Jean Watson Report 8 TFN
Jean Watson Report 8 TFN
Jean Watson Report 8 TFN
M a r g a r e t J e a n H a r m a n - Wa t s o n
P h D. R N . A H N - B C . FA A N
Gracel Caye M. Beronio
1 B a c kg r o u n d of t h e T h e o r i s t
2 A s s u m p t i o n s & M a j o r C o n c e p t
3 M e t a p a r a d i g m
4 U s e f u l n e s s of t h e T h e o r y
1 Background of the Theorist
M a r g a r e t
P h D , R N ,
J e a n H a r m a n - W a t s o n
A H N - B C , FA A N
Margaret Jean Harman Watson
P h D , R N , A H N - B C , FA A N
Watson was born in West Virginia and received her BSN (Bachelor of
Science in Nursing) from the University of Colorado in 1964. She went on to
complete her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Counseling from the
same university. She has since earned ten honorary doctoral degrees and
has extensive experience working in mental health nursing and caring
science. Her continued research is focused in the area of human caring and
Margaret Jean Harman Watson
P h D , R N , A H N - B C , FA A N
Watson created the Theory of Human Caring between 1975 and 1979 from
her personal views of nursing. Her hope at the time was that her theory
would help distinguish nursing science as a separate and important entity
from medical science. Her work was influenced by her teaching experience
and was created as a way to find common meaning among nurses from all
over the world.
Watson's theory was first published in 1988. Since that time, she has
produced more than 20 books on caring, and her teachings are used by
clinical nurses and academic programs all over the world.
Assumptions and Major
“ C a r i n g i s t h e e s s e n c e o f
n u r s i n g .”
J e a n W a t s o n
• Moral committment, intentionality and caritas
conciousness by the nurse, protect, enhance and
potentiate human dignity, wholeness and healing.
2. Being Authentically Present: Enabling, Sustaining and Honoring the Faith , Hope
and Deep Belief System and the Inner-Subjective World of Self / Other.
3. Cultivation of One's Own Spiritual Practices and Transpersonal Self, Going Beyong
5. Being Present to, and Supportive of, the Expression of Positive and Negative
6. Creative Use of Self and All ways of Knowing as Part of the Caring Process; Engage in
the Artistry of Caritas Nursing.
10. Opening and Attending to Spiritual/ Mysterious and Existential Unknowns of Life-
3 Metaparadigm
“ C a r i n g i s t h e e s s e n c e
n u r s i n g .”
J e a n W a t s o n
o f
Health She defined health as “unity and harmony within the mind,
body and soul” associated with “the degree of congruence
beween the selfas percieved and the self as experienced.”