Sample Seismic Report by Prota Structure
Sample Seismic Report by Prota Structure
Sample Seismic Report by Prota Structure
Post-analysis Checks
(SS EN 1998-1 - Cl.
Vertical Irregularities
Interstorey Strength Irregularity (Weak Storey) : -NONE-
Interstorey Stiffness Irregularity (Soft Storey) : -NONE-
Interstorey Mass Distribution Irregularity : -NONE-
Discontinuities in Vertical Load Bearing Members : -NONE-
Existance of Re-entrant Storeys : -NONE-
h m mr2 G Q W F1 F2
(m) (t) (t.m2) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN)
Storey: 14 3.300 79.877 370.369 711.4 240.7 783.6 50.4 32.7
Storey: 13 3.300 1734.733 5.807E+05 15483.5 10228.2 17017.7 602.2 487.5
Storey: 12 3.300 1559.373 5.181E+05 14997.1 2002.5 15297.4 429.5 346.4
Storey: 11 3.300 1559.373 5.174E+05 14997.1 2002.5 15297.4 337.0 308.6
Storey: 10 3.300 1559.373 5.169E+05 14997.1 2002.5 15297.4 336.7 286.6
Storey: 9 3.300 1603.167 5.484E+05 15426.7 2002.5 15727.1 377.6 254.6
Storey: 8 4.400 2061.768 9.534E+05 19830.2 2638.3 20225.9 544.6 377.6
Storey: 7 4.200 2098.667 8.648E+05 19947.7 4268.1 20587.9 649.9 493.9
Storey: 6 3.700 2137.744 9.335E+05 20331.1 4268.1 20971.3 538.2 520.8
Storey: 5 3.000 1932.884 8.465E+05 18050.4 6074.6 18961.6 458.1 462.3
Storey: 4 3.700 2004.725 8.755E+05 18755.2 6074.6 19666.4 416.5 474.7
Storey: 3 3.700 1987.762 8.663E+05 18598.2 6011.7 19499.9 410.0 440.7
Storey: 2 3.700 2106.774 1.081E+06 19795.8 5811.2 20667.5 332.0 444.7
Storey: 1 3.700 2354.539 9.512E+05 22206.1 5946.3 23098.0 139.1 308.1
Total 234127.4 59571.7 243099.3 5621.1 5232.9
Bx Xg ex By Yg ey
(m) (m) (%) (m) (m) (%)
Storey: 14 7.250 27.756 5.00 4.825 27.053 5.00
Storey: 13 60.550 29.725 5.00 29.900 15.023 5.00
Storey: 12 60.550 29.640 5.00 29.900 15.136 5.00
Storey: 11 60.550 29.640 5.00 29.900 15.136 5.00
Storey: 10 60.550 29.640 5.00 29.900 15.136 5.00
Storey: 9 60.550 29.611 5.00 29.900 15.131 5.00
Storey: 8 60.550 29.560 5.00 29.900 15.150 5.00
Storey: 7 60.550 29.332 5.00 29.900 15.135 5.00
Storey: 6 60.550 29.448 5.00 29.900 15.105 5.00
Storey: 5 60.550 29.576 5.00 29.900 15.115 5.00
Storey: 4 60.550 29.282 5.00 29.900 15.150 5.00
h F1 Ma1 F2 Ma2
(m) (kN) (kN.m) (kN) (kN.m)
Storey: 14 49.900 50.4 2517.2 32.7 1629.5
Storey: 13 46.600 602.2 28061.4 487.5 22717.9
Storey: 12 43.300 429.5 18596.1 346.4 15001.2
Storey: 11 40.000 337.0 13479.6 308.6 12343.9
Storey: 10 36.700 336.7 12357.2 286.6 10517.8
Storey: 9 33.400 377.6 12612.1 254.6 8505.2
Storey: 8 30.100 544.6 16391.7 377.6 11364.5
Storey: 7 25.700 649.9 16703.0 493.9 12692.3
Storey: 6 21.500 538.2 11571.5 520.8 11198.0
Storey: 5 17.800 458.1 8154.5 462.3 8229.3
Storey: 4 14.800 416.5 6164.2 474.7 7025.7
Storey: 3 11.100 410.0 4551.3 440.7 4892.2
Storey: 2 7.400 332.0 2456.6 444.7 3291.0
Storey: 1 3.700 139.1 514.7 308.1 1139.9
Total 154131.0 130548.7
Overturning Check: Dir 1 ... Mp1 / Ma1 = 7187698.6 / 154131.0 = 46.6337 ≥ 2.0 OK ✔
Overturning Check: Dir 2 ... Mp2 / Ma2 = 3575148.9 / 130548.7 = 27.3856 ≥ 2.0 OK ✔
Vibration Periods: T1x =1.5s, T1y =1.6s ... 2.0s is below limit.
Equivalent Static Load Analysis Method can be used. ✔