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Methernitha to back-operation - of Paul and Potterfrom situated the free electricity; ringrazia
for the translation F. V

To think that the Testatika device of the Swiss group Methernitha is based on an electrostatic
generator Wimshurst is only one mere approximation of the truth.
Of the great multitude of instruments to electrostatic infuence it develops you around to 1900,
it is based more give near on the separation system and collection of loads used from the
instrument Pidgeon (famous 1) in 1898, for how much concerns its circuit electrical worker.
Its griglie of steel (50 for disc), calls also "gitter-grilles" are evidently only in the Methernitha
(see fig. 1), but as far as their principle of operation, they represent an evolution of the previous
searches and of the previous licences on the fields it undulates to you, than conductors revealed
themselves of load more effective regarding those plans (famous 2); from a similar example,
in more recent times, aluminum auctions lengthened like beams of wheels from an insulating
nucleus in PERSPEX will be had.

An other characteristic function of these perforated griglie attacked to the discs is the way in
which they induce loads from the disc in spin to the special electrodes, calls to you also "tasten
antennae keys" (is anch' they perforates to you therefore to collect more quickly loads). In a
Winshurst device to you they were found spato them conduttrici or bars of "sharp point" that
they touched really discs or that they were situated much neighbor to they. In the Methernitha it
loads must be made to pass through a passage in the air, parallel to the bearings; for this reason
"gitter-grilles" of metal they are planned so as to to create micro vortices of loaded airflow that
circulate within and outside from the superficial charges of the perforated metallic surface and
come more easy made to bounce outside from the electrodes. This process is classified like
"electrostatic generation to variable ability".
It must make a note on purpose precise of as the Methernitha device uses its configuration of
Pidgeon base.
With reference to its neutralizing auctions (than equalizzano and they render the opposite
charges stable) - you see fig. 2 and to as the charges collections from an accumulated area and
in the others come, therefore that the specific polarity of loads can correctly be distributed to
back areas on both discs.

Although some wrong voices and information are circulated, on the fact that the device uses
radioactive materials you in order to catch up its output to characteristic push-button, creed
firmly that the auxiliary electromagnetic circuit, than is bundled up around rotary discs,
represents a valid and simple electronic approach. After all who would use radioactive
emissions beside bottle condensers of Leida! In any case, the more one watches to some
relative elements you to its construction, to more one notices us that they concern on three of
the greater going back areas of the electronic development to 1900, to years 20 and years ' 50/'

The authentic Methernitha device came planned and developed from convinced puristi of
uncovered possession an electronic phenomenon previously disowned, but that at the same
time they wished also to conserve integrity of the first pioneering days of the instrumentation
Pidgeon, Wimshurst and Holtz; they did not use modern members therefore as transistors and i
chip IC (much worse) but they used, for their circuits, of an unusual type of engineering
Obviously, the electronic parts are two: The electrostatic generator and its particular way to
direct one determined charge in a sure place and
2fwww.progettomeg.it%2ftestatika%2fcircuit.gifthe auxiliary electromagnetic circuit based
on the induction, the capacitanza and the rectification, that it allows to render piece of furniture
"the static" electricity. In order to understand as they succeed to convert the static energy in a
elettromotiva force it would have to be returned with the mind to the first years of the radio.
From the pages of the radio to spark how much is learned soon the oscillation circuits and their
rectifiers to valve are important and, moreover, how much has been revealed difficult to plan
Although the emitters radio and the receivers of the 1900 used circuits to resonance, their
oscillations were controlled from sparkes between two contacts and, naturally, they were
relatively inefficient.
In years ' 20, in the moment in which someone it put with one rectifying valve, a condenser and
one resistance, the first oscillations of current divennero electrical worker a controlled and
observable phenomenon (famous 6).

