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Literature Survey On Loss Reduction Methods For Three Phase Unbalanced Radial Distribution Network

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Website: http://ijsae.in
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/ijsre/v4i07.18
Literature Survey on Loss Reduction Methods for Three Phase Unbalanced Radial
Distribution Network
Rohit Nandi1, Smarajit Ghosh2
Department of Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering Thapar University, Patiala 147001
Email- rohitnandi9@gmail.com, smarajitg@hotmail.com
The large network of power system ends at distribution system, where voltage is low and current is high. For
primary distribution, three phase ac line parameters are considered. Mutual coupling and unbalanced loading
makes unsymmetrical current flow and irregular voltage drop in the network, consequently branch losses are
different in each phase. This paper has brief description about loss minimization approaches like Distributed
generator (DG), capacitor placement and feeder reconfiguration for unbalanced radial distribution network.
Keywords - Unbalanced radial distribution, Distributed generator, Capacitor placement, Feeder

In this competitive power distribution market, it is essential that bulk power must be provided properly to
the consumers. Power quantity and quality have become benchmarks for the power distribution companies.
Power demand is uncertain and that’s the reason more attention is required on the distribution side of any
power system. Power distribution is mainly categorized into primary and secondary. The arrangement of the
feeders from substation and the voltage range are different in each case. Feeder with low voltage and high
current suffers more from active and reactive power loss. In three phase line model with unbalanced loading
condition have certain different parameters which influence the load flow solution of the distribution
structure, Hence it necessary to understand the complete model and power flow of three phase system.
1.1 Load Flow Techniques for Three Phase Unbalanced Radial Network
There are several load flow techniques for radial distribution network. Every three phase network has single
line representation, for which the basic parameters like voltage, impedance, current and power are evaluated
in per unit. Unlike three phase balanced radial network, unbalanced network is not transposed and the power
demand for each phase is not same. Mutual coupling effect and ground effect are the crucial phenomena for
three phase analysis. Depending on the number of buses and the line parameters, different researchers have
followed different methods to express their power flow solution. Rajan [20] et al. has presented load flow on
backward/forward sweep power flow technique, in which three-phase mathematical model with mutual
coupling has been developed. Samal and Ganguly [22] have represented backward/forward sweep in
modified way to get an efficient and quick load flow solution. Ciric et al [19] have showed a four line model
for three phase network and considered the ground connection for solution. The effect of ground current has
been demonstrated using backward/forward approach. Zimmerman and Chiang [17] have performed power
flow using fast decoupled method. Yang and Le [23] propounded a new technique which has involved loop
frame instead of bus frame. A current injection technique has been used to build the coefficient matrix and
to calculate shunt capacitor harmonic current. Teng and Chang [18] proposed a unique load flow for
unbalanced radial system which was based on classical approach of Newton Raphson (NR) load flow in
Rohit Nandi , Smarajit Ghosh IJSRE Volume 4 Issue 7 July 2016 Page 5583
which branch voltage was taken as state variable. Lower- upper triangular (LU) factorization of Jacobian
matrix has reduced the computation time of load flow analysis. Mahmoud and Akher [21] represented an
efficient method to solve multi-phase unbalanced network using backward/ forward load flow technique in
which new transformer model has been introduced. Proposed method has given better solution for
singularity problem of nodal admittance sub matrices formed by transformer configuration.


When we discuss about losses, we include active power loss and reactive power loss. A distribution system
is said to be reliable when its branch losses are minimum. Losses in the branches are mainly reduced, either
by external power injection method or by distribution automation technology. There are several other sub
systems which come under such methods for loss compensation, but in this paper distributed generator,
capacitor placement and feeder reconfiguration technologies are discussed in details. These subsystems have
certain design parameters which deals with its power generating or absorbing capability and the nature of the
power for which the net power loss of the line could be reduced.
2.1 Distributed Generation Technology
Distributed generation (commonly known as DG) is a small scale power generation technology which is free
from centralized power generation. The ownership of the distributed generation could be managed by
individual or power distribution companies. The power range for the distributed generation has been defined
by several International standards. Some of them are mentioned below:
The IEEE standard 1547 [1] has defined that DG is an independent source of generation. Single or combined
DG systems should have power rating less than 10 MW.
The Electric Power Research Institute [2] defines that distributed generator has power rating of few
kilowatts up to 50 MW.
The International Conference on Large High Voltage Electric Systems (CIGRE)[3] defines DG range
between 50- 100 MW
The classifications of the Distributed generation have been presented by several different authors, but mostly
have categorized them on the basis of their power, nature and capacity. Ackermann et al. [4] have defined
Distributed generation, using several references and divided the power range of the generator as per their
standards. The generators have been distinguished as micro, small and medium type of DG. Pyassi et al. [7]
have organized DG into four categories as per their nature.Type-1 has been selected for real power
generators, type -2 for the reactive power generators ,type -3 for the synchronous generators and type-4 for
the induction type of generators. Singh et al. [5] have represented the renewable and non -renewable sources
of energy used as distributed generator. The cost and the benefits using generators have been highlighted in
this research paper.
2.1.1 Important Parameters for DG placement on Multi Phase Radial Network.
There are mainly two parameters for which the effect of DG could be efficient. First the location at which
DG must inject its power and second the maximum amount of power that can be supplied by the generator.
In simple, siting and sizing jargons can be used for such phenomena. This is the area where several
researches are still going on. Some of the past and ongoing projects related to DG size and its placements are
mentioned in the next section.
2.1.2 Some Proposed methods related to DG site and size.
Dahal and Salehfar [10] have developed a program for unbalanced distribution model in which the
favourable locations and the estimation of the DGs have been performed by Particle swarm optimization
(PSO) techniques. Othman et al. [8] have redefined the big bang -big crunch algorithm for getting
appropriate node locations and the effective power range of the DGs for multiple DG placement on three
phase unbalanced distribution network. Hong [14] has suggested about Loss sensitivity index, which plays

