Low Noise Inverter For Poly Phase Microgrid System: July 2016
Low Noise Inverter For Poly Phase Microgrid System: July 2016
Low Noise Inverter For Poly Phase Microgrid System: July 2016
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3 authors:
Muhammad Ibrahimy
International Islamic University Malaysia
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Abstract—The inverter is a power electronics device which sharing system between natural energy sources. The micro-
changes DC voltage to AC voltage or vice versa. The grid is a limited to a small area grouping power system
synchronous phase inverter is used in the microgrid system to consist two types of radial feeders such as sensitive-load
connect the renewable energy sources of minimum phase feeders and non-sensitive-load feeders. Commonly, the
error. For a high-efficiency power transmission and household loads are connected to the sensitive load feeder’s
distribution system, a three-phase inverter is used. The
side, and the non-sensitive-load feeders are used any fault
electronic switches of the inverter are controlled by a
controller circuit which can be a two-level pulse width
occurred, or any error fault occurred due to the main grid.
modulation (PWM), phase lock loop (PLL) controller, etc. A However, a micro-grid is confined to an open system which
fixed reference DC voltage and current generators are used for interconnects between distributed electrical energy systems,
a stable input-output voltage and current to reduce the higher such as wind power, fuel-generator and solar energy with
harmonic distortions. An LC lowpass filter has been designed storage strategies like flywheels, batteries and electric
and simulated for the input and output of the system by using capacitors rely on both high and low voltages [4]. An
MATLAB2014a. The input filter is utilized to reduce the AC electrical transmission and distributed energy system consist
ripple component in the DC input supply, and the output filter of energy storage systems, limited loads and distributed
is used to reduce the higher frequency harmonic distortion generators that can work in the household connected modes.
from the inverter output supply to maintain the IEEE Inversion is a process that changes the input DC or AC to
standard THD < 5%. A balanced microgrid star configuration output AC or DC utilizes a desired output power and
load and the input DC voltage of ± 250V have been considered frequency. An inverter circuit can perform this type of
in this design. The overall conversion efficiency of the inverter alteration. The terms voltage-bolstered and current-sustained
is 97.62% and THD <5%. The results show that the design has are used as a part of the reference to power inverter circuits.
better performance and can be used efficiently in the micro- A voltage sustained inverter is one within that the DC input
grid system. voltage or current is fundamentally consistent and free of the
load current strained. However, the inverter brings up the
Keywords-three phase inverter; inverter control; LC filter;
charging voltage through the current strained structure is
fixed by the load. A power inverter is a voltage source
inverter also called as voltage feed inverter, where the output
I. INTRODUCTION AC or DC waveform is a sine wave or others types of the
With the world energy demand increasing at an voltage waveform. The output voltage waveform is staying
exponential rate, the search for energy sources other than unaffected with the inverter load [5]. This characteristic
fossil fuel and gas is no more an extravagance. In spite of the makes the inverter suitable for numerous applications
fact that the fossil fuels and gas offer a short-term solution to including AC or DC power transmission in the micro-grid
this energy crisis, but these discharge CO2 and other system. The three-phase inverter consists of three single
greenhouse gas, which are not environment-friendly. phase VFI circuit. In the inversion system, filters are utilized
Renewable energy can be a long term solution. The in the inverter interface circuit to reduce harmonic. LC is one
renewable energy systems such as solar cell, wind turbine, kind of traditional filters that decrease the % THD. Indeed,
tidal energy converter, etc. are connected with the micro-grid several types PWM control systems are used as a part to
system. Micro-grid source, then again gradually substitutes reduce of higher frequency harmonic distortion. The
itself and is commonly available throughout a constant multilevel inverter is used in the better utilization of
source [1]. A renewable energy source, sunlight can be switching device because it reduces the switching losses and
directly converted into DC electrical power by using the improves the system efficiency. Therefore, it is utilized as a
solar panel or somehow collect the solar energy to convert it part of the renewable energy application [6].
into heat and generate steam to operate an electrical
generator [2]. In the case of tidal renewable energy, the wave II. INVERTER
passes through directly rotted a big propeller blades to move Figure 1 shows a three phase inverter basic which
the generator to produce the AC to DC electrical power [3]. fundamentally consists of three terminal half phase inverter.
Similarly, the other renewable energy sources are converted Three half phase inverter cannot operate in the switching
into electrical energy to supply the micro-grid systems with mode. In this inverter have nine operating modes as
the respective suitable systems. compared to six of a full phase inverters. The three
The microgrid system is important for power supply freewheeling mode of a half controlled converters appears
system because it is free, available and a small area power- only when the firing angle is larger than 60° degrees. The
Figure 1. Basic concept of a three phase inverter circuit. Figure 3. Inverter gate pulse.
Inductor Selection: the inductor current should be
greater than or equal of the inverter maximum output current.
The inductance has a negative influence on the load response
and simply required a small value to carry out the desired
damping of the output ripple current. Choosing a large
inductor will require a similar capacitor in order to
counterbalance the substantial voltage drops caused by load
Vmax ripple XC
= (1)
VOac XC + X L (a)
X L = 2π f L (2)
Figure 5. Inverter output wave: (a) Va, (b) Vb, (c) Vc, (d) Vab and (e) Vabc
Figure 6 shows the inverter output waveform; phase-to-
phase current is around ± 4A.
In inverter based micro-grid system in interface circuit,
especially in switching PWM controller and output filter are
the major problems in this design. Due to the power loss of
the circuit switching frequency, the reduction of the overall
system efficiency occurred. However, the design became
unable to avoid the reduction of the higher harmonic
(a) Phase-to-phase voltage Vab distortion, same as desired output ripple current by
introducing LC output filter based inverter phenomenon
which increases the overall system efficiency which is 97.62
%. The simulation result shows that the value of THD is
.06% an acceptable level of IEEE standard <5%. As
indicated by our prediction, the 3-phase inverter is
appropriate for applications where the AC voltage as an
output needs to be higher than DC as an input and
economically feasible.
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[6] Govindaraj K., Vikneshwaran G., Sreejith S., and Sowmiya T.,
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