South City Waits To Pick Builder: Stocks Tumble
South City Waits To Pick Builder: Stocks Tumble
South City Waits To Pick Builder: Stocks Tumble
School district OKs Burlingame move, plus potentially exercising eminent domain Not as think as you drunk I am
Customers threatened employees for
By Austin Walsh With an expectation that the expansive not selling alcohol at a business on
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF San Bruno campus could soon be vacant, Plaza Lane in Burlingame, it was report-
Comment on ed at 7:47 p.m. Wednesday, March 7.
officials have held previous discussions
or share this story at regarding proper future uses for the site.
San Mateo Union High School District
officials took a sizable step ahead in moving Some talks circled around selling much of the
the continuation high school from a remote land to a residential developer to finance BELMONT
San Bruno campus nearer to the homes of the district needing to employ eminent construction of teacher housing at Mills Reckl es s dri v ers . A vehicle was seen
most students. domain. High School. swerving into oncoming traffic on
The district Board of Trustees unanimously McManus said officials searched exten- Lees Dwyer said officials for now are Chesterson Avenue, it was reported at 1:47
agreed Thursday, March 29, to proceed with sively for land appropriate to accommodate focused on the Peninsula relocation effort, p.m. Friday, March 23.
plans to acquire a commercial building on the the new campus, and ultimately landed on the but suggested a more detailed examination of Arre s t . Someone was arrested after an
Burlingame Bayfront to build a new Burlingame property following it’s prior the Crestmoor site, which closed as a com- attempt to serve a warrant on Tahoe Drive, it
Peninsula Alternative High School campus. listing on the sales market. prehensive school in 1980, is in order later. was reported at 1:29 p.m. Friday, March 23.
The approval also certifies the district’s She acknowledged acquiring the land “The topic of teacher housing will come Theft. A package containing a cellphone
right to use eminent domain for acquiring the through eminent domain is not ideal, and is back and we will talk about that again. And was stolen from a residence on Irene Court,
site at 858 Hinkley Road, as officials believe hopeful another outcome can be identified. it’s not just teacher housing, it’s staff hous- it was reported at 9:52 a.m. Friday, March
the property east of Highway 101 is an ideal “It’s a tough situation, but there was no ing. That is a conversation that we will be 23.
site for a new high school. other property,” she said. “The market has having in the next few months,” said Lees Hazardo us s i tuati o n. Someone had found
“It’s an excellent opportunity for our stu- been incredibly tight for commercial proper- Dwyer. wires hanging from a tree on Notre Dame
dents,” said board President Linda Lees ty.” But before those conversations get off the Avenue and Middle Road, it was reported at
Dwyer. “We have a good number of students School officials have appraised the site ground, Lees Dwyer said it is imperative offi- 8:53 a.m. Friday, March 23.
who live more south in our district and we and based on the evaluation set aside $5.6 cials assure the continuation school’s reloca-
were busing them to San Bruno and the time million for purchasing it, said McManus. tion is completed. FOSTER CITY
on the bus was too long. It really made a dif- “We have offered that to the property own- “It’s a step-by-step process. We need to
acquire the land, start the construction and S mo k i n g o rdi n an c e v i o l at i o n .
ference for the students who also held jobs ers,” she said. “We have a responsibility to Someone reported he smelled marijuana
too.” be fiscally prudent, but on the other side, we get to a place where we can get some dates for
students moving so we can think about next smoke on Beach Park Boulevard, it was
The decision stands to end a yearslong want to be fair. We feel that is a fair and rea- reported at 7:22 p.m. Thursday, March 29.
search by officials to find an alternative site sonable price.” steps,” she said.
Under the approval allowing the district to Heal th and s afety co de v i o l ati o n. A
to house the school currently located on the While talks between the property owner
move full speed ahead toward development of resident of San Francisco was cited and
former Crestmoor High School campus. and district representatives continue,
the new campus, McManus said officials are released at San Mateo County General
But the process is not finished yet, noted McManus said officials will submit plans for
ready to offer students a state-of-the-art Hospital for possession of drugs, parapher-
assistant superintendent Elizabeth construction of three new school buildings at
school. nalia, shoplifting and destroying evidence
McManus, as officials still need to work with the site to the state department charged with
“This has been the board’s greatest interest on East Hillsdale Boulevard, it was reported
the property owner to finalize the acquisi- authorizing campus construction plans.
The facility comprised of nearly 15,000 — making sure we have a 21st century facili- at 7:11 p.m. Thursday, March 29.
She said the two sides have been in formal square feet spread across two-story modular ty centrally located for students and I think Di s turbance. Someone reported a subject
talks regarding the district’s interest in the buildings should be completed by 2020, if they are feeling very, very comfortable mak- being difficult on Edgewater Boulevard, it
site and hopes they will continue without all goes as planned, said McManus. ing this happen,” she said. was reported at 2:56 p.m. Thursday, March
FBI seeks help in Local briefs Flor Maria Argüello Local briefs Services were held under the direc-
tion of Sneider & Sullivan &
identifying ‘Big Man Flor Maria Argüello, age 75, O’Connell’s Funeral Home in San
will hit the Bay Area beginning Funeral Mass is 10 a.m. April 4 at
Bandit’ serial bank robber Thursday and several locations may
passed away on Holy Thursday,
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church. Mateo, CA. Inurnment at Skylawn
March 29, Memorial Park in San Mateo, CA.
The FBI is looking for a serial see heavy rainfall through Saturday 2018, at the
bank robber they’ve nicknamed the morning.
“Big Man National Weather Service offi-
K a i s e r
Tina Hartanto Giulia Rosa Figone
Bandit” who hit cials said the rain pattern begins Santa Clara Tina Hartanto was born on Feb. Giulia Rosa Figone of Millbrae
banks in San with a large area of moisture Medical Center. 7, 1925, in Indonesia as the passed away at home on March 27,
Jose and San streaming up to California from She was born on youngest of 2018.
Mateo in a span Hawaii. Jan. 29, 1943, nine children. She was the
of a week in It will bring an “atmospheric in San Jose, She passed away loving wife of
March. river” with light to moderate rain Costa Rica, to peacefully sur- the late
The suspect and possible heavy rain in the rounded by fam- Gi o v a n n i
Enrique and Escolastica Molina, and
robbed banks in North Bay and coastal areas. ily on March Figone. She is
is the second to last child of nine.
San Jose on There will be 0.75 inches to 2 27, 2018. Tina survived by her
Big Man Bandit March 15 and in She was a longtime resident of
inches of rain in urban areas, and up was a devoted son Richard
Belmont, California. She is sur-
San Mateo on to 4 inches of rain in the North Figone, her
vived by her two children, Jennifer wife to
March 17 and March 23. In each Bay, according to the weather serv- granddaughter,
and Juan Fernando, granddaughter Hindrawan, and
robbery, he handed the teller a note ice. Joanna Figone and great-grand-
Juanita, and many other loving rel- a loving mother to Jauw (MaryLou),
that demanded money and stated he Winds will pick up throughout mother of Adam Figone; her three
atives and friends. Martin (Carol) and Sri (Simon). She
had a gun, FBI officials said. the week and may reach speeds of surviving sisters in Italy; Anna
Starting in her teens she worked was adored by her nine grandchil-
The suspect is described as a 30 mph to 45 mph near mountain Sforza, Fernanda Colugnat and
ridge areas. for over 15 years as a salesperson dren: Chris, Angela (Michael), Lisa
white man who is about 6 feet tall Angela Zappettini. Giulia is also
for a pharmaceutical company in (Scott), Cheryl, Shaun, Anastasia
with a large build and weighs survived by her daughter-in-law,
around 300 pounds. He has been ‘Suspicious items’ Costa Rica. In 1975, she immigrat- (Anthony), Catherine, Jason and
ed to California to marry her kinder- Andrea. She was fortunate to be Julie Figone. She was preceded in
described as wearing an Oakland connected to student project death by her son, Daniel Figone.
Raiders or Golden State Warriors garten sweetheart Juan Argüello. loved by her five great-grandchil-
They married on May 24, 1975, in dren: Kayla, Karia, Isaiah, She was a native of Varese Ligura,
ball cap, a light sweater or jacket “Suspicious items” found in one Italy, age 94.
and jeans in each robbery. of Stanford University’s academic Burlingame. Flor was a loving Maverick and Aviana.
mother and wife, a devout Catholic, In Indonesia, Tina was an entre- Family and friends may visit after
The bandit’s vehicle is believed buildings were deemed not danger-
and inspiring member of her com- preneur, founding and managing her 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 3, at
to be a four-door Cadillac Seville ous after authorities found they
munity. She is fondly remembered own plastics manufacturing compa- Chapel of the Highlands, 194
with a model year from the mid- to were part of a student project,
as a spiritual leader and role model ny. She worked hard to build a busi- Millwood Drive, at the El Camino
late-1990s, according to the FBI. according to the school’s
to all who crossed her path. Flor ness while raising three ambitious Real intersection in Millbrae and
Anyone with information about Department of Public Safety.
Officers wrapped up an investiga- was known for nurturing people children. She helped them become then will proceed to St. Dunstan
the robberies should contact the Catholic Church, 1133 Broadway,
FBI’s San Francisco Division at tion after learning the items were around her with love and faith. Her the first in the family to graduate
related to the Stanford Online High family and many friends loved her college, and enabled her two sons Millbrae, where the funeral mass
(415) 553-7400 or go to will be celebrated at 11 a.m. School, according to an alert post- dearly. to move to the United States in the
ed at 9:57 a.m. “May she rest in peace and her early 1970s. She eventually joined Committal will follow at Holy
Cross Cemetery in Colma.
‘Pineapple Express’ may Cordura Hall, the building that spirit live on through others.” them along with her husband,
In lieu of flowers, consider a
students and faculty were evacuated Vigil Service 7 p.m. April 3 at daughter and son-in-law. She loved
bring up to 4 inches of rain from around 8:15 a.m., was Crippen & Flynn, Belmont. traveling, gardening and being with donation in her memory to your
“Pineapple Express” showers reopened, officers said. her loved ones. favorite charity.
005 0403 tues:0403 tues ed 193 4/2/18 8:17 PM Page 1
Barrett Insurance is proud to celebrate our 30th Anniversary
007 0403 tues:0403 tues ed 193 4/2/18 7:48 PM Page 1
use ‘nuclear option’ on border so-called Dreamer immigrants “dead,” rent law, unaccompanied children from
organizes demonstrations against police abuse, two Fort
Worth police officers can be seen restraining Forrest Curry
as he lies face-down in the street. A white officer kneels on
By Jill Colvin Curry’s back and repeatedly punches him as he cries, “Why
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS claimed the U.S. has “no effective bor- countries that don’t border the U.S. the f--- are you punching me? Why?” A black officer next to
der laws” and warned Mexico to halt would be placed under the supervision Curry knees him repeatedly in his side.
the passage of “caravans” of illegal of the Department of Health and Police Chief Joel Fitzgerald said in a statement Sunday
WASHINGTON — Trump administra- Human Services and undergo often-
immigrants or risk retribution. that the officers were responding to a call for backup from
tion officials said Monday they’re lengthy deportation proceedings
“They must stop the big drug and fire department personnel, who told the officers that Curry
crafting a new legislative package before an immigration judge instead of
people flows, or I will stop their cash “appeared to be intoxicated and had attempted to assault
aimed at closing immigration “loop- being deported.
cow, NAFTA. NEED WALL!” he wrote. them.”
holes,” hours after the president called
Trump has been seething over immi- The administration is also pushing
on Republicans in Congress to imme-
diately pass a border bill using the
gration since realizing the major Congress to terminate a 1997 court Alabama lawmaker, lobbyist
spending bill he signed last month settlement that requires the govern- charged in bribery scheme
“Nuclear Option if necessary” to mus-
barely funds the “big, beautiful” border ment to release children from custody
cle it through. wall he has promised his supporters. MONTGOMERY, Ala. — An Alabama legislator and a lob-
“Border Patrol Agents (and ICE) are to parents, adult relatives or other
The $1. 3 trillion funding package byist who once chaired the Alabama Republican Party
GREAT, but the weak Dem laws don’t caretakers as their cases make their
included $1.6 billion in border wall appeared in federal court Monday on conspiracy charges
allow them to do their job. Act now way through immigration court.
spending, but much of that money can related to payments made to another lawmaker to advance
Congress, our country is being Officials complain that many children
be used only to repair existing seg- an insurance bill.
stolen!” President Donald Trump wrote never show up at their hearings.
ments, not to build new sections. State Republican Rep. Jack D. Williams of Vestavia Hills
in a series of sometimes-misleading Among the measures the administra- The proposals appear the same as and lobbyist Marty Connors were arrested and charged
tweets, fired off after returning from a tion is pursuing: ending special safe- those included on a White House immi- Monday with conspiracy to commit bribery and mail fraud,
holiday weekend spent in Florida with guards that prevent the immediate gration wish list that was released in authorities said. Each appeared shackled at the waist and
several immigration hardliners. deportation of children arrested at the October but failed to gain traction dur- wrists before U.S. Magistrate Judge Charles S. Coody in
Trump also declared protections for border and traveling alone. Under cur- ing negotiations over the border wall. Montgomery.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Jonathan S. Ross said Williams
and Connors were arrested at their homes Monday morning.
