Kaliamoorthy2015 PDF
Kaliamoorthy2015 PDF
Kaliamoorthy2015 PDF
AbstractThis paper presents a novel single phase cascaded power, etc., in power grids are surveyed in details in [2]-
multilevel inverter for renewable energy applications. The pro- [10]. In the cited papers, it can be seen that extensive research
posed inverter consists of two H Bridge inverter connected in is undertaken to connect renewable energy sources to three-
cascade. The top H Bridge inverter is a conventional H bridge
inverter and is capable of developing three level output whereas phase grids using three-phase pulse-width-modulation (PWM)
the bottom H bridge inverter is a novel inverter which is capable inverters. In case of medium power microgrid application,
of developing multilevel output. The proposed inverter is driven single-phase inverters are gaining popularity [11]-[25]. The
from a novel hybrid modulation technique, which eliminates the existing literature show that on one hand, the single-phase
problem of capacitor voltage balancing issues. The proposed inverter is directly connected (through an interfacing choke
novel hybrid modulation technique switches the top inverter
switches at high frequency and the bottom inverter switches at coil) to the point of common coupling (PCC) [11] to facilitate
low frequency. The proposed inverter can be fed from any renew- power ow to PCC. On the other hand, the grid (microgrid)
able energy source. In this paper, the top inverter is fed from PV and the loads are also connected to the PCC. In a typical
arrays where as the bottom inverter is fed from wind turbine. The residential application, the renewable energy is used to reduce
proposed inverter has many advantages such as; it has minimum the load power demand from the microgrid.
number of power electronic devices, minimum conduction and
switching losses, improved efciency and minimum voltage stress The energy from the renewable/natural sources tends to vary
on the devices. The proposed inverter fed from renewable energy throughout the day and hence optimizing the energy capture
sources is simulated in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. To is a necessity.For wind turbines (WT) and PV arrays, the
validate the simulation results a laboratory prototype is also output power is determined by the wind speed and irradiation.
built. The entire hardware setup is controlled by using FPGA- Hence, the control of these systems needs to behave appro-
Keywords: Multilevel inverter, Hybrid modulation technique, priately according to the variation of these parameters. For
Capacitor voltage balancing, PV array and Wind Turbine. example, the turbine speed for wind needs to be adjusted for
different wind speeds such that the generated power available
is optimized and the system runs at Maximum Power Point
(MPP).Similarly,the output DC voltage and current of the PV
renewable energy applications due to the following reasons, inverter, where as the lower inverter is the one established
1. Individual H bridge can be connected to a separate in [9]. Fig 1 shows the circuit conguration of the proposed
renewable energy sources such as PV modules, Wind Turbines, multilevel inverter. This proposed inverter conguration has
Fuel Cell stacks etc. lot of advantages such as less number of power electronic
2. Step up transformers are eliminated since the output devices, power diodes, capacitors and isolated DC sources
voltage level required for grid power injection can be achieved when compared with other congurations and is best suited
by DC-DC boost converters and the cascaded connection of for renewable energy applications.
H bridge outputs. The upper inverter is fed from a PV module through a DC-
3. The CHBMLI has very less total harmonic distortion DC boost converter and the lower inverter is fed from a wind
(THD) when compared to three-level based inverters, which turbine driven PMSG through an uncontrolled rectier and a
in turn reduces the output lter size for the compliance of grid DC-DC boost converter. The DC-DC boost converter in the
harmonic standards [12]. upper inverter is used to track the MPP of the PV module.
4. Since this topology allows the connection of indepen- The uncontrolled rectier in the lower inverter converts the
dent renewable energy sources each dc link voltages can be AC voltage generated from the PMSG to a DC voltage.
independently controlled, the maximum power extraction of a The DC-DC boost converter in the lower inverter is used
reduced number of PV modules can be accomplished with the to track the MPP of the wind turbine and to convert the
help of Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithms rectied DC voltage to a high voltage DC. High dc bus
[14]. voltages are essential to make sure that power ows from
This paper proposes a novel single phase grid connected the PV module and the wind turbine to the grid. A ltering
multilevel inverter fed from PV arrays and wind turbine cou- inductance Lf is used to lter the current injected into the
pled permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG). The grid. Switches SW1 and SW2 are used to disconnect the PV
proposed inverter is switched by hybrid modulation technique. power generation system and wind energy conversion system
In order to track the MPP of the PV array and the wind from the grid during islanding operation. The load is placed
turbine a novel sliding mode control strategy is used, which between switches SW1 and SW2. By switching the inverter
is more accurate and fast in tracking the MPP for varying properly, it can produce eleven output voltage levels from the
environmental conditions. DC supplies.
