Week 3 Edma264
Week 3 Edma264
Week 3 Edma264
The big ideas from week 3’s lecture of multiplication is the concept of multiplication and the
4 ways of picturing it. Another idea was the different ways in which multiplication can be
solved and the mathematical properties associated with multiplication eg; Commutative,
associative and distributive. These ideas are all linked by the 4 ways of picturing
multiplication: 1. The set model
2. The array model
3. The measurement/length model
4. The combinations model.
When learning multiplication, I always found some parts to be hard and some parts to be
really easy to understand. The parts I found easy were the visual parts (The set and array
models) and using MAB’s. This made maths easier for myself to understand and as a teacher
I would hope that using the visuals when teacher will help other students who are struggling
with learning multiplication.
Part 2
A Mathematic strategy that can be used when teaching mathematics to the students is the
set model. This model uses visuals to help the students understand multiplication.
This model can be substituted for a different type of material that the students may be
interested in. This could be I had 3 friends and each wanted 2 acorns, how many are
altogether. This uses the Material language and the Mathematical language of the 4
Language model.
The example above shows that this type of concept can use pictures to help work out the
mathematical problem.
Part 3
A misconception that students have these days with Multiplication is that many of them can
not remember their times tables off by heart. Many students will not be able to do the
mathematics in their head but instead would need the use of visuals to help them
understand the language and the task that is too be done.
Within every classroom there is always a poster up showing the students the times tables
up to 12 as well as the answers not letting the students work out the equations by
Part 4
The year level that I have chosen to work on Multiplication with is year 2, Recognise and
represent multiplication as repeated addition, groups and arrays (ACMNA031 - Scootle ). I
chose this year level as the students will be starting to learn about Multiplication and would
be able to understand that Multiplication is just repeated addition. As the year goes on the
students will be then able to say some multiplication facts off the top of their head through
practice and skill. There are also many games out on the computers for the students to use
to understand multiplication through the use of arrays.
This game lets the students to visually see the array and then lets them solve it before
moving onto the next question. This is so the students gain that knowledge and
understanding of the question before moving on.
Part 5
The resource/ teaching strategy that I have sourced to develop the skill/ strategy of
multiplication is the writing of arrays. This is an appropriate way to teach multiplication as
many students need to visualise and see the equation in picture form.
While out of Prac, I remember observing my teacher on how she taught multiplication to
the year 4 class who had all different types of learners. The lower group of learners were
still unsure about simple multiplication, so the teacher went to their group and asked them
to write an array with the sum they saw in front of them on the board. Using the array
strategy/ skill helped the students to start to understand their simple multiplication over
time. However, the students became bored of doing the same things over and over again so
instead of arrays in boxes/ tables, we both came together and asked the students to draw
their favourite things as an array. This became less boring and the students started to enjoy
learning their maths especially multiplication.
Part 6
Using an array game found on scootle will help the students to understand the type of skill
that is required when learning a new concept of mathematics. From here the students will
be able to create their own type of array using multiplication tables and mathematics paper.
The students will be able to count up the squares as well as finding different ways of finding
the answer of the multiplication equation.