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Title: Project Close Out Report Author: EVLA Project

Date: May 8, 2013

For: EVLA Construction Management

NRAO Doc. #: OPM00017 Version: 1.0

Project Close Out Report

For: EVLA Construction

Date: May 8, 2013


Chris Langley, Rick Perley, Gene Cole and others NRAO NM Ops May 8, 2013



Title: Project Close Out Report Author: EVLA Project
Date: May 8, 2013
For: EVLA Construction Management

NRAO Doc. #: OPM00017 Version: 1.0

Change Record



Table of Contents

1  PROJECT CLOSE OUT REPORT PURPOSE ............................................................................ 1 
2  PROJECT CLOSE OUT REPORT GOALS ................................................................................ 1 
3  PROJECT CLOSE OUT REPORT SUMMARY.......................................................................... 1 
3.1  Project Background Overview ............................................................................................... 1 
3.2  Project Highlights and Best Practices ..................................................................................... 1 
3.3  Project Close Out Synopsis .................................................................................................... 3 
4  PROJECT METRICS PERFORMANCE ................................................................................... 3 
4.1  Goals and Objectives ............................................................................................................. 3 
4.2  Success Criteria Performance ................................................................................................ 5 
4.3  Milestone and Deliverables Performance ............................................................................ 19 
4.4  Schedule Performance ........................................................................................................ 20 
4.5  Budget Performance ........................................................................................................... 22 
4.6  Metrics Performance Recommendations ............................................................................ 22 
5  PROJECT CLOSE OUT TASKS ............................................................................................ 23 
5.1  Resource Management ....................................................................................................... 23 
5.2  Issue Management ............................................................................................................. 24 
5.3  Risk Management ............................................................................................................... 25 
5.4  Quality Management .......................................................................................................... 25 
5.5  Communication Management ............................................................................................. 27 
5.6  Customer Expectation Management ................................................................................... 28 
5.7  Asset Management ............................................................................................................. 28 
5.8  Lessons Learned .................................................................................................................. 29 
5.9  Post‐project Tasks ............................................................................................................... 31 
5.10  Project Close Out Recommendations .................................................................................. 31 
6  APPENDICES ................................................................................................................... 32 
6.1  Schedule ............................................................................................................................. 33 
6.2  Budget and WBS ................................................................................................................. 39 
6.3  Risk Register ....................................................................................................................... 47 
6.4  Remaining EVLA Project Funds Management Plan ............................................................... 49 
6.5  Lessons Learned .................................................................................................................. 52 


Figure 1:  Pointing Results .................................................................................................................... 5 
Figure 2:  Antenna Slew Settling Time .................................................................................................. 7 
Figure 3:  Polarization Results .............................................................................................................. 9 
Figure 4:  Gain Amplification Vs. Time ................................................................................................ 11 
Figure 5:  Antenna Phase Stability (L) and Difference (R) for C‐Band ................................................... 13 
Figure 6:  Bandpass Stability ............................................................................................................... 14 
Figure 7:  Power Slope < 1 dB/GHz ..................................................................................................... 15 
Figure 8:  Maximum Spectral Power Fluctuations < 3 dB .................................................................... 16 
Figure 9:  Residual Delay Errors < 0.1 ns ............................................................................................. 16 
Figure 10:  Typical ESD safe work station ............................................................................................ 26 


Table 1:  Key Performance goals........................................................................................................... 4 
Table 2:  On‐Axis Efficiency Specifications and Results ......................................................................... 8 
Table 3: System Temperature Requirements and Results ................................................................... 10 
Table 4:  Sensitivity Requirements and Results ................................................................................... 10 

This Project Close Out Report is the final document produced by the Expanded Very Large Array
(EVLA) construction project and is to be used by senior management to assess the success of the
project, identify best practices for future projects, resolve any open issues, and formally close the


This Project Close Out Report is created to accomplish the following goals:

 Review and validate the milestones and success of the project.

 Confirm outstanding issues, risks, and recommendations.
 Outline tasks and activities required to close the project.
 Identify project highlights and best practices for future projects.


3.1 Project Background Overview
The goal of the Expanded Very Large Array (EVLA) Project is to improve most of the key observational
capabilities of the Very Large Array (VLA) by at least an order of magnitude. Originally, the Project was
divided into two Phases. The objective of Phase I was to improve the sensitivity, bandwidth, spectral
resolution and frequency coverage of the existing 27 element array by the application of modern
technologies. Funding was provided for Phase I. The objective of Phase II was to increase the angular
resolution of the existing VLA by adding additional array elements around New Mexico. Phase II also
included the addition of a condensed array configuration smaller than the existing D configuration and
considered, but did not include, the addition of low frequency observing bands to the existing antennas.
A proposal for Phase II was submitted to the National Science Foundation (NSF) in April 2004.The
proposal was reviewed at the NSF in June 2005. In December 2005, the National Radio Astronomy
Observatory (NRAO) was notified that the NSF was not able to support the proposal. This Project
Close Out Report describes only the Phase I project.

The principal description of the science requirements, the technical specifications, the design selected to
achieve the specifications, the schedule on which tasks were to be accomplished, and the task
responsibilities are described in the EVLA Project Book along with the interface requirement
specifications where one task interacts with another, either in the design or integration.

3.2 Project Highlights and Best Practices

Project Highlights:

 Leveraged existing VLA antennas and infrastructure to create state of the art array

The astronomical community received a bargain in the $98M VLA expansion project. This price tag
includes $59M in new NSF funds, $20M in contributed effort from NRAO, $17M from the Canadian
partner DRAO (WIDAR correlator), and another $2M from Mexico. Building on the existing VLA

NRAO | Project Close Out Report     1 

site and antenna infrastructure, and using many existing and experienced staff, the EVLA has come in
at a fraction of the cost required for a new facility of similar capability.

 VLA technical capabilities increased by at least an order of magnitude in every key observational
area, with the exception of angular resolution

The VLA’s historical contributions to the astronomical community are well respected.
Notwithstanding this, the instrument had begun to show its age and new technological
developments employed by other observatories threatened to make the VLA less relevant heading
into the 21st century. The upgrade has enabled the VLA to maintain its leading role in the field of
centimeter astronomy.

Best Practices:

 International collaboration between Canada, Mexico, and the United States

The EVLA construction project was administered by the NRAO under the purview of the NSF and
Associated Universities, Incorporated (AUI). Collaborating with NRAO included the Dominion
Radio Astrophysical Observatory (DRAO) National Research Council of Canada Herzberg Institute
of Astrophysics (NRC-HIA) and the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). The
economic relief realized by sharing the burden between Canada, Mexico, and the United States
brings its obvious advantage. In all likelihood, future projects of this magnitude and greater will
require international participation in order to become a reality. Also of great advantage is the
intellectual exchange which comes with collaborative efforts across borders.

 Regular internal and external reviews

Project development was greatly assisted by the practice of routine peer design reviews along with
preliminary and critical design reviews for the major subsystems. Additionally, external advisory
panels were regularly convened to assess progress. The first of these external boards was the EVLA
Advisory Panel (EAP). As concerns shifted away from engineering and more towards science, the
NRAO Director formed the Science Advisory Group for EVLA (SAGE) and later, the Panel to
Advise on Science and EVLA Operations (PASEO). Additional reviews included the biennially held
User’s and Visitor’s Committees. Towards the end of project construction, the NSF EVLA Path to
Completion Review and the NRAO Director’s Project Review were successfully conducted.

 Quality Assurance program

Requirements verification, assembly and subsystem acceptance testing, inspection procedures and
corrective action, along with consistent documentation standards were observed during
development, production, and integration. These practices are carried over into operations.

 Incorporation of project management tools

Work Breakdown Structure, resource loading, budget and schedule contingencies, risk register,
Change Control Board, Earned Value metrics, and a clear reporting structure were all techniques
used by management to guide and report on the progress of the project.

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 System Requirements verification and acceptance testing

EVLA Science conceived and conducted a series of rigorous on the sky tests to assure the scientific
requirements and engineering specifications were met.

 The EVLA project was completed on time, on budget, and on specification.

3.3 Project Close Out Synopsis

Having met or exceeded nearly all project objectives and deliverables, the EVLA Construction project is
now closed.


4.1 Goals and Objectives
The VLA was designed and built in the 1970s, utilizing the best technology of that time. Its wide
bandwidth (100 MHz/polarization), multiple frequency bands (initially four, expanding to seven over 20
years), digital spectroscopic correlator (providing up to 512 spectral channels), and multiple
configurations (providing range of over 50 in spatial resolution), were all unprecedented at the time, and
were largely responsible for the continued pre-eminence of the VLA amongst all radio telescopes on

Despite this continued success, there were good reasons to consider an upgrade of the VLA. Primary
was that the goals of science evolve over time, as new discoveries are made with the new instruments at
many wavebands. Centimeter-wavelength radio astronomy has a major role to play in these emerging
fields, but can only do so if the major observational characteristics of its principal instruments improve.
Fortunately, emerging new technologies enabled vast improvements in the sensitivity and flexibility of
the VLA at a cost which is a small fraction of that for a new facility of comparable capabilities. Utilizing
these new technologies, and building upon the established infrastructure in place, we proposed an
expansion of the capabilities of the VLA by orders of magnitude in all areas except for spatial resolution.

The technical requirements for the EVLA were based on a comprehensive review of the potential
science enabled by utilizing new technologies combined with the established infrastructure. There were
four major science themes:

1) The Magnetic Universe: measuring the strength and topology of magnetic fields;

2) The Obscured Universe: enabling unbiased surveys and imaging of dust-shrouded objects
that are obscured at other wavebands;

3) The Transient Universe: enabling rapid response to, and imaging of, rapidly evolving
transient sources;

4) The Evolving Universe: tracking the formation and evolution of objects in our universe,
ranging from stars to spiral galaxies and galactic nuclei.

For all, it was readily demonstrated that the improvements in VLA performance by implementation of
modern technologies would result in spectacular new science by the world user community. The EVLA
NRAO | Project Close Out Report     3 
Project was a comprehensive technical upgrade of the VLA - and a spectacular example of the
advantages of a `leveraged investment'. The result of the Project is an efficiently operated `new array',
which will provide astronomers a modern, general-purpose radio telescope capable of addressing the
key scientific issues of today, and the yet-unforeseen issues of the future.

The primary technical requirements for the EVLA, based on the scientific requirements, and upon the
availability of the necessary technology, were:

1) Continuous frequency coverage from 1 to 50 GHz in eight frequency bands, utilizing new
or upgraded receivers at the Cassegrain focus;

2) A new wide bandwidth fiber-optical data transmission system, including associated LO

and IF electronics, to carry signals with16 GHz total bandwidth from each antenna to the

3) New electronics to process eight signal channels of up to 2 GHz bandwidth each;

4) A new wide-bandwidth, full polarization correlator providing a minimum of 16348

spectral channels per baseline. The new correlator provides full polarization capability for
four polarization pairs of input signals of up to 2 GHz bandwidth each;

5) A new real-time control system for the array, and new monitor and control software for
the electronics system

6) New high-level software to provide ease of use of the VLA for its users.

Key performance goals for the upgraded array are given in Table 1.

Band Center Frequency Maximum Aperture System SEFD 1- Cont.

Freq. Span IF BW Efficiency Temperature (Jy) Sensitivity
(GHz) (GHz) (GHz) (K) - 1 hr (Jy)
L 1.5 1–2 2x1 0.45 26 325 6.3
S 3.0 2–4 2x2 0.62 29 235 2.9
C 6.0 4–8 2x4 0.60 31 245 1.9
X 10.0 8 – 12 2x4 0.56 34 300 2.3
Ku 15.0 12 – 18 2x6 0.54 39 385 1.7
K 22 18 – 26.5 2x8 0.51 54 650 3.5
Ka 33 26.5 – 40 2x8 0.39 45 760 4.1
Q 45 40 – 50 2x8 0.34 66 1220 6.5
Table 1:  Key Performance goals

Measured performance is provided in Section 4.2. In some instances, it will be noted that measurements
have yet to be taken to corroborate a particular specification. This is due to a lower priority assigned
to some exercises, given that end to end performance of telescope operation has proven to be quite

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In addition to providing the improved scientific and technological capabilities, goals of the EVLA project
included fostering international collaboration with our Canadian and Mexican partners, and completing
construction on schedule, on budget, and with a minimal loss of observing time. The project succeeded
in all of these goals.

4.2 Success Criteria Performance

The top-level goals described in Section 4.1 were translated into specific performance requirements for
the Project. These are given in Section 2.2 of the EVLA Project Book. In the following, we present the
achieved results, and compare these to the requirements, with explanatory comments when judged

4.2.1 Antenna - Mechanical Pointing

All requirements apply to observing under ideal conditions (low wind, clear skies, at night with antennas
in thermal equilibrium with the environment). There are three sub-sections:

a) Blind Pointing: Using a recently-determined standard pointing model alone, the rms
of the difference between commanded and actual pointing positions is to be less than 6
arcseconds for elevations between 30 and 70 degrees elevation.

Status: Post-fit residuals show this requirement is met for azimuth, but not in
elevation. The left-hand panel in Figure 1 below shows the histogram of pointing results
taken under ideal nighttime conditions. Azimuth residuals (top left) have an rms of
about 6 arcseconds. Elevation residuals (bottom left) are about 8 arcseconds.