U.S. opens door to possible Trump-Putin White House meeting Neither has a lawyer or entered a plea, but both indicated
that they plan to hire counsel. Each was being released on
By Ken Thomas White House when George W. Bush at the White House in bail.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS they spoke by tele- 2005. Alarms rang in diplomatic and
phone last month. foreign policy circles over the
White House press prospect that Trump might offer Putin
WASHINGTON — The Trump admin- secretary Sarah that venue without confronting him
istration opened the door to a poten- Huckabee Sanders about Russia’s interference in the
tial White House meeting between responded that the 2016 presidential election or allega-
President Donald Trump and Russian White House was tions that Russia masterminded the
President Vladimir Putin on Monday, among “a number March 4 nerve agent attack on a former
raising the possibility of an Oval Vladimir Putin of potential ven- Russian double agent.
Office welcome for Putin for the first ues” discussed. “It would confer a certain normaliza-
time in more than a decade even as rela- Both sides said they hadn’t started tion of relations and we’re certainly
tions between the two powers have preparations for such a visit. not in a normal space,” said Alina
deteriorated. If it happens, Putin would be getting Polyakova, a foreign policy fellow at
The Kremlin said Monday that Trump the honor of an Oval Office tete-a-tete the Brookings Institution. “Nothing
had invited the Russian leader to the for the first time since he met President about this is normal.”
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008 0403 tues:0403 tues ed 193 4/2/18 7:34 PM Page 1
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he Redwood City Council did
last week what many other
city officials have yet to be
Editorial It is also noteworthy that the city
was able to make these steps in what
eology — the science of Earth’s structure and the
conditions that change it — teaches us the power
of time and pressure. No matter how ancient and
able to do — pass tenant protection needs, but they can also opt for can become a cauldron of enmity that majestic the mountain; no matter how firm the rock may
measures through a public process. another one-year lease with the same too often leads to paralysis or con- appear; enough pressure and time will chip away at any frag-
Depending on where you stand, the rent for the 12 months. This provides tentious ballot measures. ile surface and ultimately expose its foundation. If that foun-
measures are too much, or not some stability for not only the renter, When it comes to addressing the dation is weak at its core, the mountain will fall by the
enough. But they are measures intend- but also the property owner as they issue of housing in this county, there process of erosion.
ed to protect tenants who have been know that there is an agreement to are no easy answers and many opin- Like the great and seemingly indestructible mountain that
forced out of their homes by landlords have a tenant in place for a set period ions about what is most effective. holds beneath its surface a weak core, history teaches us that
intending other uses for their proper- of time. County officials have organized a with enough pressure and time,
ty. While that is a business decision What makes these measures good is Home For All effort that seeks to nations face the possibility of
for the property owner, displacing that they work to protect vulnerable gather resources and information, in destruction when rooted in weak
tenants for another use — whether it tenants without placing an undue bur- addition to taking small bites of the foundations. Jesus acknowledged
be remodeling or demolishing — will den on the property owner. It is also apple when it comes to tenant protec- that when storms strike the foun-
result in higher revenue for the prop- not a form of rent control, which has tion through ordinances aimed at dation of a house built upon sand,
erty owner. And the cost of making been proven to have mixed results in keeping mobile home residents in it is bound to collapse. By con-
that revenue will now include assis- keeping rents low for everyone. place and ensuring that housing is trast, a house built upon bedrock
tance for those living there, as long Additionally, the City Council opted maintained. While more can be done can withstand the strongest of
as they meet certain income require- to review the ordinance in one year to on that front, it appears that Redwood headwinds, rain and torrents.
ments or have other needs. assess whether there were any unin- City has set the example of how to The Roman Empire reigned as
The council also passed an ordi- tended consequences. That’s smart, enact protections in a responsible and the world’s superpower for more
nance that establishes minimum lease since there is always the possibility responsive way through the public than 500 years. The Empire was
of unintended consequences and, when process. While no one is exactly built in large part on a foundation Jonathan Madison
terms so renters will have some sense
contending with large-scale invest- of blood and terror, marking the
of stability after their typical lease happy, that is the nature of political
genesis of the most horrific forms of torture, blood sport
expires. Tenants can choose to go ments, it is a good idea to make sure compromise and a measure of effec- and capital punishment our world has ever known. Fear and
month to month, depending on their that whatever change actually has a tive leadership. distraction were tools employed to sustain power. Money
and power were the pillars in which the Empire trusted. As a
Letters to the editor result, in the Empire’s later stages, the population grew
increasingly apathetic and pessimistic about life. This pre-
vailing apathy was reflected in a reluctance by the elite to
Where is everybody The only feasible path to stop this Why stricter guns laws sew into poor families and communities, an insatiable
is state Sen. Scott Wiener’s Senate
supposed to live? Bill 827 bill, which would allow the will not stop the shootings appetite for entertaining distractions, and an incessant need
to spend beyond its means. The Roman Empire, once majes-
Editor, development of new housing along Editor, tic and seemingly indestructible, ultimately failed to with-
I am glad to see that Brisbane has the Caltrain line and El Camino Real, The reason why there is now more stand the test of pressure and time when its weak foundation
finally made a step toward developing whether cities want it or not. support for stricter gun control laws was exposed.
the Baylands. I am concerned about Brisbane may have thought it was is because it is very one-sided. So, I The Roman Empire is just one of many nations through-
the proposed balance of jobs and pouring water on the fire, but it got would like to give you my side of why out history that failed to withstand headwinds, rain and tor-
housing. lighter fluid instead. stricter gun control laws, or even if it rents. Today, our nation’s foundations are being faced with
Four million square feet of office comes to the confiscation of all guns, similar force. At the surface, our nation appears to be a
space would hold about 26,000 work- Kevin Burke will never stop the shootings. When superpower immune to the same fate as nations that prede-
ers. The plan calls for 2,200 housing elected by the people, was President ceased us. At the core, our nation’s foundations are being
units; with roommates, let’s say it Trump expected to be the next savior shaken by harrowing challenges. Consider the fact that
will cover 4,000 workers. Where are of the world and to “make America America currently has one of the lowest unemployment rates
the other 22,000 workers supposed to Metal versus flesh great again” with peace and prosperi- worldwide. However, our nation is also home to the world’s
live? ty? Not a remote chance. I will give single largest prison population — more than 2.3 million
No city in the area is planning to Editor, you a simple reason why we are hav- individuals.
add housing for 22,000 people. Do drivers who park on rolled curb ing shootings and terrorist acts Consider the fact that our nation has the single largest
Certainly not without adding even sidewalks feel that the safety of their throughout the world and the disre- military and national defense system in place worldwide.
more jobs. San Francisco is moving vehicles takes precedence over the spect for all human life. Nonetheless, our nation has one of the highest homeless
forward with plans to add 40,000 jobs safety of sidewalk users? Are they Why is it that we started having populations in combat veterans — over 550,000.
and only 7,000 housing units in unaware of CVC 22500F violation? these problems after the ’60s? In the I take great pride in knowing our nation is waging the
SOMA. South San Francisco’s Oyster It appears as if the pedestrian/bicy- ’50s, we had no shootings, no terror- good fight against terrorism in foreign nations, but I cannot
Point plan would add office space for cle friendly master plan implemented ism, and respect for all life! It’s sim- reconcile the terror we often face on our beloved soil. Nearly
10,000 workers, and plans stalled in 2011 has overlooked neighbor- ple: Our country was based on 1,100 lives have been taken by mass shootings in our
this week to add 1,200 housing units hoods with rolled curb sidewalks. Christian principles and had God’s nation, with more than 170 being teenagers and children.
onsite and 800 units downtown. San Please, San Mateo City Council, loving protection. Now, in the ’60s, By material standards, our nation is one of the wealthiest
Mateo residents oppose 935 housing can a plan be implemented to deter the so called great sexual revolution on Earth. By moral standards, our nation is among the poor-
units near the Hayward Park train sta- this mindless behavior? San Mateo started. Next, what followed was the est. Consider the fact that nearly half of all marriages in our
tion. Police Department cannot monitor U.S. Supreme Court declaring war on country end in divorce. Consider that our nation has one of
We have seen this story play out these infractions 24/7. Perhaps sig- all Christian principles that caused the highest drug and alcohol dependency rates and subse-
before. We’ll have even more traffic nage can be a low-cost fix. the loss of God’s loving protection quently the highest drug overdose rates on Earth. If that is
on Highway 101 and the San Mateo- Population influx has put more dis- and gave the nation to the father of not enough evidence, consider the fact that sexual addic-
Hayward Bridge, as more people than tracted, speeding drivers into the 25 lies, Lucifer. tions have reached an all time-high, with more than 30 per-
ever start their workday in places like mph zones, ergo, sidewalk users Lastly, the solution to stop the cent of the internet consumed by pornography, and in which
Pleasanton (“Daily commute takes its should have the right to unimpeded shootings, all terrorist acts, and the more than 9 million Americans are admittedly confined to
toll” in the Nov. 16 edition of the use of a sidewalk and not be forced out disrespect for all human life is to sim- the addiction.
Daily Journal), Gilroy and Stockton onto these dangerous streets. ply go back to the Christian princi- These insatiable appetites are symptoms of a much deeper
and drive to the Peninsula. We’ll have Let safety rule. ples of God. problem — the desperate need to fill a void only love and
more gentrification and displacement, scrupulous values can satisfy. For generations, our nation
as those rich new workers shop for an M. Vigo Ross Foti has been rooted in power, greed and prejudice. Time and
apartment near their workplace and again, we learn a difficult lesson — that love is the
San Mateo Belmont strongest foundation upon which a nation can stand. We
price out existing tenants.
have seen awakenings in our values that challenged our
nation’s core in the past — the Emancipation Proclamation
It is the mission of the Daily Journal to be the most and the civil rights movements of the 1920s, 1950s and
accurate, fair and relevant local news source for 1960s, among others.
those who live, work or play on the MidPeninsula. I truly believe a nation’s values are just as important as
By combining local news and sports coverage, the strength of its political and financial institutions.
