Total Extension at Fracture Test 3.7 Properties of Externally and Internally Threaded Fasteners,
Single Sheer Test 3.8
For Internally Threaded Fasteners: 4 Washers, and Rivets [Metric]
Product Hardness 4.1 F 959 Specification for Compressible-Washer-Type Direct

Proof Load Test 4.2 Tension Indicators for Use With Structural Fasteners
Cone Proof Load Test 4.3
For Washers and Direct Tension Indicators: 5 F 1624 Test Method for Measurement of Hydrogen Em-
General Requirements 5.1 brittlement in Steel by the Incremental Loading Technique

Through Hardened Washers 5.2

Carburized Washers 5.3
2.2 Military Standard3:
For Rivets: 6 MIL STD 1312, Test 13 and Test 20
Product Hardness 6.1

Test for Embrittlement of Metallic-Coated Externally Threaded 7 3. Test Methods for Externally Threaded Fasteners
3.1 Product Hardness—Tests shall be conducted after the
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the removal of any surface oxide, decarburization, plating or other

safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the

responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-

For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F16 on Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on

Fasteners and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F16.01 on Test Methods. the ASTM website.
Current edition approved Aug. 10, 2002. Published October 2002. Originally Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4 Section D, 700
published as F 606 – 79. Last previous edition F 606 – 00. Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, Attn: NPODS.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

F 606 – 02e1
coating. All readings shall be within the hardness values listed the opposite parallel surface area of the bolt head end as
in the product specification. The average of all readings on the sectioned above. (See Fig. 1). The use of Brinell hardness is
same part shall be considered as the product hardness. Test limited to product sizes greater than 21⁄4-in. nominal diameter.

results shall conform to the product specification for the lot 3.2 Tension Tests—It is preferred that bolts and studs be
represented by the test specimens to be considered conforming. tested full size, and it is customary, when so testing, to specify
Test specimen preparation and hardness tests shall be con- a minimum ultimate load (or stress) in pounds-force (or
ducted in accordance with Test Method E 18 for Rockwell pounds-force per square inch.) Paragraphs 3.2 through 3.5

tests, Test Method E 10 for Brinell tests, Test Method E 92 for apply when testing externally threaded fasteners full size.
Vickers tests, or Test Method E 384 for Microhardness tests. Paragraph 3.6 shall apply where the individual product speci-
The method used is at the option of the manufacturer, with fications permit the use of machined specimens. (See Test

regards to the size and grade of the products. Methods E 8.)
3.1.1 Routine Test Locations—For testing the hardness of 3.2.1 Proof Load—The proof-load test consists of stressing

the finished product, the following test locations can be used: the product with a specified load that the product must For hex and square head bolts; test shall be con- withstand without measurable permanent set. Alternative tests

ducted on the wrench flats, top of head, unthreaded shank, end for determining the ability of a fastener to pass the proof-load
of bolt or at the arbitration location. test are the yield strength test and the uniform hardness test. For studs, products without parallel wrench flats and Either Method 1 (3.2.3), Method 2 (3.2.4), or Method 3 (3.2.5)
for head styles other than hex and square; tests shall be may be used, but Method 1 shall be the arbitration method in

conducted on the unthreaded shank, end of the bolt or stud or case of any dispute as to acceptance of the product. (See Test
at the arbitration location. Methods E 8.)

. Stress relieved products ( and are 3.2.2 In both Methods 1 and 2, assemble the product in the

measured anywhere on the surface or through the cross section. fixture of the tension testing machine so that six complete
Refer to the product specification for particular test location or threads (except for heavy hex structural bolts, which shall be
use the arbitration location. based on four threads) are exposed between the grips. This is The Rockwell Hardness Scale may be used for all
product diameters; however, the Brinell hardness is limited to ar
obtained by freely running the nut or fixture to the thread
runout of the specimen and then unscrewing the specimen six
products over 11⁄2-in. nominal diameter. full turns. For continuous thread bolts, at least six full threads
3.1.2 Laboratory Inspection—After observing 3.1 and shall be exposed between the fixture ends; however, for referee
3.1.1, a minimum of three readings shall be taken on each purposes, six full threads shall be exposed.

sample of finished product. 3.2.3 Method 1, Length Measurement—To ensure consistent

3.1.3 Arbitration Test Location—For purposes of arbitration and repetitive length measurements of the fastener, the

between the purchaser and seller over reported test results, threaded end and top of the bolt head shall have conical
hardness tests shall be conducted at the mid-radius (r/2) of a depressions made at the approximate axis or center line of the

transverse section through the threads taken at a distance of fastener. If raised or depressed markings on the head interfere
approximately one diameter from the point end of the bolt or with the placement of the measuring depressions, the head

one end of the stud. Four readings shall be taken from the point shall be carefully ground. The measuring instrument shall have
end of the bolt or one end of the stud. Four readings shall be pointed anvils which mate with the center line depressions and
taken approximately 90° to one another on the same plane, if be capable of measuring changes in length of 0.0001 in. with

product size permits. Smaller diameter products may also use an accuracy of 0.0001 in. in any 0.001 in. range. Place the

FIG. 1 Hardness Arbitration Test Location

F 606 – 02e1
fastener between the measuring anvils and rotate it approxi- measure and record the total elongation of the product in order
mately 1⁄4 turn to the left center, right then center again to to produce a load elongation diagram. Determine the load or
assure sound seating. Zero the instrument or record indicated stress at an offset equal to 0.2 % strain based on the length of

measurement. If using a bolt extensometer, the bolt with the bolt between the holders as shown in Fig. 2, which will be
attached extensometer may be assembled into the tension subject to elongation under load by using the method described
testing machine. If not, mark the fastener so it may be placed in
as close as possible to the same position for the second reading. 3.2.5 Method 3, Uniform Hardness—The fasteners shall be