Figure 1:  Pointing Results

b) Referenced Pointing: Transfer of locally-generated pointing offsets (defined as within

5 degrees in angle, and 15 minutes of time) for declinations between 20 and 70 degrees
to be less than 3 arcseconds.

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Status: Rms offsets of 3 to 4 arcseconds have been demonstrated for most antennas.
The right-hand panel of the figure above shows the residual pointing error, following
correction for the raw offsets. The offsets for azimuth (top) and elevation (bottom) are
near 2 and 3 arcseconds, respectively.

c) Super-Sidereal Tracking (OTF Imaging): Between 20 and 70 degrees elevation,

antenna position errors are to be less than 4 arcseconds for drive rates up to 1 deg/min,
and less than 8 arcseconds for drive rates between 1 and 2.5 deg/min.

Note: This item has always been regarded as a goal, rather than a requirement, as no
budget for the necessary hardware changes was ever identified.

Status: Software tests for this capability have been successfully conducted, but no
hardware tests have been conducted.

Comment: As described elsewhere in this document, it is necessary to replace the existing Antenna
Control Units (ACUs). This will constitute a major change to our methodologies for determining and
achieving accurate pointing. It is expected that the new design will improve our pointing. As the new
design will not be implemented until later this year, no results are yet available. Subreflector Positioning

Section of the EVLA Project Book contains a lengthy list of requirements for subreflector focus
and rotation accuracy. These requirements were taken from the original VLA requirements, which
were themselves based on 23 GHz performance. As good overall performance at 48 GHz (Q-band) has
been regularly demonstrated, no effort has been made to determine whether these requirements are
met. A significant failure would be readily seen in the Q-band observing.

The same comment regarding the ACU replacement noted above (Sec. applies here. Antenna Slew and Settle Time

The time taken to move and settle between two positions separated by less than 30 arcminutes is to be
less than 5 seconds. This requirement is based on enabling survey and holography observing. Figure 2
depicts the voltage amplitude provided by one antenna as it steps through a raster across a strong
source. The step size is about 1/3 of the beam width. The step is made every 10 seconds, the
integration time is 1 sec, and the dump rate is 1 Hz.

Status: Holography testing shows this requirement is met for elevation motions for all antennas, and
in azimuth for most antennas.

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Figure 2:  Antenna Slew Settling Time – 1 second integration per plotted point 

The same comment regarding the ACU replacement noted above (Sec. applies here. Secondary Focus Feed Positioning

The positioning accuracy for the Cassegrain feeds is to be 10 arcminutes, and adjustable in the field.

Status: All receivers are mounted to permit accurate field alignment. The necessary holographic
observations are planned for later this spring.

Comment: The effect of receiver misalignment is to produce a phase gradient across the antenna
beam. Holography measurements to date indicate current alignments are sufficient for regular

Antenna – Electrical On-Axis Efficiency

We strive for high on-axis efficiencies across each observing band. The efficiency for each band is to
meet the values given in Table 2.

Status: Included in the table are the results from ea24, the only antenna for which detailed
measurements have been made.

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Band L S C X Ku K Ka Q
Freq. 1–2 2–4 4–8 8 – 12 12 – 18 18 – 26.5 26.5 – 40 40 -- 50
Required 0.45 0.62 0.60 0.56 0.54 0.51 0.39 0.34
Observed 0.42– 0.5 0.55 0.58 – 0.58 – 0.56 – 0.48 – 0.35 – 0.26 –
Efficiency 0.65 0.65 0.63 0.56 0.50 0.37
Table 2:  On‐Axis Efficiency Specifications and Results

The results given in the table are from EVLA Memos 103, 109, 119, 125, 137, 152, and 165, plus
unpublished results for S, X, and Ku bands.

Comment: Direct measurements of antenna efficiency and system temperature can only be done with
`hot-cold’ loads, an extremely labor-intensive activity. We have elected to do this for a single
representative antenna. Astronomical measurements provide measures of the ratio ‘Efficiency/System
Temperature’ which when combined with on-board system temperature measurements can provide a
reasonable estimate of the antenna efficiencies for the remaining antennas. Main-Beam Efficiency

No requirement was established for this item.

Comment: Main beam efficiency is a function of the aperture taper and antenna optics. The antenna
efficiency is also dependent upon these factors – the two parameters are not independent. We decided
to utilize the efficiency (which was easier to measure early in the project) as an indicator of antenna
performance. Feed Illumination

The feed illumination is to be within 5 cm of the antenna center.

Comment: This requirement is redundant with System Polarization Characteristics

Section of the Requirements is written in terms of antenna polarization ellipse characteristics.
Translated into the more familiar ‘D’ terms, the requirements are:

a) Antenna cross-polarization to be less than 5%.

b) Antenna cross-polarizations to be stable to 0.1% over an 8-hour period.

In addition, there is a requirement that the circular polarization offset (beam squint) remain constant to
better than 6” over an 8 hour period.

Status: Polarization measurements have been reported in EVLA Memos 131, 134, 135, 141, and 151,
for the L, S, C, X, and K band receivers. For all these, except C-band, the antenna cross-polarization
meets project requirements except near the band edges. The C-band polarizers, which do not meet the
requirements, are slated to be replaced by a new design expected to provide better than 5% cross-

NRAO | Project Close Out Report     8 

polarization. Stability at C and K bands is reported as better than 0.1 and 0.2%, respectively. The K-
band results were noise-limited, and we have no reason to believe the stability at that band is worse
than at C-band.

Specific observations at other bands have not been reported. However, scientific observations for
which polarimetry has been done indicate performance at the required values. No measurements of
beam squint stability have yet been made. However, this is set by the location of the offset feeds, which
are fixed, and in any event affects only Stokes ‘V’ observations, which are rare.

Figure 3:  Polarization Results Dichroic Capabilities

Dichroic operations are not part of the Project. The requirement here is only that the system design
will not preclude future dichroic operations.

Status: The requirement has been met by arranging the Q, Ka, K and Ku band feeds on one side of the
Cassegrain feed ring, and the C and X-band feeds (which would be paired with one of the others in a
dichroic system) on the other side. Further, the LO system is designed to be able to operate at two
frequencies, each in a different frequency band.

Receivers System Temperature and Sensitivity

The system temperature requirements, and the typical mid-band measured values (except at Q-band,
which are for the bottom end), are given in Table 3, in degrees Kelvin. A lower temperature results in a
more efficient system. The requirements (and the observations) apply to clear, night-time, winter

Band L S C X Ku K Ka Q
Required 26 26 26 30 37 59 53 74
Observed 28 – 32 25 – 30 25 – 30 25 – 30 22 – 28 30 – 40 40 – 50 55 - 85

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Table 3: System Temperature Requirements and Results

The most relevant parameter for observations is the Antenna Sensitivity, parameterized by the SEFD,
defined (for a 25-meter antenna) as 5.62*Tsys/Efficiency. Low SEFD values are preferred. The
requirements and latest measures are given in Table 4 for typical mid-band observing in good weather,
except at Q-band, for which the values are for 41 GHz. Listed values are in Jy, and are the median
values from all antennas.

Band L S C X Ku K Ka Q
Required 325 235 245 300 385 650 750 1220
Observed 342 246 274 237 212 402 561 1093
Table 4:  Sensitivity Requirements and Results

Comment: The observations from which these results were derived were made utilizing the 8-bit
samplers. The 3-bit (wideband) samplers cause a loss of about 15% in system sensitivity. As these
samplers will only be used at the higher frequency bands (X-band and up), system sensitivity
requirements are easily met. The C-band results pertain to the lower half of the band, for which a new
‘thermal gap’ assembly, to be outfitted in parallel with the new polarizers, is expected to improve
sensitivity by ~10%. The upper half of C-band currently meets sensitivity requirements. Linearity of Power Gain Measurement to System Power Variations

There are three requirements listed. Because of a change in operational methods, the requirements
listed below are reworded to reflect the modern systems. The basic requirement – to be able to
transfer system gain amongst sources with less than 0.5% error, over a range of input powers of a factor
of 30 – remains unchanged.

a) Antenna electronics gain changes to remain linear to within 0.5% accuracy over an input
power change of up to 15 dB (factor of 30). Any system gain changes of up to 15 dB to
be monitored with the same accuracy over that same power range.

Status: We have not met this requirement yet, by a factor of a few. This issue is being
actively pursued at this time.

Comment: The non-linearity is notable only for observations of the strongest

sources. For observations of all ‘normal’ sources (up to ~ 50 Jy), gain stability and
calibration accuracy of 0.5% is assured. Note that this requirement applies to the
electronics. It does not apply to accuracy of antenna pointing.

The following plot (Figure 4) shows the antenna gains over a 25 hour period, utilizing
four standard calibrator sources. No trends have been removed. The scatter for each
observation is from noise. The typical deviations from unity are less than 1%.

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Figure 4:  Gain Amplification Vs. Time

b) System gain stability and measurement accuracy to be accurate to 2% for power

increments between 15 and 50 dB above cold sky.

Status: No specific measurements have yet been made. This requirement affects only
solar observing.

c) Headroom requirements for the front ends, to 1 dB compression from cold sky, are 47,
48, 43, 42, 40, 33, 35, and 27 dB for the L, S, C, S, Ku, K, Ka, and Q bands, respectively.
For the IF system, the headroom requirement is 32 dB to 1 dB compression.

Status: The receivers and IF electronics were designed to this level, but no specific
test results are available.

Note: The requirements given here correct an error in the EVLA Project Book. The
headroom requirements for the receivers were mistakenly written as headroom
requirements for the entire electronics chain.

NRAO | Project Close Out Report     11 

 Temporal Phase Stability

All requirements presume round-trip phase corrections have been made. The requirements refer to
electronics phase stability, and do not include changes due to atmospheric or system geometry errors.
Note than a 1 ps time error results in a 17 degree phase error in at 50 GHz.

a) Rms phase jitter within a 1-second interval to be less than 0.5 fs.

b) Phase changes within a 30 minute interval are to be less than 6 ps.

c) Peak-peak fluctuations of the phase about the slope in phase within a 30 minute
interval are to be less than 1.4 ps.

d) Any phase change associated with antenna motion is to be less than

a. 0.7 ps for arbitrary change in pointing direction,
b. 0.07 ps for antenna pointing changes less than 10 degrees.

e) The R-L phase difference is to be less than 0.5 ps, for all timescales.

Note: Requirements (b), (c), and (d) are all set to meet the limits imposed by the best
possible atmospheric conditions

a) This requirement is to prevent decorrelation loss. The electronics system is
designed to meet this requirement. System sensitivities, on sky, meet those
expected from antenna performance tests.

b) Tests under good weather in compact configurations show these two requirements
are met.

c) Same comment as in b).

d) The best test here is in the determination of baselines, which requires rapid all-sky
observations. The result shows that baseline accuracy is not limited by the system
stability, but by atmospheric variations.

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Figure 5:  Antenna Phase Stability (L) and Difference (R) for C‐Band

The left panel in Figure 5 shows antenna phase stability at C-band over an 8 hour period. Typical
fluctuations are 2 degrees, corresponding to 1 ps time – well within requirements. The slope in the top
plot is due to a baseline error. The right panel shows the (R-L) phase difference at C-band over an 8-
hour period. The typical fluctuation is 0.2 degrees, corresponding to ~0.1 ps – well within
requirements. Bandpass Characteristics

The following two requirements refer to differential temporal changes. The requirements assume the
gain variations associated with changes in amplifiers or attenuators have been corrected for.
Atmospheric effects are not included.

a) Temporal Amplitude Stability: Variations in bandpass shape, in power units, are to

be less than 1 part in 10000, on timescales of less than 1 hour, over frequency scales
less than the band frequency/1000.

b) Temporal Phase Stability: Phase variations over frequency are to be less than 6
millidegrees, over timescales of less than 1 hour, and over frequency spans less than
the band frequency/1000.

Status: The plot below (Figure 6) shows normalized differential bandpass amplitudes (the mean gain
and bandpass shape are removed) over a two hour period for antenna 26 at 15 GHz. The fluctuations
indicate the bandpass stability. The peak-peak range on these plots is 0.1%. The stability is close to the
required level of 0.01%.

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Figure 6:  Bandpass Stability

The following requirements refer to the raw slope, in spectral power density or phase, of the bandpass
defined by the electronics.

c) The spectral power density slope at the input to the 3-bit samplers is to be less than
1.5 dB/GHz.

d) The spectral power slope of the signals presented to either 3 or 8-bit samplers is to
be less than (note: this corrects a typographical error in the EVLA Project Book):
a. 12 dB/GHz at L-band
b. 6 db/GHz at S-band
c. 3 dB/GHz at C or X bands
d. 1.5 dB/GHz at Ku, K, Ka, or Q bands.

e) Fluctuations (‘ripples’) is the spectral power density about the slope defined by the
inner 1.8 GHz of the 2 GHz input to the 3-bit samplers are to be less than 4 dB, pk-

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f) Delay Errors (seen as a phase slope over frequency) are to be less than 2.8 nsec.


d) Figure 7 shows the raw spectrum covering 1.9 GHz using the 3-bit system at Ku-band. The
power slope is less than 1 dB/GHz, well within system specifications.

e) The same plot shows the maximum fluctuations in spectral power are within 3 dB of the mean
slope, easily within system specifications.

f) Easily met. The residual delay errors, following system calibration, are limited by atmospheric
propagation effects - - much less than 0.1 nsec. Figure 9 shows the delay as a function of time
over a 7 hour period.