Jerry Lee, Publisher BUSINESS STAFF: analysis and insight with the latest business, Rebuilding a nation’s foundation can be a difficult task. It is
Moe Alshafie Michael Davis lifestyle, state, national and world news, we seek to
Jon Mays, Editor in Chief Charles Gould Paul Moisio provide our readers with the highest quality a task that begins with the individual, the family and by
Nathan Mollat, Sports Editor Joe Rudino Joy Uganiza information resource in San Mateo County. extension, our communities. Beyond instilling values in
Todd Waibel Our pages belong to you, our readers, and we our own homes, we can mentor or tutor a young adult in need
Erik Oeverndiek, Copy Editor/Page Designer INTERNS, CORRESPONDENTS, CONTRACTORS: choose to reflect the diverse character of this of direction. We can volunteer at a local food shelter or soup
Nicola Zeuzem, Production Manager Robert Armstrong Charlie Chapman dynamic and ever-changing community.
Jim Clifford Elizabeth Cortes kitchen. We can donate to organizations tasked with
Kerry McArdle, Marketing & Events Talia Fine Robert Hutchinson addressing issues we are passionate about. The bottom line
Austin Walsh, Senior Reporter
Priscilla Jin Tom Jung SMDAILYJOURNAL.COM is that there are endless opportunities for each of us to cause
Connor Lin Laurel Lujan
REPORTERS: Jeanita Lyman Brigitte Parman Follow us on Twitter and Facebook: an awakening of values in our homes, our communities and
Terry Bernal, Zachary Clark, Anna Schuessler Sophie Penn Nick Rose as a nation. Together, brick by brick, we can begin to build
Joel Snyder Gary Whitman
Susan E. Cohn, Senior Correspondent: Events for our nation a foundation rooted in the single strongest
Online edition at
foundation the universe has ever known — love.
Dave Newlands, Production Assistant
Letters to the Editor • Emailed documents are preferred: Correction Policy A nativ e of Pacifica, Jonathan Madison work ed as profes-
Should be no longer than 250 words. The Daily Journal corrects its errors. sional policy staff for the U.S. House of Representativ es,
Perspective Columns • Letter writers are limited to two submissions a If you question the accuracy of any article in the Daily
Should be no longer than 600 words. month. Journal, please contact the editor at Committee on Financial Serv ices from 2011 to 2013.
• Illegibly handwritten letters and anonymous letters Opinions expressed in letters, columns and
will not be accepted. perspectives are those of the individual writer and do or by phone at: 344-5200, ext. 107 Jonathan work s as an attorney and can be reached v ia email
• Please include a city of residence and phone not necessarily represent the views of the Daily Journal Editorials represent the viewpoint of the Daily Journal at
number where we can reach you. staff. editorial board and not any one individual.
010 0403 tues:0403 tues ed 193 4/2/18 5:31 PM Page 1
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said. “And a lot of that is Junior Becca Tasi in the first half, when the seamlessly as anyone in the county, hence
Player of the Year honor though, Sili suffered a knee injury that cost 59-58 loss — breaking M-A’s streak of
NCAA Player of the Year Jalen Brunson was cele- Arike Ogunbowale puts stamp on
brating despite an off night — nine points
and two rebounds. His struggles barely mat-
a thrilling women’s hoops season
Continued from page 11 tered.
What a couple months it’s been for Philly. By Doug Feinberg ketball and definitely one of the best Final
First the Eagles. Now this. The Super Bowl, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Fours since 2001, right?”
games by 16 or more: UCLA in 1968.
though, was a classic. This one was only That was the only other time McGraw and
During the dynasty.
beautiful to one team. COLUMBUS, Ohio — Arike Ogunbowale the Fighting Irish cut down the nets. It’s been
One key question: Does Wright’s team
put an exclamation point on a thrilling even longer since a title game came down to a
belong on the list of the best of all-time? Michigan (33-8) came out playing tough-
women’s college basketball season. last-second shot. Ogunbowale’s 3-pointer
Maybe so, considering the way Villanova nosed defense it relied on over a 14-game
Her off-balance 3-pointer in the title game was just the second last-second shot that won
dismantled everyone in front of it in a tour- winning streak that got the Wolverines to
capped a record comeback a championship game. North Carolina great
nament that was dripping with upsets, their second final in six years.
by Notre Dame and an Charlotte Smith made a 3-pointer at the buzzer
underdogs and at least the appearance of par- Moe Wagner scored 11 early points to incredible weekend for the in 1994 that lifted the Tar Heels to an improb-
ity. continue his great play in the Final Four. sport. The Final Four got able one-point win over Louisiana Tech.
Maybe so, considering the Wildcats won Villanova started 1 for 9 from 3-point started with two stirring “This was the best Final Four in terms of
in seemingly every way imaginable. This range. And yet, after DiVincenzo banged overtime games — the play on the court we’ve ever seen,” ESPN ana-
victory came two nights after they set a down a 3 from a step behind the arc for first time that’s happened. lyst Rebecca Lobo said. “I can’t think of
Final Four record with 18 3-pointers, and Villanova’s second of the night, coach John The weekend ended with a another Final Four that was better than this. It
one week after they relied more on defense Beilein looked at the scoreboard and saw his historic championship showcased women’s basketball at its absolute
in a win over Texas Tech in the Elite Eight. team behind, 23-21. game that left the sellout best. So many years we’ve had a great semifi-
That debate’s for later. Arike
“The way DiVincenzo shot the ball, it was crowd amazed. nal game and the final was a disappointment.
DiVincenzo squashed any questions about Ogunbowale
just incredible for us to try to win that game “Phenomenal for This one wasn’t.”
this game with a 10-for-15 shooting night
with the roll he went on,” Beilein said. women’s basketball. Three exciting games. I The Final Four belonged to Ogunbowale and
— 5 for 7 from 3 —that was really better
hope the ratings reflect it,” Notre Dame coach the Irish.
than that, making him an easy winner for If his first 3 wasn’t demoralizing enough,
Muffet McGraw said after the 61-58 win The junior guard floated in a 3-pointer from
most outstanding player in the Final Four. DiVincenzo made another, then took a
Sunday night. “The crowd was tremendous the corner with 0.1 seconds left, lifting Notre
With Michigan refusing to go away early bounce pass from Brunson for a dunk, then
tonight. Everybody came back. Just an Dame to its second women’s basketball title
in the second half, he opened his game-seal- paid it forward with an assist to Omari
ing run with an around-the-back dribble to incredible job by Columbus and the local with a thrilling comeback victory over
Spellman. It was part of a 23-7 run that gave
get to the hoop and get fouled. On the other the Wildcats a nine-point lead at halftime; community. Great support for women’s bas- Mississippi State.
end, he delivered a two-handed rejection of they never looked back.
Michigan’s Charles Matthews — his second For the record, DiVincenzo has no prob-
block of the game — when Matthews tried lem starting games on the bench.
to bring it into the paint.
“Blocked shots, definitely,” DiVincenzo He’s been willing to do whatever’s needed
said when asked if he enjoys 3s or rejections since he arrived in 2015. His season cut
more. “I pride myself on defense and just short because of a knee injury, he was
bringing energy to the team.” healthy enough to run the scout squad for
The 3 that sealed it came from a big step Villanova during its first title run. Some on
behind the arc and gave Villanova a 62-44 the team said he did Oklahoma star Buddy
lead with a bit less than 8 minutes left. Hield better than Hield.
About the only drama left was whether But maybe a more apt comparison is to ...
DiVincenzo could unwrap himself from his Bill Walton and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar?
teammates’ mob hug to toss the ball under- DiVincenzo joins them in the rare club of
handed toward the scoreboard after the players to crack 30 points while also shoot-
buzzer. He succeeded there, too. ing better than 66 percent from the floor in
Mikal Bridges finished with 19 in what a Final Four game.
016 0403 tues:0403 tues ed 193 4/2/18 11:42 PM Page 1
Baseball Menlo-Atherton at Carlmont, 4 p.m. Baseball
Carlmont at Hillsdale, Woodside at Menlo-Ather- Carlmont at Terra Nova, Menlo School at Sequoia, 4
ton, Westmoor at Jefferson, 4 p.m Track and field p.m.; Serra vs Capuchino at San Bruno Park, 7:30 p.m.
Menlo-Atherton at Sequoia, Carlmont at Westmoor,
Softball 3 p.m. Softball
Carlmont at Sequoia, 4 p.m. Terra Nova at Jefferson, 4 p.m.
Boys’ volleyball
Boys’ tennis Carlmont at Menlo-Atherton, 6:30 p.m. Boys’ tennis
Woodside at Carlmont, 4 p.m. Menlo-Atherton at Carlmont, 4 p.m.
Boys’ lacrosse
Badminton Swimming
Serra at Pacific Grove, 5:30 p.m.
Westmoor at Carlmont, 5 p.m. Carlmont at Menlo-Atherton, Oceana at Jefferson,
Westmoor at Terra Nova, 3:30 p.m.
Track and field THURSDAY
WBAL 2A at Palo Alto, 3:30 p.m. Baseball Boys’ lacrosse
Menlo-Atherton at Woodside,Westmoor at Jeffer- Serra at Palma, 3 p.m.
WEDNESDAY son, 4 p.m.
Baseball Track and field
Terra Nova at Carlmont, Sequoia at Menlo School, Swimming Arcadia Invitational, 3 p.m.
Serra at Petaluma, 4 p.m. Sequoia at Woodside, 3:30 p.m.
Softball Boys’ tennis Track and field
Terra Nova at M-A, Terra Nova at Woodside, 4 p.m. Menlo-Atherton at Woodside, 4 p.m. Arcadia Invitational, all day
for a conference at the end of which ner, thus opening up the possibili-
LOUNGE everything stayed the way it went:
Magalong was awarded third and
Richardson was safe at first.
ty of offensive interference.
I think it was pretty obvious that
there was no ill intent. It was just a
Continued from page 11 Magalong would go on to score confluence of factors that brought
Burlingame’s second run of the two players and the ball to the same
game in a 5-2 SHP victory. spot at the same time.
I’m not exactly how to score that ***
Every time I think I’ve seen it all play. Ultimately, it did not have a Greg Gonzalez, a 2006 graduate
Pernilla Lindberg jumps into Poppies Pond after winning the the ANA
in baseball, something happens to bearing on the final outcome, but I of Capuchino, is moving up the
Inspiration in a two-daylong playoff at Mission Hills Country Club.
make me realize I haven’t — and was still curious. A quick Google baseball coaching ladder. Gonzalez, her first LPGA Tour victory. She’s
I’m probably not even close to see-
ing it all.
