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Power Quality Improvement in Modified Solid State Transformer System Using Statcom

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International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN: 2319-7242
Volume 5 Issue 5 May 2016, Page No. 16686-16691

Power Quality Improvement in Modified Solid State Transformer System

Using Statcom
R.S. Sundaramoorthy, Dr.G.Udhayakumar, M.E.Ph.D,
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Valliammai Engineering College
Chennai, India

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Valliammai Engineering College
Chennai, India

Abstract Power quality is a major issue of loads in the distribution system used in industrial and domestical appliances.
In this work, we proposed a modified solid state transformer system using statcom to improve the power quality of loads
in the distribution system. The proposed model is used to eliminate voltage sag, and swell. The matrix converter is adopted
in the proposed design of modified solid state transformer to reduce the power loss. The control strategy of matrix
converter is done by sinusoidal pulse width modulation techniques. In addition to this, harmonics are reduced by using
vector proportional integral controller. The simulation is done in MATLAB/SIMULINK software, the several case studies
are carried out and the simulation results shows that the proposed system has better voltage regulation than that of
conventional system.

Key words PV, High frequency transformer, Matrix AC microgrid applications. But recently AC microgrid is
converter, statcom, MPPT, SPWM. integrated with the DC microgrid for reliable usage of
power. The basic idea of DC microgrid consists of
I. INTRODUCTION renewable energy sources. The power generated by
Power quality is a major aspect in power systems. The term renewable sources will supply power to the local load, or
power quality refers to voltage stability, frequency stability. delivered to the utility. Comparing to AC microgrid, the DC
The main objective of power quality is to deliver power microgrid has some advantages: 1) easily to integrate with
with good quality. Harmonic distortion is the significant the hybrid system in which different sources such as PV,
problem to maintain power quality [1]. The main reason for supplying power to the Microgrid; 2) efficiency of the
it is the majority of loads in the distribution system are hybrid system gets increased because the power conversion
linear lagging power factor loads and nonlinear loads such stages are eliminated in the dc and the usage of filter is
as AC drives and DC drives used in industries and domestic reduced; 3) there is no synchronization problem (frequency
appliances. These loads draw the reactive power and inject mismatching) in dc because the dc supply has no
the harmonics in the system which results in distorted frequency.4) losses associated in the system is very low.
supply and voltage drop at the load end. These kinds of
power quality problems can be mitigated by the use of When the system is interface to an AC grid by using
FACTS devices such as STATCOM connected at the PCC. converter, and the conventional transformers. The
For compensating the load and neutral current, there are transformer size gets higher and the efficiency gets reduced.
many topologies in STATCOM such as single phase The modified solid state transformer is used to interface the
Voltage Source Converter, 3-leg VSC, 4-leg VSC with split AC and DC microgrid. Comparing to conventional
capacitor. The proposed system uses 2-leg VSC with dc link transformer, the MSST has reduced size and weight, oil free
capacitor. transformer and it is friendly to environment. The main
function of the MSST is Protects load from power supply
Now-a-days the demand for electrical power has increased disturbances, Protection against output short circuit,
continuously day by day. So the usage of alternative Operates on distributed voltage level, Medium frequency
renewable sources like PV, Wind, Fuel cell and tidal power isolation. Due to this a modified solid state transformer are
has increased significantly [2].The microgrid is the new used which improves efficiency and the size of the
technique employed, which is used to reduce the power transformer gets reduced.
shortage problem. The research topics are mainly based on

R.S. Sundaramoorthy, IJECS Volume 05 Issue 5 May 2016 Page No.16686-16691 Page 16686
DOI: 10.18535/ijecs/v5i5.58

II.CONVENTIONAL SST MICROGRID SYSTEM frequency transformer with high insulation capability and
tuned high pass filter. A matrix converter is used in the
The Fig.1 shows the basic block diagram of the SST using
output stage of the proposed design. The Fig. 2 shows the
high frequency (HF) or medium frequency (MF) AC link
block diagram of the proposed MSST. The matrix converter
without DC link capacitor [3]. In this system, the line side
ensures power quality issues like sag correction and reactive
power compensation. The three stages of SST can be
controlled independently from the other one. The close loop
control is required for overall operation of the system. The
converter of the input stage controls the input current and
power factor and keeps the DC link voltage at a desired
reference value .The PWM maintains the synchronism
between input and output as well as reduces harmonics. The
dc chopper is used as boost regulator which regulates the

AC Waveform is modulated with a converter to a high

frequency Square wave and passed through HF transformer.

Fig.1. conventional design of solid state transformer

Then the square wave demodulated to alternating wave

again by a converter. Since the frequency of the transformer
is inversely proportional to its size. The HF/MF transformer
is much smaller than the power-frequency transformer. So,
the sizes of the transformer, weight and stress factors are
reduced considerably.

