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Iccicct - 507 PDF
Iccicct - 507 PDF
single stage inverter, dual stage inverter. Each topology has their PWM full bridge inverter, switched at great frequencies improves
advantages and disadvantages. An optimization is necessary for the efficiency of the system.
the choice of topology. The topology should guarantee that the
output current is a high quality sine wave and in phase with
voltage if grid connected, also with low distortion harmonic.
irradiance and cell temperature are constant. The tracking but have a power factor between 0.6 and 0.7. Self-commutated
efficiency result is 99.73% with step size 0.02% when a step inverters are used quite often; they are capable switching at high
change of irradiance and temperature are applied. frequency, which introduce more losses in semiconductor. The
self-commutated inverter is robust and cheap technology.
The boost converter is widely used to pinpoint the ultimate
point of power of the PV array. It is a simple circuit with good IV. PI CONT ROLLER WIT H FORWARD COMPENSAT ION
response speed. Any algorithm of maximum power point is
flexible to implement with software and hardware. The boost
converter circuit is shown in figure 3
Maximum power point controller is used to control the converter, MPP controller etc. have been designed. The system
boost converter. Perturb and Observe algorithm is implemented to has been demonstrated with the MATLAB. Form the simulations
track the maximu m power of the PV module. it is identified that the results from the data sheet matches the
obtained result. The designed algorithm can track the MPP of a
specific PV module. By this the efficiency can be improved. The
output verifies the effect of different physical parameters such as
irradiance, temperature, load variations, Converter outputs etc..
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