During Sacred Heart Prep’s 5-2
win over Burlingame last week,
search pulled up
and I found the section regarding
interference. You’ve probably heard
who had spent the last four years as
an assistant at Skyline, is now a
volunteer assistant at Santa Clara
LPGA the sixth Swedish female major
champion, joining Liselotte
Neumann, Helen Alfredsson,
that if the fielder is in the base University. Continued from page 13 Annika Sorenstam, Anna
Burlingame’s Jake Richardson hit a path, the base runner can run them After a standout career at Nordqvist and Jenny Lidback
slow grounder to the left side of the over, or at least run into them in Capuchino, Gonzalez spent two (born in Peru to Swedish parents)
infield. Brendan Magalong, who the hopes of being awarded a base years at Skyline, amassing 22 wins and Lindberg staying alive from a — and all of them also won their
had reached first on an error and on defensive interference. and earning All-American honors foot closer. first LPGA Tour title in a major.
moved to second on a wild pitch, But that isn’t the case. There is a in his two seasons. He then trans- Lindberg then reached the 18th in “I remember writing some goals
broke for third base as SHP third possible offensive interference call ferred to Fresno State where he con- two — the first time one of them probably right when I got to high
baseman Yianni Gardner went to and it’s at the umpires’ discretion to tinued to excel. He posted a 19-3 went for it in the six times they school,” Lindberg said. “Writing
field the ball. determine if the offensive player, in record over two seasons, throwing played the par 5 in the playoff and about the dream scenario, and it
Gardner, Magalong and the ball this case Magalong, purposely a no-hitter against University of regulation — but was on the far left would be to obviously win a major
all arrived at the same time, result- went out of his way to prevent Hawaii in 2010. He was drafted in side and was only able to get her championship and leave a mark in
ing in a collision between second Gardner from cleanly fielding the the 15th round of the MLB Draft eagle putt within 7 feet. Park laid up history. But at the same time it felt
and third. SHP shortstop Jack ball. If Gardner was just standing and spent three years in the San and hit a wedge to 8 feet. They both like too big of a dream to come true,
Donnelly picked the ball up and there, impeding the runner, that Diego Padres system. missed. but it has.”
threw late to first, with Richardson would be one thing. But the fact he In addition to coaching the “I didn’t make many mistakes,
but I just couldn’t make the putts,” She jumped from 95th to 34th in
reaching on what I suppose was an was trying to make a play on the Broncos, Gonzalez is working the world ranking.
infield hit. ball meant almost any contact toward his Masters Degree in kine- Park said. “The morning greens
were a little bit slower than I antici- Park won in 2013 at Mission Hills
The two umpires huddled together would have to be made by the run- siology from St. Mary’s College. and is a seven-time major champion.
pated. I hit a couple putts short. I
had a couple of opportunities.” The 29-year-old Hall of Famer won
looks as though he never left. 2005, so long ago that only 18
650 344-8200
017 0403 tues:0403 tues ed 193 4/2/18 4:56 PM Page 1
California high court upholds taking DNA from arson suspect and
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS that will require resolution in other privacy by giving law enforcement of
cases,” Associate Justice Leondra access to their genetic material even Diseases & Disorders
SAN FRANCISCO — A California law Kruger wrote for the majority. before they are charged or convicted. of the Eye
that required an arson suspect to provide Buza was suspected of setting a police Supporters say privacy concerns are
a sample of DNA when he was booked car on fire in San Francisco but refused outweighed by law enforcement’s inter- EYEGLASSES
into jail did not violate his privacy, the to provide a DNA sample after his arrest. est in testing DNA to solve cold cases, and
California Supreme Court said Monday. He was later convicted of arson and identify crime suspects and exonerate O D, FA AO
The 4-3 ruling upheld the collection refusal to provide a DNA specimen. the wrongly accused. GL AU C OM A E ve n i n g a nd S a tu rd ay ap pt s
of DNA from Mark Buza, saying author- A law voters approved in 2004 A lower court ruled in 2014 in Buza’s STAT E B OARD C E RT a l so ava i l a bl e
ities had probable cause to arrest him for requires all adults arrested on suspicion case that the state Constitution’s ban on
a serious crime. But the decision left of a felony to provide a cheek swab unreasonable search and seizure prohib- 115 9 B ROADWAY
6 50 -5 79 - 77 7 4
open the possibility of other legal chal- immediately following arrest or during ited collecting DNA by cheek swab w ww. D r-A n d rew S o ss. n e t
lenges to the DNA law. booking. The sample is sent to a state without “independent suspicion, a war-
lab for analysis. P rov i d e r fo r V S P a n d m o s t m a j o r m e d i c a l
“We recognize that the DNA Act may rant or even a judicial or grand jury deter-
in s u ran c e s i n c l u d i n g M e d i c a re a n d H P S M
raise additional constitutional questions Critics say the law violates people’s mination of probable cause.”
Administration is working to find a way to own rules. Pruitt said in a statement setting emission standards,” the statement
Continued from page 1
both increase fuel economy standards and
keep new vehicles affordable to more
Monday that the agency will work with all
states, including California, to finalize new
said. “These standards have cleared the haze
and smog from our cities and reversed
decades of chronic air pollution problems,
Environmentalists, meanwhile, warned “Cooperative federalism doesn’t mean while putting more money in consumers’
the proposed rollbacks will make U.S. cars that one state can dictate standards for the pockets.”
challenges for auto manufacturers due to rest of the country,” he said. “EPA will set a
more expensive to fill up. Sen. Edward J. Markey said the existing
feasibility and practicability, raises poten- national standard for greenhouse gas emis-
“No one in America is eager to buy a car standards are “technically feasible and eco-
tial concerns related to automobile safety, sions that allows auto manufacturers to
that gets worse gas mileage and spews more nomically achievable,” and added that he
and results in significant additional costs make cars that people both want and can
pollution from its tailpipe, ” said Fred would use every legislative tool to block
on consumers, especially low-income con- afford — while still expanding environ-
Krupp, president of the Environmental the moves.
sumers.” mental and safety benefits of newer cars.”
The EPA, in partnership with the Defense Fund. “Designing and building “Slashing these standards would amount
National Highway Traffic Safety cleaner, more cost-efficient cars is what California Attorney General Xavier to turning the keys to our energy policy
Administration, will work to come up with helped automakers bounce back from the Becerra said his team is reviewing the EPA’s over to Big Oil and the auto industry,” said
new standards. depths of the recession and will be key to determination. the Massachusetts Democrat, who is a
Automakers applauded Monday’s deci- America’s global competitiveness in the “We’re ready to file suit if needed to pro- member of the Environment and Public
sion, arguing that the current requirements years ahead.” tect these critical standards and to fight the Works Committee and chair of the Senate
would have cost the industry billions of Any change is likely to set up a lengthy Administration’s war on our environment,” Climate Task Force.
dollars and raised vehicle prices due to the legal showdown with California, which has Becerra said in a statement. “California did- According to Markey, the standards are
cost of developing the necessary technolo- the power to set its own pollution and gas n’t become the sixth-largest economy in projected to save nearly 2.5 million barrels
gy. mileage standards and doesn’t want them to the world by spectating.” of oil a day by 2030, around as much oil as
“This was the right decision, and we sup- change. About a dozen other states follow A joint statement by the governors of is imported from OPEC countries every day.
port the Administration for pursuing a data- California’s rules, and together they California, Oregon, and Washington, as It could take a couple years for the EPA to
driven effort and a single national program account for more than one-third of the vehi- well as the mayors of Los Angeles, propose new rules, gather public comment
as it works to finalize future standards,” cles sold in the U.S. Currently the federal Oakland, San Francisco, Portland and and finalize any changes. In the meantime,
said Gloria Bergquist, vice president, com- and California standards are the same. Seattle, also decried the EPA’s decision. automakers have to proceed with plans for
munications and public affairs for the Some conservative groups are pressing “This move sets us back from years of new cars and trucks under the current gas
Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, in a EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt to get rid of advancements by the automotive industry mileage requirements because it takes years
statement. “We appreciate that the the waiver that allows California to set its put in motion by states that took the lead in to develop vehicles.
… they make the adjustment to the rates,” tax directly from those renting in other nance requiring homeowners to live in res-
Continued from page 1
he said. “In many cases, they just didn’t
know, and I wouldn’t have necessarily
expected them to.”
cities and remitted payment to the cities,
Corbett said using a third-party provider to
enforce the policy could allow the city to
idences where they are offering short-term
rentals and limiting the number of days a
renter can stay in homes without a host
The agreement with HdL effectively keep track of the volume of rentals in the present in January and Half Moon Bay offi-
transfers administration of the city’s TOT city instead of receiving the total sum of cials considered similar regulations in
Corbett is hoping the city can capture rev- to HdL at a rate of $750 per traditional the payment from the company, among March, Corbett said more strict rules have
enue and data on what many believe to be a hotel property and 15 percent of the rev- other considerations. He said the company not yet been part of the conversation for
growing number of homeowners offering enue collected from other short-term may have changed its policies since the San Mateo.
short-term rentals on their properties. rentals in the city. The city will be able to city decided to work with a third-party con- He said bringing those offering short-
Following the City Council’s January add the remaining 85 percent of the new tax tractor, and added that work with HdL term rentals into compliance with the
approval of a three-year agreement with revenue collected to its coffers, said Software does not preclude San Mateo from city’s ordinance could inform whether offi-
the company, Corbett said the company Corbett. working with Airbnb to process future pay- cials consider additional restrictions in the
sent letters to homeowners with short-term Short of scanning Airbnb and other plat- ment of the tax if it makes sense to do so. future, and is the city’s first step in scop-
rentals in March, notifying them they are forms facilitating short-term rentals, One homeowner who did not want to be ing the effect of short-term rentals on
subject to the 12 percent tax. Corbett said it’s very difficult to estimate named said she heard from a neighbor that neighborhoods.
Corbett said the city has received some the number of rentals in the city as well as registering one’s home with the city’s new “It’s compliance with the TOT ordinance
calls from residents who received the letter the new revenue the city can expect by process was straightforward, but wished … which I think will guide us in the future
asking for clarification, but has not seen extending enforcement of its policy to the payment could be processed directly in terms of do we need to do anything fur-
much pushback on paying the tax in recent those offering rentals on their properties. through Airbnb. Increasing her rental rate ther,” he said.
weeks, adding that the tax does not apply But he is hoping a few months of collect- by 12 percent or cutting back on the
retroactively but instead is aimed at col- ing payment data will give officials a bet- rentals she is offering at her home were V i s i t
lecting taxes on future rentals. ter sense of the scope of rental activity in among the options she has considered ci t y o f s an m at eo . o rg / 3 8 1 4 / Tran s i en t -
“I think for the most part, once people San Mateo. since receiving a letter about the change. Occupancy -Tax for more information on
know that they’re subject to the ordinance Acknowledging Airbnb has collected the Though Redwood City adopted an ordi- the city ’s policy.
019 0403 tues:0403 tues ed 193 4/2/18 5:02 PM Page 1
Continued from page 1
attempted to rein in the disorderly
crowd, which amplified their frustra-
tion. The clash came to a head as her
residents to speak with the develop-
ment teams to foster better under-
standing of the projects.
tablets and mobile phones. Meets in
the Small Conference Room on the
first floor. For more information con-
Yuri Liberzon Classical Guitarist.
7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The Woman's
Club of Palo Alto, 475 Homer Ave.,
Palo Alto. For more information call
calls for greater diplomacy were met “It’s our burden that we need to host Sons in Retirement B ranch
David Mamet’s ‘Race.’ 8 p.m.
Luncheon. 11:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.
with expletives hurled by the crowd. another session where we catch up South San Francisco Elk’s Lodge, 920 Dragon Productions Theatre Co.,
a subcommittee comprised of officials “No one should have to put up with ourselves, and the community, before Stonegate Drive, South San 2120 Broadway, Redwood City.
seeking the most suited developer to Francisco. Lunch speaker is D.H. Tickets are $35 for general admis-
that, ” said Councilman Rich we run into closed session and pick a Hines. For more information call sion and $27 for students and sen-
build on land purchased by the city’s Garbarino, attempting to quell the dis- winner, ” said Councilman Mark 878-5746. iors. For more information email
former redevelopment agency. orderly conduct. Addiego.
Blake Griggs designed the largest Mystery Book Club. Noon to 1 p.m.