First years ' 20 marked also the best age than experimentation and invention of new means that
converted the static energy in usable electromagnetic energy; In a licence of 1921, a German
physicist, Hermann Plauson, described in detailed way the methods use you from same he in
order to convert the static energy leaving from not only dispositi to you to rotating infuence,
but also leaving from footballs in a position to collecting the atmospheric electricity in the sky;
through I use it of rectifiers to electron-beam, bottle condensers of Leida and induttrici coils,
Plauson proposed one net free-energy in a position to supplying energy to entire Germany
(famous 7)!
The valve of the rectifier to electron-beam determined one new was for the radio and for
physics to high voltage and moreover, being be object of therefore an immense number of
experiments and modifications in order to increase of the efficiency, it smoothed the road to all
the types of new experimentations in the field of the electronics.
In any case, with a similar variety of technical analogies with that it can be observed in the
photographies available of the Testatika, we can desumere without doubts that the horizontal
tube of glass, situated to the advanced extremity of the devices you Methernitha, is exactly
equal to a rectifying empty electron-beam valve to homemade, with its inner reticulum of
anodes, contornato from a net of branch to coil fed from an incandescent cathodic thread
(heating) that it runs horizontally through its closed center and watertight from two black
extremities, that they are too much large and bulbose for being mere covers and therefore
covers to empty of black rubber must sure be that they serve to cover the tube of E glass the
threads of input and output (famous 8).

With a similar rectifier, some coils from induction and some bottle condensers of Leida, a
circuit is obtained that it oscillates; this is that that would have to happen with a Methernitha
device; the electromagnetic circuit must oscillate so that the equipment functions, after which
the oscillations must be rectified (or even modulated) therefore that the turning out impulses to
single pole can be channel to you through the great cylinders, that they are substantially
transformers to high efficiency, and made to flow down under shape of impulses of higher
current DC to reduced voltage (up see the figure of the complete circuit).
Not creed that the specific members, uses in order to make you to oscillate primary the
oscillating circuit, is visible in the photographies available, but is many cues to draw as far as
their approximate allocation in the device.
Per.primo.cosa, second the planning electronic, in the immediate vicinities of the rectifier
would have is to us a condenser and one coil. Well, in image "3KWREAR" the two long
vertical tubes can be noticed that, according to the opinion of those who have seen it firsthand,
comprise a aluminum strip wrapped to spiral (that it indicates that valves - famous
2fwww.progettomeg.it%2ftestatikanote.htm - 99 are), to the inside of a tube of glass, situated to
the inside of the same type of outer cover of the great cylinders (that indicate that they are
electrostatic schermaggi us), to the inside still of an other tube of glass, sluices to the extremity
from an auction of logon in brass that forms a fold to straight angle and passes in the side of the
tower, solo to two thirds party of its height. These two assemblages must form a logon with the
rectifier, since this last one is situated to the extremity of the tower; therefore because these
tubes, sensitive electrostatically, do not extend for all its height?
Newly, in the photographies of the posterior and frontal part of the Methernitha, a cable can be
observed that exits from a flank of the tower, approximately 4 inches above finishes them
vertical in brass; the same cable passes then through a short black tube and finally on the
rectifying valve.
This outline, obviously, would be valid for both the sides of the tower, rendering possible one
logon to both the extremities of the rectifier.
In order which reason but we have a gap in the logon of approximately 4 inches to the top of
the tower?
To the extremity of the tower, in this intermediate space, something of necessary is situated you
to the operation of the circuit; creed that must be the position of the configuration
condensatore/bobina, in order to make to oscillate the circuit.
Here (fig. 4) as I would see the inside of the extremity of the towers.

