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Design & Analysis of Grid Tied Single Stage Three Phase PV System

Research · April 2021

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28253.95200


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2 authors:

Adarsh Gupta Omveer Singh

Gautam Buddha University Gautam Buddha University


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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 04 | Apr 2021 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Design & Analysis of Grid Tied Single Stage Three Phase PV System
Adarsh Gupta1, Dr. Omveer Singh
1M.Tech Student, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
2Assistant Professor, School of Engineering, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
Abstract - Renewable energy resources are very fashionable and popular for green energy and very widespread used nowadays.
The usage of PV systems has risen as fossil fuel supplies have declined and photovoltaic cell costs have decreased. Even though PV
panels are inexpensive, MPPT methods are still popular for controlling power electronic converters. Solar cells make up a
photovoltaic system that convert light into electricity. A single small PV cell can produce around 1 or 2 watts of electricity that
depends on what kind of raw material is used to make that PV. PV cells are sometimes wired together to create higher power
modules for higher performance. Because of using PV as a source of renewable energy, Inverters, for example, have been commonly
used devices for this purpose, and various approaches have been proposed to get the most generated power from a PV device to
This paper makes a proposal for a 50kW single-stage solar system which is PWM based DC-AC converter with three-phase grid
connection with a combined power of 53kw at 1000w/m2 irradiation by using 21 series and 11 parallel panel strings, a device built
to process energy from a photovoltaic array made up of SunPower SPR-230E-WHT-D PV module for any solar radiation with a
high-power factor. This paper introduces a control strategy for Photovoltaic generation systems with a three-phase grid
connection and utility power factor in any circumstance of solar radiation using Park's transformation (dq0 transformation)
which operators with current control mechanism to increase power efficiency. Loads attached to the device produce reactive
power and harmonic components that can be compensated by the system.

Key Words: Photovoltaic cell, Maximum power point, Inverter, Renewable energy sources, Power system.


Many concerns have arisen as a result of the use of fossil fuels as a primary source of power production. In terms of power
generation, India ranks sixth. Thermal power plants produce approximately 65 percent of India's energy, while hydroelectric
power plants generate 22 percent, nuclear power plants generate 3%, and other alternative sources such as solar, wind, and
biomass generate the remaining 10%. India's large coal reserves have 53.7 percent of the country's commercial electricity
demand [1]. The use of green technology, such as a solar energy system, is often used to remove or mitigate such problems. The
most serious problem associated with the use of fossil energy is global warming, where the rise in fossil fuels such as oil and
natural gas are used to generate electricity through several decades resulted a number of environmental as well as health issue.

Solar cell-based photovoltaic power generation that is ready to direct conversion of solar energy to DC Electricity has the
potential to be a clean energy source and It can be broadly pertinent renewable energy source accessible for forthcoming
energy production. As a result of photovoltaic processing developments over the last few decades, the participation and role of
electric utilities in PV has increased significantly. Observations on the inverter's DC side are needed thus to measure and
sustain tracking, MPPT algorithms are used for the highest operating point at every instant. Numerous approaches have been
found and discussed in this decade in order to reduce or to get rid of these measurements, the system's complexity is
minimized, and it is more cost-effective.

The DC/DC converter controls full output, while the DC/AC converter synchronizes and feeds required power to the grid in a
two-stage topology, is one of many approaches for a sensor-less MPPT algorithm. [3-5]. However, such strategies necessitate at
least one calculation, such as current or voltage on the DC side of the converter, as well as a large number of power switching
instruments. Other methods, on the other hand, use a one stage converter topology, which has the benefit of reducing the
number of conversion steps and power switching units. There has been a decrease in a number of sensing elements in one
stage topology, and On the DC side of the converter, MPPT algorithms need at least one sensing component, which involves
filtering the calculated values to have the DC quantities on average, necessitating more computing power from the controller,
and it was suggested for the MPPT algorithm to work based on only measuring PV panel current [6-12].

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3971
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 04 | Apr 2021 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

There are various research work going on the power quality enhancement of PV systems such as elimination strategies or
harmonic compensation. When the generated electrical power from the renewable energy resources is supplied to grid through
the grid connected inverter, the inverter should be providing zero steady-state error, fast response, and robustness to
disturbance. In addition to that the grid-connected inverter should effectively compensate the imbalance in the system, reactive
power, and harmonic. Conventionally, the simple PI control is used to regulate the grid-connected inverter. The distortion
caused by harmonics under the distorted grid cannot be adequately compensated using the PI controller.

Henceforward, this paper presents a grid connected PV system and the control strategy of the inverter and that is based on
control of active and reactive power using Park transformation or dq0 transformation in three phase grid connected PV system.
The MPPT based controller for DC-AC converter is designed in this paper using Perturb and Observe.

Figure 1: Proposed three-phase photovoltaic power system.


