The Operating Room Charge Nurse: Coordinator and Communicator
The Operating Room Charge Nurse: Coordinator and Communicator
The Operating Room Charge Nurse: Coordinator and Communicator
Article ■
often the result of faulty system design. Computer After receiving the report, she re-evaluates the cases
applications have the capability to change system and begins refining the schedule by either re-
processes to decrease communication that can lead to sequencing or re-scheduling them. On some occa-
error. To achieve the potential inherent in the use of sions, she plans the listing with the attending anes-
computer applications in distributed environments, thesiologist immediately upon receiving her report to
we need to understand the information needs of determine availability of staffing and rooms. By
users.14 The purpose of this descriptive study was to about 7:00am, an ‘informal’ gathering takes place at
document the communication of an operating room the ‘desk’ and staff receive or sometimes discuss
charge nurse to inform the design of a technological room assignments democratically. At this point the
communication application. OR is ready for patients.
mation is collected, processed, and finally represented board is that staff are able to view an entire represen-
on the OR board, a public display. The OR board then tation of OR status. A disseminated electronic repre-
becomes a communication device that allows all staff sentation of the OR board would allow staff to view
connected with surgical patients to coordinate their the OR status without disrupting the coordination
activities. However, the fixed location of the board activities of the charge nurse.
limits the staffs’ ability to access and interact with the
device. Therefore, the charge nurse becomes the col- Another strategy for decreasing disruption in charge
lector and author of coordination information on the nurse coordination activities would be the imple-
display board. At times, this interferes with the charge mentation of an asynchronous messaging system.
nurses’ ability to coordinate other activities and they The vast majority of communication episodes (76%)
become ‘tied’ to the public display. The implementa- were from 30 to 60 seconds. These communication
tion of an electronic display of the OR board, via an episodes generally involved short-bursts of informa-
internet or intranet, would increase the ability of the tion exchanged, lending them to a messaging system.
staff to access and update the board and free the OR Nevertheless, due to the unpredictable nature of sur-
charge nurse for other coordination activities. gical workload in a trauma center, the charge nurse
would still need to be constantly aware of the OR
An electronic representation of the OR board dis-
board status. Electronic alerts to changes in scheduling
played on the hospital floors would decrease the
or equipment needs could be communicated to the
need for phone communication with floor nurses.
charge nurses’ and require their confirmation prior to
Coordinating patient preparedness currently repre-
OR board update. This would decrease the need for
sents 88% of the phone communication between
the charge nurse to be in the proximity of the board to
charge nurses and floor nurses and 12% of the total
be aware of and coordinate changes in workload.
communication with surgeons. Generally, this is to
establish if the patient is ready for the OR or if the OR While this discussion has proposed technological
is ready for the patient. Patient readiness could easily solutions for decreasing communication, more infor-
be displayed on an electronic board, at disseminated mation is needed on the character of the communica-
locations, eliminating much of this communication. tion episodes, before these proposals can be imple-
mented. For example, coordinating activities in the
Scheduling and re-scheduling surgery are other cate- OR requires negotiation. OR and hospital staff negoti-
gories of communication that could be decreased ate surgical and staffing schedules with the charge
with the implementation of an electronic board. nurse. In the absence of an existing close relationship,
These categories represent 78% of the communication face-to-face communication provides the greatest rap-
charge nurses have with surgeons. Allowing sur- port and cooperation between participants.7 Remov-
geons to update an electronic display board directly ing this avenue of communication could decrease
through a surgical scheduling system would greatly rather than increase the efficiency of OR coordination.
decrease the need for charge nurse intervention. In
addition, surgeons could also indicate equipment Furthermore, in this interrupt-driven environment,
needs while scheduling surgery. immediate acknowledgement of a message reduces
mental burden by allowing for the quick completion
Coordination of staffing is usually face-to-face (76%) of the task . This is especially true in this environment
and with OR nurses (76%). However, we observed where the consequences of communication errors can
that this communication generally involved the OR be so significant; workers need explicit acknowledge-
nurses’ discussing the status of surgical cases and ment that a communication has been received . Cur-
their next room assignment. Again, disseminated rently, this is accomplished through the use of syn-
electronic displays of the OR board might be utilized chronous communication.
to decrease this communication.
Finally, further investigation is required into the
As previously stated, the majority of communication amount and type of peripheral information gained
was face-to-face (67%), however observation showed during communication episodes initiated for another
that usually this communication was initiated when purpose. We have observed that this information is
staff came to view the OR board. The fixed nature of frequently in the form of a ‘heads up’, or information
the board requires that staff either phone or visit the concerning upcoming events. Knowledge of impend-
board to request any changes in scheduling, staffing, ing events facilitates planning and improves overall
or equipment request. The advantage to visiting the coordination.
S74 MOSS, ET AL., The Operating Room Charge Nurse