I have seen some of the patented inventions in order to make to ruotare discs: through it I use
of magnets (the device to provoked permanent spin from magnets, of H. Rosenberg, licence US
3,411,027) and through I use it of discs metalizes to you recorded (licence US 3,239,705, as an
example); simply but, not there is sufficient space for being put in the settaggio of the disc of
the Methernitha - moreover it is not wanted to be interfered with fields ES that move fastly
around to discs in spin. From the comments of those who they have seen the small devices in
function evince that the discs came made to ruotare through small electric motors DC after to
have been starts to you by hand, some came riavvolti with a thinner thread (presumablly in
order to increase their torque and load to you through the electricity generated from the disc - I
have seen but also as two discs can continue to simply ruotare for means of electrodes curves
arrange to you with cure, that they would act on the loaded presents on discs - like the
Destatika generators directly with the Testatika from 3 kw.
After to have read to the first numerous reports and some between most recent relative articles
you to the equipment to electrostatic spin, it will not be able to be made less than to remain
perplexed from the incredibly low speed, hardly 60 rpm, of the Methernitha (in the 1999 the
engineers bring back it like... 15 rpm!). The greater part of the other experimenters is boasted to
have caught up speed until 3000 rpm.
J.G. Trump, in its job on the generation of high voltage in space (famous 12), made to turn its
device to spin to 10.000 rpm (in order to produce 433 not less watt than 24 kw). A reason that
could explain this low speed can have to that to make with the grip proximity of the 50 lamelle
(gitter-grilles) on discs their inner extremities. They are many neighbors between they; task too
much near.
The air, normally an insulator, is disintegrated and lead to approximately 25-35 kv (this data
has been more rather constant from the first day of experimentation on the devices you
elettrostati to us, arriving until the present days, because the air has a force of field of
disintegration of 3x106 volts/metro) and puts in short circuit the circuit.
Me it seems that, since this type of griglie planning is incline to the short circuit to high
voltages, the engineers of the Methernitha have limited its rotational speed so as to to assure a
low operating voltage to a speed that creed to estimate from 12 to 24 kv.
It is not but this a waste of upgrades them extra?
Not necessarily, because not creed that the output of primary power only comes from that the
two discs to contrary spin supply.
Creed is a power generator by far more important... the electron generator to cascade; the
Methernitha has two, contained to the inside of two magnets to horse iron and on condition that
the circuits, regarding magnets, are made in order to oscillate to the just frequency, to a voltage
sufficiently high, these blocks rolled steels in perspex metalized can therefore accumulate an
amount much greater one of electricity regarding how much come some immessa.

Perhaps this is the electronic phenomenon previously disowned that the Methernitha group is
trying protect in zealous way therefore from entrepreneurs without scrupoli.

They said however that this plentiful supply of free-energy is already famous to the world - he
is not but easy available - and its principles is not to hour of the all comprised ones, but only
As they explain the descriptions (on the situated Testatika), between "legs" of the magnet to
horse iron are 4 block of material transparent type "plexiglass" alternated with plates of branch
and aluminum (that they can or they cannot be perforates to you) in sequence C-P-A-C-P-A-C-
P-A-C-P-A (to see also fig. 6)
[ C = branch; P = plexiglass; To = aluminum ]

According to the experiment of Linden, in which Paul Baumann induced a resonance of

approximately 80-140 MHz in a coil to horse iron and made to move a block aluminum-
insulator-branch between the "legs" of horse irons, a voltage of 700 volts (presumablly of type
DC) could be let out from the plates of block (famous 13).
This incredible phenomenon never has not been replied from no "external investigator" and is
considered the base through which the possible key succeeded to being comprised the
operation of the Methernitha device [ in order to explain this experiment of principle can be the
absorption to variable and dielectric ability ].
But therefore cos' it is, you will ask yourselves, the generator to electron cascade? Only for
case, a lot recently, is capittato to me to listen to one cassette recorded from the Dr. Flanagan,
regarding crystallized water; when I stopped the cassette to the end of the first side, the Dr.
Flanagan began to speak about a configuration electronic that employed vhf, a field alternated
to high voltage through an insulator: this created that that it called an effect to "electron
cascade" -, I thought, this is the answer to the Methernitha device -.
The electron cascade, or effect headlong, happens when the molecules of the air come
accelerated towards the devices you to a so high speed to make them to collidere with other
molecules and present atoms in the air, freeing new electrons, than to they time collidono and
even frees "a greater free" electron amount from other air molecules (sees fig. 5). All the
molecules come accelerated from the electric field and verification one avalanche of electron
multiplications in entire surrounding atmosphere (famous 14). E' one chain reaction and other
one completely sure reaction. It verification in more violent way in the lightnings and is itself a
natural phenomenon. Like in this case, the atmosphere becomes really part of circuit (famous
15) because the process consists in ionizzare negatively the surrounding air the devices you