We can say that a solar cell is a kind of p-n junction diode that generates the charge carriers when the intensity of an incoming
photon exceeds the semiconductor component's bandgap. Many PV cells are attached in series and parallel to form a
photovoltaic module and A photovoltaic array is a series or parallel interconnection of modules made up of several PV cells to
attain the desired power. The model is ideally suited for the scientific conditions because it includes a series and parallel
resistance as well as the observation of the terminal voltage.

The general equation for an individual solar cell is:

I = Ipv - I0 [ – 1] (1)

Here “I” represents current from an individual solar cell, The total current produced by solar irradiation is denoted by “Ipv”, the
reverse saturation current or leakage current of the diode is denoted by using “I0”, “a” denotes the ideality factor of the diode,
which denotes the correction needed to conform the calculated values to the theoretical PN junction characteristics of a solar
cell; the temperature of a diode in Kelvin “T”, the charge of an electron can be represented by “q” and “k” is the Boltzmann

Eqn (1) does not adequately depict the features of a realistic solar cell. The model is ideally suited for the analytical situation
with the inclusion of a series and in parallel resistance as well as the analysis of the terminal voltage.

I = Ipv - I0 [ - 1] - (2)

Where, “Rser” specifies the total series resistance of all the solar cells connected, “R per” specifies the total parallel resistance of
solar cells connected, “Vt” is the terminal voltage which can be calculated as “V t = kT/q” and “V” is the terminal voltage of

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3972
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 04 | Apr 2021 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

combination of solar cells, and “Rser” exists due to the contact resistance between the connection terminal and the solar cell,
whereas the p-n junction's leakage current gives rise to "Rper." The amount of parallel and series variations of solar cells used
to create a PV array can be modified using Eqn (2). The voltage in a PV array can be increased by raising the series cell in the
module, while the current level can be increased by increasing the parallel cells in the module. In this paper a PV array using
SunPower SPR-230E-WHT-D was used to validate the proposed methodology.


Typically, the first stage of this power system is applied to boost up or increase the value of voltage; however, having a two-
stage power layer boosts the system's overall cost. Instead, single-stage power converters were proposed as a way to cut
machine costs but, to increase the DC bus voltage, a series-connected panel group is necessary. Even though numerous
solutions for increasing DC bus voltage have been suggested, in which applying a single-stage power layer operation with
series-connected PV panels is the most popular method. [13-15].

Inverters are divided into four groups depending on their output waveform: square wave, multilevel, sine wave and modified
square wave. The converter modelling is straightforward, relaying on six IGBTs in the circuit. It is important to obtain current
and voltage modelling for the desired output in order to implement the proposed technique. Figure 2 depicts a simplified
electrical diagram of the converter. Pulse width modulation is a technique for adjusting the frequency of pulses in response to a
small control signal in a pulse train.

Figure 2: Bi-directional DC-AC PWM based inverter.

Inverters with three phases are typically used in applications of high-power. Figure 1 demonstrates a general circuit system
and control techniques. A three-phase power inverter connects the PV panel device along with the grid directly. Eqns. (3) and
(4) can be used to measure the inductance and capacitance of the LC filter, respectively.

The converter's bi-directional functionality is crucial in this proposed photovoltaic device because depending on the
application, active and reactive power must be processed from the generator to the load and vice versa. Thus, the active and
reactive power flows can be regulated with careful monitoring of the power switches. The inverter goes from one point out to
another state to produce a waveform. Since current output has harmonics, an LC filter is used to minimize these harmonic
distortions in the output current. For maximum power point tracking in a PV system, perturb and observation methods are


The idea of current control simulation is to obtain the active input current clamping I i(t). This active clamping makes
following advantages to the system:

 Power flow management between the grid and the solar PV facility.

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3973
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 04 | Apr 2021 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

 And the Possibility to realizing MPPT of the PV panels.

By using P&O method for the MPP tracking in the PV system and it is noticed that voltage values vary very little with time, the
difference in solar irradiation intensity undergoes significant changes. In India, most of the places has no important and large
temperature variation during the day.

The MPP approach is based on the most recent system of control and that is achieved by maintaining the voltage constant and
close to the MPP in the PV terminals. An example is presented below for the current properties and voltage properties of a PV
cell for various values of irradiation.

Figure 3: An Example of characteristics between Current and Voltage of a PV cell.

Keeping an eye on the MPP points and forming an MPP Line by linking them, it is seen and noticed that and as the rate of solar
irradiation varies greatly, the voltage values remain relatively constant. In terms of temperature, there is no significant
difference during daytime. When the voltage is kept "within" the MPP region, when the irradiation increases, the amplitude of
the PV cell's current changes as well; however, the PV cell's output voltage is not affected significantly.


Figure 4 depicts the proposed grid-connected three-phase PV system's MATLAB model, control methodology, and modulation.
As from Figure 4, output currents Ia, Ib and Ic from the inverter are obtained, and it is applied to Park’s transformation by this Id
and Iq are obtained and used for active power and reactive power control in the system.