Remove and assemble the fastener into the tension testing tested for hardness as described in 3.1, and in addition, the
machine as outlined in 3.4. With a test speed which shall not hardness shall also be determined in the core. The difference
exceed 0.12 in./min, as determined with a free-running cross between the mid-radius and core hardness shall be not more

head, axially load the fastener to the proof load value specified than 3 points on a Rockwell C Scale; and both readings must
in the product specification. This load shall be maintained for be within product specification. This test is valid for fasteners

a period of 10 s before releasing the load. Replace the fastener up to and including 1 in. in diameter.
between the measuring anvils and rotate as before, stopping the 3.3 Bolts or Studs Too Short for Tension Testing—Product

mark at the same approximate position as the first reading. The lengths less than those shown in Table 1 for product 1⁄4 through
measurement shall show no permanent elongation. A tolerance 3⁄4 in. in diameter and less than three diameters in length for

of 60.0005 in. shall be allowed (for measurement error only) product above 3⁄4 in. in diameter, or that do not have sufficient
between the measurement made before loading and that made threads for proper engagement and still leave the specified

after loading. Variables such as straightness, thread alignment, number of complete threads exposed between the grips, shall
or measurement error could result in apparent elongation of the be deemed too short for tension testing, and acceptance shall be

product when the specified proof load is initially applied. In based on a hardness test performed in accordance with 3.1. If

such cases, the product may be retested using a 3 % greater tests other than product hardness are required, their require-
load, and shall be considered acceptable if there is no differ- ments should be referenced in the product specification.
ence in the length measurement after this loading within a 3.4 Axial Tension Testing of Full-Size Products:
0.0005 in. measurement tolerance as outlined.
3.2.4 Method 2, Yield Strength—Assemble the product in ar 3.4.1 Test bolts in a holder with the load axially applied
between the head and a nut or suitable fixture (Fig. 2), either of
the testing equipment as outlined in 3.4. As the load is applied, which shall have sufficient thread engagement to develop the
measure and record the total elongation of the product or any full strength of the product. Assemble the nut or fixture on the
part of it that includes the exposed threads to produce a product, leaving a minimum of six complete bolt threads

load-elongation diagram. Determine the load or stress at an exposed between the grips except for heavy hex structural
offset equal to 0.2 % of the length of bolt occupied by six full bolts, which shall have four complete threads exposed between

threads as shown in Fig. 2 (except for heavy hex structural the grips.
bolts, which shall be based on four threads) by the method 3.4.2 Test studs by assembling one end in the threaded

described in fixture to the thread runout. For studs having unlike threads, Method 2A, Yield Strength for Austenitic Stainless this shall be the end with the finer pitch thread, or with the

Steel and Non-ferrous Materials—Assemble the product in the larger minor diameter. Likewise, assemble the other end of the
testing equipment as outlined in 3.4. As the load is applied, stud in a threaded fixture, leaving six complete threads exposed

FIG. 2 Tension Testing of Full-Size Bolt (Typical Set-Up)

F 606 – 02e1
TABLE 1 Minimum Length of Product Requiring Tension Testing series. In addition, the tensile fracture shall occur in the body
or threaded section with no fracture at the junction of head and
Nominal Product Size, in. Minimum Length, in.

14⁄ 58⁄
5⁄16 34⁄ NOTE 2—Fracture at the junction of the head and shank is prohibited at
3 ⁄8 7⁄8

any load, including those above the minimum requirements.
1⁄2 11⁄8 3.5.2 Wedge Tension Testing of Studs—When both wedge

9⁄16 11⁄4
5 ⁄8 11⁄2 tension and proof load testing are required by the product
3 ⁄4 13⁄4 specifications, assemble one end of the same stud previously
7⁄8 and larger 3 dia used for proof load testing in a threaded fixture to the thread

runout. For studs having unlike threads, this shall be the end
with the finer pitch thread or with the larger minor diameter.

Assemble the other end of the stud in a threaded wedge to the
between the grips. For continuous thread studs, at least six runout and then unscrew six full turns, thus leaving six
complete threads shall be exposed between the fixture ends. complete threads exposed between the grips, as illustrated in

The maximum speed of the free-running cross head shall not Fig. 4. For continuous thread studs, at least six complete
exceed 1 in./min. When reporting the tensile strength of threads shall be exposed between the fixture ends. The angle of
product, in pounds-force per square inch, calculate the thread the wedge for the stud size and grade shall be as specified in

stress area as follows: Table 2. Assemble the stud in the testing machine and tension
As 5 0.7854 [D 2 ~0.9743!/n#2 (1) test to fracture, as described in 3.4. The minimum hardness of

the threaded wedge shall be 45 HRC. The length of the

where: threaded section of the wedge shall be equal to at least the
As = thread stress area, in.2, diameter of the stud. To facilitate removal of the broken stud,
D = nominal diameter of bolt or stud, in., and counterbore the wedge. The thickness of the wedge at the thin
n = number of threads per inch.
3.4.3 To meet the requirements of the test described in 3.4.1 ar
side of the hole shall equal the diameter of the stud plus the
depth of counterbore. The thread in the wedge shall have Class
and 3.4.2, the product shall support a load prior to fracture not 3B tolerances, except when testing studs having an interference
less than the minimum tensile strength specified in the product fit thread, in which case the wedge shall be threaded to provide
specification for its size, strength, and thread series. In addi- a finger-free fit. The supporting fixture, as shown in Fig. 4,

tion, the tensile fracture shall occur in the body or threaded shall have a hole clearance over the nominal size of the stud,
section with no fracture at the junction of head and shank. and shall have its top and bottom edges rounded or chamfered
to the same limits specified for the hardened wedge in Table 3.