This explains because all those who are find to you near these generators in function support
that the air around to they is cold and pure (famous 16).
Considering the fact that its planners have chosen to wrap of the insulating thread (that she can
or she could not be "to bispin") around the metal to horse iron shape, is verosimile that this
comes used for some shape of induction (famous 17). He could also be possible to attract,
leaving directly from this zone of the circuit, the current produced extra electrical worker from
electron cumuli to cascade, that he could, through I use it of appropriate logons, to be
addressed towards the bottom, to the inside of the base in wood (where he believes himself are
posizionati alternated layers of metal plates perforates and insulating plates to you - that they
go to form one great coil of storing to high voltage.
This energy could then be unloaded under shape of output push-button to high wattaggio,
above all if the final part of output of the electronic circuit, is shaped like a net creates impulses
(pulse forming network), with multiple sections of bobina/induttore combination (famous

The brought back descriptions are a po' conflicting but they seem to suggest the presence of an
income auction centers them or tube, connected from the bottom of the containers to a stack of
flat coils interconnected, that they are rolled up secondarily to the outside and primarily to the
inside, arranged round to a nucleus formed from 6 empty magnets to ring with packing in
rubber, posizionati one over the other and separates to you with plastic spacers, in such way to
allow the formation of air pocket between of they.
Finally, then, the output of every cylinder it is represented from a logon of the advanced coil of
"secondaries" of the coils of the pancake to a brass ring around the center of the advanced
cover in black plastic (you see figure 7). From the photographies a thread or a tube of wide
diameter (famous 19
2fwww.progettomeg.it%2ftestatikanote.htm - 19be observed), that it connects those finishes
them output to the brass ring of the advanced cover through finishes them in brass screw.
Perhaps I would suggest that to the magnets of the ring (anisotropica ferrite) are bucati in this
way so as to to avoid that the fields of magnetic flow of the flat coils (pancake) are combined
under shape of an only decomposed field.
It would be in fact the much favorable and surest one that every various magnetic flow of the
flat coils comes cut from the own contiguous secondary coil, so as to to subdivide the voltage
of output secondary in small amount upgrades them, rendering less complicated the procedures
than insulating covering that accompany secondary single the primary transformers to high
voltage and the single ones.

I use of covers in aluminum nets and in solid branch it is common in the construction
electronic, the external cylinder in aluminum net would come used to the aim to shield the
turned aside electrostatic charges and the cylinder in solid branch would serve to shield the
great amount of electromagnetic fields turns aside, produced from the process of
transformation from the phase of high voltaggio/bassa current to you to the phase of bottom
voltaggio/alta current (famous 20).Ovviamente, not it wants that a contamination of field
between the sensitive electrostatic generator and the transformers is taken place.
To the inside of these two shielding cylinders external are "grill condensers" that, second the
relation of the 30 engineers going back to 1990, can consist in 20 layers of slabs perforated
(presumablly like cylinders concentrate to us) that I have indicated (in fig. 7, as an example) as
electrically connected between every separated secondary winding - to Foggia of an old
discovery going back to the first days of the w/t and based on the "coil to disgregativa
discharge" (planned from Nikola Tesla) - than a such condenser connected in the center of a
secondary coil collect the maximum amount of tension created from that secondary one. The
configuration of a condenser to the inside of an other, in its turn situated to the inside of an
other, etc... has one impressive similarity with the configuration of one net to formation of
impulses (famous 18).
In the cylinder wrapped from red thread the transformer is wrapped so as to to produce a
negative polarity while the transformer of the cylinder wrapped in blue thread is wrapped so as
to to produce one positive polarity.
Famous a special one would go made with respect to this type of sagacity, than servants to
separate primary windings and secondary planned from Van de Graaff in its "Apparatus to
having particle accelerator to high loaded voltage electromagnetically and a magnetic nucleus
insulator" (famous 21) with reference to crosses to magnetic reluctance.
E' be said that the clear disc in perspex came defined like disc "cloud" (= "cloud") and the dark
posterior disc like disc "ground" (= "earth, ground"); (task that that cares the different types of
different acrylic materials or plastic that could be loads to you to polarity, like in "the
triboelettriche" series, in which the loading to clutch of various plastic, and therefore the fact to
carry them near the une the others, could cause one cession or one reception from one to the
other; task therefore that "cloud" it represents yielding (loads positive) and that "ground" it
must represent, instead, a receiver (loads negative).
Someone has never tried to arrange a disc in teflon (loads extremely negative) with a glass disc
(loads highly positive)? Or discs even deal to you with paramagnetic particles?
The type of Testatika planning based on the Pidgeon/Wimshurst device is naturally only a type
of electrostatic generator that works around to this system. Since the first years of the 1900
such generators of energy have been subject to a way that has rendered them more and more
sophisticated in the production of 300,000 to you energy and dispositi recently volt develops to
you produces, that they can then be it transforms to you and it uses
2f%2fwww.progettomeg.it%2ftestatikanote.htm - 2323 you).