Figure 7:  Power Slope < 1 dB/GHz

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Figure 8:  Maximum Spectral Power Fluctuations < 3 dB

Figure 9:  Residual Delay Errors < 0.1 ns

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Required: System time must be accurate to 10 nsec.

Comment: Such accuracy is required only for pulsar timing.

User pressure for this capability has been very low, as the pulsar timing community has a strong
preference for using single-dishes for this work. Hence, our limited resources have been directed to
other areas of correlator development.

Status: The system is designed to enable this capability. No attempt to implement it has been made.


The major requirements for the `WIDAR’ correlator, as documented in the EVLA Project Book, are
given below, with a status report for each.

a) The capability to process at least 27 antenna inputs, and be expandable to at least 48, in
anticipation of Phase II of the project.

Status: Up to 28 antennas are correlated on a regular basis. The ability to correlate

up to 32 antennas is currently present. The correlator design would allow up to 48
antenna inputs.

b) Instantaneous bandwidth for each antenna input of up to 16 GHz, nominally organized

as four oppositely polarized pairs of signals of 2 GHz each.

Status: Fully implemented, and utilized on a regular basis.

c) Full polarization capability, with the user specifying which combinations are desired.

Status: Fully implemented, and utilized on a regular basis.

d) At least 16384 spectral channels per baseline for all input bandwidths.

Status: Fully implemented, and utilized on a regular basis.

e) The ability to ‘target’ up to 32 spectral transitions or narrow portions of the input

bandwidth simultaneously, with velocity resolution of ~1 km/sec.

Status: Fully implemented, and utilized on a regular basis.

f) The ability to avoid isolated strong RFI.

Status: Fully implemented, and utilized on a regular basis.

g) At least 50 dB spectral dynamic range.

Status: Final results are pending, though 40 dB of spectral dynamic range has been
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h) A pulsar binning capability providing at least 2000 bins/baseline, with bin width 0.2 ms or

Status: This has not yet been demonstrated, as other correlator capabilities have
higher priority. It is expected that the required development will be completed, and the
capability demonstrated, within a few months.

i) A flexible subarraying capability, with at least 5 subarrays in cross-correlation modes.

Status: Full capability has been demonstrated in tests. In real science observing, three
subarrays have been successfully administered.

j) A minimum data output integration time of no greater than 100 msec, with all spectral

Status: This has been demonstrated by direct correlator observations. However, the
data rate produced by this exceeds our current capability to write to the disk archive
(external to the correlator). Significant additional resources would be needed to reach
this goal. The current minimum integration time achieved is 10 msec, with 256

k) VLBI-ready, such that recorded data (either by tape or disk) can be correlated with at
least the capability of the current VLBA correlator.

Status: This capability is accounted for in the correlator design, but it has not yet been
demonstrated, as the VLBA now employs the DifX software correlator.

l) The ability to blank all correlations identified with potential RFI on an antenna input

Status: This capability has not been demonstrated, as the external radio-frequency
interference is not so severe to require the need at this time. Implementation of this
capability is simply a matter of human resources.

4.2.6 RFI Management Plan

The EVLA Project Book Section 2.4 begins with a general description of the RFI environment and
RFI issues, which we do not repeat here. The section concludes with a general description for four
foundations – we provide a status report for each.

a) Measurement and Monitoring. We have on staff a full-time engineer, experienced

in these matters, for this purpose.

b) Linear and Flexible Design. The receiver suite – including the digital portion – has
been designed for maximum linearity. To date, we have no indication that RFI is
degrading data quality outside of the correlator subband within which the RFI is
found (see Section 4.2.5-g, above).
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c) Suppression of man-made signals. This refers to internally generated signals by

EVLA electronics and by emissions from other on-site equipment. Detailed testing
for internally generated signals has been (and still is) conducted, and design
modifications were implemented for those strong enough to affect array
performance. There remain a few very weak and very narrow (spectrally) signals
which are not expected to affect imaging performance. We will deal with these as
staffing levels permit, should there be any indication of degraded performance.

d) Excision of affected data – both through simple flagging and through signal
subtraction. The first of these is regularly implemented through new algorithms
designed for the purpose. The second of these (which would permit preservation
of the underlying astronomical information) is a subject of development world-wide,
as strong RFI is a major factor degrading the data from the new generation of low-
frequency arrays. No effort in this area has been expended by the NRAO, as the
simpler ‘flagging’ route is sufficient for all users to date, and we have not the
required human resources.

4.3 Milestone and Deliverables Performance
The project specified a list of major milestones that was used to measure progress and analyze overall
dependencies and project impacts. The milestones were tied to key deliverables that the project had to
meet in succession to advance forward. These milestones were used to measure critical path activities
that were important to the ongoing success of the project by identifying areas of the project in need of
improvement, and to forecast what deliverables would meet their targets so that the project could
advance to the next stage. The milestones are listed as “Key Milestones” in Appendix 6.1 C.

The delivery of every major milestone has now been met and all deliverables have been accepted by NM
Operations. Inevitably some deliverables were delayed along the way. Successful navigation through the
myriad of electronics critical design reviews proved to be more of a challenge than anticipated. This
resulted in delaying the start of electronics production and antenna retrofitting by 6 months. The
project received an advancement of funding in 2004 which it used to accelerate purchases of large
quantities of components. This helped return this portion of the schedule closer to its original baseline
of progress.

The Observing in Transition Mode deliverable was two years later than expected due to the project’s
inability to recruit sufficient numbers of advanced software engineers during the first year of the project.

The delayed delivery of the prototype WIDAR correlator was in part due to finding suppliers that could
provide high-speed processor chips that met specifications. The overall delay was 2 years. This delay
had a domino effect and propagated through to several milestones that followed. These included the
completion of the shielded room which would house the correlator, the start of Shared Risk Observing
using the new system, and ultimately, the WIDAR correlator being declared operational.

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Despite these schedule slips, all milestones were achieved with a high level of quality and earned
customer acceptance by the planned-for end date of the project. No project milestones remain

4.4 Schedule Performance

 Project Schedule Overview

The EVLA Project represented the 6th activity within the overall NRAO WBS. The Project was
subdivided into the twelve principal Level 2 tasks shown in the Appendix 6.1 A. The detailed WBS task
list, down to Level 4, is included in Appendix 6.2 A. Provided in this detailed WBS are the names of the
engineers appointed within the Socorro Electronics, Engineering Services, and Computing Divisions that
were responsible for the Level 2 tasks. Using Gantt methodology, every Level 4 task was broken down
into measurable steps. These detailed schedules had milestones placed where appropriate to integrate
the overall master project schedule together. The milestones from the Level 4 schedules were used to
generate a Milestone Plan (Appendix 6.1 B) which was then used to track progress. A summary of the
Milestone Plan was used as a report document. Periodic schedule updates provided the data used for
earned value analyses (EVA) to generate the schedule performance index (SPI). The SPI in turn helped
determine the percent ahead or behind schedule within reporting periods. These time metrics were
collected, compiled and data validated as part of an ongoing process to review WBS status with the
Level 2 engineers.

An example of a Level 4 schedule is shown in Appendix 6.1 D. The Project master schedule including
details of all Level 4 schedules are kept in the EVLA Project online archive.

 Project Schedule Control Process

A dedicated scheduler was assigned at the onset of the construction project. This person had the
responsibility of keeping track of the engineering activities which took place at the Science Operations
Center and VLA in New Mexico, as well as the progress of component deliveries from NRAO’s Green
Bank (WV) and Central Development Lab (Charlottesville, VA) sites. On a daily basis, the scheduler
kept track of all tasks, their dependencies, and the critical paths. Adherence to the project schedule was
assisted greatly by key staff attendance at one or more regular meetings, each established with a specific
purpose. These will be described later in this report.

Project schedule and budgetary status was routinely conveyed to NRAO upper management by
established observatory reporting practices, and to the NSF by way of specified reporting guidelines.
External annual or biennial reviews were conducted and progress reports were made available to the
Users and Visitors committees, SAGE, and PASEO as part of the project review process.

 Project Schedule Corrective Actions

At the onset of the project the overall schedule baseline for completion was based on the NSF original
9-year funding profile. Shortly after the start of the project the NSF changed the original 9-year funding
profile duration to 11 years. As a result the project schedule was modified to match the new profile.

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A detailed review of the project schedule was carried out in December 2002 to determine the status of
all EVLA WBS elements and their ability to start installation of the prototype system on a VLA antenna
for testing in April 2003. It was considered important to start testing the new equipment on an actual
antenna at the earliest possible time because it was only in the antenna environment that some
problems, such as those caused by Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), would be identified. Some items,
principally in the Local Oscillator, Intermediate Frequency, and Monitor & Control subsystems were
found to be running late. These items were re-planned by prioritizing and phasing the activities so that
essential equipment was available in time to allow for the outfitting of the Test Antenna per schedule.

In the area of Civil Construction, the burial of fiber optics (FO) cable along the array arms finished one
full year ahead of schedule. The original intention was to retain some the FTE’s used for burying the
cable to work on the mechanical outfitting of the antennas when that activity commenced. By
completing the task early, antenna outfitting was still a year away without a way to advance its start date.
The project managed to keep some of the FO FTE’s working in other areas, such as the construction of
a cold storage facility. The cold storage building, which was cost shared with NM Operations, was
placed under VLA warehouse inventory control and housed volumes of purchased quantities of
electronics and mechanical hardware. Although the project lost some staff through attrition, it was able
to retain the key individuals necessary to properly staff the antenna outfitting positions.

Early in the project the critical path was in the area of Monitor & Control, a situation that resulted from
an inability to recruit software engineers of a sufficient level during the first year of the project. Once
this recruitment was completed, the schedule had already suffered and time was required to recover.

During the middle years of the project two critical paths were identified at different times. The first
major area of concern involved the completion of software tasks required to integrate the correlator
with the EVLA Monitor & Control system. This was remedied when the project hired more software
engineers to satisfy the level of work. Crisis averted, the next item warranting major attention involved
the Front End subsystem. Design problems with the orthomode transducers (OMT) in some receivers,
along with qualified staffing shortages, resulted in the projection of prolonged installation schedules. The
new anticipated completion date of receiver installations was pushed out into 2013, which fell after the
scheduled end of construction. Some good fortune was realized when the project recruited a
particularly bright engineer to solve the design issues. His efforts paid dividends within a shorter period
of time than anticipated, and the designs were completed and met specifications without issue. This
resulted in a schedule which was brought back into line and the avoidance of completing project
hardware after the 2012 due date.

 Project Schedule Integration with Managing Project

Retrofitting an instrument per a specified schedule while at the same time assuring it is available for
scientific observations was a unique challenge for project management. A major mission of the EVLA
project was to allow for continued VLA science observing throughout the duration of construction.
Managing the project with minimal disruption through numerous hardware changes during equipment
installations was paramount. It was recognized that any change in upper management personnel could
have an adverse effect on VLA observing up-time in an attempt to meet scheduled hardware deliveries.

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In December of 2004 an EVLA Deputy Project Manager was appointed in the person of Mark McKinnon.
The position had previously been unfilled. As the project moved into its production phase particular
emphasis was placed on budget and schedule aspects. A danger existed that these motivations would
have an adverse effect on the philosophy to maintain optimal observing up-time at the VLA. In January
of 2006, Peter Napier stepped down as EVLA Project Manager to take on a new role as an ALMA
Systems Integration Engineer. Because he was replaced by Mark McKinnon the transition was very
smooth and the VLA’s goal of minimal disruption to the scientific community was achieved, while also
maintaining a reasonable construction schedule.
4.5 Budget Performance
 Project Budget Overview
The detailed budget for the EVLA Project was produced using a bottom-up process in which a WBS
Cost Data Sheet was completed by the responsible engineer for every Level 3 and Level 4 entry in the
WBS. The Cost Data Sheet contained estimates of the personnel and materials and services
requirements needed to accomplish the defined task over the duration of the EVLA project. The
summary budget for the EVLA Project, obtained by rolling up all of the detailed Cost Data Sheets, is
provided in Appendix 6.2 B. The detailed Budget costs for each of the Level 2 Tasks are kept in the
EVLA Project online archive. An example of a completed EVLA Cost Data Sheet is included in Appendix
6.2 C. Note that all budget numbers in this document are in $k dollars.

 Project Budget Corrective Actions

EVLA neither received nor requested any additional funds during the life of the project. When changes
to the budgetary baseline were enacted, a net zero sum gain in project finances was realized. The first
change to the baseline definition occurred in 2001. At the request of the NSF the original 9-year
funding profile duration was increased to 11 years in order to reduce the amount of new funds provided
by the funding agency each year. To achieve cost savings and schedule compression, in 2004 $3.9M was
advanced from the funding profile in order to accelerate the procurement of large quantities of
production hardware and advance the completion of the retrofitting of the VLA antennas. The following
year, a serious financial threat to hardware completion occurred. An estimated $3.1M of overrun in
contributed effort was identified, a large portion which was the result of $1M in Data Management
development being moved onto the EVLA budget. A call on project contingency was used to remedy
the situation; however it was depleted in the process. To allow for a strong contingency, the Education
and Public Outreach (EPO) element was de-scoped and its $500K in funds transferred into account
reserves. EPO funding was placed in the project risk register as a work element to fund at a later date,
if possible. $100k of project funds was returned to EPO later in the project.

