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O8 NATURE (Fed. 19, 1874: The Induction Tube of W. Siemens

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3 o8 NATURE [Fed.

19, 1874
dynamical phenomena occurring between the plates,
THE INDUCTION TUBE OF W. SIEMENS namely, light, heat, and chemical
change. (Poggendorff's Annalen, 6."
T R A N S L A T I O N from a French periodical, La Na- loc. cit., p. 119).
A ture, of an article on " Tubes for silent electrical dis- Now it is evident that in this
charges," appears in NATUREof Jan. 29 (vol. ix. p. 244). After arrangement the two sheets of glass
referring to the action of the electric spark upon oxygen may be replaced by two concentric
gas, the author of the article continues : " For the pur- cylinders of glass, the interior of the
pose of more easily obtaining ozone, M. Houzeau has inner cylinder and the exterior of
recently constructed an apparatus worked by a Ruhmkorff the outer cylinder being coated with
coil, in which there are no longer sparks, but only dark tin-foil, as in the case of the plates.
discharges—effluvia—far more efficacious in the pro- It is precisely this change which
duction of modified oxygen." Again, it is said, that M. is effected in the induction-tube of
Houzeau " h a s recently devised an apparatus for the Siemens, but with the additional
preparation of ozone, which is spreading rapidly among advantage that in the induction-
the laboratories, and which has already yielded very re- tube a regular flow of the gas to be
markable results." A description of the apparatus is then operated upon may be maintained,
given ; further on, it is said, that " M. Houzeau is not the that the experiment m a y be made
only one who has made use of the tubes whose structure at any required temperature, and
he has made known, but that M. Boillot, a writer, it the gaseous products of the experi-
appears," well known to the readers of the Moniteur, " has ment collected for examination.
made some further propositions about them ; and lastly, The construction of this induction-
that M. A. Thenard " (whose investigations constitute the tube will be readily understood
main subject of the article) " has brought to bear on the from the annexed drawing (taken
construction of the tubes a further modification which from Pogg. Ann. loc. cit.), where
makes them stili more efficacious." A description and the ring shows the horizontal sec-
drawing of the apparatus of M. A. Thenard is given. tion of the tube.
Those who are unacquainted with the facts of the case If the reader will be at the
will be surprised to learn that the invention thus publicly trouble of comparing the descrip-
announced, although, doubtless, in principle deserving of tion of the tube of M. Houzeau
the highest praise, was not made either by M. Houzeau. and the drawing of the tube of M.
M. Boillot, or M. A. Thenard, but is simply a somewhat A. Thenard, with the description
clumsy form of the Induction-tube devised by W. Siemens, and drawing of the induction-tube
which is described in his " Memoir on Electrostatic In- of Siemens he will be satisfied of
duction," contained in Poggendorff's Annalen, for 1857 the substantial identity, both in
(vol. cii. p. 120). principle and construction, of these ^ JJ
This Induction-tube is one of the most remarkable, as pretended novelties with that inven-
well as simple instruments, of chemical research v/hich tion. At the same time if the
has ever been devised ; enabling us, by the action of statement of these ridiculous pre-
electricity, to effect changes in the composition of gases tensions were limited to those made
which may be compared with the chemical changes in the article translated in NATURE,
effected in liquids by the agency of the voltaic battery. vol. ix. p. 244, they would hardly
A few words in explanation of the instrument may in- be worthy of notice, but this is not
quite the case. T h e induction-tube 6«
terest the readers of N A T U R E .
T h e simplest form of induction-apparatus consists in of Siemens under the title of " the
two thin glass plates, of which one side is coated with tube of M. Houzeau," is being
tin-foil, and which are so arranged that the uncovered rapidly acclimatised as a French
surfaces are parallel to one another, and separated by a discovery. In the article on ozone
uniform, narrow interval of about one or two milli- contained in a recent number of % A C T U A L I Z E
metres filled, say, with air. If this apparatus be charged the " Dictionnaire de Chimie,"
with electricity by a sufficiently charged Leydenjar, at the which bears evidence of being the work of a highly
moment of the charge the air between the plates becomes competent writer, where we might expect to find a compre-
luminous, and the same appearance is presented when hensive treatment of the subject, a similar lapse occurs.
the apparatus is discharged. To produce this effect, W e have there, too, a drawing of the tube of M. Houzeau,
however, the apparatus must be charged beyond a certain which is described as " a happy modification of the tube of
limit, determined, in each case, by the speeial arrangement M. Babo," but not a word is said about Siemens, the in-
of the apparatus and the materials employed in its con- ventor of the tube, whose name is simply dropped. Other
struction. Now, if the two plates of tin-foil be respec- similar instances might be brought forward which have
tively connected with the terminals of a powerful Ruhm- afforded an opportunity of rectifying these mistakes, but
korff's coil, the apparatus is successively charged with of which no advantage has been taken. I have therefore
electricity and discharged; these operations being alter- ventured to make these remarks, not only I may say in
nately repeated in such rapid succession that the air, in the interest of justice, but also, having myself made
the interval between the plates, appears permanently many experiments with the induction-tube of Siemens,
luminous. W e have, moreover, evidence of the occurrence I have learned, perhaps, more than others to appreciate
in this interval of chemical changes determined by the its value and feel myself under a special debt of gratitude
electric action, in the odour and characteristic properties to the inventor. B. C. B R O D I E
of ozone which may be recognised in a current of air or
oxygen compelled to pass between the plates. T h e con- RECENT RESEARCHES ON TERMITES AND
clusion drawn by Siemens from this experiment is,
that the electric polarisation of the particles of a HONEY-BEES
dielectric cannot be carried beyond a certain p o i n t ; H P H E accompanying letter, just received from Fritz
and that if it be attempted to accumulate electricity •*• Muller, in Southern Brazil, is so interesting that it
in the apparatus beyond this point, the excess of this appears to me well worth publishing in N A T U R E . H i s
tension or polarisation appears in the form of the discovery of the two sexually mature forms of Termites,

© 1874 Nature Publishing Group

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