NOTES: (Translated as linked above)


In completion

FAMOUS 1: Pears greater information on the Pidgeon machinery to see "Electrical

Influence Machines" of John Gray, 1903 pp 206 and "Philosophical Magazine" December 1898
pp. 564, and obviously, the Pidgeon licence.

FAMOUS 2: To see "Modern Hight speed Influence machines" of V.E. Johnson 1921 pp 76.
Johnson was not only a investigator of blots some electrostatic but of it was also an enterprising
constructor and poichè he was a technician acutoriuscì to even construct to a more powerful
generator of the machine condenser to fines discs of Wommelsdorf. This book is of obligation for
all those that they want to work in this field.

An other point of reference is situated of Antonio the Carlos M. de Queiroz who is full of
information (and link) on the developments odierni in the electrostatic machinery us.

FAMOUS 3: To see "Self-Excited, Alternating, High-Voltage Generation Using To Modified

Electrostatic Influence Machine" of M. Zahn on the American Journal of Phisics volume 42 of
1974 pp 289.

FAMOUS 4: The planners of the Methernitha have taken to the electronic system of base of the
Pidgeon adding little modifications so as to to block a sure polarity partially of she loads to a sure
zone for being able it therefore to stabilize, and also spingerecerte areas with load.

As in their use, as an example, of an additional slab situated in the center-high part difronte to the
front disc (right under the valve of it rectifies), to notice also that this slab, or antenna key, is
coupled indirectly to the rest of the circuit, with one put to point of the coil. More or less the same
thing happens with two slabs of under that they are connected to finishes them of brass connected
to a branch logon that goes down and it is bundled up to coil around to an empty plastic tube, and
within to the tube there will be an other connection or one small coil that collects loads electrical

FAMOUS 5: Watching as ciascuna of it blots some photographed has been constructed you can
see that these are structures. Task that anyone wants to begin as sottoinsiemi it adapts to you with
from the connections or small groups of the members, these sottinsiemi from the base in wood....

FAMOUS 6: The valve of Fleming was constructed around to 1905 and finchè electron-beam
progressed in the valve, from 1922 the effect ' Pearson and uncovered fù Anson', for which the
oscillating currents they can be produced with a resistore, condenser and valve electron-beam
couples to you together.

FAMOUS 7: To see the licence American 1,540,998 (of the 9 june 1925) ' Conversion of
Atmospheric Electric Energy' (conversion of the atmospheric electric power) of Hermann Plauson.
Plauson in 1920 wrote also an entitled book "Gewinnung und Verwertung der Atmospharischen
Elektrizitat" in German.

FAMOUS 8: While some have seen the smallest machinery scaricatore/raddrizzatore from 300 W
opened enough and it does not embed to you in the valve to air pocket, the model to air pocket
would be the much most efficient one and would waste little current. Moreover, the tube rectifier
must have an heated filament (than on the machine from 3 KW it appears like an luminous
filament that runs along all the length of the grill and the coils connected within the two black
pointed hoods of the extremities. In the filmati ones you can see flash the weak people to come
give behind the rectifier for which it is possible that the filament is wrapped around to the other
side of the complex griglia/bobine). Coolridge, before del 1900, discovered that cathode does not
happen no drainage dal on the credit side anode, also to 100,000 volts, less than the filament
Physics Review Vol 2 Dic. 1913 is heated (p418). The mesh in aluminum will emanate enough
ready electrons and can be used like a cold cathode - but an heated cathode offers the advantage of
being able to control the oscillations.