3.5 Wedge Tension Testing of Full-Size Product—The

wedge tensile strength of a hex or square-head fastener, To meet the requirements of this test, the stud shall support a

socket-head cap screw (with the exception of socket button or load prior to fracture not less than the minimum tensile strength
flat countersunk head products) or stud is the tensile load that specified in the product specification for its size, grade, and

the product is capable of sustaining when stressed with a thread series.

wedge under the head. The purpose of this test is to obtain the NOTE 3—Dimensional tolerances for all test fixtures used in this test
tensile strength and demonstrate the “head quality” and duc- method, unless otherwise noted, shall conform to standard machining

tility of the product. practices.

3.5.1 Wedge Tension Testing of Bolts—Determine the ulti- 3.6 Tension Testing of Machined Test Specimens:
mate load of the bolt as described in 3.4 except place a wedge 3.6.1 Where bolts and studs cannot be tested full size,

under the bolt head. When both wedge tension and proof load conduct tests using test specimens machined from the bolt or
testing are required by the product specification use the proof stud (see Test Methods E 8).
load-tested bolts for wedge testing. The wedge shall have a Bolts and studs 9⁄16 in. in diameter and smaller may

minimum hardness of 45 HRC. Additionally, the wedge shall be machined concentric with the axis of the bolt or stud. The
have a minimum thickness of one half the nominal bolt specimen shall have a turned section as large as feasible and
diameter (measured at the thin side of the hole, see Fig. 3). The shall have a gage length four times the diameter of the

wedge shall have an included angle as shown in Table 2 for the specimen. See Fig. 5 and Fig. 6.
product type being tested. The hole in the wedge shall have a Bolts and studs 5⁄8 in. in diameter through 11⁄4 in. in

clearance over the nominal size of the bolt, and its edges top diameter may have their shanks machined concentric with the
and bottom shall be rounded as specified in Table 3. The axis of the bolt or stud, leaving the bolt head and threaded
minimum outside dimension of the wedge shall be such that

section intact as shown in Fig. 5. Alternatively, bolts and studs

during the test no corner loading of the product head (adjacent 5⁄8 in. in diameter through 11⁄4 in. in diameter may have their

to the wedge) shall occur. (See head orientation in Fig. 3). The shanks machined to a test specimen with the axis of the

bolt shall be tension tested to fracture. To meet the require- specimen located midway between the axis and outside surface
ments of this test, the bolt shall support a load prior to fracture of the bolt or stud as shown in Fig. 7. Bolts of a small cross
not less than the minimum tensile strength specified in the section that will not permit taking the 0.500-in. round, 2-in.
product specification for the applicable size, grade, and thread gage length test specimen shall have a turned section as large

F 606 – 02e1

o t.c
. bl
s ta

c = clearance of hole
D = diameter of bolt or screw
R = radius or chamfer

T = reference thickness of wedge at thin side of hole equals one half diameter of bolt or
W = wedge angle (see Table 2)

FIG. 3 Wedge Test Details—Bolts

TABLE 2 Tension Test Wedge Angles TABLE 3 Tensile Test Wedge Hole Clearance—Details

Nominal Product Size, in. Degrees Nominal Product Nominal Clearance in Nominal Radius on
Size, in. Hole, in. Corners of Hole, in.
BoltsA Studs and
Flange Bolts ⁄ –
14 ⁄
12 0.030 0.030

9 16 – ⁄
34 0.050 0.060
⁄ –1
14 10 6 7⁄8 – 1 0.060 0.060
Over 1 6 4
11⁄8 – 11⁄4 0.060 0.125
Heat-treated bolts that are threaded one diameter or closer to the underside of 13⁄8 – 11⁄2 0.094 0.125

the head, shall use a wedge angle of 6° for sizes 1⁄4 through 3⁄4 in. and 4° for sizes 13⁄4 – 2 0.094 0.225
over 3⁄4 in. 21⁄4 – 3 0.125 0.256

as feasible and concentric with the axis of the bolt or stud. The Bolts and studs 13⁄8 in. in diameter and larger may

gage length for measuring the elongation shall be four times have their shanks machined to the dimensions of a 0.500-in.
the diameter of the specimen. Fig. 6 illustrates an example of round, 2-in. gage length test specimen with the axis of the
these small-size specimens. For arbitration purposes, machined specimen located midway between the center and outside

test specimens for bolts and studs 5⁄8 in. in diameter through surface of the bolt or stud as shown in Fig. 7.
11⁄4 in. in diameter shall be machined with the axis of the Machined test specimens shall exhibit tensile
specimen located midway between the center and outside strength, yield strength (or yield point), elongation, and reduc-
surface. tion of area equal to or greater than the values of these

