Seed Germination Test With The Influence of Sriyantra, Pyramid and Maha
Seed Germination Test With The Influence of Sriyantra, Pyramid and Maha
Seed Germination Test With The Influence of Sriyantra, Pyramid and Maha
Seed germination test with the influence of sriyantra, pyramid and maha
mrtyunjaya mantra
Jang Jungyun, Pan Jeeye & Itagi Ravi Kumar*
Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana, 19, Gavipuram Circle, Eknath Bhavan, Bangalore 560019, Karnataka, India
Mantra, sriyantra and pyramid power increases the plant growth and their positive energy has healing qualities.
Experiment in the design 1 consists of germination of green gram with the influence of sriyantra and pyramid. Paper
sriyantra and two models of pyramids were used. The control sample was kept under normal white paper. Result has shown
that sample kept in plywood pyramid model have maximum percentage emergence and percentage change in radical length.
In plastic pyramid sample has shown maximum percentage change in fresh weight of germinated seeds. Paper sriyantra
sample has shown maximum percentage change in dry weight of germinated seeds. Experiment in the design 2, consists of
two samples: control and mantra. Each sample contained total of 600 fenugreek seeds. Five trials were conducted with 120
seeds in each trial. Maha mrtyunjaya mantra was chanted for 108 times for sample treatment, twice a day at sunrise and at
sunset. The result shown that sample treatment with maha mrtyunjaya mantra has 1% more in emergence, exponential
significance in radical length, 0.33 gm more in fresh weight of emerged seeds and 0.02 gm more in dry weight of emerged
seeds compared to control sample.
Sriyantra is the ancient geometrical form given in 1, sriyantra and pyramids were used to study their
tantra shastra and continuously researched in effect on the germination of green gram seeds, as an
scientific studies. Sriyantra connect cosmic energy1. attempt on validation of life energy existing in the
In sadhana and for therapeutic application, various triangular shape as mentioned in the ancient Indian
shapes of yantras are used. Sriyantra is most popular scriptures7. In the experiment of design 2, the effect of
and powerful yantra among all yantras2. In the maha mrtyunjaya mantra on the germination of
sriyantra, there are combination of circles, squares, fenugreek seeds was studied.
triangles, lines and points. In vedic knowledge, sound
is the first subtle manifestation in creation. It is the Materials and methods
purest form of manifestation of energy and In the experiment of design 1, paper sriyantra and
consciousness. The sound exists in the form of two types of pyramid are used for the treatment, paper
spandana, vibration3. Mantra is also a sound sriyantra (Y1) is of size 9.5X9.5 cm; plywood
vibration4 which has shakti and chaitanya5. Mantras pyramid (PP1) size is 15X15X12.5 cm; plastic
were revealed to great ancient sages as the form of pyramid (PP2) of size 19X19X17 cm. The green gram
subtle sounds when they were in deep meditation. seeds were used for the germination. In all treatments,
Hence, mantra is classified under sruti, means that one of the sides was kept oriented in the magnetic
which was heard. Mantra protects the one who North direction. Ten trails were conducted for each
reflects upon it. Maha mrtyunjaya mantra comes from treatment. Each trail contained randomly selected 40
rig veda and yajur veda. The main power of this green gram seeds. Before the start of the experiment
mantra is to release one from worldly bondage and seeds were washed in a distilled water to remove
overcome the fear of death. It mainly helps one to presence of any toxic. Washed seeds were soaked
conquer the fear of death6. In the experiment of design with distilled water in petri dish for 9 hrs. Soaked
—————— seeds were sandwiched between wet filter paper in a
*Corresponding author petri dish. Then petri dish was covered with
Table 2—Summary of two sample independent t-test results radical length, positive influence on fresh weight and
Treatment p-value
dry weight of germinated seeds compared to control
C vs Y1 2.2e-16**
C vs PP1 2.2e-16** The effect of plywood pyramid (PP1)
C vs PP2 2.2e-16** The test results on day 2 shown that with respect to
Y1 vs PP1 2.2e-16** control sample, plywood pyramid (PP1) sample
Y1 vs PP2 2.2e-16** shows 8.75% more percentage emergence, 4.34 cm
PP1 vs PP2 0.00104* more radical length, 80.98% increase in fresh weight
C vs M 2.2e-16** and 4.92% increase in dry weight of germinated
*p<0.01, **p<0.001 seeds. The study shows that on day 2, PP1 sample had
Legend: 1 Y1, PP1 and PP2 samples shown exponential positive influence on percentage emergence,
significant in radical length compared to control sample.
