Art of Living NOTES
Art of Living NOTES
Art of Living NOTES
Sat: 5:30 – 8:30 (Includes Sudarshan Kriya, to be done only once a week)
Sun: 8-9:30 (Includes watching a discourse with Sri Sri Ravi Shanker)
3 rounds of 20 with 10 normal breaths in between, rest hands palms facing upwards on thighs
3 Om’s
20 Long
40 Medium
40 Short
7 Levels of Existence
1. Body
2. Breath
3. Mind
4. Intellect
5. Memory
6. Ego
7. Atman
Each layer is more subtle
Sources of Energy
1. Sun
2. Knowledge
3. Sleep
4. Breath
*Responsibility is power
* You must practice sadhana along with (spiritual practice) seva (service). They go together and your
ego will increase if you do one without the other. Through sadhana love and joy blossoms inside you
and service is an expression of that love and joy within in.
*Love is your very existence, you cannot find it outside of yourself. You love someone because they
are beautiful, intelligent, educated etc.—this is conditional love. When you love someone as they are,
that is divine love. Nature loves you, your pets love you. The more you feel gratitude the more love
blossoms in you. If you are thankful grace flows more and more. Meditation is feeling the love with in.
*Being in love with yourself then you are in love with everyone.
*Work is worship. Stop seeking joy in action and joy becomes action—this is karma yoga.
*You can only give what you have. If you have love and happiness then you can give it and these are
*Accept everyone but you remain centered and then only you act.
Eye Gazing Exercise: Looking deep into the eyes of another… “If God came to you as this person
would you accept them?” Upanayan
Mindful Eating exercise with the grape (Eat every bite as if it is your last)
TV Exercise: Being in the present moment, being natural, not showing off, having fun but also an
exercising in seeing how we please others when they push certain buttons.
*When you commit 100% to a process only then will results come.
Cat Stretch
Child’s Pose
Poorna Shalabasana
Shavasana/Yoga Nidra