F 606 – 02e1

o t.c
FIG. 4 Wedge Test Details—Studs

. bl
FIG. 5 Tension Test Specimen for Bolt with Turned-Down Shank
s ta

FIG. 7 Location of Standard Round 2-in. Gage Length Tension


Test Specimen When Turned from Large Size Bolt

uniform rate. When a lever and poise machine is used, keep the

FIG. 6 Examples of Small-Size Specimens Proportional to

Standard 2-in. Gage Length Specimen beam in balance by running out the poise at approximately a
steady rate. When the yield point of the material is reached, the
increase of the load will stop, but run the poise a trifle beyond

properties specified for the product size in the applicable the balance position, and the beam of the machine will drop for
product specification when tested in accordance with this a brief but appreciable interval of time. When a machine
section. equipped with a load-indicating dial is used, there is a halt or

3.6.2 Determination of Tensile Properties: hesitation of the load-indicating pointer corresponding to the Yield Point—Yield point is the first stress in a drop of the beam. Note the load at the “drop of the beam” or

material, less than the maximum obtainable stress, at which an the “halt of the pointer” and record the corresponding stress as
increase in strain occurs without an increase in stress. Yield the yield point. Autographic Diagram Method—When a sharp-

point is intended for application only for materials that may

exhibit the unique characteristic of showing an increase in kneed stress-strain diagram is obtained by an autographic
strain without an increase in stress. The stress-strain diagram is recording device, take the stress corresponding to the top of the

characterized by a sharp knee or discontinuity. Determine yield knee (Fig. 8), or the stress at which the curve drops as the yield
point by one of the following methods: point (Fig. 9). Drop of the Beam or Halt of the Pointer Method—In Total Extension Under Load Method—When testing
this method apply an increasing load to the specimen at a material for yield point and the test specimens may not exhibit

F 606 – 02e1

o t.c
FIG. 10 Stress-Strain Diagram Showing Yield Point or Yield
Strength by Extension Under Load Method

vices may be used if their accuracy has been demonstrated. Multiplying
FIG. 8 Stress-Strain Diagram for Determination of Yield calipers and other such devices are acceptable for use provided their
Strength by the Offset Method
accuracy has been demonstrated as equivalent to a Class C extensometer.
NOTE 5—Reference should be made to Practice E 83.
NOTE 6—For steel with a specified yield point not over 80 000 psi, an
appropriate value is 0.005 in./in. of gage length. For values above 80 000
psi, this test method is not valid unless the limiting total extension is

3.6.3 Yield Strength—Yield strength is the stress at which a

material exhibits a specified limiting deviation from the pro-

portionality of stress to strain. The deviation is expressed in


terms of strain, percent offset, total extension under load, etc.

Determine yield strength by one of the following methods: Offset Method—To determine the yield strength by

the “offset method,” it is necessary to secure data (autographic

or numerical) from which a stress-strain diagram may be
drawn. Then on the stress-strain diagram (Fig. 8) lay off Om

equal to the specified value of the offset, draw mn parallel to

OA, and thus locate r. The yield strength load R is the load
corresponding to the highest point of the stress-strain curve

before or at the intersection of mn with r. In reporting values of

yield strength obtained by this method, the specified value of
FIG. 9 Stress-Strain Diagram Showing Yield Point
“offset” used should be stated in parentheses after the term

Corresponding with Top of Knee

yield strength, thus:
Yield strength ~0.2 % offset! 5 52 000 psi (2)
a well-defined disproportionate deformation that characterizes

a yield point as measured by the drop of the beam, halt of the In using this method, a minimum extensometer magnification
pointer, or autographic diagram methods described in of 250 to 1 is required. A Class B1 extensometer meets this
requirement (see Note 5). See also Note 7 for automatic

and, a value equivalent to the yield point in its practical

significance may be determined by the following method and devices.
may be recorded as yield point: Attach a Class C or better
tp Extension Under Load Method—For tests to deter-

extensometer (Note 4 and Note 5) to the specimen. When the mine the acceptance or rejection of material whose stress-strain
load producing a specified extension (Note 6) is reached, characteristics are well known from previous tests of similar

record the stress corresponding to the load as the yield point, material in which stress-strain diagrams were plotted, the total
and remove the extensometer (Fig. 10). strain corresponding to the stress at which the specified offset
NOTE 4—Automatic devices are available that determine the load at the (see Note 8) occurs will be known within satisfactory limits.
specified total extension without plotting a stress-strain curve. Such de The stress on the specimen, when this total strain is reached, is

F 606 – 02e1
the value of the yield strength. The total strain can be obtained
satisfactorily by use of a Class B1 extensometer (Note 4 and
Note 5).

NOTE 7—Automatic devices are available that determine offset yield
strength without plotting a stress strain curve. Such devices may be used
if their accuracy has been demonstrated.
NOTE 8—The appropriate magnitude of the extension under load will

obviously vary with the strength range of the particular material under
test. In general, the value of extension under load applicable to any
material strength level may be determined from the sum of the propor-

tional strain and the plastic strain expected at the specified yield strength.
The following equation is used:

Extension under load, in./in. of gage length = (YS/E) = r
where: FIG. 11 Determination of Total Extension at Fracture (AL)
YS = specified yield strength, psi, (only Screw Product Shown)