TABLE I inverter in the conventional mode. Fig. 2(b) and (e) show
S WITCHING S TATES OF P ROPOSED I NVERTER the additional switching sequence of the lower H bridge. The
combined switching combinations of the upper and lower H
Upper Inverter Switches
(High Frequency Switches)
Lower Inverter Switches
(Low Frequency Switches)
Derived Output Voltage
Vdc1 = Vdc2 = 2Vdc0
bridge inverter to develop eleven levels at the load terminals
M S1
M S2
M S3
M S4
M S5
M S6
M S7
M S8
0 Vdc0
4Vdc0 5Vdc0
are given in Table 1.
OFF ON ON OFF ON OFF OFF ON OFF Vdc0 0 4Vdc0 3Vdc0 4Vdc0 II
ON OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON 0 Vdc0 2Vdc0 2Vdc0 3Vdc0 III
OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON Vdc0 0 2Vdc0 Vdc0 2Vdc0 IV B. Hybrid PWM switching strategy
0 Vdc0
Vdc0 0
0 Vdc0
Vdc0 2Vdc0
To minimize the switching losses in the proposed multilevel
0 Vdc0
Vdc0 0
2Vdc0 3Vdc0
3Vdc0 4Vdc0
inverter, hybrid PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) switching
OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF 0 Vdc0 4Vdc0 4Vdc0 5Vdc0 X strategy is used [15],[34]. Since most of the power fed to
the load is from the lower inverter, the switches of the lower
H bridge inverter are switched at fundamental frequency (i.e.
Vdc2 = Vdc3 = 2Vdc1 ). Hence, the DC link voltage of the
at 50Hz). Whereas, the upper H bridge inverter switches are
lower H bridge is four times the DC link voltage of the
switched at high frequency (i.e. at 10 KHz). Fig 3 shows the
upper H bridge.Thus 90 of the power fed to the load is from
modulation strategy of the proposed inverter. The signals R01
the lower inverter and the upper inverter supplies only 10.
and R02 shown in g 3 are responsible for generation of PWM
The upper H bridge inverter is a conventional inverter which
pulses for the upper inverter. Signal R01 is compared with the
generates three level output (+Vdc1 , 0, Vdc1 ). The lower H
high frequency carrier to generate PWM for M S1 and M S4
bridge inverter is capable of generating ve level output (
similarly R02 generates PWM for M S2 and M S3 . Since the
+2Vdc1 , Vdc1 , 0, Vdc1 , 2Vdc1 ). The lower H bridge inverter
lower inverter switches at low frequency, the switching signal
operation can be divided into ve switching states, as shown
generation of lower inverter switches can be determined easily
in Fig. 2(a) (f ).
by simple arithmetic and logical computations. The switching
signals for the lower inverter are also shown in g 3.
M S6 (t) = (R1 ) Z1 + R1 (Z1 ) (8)
1 if Uref > 0
Z1 = (2)
0 if Uref < 0 M S7 (t) = R1 + (R2 ) Z1 (9)
|Uref | M S8 (t) = [(R1 ) (Z1 )] + R1 Z1 (10)
VLower,expected = round 0.4 Z1
(3) Where + denotes logical OR operation and * denotes multi-
|Uref |
+ round 0.4 Z1 plication of signals. The switching patterns of auxiliary switch
AS1 is given by
R01 = 5 (Uref VLower,expected ) (4a) AS1 (t) = (R1 R2 ) Z1 (11)
R02 = 1 [5 (Uref VLower,expected )] (4b) where denotes XOR operation.
C ONDITIONS 1000 W/m2 , 250 C)
Parameter Value
Power Output PM AX (W) 180
Voltage at PM AX , VM AX (V) 35
Current at PM AX , IM AX (A) 5.03
Open Circuit Voltage Voc (V) 43.6
Short Circuit Current Isc (V) 5.48
S (v, i) = a.i b.v 3 + c.v 2 + d.v + e = 0 (12)
where (a, b, c, d, e) > 0, S < 0 ON state,
S > 0 OFF state
Where v and i are PV module voltage and inductor current,
and a, b, c, d and e dene the switching surface. a, b, c and d
set the slope in the PV module v-i plane and e sets the offset.
When S 0 (ON State), Sb1 switch in g 1 is turned ON and
the inductor gets charged. The current i through the inductor
increases, and S (v, i) increases. When S 0 Sb1 is turned
OFF and the energy stored in the inductor discharges through
the load. Thus the current i through the inductor decreases Fig. 5. (a) VI characteristics of PV module under different irradiance and the
optimal switching surface (green), S (v, i) =0.
as a result S (v, i) also decreases. Thus, S (v, i) is kept in (b)Wind Turbine Speed Vs Power Characteristics for various wind speeds and
a switching band around S =0. Similarly g 5 (b) shows the the optimum switching surface (red) Swt (p, n) = 0.
speed Vs power characteristics of WT for various wind speeds.
The details of the wind turbine and PMSG used in this study
are given in table 3. The same procedure is repeated to track IV. C ONTROL OF GRID CONNECTED MULTILEVEL
the MPP of wind turbine. The sliding surface for WT is as INVERTER
given by (13).