Unanticipated distractions are not unusual during the life of a project. Two of these which particularly
taxed project resources included, at different times, three “chart of account” changes and the transfer of
project data for the implementation of a new observatory wide electronic time keeping system. These
efforts were not expected at the onset of the project and produced extra work for the project office.

4.6 Metrics Performance Recommendations

At the onset of the EVLA Project, project management tool skillset levels varied amongst its team
members. While this may be the case with any project, a project office needs have simple to use yet

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standardized metrics to help navigate the path through project implementation. These tools should
include a fundamental use of Cost (EVA, CPI), Time (milestone tracking, SPI) and Risk metrics, all of
which are invaluable tools for the management of a Project. Care should be taken to assure project
team members understand the metrics which report on how they are progressing. Regular, timely, and
accurate status reporting is imperative and is to be required. A data repository for the metrics, made
available in an online directory specific for the project, is also needed. Modification privileges of this
repository shall be limited to only a few to maintain data integrity.

Rather than purchasing costly commercial project metric tools, which often require contractual
maintenance and support, and may also require a steep learning curve, the EVLA project made use of
MS Office products. The low costs and general familiarity in their use by the project staff proved very
efficient. The adoption and liberal utilization of MS Office products made it relatively easy to capture
cost and schedule data for the EVLA Project and greatly assisted in the practices of reporting and
documentation. It is recognized that other projects may require more specialized management tools.

It is highly recommended at the onset of any project that the adopted performance tools be explicated
with all project team members. This helps provide clarity and guidance of the processes put to use to
obtain progress status and helps to better monitor the project. Setting a clear expectation for progress
and status reporting is another important step in keeping the project under control. Face-to-face
contact with team members as often as needed is sufficient, but perhaps a better approach would be to
require weekly written status reports. In some cases reports every two weeks may suffice, but a gap of
more than two weeks before status reporting should never be allowed to pass, as too many activity
altering events can happen during that time. When reporting status to management, managers should
establish the requirements. If status is religiously reported from the team during the life of the project,
and consistent methods are used, developing periodic overall status reports for the project should be
very straightforward.

The use of these metrics is practical, but it is essential that staff possess adequate knowledge and
experience in their implementation to assure successful reporting. One must also know how to analyze
the results from these processes.

Earned Value management techniques were incorporated throughout the life of the EVLA construction
project. The record of these may be perused in Appendix 6.1E. 
5.1 Resource Management

Project resources remained very consistent during the course of construction. Because experienced
VLA science, computing, and engineering staff were put into key project positions, expectations of the
abilities of available personnel were understood. As such, little additional external expertise, either by
way of additional staffing or outsourcing of a product, was required.

The transition of control and the transfer of resources by the EVLA management to NM Operations are
complete. With the disbanding of the construction project team, all project deliverables are under the
purview of NM Ops and are now being supported.

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Turnover and acceptance activities included the transfer of knowledge, documentation transfer, and
physical transfer of the product deliverables and test equipment. The EVLA is somewhat unique in that
most of the local project construction staff adopted similar roles with NM Operations, enabling an
overall smooth transition from construction to operations for personnel and equipment. In the case of
the Canadian partner, several training exercises between DRAO and NRAO staff were conducted at
each other’s facilities in support of the correlator hardware and firmware. In addition, test equipment,
spare components, and abundant support documentation for correlator assemblies were provided by

All product design and support documentation is in the process of being archived on the EVLA central
server. Complete documentation for the WIDAR correlator has been provided to NRAO by DRAO.
A complete listing of engineering documentation, EVLA Document A23010N0009, is maintained on the
central server.

All records are stored following NRAO record retention guidelines. Design files are electronically
stored for historical reference to facilitate later review. The project archive includes a description of
the files being submitted, the application (including version) used to create the archived materials, and a
point of contact.

In addition to engineering documentation, the following project data are archived:

 EVLA Project Book

 EVLA Project Plan
 Project management and oversight review records
 Status reports
 Configuration Change Board minutes
 Test Results (EVLA Memo Series)

5.2 Issue Management

Deliverables as defined in the EVLA Project Book have been completed. However, several follow on
projects which arose as a result of the work to upgrade the VLA exist.

Components have been procured for the modification of receiver bands to enable enhanced solar
observing. A plan is in place to complete the necessary retrofits before 2017.

During the construction phase of the project it became apparent that the three compressor units
present on each antenna responsible for the cooling of Front End receivers would not be sufficient to
adequately cool all eight wideband receivers. Provisions were made to install a fourth cryogenic system
per antenna. A negative effect which resulted from the additional cooling requirements was a 190 Kw
increase in power consumption and a per annum cost increase of $200k. Efforts are now underway to
determine if more efficient cooling components are available or if the present cooling system design can
be modified to be made more economical.

EVLA construction allowed for the upgrade of the antenna electronics responsible for astronomical data
detection, transmission, and correlation, but the plan did not address the aging Antenna Control Units
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(ACU) which are responsible for driving the motors which point the antennas. Towards the end of
construction, ACU failures increased, and obtaining components for repairs became more and more
problematic. Recognizing the gravity of the situation, and with the approval of the NSF, funding was set
aside from project contingency in 2011 for a study to evaluate the current ACU, and to design and
fabricate a complete prototype ACU unit in 2012-2013. The prototype unit is scheduled to be tested
on an antenna during the summer of 2013. Funding was also obtained for two additional ACUs, to be
fabricated immediately after the prototype unit is judged successful. The challenge remains to fund
ACUs for the remaining 25 antennas (plus spares). However, components harvested from the three
upgraded antennas will serve for a time to support those antennas which have yet to have their ACUs

The modifications to Front End receivers for solar observations, the effort to create a more efficient
antenna cryogenic system, and the task of upgrading the antenna ACUs will be managed by NM

5.3 Risk Management
The EVLA Project’s risk metrics was fully implemented in 2006. A risk analysis workshop was held in
December 2006 to identify potential risks to the project and to develop any necessary risk mitigation
procedures. A risk register was developed, and the risks were formally tracked on a quarterly basis to
determine whether they could be retired or if corrective action was required. The Risk Methodology by
which risks on the EVLA Project was measured along with the summary of the risk register is shown in
Appendix 6.3. The Risk Register Summary will show that all risks identified with the EVLA project were
retired prior to the close of construction. The complete risk register is kept in the EVLA Project online

All risks identified with the EVLA project were retired prior to the close of construction. The complete
risk register is located in the appendix.
5.4 Quality Management

Quality assurance and management methods were fully integrated into EVLA construction. While the
majority of printed circuit board (PCB) assemblies were manufactured out of house, all prototype
assemblies and production electronic modules were constructed in the Science Operations Center
electronics lab in Socorro, NM. All of the equipment and tools required for assembly and test of EVLA
assemblies and modules were installed in the electronics area. Assembly tools included reflow ovens,
solder paste machines, Ball-Grid Array (BGA) machine, soldering stations, and microscopes. Test
equipment purchased specifically for EVLA construction included X-Ray and BGA fiber optic examining
stations, Communication Signal Analyzer (CSA), Digital Logic Analyzer, Optical and RF Spectrum
Analyzers, and numerous other pieces of lab equipment.

All lab stations were modified to be Electro Static Discharge (ESD) resistant. Most or all of the
integrated circuits used in the EVLA project are susceptible to ESD. These devices are most susceptible
during assembly but are well protected once the modules are closed. Twelve ESD work stations were
installed in the electronics area. Integrated into each of these work stations are conductive floor mats,

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ESD totes and parts bins, conductive bench top surfaces, and wrist straps. The building humidity was
maintained at 40% to reduce static discharge. All electronics division employees were trained on ESD
procedures and are required to wear ESD safety shoes. ESD smocks were also provided.

Figure 10:  Typical ESD safe work station

Some modifications to laboratory practices were made during EVLA construction. Cellophane tape
dispensers and Styrofoam coffee cups have the ability to generate large static charges. Tape dispensers
were removed from the ESD work stations and the NRAO-provided Styrofoam coffee cups were
replaced with paper coffee cups during the early days of project construction.

Circuit board production runs took place at out of house vendors. To confirm that all traces are
correct per the design and without short or open circuits, all bare PCBs were subjected to an electrical
test as part of the manufacturing QA process. After successful completion of this test, most or all of the
components were installed by the external manufacturer. Standard practice was for delicate
components such as BGAs or laser transponders to be installed by NRAO technicians after conducting a
power test of the partially populated boards so as to not risk damage to the more expensive
components. After each electronic assembly board was fully populated and tested in the electronics lab,
module integration took place. Modules then underwent performance testing. For the purpose of
module identification, to document module history, to confirm all required testing was performed
before the module was installed in the array, and to log maintenance and repairs during the life of the
module, a traveler document was assigned to each completed module.

Acceptance testing of EVLA electronics was performed on multiple levels. Initially modules were bench
tested against the specifications for the particular unit. When the modules were installed in an antenna,
a detailed subsystem acceptance test was performed, followed by a rigorous acceptance test of the
larger system which was certified by the electronics division head or by the system engineer. This
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occurred on every antenna as it left the antenna assembly barn at the VLA. The results of each test are
archived on the EVLA central server. This formal acceptance test verifies the functionality of every
module and receiver and includes the existing Antenna Control Unit (not part of the upgrade project).
Band-pass plots of cold sky were obtained using all system components. Upon successful completion,
the antenna was then accepted into the array. A final systems level test which included actual pointing
was run by Operations before each antenna was certified for observations.

The quality which goes into each EVLA module is enhanced by having the engineers and technicians who
designed, built and tested the module also responsible for their maintenance during regular operations.
Unlike some other projects where hardware is designed in one place, built and tested in another, and
then delivered to yet another location, this continuity empowers the staff and instills in them a vested
interest for maintenance control over the lifetime of the module. For example, if during the prototyping
stage the technician discovered the power supply board too difficult to replace, the design would likely
be changed. Well-designed and understood modules were the result, along with a pride of ownership
for the technician.
5.5 Communication Management
Internal and external communication was achieved using a variety of methods. Verbal, email, video, and
communication by way of database tracking were typical. Meetings targeted with a specific purpose
followed-up by the dissemination of information via email and/or verbal methods proved to be
indispensable. Status of project activities to the NRAO Director’s office and in turn, to the NSF, was
mostly conducted by way of formal quarterly and yearly reports and project plans.

Each division within the project conducted regular meetings, usually weekly, to review status, identify
critical activities, and to adjust resources where needed. To allow for the unpredictable challenges
which can suddenly have an adverse effect on plans, and to continue construction tasks with the greatest
efficiency despite last minute hiccups, daily early morning meetings were conducted between the
engineering construction groups in Socorro and those stationed at the VLA site. Monday morning
Project Coordination meetings were held to give the various WBS leads the opportunity to report on
progress, coordinate with other groups, and discuss issues which crossed boundaries. Also, once a
week a videoconference was held between the DRAO correlator group and the NRAO correlator test
scientists, computer scientists, and engineers to assure firmware and software updates were fully
understood, and to plan for hardware deliveries and installation. These meetings also served as a
platform for the transfer of knowledge. Another weekly meeting involving commissioning was
established so that the responsible scientific staff would have a forum to provide status and to
coordinate upcoming testing activities. Because the VLA remained operational throughout the
construction project, a balance between construction activities, testing, observing, and commissioning
had to be maintained. Twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays, a committee consisting of the New
Mexico Assistant Director, the EVLA Project Manager, and the Science, Computing, Commissioning, and
Correlator Test Leads attended a Priority Management meeting to set and adjust work schedules and to
determine which activities warranted the most attention. All of these meetings contributed to the clear
communication necessary to maintain steady progress on the construction project while also keeping
the VLA available to the astronomical community.

Two adjustments to the meeting schedule was made during the final two years of the project. The
Monday Project Coordination meetings would occasionally get bogged down in engineering details
which were more suited to a different forum. To offer relief, the project manager introduced weekly

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Engineering Task Level II (WBS) meetings to assess the status of lower level engineering challenges,
assign priorities, and to divert resources where appropriate. As the project approached completion,
additional attention was directed at the task of retiring risks. Regular meetings were held to allow the
Project Manager, Scientist, Systems Engineer, and Computing Division Head to discuss outstanding
issues and formulate strategies for solving them. Depending on the topic, other staff from the project
would be invited to attend these meetings, which were held approximately every other week.

The typical daily communication within the project was multi-directional: Up and down vertically along
the org chart and across boundaries when one product group or computing group required direct
contact with another. Based on discussions with the project leads and NM Operations administration,
the usual practice would be for the Project Manager to assign or adjust the activities of the engineering
staff via the Computing, Electronics, or Engineering Division Leads. In turn, feedback from computer
scientists, engineers, and technicians to their Leads, or to the Project Scheduler, would be provided to
the Project Manager, who would either adjust activities accordingly, or when needed, bring issues to the
Priority Management meetings.

In general, communication across and within the EVLA construction project was highly efficient. This is
certainly true for dealings within New Mexico operations by virtue of the close proximity of the key
project personnel. Communication between the management and rank and file at the different NRAO
sites (Charlottesville, VA and Green Bank WVA) was also quite solid. Between NRAO and DRAO
(Penticton, Canada), communication was very good. Regular weekly meetings between the two sites,
frequent visits by Penticton staff to Socorro, and the friendly nature of the two organizations greatly
contributed to this.