Emotions tamped down a bit after- During the future deliberations, South San Francisco Main Library, FRIDAY, APRIL 6
development, ranging to as many as ward but the community’s sentiment neighborhood compatibility, park- 840 W. Orange Ave., South San Peninsula Clean Energy: Your New
Francisco. Free. Open to ages 18+. Official Electricity Provider. 7:30
847 units. The rental, affordable, mar- was clear — most in attendance felt ing, traffic and other residential con- For more information call 829-3860. a.m. Crystal Springs Golf Course,
ket and for-sale units would be con- the project was too large and stands to cerns should be addressed more fully, 6650 Golf Course Drive, Burlingame.
structed in three separate buildings, San Mateo Professional Alliance Learn about Peninsula Clean Energy,
compound existing traffic and parking suggested officials. Networking Lunch. Noon to 1 p.m. how it relates to the PG&E bill and
which under one alternative, the issues, among other concerns. Normandy spoke to the delicate bal- Central Park Bistro, 181 E. Fourth the benefits of being part of it. Cost
largest could reach 15 stories. Other Ave., San Mateo. Free admission, $15, includes breakfast. For more
“It must fit in the area, and this does ance officials are attempting to strike lunch ordered off the menu. For information contact
alternatives include 12- and eight- not, ” said resident Cynthia in managing the regional housing more information contact
story towers. Marcopulos. shortage against the perspectives of
Free Pet ‘Fixes.’ 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. The
The AGI/KASA Partners proposal Despite their displeasure with seg- residents. Toastmaster s Public Speak ing Shops at Tanforan, 1150 El Camino
includes 812 units, with 162 afford- ments of the discussion, officials rec- “We all understand that there is a and Leadership Sk ills Real, San Bruno. For more informa-
Development. Noon to 1 p.m. BKF tion call 340-7022.
able units to be built by Bridge ognized the fears and expressed an need for affordable housing and we Engineers, 255 Shoreline Drive, Suite
Housing in a standalone building. The interest in moving more deliberately want to be proactive on that but we 200, Redwood Shores. Join us in a Senior Care and Life Planning
Seminar. 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
largest building proposed would not to ameliorate them. also need to address the traffic conges- friendly and supportive atmosphere
Municipal Services Building, 33
while learning to improve your
exceed eight stories. Plans also “Maybe we shouldn’t just rush into tion concerns as well,” she said. communication and leadership Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco.
include 5,500 square feet of child care skills. For more information call Refreshments will be served. For
this unless, and until, we have your While noting there are plans to seek (202) 390-7555. more information call 349-2200.
space, 7 acres of park land, 13,000 input,” said Garbarino, gesturing to extensive community feedback down
square feet of space reserved for arti- Celebrating Youth Art Reception. April Free First Friday. 10 a.m. to 4
the audience. “Because this coun- the road following the selection of a 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The Art Center of p.m. San Mateo County History
sanal merchants such as coffee roast- cilmember can’t make a reasonable developer, city staffers said they are Redwood City and San Carlos, 1700 Museum, 2200 Broadway, Redwood
ers, breweries and other independent decision without it.” willing to grant more time to include Industrial Road, San Carlos. A recep- City. Free admission with two pro-
tion to celebrate the artists of local grams for the public. At 11 a.m. pre-
businesses. Rather than selecting a preferred residents in the formative stages of schools. For more information call school children will be invited to
During developers’ presentation of candidate and pushing toward entering the process. 339-1278. learn about farming. Then, the
museum staff will conduct a special
their plans, community members an exclusive negotiating development “We are not in a rush on this proj- program with its ‘Nature’s Bounty’
Alternatives to Lawns Work shop.
intermittently interrupted by jeering agreement for the project, officials ect,” said City Manager Mike Futrell. 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. San Mateo exhibit gallery. At 2 p.m., museum
renderings displaying the large towers Public Library 55 W. Third Ave., Oak docents will lead tours of the muse-
opted to take their foot off the gas “The council can take whatever time it Room San Mateo. Learn how to um for adults. For more information
looming over the surrounding neigh- pedal in favor of more discussions. needs, and residents can take whatever plant a beautiful landscape that will call 299-0104.
borhood. Officials suggested community time they need, to get this done.” lower water bills. For more informa-
Table Talk : Takenoko and
tion contact volunteersource@city- Hotshots. Noon to 2 p.m. South San
Francisco Main Library, 840 W.
8=BCAD2C8>=B)5 5X]SPPb\
\P]hff^aSbPPbhh^dRRP]Q Qh[[X]ZX]V Citizen Dialogue with Women Orange Ave., South San Francisco.
1 D ? 7 [TccTabd
S^f]bbXSTc^bXSTPP]SS SXPV^]P[[hf faXcX]Vff^aSb Visiting from Russia. 7 p.m. to 8:30 Free. For more information call 829-
Q[P]ZbbWTTc^ ^U_
H^d\\Ph^^][hd dbTT
TPRW[[TccTaQQ^g p.m. Odd Fellows Lodge, 526 Main 3860.
F > 8 B ^]RTf fXcWX]PPbbX]V[Tf
fXcWPPUUaXT]SPP]SRR^\_PaT St., Half Moon Bay. Four Russian
6 > : 4 f^aSUUX]SbRRa^bbX]V^ ^dcRR^\\^]f f^aSb women will engage with the audi- Intro To Photoshop. 2 p.m. South
San Francisco Main Library, 840 W.
0 6 ; < ence in a dialogue about the two
1>66;4 H>DA1
0 3 B 8
Voting Procedures for June
tion contact
, _
_^X]cb !
0 \PcTda Primary. 7 p.m. to 9:10 p.m. United
, $_
_^X]cb , ,
Caah PV
VPX] Methodist Church, 2000 Woodside
Road, Redwood City. Volunteer
CuriOdyssey First Friday Family
Night. 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CuriOdyssey,
opportunities for outreach and
1^]db 1651 Coyote Point Drive, San Mateo.
information about the Voters
? C
Admission is $9.50 to $12.50. Swing
= 8
Choice Act. Light refreshments. For into the weekend with music, sci-
FT_ _dcb
VaXS more information contact ase-
h^dUUX]SccWT\. ence, food and fun. For more infor- mation call 342-7755.
58E4558E4;4CC4A THURSDAY, APRIL 5 First Friday Art Series — Nany
^U[[TccTab AT&T Retail Hiring Event. 9 a.m. to
4 8 0 =
Tendjouk ian. 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
3 p.m. Courtyard by Marriott, 1050
Burlingame Library, 480 Primrose
Bayhill Drive, San Bruno. Free. For Road, Burlingame. For more infor-
more information call (415) 867- mation contact
The Ar t of Quilting Workshop. 6:30
8 9 ; 7
Learning to Use the iPhone and p.m. to 9 p.m. Masterpiece Gallery,
iPad. 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Little House 1335 El Camino Real, Millbrae. Learn
Activity Center, 800 Middle Ave., the foundation of quilting. Cost $40
Menlo Park. $5-$12. For more infor- including materials. Registration
mation contact required, limited space. For more information or to register call 636-
7PbQa^88]R #" ' 4706.
!! '7
K ids Coding. 4 p.m. South San
1aPX]1dbcTab) Francisco Main Library, 840 W. For more events visit
fffQ^VV[TQaPX]QdbcTabR^\ 2D41
?>2:4C Orange Ave., South San Francisco., click Calendar.
021 0403 tues:0403 tues ed 193 4/2/18 1:14 PM Page 1
SUDOKU Want More Fun
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O Freebies: Fill in single-box cages with the number in
the top-left corner.
022-027 0403 tue:Class Master Even 4/2/18 3:19 PM Page 1
104 training
terMs & CoNDitioNs
The San Mateo Daily Journal Classi-
fieds will not be responsible for more
than one incorrect insertion, and its lia-
bility shall be limited to the price of one
insertion. No allowance will be made for
errors not materially affecting the value
of the ad. All error claims must be sub-
mitted within 30 days. For full advertis-
ing conditions, please ask for a Rate
105 education/instruction
tHroUgHoUt tHe
eNtire PeNiNsULa
Former Crocker Hillsbor-
ough Middle School
head coac, 1996-2003
World’ top middle school,
‘96, ‘01, ‘02
110 employment
Caregiver Jobs
With 1 year experience. We want you!
Call Familiar Surroundings Home Care.
2 years experience
Immediate placement
on all assignments.
DistribUtioN Call
assistaNt (650)777-9000
MaNager West Coast surgical, a well-estab-
lished Medical Device Manufacturer, lo-
For delivery of the San Mateo Daily Journal. cated in Half Moon Bay currently has an
We have 12 routes from Palo Alto to South SF. excellent opportunity for career minded
persons with experience in Assembly, or
Six days per week, Monday thru Saturday. anyone serious about learning the skills
Papers delivered from 3:30am to 8am. required for a career in Medical Device
Assembly. No Medical Device Assembly
experience required, but those with ei-
email inquiries only ther Assembly experienced or Medical
Device Assembly experience are highly encouraged to apply. Please forward
your resume to:
Prospecting is a key element of this position. You will develop new business
and manage the sales cycle from start to finish:
Home CCare
are Jobs located in San Mateo FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
(650) 600-8108 Looking for experienced
The following person is doing business
as: Sarika Design, 1213 Admiralty Lane,
mail: Chef in ESE Vietnam Ben FOSTER CITY, CA 94404. Registered
Tre cooking cuisine. Owner: Sarika Singh, same address.
w The business is conducted by an Individ-
pply online or w
alk-in ual. The registrant commenced to trans-
Applicant must have prior act business under the FBN on N/A.
4600 EEll CCamino
amino Real
Real,, # 211,, Los
Los Altos
Altos chef experience working in /s/Sarika Singh/ 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices
This statement was filed with the Asses-
Ben Tre region of Vietnam & sor-County Clerk on 3/5/18. (Published in FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
must know Ben Tre Cuisine the San Mateo Daily Journal, 3/20/18, STATEMENT #276880
AT&T MOBILITY, LLC is proposing to construct a new tele-
3/27/18, 4/3/18, 4/10/18). The following person is doing business
dishes. as: Brow Famous, 15 43rd Ave., SAN communications tower facility located behind 201 Chesterton
MATEO, CA 94403. Registered Owner:
Please reply with your FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Marie Vasquez, 450 Commercial Ave. Place, San Mateo, CA 94401. The new facility will consist of a
Day or Night
Day Night Shifts,
ts, Immediate
Immediate Placement
Placement availability and primary contact STATEMENT #276948 Apt. 10, South San Francisco, CA 94080. replacement wood pole that will support a top-mounted anten-
information. Salary: Dependent on ex- The following person is doing business The business is conducted by an Individ-
Required: 2 years
years paid experience
experience perience. ual. The registrant commenced to trans- na with an overall height of 45’-5” above ground level. Any in-
as: Great Venture, 1027 Sylvan Drive,
or current
current CNA Certification;
Certification; SAN CARLOS, CA 94070. Registered act business under the FBN on 03-01- terested party wishing to submit comments regarding the po-
Drive Car;
Must Drive Car; Speak
Speak and write
write English
English Email: Owner: Jupo Rony Hsu same address. 2018.
mail The business is conducted by an Individ- /s/Marie Vasquez/ tential effects the proposed facility may have on any historic
Phone: (415) 999-5111 This statement was filed with the Asses-
LA PETITE BALEEN is Hiring Swim (12 noon through 6PM)
ual. The registrant commenced to trans-
act business under the FBN on N/A. sor-County Clerk on 3/2/18. (Published in property may do so by sending comments to: Project
Teachers for our Atherton location! $300 /s/Jupo Rony Hsu/ the San Mateo Daily Journal, 3/27/18, 6118001770-MI c/o EBI Consulting, 6876 Susquehanna Trail
Hiring Bonus! $15-$19/hour DOE. This statement was filed with the Asses- 4/3/18, 4/10/18, 4/17/18).
Over 16 yrs old. sor-County Clerk on 3/8/18. (Published in
South, York, PA 17403 or via telephone at 443-866-1410.