2 PP1 sample shown exponential significant in radical length
exponential significant increase in radical length
compared to Y1 sample. compared to control sample and Y1 sample and highly
3 PP2 sample shown exponential significant in radical length significant in radical length compared to PP2 sample.
compared to Y1 sample. PP1 sample had positive influence on radical fresh
4 PP1 sample shown highly significant in radical length compared weight with respect to control sample and Y1 sample.
to PP2 sample. This may be due to pyramid may be acting as cosmic
5 M sample shown exponential significant in radical length
compared to control sample
energy transmitter to absorb bio energy/life
energy/subtle energy from the space around it and
shows 7% more percentage emergence, 1.42 cm acts on the material present inside of it. Earlier
more radical length, 34.66% increase in fresh weight research findings have proved that pyramid has
of germinated seeds and 7.79% increase in dry mystical uncovered power on the germination of
weight of germinated seeds. The study indicated that seeds7. And also this pyramid power might act as
on day 2, Y1 had positive influence on percentage indigenous source of fertilizer by changing respective
emergence, exponential significant increase in trace elements in the seeds to influence on emergence
and radical length8. PP1 had positive influence on agnihotra caused significant growth in radicals and
percentage dry weight of germinated seeds compared root of rice seeds10, musical sound and healing
to control sample but PP1 did not influence more on energy caused significant effect on the number of
percentage dry weight of germinated seeds compared seeds sprouted compared to the untreated control11
to Y1 sample. and energy field created by agnihotra performed in
agnihotra vessel of pyramid shape and made of
The effect of plastic pyramid (PP2) copper has purified the water 12.
On day 2 the test results showed that with respect
to control sample, plastic pyramid (PP2) sample Conclusion
showed 8.5% more percentage of emergence, 3.77 cm This experiment examined the effect of paper
more radical length, 103.10% increase in fresh weight sriyantra and pyramids on the germination test of
of germinated seeds and 1.10% decrease in dry weight green gram seeds and effect of mantra on fenugreek
of germinated seeds. The study indicated that on day seeds. Paper sriyantra pyramids and mantra showed
2, PP2 had positive influence on percentage of positive influence on germination, radical length,
emergence and exponential significant increase in fresh weight and dry weight of germinated
radical length as compared to control and Y1 samples, seeds compared to control sample. The result
but decrease in compared to PP1 sample. Pyramid showed that sample of pyramid (PP1) made of
PP1 is made of plywood with 7 mm thickness and plywood of natural material had more influence
pyramid PP2 is made of plastic with 3 mm thickness. on percentage of emergence, percentage of
This experimental result had shown that the natural fresh weight of geminated seeds and exponential
material of PP1 has positive influence on the increase in radical length of green gram seeds as
emergence and radical length even though the size of compared to Y1 and PP2 samples. Y1 showed more
PP1 is smaller than PP2. Earlier finding have shown dry weight of germinated seeds compared to PP1 and
that pyramid made with natural material of plywood PP2 samples. The result showed that chanting of
has more positive influence than pyramid made with maha mrtyunjaya mantra had positive effects on
non-natural material of fiber glass9. PP2 had more emergence, radical length, fresh weight and dry
positive influence on fresh weight of germinated weight of emerged seeds. Chanting of the mantra
seeds compared to control Y1 and PP1 samples. PP2 accelerated the rate of growth of fenugreek seeds and
did not influence more on dry weight of germinated also changed the shape of seed radicals. Radicals of
seeds compared to other three samples: control, Y1, mantra samples were in straight and radicals of
and PP1. control samples were curved. Seed coat was intact in
mantra sample while seed coat of control sample
The effect of maha mrtyunjaya mantra was separated.
On the second day, the test results showed that
with respect to control sample, mantra sample Acknowledgement
showed 1% more emergence, 0.71 cm more in This research was supported by S-VYASA Yoga
radical length with exponential significant, 0.33 gm University. This research was guided by Itagi Ravi
(10.56% change) more in fresh weight of emerged Kumar.
seeds and 0.02 gm (4.42% change) more in dry
weight of emerged seeds. According to ancient References
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