This section presents a method for controlling a multilevel
inverter which interfaces PV sources and WT to the grid. The
Swt (v, i) = a.p b.v 2 + c.v + d = 0 (13)
proposed system, as show in Fig. 7, is procient of maintaining
where (a, b, c, d) > 0, Swt < 0 ON state, system performance despite of environmental conditions. This
Swt > 0 OFF state system topology is composed of two circuits which have a
Where p and n are the WT power and speed. When dc-dc converter at the input, a dc-link capacitor, and an H
Swt (p, n) < 0 (ON state), Sb2 in g 1 is turned ON and the bridge at the output. Both these circuits will be referred to
inductor charges.The current i through the inductor increase, as a sub-inverter. Both sub-inverters are connected in series
which in turn increases the sliding surface Swt (p, n). When and then interfaced to the grid via an inductive output lter.
Swt (p, n) > 0 Sb2 is turned OFF and the energy stored in the Energy balance is managed by a single master controller and
inductor discharges to the load. Thus the current i through the two local sub-inverter controllers.
inductor decreases as a result Swt (p, n) also decreases. Thus, A master controller is used to manage energy ow between
Swt (p, n) is kept in a switching band around Swt (p, n) = 0. the aggregate system of sub-inverters and the grid-utility. In
Fig 6 shows the performance of the proposed sliding mode particular, the main functions of the master controller are to
controlled MPPT algorithm for PV modules (Fig 6(a)) and regulate the output current, io, and to manage the total voltage
WT (Fig 6(b)). It is clear from the gure 6 that steady state across the dc-link capacitors. The master controller generates
and dynamic performance of the MPPT algorithms is good a master modulation signal, MSY S , which is then fed to the
and it perfectly match with that of the actual MPP (refer data individual sub-inverter controllers. Each local controller then
points in Fig 5). scales MSY S to create a unique modulation signal, M1 and
[p1 + p2 ] ploss = Vrms Irms = Vrms (14)
Where p1 and p2 are the power delivered from PV module
and WT. Assuming losses are small so that ploss is approxi-
mately zero than (13) can be rewritten as,
2 [p1 + p2 ] = ipk (15)
A. Master Controller
The master controller, as illustrated in Fig. 8, has two
purposes: i) regulate the sum of the dc-link voltages to a
prescribed value, and ii) deliver a sinusoidal output current
to the grid. The rst objective can be recast in terms of
energy balance. Since the dc-link capacitors are energy storage
devices, their voltages can be maintained by ensuring that
the energy generated by the PV and WT (minus losses) is
delivered to the grid. The current control stage can be designed
Fig. 9. Local Controllers.
using conventional current control methods. Each of the two
master control sections is described below. If the total power It then follows that the quantity, iapprox , in Fig. 8 is
conversion loss is ploss , RMS output current is Irms and peak approximately equal to the required peak output current for
output current is ipk , then the energy conversion can be written energy balance. However, because losses are uncertain and non
as, zero, an adjustment term, iadj , is necessary. This adjustment
Fig. 11. Total, Upper and Lower Inverter voltage along with load current of
the proposed CHBMLI (a) Simulation (b) Experiment.
capacitor charges up. Alternatively, the upper dc link capacitor to operate the inverter between modulation indices of 0.8 to 1.
is discharged more heavily as the modulation depth of M1 Fig. 10 shows the simulated and hardware waveforms obtained
increases. from the prototype of the proposed 11-level inverter with
modulation index of 0.95. Fig 11 simulation and experimental
V. R ESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS results of the inverter output voltage supplied to the load along
The simulation of the proposed eleven-level grid- with the Upper and lower inverter voltage.
connected hybrid PV and WECS is simulated using MAT- In order to study the dynamic behavior of the proposed
LAB/SIMULINK before it is implemented experimentally as inverter, grid voltage is disturbed from 180 V RMS to 230 V
a prototype. The PWM switching logics for the proposed RMS at 0.35 secs in simulation. It can be noticed from g 12
CHBMLI is developed by using the expressions (4), (7) - that due to sudden change in the grid voltage, the proposed
(10). The Upper inverter is switched at high frequency (i.e. inverter is capable of tracking the grid voltage automatically,
10 KHz) and the lower inverter is switched at a frequency by adjusting its amplitude modulation index. Fig 12 (b) shows
close to fundamental (i.e. 50 Hz). The Upper inverter dc bus the waveform obtained from the developed prototype for
voltage is set to 70 volts and the lower inverter dc bus voltage sudden perturbation in the grid voltage.
is set to four times the upper inverter voltage (i.e.
280 volts).
So the net dc link voltage is set to 350 volts (> 2Vgrid ); in
this case Vgrid is 230V).
Fig. 13. Dynamic response of current supplied by the inverter to grid for
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