A reference current Iref is generated from the MPPT algorithm through the PV current and PV voltage. Because of the reference
current value changes based on MPPT algorithm, the value of output current from the inverter varies in response to the
irradiation curve. An error is generated through the Iref and Id for the active power control. The inverter currents efficiently
follow the reference value Iref which is obtained by the algorithm. The Proportional Integral (PI controller) controller is the
very popular controller used for providing feedback and error compensation. PI controllers are used to calculates an error
value which is basically is the difference between measured current obtained from the inverter as an output and a desired
injected current, the controller then makes an effort to reduce the error coming between them. Kp represents the proportional
coefficient and Ki represents the integral coefficient, these are two autonomous constant parameters in the PI controller. The
signal generated from error is multiplied by a Kp coefficient to form the proportional term of the controller. In time, this helps
to reduce the overall error. The proportional coefficient, on the other hand, will not be able to reduce the error to low as zero,
and there are always some steady state error present in the system. To minimize small steady state errors the Integral
coefficient of the controller is used. This eliminates the steady state error and speed up the effort of the process into the
reference point and Id_ref is obtained. With the same process Iq_ref is obtained but with zero reactive power as input value.
Changing the direct axis and quadrature axis currents will regulate the output energy and power factor.

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3974
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 04 | Apr 2021 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Figure 4: MATLAB Model for the Proposed System

The benefits of PI current control include a good steady-state reaction with a constant switching frequency, low current ripple,
and well-defined harmonic content. We can apply PI controllers in the stationary (αβ) reference frame as well as in
synchronous reference frame (dq0 frame). Whenever a synchronous PI controller is applied, the control variables become DC
and the PI compensators are able to minimize the fundamental component's stationary error to zero, while when PI controllers
are used in a stationary configuration, the stationary error of the fundamental component is not reduced to zero, there is an
intrinsic phase and amplitude monitoring error. In three-phase grid-connected inverters, current control in a synchronous
reference frame using PI controllers is the standard solution.

To compensate for the current vector elements, the inverter applied with two Partial Integral controllers, that are specified in
synchronous reference frame, as seen in the above figure 4. Outputs of both the PI controllers has been converter from
synchronous reference frame to abc form and named as ref in the MATLAB model, further this generated signal has been
passed through the block model called Phase Lock Loop (PLL) closed-loop control system, and an internal frequency oscillator
tracks the frequency and phase of a sinusoidal signal. The internal oscillator frequency is adjusted by the control mechanism to
hold the phase difference to zero. The obtained waveform works as the switching pulses for the six IGBTs based three phase


The system model has been designed and run as per suggested control configurations in Fig. 1 and the results can be verified
and supported with simulation findings. Table I lists the simulation parameters. Simulation experiments have been conducted
to verify the results. The simulation considerations are described in below Table I.

Grid Voltage (U) 380 V

Grid Frequency (f) 50 Hz
Nominal Power (P) 53 KW
Filter Inductance per Phase (Lf) 6.1 mH
Resistance of Inductor (RLf) 0.15 Ω

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3975
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 04 | Apr 2021 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

DC Link Capacitor 100 µF

Switching Frequency fsw 5 KHz
TABLE 1: System Parameters

First of all, dynamic performance of the PV system consisting with a modified version of current control algorithm has been
tested at various irradiation with time along with this analysis few more analysis has been done on the basis of Simulation
results such as under a variety of irradiation conditions control performance of power flow in the proposed control algorithm
has been tested and analyzed. Figure 5 represents the irradiation curve under varying condition. Figure 6(a) represents the
output voltage coming from the PV side and figure 6(b) represents current results of the PV panel respectively. The current
obtained from the PV side is rising upto 62.48 Amperes, while the PV voltage remains relatively stable. It is triggered by the
nature or design of MPPT control in PV system and provides data on control output.

Figure 5: The irradiation curve

Figure 6(a): PV panel Voltage result

Figure 6(b): PV panel Current result

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3976
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 04 | Apr 2021 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Above And Beyond the implementation test of the MPP Tracking algorithm, the inverter side is analyzed on the basis of power,
efficiency, and harmonic distortions. The inverter currents are effectively and successfully following the reference value by the
algorithm which is represented by Iref. The output currents of the inverter are also modified based on the irradiation curve
since the MPPT algorithm adjusts the reference current value.

Figure 7: Comparison of the inverter and ideal MPP curves

To evaluate the overall performance of the proposed design, the transferred power to grid at the output of the inverter was
compared to ideal MPP curves. Losses between the inverter output power and optimal maximum power curve has been shown
in above Figure 7. Around the nominal capacity, power losses are especially high. It caused by filter inductance.


This article proposes a control algorithm which is basically combined form for current controlling in PV systems. MPPT
algorithms and a controlling approach essentially based on the dq0 transformation was proposed for active power controlling
as well as reactive power controlling of a three-phase PWM inverter to be used in a grid-connected photovoltaic generation
system. The key goal of this project is to develop a dual-function system that generates solar energy while still acting as an
active power filter for the system. Under changing irradiation conditions, the algorithm provided accurate monitoring.


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© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3978

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