2006 Ciobotaru EPE Ju
2006 Ciobotaru EPE Ju
2006 Ciobotaru EPE Ju
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Keywords: Distributed power generation, Harmonics, Photovoltaic, Single phase system, Solar Cell System
In this paper the issue of control strategies for single-stage photovoltaic (PV) inverter is addressed. Two different current
controllers (the classical proportional-integral (PI) and the novel proportional-resonant (PR) controllers) have been
implemented and an experimental comparison between them has been made. A complete control structure for the single-
phase PV system is also presented. The superiority of the PR controller is demonstrated with respect to the PI controller
in terms of harmonic current rejection and the capability to remove the steady-state error without using the voltage feed-
forward (VFF). The control strategy was successfully tested on a real 1.5 kW PV inverter.
The market for PV power applications continues to develop at a
high rate [1]. Between 2002 and 2003 the total installed capacity
in the International Energy Agency (IEA) PhotoVoltaic Power
Systems (PVPS) countries grew by 36 %, reaching 1 809 MW.
Moreover, the price level of the PV modules and the system costs
(inverter included) has decreased significantly [2]. The use of PV
systems connected in parallel with the mains was simplified and
is often supported by incentives from utilities and/or governmental Fig. 1: Power electronic system with the grid, source (PV
bodies. Before connecting a PV system to the power network, the array), power converter and control
d.c. voltage of the solar modules must be converted into an a.c.
voltage. Some protection systems are required to prevent damage
in the PV system caused by the utility network and vice versa. The
PV systems require standards addressing the use and the perfor-
mance of grid-connected PV inverters, thus ensuring the safety
and quality of the products.
Fig. 4: General structure of a single phase PLL including grid voltage monitoring
age level the PV array can be a string of PV panels or a multitude can produce stability problems and special control design is
of parallel strings of PV panels. In the classical solution with two- required [7]. The control structure of the PV power conversion
stage converter, the d.c.-d.c. converter requires several additional system is shown in Fig. 3.
devices producing a large amount of conduction losses, sluggish
transient response and high cost while the advantages of the single- The main elements of the control structure are the synchronization
stage converters are: good efficiency, a lower price and easier algorithm based on PLL, the MPPT, the input power control, the
implementation. The disadvantages of the single-stage converter grid current controller including PWM.
are the fact that the PV panels are in series and if shading occurs
on one or several PV panels then the efficiency of the whole
system is reduced. PLL structure
As shown in Fig. 2, the PV inverter system consists of a solar The PLL is used to provide a unity power factor operation which
panel string and a d.c. link capacitor Cdc on the d.c. side with an involves synchronization of the inverter output current with the
output a.c. filter (LCL), insulation transformer and grid connection grid voltage and to give a clean sinusoidal current reference. The
on the a.c. side. The number of panels in the string has to ensure PI controller parameters of the PLL structure are calculated in
a d.c. voltage higher than the a.c. peak voltage at all time. The such a way that the settling time and the damping factor of this
energy conversion from d.c. to a.c. side is made by a single-phase PLL structure can be set directly. The PLL structure is also used
voltage source inverter. The used solar panel string consists of for grid voltage monitoring in order to get the amplitude and
sixteen uniserial PV panels (120 W for each panel). the frequency values of the grid voltage. The general form of the
PLL structure including grid voltage monitoring is presented in
Fig. 4 [8].
Control strategy
For the grid-connected PV inverters in the power range of 1-5 kW, MPPT algorithm
the most common control structure for the d.c.-a.c. grid converter
is a current-controlled H-bridge PWM inverter having a low-pass The task of the MPPT in a PV energy conversion system is to tune
output filter. Typically L filters are used but the new trend is to use continuously the system so that it draws maximum power from the
LCL filters that have a higher order (3rd) which leads to more solar array regardless of weather or load conditions. Since the
compact design. The drawback is its resonance frequency which solar array has a non-ideal voltage-current characteristics and the
GPI ( s) = K p + (1) b)
In order to get a good dynamic response, a grid voltage feed-for- Fig. 5: Flowcharts of the perturb & observe a) and incremen-
ward is used, as depicted in Fig. 7a. This leads in turn to stability tal conductance algorithms b)
problems related to the delay introduced in the system by the voltage
feedback filter. In order to alleviate this problem an advanced
filtering method for the grid voltage feed-forward should be con-
sidered. The Root-locus and Bode diagram analysis of the PI con-
troller is presented in Fig. 8.