E = modulus of elasticity, psi, and
r = limiting plastic strain, in./in.
3.6.4 Tensile Strength—Calculate the tensile strength by load applied axially until the product fractures. The maximum

dividing the maximum load the specimen sustains during a speed of the free-running cross head shall not exceed 1 in./min.
tension test by the original cross-sectional area of the speci- 3.7.4 After the product has been fractured in accordance

men. with 3.7.3, the two broken pieces shall be fitted closely

3.6.5 Elongation: together and the overall length (L2) measured (see and Fit the ends of the fractured specimen together Fig. 11). The total extension at fracture shall then be calculated
carefully and measure the distance between the gage marks to as follows:
the nearest 0.01 in. for gage lengths of 2 in. and under, and to
the nearest 0.5 % of the gage length for gage lengths over 2 in. ar AL= L2− L1
3.7.5 The value obtained shall equal or exceed the minimum
values shown in the applicable specification for the product and
A percentage scale reading to 0.5 % of the gage length may be
used. The elongation is the increase in length of the gage material type.
length, expressed as a percentage of the original gage length. In 3.8 Single Shear Test—(Note 9) This test is intended to
reporting elongation values, give both the percentage increase determine the ability of a fastener to withstand a predetermined

and the original gage length. load when applied transversely to the axis of the fastener. Shear If any part of the fracture takes place outside of the is defined as an action or stress caused by applied forces that

middle half of the gage length or in a punched or scribed mark causes two adjacent parts of a body to slide on each other to

within the reduced section, the elongation value obtained may cause separation. Shear tests may be conducted in either
not be representative of the material. If the elongation so tension-type or compression-type single shear fixture.
measured meets the minimum requirements specified, no 3.8.1 The specimen shall be tested using hardened steel

further testing is indicated, but if the elongation is less than the plates of sufficient thickness to preclude bearing failure. Holes
minimum requirements, discard the test and retest. in the shear plates shall be 1⁄16 in. larger than the nominal thread
3.6.6 Reduction of Area—Fit the ends of the fractured diameter of the test bolt and the holes shall be chamfered 0.010

specimen together and measure the mean diameter or the width in. to relieve sharp edges. Shear plates shall be prevented from
and thickness at the smallest cross section to the same accuracy separating by means of a suitable jig or by using a nut on the
as the original dimensions. The difference between the area test bolt tightened finger tight.

thus found and the area of the original cross section expressed 3.8.2 The test specimen, when assembled in the shear jig,
as a percentage of the original area, is the reduction of area. shall be mounted in a tensile-testing machine capable of
3.7 Total Extension at Fracture Test: applying load at a controllable rate. The grips shall be

3.7.1 The extension at fracture (AL) test shall be carried out self-aligning and care shall be taken when mounting the
on stainless steel and nonferrous products (bolts, screws, and specimen to assure that the load will be transmitted in a straight
studs) in the finished condition, with lengths equal to or in line transversely through the test bolt. Load shall be applied

excess of those minimums listed in Table 1. and continued until fracture of the bolt. Speed of testing as
3.7.2 The products to be tested shall be measured for total determined with a free-running cross head shall not be less than

1⁄4 in. nor greater than 1⁄2 in. per min.

length (L1) as described in and shown in Fig. 11. Mark both ends of the bolt, screw, or stud using a 3.8.3 The maximum load applied to the specimen, coinci-
permanent marking substance such as bluing so that measuring dent with or prior to bolt fracture shall be recorded as the shear

reference points for determining total length L1 and L2 are strength of the bolt. At the discretion of the testing activity,
established. Using an open-end caliper and steel rule or other tests need not be continued to destruction provided that the

device capable of measuring to within 0.010 in., determine the specimen supports, without evidence of bolt fracture, the
total length of the product as shown in Fig. 11. minimum load specified.
3.7.3 The product under test shall be screwed into the 3.8.4 A typical test fixture for tension shear testing is shown
threaded adapter to a depth of one diameter (see Fig. 2) and in Fig. 12.

F 606 – 02e1 Nonheat-Treated Nuts (See Fig. 13)—Two readings
shall be taken 180° apart at the core (halfway between the
major diameter if threaded, or blank hole if not threaded) and

a corner of the nut. The reported hardness shall be the average
of the two readings, and in addition both readings shall be
within the hardness values listed in the product specification. Heat-Treated Nuts (See Fig. 14)—Two sets of three

readings 180° apart shall be taken. The three readings shall be
taken across the section of the nut at the following positions:
Position 1—As close to the major diameter, as possible, if threaded, or

hole side wall if the nut is blank, but no closer than 21⁄2 times the indent

Position 2—At the core (halfway between the major diameter, if
threaded, or hole side wall, if blank) and a corner of the nut.
Position 3—As close to the corner of the nut as possible, but no closer
than 21⁄2 times the indent diameter.

og The reported hardness shall be the average of all six
Open Jig Test Bolt Assembled
readings. In addition all readings shall be within hardness
values listed in the product specification.

FIG. 12 Typical Single Shear Fixture (Tension Type)
4.1.4 Nuts exhibiting a proofload in excess of 160 000 lb
may be considered, at the option of the manufacturer, as too

NOTE 9—This single-shear test is primarily used for testing Specifica- large for full-size testing. Full-size testing is recommended
tion A 394 tower bolts which range in size from 1⁄2 through 1 in. diameter. whenever possible.
For general use, the shear test practices and fixturing found in MIL STD 4.1.5 For nuts on which hardness and proof load tests are
1312 Test 13 is used for double shear and Test 20 may be used for single
performed, acceptance based on proof load requirements shall
take precedence in the event of controversy with hardness tests.
4.2 Proof Load Test—Assemble the nut to be tested on a
4. Test Methods for Internally Threaded Fasteners
hardened threaded mandrel (4.2.2) or a test bolt (4.2.1) as
4.1 Product Hardness—For routine inspection of both heat-
illustrated in Fig. 15(a) Tension Method or Fig. 15(b) Com-
treated and nonheat-treated nuts, hardness shall be determined
pression Method. The hardened test mandrel and the tension

on the bearing face or wrench flats after removal of any oxide,

method shown in Fig. 15(a) shall be mandatory as a referee if
decarburization, plating, or other coating material. Rockwell or
arbitration is necessary. Apply the specified proof load for the
Brinell hardness shall be used at the option of the manufac-

nut against the nut. The nut shall resist this load without
turer, taking into account the size and grade of the product.
stripping or rupture, and shall be removable from the test bolt