Due to lack of energy storage system, the design of SST

with high frequency AC link fails to protect the critical
loads from instantaneous power interruptions. The Fig. 1
shows the basic block diagram of a SST with DC link
capacitor which includes three stages. The first stage is an amplitude of output dc voltage with frequency operation.
AC/DC converter which shapes the input current, corrects
the input power factor and regulates the voltage of primary Fig.2. Proposed design of modified solid state transformer
DC bus. The second stage is an isolation stage which
provides the galvanic isolation. In this stage, the DC voltage It is the single phase, three stages modified solid state
is converted to a high frequency square wave voltage by transformer. It consists of rectifier section, inverter section
DC/AC converter which is coupled to the primary side of and matrix converter section. Fig 3 shows the abc to dqo
the HF transformer. The secondary side voltage of HF
transformation In the rectifier section, the Single-phase d-q
transformer is rectified to DC by another AC/DC converter. decoupled control is provided for the ac/dc Converter. Here
The output stage is a voltage source inverter which produces abc coordinates with PLL loop are transformed into the dq0
the desired AC waveforms. In comparison to the first frame for easy to control the required system. Then the
design, the voltage or current of this design can be flexibly direct axis current (Isd), direct axis voltage(Vsd) ,and
controlled in either side of HF transformer. It is possible to quadrature axis current(Isq),quadrature axis voltage(Isq).
add energy storage to enhance the ride-through capability of
the SST. The use of too many converters and DC-link
electrolytic capacitors reduces the efficiency of the SST. In
this paper, a model of MSST is proposed which provides
better efficiency and voltage regulation without any
electrolytic storage.


The proposed MSST is comprised of three sections which
are input stage, isolation stage and output stage without any
DC storage capacitor. The input stage comprises of PWM
(pulse width modulation) converter, class C chopper which
acts as boost regulator and low pass tuned filter. The
isolation stage is comprised of PWM inverter, high

R.S. Sundaramoorthy, IJECS Volume 05 Issue 5 May 2016 Page No.16686-16691 Page 16687
DOI: 10.18535/ijecs/v5i5.58

mode which tends to supply the maximum power needed to

Fig.3. abc to dqo transformation the system [4].

Then the q-axis current are compared with the reference Fig 6 shows the PV is operated in MPPT mode. Perturb and
current and produces the output. Then the VPI controller is observe (P&O) method is applied here for finding the
used for producing the error signal which in turns to add optimum operating voltage by using the MPPT technique it
with the output signal. Then it is provided by the q-axis can be achieved. So, the dual control loop scheme is
voltage and produces the required voltage for the dq0 to abc implemented here for absorb the voltage reference from
transformation. the PV. The internal current loop is different from the
external voltage loop.

Fig.4. Rectifier section

Fig 4 shows the rectifier section. The d-axis current is

compared with the d-axis voltage then produces the output, Fig.6. PV is operated in the MPPT mode
which is provided by the VPI controller is shown in Fig 5. It
adds the error signal and compared with the d-axis voltage Then the second stage is inverter stage is shown in Fig 7.
produces the voltage required for the abc transformation. Dual loop controller is applied for conversion of dc/ac. The
The PLL loop is provided in the transformation block. It is dc bus voltage is taken as reference and it is compared with
used for generating the sine wave, cosine wave. Depending the dc voltage. Then the comparator compares and produces
upon the output from abc frame, the pulse width modulation the voltage, which is applied to the VPI controller adds the
is used to generate the gate pulses. The gate pulses produced error signal into it. Then the PLL loop is provided for
which is used for turn on and turn off the switching devices generating the sine wave, cosine wave. The product block is
such as MOSFET, IGBT, SCR, etc. used to multiply the both the inputs and produces the
combined output. Depending upon the output, PWM
generator produces the gate pulse which is used to switch
on/ off the power electronics devices.

Fig.5. VPI controller block


The radiation from the sun light falls on the PV panel,
which is used to sense the voltage and the current. The
optimum voltage and current can be obtained by PV control.
The boost converter is used to connect the low dc voltage Fig.7. Inverter section
from the PV panel and high voltage dc bus. The boost
converter which is used for increase the output voltage The third stage is high frequency transformer. The first step
produced by the PV panel. There are two main operations in is the selection of core and the second step is the selection
the boost converter. The first method is to operate the of turns in primary and secondary coils which determines
boost converter in the maximum power point tracking the magnetic flux density within the core. The change is flux
(MPPT) mode, it is normal mode of operation at that time density of the transformer can be written by the following
system operates in the grid connection mode. Another equation of the transformer. The change in flux density
method is to operate the PV panel in the power tracking depends on the frequency, f= 1/T and the number of turns.
So, the Emf equation of the transformer is given by:

R.S. Sundaramoorthy, IJECS Volume 05 Issue 5 May 2016 Page No.16686-16691 Page 16688
DOI: 10.18535/ijecs/v5i5.58

reliability and power quality of the overall system can be

E=4.44*f*N*A*B ---- (1) significantly improved by using proposed MSST.