The PR current controller Gc(s) is defined as [5, 7]: Fig. 6: New control structure of controlling the input power.
A feed-forward of input power is used
a) b)
Fig. 7: The current loop of PV inverter: a) with PI controller; b) with PR controller
Gc ( s) = K p + K i (2) The current error-disturbance ratio rejection capability at null
s 2 + ω o2 reference is defined as:
Gf ( s) =
ii ( s)
1 s + ( 2 2
zLC ) (4)
troller are presented in Fig. 10.
vi ( s) Li s s 2 + ω res
) The size of the proportional gain Kp from PR controller deter-
mines the bandwidth and stability phase margin [5], in the same
way as for the PI controller. As it can be observed from the open-
( Li + Lg ) ⋅ zLC
2 loop Bode diagram (Fig. 10) the phase margin (PM) is determined
[ ]
where 2
zLC = Lg Cf and, ω res
= to be equal with 60.6 degrees, indicating a good stability of the
Li system. Also, the dominant poles of the controller are well
damped as it can be seen in Fig. 10 exhibiting a damping factor
where Li, Lg and Cf are shown in Fig. 2. Lg includes the grid equal with 0.7.
impedance due to the transformer and the grid lines.
Fig. 9: Bode diagram of the disturbance rejection (current error ratio disturbance) of the PR+HC (3rd, 5th and 7th) and PI current
Experimental results The plotted results have been captured using the graphical inter-
face of the dSPACE system (Control Desk) and then exported to
A single-stage grid-connected PV inverter (1.5 kW power range) Matlab workspace for plotting.
has been built in order to analyze the PV system performance, as
depicted in Fig. 11a. The system is dSPACE based and voltage The solar panels string mounted on the roof of the laboratory are
source inverter (VSI) is controlled using a unipolar PWM to place presented in the Fig. 11b [12].
the harmonics on the high frequency side making them easier to
filter. The parameters of the LCL filter were: Li = 1426 µH, The grid current and grid voltage at 1.5 kW for PI, PR and PR+HC
Cac = 2.2 µF, Lg = 713 µH. The power stage of a Danfoss VLT controllers are presented in Fig. 12 a), b) and c). As it can be seen
5004 rated 400 V/10A was used. The switching frequency of the a much lower THD is obtained with the PR+HC controller. The
inverter was 10 kHz. The control algorithm shown in Fig. 3 was grid current response at a 5 A step in the current reference is pre-
implemented using the dSPACE DS1103 platform. For higher sented for the PI (Fig. 12d), PR (Fig. 12e) and PR+HC (Fig. 12f).
power, the LCL filter needs to be redesigned.
As it can be observed the PR and PR+HC controller yields a
The system was tested in the following condition: the open circuit smaller overshoot than the PI controller.
d.c. voltage provided by the uniserial sixteen PV panels was
around 660 V, the RMS value of the grid voltage was Vg = 225 V In Fig. 13, a comparison of the spectrum for PI, PR and PR+HC
with a THD of 2.2 % voltage background distortion. The grid in the lower frequency region is presented.
impedance was measured to 1.2 Ω with a series inductance of
2.1 mH due to the insulation transformer, used in order to connect Using PI controller with VFF a current THD of 5.8% has been
the PV system to the grid, and the grid inductance was measured obtained while in the case of the PR controller the measured
to 50 µH. The total Lg will be 0.713 mH + 2.1 mH = 2.813 mH. current THD was 9.7 %. Adding the HC for the PR controller a
drastic attenuation of the current THD can be observed, decreasing
For small variations of Lg the PR controller behavior is not affected, to 0.5 %.
but for large variations of Lg the stability of the current controller
decreases and an adaptive tuning of the PR controller can be con-
a) b)
Fig. 11: a) Test setup for 1.5 kW PV inverter; b) The solar panels string mounted on the roof of the laboratory.
a) d)
b) e)
c) f)
Fig. 12: Grid current (marked) and grid voltage at 1.5 kW for PI a), PR b) and PR+HC c) controllers. Grid current response
(marked) at a 5 A step in the current reference for PI d), PR e) and PR+HC f) controllers