4.1.1 The preparation of test specimens and the perfor-

or mandrel by the fingers after the load is released. Occasion-
mance of hardness tests for Rockwell and Brinell testing shall
ally it may be necessary to use a manual wrench or other means
be in conformance with the requirements of Test Methods E 18

to start the nut in motion. Use of such means is permissible,

and E 10, respectively.
provided the nut is removable by the fingers following the
4.1.2 Readings when taken on the bearing face shall be
initial loosening of not more than one-half turn of the nut. If the
halfway between the major diameter of the thread and one

threads of the mandrel or test bolt are damaged during the test,
corner. The reported hardness shall be the average of two
discard the test.
hardness readings located 180° apart. The readings when taken
on the wrench flats shall be one third of the distance from a 4.2.1 The test bolt shall have threads appropriate to the

corner to the center of the wrench face. The reported harness standard specified for the nut being tested and shall have a
shall be the average of two readings located from opposite yield strength in excess of the specified proof load of the nut
corners. being tested.

4.1.3 For the purpose of arbitration or for nuts too large for
full size testing, where hardness alone shall determine accep-
tance (see 4.1.4), the following shall apply.
m Sample nuts shall be sectioned laterally at approxi-

mately one half (1⁄2) of the nut height. Such samples need not

be threaded, but shall be part of the manufacturing lot that was

formed (in the case of heat-treated nuts, formed and heat-

treated) with the product to be shipped. The preparation of the

sample shall be in accordance with 4.1.1 above. All readings
shall be conducted on a Rockwell Hardness testing machine.

For standard hex, heavy hex and square nuts, the half of the nut
not to be tested may be discarded. For special nut configura-
tions both sections shall be identified and made available to the
purchaser, if specified on the purchase order or inquiry. FIG. 13 Nonheat-Treated Nut

F 606 – 02e1
5.1.4 Preparation of test specimens and the performance of
hardness tests shall be performed in accordance with Test
Methods E 18.

5.1.5 For arbitration purposes, a minimum of two readings
180° apart on at least one face shall be taken. (See Fig. 17.)
5.1.6 All readings shall be within the hardness values listed
in the product specification, and the average of all readings

shall be considered as the hardness of the product.
5.1.7 An initial reading may be used to establish that the
FIG. 14 Heat-Treated Nut
hardness testing equipment is properly set up and that the

correct scale is being used. Such readings are not used to

4.2.2 Mandrels shall have a hardness of 45 HRC minimum determine conformance.
and shall have threads conforming to Class 3A except that the 5.2 Through Hardened Washers:
maximum major diameter shall be the minimum major diam- 5.2.1 Surface Hardness—Take hardness readings on a

eter plus 0.002 in. or 0.25 times the major diameter tolerance smooth flat portion of the washer, prepared by light grinding or
(whichever is greater) of Class 3A threads. polishing as necessary.
4.2.3 The proof load shall be determined at a free running 5.2.2 Core Hardness—Take hardness readings on a smooth

cross head speed not exceeding 1.0 in/minute and shall be held flat portion of the washer, prepared by light grinding or
at load for 10s minimum. polishing such that readings are taken at a minimum depth of

4.3 Cone Proof Load Test—Perform this test using a conical 0.015 in. (0.38 mm) from the original surface.

washer and threaded mandrel (as illustrated in Fig. 16) to 5.3 Carburized Washers:
determine the influence of surface discontinuities (that is, 5.3.1 Surface Hardness—Take hardness readings on a
forging cracks and seams) on the load-carrying ability of smooth flat portion of the washer, using a method which
hardened steel nuts through 11⁄2 in. in diameter by introducing
a simultaneous dilation and stripping action of the nut. The ar
prevents penetration into the core material.
5.3.2 Core Hardness—Take hardness readings on a smooth
mandrel shall conform to the requirements of 4.2.2. The flat portion of the washer, prepared by light grinding or
conical washer shall have a hardness of 57 HRC minimum and polishing such that readings are taken at a depth greater than
a hole diameter equivalent to the nominal diameter of the the depth of case.

mandrel +0.002, −0.000 in. The contact point of the cone shall 5.3.3 Depth of Case—Measurements of case depth shall be
be sharp for nut sizes 1⁄2 in. and less. For sizes over 1⁄2 in., the taken at a cross section through the rim of the washer, having
point shall be flat and 0.015 6 0.001 in. in width. Assemble the been ground and etched to define the case area.

nut and the conical washer on the mandrel, and apply the cone 5.4 Stainless Steel and Nonferrous Washers:

proof load for the nut against the nut. The speed of testing as 5.4.1 Surface Hardness—Take hardness readings on a
determined with a free-running cross head shall be a maximum smooth flat portion of the washer.
of 0.12 in./min. Apply the proof load for 10 s. Compute the

5.4.2 Core Hardness—Take hardness readings on a smooth

cone proof load of a nut as follows:
flat portion of the washer, prepared by light grinding or
CPL = (1 − 0.30D) 3 f 3 As
polishing such that readings are taken at a minimum depth of

0.015 in. (0.38 mm) from the original surface.

