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Stability Analysis of Distribution Generation With Distributed Generation

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International Journal of Advance Foundation And Research In Science & Engineering (IJAFRSE)

Volume 2, Issue 3 , August 2015. Impact Factor: 1.036, Science Central Value: 26.54

Stability Analysis of Distribution Generation with

Distributed Generation
Vaibhav Koshta*, Tikeshwar Gajpal.
Raipur Institute of Technology, Raipur Institute of Technology
koshta_vaibhav@yahoo.com*, tikesh23@gmail.com
As the power requirement is increasing with the increase in the population in an irregular
pattern. Excessive industrialization also leads to the development of improved technologies with
increased power demand. Now a days for handling this power requirement a new improved
technology has been developed called distributed generation (DG) for its wide use to deliver the
power to the end users as well as add to the power generation capability of any power plant.
Higher suitable impacts were found due to the connection of distributed generation into the
existing network for the stability concern of the network. Proposed method was used in an IEEE
14 bus network and was found to be as most effective on large scale.
Index Terms : Distributed Generation, non-renewable energy, renewable energy, solar energy,
stability, tidal energy etc.



The distributed generation includes the solar panels, photovoltaic cell, micro turbines, combustion gas
turbines, biomass gasifiers and various other small generation units based on renewable energy sources.
The distributed generation is a technology, evolved in the present time and become one of the major field
of interest now a days for the researchers. The distributed generation has the advantage over the
conventional methods of power generation that they can be installed at the sites of great demand of
power requirement and it is also not possible to install a new power generation station at every few km
(kilometer) distance.
This technology is an eco-friendly, produces no harmful by-products to affect the environment in a direct
or indirect way.
DG is an advantageous and economical technology, works on the non-conventional sources of energy (viz.
wind energy, solar energy), reliability up-liftment, reduction of losses etc. It offers several advantages and
to be thought on the potential of power requirement of DG. Today, DG is as essential part of distributed
energy inclusive of power supply and resources of stored energy. Much work has been done by [2], [3],
[8] in the past about the sizing and location of distributed generation into the network so that the
transmission and distribution losses are minimized.
Distributed generation showed limitations also wherein it disturbs the power flow in the network to
disturb the voltage profile and reduces the stability of the power system.
Methods adopted by the previous researchers are such as optimal power flow method, particle swarm
optimization, ant colony optimization, genetic algorithm, monte carlo simulation methods have been
discussed in [6], [7], [1], [5], [4]. Method adopted under the present study is very simple method to
operate with its better effectivity. Present research showed the simulation of an IEEE 14 bus test network
for using power system analysis.
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International Journal of Advance Foundation And Research In Science & Engineering (IJAFRSE)
Volume 2, Issue 3 , August 2015. Impact Factor: 1.036, Science Central Value: 26.54

The IEEE 14 bus network consists of PV and PQ busses. PV bus is the bus wherein incorporation of values
of active power and magnitude of voltage have been done and DG is connected to the distribution grid via
the synchronous generator with excitation control mode for voltage control, on the other hand PQ bus is
the bus where we input the values of active power and reactive power. In PQ bus the DG is connected to
the distribution grid via the synchronous generator with excitation control mode for power factor control
as given [16].
In our test network PV buses are bus no. 1, 2, 5, 8, 11, 13 and the remaining are PQ buses. Slack bus with
a set value of 1 p.u. voltage magnitude is connected to the bus 1. The IEEE 14 bus network consists of
three transformers of 100MVA rating. The network have been designed for 11kV transmission line with a
DG unit of 50MVA, 11kV is connected to bus no. 14 under the study.
Section I of this provides the details about the distributed generation technology, benefits and limitations
of the distributed generation and provide also the detailed description of the method used in the research
Section II of this paper deals with the working of proposed method. Section III of this paper indicate the
results and to compare the results obtained after the simulation and analysis of the impacts of DG and
their compensation method.
Here the simulation results were obtained using the PSAT (Power System Analysis Toolbox) which is a
tool for the analysis of the power flow. It is a easy method, possessed no long and complex mathematical
equations. Steps involved in the operations of PSAT had been followed as below:
1. Start MATLAB.
2. Run PSAT.m file.
3. Open the library from PSAT window.
4. Select the elements which are required to draw the network.
5. Draw the network and save it.
6. Load the saved network in the PSAT window and run the continuous power flow.
7. Click on the static report tab. It will generate the report of the continuous power flow.
8. From the static report the graphs can be drawn showing the variation in the voltage profile, reactive
power profile, active power profile of the network etc.