Email the San Mateo Daily Journal, 3/20/18,
SALES - Telemarketing and Inside Sales
Representative needed to sell newspa- 3/27/18, 4/3/18, 4/10/18). FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
MERRY MAIDS per print and web advertising and event STATEMENT #276965
The following person is doing business
SAN MATEO marketing solutions. To apply, please call
650-344-5200 and send resume to
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME as: JP Heavy Equipment Services, 132
Hiring fulltime house cleaners. STATEMENT #277012 South Maple Ave., SOUTH SAN FRAN-
No weekends. Paid holidays.
The following person is doing business CISCO, CA 94080. Registered Owner: SUMMARY OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE
Please call for an interview.
as: CounselMore, 1541 Sunnyslope Ave, Mario Jose Palencia Moscoso, 674 APPROVING DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT
BELMONT, CA 94002. Registered Own- Grand Ave. Apt. #7, South San Francis-
127 Elderly Care er: Margaret Rothe, same address. The co, CA 94080. The business is conduct- FOR THE GATEWAY AT
business is conducted by an Individual. ed by an Individual. The registrant com- MILLBRAE STATION PROJECT
NEWSPAPER INTERNS The registrant commenced to transact menced to transact business under the
JOURNALISM FAMILY RESOURCE business under the FBN on N/A. FBN on N/A.
The Daily Journal is looking for in- GUIDE /s/Margaret Rothe/ /s/Mario J. Palencia Moscoso/
This statement was filed with the Asses-
The City Council of the City of Millbrae, at its meeting on
This statement was filed with the Asses-
terns to do entry level reporting, re- The San Mateo Daily Journal’s sor-County Clerk on 3/14/18. (Published sor-County Clerk on 3/9/18. (Published in Tuesday, April 10, 2018, proposes to adopt an Ordinance en-
search, updates of our ongoing fea- twice-a-week resource guide for the San Mateo Daily Journal, 4/3/18,
tures and interviews. Photo interns al-
in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 3/20/18,
4/10/18, 4/17/18, 4/24/18).
children and families. 3/27/18, 4/3/18, 4/10/18).
so welcome.
Every Tuesday & Weekend
We expect a commitment of four to FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME AN Ordinance Approving a Development Agreement
eight hours a week for at least four Look for it in today’s paper to STATEMENT #277021 STATEMENT #277109 for the Gateway at Millbrae Station Project
months. The internship is unpaid, but find information on family The following person is doing business The following person is doing business
intelligent, aggressive and talented in- resources in the local area, as: 2 Guyz Moving, 1556 Lodi Ave., SAN as: Natural Kitchen Cabinets Direct, 23 to Grant Increases in Development Intensities and
terns have progressed in time into
paid correspondents and full-time re-
including childcare. MATEO, CA 94401. Registered Owner: Mandalay Pl, SOUTH SAN FRANCIS- Other Benefits to the Project in Exchange for
Murat Korkmaz, same address. The CO, CA 94080. Registered Owner: Au-
porters. business is conducted by an Individual. drey Ching Wei Wong, same address. Community Benefits Including the Provision of
College students or recent graduates
The registrant commenced to transact The business is conducted by an Individ-
ual. The registrant commenced to trans-
Affordable Housing and Specific Timeframe
business under the FBN on 03.14.2018.
are encouraged to apply. Newspaper 203 Public Notices /s/Murat Korkmaz/ act business under the FBN on N/A. for Construction of a Hotel
experience is preferred but not neces- This statement was filed with the Asses- /s/Audrey Wong/
sarily required. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME sor-County Clerk on 3/14/18. (Published This statement was filed with the Asses-
STATEMENT #276954 in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 3/20/18, sor-County Clerk on 3/21/18. (Published The Ordinance approves a Development Agreement for the
Please send a cover letter describing in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 4/3/18,
your interest in newspapers, a resume
The following person is doing business 3/27/18, 4/3/18, 4/10/18).
4/10/18, 4/17/18, 4/24/18).
Gateway at Millbrae Station Project, also known as TOD #2,
as: Body Balancing Essentials, 1951
and three recent clips. Before you ap-
O’Farrell St. #115, CA 94403. Registered that is proposed to be constructed on a portion of the BART
ply, you should familiarize yourself FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
with our publication. Our Web site: Owner: Beverly Addy, same address. STATEMENT #277162 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Station property within the Millbrae Station Area Specific Plan The business is conducted by an Individ- The following person is doing business STATEMENT #277179
The following person is doing business
(“MSASP”) Area. The MSASP allows for increases in devel-
ual. The registrant commenced to trans- as: Arboreal, 3229 Los Prados Street,
Send your information via e-mail to act business under the FBN on 3/8/18. SAN MATEO, CA 94403. Registered as: San Mateo Launderland, 620 East opment density for projects, such as Floor Area Ratio (FAR) or by reg-
ular mail to 1900 Alameda de las Pul- /s/Beverly Addy/ Owner: Jeanie Cusing, same address. 3rd Ave., SAN MATEO, CA 94401. Reg-
istered Owner: LMSI Inc., CA. The busi-
and dwelling units per acre, if those projects provide commun-
The business is conducted by an Individ-
gas #112, San Mateo CA 94403 This statement was filed with the Asses- ual. The registrant commenced to trans- ness is conducted by a Corporation. The ity benefits, all in compliance with Chapter 10 of the MSASP.
sor-County Clerk on 3/8/18. (Published in act business under the FBN on N/A. registrant commenced to transact busi-
The community benefits for this project include the provision
the San Mateo Daily Journal, 3/13/18, /s/Jeanie Cusing/ ness under the FBN on 9/1/2017.
3/20/18, 3/27/18, 4/3/18). This statement was filed with the Asses- /s/Tian Jen Si/ of affordable housing, a donation towards the reconstruction
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 3/23/18. (Published
in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 3/27/18, sor-County Clerk on 3/26/18. (Published of the City's Community Center, the provision of public open
INTERNSHIPS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 4/3/18, 4/10/18, 4/17/18). in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 4/3/18, space, and certain timing commitments regarding the con-
The San Mateo Daily Journal is looking 4/10/18, 4/17/18, 4/24/18).
for ambitious interns who are eager to STATEMENT #276895 struction of certain project components, including a hotel. In
jump into the business arena with both The following person is doing business FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME exchange, the developer will receive permission to vary from
as: West Coast Glazing Installation, 814 STATEMENT #277167 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
feet and hands. Learn the ins and outs
of the newspaper and media industries. Warrington Avenue, REDWOOD CITY, The following person is doing business STATEMENT #276980 certain development standards, an extension of the time peri-
The following person is doing business
This position will provide valuable CA 94063. Registered Owner: West as: Neat Method, 110 Yuba Court, SAN
as: LK7 Beauty, 2115 Broadway St. #25, od in which certain approvals are valid, a protection from fu-
experience for your bright future. BRUNO, CA 94066. Registered Owner:
Email resume
Coast Architectural Millwork, CA The Hiroko Cruz LLC, CA. The business is REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063. Registered
Owner: Lana Kort, 1 Wessix Ct., Daly
ture changes in development standards and fees, and a finan-
business is conducted by a Corporation.
The registrant commenced to transact
conducted by a Limited Liability Compa-
ny. The registrant commenced to trans-
City, CA 94015. The business is con- cial contribution towards the affordable housing component of
business under the FBN on 2-7-18. act business under the FBN on
ducted by an Individual. The registrant
commenced to transact business under
the project. The implementation tool for these arrangements
TRIBUZI FOR HAIR /s/Gevork Topalian/ 3/23/2018.
/s/Hiroko Cruz/
the FBN on N/A. is a Development Agreement, which requires City Council ap-
This statement was filed with the Asses- /s/Lana Kort/ proval by means of this Ordinance.
sor-County Clerk on 3/5/18. (Published in This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses-
has a station for rent join our busy friend- sor-County Clerk on 3/23/18. (Published
ly energetic salon located the San Mateo Daily Journal, 3/13/18, sor-County Clerk on 3/12/18. (Published
in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 3/27/18, in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 4/3/18,
25 W. 25th Ave #5 in San Mateo. 3/20/18, 3/27/18, 4/3/18). 4/3/18, 4/10/18, 4/17/18). 4/10/18, 4/17/18, 4/24/18). Copies of the proposed ordinance are on file and can be
Stop by or call Paige (650)679-4736.
made available for inspection at the Office of the Millbrae City
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Clerk at 621 Magnolia Avenue, Millbrae, California.
The following person is doing business The following person is doing business
GOT JOBS? This Ordinance was introduced for a first reading on March
as: Bay Area Therapy Services, 1425 as: Gold Wood Design, 405 Piccadily
Broadway Ave, Ste 4, BURLINGAME, Place Unit 21, SAN BRUNO, CA 94066.
CA 94010. Registered Owner: Nina Registered Owner: Khumid Guchigov,
13, 2018, with all five members of the Council present. Coun-
Bratcher, 572 Moona Way, Pacifica, CA same address. The business is conduct- cilmembers Holober, Oliva and Schneider voted in favor, and
94044. The business is conducted by an ed by an Individual. The registrant com-
Individual. The registrant commenced to menced to transact business under the Mayor Papan and Councilmember Lee voted against the in-
transact business under the FBN on N/A. FBN on 3.30.2018. troduction of this Ordinance. The Ordinance will be presented
The best career seekers /s/Nina Bratcher/
This statement was filed with the Asses-
/s/Khumid Guchigov/
This statement was filed with the Asses- to the City Council for a second reading and enactment at the
read the Daily Journal. sor-County Clerk on 3/16/18. (Published
in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 3/27/18,
sor-County Clerk on 3/30/18. (Published
in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 4/3/18,
April 10, 2018 City Council meeting.
4/3/18, 4/10/18, 4/17/18). 4/10/18, 4/17/18, 4/24/18).
We will help you recruit qualified, talented The foregoing Summary was prepared by the City Attorney
individuals to join your company or organization. who is the official designated by the City Council to prepare
the Summary provided for in Government Code Section
The Daily Journal’s readership covers a wide
range of qualifications for all types of positions. LEGAL NOTICES 36933(c)(1).
Dated: 4/3/18
For the best value and the best results, Fictitious Business Name Statements, Elena Suazo
recruit from the Daily Journal... Trustee Sale Notice, Name Change, Probate, City Clerk
Notice of Adoption, Divorce Summons, 4/3/18
Contact us for a free consultation Notice of Public Sales and More. CNS-3116661#
Call (650) 344-5200 or Published in the Daily Journal for San Mateo County.
Email: Fax your request to: 650-344-5290
Email them to:
022-027 0403 tue:Class Master Even 4/2/18 3:19 PM Page 3
203 public notices 203 public notices 203 public notices 203 public notices 298 Collectibles 304 furniture
fiCtitiouS buSineSS name order to ShoW CauSe for demandante que no tiene abogado, es): (Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour- muSiCaL doLL in a Box! "Soft Impres- entertainment Center for $50.
ChanGe of name Brian N. Winn(SBN 86779) nal: 3/27/18, 4/3/18, 4/10/18, 4/17/18) sions" Porcelain/Bisque.Mint. Good shape, blonde, about 5' high.
Statement #277266 CASE# 18CIV01424 Laura M. Hoalst (SBN 101082) Cond. $8. (650)888-9314 (650)726-4102
The following person is doing business SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, John E. Gordon (SBN 180053)
as: Bullzeye Installation, 989 Shasta COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, Stephen S. Zeller(SBN 265664) SCarLett o'hara Doll. by "Gambina" free Wooden Bed frame, good condi-
Street, REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063. 400 COUNTY CENTER RD, Jason M. Burrows (SBN 309882) Mint condition. 12" ht.. $12. (650)888- tion pictures available (650)322-9598
Registered Owner: 1)Jeffrey Swenson, REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 Amit Taneja (SBN 304559) 9314 email
101 Inner Circle, Redwood City, CA PETITION OF Winn Law Group
94062 2)James Patrick Moore, 32 Lem- Javier Olivan Lopez A Professional Corporation Star WarS Action figure: Qui-Gon GLider rocker and ottoman, oak, excel-
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The Chapman Building Jinn (Jedi Knight), mint-in package. $10 lent condition. $100 (650)345-5644.
on Blossom Ct., San Jose, CA 95123. Petitioner: Javier Olivan Lopez filed a pe- 110 E. Willshire Ave. Ste. 212 Steve (650)518-6614.
