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Blog Lesson

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Classroom Blog and Website Creation Tools

Lesson Idea Name: Author/Book Study

Content Area: ELA
Grade Level(s): 2nd
Content Standard Addressed:

ELAGSE2W7 Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., read a number of books on a single topic
to produce a report; record science observations).

Technology Standard Addressed:

3. Knowledge Constructor

Selected Technology Tool:

☒ Blog ☐ Wiki ☐ Other: Website Creation Tool (list):

URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☐ Remembering ☐ Understanding ☐ Applying ☐ Analyzing ☐ Evaluating ☒ Creating

Levels of Technology Integration (LoTi Level):

☐ Level 1: Awareness ☐ Level 2: Exploration ☐ Level 3: Infusion ☐ Level 4: Integration
☒ Level 5: Expansion ☐ Level 6: Refinement

Universal Design for Learning (UDL): This project supports the learning of all students in that it offers a
variety of ways for information to presented so that all students will be able to contribute. Dictionaries and
electronic dictionaries can be provided to students when needed. Furthermore, the use of grammar and spell
check software can be utilized as well as they are preparing their work.

Lesson idea implementation: This project will occur over the course of a 3 weeks. Students will work in
groups of 5 with the peers in their reading group, each group will agree upon a leveled book to read and use
to create their presentation. Within the groups each member will have a “job” of Reporter, Connector,
Illustrator, Director, or Detective. As students read their book within their groups they will consider the
information that they have gathered from their reading groups. At the conclusion of their reading groups
students will then take all of their information and compile it together to produce a presentation. Their
presentations will be assessed on the following criteria: a visual support, answers to questions that others
might have, connections (world, self, and text), report the major components of the text (setting, plot, and
characters), and descriptive language used in the reading. Students can choose the medium in which they
would like to present to the class, options may include a website, interactive website (Discovery Education or
Nearpod), Cereal box, tri-fold board, or a presentation (Google Slides, Powtoons, or PowerPoint).

As students are preparing for their presentations, I will meet with them in their small groups to check their
progress. At this time I will be checking students understanding of their text as well as their jobs, to do this
each job will have a graphic organizer to help guide them in their learning. Once jobs are completed students
will all have some class time to all research the author of their book, before coming together and composing
at least one detailed paragraph about them to share with classmates. Differentiation is provided throughout
the lesson as students are reading text on their level within their leveled reading groups to ensure that the
Summer 2017_SJB
Classroom Blog and Website Creation Tools
students will be better able to succeed as well as in the research portion as students that need more of a
challenge can write up to a one page summary while other that may be struggling can do a detailed
paragraph. To further challenge students before they turn in their final draft, they will participate in a peer
editing. Each member of the group will be looking for something different (capitals, complete sentences,
punctuation, spelling, making sure that all of the answers have been answered. Students that finish early will
help other group members. Additionally, resources and information will be posted on the class blog so that
families can be aware of what we are doing in the classroom and can offer assistance throughout. As
presentations are given, if consent is provided, pictures and/or videos of students with their project will be
taken and posted on the blog to share with their families.

Importance of technology: Technology use in this lesson provides students with knowledge that they may
otherwise not be able to easily access, such as researching the author of their book. Additionally, there are
multiple ways to use technology to present their presentations through interactive websites, websites, and
presentations. For those students who wish to create a tangible presentation, they may still incorporate
technology in various ways in their work. While the project could be completed with limited technology,
students will be encouraged to incorporate technology into all presentations in some fashion.

Inspiration (optional): In my first reading/writing course I participated in an Author Study. In the second I
participated in a literature circle. This lesson is a combination of the two. In hopes of showing students that
reading can be an enjoyable experience as well as teaching them strategies that will help them to better
comprehend what they are reading. Additionally, having students become involved with a book and author of
their choice will make the experience more meaningful to them and they will get more out of the experience.

Internet Safety and Student Privacy: Student safety and privacy is my top priority and this extends to the
internet as well. To ensure student’s safety NO student work or information will be posted without written
parental/guardian consent. To further ensure the safety and privacy students work, full name, ages, personal
contact information, and specific school information will not be provided on the blog.

Reflective Practice: This lesson has the potential to greatly impact students literacy skills regardless of the
level that they are on. It will provide them with a variety of comprehension strategies, as well as working and
discussing with peers and considering various viewpoints. Skills that they will need to utilize throughout their
education and beyond. This lesson can be extended to other content areas as well and could be a great tool in
test prep for older students. I think too that the technology extension depends on content of the lesson but if
it is in the area of mathematics or science that more technology could be incorporated.

Summer 2017_SJB

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