The output stage consists of matrix converter is shown in The voltage source converter is a one type of power
Fig 8.The matrix converter directly converts AC to AC electronics device, which converts a DC input voltage into
rather than AC- DC -AC as in existing voltage source AC output voltage which supplies the active and reactive
PWM AC. The frequency input (5000Hz) to a power power needed by the system and to mitigate voltage sag and
frequency output (50 Hz).The proposed converter produces swell. VSC can produce sinusoidal voltage with suitable
required output voltage with suitable shape and frequency frequency and phase angle. Fig 9 shows the STATCOM
[5]. The matrix converter has ability to generate power and connected to a network. Capacitor is used to supply power
reduces input current harmonics and therefore it is to Voltage source converter. STATCOM controller is used
considered as a suitable option for driving rotating for improving the power quality at the distribution level by
machines. For the proposed design, the sinusoidal pulse making the voltage stable [9]. A voltage source converter at
width modulation (SPWM) is used for switching of the the distribution voltage level, the switching device is
matrix converter. The advantages of using SPWM are generally the MOSFET due to its lower switching losses
simplified control mechanism and maximum voltage and reduced size.
transfer ratio is obtained without considering third harmonic
components. The SPWM manages each switching state of a
two level converter as a point in space.

Fig.9. STATCOM connected to a network

Fig.8. controller of matrix converter
The STATCOM operation depends upon reactive current
A reference phase is rotating in the plane for each switching generation, so I vary as,
period, the fundamental frequency is sampled, and the
switching states of the converter are selected with duty
cycles calculated to achieve the same average as the
sampled reference phase. It directly controls the line to line -(2)
voltages of the converter as well as minimizes the THD of
third harmonic distortion. However in comparison to Where Vo, V, X are the output voltage of the MOSFET
conventional pulse width modulation based converter, the based inverter, system voltage, and the transformer leakage
sinusoidal based matrix converter requires more switching reactance and system short circuit reactance respectively.
devices [6]-[8]. The control block of the matrix converter is When the voltage across secondary terminal (Vd) is lower
shown in Fig.8. The matrix converter is operated according than the bus voltage (Vb), the STATCOM absorbs reactive
to the switching topology which is determined according to power from the bus. When the secondary terminal voltage
the system requirement The level selector is used which (Vd) is higher than the bus voltage (Vb), the STATCOM
determines the switching sequence of the switching devices acts like a capacitor generating reactive power to the bus .
of the converter. The comparator is used for generation of During steady state working condition, the voltage V 2
SPWM triggering pulses for switching. The output produced by VSC is in phase with V1 no reactive power
frequency of the matrix converter is controlled according to flow in system. If the magnitude of the voltage V2 produced
the switching topology and input signal frequency. The by the VSC is less than the magnitude of V1, the reactive

R.S. Sundaramoorthy, IJECS Volume 05 Issue 5 May 2016 Page No.16686-16691 Page 16689
DOI: 10.18535/ijecs/v5i5.58

power is flows to VSC. (i.e absorbing the reactive power). If

V2 is greater than V1 the reactive power is flows to power
Fig.11.voltage sag compensation
system (i.e STATCOM producing reactive power) and if the
V2 is equal to V1,the exchange of reactive power is zero. Voltage swell occurs when the rms voltage increase
The amount of reactive can be given as, between 0.1 to 0.9 p.u of nominal voltage It occurs due to
disconnection of the loads in the system .The Fig 12 shows
that the voltage swells occurring from 0.2 to 0.4sec. And
beyond which, the normal load is connected and the system
resumes to normal state.
The STATCOM connected in shunt with the ac system Fig.12. voltage swell.
provides multiple functions which can be used for up to
three quite distinct purposes such as Voltage regulation and The mitigation of voltage swell is done by statcom is shown
compensation of reactive power, power factor Correction, in Fig 13. During the time 0.2 to 0.4 sec, statcom absorbs
reduction of current harmonics [10]-[13]. the reactive power, thereby the voltage is to be maintained


Voltage sag occurs when the rms voltage decreases between
0.1 to 0.9 p.u of nominal voltage. The main factor cause of
voltage sag is sudden load changes or excessive loads. The
Fig 10 shows that the voltage sag occurred at the time 0.2 to
0.4sec due to overloading of the system. Beyond 0.4 sec,
overloading is disconnected, and the system resumes to
steady state.

constant throughout the system.

Fig.13.mitigation of voltage swell

While comparing to conventional system, the THD of the
proposed system is improved by using vector proportional

Fig.10. voltage sag

During the time 0.2 to 0.4sec the voltage sag occurred is
shown in Fig 10. It can be compensated by connecting
statcom parallel to the load. It supplies compensating
voltage and makes the system to be steady state. So, the
constant voltage is maintained throughout the system. Fig
11 shows the voltage sag compensation is done during 0.2
to 0.4sec.

integral controller.

R.S. Sundaramoorthy, IJECS Volume 05 Issue 5 May 2016 Page No.16686-16691 Page 16690
DOI: 10.18535/ijecs/v5i5.58

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