The business is conducted by a General tition with this court for a decree chang- FULLERTON, CA 92832 ikea dreSSer, black, 3 shelf. 23" x
Partnership. The registrant commenced ing name as follows: (714)446-6686 15"deep x 50" high. $65. (650)598-9804.
to transact business under the FBN on Present Name: Javier Olivan Lopez FILED: 12/15/2016 299 Computers
03/06/2000. Proposed Name: Javier Olivan DATE (Fecha): 12/15/2016 210 Lost & found ikea tabLe, black 58" x 21" x 14" high.
$ 30. (650)598-9804.
19" CoLor Monitor with stand VG con-
/s/Jeffrey Swenson/ Clerk (Secretario) by, Rodina M. Catala-
dition power cord/owners manual includ-
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons no LoSt Cat. Black and White. Black
This statement was filed with the Asses- interested in this matter shall appear be- ed $60.00 OBO 1-415-279-4857 LivinG room Table, good condition.
Deputy (Adjunto) Nima Mokhtarani patch on right eye. REWARD.
sor-County Clerk on 4/2/18. (Published in fore this court at the hearing indicated Call (323) 439-7713.
$30. (415)231-4825
the San Mateo Daily Journal, 4/3/18, NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED:
below to show cause, if any, why the pe- You are served reCordabLe Cd-r 74, Sealed, Unop- Love Chair, velour, tan. $45.
4/10/18, 4/17/18, 4/24/18). tition for change of name should not be ened, original packaging, Samsung, 12X,
granted. Any person objecting to the
- as an individual defendant books (650) 578 9208
name changes described above must file neW deLuxe Twin Folding Bed, Lin-
a written objection that includes the rea- JameS patterSon hardback books.
order to ShoW CauSe for (Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour- 2 @ $3.00 each. (650)341-1861 300 toys ens, cover, Cost $618. Sale $250. Must
sons for the objection at least two court nal: 3/20/18, 3/27/18, 4/3/18, 4/10/18) Sell! (650) 875-8159.
ChanGe of name days before the matter is scheduled to
CASE# 18CIV00996 be heard and must appear at the hearing niChoLaS SparkS hardback books. 100 thinGS for little children to do on a
2 @ $3.00 each. Call (650)341-1861 neW tWin Mattress set plus frame
SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, to show cause why the petition should trip. 4"X6" cards with instructions. Used. $30.00 (650) 347-2356
COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, not be granted. If no written objection is FREE (650)595-3933
quaLity bookS used and rare. World
400 COUNTY CENTER RD, timely filed, the court may grant the peti- & US History and classic American nov- niaGara vibratinG Adjustable bed
tion without a hearing. A hearing on the ameriCan fLyer locomotive runs good condition Burlingame $90 Call Dan
REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 petition shall be held on 05/9/18 at 9
els. $5 each obo (650)345-5502 good #21085 $75.00 (650) 867-7433 (408)656-0958
PETITION OF a.m., Dept. PJ at 400 County Center,
German Alberto Aguilera the haLo Forerunner saga. 3 books. LarGe Stuffed ANIMALS - $3 each
Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this Like new. Great gift! $25. (650) 204-0587 offiCe SWiveL Chair, good condition.
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Order to Show Cause shall be published Great for Kids (650) 952-3500 $25. (415)231-4825
Petitioner: German Alberto Aguilera filed at least once each week for four succes- v.LoGvinov, unuSuaL Journey to the roLLerbLadeS, Good condition.
a petition with this court for a decree sive weeks prior to the date set for hear- SummonS (CitaCion JudiCiaL) Country of Cyclic Arithmetic, 2017, Rus- offiCe type 34"X 60" heavy solid
ing on the petition in the following news- CASE NUMBER (Número del Caso): Size 10 $25 OBO. Please call (650)745- wood with formica wood grain top $25
changing name as follows: CLJ519995
sian, 104p $25 (650)638-1695 6309 (650) 787-9753
Present Names: paper of general circulation:
1)German Alberto Aguilera Filed: 3/27/2018 CHAVEZ, an individual; and Does 1-100, 294 baby Stuff Star WarS Celebration 3 Darth Vader
$20 new w/case Dan (650)303-3568
ornate LarGe bookCaSe: Two
2)Herman Albert Aguilera /s/Susan Irene Etezadi/ inclusive Pieces 5Ft across by 7ft tall Paid $2500
Proposed Names: Judge of the Superior Court fiSher-priCe heaLthy Care booster asking $500 CALL(650)345-9199.
1)Herman Alberto Aguilera Dated: 3/23/2018 YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: seat - $5 (650)592-5864. 302 antiques
(Published 4/3/18, 4/10/18, 4/17/18, Persolve, LLC, a limited liability compa- ornate mahoGany headboard with
2)Herman Alberto Aguilera gold trim $60. (650)589-0764
4/24/18) ny, dba, Account Resolution Associates 295 art mahoGany antique Secretary desk,
72” x 40” , 3 drawers, Display case, bev-
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons NOTICE! You have been sued. The court elled glass, $150. (650)766-3024. retro hutCh Needs refinishing other-
interested in this matter shall appear be- bruShed finiSh, 15" X 20" frame wise good condition. Top detaches from
may decide against you without your be- holds 18 various size photos. Never
fore this court at the hearing indicated ing heard unless you respond within 30 bottom $25. (650)712-9962
below to show cause, if any, why the pe- days. Read the information below.
used. $20. 650-369-2486. 303 electronics
SummonS (CitaCion JudiCiaL) SeWinG StoraGe cabinet, Custom
tition for change of name should not be CaSe number (número del Caso): You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after
granted. Any person objecting to the 16CLJ02868 this summons and legal papers are 296 appliances antareS doLLarS Bill Changer ma- made wood perfect condition $75.
chines never used for small bus. $95 (650)483-1222
name changes described above must file NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: served on you to file a written response (650)992-4544.
at this court and have a copy served on air Conditioner 10000 BTU w/re-
a written objection that includes the rea- ITZEL OLLERBRUNO mote. Slider model fits all windows. LG Sofabed, veLour, tan, Excellent
DOES 1 TO 10, Inclusive, the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not condition. $75. (808)631-1365.
sons for the objection at least two court protect you. Your written response must brand $199 runs like new. (650)235- atm maChine for Sale, Call (408)609-
days before the matter is scheduled to be in proper legal form if you want the 0898 0459 for more details.
YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: SoLid Wood Dining table with exten-
be heard and must appear at the hearing WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. court to hear your case. There may be a bLaupunkt am/fm/Cd Radio and Re- sion great piece great condition black
to show cause why the petition should court form that you can use for your re- air Conditioner, Portable, 14,000 $80 (650)364-5263
BTU, Commercial Cool model ceiver with Detachable Face asking
not be granted. If no written objection is NOTICE! You have been sued. The court sponse. You can find these court forms $100. (650)593-4490
and more information at the California CPN14XC9, almost like new! All acces- SoLid Wood Entertainment Center-
timely filed, the court may grant the peti- may decide against you without your be-
sories plus remote included.
tion without a hearing. A hearing on the ing heard unless you respond within 30 Courts Online Self-Help Center kindLe fire 8 in. Case and Charger TurnTable, Am-Fm, Eight Track, Built In
days. Read the information below. (, your 20” x 16-5/8” x 33-1/2” $245 OBO. Speakers, Sony 26’ Smart T.V.(68.75 in.
petition shall be held on 04/18/18 at 9 (650)345-1835 incl. 64 gig $40 Jeff (650)208-5758
You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after county law library, or the courthouse X 25.5inch X28inch) $500 o.b.o
a.m., Dept. PJ at 400 County Center, this summons and legal papers are nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing motoroLa bravo MB 520 (android (925)482-5742
Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this served on you to file a written response fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver Coffee maker $15.00 white, Kitchen 4.1 upgrade) smart phone 35$ 8GB SD
Order to Show Cause shall be published at this court and have a copy served on form. If you do not file your response on Gourmet, makes up to 12 cups (650)533- card Belmont (650)595-8855 tabLe 24"x48" folding legs each end.
at least once each week for four succes- the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not time, you may lose the case by default, 0907 Melamine top, 500# capacity. Cost
sive weeks prior to the date set for hear- protect you. Your written response must and your wages, money, and property onkyo av Receiver HT-R570 .Digital $130. Sell $50. 650-591-4141
be in proper legal form if you want the may be taken without further warning CoLeman Lxe Roadtrip Grill - Surround, HDMI, Dolby, Sirius Ready,
ing on the petition in the following news- Red Brand New! (still in box) $100 three inCh egg crate foam twin bed
court to hear your case. There may be a from the court. Cinema Filter.$95/ Offer (650)591-2393
paper of general circulation: There are other legal requirements. You (650)918-9847 mattress for sound sleep, perfect condi-
San Mateo Daily Journal court form that you can use for your re-
sponse. You can find these court forms may want to call an attorney right away. SamSunG fLat TV 20" tion, $20, 650-595-3933
Filed: 3/7/2018 and more information at the California If you do not know an attorney, you may eLeCtriC Stove From Sears VCR ,set up $70. (650)992-4544
/s/Jonathan E. Karesh/ want to call an attorney referral service. If Excellent Condition $225 tWin bed frame-black wrought iron
Courts Online Self-Help Center Please Call (650)244-9267 from Crate & Barrel $65 (650)631-1341
Judge of the Superior Court (, your you cannot afford an attorney, you may 304 furniture
Dated: 3/5/2018 county law library, or the courthouse be eligible for free legal services from a
nonprofit legal services program. You Good miCroWave 1100 watt $40 Da- tWin bed, mattress, box spring, frame
(Published 3/13/18, 3/20/18, 3/27/18, nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing ly City (415) 231-4825. 2 WaLnut 3-drawer nitestands. Tops $ 50. (650)598-9804.
4/3/18) fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver can locate these nonprofit groups at the need work but very good cond. $20/ea
form. If you do not file your response on California Legal Services Web site hotpoint heavy Duty Dryer excellent (650)952-3466. uSed bedroom Furniture, FREE. Call
time, you may lose the case by default, (, the Califor- working condition Burlingame $50 Call (650)573-7381.
and your wages, money, and property nia Courts Online Self-Help Center Dan (408)656-0958 antique dininG table for six people
may be taken without further warning (, or by with chairs $99. (650)580-6324 WaLL unit/room Divider. Simple
from the court. contacting your local court or county bar maytaG WaSher excellent working lines. Breaks down for transportation.
order to ShoW CauSe for There are other legal requirements. You association. NOTE: The court has a stat- condition Burlingame $50 Call Dan antique mohaGany Bookcase. Four $25.(650)712-9962 leave message
may want to call an attorney right away. utory lien for waived fees and costs on (408)656-0958 feet tall. $75. (415) 282-0966.