Very few changes in the way information was shared and discussion was carried out were made over
the course of the project. Usually, this involved changes in reporting styles dictated by NRAO upper
management or the NSF. At one point, the project manager did feel the need to get directly involved
and establish weekly Level II task meetings to assure proper attention was given and priorities assigned
to the subtasks which fed into the ultimate goal of delivering EVLA compliant hardware per schedule. In
another project, these project meetings likely would not have to be administered directly by the project
manager. During EVLA, given the mandate to maintain observing while juggling hardware and software
upgrades, testing, and commissioning, the project manager felt the need to assert himself in this area.
5.6 Customer Expectation Management
With the exception of the reassignment of EPO funds discussed in Section 4.5, the EVLA project never
sacrificed its original goal to improve the key observational capabilities of the VLA by at least an order of
magnitude. Customer expectations remained consistent throughout the life of the project.
5.7 Asset Management
Project assets, whether they are instrumentation or other equipment, offices and laboratory space, or
regular operations staff, were transferred from the construction project to VLA operations in the time
leading up to and at the close of construction.

Also transferred from EVLA purview to other projects was a considerable amount of unspent capital.
During the final year of construction, with the resolving of the last few project risks, it became apparent
that some leftover project funds would be available. NRAO submitted to the NSF their

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recommendations for the wisest use of these funds, which totaled approximately $689k. These
recommendations include the aforementioned 2 ACU units, electrical and building improvements at the
VLA site, additional support staff for FE receiver solar mode retrofits, and funds for additional data
archive hardware. These are described in the document Remaining EVLA Project Funds Management
Plan, which is located in Appendix 6.4. The NSF agreed with the recommendations and granted
permission to redistribute the funds per the plan. With the closing of the construction project WBS
accounts, all remaining funds were transferred to new accounts to fund VLA projects in ACU
development, electrical infrastructure, buildings, additional computing equipment, and to accelerate solar
mode retrofits for various receiver bands. All these projects are administered under the purview of the
Assistant Director for NM Operations.

5.8 Lessons Learned

Over the ten-plus year span spent on EVLA construction, and with a considerable portions of ALMA
project construction taking place in the same proximity, EVLA personnel were in a good position to
experience which practices worked well during construction and which would benefit from
improvement. These findings, or lessons learned, are compiled in Appendix 6.5. A few of the notable
lessons are described here.

An overwhelming sentiment was that the close proximity to each other of the majority of the
construction staff contributed to excellent and efficient communication. Project construction took place
in two primary locations, New Mexico and Penticton, with some components supplied from NRAO staff
in Green Bank, WV and Charlottesville, VA. This not only facilitated regular face to face meetings
between staff working on the same subsystem, but also allowed for impromptu discussions where paths
forward could be decided in as little as ten minutes. Furthermore, the close proximity between the
development labs in Socorro, NM and the VLA made for convenient equipment installation and on the
sky testing. In contrast, hardware development for the ALMA project took place in many locations
around the world. The difference between the two projects was readily apparent. Whereas major
design or policy decisions for EVLA may take an afternoon to a week or two, the perception was that
similar decision making processes in ALMA could be drawn out over weeks or even months. A further
benefit of having the project spread over fewer, established locations was that by nature of the
construction teams being at astronomical observatories, a high number of the scientific, computing, and
engineering staff was already experienced in the field of radio astronomy.

The EVLA project proved to be a resounding success. However, if given the opportunity to produce
another radio telescope array, some modifications to how activities were carried out were discussed.
Because the VLA was in close proximity to the construction of electronic assemblies in Socorro, an end
to end laboratory system test fixture, while desirable, was not considered mandatory early on in the
project and therefore was not funded. Views have evolved regarding this. Early during system
integration it became apparent that modules which perform flawlessly in a lab environment rarely
reproduce the same results on an actual telescope. Reasons for this are numerous. Slight nuances in
signal integrity or timing, inconsistent grounding methods, power cleanliness, general environmental
conditions, noise, and the overall interactions of a piece of hardware when placed in an entire system
are but a few items which could result in the malfunction of a piece of electronic equipment. On the
initial antennas, and even during later integration, much time was lost due to malfunctions during and
after the electronics was installed on an antenna. A complete system test facility – including a platform
for software and a test correlator - coupled with rigorous system level acceptance tests, will not assure

NRAO | Project Close Out Report     29 

every piece of hardware leaving the lab would perform as expected once in the array, but it would
certainly increase the success rate. Conversely, motivated by the physical distance between Socorro
and the ALMA Operations Support Facility in Chile, the ALMA Back End group developed a system test
set for their electronics. That test system was limited to a “pseudo” Front End which simulated
broadband noise and a “pseudo” correlator which captured IF data bit patterns and performed
manipulations via LabVIEW. While not optimal, making use of this limited test system resulted in the
Back End deliveries arriving in Chile in a reasonably functional state. In short – while having the array in
relative close proximity to the development lab was a tremendous advantage, having a full integration
test facility present in the lab would result in much greater efficiency.

Two items regarding staff organization and overall staffing resonated with the project team. For several
years the idea of organizing a dedicated group of individuals to assure the proper integration and testing
of hardware along with a consistent application of system directives was discussed. Differing views as to
the wisdom of establishing a dedicated group of systems oriented engineers and technicians persisted
throughout construction. A systems group was not budgeted during project planning. Additionally, only
one slot for a dedicated Systems Engineer was included in the original project plan. The philosophy was
that the engineers and technicians who were responsible for designing and building the electronics
should be the ones to perform the integration and testing. This would assure, it was argued, that
operations staff after construction would be thoroughly familiar with the electronics since the plan was
that these same staff would be transitioning to operations. In the end, no separate systems group was
formed. Reassigning existing staff to a systems group would have resulted in short handedness in
maintaining the existing VLA, and the project did not have the means to hire additional staff to take up
the slack. While a dedicated group of systems staff whose purpose was to outfit and test the electronics
in every antenna likely would have resulted in schedule savings, the debate continues whether the
project would have benefited significantly from a stronger systems presence. For example, not only did
the Systems Engineer not have a dedicated systems group for which to direct the activities, but he often
times found himself in the position of responsibility for tasks normally associated with a Project
Engineer. While system integration and testing was overall very successful, few other areas of project
systems management were supported. Ultimately, the system hardware was installed successfully, so
the question remains whether it would have been worth the cost of the resources needed to staff a
traditional systems group.

Another challenge was experienced in regards to general staffing. The project plan allowed for the
hiring of additional staff for the life of construction. Termination of these staff is a common practice in
industry once construction is completed. This came as no surprise to project management, and plans
were made to assure a graceful downsizing of staff to coincide with the end of construction. None the
less, It would be wise in the future for NRAO HR to make a provision so that particularly talented or
otherwise useful project staff hired for construction could be retained, and that overall staffing levels do
not suffer upon project completion. Post EVLA construction engineering staff numbers actually
amounted to less than pre construction numbers – likely a result of the economic downturn in the US
which coincided with the end of EVLA construction.

No major surprises were experienced during the project. This can partially be attributed to the high
level of relevant staff experience which existed from the beginning of construction. Given this
experience, it should not have been unexpected that the hardware system and subsystems did not
perform successfully immediately after their initial installations. Some would contend this is quite
natural with any project. Still, it came as somewhat a surprise to the project scientists and engineers

NRAO | Project Close Out Report     30 

when considerably more effort than anticipated was required to trouble shoot the first installed

As has previously been stated, EVLA construction, testing, and commissioning activities openly
competed with VLA observing for observatory resources. Management of these priorities was
sometimes complicated, even though a system existed to discuss and establish priorities. Furthermore,
other activities in the observatory – smaller side projects for external customers – often flew under the
radar and taxed project resources (staff). If an observatory resource management plan had been in
place and active during construction, construction project schedules may not have been so tight at times
and the overall construction experience may have come with less stress. In the end, though, the project
goals and schedule were attained. The EVLA was delivered on time, on budget, and per specification.
International collaboration proved very successful, and VLA observing throughout construction was

5.9 Post-project Tasks

All actions associated with EVLA hardware construction are completed, but work which was identified
as a result of the array upgrade has been identified. This work includes

 ACU prototype development and, pending funding, upgrade for 28 antennas (Appendix 6.4)
 Receiver band retrofits for enhanced solar observing capability (Appendix 6.4)

Outstanding activities to improve overall success involve

 Modifications for C-band: Thermal gaps and polarizer will be installed by the Electronics
Division as receivers undergo their routine maintenance cycle (Section
 Modification for L-band: Thermal gaps will be installed by the Electronics Division as
receivers undergo their routine maintenance cycle.
 A collaborative effort between Science and the Electronics Division is underway to assure
antenna electronics gain changes remain linear to within 0.5% accuracy over an input power
change of up to 15 dB (factor of 30, see Section

5.10 Project Close Out Recommendations

It is recommended that project close out be approved for the Expanded Very Large Array construction
project by the National Science Foundation, with the understanding that the project has fulfilled all of
the requirements as documented and that the NSF is satisfied that all outstanding items have been
satisfactorily addressed.

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6.1 Schedule
Appendix 6.1 A. EVLA Project WBS Level 2 tasks
Task Name Task Description

6.01 Project Management Project management including work definition, budget and schedule
control. Advisory committee, design review and oversight activities.
6.02 System Integration and All system engineering activities during the design, integration,
Testing installation and test phases of the project. Management of the
technical aspects of both the hardware and software systems.
Provision of shared systems such as modules, racks and power
6.03 Civil Construction Burial of the long-distance fiber optics cables along the arms of the
array. Construction of a new shielded room to house the new EVLA
6.04 Antennas Structural modifications to the VLA feed support structure on the
antennas to allow installation of the new feed and receiver systems.
Modifications to the vertex rooms on the antennas to allow
installation of the new electronic systems.
6.05 Front End Systems Design, construction and installation of all feeds and receivers for the
eight new EVLA receiver bands. Modifications to the cryogenics
systems on the antennas for compatibility with the new receivers.
6.06 Local Oscillator System Provision of a central reference oscillator system and an antenna
remote local oscillator (LO) system. Provision of a “round-trip-
phase” monitoring system to stabilize the phase of the LO at each
6.07 Fiber Optic System Provision of all fiber optics systems including the fiber, the optical
transmitters and the optical receivers for LO distribution, IF
transmission and M/C.
6.08 Intermediate Frequency Provision of all frequency converters required to convert the signal
System from the 8-12 GHz band at the output of each receiver to the 2-4
GHz baseband input to the digitizers. Provision of the wide band and
narrow band digitizers. Provision of switching equipment required to
direct the desired IF into each of the 8 digitizers.
6.09 Correlator Construction and installation of the EVLA correlator, supplied by
Canada, and NRAO interfaces.
6.10 Monitor and Control Provision of hardware and software for array monitor and control.
System Includes both the central computer system and the electronics
system located in each module for interface to the M/C system.
6.11 Data Management and Provision of software and hardware for observation preparation and
Computing scheduling and for data post-correlation data processing. Includes a
pipeline system for rapid image formation.
6.12 Education and Public EVLA contribution of funds to NRAO’s EPO program. No specific
Outreach EPO work is done within the EVLA Project.

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Appendix 6.1 B. Milestone Summary 

NRAO | Project Close Out Report     34 

 Appendix 6.1 C Key Milestones

Baseline  Baseline 
WBS  Key Milestones  Start  Finish  Start  Finish Start installation of fiber optics on Wye 11/4/02 11/4/02 11/4/02 11/4/02 Start prototype system lab integration & test 1/15/03 1/15/03 1/15/03 1/15/03 Install prototype system on test antenna 4/14/03 4/14/03 4/14/03 4/14/03 Complete electronics CDRs 1/7/04 1/7/04 5/21/04 5/21/04 Start electronics production 12/15/03 12/15/03 4/5/04 4/5/04 Start retrofitting antennas w/ new system 5/3/04 5/3/04 10/5/04 10/5/04 Start observing in transition mode 5/3/04 5/3/04 8/1/06 8/1/06 Test prototype correlator on 3 or 4 antennas 10/1/05 10/1/05 12/4/08 12/4/08 Start outfitting new correlator room 4/1/06 4/1/06 6/2/08 6/2/08 Start tests of 1st correlator subset at VLA 10/1/06 10/1/06 3/16/09 3/16/09 1st shared risk science w/ new correlator subset 4/1/07 4/1/07 3/1/10 3/1/10 New correlator declared operational 3/6/09 3/6/09 6/30/11 6/30/11 Last antenna retrofitted to EVLA design 8/27/10 8/27/10 6/11/10 6/11/10 Last receiver installed 6/1/12 6/1/12 12/28/12 12/28/12

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Appendix 6.1 D. Level 4 Schedule

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Appendix 6.1 E. Performance Metrics Over Life of Project

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6.2 Budget and WBS
Appendix 6.2 A. Level 2 WBS (w/ Level 4 Task List)

6.01 C. Langley Project Management

6.01.01 Management/Subsystem Engineering
6.01.06 Project Book, Manuals and Documentation
6.01.10 Office Equipment & Supplies
6.01.15 Drafting and Lab Services
6.01.20 Advisory Comm Support