IEEE 14 bus network, IEEE 14 bus network with DG connected, the power flow result without DG
connected to the power system, result of the power flow with DG connected are shown in Figure 1, Figure
2, Table 1, Table 2 respectively.
The reactive power loss without DG and with DG connected are depicted in Figure 3, and Figure 4,

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International Journal of Advance Foundation And Research In Science & Engineering (IJAFRSE)
Volume 2, Issue 3 , August 2015. Impact Factor: 1.036, Science Central Value: 26.54

Figure 1. IEEE 14 bus network without DG connected

Figure 2. IEEE 14 bus network with DG connected

From the study of Table 1 and Table 2 it is clearly noticed that there was a disturbance of reactive power
profile in the network if connected with DG. There were more losses in the bus no. 2, 3, 6, 10 and 11
showed the increased reactive power and considered as poor buses. However, it was also observed that
the bus no. 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, and 14 possess no reactive power loss and bus no. 9 showed improvement in
21 | 2015, IJAFRSE All Rights Reserved


International Journal of Advance Foundation And Research In Science & Engineering (IJAFRSE)
Volume 2, Issue 3 , August 2015. Impact Factor: 1.036, Science Central Value: 26.54

reactive power of 0.00048 p.u. and may be considered as useful busses during connection of DG with the
distribution network.
The graphs shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4 provide us the details of the reactive power loss wherein the
DG had been connected with the distribution network.
Overall, it was observed that the reactive power profile gets disturbed with the integration of DG thereby
minimizing the network stability.
Table 1. Power flow result without DG connection

Bus No.

Reactive power at generator (p.u.)

Reactive power at load (p.u.)

Bus 1
Bus 2
Bus 3
Bus 4
Bus 5
Bus 6
Bus 7
Bus 8
Bus 9
Bus 10
Bus 11
Bus 12
Bus 13
Bus 14



Table 2. Power flow result with DG connected

Bus No.

Reactive power at generator (p.u.)

Reactive power at load (p.u.)

Bus 1
Bus 2
Bus 3
Bus 4
Bus 5
Bus 6
Bus 7
Bus 8
Bus 9
Bus 10
Bus 11
Bus 12
Bus 13
Bus 14



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International Journal of Advance Foundation And Research In Science & Engineering (IJAFRSE)
Volume 2, Issue 3 , August 2015. Impact Factor: 1.036, Science Central Value: 26.54

Figure 3. Reactive power loss at load without DG connected

Figure 4. Reactive power loss at load with DG connected

Authors of [3] observed the reduction of losses through the use of DG. Authors of [6] recorded the
disturbances in the network when DG is connected. From the aforesaid research study, it may be
concluded that IEEE 14 bus network showed the benefits and limitations through the connection of DG.
There is a need to overcome the limitations of DG connection with IEEE 14 bus network for the engineers
during ongoing research.
IEEE 14 bus network was designed under 11kV, 100MVA transmission line and three generators are
connected to the bus no. 6, 7 and 9 respectively which are also the PV bus. The proposed research study
is useful in the analysis of the power system to reduce losses. In this paper, the test network that we have
used is a radial distribution network especially, this radial distribution network is useful for the power
flow from main generating station to the sub-stations and reaches the costumers. This method can also
be applied to the other bus networks efficiently.
From the above discussion it is overall concluded that the losses are increased if a distributed generation
is integrated into the network and to minimize these losses flexible AC transmission (FACT) devices will
be the ultimate solution.
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International Journal of Advance Foundation And Research In Science & Engineering (IJAFRSE)
Volume 2, Issue 3 , August 2015. Impact Factor: 1.036, Science Central Value: 26.54

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Mr. Vaibhav Koshta is M.Tech scholar in Raipur Institute of Technology, Raipur, India.
His current area of specialization is Power Electronics. He has completed his Bachelors
degree from Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Raipur, India in 2011
from Electronics and Telecommunication branch of Engineering.

Mr. Tikeshwar Gajpal received his M.Tech degree from Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand
Technical University, Raipur, India in 2013. His area of interest is Digital Electronics. He
is a professor in Electronics and Telecommunication Department in Raipur Institute of
Technology, Raipur, India.

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