ChanGe of name any settlement or arbitration award of WaLnut CheSt, small (4 drawer with
CASE# 18CIV01250 If you do not know an attorney, you may
want to call an attorney referral service. If $10,000 or more in a civil case. The mfG h20LabS Model 300 exc cond armChair Good condition $55. upper bookcase $50. (650)726-6429
SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, you cannot afford an attorney, you may court's lien must be paid before the court counter top $25 Burl (650)248-3839. (650)266-3184
COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, be eligible for free legal services from a will dismiss the case. ¡AVISO! Lo han Wardrobe CLoSet with beveled
400 COUNTY CENTER RD, demandado. Si no responde dentro de room heater Electric 1320 Watts, Ar- beiGe Sofa $99. Excellent Condition door mirror $100 or B/Offer. (650)589-
nonprofit legal services program. You 0764
REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 30 días, la corte puede decidir en su vin Air Fan Forced Automatic $5. (650) 315-2319
can locate these nonprofit groups at the
PETITION OF California Legal Services Web site contra sin escuchar su versión. Lea la in- (650)952-3500
bunk bedS for sale. Cherry Wood, 2 Wood - wall Unit - 30" long x 6' tall x
Qing Gang Shen, Quin Shen (, the Califor- formación a continuación. years old. Includes Mattresses. $600 or
Tiene 30 DÍAS DE CALENDARIO de- SeWinG maChine-royaL XL 6000 17.5" deep. $90. (650)631-9311
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: nia Courts Online Self-Help Center B/O (650)685-2494
(, or by spués de que le entreguen esta citación Dressmaker Sewing Machine. $150.
Petitioner: Qing Gang Shen, Qin Shen contacting your local court or county bar y papeles legales para presentar una re- (650)342-8436. 306 housewares
filed a petition with this court for a decree Carpet runner: 16ft.X26 Wide. Col-
association. NOTE: The court has a stat- spuesta por escrito en esta corte y hacer or: floral design. good condition
changing name as follows: utory lien for waived fees and costs on que se entregue una copia al deman- ShoWtime rotiSSerie used once CompLete Set OF CHINA - Windsor
$90. Call (650)347-1458 no ans/eave $45.00. (650)266-3184
Present Names: any settlement or arbitration award of dante. Una carta o una llamada telefóni- Garden, Noritake. Four place-settings,
ca no lo protegen. Su respuesta por es- message. 20-pieces in original box, never used.
1) Qing Gang Shen $10,000 or more in a civil case. The Commode, Good condition. $20 obo.
2) Qin Shen court's lien must be paid before the court crito tiene que estar en formato legal cor- Please call (650)745-6309 $250 per box (3 boxes available).
recto si desea que procesen su caso en SinGer SeWinG Machine. Good condi- (650)342-5630
Proposed Names: will dismiss the case. ¡AVISO! Lo han tion. $45 obo. San Mateo. Please call
demandado. Si no responde dentro de la corte. Es posible que haya un formu- Computer deSk (glass) & chair. Like
1) Tommy Shen lario que usted pueda usar para su re- (650)745-6309 after 5:00 pm. new $75 OBO (650)704-4709 or CryStaL (Leaded glass) lamp $30.
30 días, la corte puede decidir en su
2) Quin Shen contra sin escuchar su versión. Lea la in- spuesta. Puede encontrar estos formu- Can send picture. (650)464-7860
larios de la corte y más información en el Smith Corona typewriter and table
formación a continuación. M120 $25 (650)888-9314
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons Tiene 30 DÍAS DE CALENDARIO de- Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de Cali- Computer deSk For sale $99 GriLLinG Wok stir fry. high quality
interested in this matter shall appear be- spués de que le entreguen esta citación fornia (, en la biblio- tabLe top Elec.Skillet Oster #4859 (650)520-4650 steel. Brand new $27 contact 650 592-
fore this court at the hearing indicated y papeles legales para presentar una re- teca de leyes de su condado o en la w/cover 11 7/8"sq.cook area $10.00 2648
spuesta por escrito en esta corte y hacer corte que le quede más cerca. Si no Computer SWiveL CHAIR. Padded
below to show cause, if any, why the pe- (650)344-4756 Leather. $80. (650) 455-3409
que se entregue una copia al deman- puede pagar la cuota de presentación, JuLiSka hand-Crafted 6 7/16"
tition for change of name should not be pida al secretario de la corte que le dé plates. 2 bxs, of 4 ea. NEW $15.00
granted. Any person objecting to the dante. Una carta o una llamada telefóni- unitap Standard centerset bath- deSk, Gd. cond. $99.99 or b.o.
ca no lo protegen. Su respuesta por es- un formulario de exención de pago de room chrome faucet, complete, $10, (650)344-4756
name changes described above must file (650)458-3578
crito tiene que estar en formato legal cor- cuotas. Si no presenta su respuesta a (650)595-3933
a written objection that includes the rea- recto si desea que procesen su caso en tiempo, puede perder el caso por incum- kitChen Craft Cutter with five differ-
sons for the objection at least two court la corte. Es posible que haya un formu- plimiento y la corte le podrá quitar su su- vaCuum CLeaner (reconditioned) ent cones, brand new, 5 different knives.
dinette tabLe, 3 adjustable leaf.$30. $35 contact 650-592-2648
days before the matter is scheduled to lario que usted pueda usar para su re- eldo, dinero y bienes sin más adverten- $20 Call Ed (415)298-0645 (650) 756-9516.Daly City.
be heard and must appear at the hearing spuesta. Puede encontrar estos formu- cia.
to show cause why the petition should larios de la corte y más información en el Hay otros requisitos legales. Es reco- WeStern WaShboard Sales made
of brass and wood, Golden Beam #25-C.
dininG room SET - Cherry Wood 308 tools
Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de Cali- mendable que llame a un abogado inme- (Looks Like Mahogany), two extra
not be granted. If no written objection is diatamente. Si no conoce a un abogado, $75. phone 650-369-2486. leaves, Seats up to 10. $1200 or best of-
fornia (, en la biblio- antique iron Hand Drills. 3 available
timely filed, the court may grant the peti- teca de leyes de su condado o en la puede llamar a un servicio de remisión a fer. (650)591-6331. Call afternoons or
tion without a hearing. A hearing on the corte que le quede más cerca. Si no abogados. Si no puede pagar a un abo- WhirLpooL WaSher DRYER, GE evenings at $30 each. (650)339-3672 Ron
petition shall be held on 04/27/18 at 9 puede pagar la cuota de presentación, gado, es posible que cumpla con los Refrigerator all working and in good con-
a.m., Dept. PJ at 400 County Center, pida al secretario de la corte que le dé requisitos para obtener servicios legales dition all for $99.00 (650)315-3240. dininG tabLe (36"x54") and 4 match- CraftSman 9" Radial Arm Saw with 6"
Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this un formulario de exención de pago de gratuitos de un programa de servicios le- ing chairs, sturdy oak, cost $600, sell for dado set. No stand. $55 (650)341-6402
cuotas. Si no presenta su respuesta a gales sin fines de lucro. Puede encontrar WhirLpooL-dryer GaS Coin Oper- $250 .(650)-654-1930.
Order to Show Cause shall be published ated Laundry $99.00 (650)948-4895 or
tiempo, puede perder el caso por incum- estos grupos sin fines de lucro en el sitio ShopSmith mark V 50th Anniversary
at least once each week for four succes- web de California Legal Services, (650)302-2456 dreSSer 4-draWer in Belmont for
sive weeks prior to the date set for hear- plimiento y la corte le podrá quitar su su- most attachments. $1,500/OBO.
eldo, dinero y bienes sin más adverten- (, en el Centro $75. Good condition; good for children.
ing on the petition in the following news- (650)504-0585
paper of general circulation:
cia. de Ayuda de las Cortes de California, 297 bicycles Call (650)678-8585
Hay otros requisitos legales. Es reco- ( o poniéndose en
San Mateo Daily Journal mendable que llame a un abogado inme- contacto con la corte o el colegio de abo- aduLt bikeS 1 regular and 2 with bal-
Filed: 3/15/2018 diatamente. Si no conoce a un abogado, gados locales. AVISO: Por ley, la corte loon tires $30 Each (650) 347-2356
/s/Susan Irene Etezadi/ puede llamar a un servicio de remisión a tiene derecho a reclamar las cuotas y los
Judge of the Superior Court abogados. Si no puede pagar a un abo- costos exentos por imponer un grava- bmx monGooSe Outer Limit Bike,
gado, es posible que cumpla con los men sobre cualquier recuperación de looks almost new, $29 (650)595-3933
Dated: 3/14/2018 $10,000 ó más de valor recibida me-
requisitos para obtener servicios legales
(Published 3/20/18, 3/27/18, 4/3/18, gratuitos de un programa de servicios le- diante un acuerdo o una concesión de ChiLd’S SChWinn biCyCLe, bLue in
4/10/18) gales sin fines de lucro. Puede encontrar arbitraje en un caso de derecho civil. good condition. $20. (650) 355-5189.
estos grupos sin fines de lucro en el sitio Tiene que pagar el gravamen de la corte
web de California Legal Services, antes de que la corte pueda desechar el neW 12" girls bike w/ training wheels
(, en el Centro caso. $75.00 (650) 347-1458 no ans/leave
de Ayuda de las Cortes de California, The name and address of the court is (El mes
( o poniéndose en nombre y dirección de la corte es): MAIN
Statement of abandonment of contacto con la corte o el colegio de abo- COURTHOUSE - HALL OF JUSTICE, 298 Collectibles
the uSe of a fiCtitiouS buSineSS gados locales. AVISO: Por ley, la corte 400 County Center, Redwood City, CA
name Statement 274210 tiene derecho a reclamar las cuotas y los 94063-1665. The name, address, and 2 adorabLe 1950's girl dolls ."Ginny"
Names of the person abandoning the costos exentos por imponer un grava- telephone number of plaintiff's attorney, doll Knock-offs. Stands & clothes. $20.
use of the Fictitious Business Name: La- men sobre cualquier recuperación de or plaintiff without an attorney, is (El (650)888-9314
$10,000 ó más de valor recibida me- nombre, la dirección y el número de telé-
na Kort. Name of Business: Moonlight fono del abogado del demandante, o del
Salon. Date of original filing: 07/03/17. diante un acuerdo o una concesión de 80’S topS Complete Factory Set All
arbitraje en un caso de derecho civil. demandante que no tiene abogado, es):
Address of Principal Place of Business: Tiene que pagar el gravamen de la corte Edit Alexandryan/SBN 249323 Years $99 Call Rick (415) 999-4474.
4060 S El Camino Real, SAN MATEO, antes de que la corte pueda desechar el Persolve, LLC, a limited liability compa-
CA 94403. Registrant: Lana Kort, 1 ny, dba, Account Resolution Associates a-team fiGurineS Plus Jeep $20
caso. (650)591-9769 San Carlos
Wessix Ct., Daly City, CA 94015. The The name and address of the court is (El 9301 Winnetka Avenue Ste B
business was conducted by an Individu- nombre y dirección de la corte es): SU- CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 CoLLeCtabLe memorabiLLia from
al. PERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, SAN (818)534-3100 the Bay Meadow. 9 items at $10 each.
/s/Lana Kort/ DATE (Fecha): 2/20/2013 650-346-9262 for inquiries.
This statement was filed with the Asses- SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA,
400 COUNTY CENTER, REDWOOD Clerk (Secretario) by, John C. Fitton
sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo Deputy (Adjunto) R. Krill Lennox red Rose, Unused, hand
CITY, CA 94063. The name, address, painted, porcelain, authenticity papers,
County on 3/12/18. and telephone number of plaintiff's attor- NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED:
(Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour- You are served. $12.00. (650) 578 9208.
ney, or plaintiff without an attorney, is (El
nal, 4/3/18, 4/10/18, 4/17/18, 4/24/18). nombre, la dirección y el número de telé- Seal.
miLLer Lite Neon sign , work good
fono del abogado del demandante, o del $59 call (650)218-6528
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