FAMOUS 9: The two long straight tubes are without doubt coils of arrest, just the just place in
order to slow down the current to make to rectify it and to oscillate. In a coil of higher arrest it is
the flow of the greater current will be the relative resistance to that flow of current. A still better
configuration of the coil of arrest will have a iron nucleus to the inside of it

FAMOUS 10: I have supplied 6 different circuits for this section of oscillation some of which
include small quartz crystals (to see notes 13 and 16 on the oscillation frequency). The black grip
handle on the posterior part of the machine from 3 Kw is probable that servant to select an ability
variety therefore as to control the oscillation of the circuit, which, alternatively, controls the speed
of spin of the disc.

The phenomenon of the electrostatic motors has been searched well in the course of the years (to
see "Electrostatic Motors" O.Jefimenko in "Physics Teacher" Vol 9 March 1971 p121-9, and
"Electrostatics - And Its Applications" of A.D.Moore (1973) p131-147; "Electrostatic Motors" of
B.Bollee in "Philips Tech. Review "Vol 30 1969 p178-194). The generators Methernitha Testatika
turn automatically, after to have received one pushed manual, for the same principle of these
electrostatic motors us.

The Dr. Flanagan uses really the generator of electron field in its special ionizzatore (sees Method
of Purification of the air and generator of field negative - Licence US 4,391,773).
How works an electron generator to cascade? Task that, while a movement alternating of electrons
is had on the metal electrodes (and the Dr. Flanagan recognizes that this effect verification with a
field of high voltage alternating to approximately 20 Khz), the interposed blocks in perspex
between they would transform the electricity not through their mass, but round to it, under shape of
loads with surface - in truth in the posizionato layer just to flank of the surface of the insulator.
E' the same principle of the dielectric absorption - the blocks in perspex are not enough fastly
unloaded to succeed to at par follow the alternated voltage; in this way they accumulate more and
more loads until that this last one is not transformed in a layer of loads on the surface of the
That means that, to a sufficiently high frequency, the molecules of surface of the air polarize and
one is had separation of electrons, plus furnitures, from the nuclei, more discs of a valve, than these
molecules. While the electrons come pushes ahead and behind, secondary layer of Ionian of air you
is developed one positive (more discs of a valve) and therefore via; and the process of polarization
to vhf and high voltage primes the electron effect headlong.
If the blocks in perspex were instead ELECTRETS (like Geoff Egel and
other investigators on
free-energy they suggest) creed that they would follow the same principle
of operation mentioned over, for which the dielectric absorption
loads the blocks before that they produce the effect to cascade.
That happens because in electret electrons it loads to you in the
perspex/plastica and the Ionian ones positi to you could still endure a
manipulation from part of the electromagnetic field invert, than would
address them (like with dipoles) ahead and behind, in such way to reach
finally the point in which they they could obtain resonance with the immediately next air to they
(on condition that the entire circuit is regulated in appropriate way).
If this effect, then, were similar to an induction, then it could some turn out a electromotive force
of I send back, that it would go to increase the voltage of the output in escape.
In a way or the other, creed that the effect would be always one falled of electrons through the
atmosphere, and the product of this output oscillating (to level of the blocks) could in a similar way
be lead to the accumulated outside and in network of coils to base the multilayer.
Some tests in order to discover the better type than block could be, to my opinion:
One - Tried various types of materials as plastica/acrilico/ceramica for the blocks.
Two - Tried various methods of electrification of the plastic (like with the electrets)
Three - Tried plastic dealt with semiconduttrici particles.
Four - Tried plastic dealt with paramagnetic particles.
Five - Tried containing empty plastic blocks an electrostatic liquid.
Ulterior information R-with regard to plastic to the page - Electret against dielectric absorption
will be able to be found.