CPL = cone proof load, lb,
D = nominal diameter of nut, in., 5.5 Direct Tension Indicators:
f = specified proof stress of nut, psi, 5.5.1 Surface Hardness—Take hardness readings on a

As = tensile stress area of nut, in.2, smooth flat portion of the DTI, at a point approximately
= 0.7854 [D − (0.9743/n)]2, and midway between the protrusion (top side) or pocket (bottom
n = threads per inch. side) and the outside diameter. Prepare the DTI by light

To meet the requirements of the cone proof load test, the nut grinding or polishing as necessary.
shall support its specified cone proof load without stripping or 5.5.2 Core Hardness—Take hardness readings on a smooth
rupture. flat portion of the DTI, at a point approximately midway

between the protrusion (top side) or pocket (bottom side) and

5. Test Methods for Washers and Direct Tension the outside diameter. Prepare the DTI by light grinding or
polishing such that readings are taken at a minimum depth of

5.1 General Requirements: 0.015 in. (0.38 mm) from the original surface.
5.1.1 All tests shall be conducted on a Rockwell hardness

tester. 6. Rivets
5.1.2 Use of a 1⁄4 in. (6 mm) or smaller spot anvil shall be 6.1 Product Hardness—Determine hardness at the mid-

used for hardness testing of washers and direct tension indica- radius of a transverse section of the product taken at a distance
tors of one diameter from the point end of the rivet. Use either
5.1.3 Readings are not to be taken on or near product Brinell or Rockwell hardness tests, and measure as described in
markings. 3.1.

F 606 – 02e1

o t.c
. bl
FIG. 15 Proof Load Testing—Nuts
s ta

FIG. 16 Cone-Proof Test


7. Test for Embrittlement of Metallic Coated Externally assembled with a nut, and tensioned (by means of the nut only)
Threaded Fasteners by any means capable of measuring tensile load. The torque

7.1 This is one test method for determining if embrittlement method described in 7.3 is one such method. The test samples
exists in a metallic coated externally threaded fastener covered shall be tensioned to 75 % of their specified minimum ultimate

by the product specifications of ASTM Committee F16. tensile strength. For studs with different thread pitches on
7.2 The test fastener shall be installed in a test fixture (see either end, the finer thread pitch end shall be assembled with a
Note 1 in Fig. 18) with the head positioned against the wedge, nut and tested as the head end of the fastener.

F 606 – 02e1
7.3.1 The wedge shall have an angle as specified in Table 4.
Other dimensions and properties shall be in conformance with
hardened wedges described in 3.5.1.

7.3.2 The plate(s) shall be steel and have a thickness such
that, after installation and tightening, a minimum of three full
threads of the test fastener will be in the grip. The hole in the
plate(s) shall be as close to the major diameter of the fastener

being tested as practical but not greater than the hole in the
hardened washer (7.2.3).
7.3.3 The hardened washer shall be in conformance with

Specification F 436.

7.4 If the torque method of tightening is used, the tightening
torque shall be determined using a load-measuring device
capable of measuring the actual tension induced in a fastener as

the fastener is tightened. Three fasteners from the test lot shall
be selected at random. Each shall be assembled into the
load-measuring device, mated with a nut, and the nut tightened
until a load equal to 75 % of the specified minimum ultimate

FIG. 17 Typical Hardness Reading Locations
tensile strength of the fastener is induced. The torque required
7.2.1 The assembly shall remain in this tightened state for to induce this load shall be measured and the arithmetic

not less than 48 h, after which the test fastener shall be visually

average of the three measured torques shall be the tightening
examined for embrittlement-induced failure, such as missing torque. The surface against which the nut is torqued should be
head. similar in hardness and finish to that of the test fixture (Fig. 18)
7.2.2 The joint shall then be disassembled and the test
fastener visually examined using a minimum of 20 power
magnification for evidence of embrittlement failure, such as ar
and use of a hardened washer (7.3.3) is recommended.
7.5 To meet the requirements of this test the fastener shall
show no evidence of embrittlement failure when visually
transverse cracks in the shank, threads or at the junction of examined and the retightening torque shall not be less than
head to shank. 90 % of the initial tightening torque.
7.2.3 For disassembly, if the torque method of tightening is

used, torque shall be applied in the ON direction until the nut NOTE 10—The nature of this test method is such that a fastener will
rotates a noticeable amount. The retightening torque with the either pass or fail as a result of being subjected to the test conditions. The
qualitative nature of the test does not provide information on how close or
nut in motion shall be measured and shall be no less than 90 %

how far a fastener is from failure. This test method is to be used for
of the initial tightening torque. embrittlement testing on a production scale and is not to be used for

7.2.4 If a direct tension method of tightening is used, then analytical purposes. Test Method F 1624 can be used as an analytical
the loss of clamping strength (in pounds) over the test period method to test fastener products in cases of uncertainty, or where
shall be no more than 10 % of the initial clamping load. quantitative or analytical data are required. Test Method F 1624 is not

7.3 The test fixture shall comprise a hardened wedge (7.3.1), suited for embrittlement testing on a production scale due to the time and
a plate(s) (7.3.2), and a hardened washer (7.3.3). (See Fig. 18.) costs associated with performing the test.