6.02 Jackson/Butler System Integration and Testing

6.02.01 Management/Subsystem Engineering Block Diagrams for Systems & Subsystems Engineering Performance Specifications Basic Engineering Interface Specifications
6.02.05 Test and Lab Equipment Production Test and Lab Equipment, FO Production Test and Lab Equipment, FE Production Test and Lab Equipment, LO Test and Lab Equipment General
6.02.10 Power Supply System Central Electronics Room Master LO Power Supply Antenna Vertex Room Power Supply Antenna Pedestal Room Power Supply
6.02.15 Site RFI Characterization & Suppression Facilities Development Limits for RFI Emmission Levels Acceptance Test Development RFI/EMC Analysis of Electronics & Computers Site RFI Mitigation
6.02.16 External RFI & System Immunity Measurement of PFD/BW Levels of RFI at Each Band EVLA Antenna Sidelobe Gain Patterns 2-120 Degrees Distribution of Gains, SNRs & Headroom of existing Rcvrs Spec's for Distribution of System/Subsystem Gains, SNRs Spec's/Development of RFI Filters for Rcvrs Spec's/Development of RFI Filters in IF System
6.02.20 Scientific Support Development of Scientific Performance Specifications
NRAO | Project Close Out Report     39 
 Spec's for Minimum Limits for Angular Separation from Satellites
6.02.25 Modules, Bins and Racks
6.02.30 Transition Planning
6.03 G. Stanzione Civil Construction
6.03.01 Management/Subsystem Engineering
6.03.05 FO Cable, Trench, Install FO Cable, Trench and Install (200 kft) FO Cable (550kft)
6.03.10 New Correlator Room New Correlator Shielded Chamber Remodeling and Demolition IPG Shielded Chamber Power Distribution Install New Correlator
6.03.15 Power Distribution
6.03.20 HVAC and Fire Suppression

6.04 J. Ruff/L. Serna Antennas

6.04.01 Management/Subsystem Engineering
6.04.02 Precision Machining
6.04.05 Feed Cone and Towers
6.04.10 Antenna Structural Modifications
6.04.15 Antenna Electrical & HVAC Service Antenna Electrical Antenna HVAC
6.04.20 Feed Moisture Control and Pointing Improvements

6.05 C. Kutz Front End Systems

6.05.01 Management/Subsystem Engineering
6.05.05 Card Cage, Controllers Front End Card Cage FE Control Modules F-Rack
6.05.RX Receivers L Band S Band C Band X Band Ku Band K Band K Band Completion (7 units) Ka Band Q Band Q Band Completion (5 units)
6.05.10 Feeds L Band S Band

NRAO | Project Close Out Report     40 

 C Band X Band Ku Band K Band K Band Completion (7 units) Ka Band Q Band Q Band Completion (5 units)
6.05.30 Cryogenics Vacuum Pump and Manifolds Compressors & He Lines Refrigerators

6.06 T. Cotter Local Oscillator System

6.06.01 Management/Subsystem Engineering
6.06.05 Master LO System H Maser Frequency Standard (&Rb) PPS Generator & Distributor LO Ref Generator LO ref Distributor - Control Bldg LO Driver 512 MHz Offset Generator
6.06.07 Central Antenna System Round Trip Phase Receiver
6.06.10 12-20 GHz Synthesizer
6.06.15 10.8-14.8 GHz Synthesizer
6.06.20 Antenna Reference System Antenna LO Reference Generator

6.07 D. Gerrard Fiber Optic System

6.07.01 Management/Subsystem Engineering
6.07.05 IF Fiber System Formatter Deformatter Laser Transmitter
6.07.10 Infrastructure and Antenna Outfitting Fiber Infrastructure Antennas
6.07.15 Samplers & MCB Monitor and Control 2-4 GHz Sampler 1 GHz Sampler
6.07.20 LO Fiber System LO/Reference

6.08 T. Cotter Intermediate Frequency System

6.08.01 Management/Subsystem Engineering
6.08.05 Switches and RF Cabling

NRAO | Project Close Out Report     41 

6.08.10 4/P & L/S/C-Band Converters
6.08.15 U/X Converter Module
6.08.20 IF Down Converter

6.09 B. Carlson/M. Revnell Correlator

6.09.01 Management/Subsystem Engineering
6.09.05 NRAO Correlator Interface
6.09.10 Pre-project Tooling/Setup
6.09.15 Station Board H/W Development Station Board FIR Filter Chip Development Course Delay Module
6.09.20 Sub-band Distribution Backplane
6.09.25 Station Data Fanout Board
6.06.30 Baseline Entry Backplane
6.09.35 Baseline Board H/W Development Baseline Board Correlator Chip Development
6.09.40 Phasing Board
6.09.45 Phasing Board Entry Backplane H/W Deployment
6.09.50 TIMECODE Generator Box H/W Deployment
6.09.55 Real-time S/W Development
6.09.60 System Design (Racks, Main Pwr, Cabling, Computer)
6.09.65 Production Model Test/Burn-in
6.09.70 System Integration & Test (Pentecton)
6.09.75 System Integration & Test (VLA off-line)
6.09.80 Online Debug, Test (VLA on-line)

6.10 B. Butler Monitor & Control System

6.10.01 Management/Subsystem Engineering
6.10.05 M&C Electronic Hardware Physical Interface Utility Module
6.10.10 M&C Network, Hardware & Software
6.10.15 M&C Computing Systems Hrdwre & Sftwre
6.10.20 M&C EVLA Software Stabilization of the VLA Requirements High Level Software Architecture & Design Test & Devel Support, Enhanced Antennas Mid Level Analysis & Design Test & Devel Support, Correlator Detailed Design & Coding
6.10.25 Switch Interface Module
6.10.30 M&C Transition Hardware

6.11 B. Butler/J. Robnett Data Management and Computing

6.11.01 Management/Subsystem Engineering

NRAO | Project Close Out Report     42 

6.11.05 Proposal Preparation and Submission Requirements Proposal submission toolkit
6.11.10 Observation Preparation Software Requirements Observation description toolkit Observation planning toolkit
6.11.15 Observation Scheduling Requirements Observation scheduling toolkit Observing toolkit EVLA-specific Observing toolkit
6.11.20 Image Pipeline Requirements Pipeline toolkit Pipeline heuristics EVLA-specific pipeline heuristics
6.11.25 Data Archive Requirements Archive toolkit
6.11.30 Data Post Processing Requirements CASA package (formerly EVLA AIPS++)
6.11.35 Networking Upgrade Servers Replace copper by optical fiber Upgrade Clients Update VLA/AOC Datalink Update Non-Operations VLA Network VOIP Antenna Phones
6.11.40 Computing Hardware Development hardware Archive hardware Data Reduction Hardware
6.11.45 Correlator Backend Network
6.1145.05 Correlator Backend Network

6.12 Education and Public Outreach

6.12.05 EVLA Contribution to new Visitor Center

6.13 C. Langley Project Contingency

6.13.05 Unallocated Funds

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Appendix 6.2 B. Project Cost Summary

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Appendix 6.2 C. WBS Cost Data Sheet

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6.3 Risk Register

Risk Exposure RE = Probability Score * (Cost Impact Score + Schedule Impact Score)

LOW RE < 10

MEDIUM 10 >= RE < 30

HIGH 30 >= RE <= 45


Impact Score definitions

Cost Impact Schedule Impact Impact Score

<$50k 2-3 months 1

$50-100k 4-5 months 4

$100-250k 6-12 months 6

>$250k >12 months 8

Probability Score
Impact level Probability Probability Score

Low 10% 1

Medium 20% 2

High 40% 3

Very High 80% 4


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6.4 Remaining EVLA Project Funds Management Plan
The text in this section is taken directly from the Remaining EVLA Project Funds Management Plan,
NRAO document number A23010N0008, Rev A.


The remaining EVLA construction project funds are approximately $500k. It is assumed that NRAO will
request a no-cost extension from NSF and that these funds will move to New Mexico Operations at the
end of FY12. NM Ops will be required spend down these funds by the end of the second quarter of
FY13. All risks associated directly with EVLA project construction have been retired, therefore the
criteria for allocating these funds is to address new operational risks caused by the increased demand of
the (E)VLA on the existing infrastructure. The items described in this document, which are in order of
priority, are recommended for consideration.


The aging VLA ACUs have been identified as a major threat to array reliability in a recent antenna
lifetime. This topic was discussed at the December 2011 NSF EVLA Path to Completion review, and
subsequently received broad support from the review panel to develop a prototype system. The 2012
User’s and Visitor’s Committee meetings echoed this support. Following the P2C review, $270k of
EVLA funds were appropriated to develop a prototype system. If these additional funds are approved, a
total of three antennas will be outfitted with new systems during the next 12 months. During the
retrofit, components will be salvaged. This will provide a cache of spare components for the remaining
old systems, relieving a sizable portion of the immediate risk. The $104k price tag includes the
hardware to complete two retrofits ($30k each) and 0.5 FTE ($44k). A Critical Design Review is
scheduled for November 2012, with the ordering of components to commence immediately afterwards.
To assure adequate manpower support for the CDR and the subsequent hardware purchase, funding
approval is requested for FY2013 Q1.


The VLA electrical infrastructure is not only aging, but is being subjected to far greater power
requirements due to the EVLA upgrade. Constructed in the mid 1970’s, it has become a concern for
array reliability and staff safety.

$28k is requested for 2 new fused arm switches to replace the old units at DN9 and DE9 (The
replacement switch for DW9 is already purchased). This will result in considerably less interruption
and down time when power must be removed from an arm. At present, the entire site power must be
shut down and the power line capped off upstream from the fault. The effort required to accomplish
this is a considerable drain on resources and results in a significant loss in observing time. Additionally,
the replacement of these switches will result in improved safety. The present fuses can fail shut,
subjecting the technician to a hot circuit. The new switches will always fail open.

NRAO | Project Close Out Report     49 

$72k is requested for six new 75KVA dead front oil filled transformers to replace existing units made
with problematic Sierra style fuse holders. The older style transformers have been failing, most recently
in December 2011 and then again in July 2012, resulting in several days of lost observing.

The improvements to the VLA electrical infrastructure described here are critical for the continued
reliability of the array. Installation of the transformers and arm switches should happen as soon as the
weather permits. For work to begin in early spring 2013, the purchase of the transformers and switches
will have to take place not later than December 2012.


The aging infrastructure at the VLA site is no longer up to the standards of the original VLA. Under
normal conditions such improvements would be handled by funds in NM Operations but there is a
greater draw this year due to the transition from Construction to full Operations. One area that has
shown an excessive amount of deterioration is the Control Building Annex. Crowded conditions exist
for the Fiber Optic, Grounds, and Track crews which are housed in the building. Furthermore, the
structure of the building is degrading to the point of severely cracked walls and foundations, a failing
HVAC system, and rodent infestation. The human inhabitants of the annex need to be relocated to a
better space, and the building needs to be removed.

Measures to move the Fiber Optic group to a more suitable lab in the Control Building are already
underway. The newest building on site is the Cold Storage building, built to store equipment for the
EVLA Project. $95k is requested to retrofit the Cold Storage building into a space suitable to house the
Track and Grounds crews, as well as the HVAC team (presently situated in the Control Building). The
$95k would be used to provide interior shop and office space, a restroom, septic tank and drain field,
heating and cooling, lighting, and railroad track access to Cold Storage. Included also is $10k to pay for
removing the Control Building Annex.

The spring and summer months are ideal for the VLA staff to perform the retrofit of the Cold Storage
building. Therefore, material purchases should be completed by the end of FY2013 Q2.

The components have already been purchased to allow for the upgrade of select EVLA receivers for the
purpose of enhancing the solar observing capability. At present staffing levels and obligations, work to
perform these upgrades will not be complete until the end of 2017. The addition of two temporary
Front End technicians for two years each will allow for the work to be completed two years early (3Q
2015). The $352k cost includes two technicians for two years each, $88K per year per technician (fully
loaded salary). For half of this amount ($176k) NM Operations could hire one technician for two years,
which would result in a significant though less amount of schedule compression.

Everything is in place to perform this work with the exception of manpower. Additional staff to support
this effort will be hired once funding is approved.


$280k is already set aside in the project budget for archive hardware. This level of hardware (1 Pbyte)
is suitable for anticipated data storage needs to the end of FY13.
NRAO | Project Close Out Report     50 

One concern that we in Operations have is that Resident Shared Risk (RSRO) observing will require
higher data rates than normal observing. We could mitigate this risk by setting limits on data rates at the
cost of limiting the type of early RSRO science that gets done at on the VLA. Alternatively we could
purchase an additional 1-2 Pbytes (including a mirror server). This is a low risk item since if the
additional disk space is not needed in FY13, this expenditure would offset an expected draw on the
FY14 operations budget. Purchase of this hardware would ideally take place by the end of FY2013 Q2.


Item Risk Mitigation Cost Spending Notes


ACU Downtime Two more $104k FY2013 Q1 Can do >>2 with more $$

Electrical Downtime Replace $100k FY2013 Q1 Improves safety and reduces


Buildings Operations Renovate $95k FY2013 Q2 One time Construction Ops


Solar Delay in Additional $352k FY2013 Q1 Reduces schedule by 1-2 years

retrofit providing staff
schedule functionality
Archive No disk 1-2 PB more $100- FY2013 Q2 Purchase additional disk storage
space 300k and review policy management

NRAO | Project Close Out Report     51 

6.5 Lessons Learned
To be Encouraged 
Project End Date 
Observation or Comment  (E) or Problem to  Narrative  Suggested Action 
Avoided (P)? 
Activity Schedule 
Planning schedules for production
activities is very useful and these
Consider that planning firm When designing a product that does
can be quite accurate. This is not
schedules for R&D activities is of P ? not yet exist, it is often very difficult to
always the case with R&D.
limited value. predict when success will be achieved.
Endeavor to be less critical and
more supportive of design staff.