Several definitions of Bifilar exist, second one of these, the threads neutralize their magnetic fields,
while according to an other definition the threads are wrapped in such way to assure a connection
of the magnetic flow with low loss; in this case it will serve all possible the magnetic flow,
therefore, the correct definition must be the last one - You see "Transformers for electronic
circuits" of Nathan R. Grossner (1967) pagg. 224, etc...
The magnetic metal used more commonly is the Mumetal, that it is easy saturabile a magnetic
material and that ago circular the magnetic flow through if same rather than in the surrounding air,
therefore to reinforce the mutual induction between the two arranges of coils of red thread around
the bases of magnets to horse iron.

In order to make yes that the voltage of output of the machine
not drainages completely when connected to a large charge,
that that serves is network to formation of impulses (or a line
of artificial delay).
"a such one network represents an improvement in the ability
to collection of a single condenser because of the action to
cascade from a condenser to that one to it close along the chain.
To the beginning all the condensers come load you to the same voltage, but not hardly the first one
begins to lose voltage, the first one behind of it is free to unload it to the inside of it.
This action of filling, than propaga to the inside of the network from condenser condenser, is the
mechanism through which the voltage, through it finishes them of output, it stretches to withhold
its level originates them." - "(you see -" Systems of drainage of high energy "A.P. Stephenson" ETI
"(Electronics Today International) - March 1992 pagg. 24-26).

When the voltage of a high upgrades them and of vhf it slides along a thread, the external surface is
behaved in the same way (called effect "skin").
The Methernita would use therefore a system of thick threads or a system of 1/8"tubes in order to
even connect its circuit.

Two references for the schermaggio are: "a loop shielded" of S. Goldman in "Electronics" Vol. 11
(1938) pagg. 20-22 and "Measurements in the equipment F.E. radio" Terman (1935) pag. 218 and
pag. 341.

For information on the maximum voltage in the center of one secondary coil to see: "Manual of
w/t" of J. Erskine-Murray (1913) pag. 42 and an entitled article: "dielectric Hysteresis to the
frequencies E.F.W radio". Alexanderson in "Proc. I.R.E. Volume 2 (june 1914) pagg. 137-157. For
the transformer Van de Graaff to see licences US 3,323,069 (30 May 1967) and 3,187,208 (1 june
1965). These licences were not conceived only for a generator of high voltage Van de Graaff; they
were conceived for a special system escogitato from Van de Graaff, a lot after that its generator
was put in use in order to convert the static electricity in running electricity - This system can be a
po' too much complicated for the Methernita but, however, the principles that it used for its
primari/secondari windings could be of a sure interest.

The Dr. Flanagan modified its blocks insulators, in resin, dealing them with paramagnetic grains
(like silicone carbide) so as to to ulteriorly upgrade the effect to electron cascade; this is an idea
that the physicist Thomas Townsend Brown experimented for first (through uses it of oxide grains
of lead with its licence US n. 3,187,206 (1 june 1965) and with bonds turns out to you.
The surrounding air could "be upgraded" in a similar way therefore to polarize its loads electrical
worker and to improve of the performance (those who was interested to "the physical" explanation
of that sees an article of W.A. Douglas Rudge "Approximately some sources of disturbance of the
gradient of upgrades them atmospheric normal school" in Proc. Royal Associates. To - Vol. 90
(1914) pagg. 571, etc...).

Some other having generators similarity with the Testatika device are: the "System of generation of
power of a field of electrostatic energy" invented from William W. Hyde (30 licence US 4,897,592
of January 1990), that it is a dispositive rotor/stator to able variable capacitanza to produce 300 kw.
Other similar generators are: "Dispositive electronic parametric" invented from Ferdinand CAP
(licence US 4,622,510 of 11 November 1986), that it has a risonante circuit in series (LCR)
structured to the inside of it so that oscillates - and works indeed To RESONANCE, in order to
assure a high output; "the invented electrostatic Generator" from Dan B. The May (and others) (the
18 licence US 3,094,653 of june 1963); this is a truly ingenious system of variable capacitanza; the
"electrostatic Device" of Noel Happy (the 12 licence US 2,522,106 of september 1950) is a good
standard, that it uses a rectifier to valve. The "electrostatic Generator" of William S. Spencer (9
licence US 1,415,779 of May 1922) is a primitivo example of generating rotor/stator that transfers
its impulses electrical workers through a transformer in order to produce a output of higher current.

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