F 606 – 02e1

o t.c
. bl
NOTE 1—For expedience sake the test fixture shown above reflects a single bolt under load. It should be noted, however, that test fixtures with multiple
test locations are acceptable
NOTE 2—Work is continuing on this test method and revisions are anticipated. Additionally caution should be taken when applying this test procedure.
The heads of embrittled fasteners may suddenly break off and become flying projectiles capable of causing serious injury or blinding.
FIG. 18 Test Fixture

TABLE 4 Test for Embrittlement Wedge Angles, Degrees


Nominal Size of Studs and Fasteners Fasteners with

Fastener, dia with Unthreaded Unthreaded Lengths,

Lengths, 2 dia and Longer

Less Than 2 dia

1⁄4 to 3⁄4 in. 4 6

Over 3⁄4 to 1-1⁄2 in. 0 4


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Testing Apparatus pressive loads shall be within the verified loading range of the
A1.1.1 Test the direct tension indicators in an apparatus testing machine in accordance with Practices E 4.

described herein that is capable of determining their perfor- A1.1.4 The direct reading gage of the testing apparatus shall
mance characteristics with sufficient accuracy. be capable of measuring the gap variation to within 0.0005 in.
A1.1.2 Testing apparatus shall include a compression load-

ing system, top and bottom bearing blocks, and support blocks NOTE A1.1—Because of acceptable variations in bolt dimensions and
coating characteristics, bolts cannot be used as a means of gaging the
that allow each direct tension indicator to be calibrated using a

direct tension indicator measured minimum and maximum performance.

direct reading gage.
A1.1.3 The testing apparatus shall conform to the require-

ments of Practices E 4. The loads used in determining com-

F 606 – 02e1
A1.2 Compression Loading System A1.4.2 Bearing blocks shall have a minimum Rockwell
A1.2.1 The compression loading system shall transmit a hardness of 50 HRC.
compressive load axially from the testing apparatus to the A1.4.3 The upper and bottom bearing block surfaces shall

direct tension indicator. The bottom bearing block of the be parallel to within 0.0005 in. across the width of the support
loading system must be able to accept the cylindrical protru- block.
sions of the direct tension indicator support blocks. A1.5 Calibration
A1.2.2 Maintain the compression loading system in good

operating condition and use only in the proper loading range. A1.5.1 Calibrate the testing apparatus and its direct reading
gage at least once per year.
A1.3 Support Blocks A1.5.2 Retain the calibrated test data.

A1.3.1 Support blocks shall be grooved on one side so that A1.6 Test Procedure

the direct reading gage can be zeroed without compressing the
A1.6.1 Select the support block corresponding to the size
direct tension indicator protrusions. (See Fig. A1.1.) Thus, the
and type of direct tension indicator to be tested.
exact thickness of the direct tension indicator being tested is
A1.6.2 The direct reading gage spindle shall be in contact

taken into account, and the flat surface of the side of the direct
with the center of the direct tension indicator support block
tension indicator having protrusions is made to relate exactly to
during the test. (See Fig. A1.3.)
the zero point of the gage that shall react on the center of the
A1.6.3 Zero Direct Reading Gage—Place the direct tension

direct tension indicator support block.
indicator, with protrusions facing down, into the grooves of the
A1.3.2 Support blocks shall have a minimum Rockwell
support block. Apply compression load equal to the minimum
hardness of 50 HRC.

required load for the size and type of direct tension indicator

A1.3.3 Support blocks shall conform to the dimensions
being tested. Set the direct reading gage at zero. Release the
shown in Fig. A1.2.
load and remove the direct tension indicator. See Step 1 of Fig.
A1.3.4 The surfaces of support blocks shall be parallel to
within 0.0002 in. across the diameter of the support block.
A1.4 Bearing Blocks ar A1.6.4 Invert the support block so that Side A with the
groove is facing down.
A1.6.5 Measure Compression Load:
A1.4.1 The upper bearing block shall have a minimum
A1.6.5.1 Place the flat surface of the direct tension indicator
diameter of 3 in.
against side B of the support block with protrusions facing up.

Apply compression load until the gage reading is the test gap
specified for the size, type, and surface condition of the direct
tension indicator being tested. See Step 2 of Fig. A1.3.

A1.6.5.2 Apply the compression load at a rate such that the


direct tension indicator is compressed within 30 s from the time

the compression load is first applied until the proper gap is

A1.6.6 Read and Record—Read the compression load

FIG. A1.1 Support Block within 5 s of reaching the test gap and record the results.

F 606 – 02e1

o t.c
{ Height of boss = 0.085 in. +0/−0.0005 in. with no more than 0.0002 in. difference between side“ A” and side “B” }
Direct Tension Indicator
Size C in. E in. F in.

in. max min max min max min
1⁄2 0.485 0.475 0.130 0.080 0.96 0.91
5⁄8 0.615 0.605 0.145 0.095 1.15 1.10

3⁄4 0.735 0.725 0.150 0.100 1.34 1.29
7⁄8 0.855 0.845 0.150 0.100 1.54 1.49
1 0.985 0.975 0.165 0.115 1.73 1.68

11⁄8 1.105 1.095 0.165 0.115 1.93 1.88

11⁄4 1.225 1.215 0.165 0.115 2.12 2.07
13⁄8 1.355 1.345 0.165 0.115 2.31 2.26
11⁄2 1.475 1.465 0.165 0.115 2.51 2.46
FIG. A1.2 Support Block Dimensions

s ta

FIG. A1.3 Steps for Determining Compression Load


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