Communications Management 
In the event various project staff are
Encourage face to face meetings not located in the same proximity, Establish meetings early on where
among remote participants early E N communication inefficiencies remote staff can establish
in the project. sometimes exist until a time when the agreements and form bonds.
staff get to know one another.

With the exception of the HIA folks, all

key people were in the building. And
for the HIA exception, they were only a
single time zone away. And, with the
VLA site only 50 miles away, on-the-
sky tests did not require any
Utilize short lines of Strive to establish the shortest
E Y administrative overhead and very little
communication lines of communication possible.
time lost to travel. Having all people
here at all times meant that ad hoc
meetings, to deal with a sudden
unexpected turn, were easy to
arrange, and invariably resulted in a

NRAO | Project Close Out Report     52 

To be Encouraged 
Project End Date 
Observation or Comment  (E) or Problem to  Narrative  Suggested Action 
Avoided (P)? 
Occasionally it was noted in other
projects (internal and external) that
there was the appearance of micro-
NRAO Directors and Assistant
management from the top. This can
Directors respected autonomy of E ? Assure autonomy of the PM.
result in a lot of time and worry
Project Managers
expended in trying to
provide/defeat/delay well-intentioned
To avoid confusion,
miscommunication, and strained
working relationships, we found that
there must be daily contact and
meetings at least 3 times a week to
ensure issues between groups were
solved and resources and priorities
could be shifted to accommodate
Commissioning efforts by the
commissioning issues and high priority
core team tended to be very
science operations. Second, the
focused and when expertise was Have well-coordinated goals and
planning for new modes needed to
needed outside of the core schedules across the observatory
take into account the fact that newly
group, there was confusion and that are agreed upon by all
P N offered modes required continued
difficulties shifting priorities in (electronics, software, operations,
support to work out “fiddly-bit”
other groups to support commissioning, user support and
commissioning details that were not
commissioning. This in turn management).
uncovered until the mode went “live”.
caused 'emergencies' as regular
Thus, when releasing a set of new
operations were interrupted.
modes to the community, the planning
needed to allow for a period of
decreased new mode development in
order to bring released modes into a
final, robust state. Both of these
aspects are critical to the continued
sanity, enthusiasm and health of the
commissioning team.

NRAO | Project Close Out Report     53 

To be Encouraged 
Project End Date 
Observation or Comment  (E) or Problem to  Narrative  Suggested Action 
Avoided (P)? 

The Penticton staff was operating

under a finite timeframe. Therefore,
the NRAO staff had to push to finish
their tasks for which the contributions
were vital well before the end of the It may be there is no perfect
Project spread between Socorro
project. We would have probably solution to this kind of problem,
and Penticton resulted in some ? N
produced a better product had we other than to recognize that it will
scheduling problems.
concentrated more on the happen.
fundamentals of the correlator, and left
some of the more extreme capabilities
to be developed after the formal end of
the project.

Regular weekly team meetings Plan for the weekly meetings.

(teleconferences) are very useful as a Make sure that all members of the
Y This had positive
Regular weekly meetings E means to keep team members team get a chance to talk about
informed and to discuss current their work and raise issues as
issues. needed.

In the case of geographically Allocate resources (time and

dispersed team, periodical face-to-face funds) for regular face-to-face
meetings are necessary - they improve meetings. Plan face-to-face
Y This had positive understanding and trust among team meetings well in advance so that
Periodical face-to-face meetings E
impact members. In the early stages of time gets well used. For example,
development EVLA correlator team people can prepare presentations
had 2 face-to-face meetings per year - and reports to be discussed at the
that worked well. meeting.

NRAO | Project Close Out Report     54 

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Avoided (P)? 
Communicate to users from the
Communicate clear time At times we needed the capability to
onset that configuration dates are
allocations and flexibility in P N extend configurations to satisfy for
subject to change during project
scheduling to observers some RSRO commitments.
construction and commissioning.

Cost Management

Materials such as steel, aluminum,

and composite parts for the antennas
were purchased in bulk early in the
project, instead of on an antenna-by-
Purchase in bulk quantities where
antenna basis as had been done with
practical, and encourage the use
Bulk purchases of materials early VLBA. Having materials readily
of identical common components
in the project resulted in E Y available kept the project moving.
where possible so as to increase
significant cost savings When purchasing in bulk, be care to
order quantities and therefore
consider if the design is likely to
reduce cost.
undergo future changes, or if the
integrated circuits (FPGAs, digitizers)
have been fully tested and reviewed
for suitability.

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Observation or Comment  (E) or Problem to  Narrative  Suggested Action 
Avoided (P)? 
HR Management

Little or no turnover of key staff

occurred during construction. The
Project Scientist and Project Engineer
were on board throughout. We did
have three Project Managers, but all
three were 'inside' people, already
involved with the project, so the
transition was easy. There were
Engage key staff so as to reduce
three Assistant Directors, and three
likelihood of defections. Where
Directors throughout the period -- but
practical, fill / backfill management
these changes had little effect on the
positions from within the
Personnel retention planning was organization. Make provisions for,
good during construction phase. plan, and communicate that
A detailed personnel retention plan
project and other development
was developed, implemented, and
employees will be given
observed. The plan was used by upper
opportunities to transition into
management to fund additional
positions from NRAO operations
funds. The plan was used as a model
for the ALMA transition plan. Though
the plan was successful, some staff
that was hired for the construction
project had term appointments. It
would have been beneficial to retain
some of the term limited staff.

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Avoided (P)? 

An agreed to listing of all aspects of an

interface (signal name, type,
Establish formal Interface Control
mechanical and electrical Require design reviews where
Documents (ICDs) between
specifications, etc.) will prevent both entities take part. ICDs
product groups and, where E N
misunderstandings and allow for a should be written and agreed to
warranted, at interfaces within a
successful integration sooner. This before the design is underway.
was put into effect in a less formal way
during this project, with good results.

Non calibrated or incorrectly calibrated Insist on an equipment calibration

Establish an equipment
P ? equipment could cause problems and plan, with checks, early in the
calibration plan
other delays within the project. project.

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Avoided (P)? 
The prevailing thought was that the 50 Plan for and budget a systems
mile separation between lab and site test facility in the engineering lab
was of no consequence, so a proper to coincide with hardware
test facility at the AOC was not built. integration.
This turned out to be a mistake. For
the early part of the project, modules
which worked in the lab failed at the
site, and the needed people or
equipment were 50 miles away. Much
time was lost in shuttling. This issue
went away once a proper facility was
built in the AOC.

The ALMA project took the opposite

approach from the beginning. They
built laboratory test racks that
A proper local test facility was not simulated the antennas and the central
Both Y
established at the onset racks. Although EVLA could have
done this also it was decided we would
use antenna EA13 as the prototype.
EA13 was out of the array for over 12
months but provided an excellent
prototyping platform. The second
antenna to be retrofitted went much
more smoothly and was returned to
the array within 4 months. The
approach to install prototype hardware
in EA13 successfully helped to quickly
identify the inevitable problems which
will be faced in the field.

Ideal approach - construct a full

system laboratory test facility, which
would include a test correlator or at
NRAO | Project Close Out Report     58 
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Avoided (P)? 
least a correlator facsimile. But also
strive to install hardware on an actual
antenna as soon as practical (see
"Prototype hardware installed on an
antenna during early development").

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Avoided (P)? 
EVLA really didn’t have formal
acceptance plans for its major
Develop acceptance plans which
deliverables, although there was a test
include a compliance matrix of
acceptance procedure for the
performance and other criteria for
retrofitted antennas. This was
major project deliverables.
particularly acute for the correlator,
Develop acceptance plans E Y Include performance requirements
where there was not a mutual
which are derived down from
understanding initially of what the 'end
scientific requirements. Allow for
game' was. This unnecessarily led to
the possibility of waiver approval
angst and anxiety at DRAO and
should certain criteria not be met.
NRAO, and exacerbated budget
planning for our Canadian colleagues

The first EVLA project manager

encouraged the engineering and
testing staff to install prototype
hardware into the array sooner rather
than later. The engineering staff joked
that the modules were installed in the
array before the solder cooled. So,
Install prototype hardware on an
while there was a lot of time spent
Prototype hardware installed on antenna as soon as practical (but
shuttling to and from the VLA in the
an antenna during early Both, but mostly E N develop and make use of a lab
early days, in the end this was a good
development test facility prior to antenna
policy because it started the dialog
system integration).
between the scientific staff and the
engineering staff early in the project.
This dialog kept the engineering staff
aware of the scientific requirements
and also helped the software
developers understand the interface

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Avoided (P)? 

Early in the project, the mechanical

overhaul of an antenna did not start
until the electronics retrofit of the
previous antenna was completed in
Conducting mechanical
the AAB. Thus, EVLA overhauls were
overhauls and electronics
originally done serially. The schedule
retrofits of the antennas in E Y continue this practice
was changed to move antennas to the
parallel, instead of in series,
master pad for electronics retrofits
accelerated the project schedule.
after the mechanical overhaul was
completed in the AAB. This allowed
the EVLA overhauls to be done in

The project was mostly staffed with

technical experts, and had a very
limited number of people with
Improper balance of staff skills in Strike the proper balance of
P Y programmatic skills. As a result, a
the project. technical and programmatic skill
number of organizational and
managerial issues were not resolved
in a timely way.

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Avoided (P)? 

We skimped on the FE budget by

reusing dewars and refrigerators. The
reuse of dewars caused schedule
problems, and the old refrigerators,
Scope the work element properly
Original Front End budget was particularly the Model 22s, were just
P Y and give it sufficient budget to
too light worn out. A specific example that
complete the work on schedule
made no sense was to reuse Model
22s on X-band when the C- and Ku-
band receivers were using Model

Essentially all staff had a great deal of

experience with the VLA, and their
knowledge and expertise contributed
Retain present staff and employ
to the successful completion of the
them in future projects. Take
Assign the most experienced project. Many of the key individuals
E Y advantage of the local expertise
team possible / Veteran staff were employed in the building for ten
and talent. Encourage project
years or more prior to the start of the
project. Implicitly, there existed a high
level of trust amongst all key

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Avoided (P)? 

Early NSF funding of the EVLA project

was not predictable and future funding
was uncertain. NRAO management
Secure agreement on funding Agree on a funding profile early in
E Y convinced NSF to commit to a specific
profile the project.
funding profile, which allowed project
management to make detailed project

Assure technical challenges are

identified and understood early in the
project. Where we lack the technical
expertise necessary to handle the
tasks, hire the proper resources. We Hire staff with the proper skill to
Proper technical expertise E Y struggled with the wideband OMT eliminate technical risk early in the
designs initially. Steven Durand hired project.
Gordon Coutts, who had the right skills
and solved the problem quickly.
Initially, this was a major risk to the

NRAO | Project Close Out Report     63 

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Avoided (P)? 
Claire Chandler developed a shared
risk observing program that made
optimum scientific use of evolving
EVLA capabilities. This was crucial for
demonstrating project success and
putting the new instrument under a full
burden of testing to shake out any Demonstrate instrument capability
Shared risk observing E Y
unanticipated issues. The success of as soon as practicable.
the program gave us credibility and
attracted new, young users to the
instrument. The community scientists
involved derived good orientation and
understanding of the evolving system
and felt invested in its success.
Bringing more complex observing
modes on-line while observations were
being scheduled each evening
required a clear understanding of the
priorities, well-coordinated
development and testing by multiple Keep at high priority the ability to
teams (hardware, software & commission during the day while
operations) and clear handover observing science programs at
We needed to transition to
procedures between operations and night. This decreases time
science observing at night even
E Y commissioning teams. A small team available for commissioning and
while commissioning was
of experts (3 people) coordinated the science but it also ensures a more
progressing during the day.
daily commissioning activities, headed robust system since the system
by a single individual who understood had to be tested for science each
the state of the system. There was night.
enough expertise in the group to
continue commissioning operations
along different paths for up to several
weeks at a time even if the lead
commissioner was absent.
NRAO | Project Close Out Report     64 
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Avoided (P)? 

Modes were first put out to a limited

and expert user group made up of the
RSRO scientists working closely with
When a complex observing mode
N (There is no proof that the commissioning team. The value
was first offered, it was not
the project end date was of this strategy was that complicated Develop well-defined
perfect and there was an element
affected by this process observing modes were offered in a commissioning 'paths' in which
of risk that needed to be
but the final modes that step-wise fashion, minimizing the risk commissioned observing modes
addressed. Both the user and
E were delivered were of end-user acceptance when the are offered first as RSRO, then as
NRAO had to accept this risk
more robust, more mode was released (because outside shared risk, and then as a general
level when observing in that
comprehensive and scientists were involved in the early observing mode with fully
mode (e.g., there were likely
better documented development process). It also supported documentation.
some work-a rounds or other
because of this strategy) engaged the user community in the
non-optimal ease-of-use issues).
commissioning process and then used
their input as guidance for how to bring
the mode to full, robust operations.

Although it was expensive in both

dollars and manpower to make the
systems compatible, it gave us not
only a couple of years of good
VLA science, but also let us check out
the antenna based electronics (LO IF
Strongly consider maintaining a
Continued observing during early system and data transmission system)
E ? regular observing schedule when
phases of EVLA construction in a system that we understood very
upgrading an instrument.
well. It was also important for the
early stages of software development
for both the MIBs and for the Executor.
And it meant that our scientific
expertise in the use of the instrument
did not decline from lack of use.