Rohit Nandi , Smarajit Ghosh IJSRE Volume 4 Issue 7 July 2016 Page 5584
an important role in identifying the node locations for best DG placement. A mathematical expression has
been described to determine the sensitivity index for three phase unbalanced radial network. Subrahmanyam
and Radhakrishna have mentioned a simple method in their paper [6]. This method determines the location
and the size of the Distributed generator for which the net power loss in minimum. The overall performance
is based on unbalanced radial distribution network. The voltage sensitivity index has a vital role in this
method. Kumar and Ganesh[9]have chosen Genetic algorithm (GA) to decide the location and the size of the
DG for betterment of voltage in unbalanced radial network.
2.2 Efficient Capacitor Placement
Capacitor placement is one of those cheapest methods for loss compensation. Loss compensators like FACT
devices mainly have capacitors in their circuit. Capacitor has energy storing capability which absorbs and
injects reactive power in the circuit. Loss reduction and voltage improvement are some positive effects due
to capacitor placement. Like distributed generation, its effectiveness also depends on the location and the
size. For three phase model, capacitor banks could be in star or delta connection.
2.2.1 Some proposed methods on Capacitor placement
Ravichandrudu et al. [21] have presented Artificial Bee colony (ABC) method to find the size of the
capacitor for proper placement at certain location in unbalanced radial distribution system. Eajal and
Hawary have developed a technique based on hybrid Particle swarm optimization (HPSO) in their paper
[12].This technique identifies the site and the size of the capacitor for unbalanced radial distribution
network under presence of harmonics. Murty and Kumar [13] have identified optimal size and site of
capacitor using Index Vector method for unbalanced radial distribution network. In this project different
types of load unbalances and various loading conditions have been evaluated. Subrahmanyam [11] has
presented a unique algorithm to find the best node location for capacitor placement in unbalanced radial
networks and simple Genetic algorithm (GA) has been used to find the size of the capacitor bank.
2.3 Feeder Reconfiguration
Feeder reconfiguration (often called as network reconfiguration) is a process of alternating the network’s
path with the help of switches. This is the simplest way of loss reduction. The overall concept of network
reconfiguration is based on distribution automation. The branches with least power losses are mainly
preferred as alternate path for power flow.
2.3.1 Some proposed methods on Feeder Reconfiguration
Goswami and Chatterji [16] have investigated the influence of feeder reconfiguration on power quality of
distribution system. The situation of network reconfiguration is reformed with a motive to enhance the
quality of the distribution system. Vulasala et al. [14] have performed the network reconfiguration to reduce
the power losses and to improve the voltage level in three-phase unbalanced radial distribution system.
Genetic Algorithm (GA) has been applied to get the optimum solution from reconfiguration of distribution
network to decrease the total loss. Taher and Karimi [15] investigated network reconfiguration of balanced
and unbalanced radial distribution network. This method has an efficient approach of simultaneous use of
network reconfiguration as well as Distributed generation (DG) allocation. A Multi-objective approach has
been implemented to resolve distribution network problems like power losses, voltage profile, voltage
unbalance and current unbalance. Genetic algorithm (GA) was used to get optimum solution.
The key features of each loss minimization technique is given in the table 1

Rohit Nandi , Smarajit Ghosh IJSRE Volume 4 Issue 7 July 2016 Page 5585
DG Capacitor Feeder
Technolog Placement Reconfig.
Nature of Active or Only No power is
injected reactive Reactive injected
power depends Power from any
on the source
type of the
Installati- Depends Comparati Depends on
on Cost on the size vely less the bus
and type than DG system
of the DG

Loss Best Moderate Combinatio

minimiz- method n with DG
ation for loss or Capacitor
minimizat makes it
ion more

Protectio- Need high Need Highly

n from protection protection protected
fault from from due
overcurre- surges switching
nt arrangement

This paper has briefly described about different loss minimization techniques used in power flow solution
for three phase unbalanced radial distribution network. Some standard parameters, easy definitions and key
differences have been explained in this paper.

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