NRAO | Project Close Out Report     65 

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Observation or Comment  (E) or Problem to  Narrative  Suggested Action 
Avoided (P)? 
The lesson is never to
A one month observing shutdown underestimate the time required to
during the switchover to the new bring a complicated system into
correlator was originally scheduled, operation; in particular there will
and this was later extended to two be a significant interval in which
Schedule to achieve minimal months. We were overly optimistic all the pieces of the system work,
capabilities of correlator was too ? N because we had already tested the but the system as a whole does
optimistic. correlator system in a reduced not. Scheduling four months for
configuration, and underestimated the the switchover to the new
difference that having the whole correlator would have allowed
system in sufficient time to bring the system
final or semi-final state would make. online in a more stable state.

Well planned and extensive testing of

all sub-systems during system
integration time is essential -
uncovered issues and bugs can be Allocate resources (time,
more efficiently corrected while the equipment, and people) for unit
Allocate enough time for unit and whole team is still focused on the testing and integration testing.
integration testing project. Problems uncovered later, Advocate for and represent
when the development team is interests of the development team
dissolved and developers move on to to management.
other projects, may require several
times more time to troubleshoot and

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Avoided (P)? 
Endeavor to avoid doing system
integration during commissioning, but
recognizing that some will be
Complete system integration to necessary, have the skills and Create measureable go/no-go
the greatest extent practical prior E ? resources on hand to perform system requirements prior to the onset of
to onset of commissioning. integration. Establish and maintain commissioning.
communication / staff bridges between
science and engineering throughout

Project Management

There was a debate on whether the

EVLA should use Earned Value as a
reporting metric. We decided this
would not be useful for our
stakeholders (NSF, users,
management), and elected to report
Establish and report project
Develop reporting metrics that on items that had meaning to them,
E Y metrics that are meaningful to
are meaningful to stakeholders such as percentage contingency and
number of antennas outfitted as
functions of time. Reporting this
information gave us credibility with our
stakeholders, helped them understand
status, and led them to advocate for

NRAO | Project Close Out Report     67 

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Avoided (P)? 
Have a system in place at the
time the project is approved to
Activate lessons learned process We started the LL work far too late and assure feedback part of the team
early in the project. Encourage E N risked missing key data as people had ethos. Publish the data regularly;
regular feedback. already moved on from the project. assure anonymity. Keep the
system simple to encourage

A Project Engineer and systems

group are needed early in the
project and this should be funded
in the project proposal. A small
but dedicated group assigned to
The EVLA project relied heavily on a
the establishment of interfaces
single Systems Engineer to assure
and standards as well as the
Allocate resources at the onset technical cohesiveness and
facilitation of documentation
for the establishment of a consistency. This task is simply too
E N should be established early on.
systems group at the beginning much for one person to shoulder,
Budget such that an engineer
of the project especially given that this individual
from the Systems Group can be
also was called upon to serve as
assigned to each product area. If
Project Engineer.
no budget exists to dedicate staff
for a systems group, consider
assigning one member of each
product area to interface directly
with the Systems Engineer.

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Observation or Comment  (E) or Problem to  Narrative  Suggested Action 
Avoided (P)? 

EVLA decision making was a For future projects, insist group

Establish clear procedures for
streamlined process which allowed for leaders have ultimate decision
issue solving so as to not allow
E Y timely verdicts. This greatly facilitated making authority for their groups.
for unanswered questions to
the successful and on time completion No 50/50 sharing of
delay any aspect of the project.
of the project. responsibilities.

Percent project contingency was very

low at mid-project, and de-scope
options were developed. A risk
management plan was developed and
implemented so that contingency
Couple risk management and Couple risk management with
usage was a transparent process that
change control with contingency E Y contingency usage and administer
showed how risk was mitigated or
usage through a Change Control Board.
minimized. All change control
meetings reviewed risk register and
contingency status before change
requests were approved. This helped
with project cost control.

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Avoided (P)? 

In the first year of the project the EVLA

change board was established. The
board included the Project Scientist,
the Project engineer, Project manager,
the head of EVLA computing, the head
of the WIDAR team and the NMOPs
Director. All changes to the budget,
schedule, or the project book
specifications needed to obtain
change board approval. Although the
change board was casual in the
Establish a change control board beginning, as the project progressed, Establish a change control board
early on in the project the change board became more formal early on in the project.
and was the vehicle which was used to
shape the final EVLA. Change board
items could be passed with a majority
vote but the overwhelming majority
were passed with a unanimous vote.
This was accomplished by the change
board staff and the engineering staff
thoroughly discussing the issues
before each vote. These discussions
are what made the change board a
successful and valuable tool.

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Avoided (P)? 

Despite initial resistance, a project

WBS was developed. It was updated
by group leaders and project
WBS was developed and management every 6 months Establish and maintain a detailed
routinely maintained thereafter. The updates provided WBS.
common understanding of the budget
and were a major factor in completing
the project on budget

The technical and programmatic

oversight in the Front End group was
originally assigned to one person. This
turned out to be too much of a burden
for one person given the number and Evaluate programmatic and
magnitude of the technical and technical scope within a work
programmatic issues that required element, and assign responsibly
Leadership of work elements E Y resolution. The FE work got into of each to separate people if
schedule and budget problems as a warranted. Where a personnel
result. Progress was eventually made void exists, fill it early in the
after the responsibilities for project.
programmatic and technical issues
were assigned to separate individuals.
This wasn't required in all groups (e.g
antenna, LO, DTS)

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Avoided (P)? 

Giving responsibility and appropriate

authority to a person leads to
ownership and is paramount to
Authority, responsibility and
E Y success. Some good examples of this Empower staff
ownership for a work element
were Tom Baldwin on fiber optic
design and installation, and Michael
Rupen on correlator commissioning.

Identify, detail, and track critical tasks

and their dependencies early in the
project. Establish reporting practices
across all locations so that critical Early in the project, implement a
items which require extra resources consistent project management
Unified Project Management can be identified well before they pose control and reporting system
Control System a problem for the schedule. Include all which is agreed to and followed
aspects of the project in the unified by all project entities and enforced
schedule/plan (design, integration, by the Project Manager.
production, commissioning...). To
support plan, communicate clear
responsibilities to the various groups.

NRAO | Project Close Out Report     72 

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Observation or Comment  (E) or Problem to  Narrative  Suggested Action 
Avoided (P)? 
Projects leaders were first technical
experts, without much project
management skills. Most attention
was placed on technical measurement Set clear expectations of
which created a number of issues. responsibilities. At the most
Most evident was the lack of fundamental level, leaders need
knowledge of procurement control and to know where to spend most of
monitoring progress. Too much time their time and what to delegate to
was spent on procurement activity that others. And how to track progress
Project Maturity was lacking in
others were assigned to do. and manage the work priorities.
many leadership roles at the
Circumvention of procurement Institutional standards would be
outset of the project. No set
protocols happened often which most useful to have in place as
expectations on protocols were P Y&N
resulted in undesirable results at guidelines for project leaders to
established which allowed for
times. Fortunately for the project most follow. Such guidelines would
self-interpretation of how to
of these occurrences’ happened under better clarify these responsibilities
manage a project.
the <$10k cap. The project leaders and help to apply focus on what
just weren't good at tracking the really matters on the project.
differences between what was planned Those chosen to lead projects in
and what was actually happening. the future could benefit from short
There was too much time spent on review tutorials of managing
self-gratifying items than on focusing projects beforehand.
on the many details that were more
problematic. This happened more in
the area of system engineering.
Our initial philosophy regarding
software and firmware versions was
"there is no back, only forward." In
Establish and enforce practice, this proved unrealistic. Establish and maintain software
software/firmware configuration ? ? Versioning of software is vital, and firmware configuration
management versioning of firmware is critical. control.
Multiple FPGA personalities exist in
the system, and some are very

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Avoided (P)? 
Scope Management
Our goal was to bring in visiting
scientists with extensive and clear
expertise to help with commissioning.
We had also planned to engage the
community through this RSRO
program but visiting scientists were not
always contributing effectively to the
commissioning process and the Don't usually bring in senior
overhead to direct them was a drain scientists to help with
on the core commissioning team. commissioning - they often have
Early RSRO involvement was a too many other commitments to
difficult time to get through and contribute effectively. Rather,
required balancing RSRO activities focus on bringing in enthusiastic
Early RSRO visitor involvement with a high level of expertise in the post-docs for a minimum of 3
produced a heavy load on the N (but it stressed out the RSRO visitors themselves to help months at a time (but not too
core commissioning team since commissioning team and commission (not everyone provided many at once). Give them clear
they had to coordinate RSRO P could have caused a good RSRO input). To solve the goals, priorities and contacts to
observations as well as verifying melt-down if it had not problem, RSRO visitors required work with. Using RSRO
and troubleshooting basic been dealt with) highly focused priorities that matched visitors to help write user
functionality. their interests with EVLA documentation was particularly
commissioning needs. Having useful because it allows them to
internal contacts assigned to them learn more about the system
also helped them contribute effectively (which they find rewarding) and it
and ramp up quickly. It was also frees up the commissioning team
imperative that RSRO visitors were to focus on technical
assigned short-term projects that could commissioning.
be completed in 3 months or handed
over effectively to the next RSRO.
The bottom line is that the RSRO
program had to be very actively
managed or these short term
resources became a drain on the
commissioning effort, diverting the
NRAO | Project Close Out Report     74 
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Avoided (P)? 
commissioning path into so many
avenues that it was difficult to see the
critical path.

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Avoided (P)? 

Definition of requirements, as well

Too often requirements for software
as, development and review of
systems were not defined in advance
related documents should be
but on-the-go. Such approach slows
Define detailed requirements as planned from the beginning and
E Y down development process, often
early as possible. resources should be allocated
requires re-work of previously
appropriately (software
implemented software and results in
developers, astronomers, and
sub-optimal architecture.
system engineers).

Especially important during early

stages as it forces participants to
thoroughly and systematically consider
ideas, requirements, technologies and
Define the minimum set of Allocate time and resources for
concepts; fosters discussion and
documents and formal review E Y development of documents and
allows participants to learn from each
process. formal reviews.
other. Investment in documentation
pays off, as it speeds up learning
process for developers and testers
who join the project late(r).

A set of commissioning goals with their

Establish a clear set of priorities
relative priorities (re-visited weekly) Create commissioning milestones,
and milestones to be achieved E ?
helped to keep staff focused on set priorities, review weekly.
during commissioning.
verifying array performance.

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To be Encouraged 
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Observation or Comment  (E) or Problem to  Narrative  Suggested Action 
Avoided (P)? 

The EVLA project made the decision

early in the project that all module and
subsystem communication would use
optical Ethernet. It was a good
decision to use a communication
industry standard with the addition of
All module and subsystem
the optical component. From a Design using optical interfaces
communication over optical E N
hardware point of view Optical (instead of copper).
Ethernet was a good decision because
it was straight forward to move the
optical signal in and out of the RFI
tight modules using a RFI tight optical
connector. The EVLA project chose a
FC connector made of metal.

The plan was every module would use

the same Module Interface Board,
(MIB). The design and manufacture
of these MIBs took 24 months. During
this period module developers were
A powerful Module Interface
without a method to communicate with
Board is a good idea, but an
Use the same style assembly to their prototype boards using Ethernet
allowance must be made for
interface all modules to the Both N and/or optical Ethernet. This delayed
temporary communication to the
greater system. EVLA project development by at least
assemblies while this assembly is
14 months, but the overall project end
being developed.
date did not suffer. Some method to
poke and peek should have been
developed early in the project to
support the LO/IF module

NRAO | Project Close Out Report     77 

To be Encouraged 
Project End Date 
Observation or Comment  (E) or Problem to  Narrative  Suggested Action 
Avoided (P)? 

The use of a common MIB board was

a great idea. The MIBs were basically
a digital I/O board but each module
developer also needed to sample
In this case, this problem may
analog signals. The first engineer to
have been unavoidable.
develop an analog interface board
Module Interface Board (MIB) However, it serves as a reminder
P N basically defined the standard. But
lacked some features to endeavor to conduct rigorous
this de facto standard needed to be
design reviews before committing
enhanced as other requirements were
to a design.
added. The end result was a
collection of analog boards that were
compatible with the MIBs but each a
little different.

NRAO | Project Close Out Report     78 

To be Encouraged 
Project End Date 
Observation or Comment  (E) or Problem to  Narrative  Suggested Action 
Avoided (P)? 

When there are choices that involve

pushing technologies to their limits,
possibly even just some doubts about
feasibility, then it would be wise to
solicit expert advice (either internal or
external) possibly via a review,
whichever is most appropriate. An
example is that of the 3-bit sampler.
The selected device was properly
reviewed prior to purchase, however
Aggressively solicit expert
our application of using the device in a
advice, external if necessary, Take extra care when reviewing
E Y broadband noise environment was not
when pushing technologies to bleeding edge technologies.
familiar to the manufacturer. As a
their limits
result, test data provided with the
sampler chips was not completely
relevant to project needs. Much time
was spent, and an associated delay in
schedule resulted, by NRAO staff
having to fully characterize the 3-bit
A/D. This did not result in a delay to
the end of construction date, but
certain system testing commissioning
tasks were affected.

NRAO | Project Close Out Report     79 


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