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Universal Version


Trim Control

Technology Leaders for

Emergency Vehicles
Installation and Technical Manual
Pressure Governor
for Electronic Engines

Operation Section
Overview ....................................................................................2-3
v6.0 Features ............................................................................... 4
Operation ..................................................................................5-8
Troubleshooting / Diagnostics
Diagnostics ..............................................................................9-17
Self Test ..................................................................................... 18
Installation / Wiring
Installation .................................................................................. 19
-4 & -12 Connector ..................................................................... 20
PSI Transducer .......................................................................... 21
Wiring .................................................................................... 22-23
ISC Wiring .................................................................................. 24
ISM Wiring .................................................................................. 25
CAT Wiring ................................................................................. 26
Navistar Wiring ........................................................................... 27
DDEC Wiring .............................................................................. 28
Mack Wiring ............................................................................... 29
MBE900 Wiring .......................................................................... 30
Engine ECM ............................................................................... 31
Preset Programming .................................................................. 32
Engine Type Programming ........................................................ 33
Parameter Programming ............................................................ 34
Miscellaneous ............................................................................ 35
Notes .......................................................................................... 36

C:\manuals\Uni-Gov-V6-107490 1
Electronic Engine Pressure Governor

The Class1 Pressure Governor is designed to maintain a selected pump pressure or engine speed
setting. This unit will work with electronically controlled engines that accept a variable analog voltage
signal (0-5 VDC) or a Pulse Width Modulated Signal (PWM 12%-87% at 400 Hz) as a remote accelera-
tor (throttle) signal.

Included in the package The standard governor control is shipped with the following components.

Package 105244 Package 105246

Governor Control C1-PN 107396 107269
Pressure Transducer C1-PN 100581 100581
User Manual C1-PN 107490 107490
Installation Harness C1-PN 105247 Not Included

Modes of Operation
Power On When the unit is first powered up, the display will show [MODE] and the engine will remain
at idle until the mode switch is pressed to select the desired operating mode
There is an internal relay that should be used to turn on the remote throttle at the engine ECU. This relay
will not energize until the MODE switch is pressed and a valid throttle ready input is present at Pin 2 of
the 12 pin connector. If the pump is engaged and the OK to Pump LED is illuminated, PRESSURE will
be the first mode selected otherwise Throttle will be the first mode.

RPM Mode When the unit is in RPM mode, the display will read “THROTTLE” and the green RPM
LED will be illuminated. Engine speed is controlled by the INCrease and DECrease switches, the
display will indicate “INCREASE” or “DECREASE” as appropriate when these switches are depressed.
The governor will maintain the last output signal attained with these switches. The engine will maintain
an RPM appropriate for the throttle signal being sent.


Pressure Mode When the unit is operating in the Pressure mode, the display will show “PRES-
SURE” and the amber PRESSURE LED will be illuminated. Pump pressure is set by using the INCrease
and DECrease switches. The governor will attempt to maintain the last pressure achieved with these
switches. The display will indicate “INCREASE” or “DECREASE” as appropriate.
The governor maintains pump pressure by controlling engine RPM in response to a signal from the
pressure transducer mounted on the pump.
When controlling in this manner, the display will show CTRL DEC or CTRL INC.

Switching between modes Pressing the mode switch will change the governor from RPM to
Pressure mode without a significant change in engine speed or pump pressure. The message center
will indicate “PRESSURE” or “THROTTLE” as appropriate once the mode change has been made.
When switching to PRESSURE, the pressure setpoint is whatever pressure is on the transducer at the
Preset Mode
Pressing the PRESET switch in either mode will control the engine to attain the preset RPM or pump
pressure programmed in governor memory. If there is more than 10 PSI pressure on the pump, the
RPM Preset is disabled and the Message Center will display DISABLED.

High Idle Mode

An input is available to bring the engine speed to a PRESET RPM (High Idle) from a remotely mounted
switch. While operating in this mode, the display will show HIGHIDLE. This function is inoperative
when the pump engaged input is active, there is more than 10 PSI on the pressure transducer or if the
MODE switch on the governor has been pressed. Pressing the IDLE switch causes the high idle to
drop out and the high idle input must be toggled off and then on again to reinstate high idle. The INC and
DEC switches are active in high idle mode and the engine speed can be adjusted, changing engine
speed in this manner will not change the preset RPM that is set in memory.
Idle Mode Pressing the IDLE switch at any time returns the engine to idle speed.

Whenever the transducer signal is below 0.3 VDC or above 4.8 VDC, a sensor fault will
be logged and SENSOR will be displayed in the message center. ( SENSOR will flash
if the failure occurs while operating in PSI Mode) Once a failure is detected, the gover
nor can no longer maintain a pressure setting. It will hold the current engine RPM and
only operate as a throttle.
Once the SENSOR message is displayed, it will not clear until power to the governor is reset.
It is extremely important that the cause for this message is investigated.
The governor cannot control discharge pressure properly unless the sensor signal is reliable and cor-

Switch Session Pressure Increase

If the INC switch is held the governor will not allow a change greater than 80 PSI without releasing the
INC switch and pressing it again. This is only applicable when the discharge pressure is above 90 PSI.
This function prevents high pressures from being introduced by a distracted operator.

Pressure / Water Loss

If the discharge pressure drops below 30 PSI for any reason, engine speed will not be increased. The
governor output voltage will reduce to the last known value (engine RPM) where the pressure setpoint
was obtained. The display will flash -INTAKE- during this low pressure condition. If the pressure in-
creases above 30 PSI, OPERATOR will flash and the governor will not increase output unless the
operator presses the INC or PRESET switches. If pressure above 30 PSI is not regained within 5
seconds, the governor will return the engine to idle and display LoSupply. The operator must make
certain that the water supply is adequate and then reinstate governing using the MODE, INC and/or
PRESET switches.

Pressure Recovery / Cavitation (TRIM)

The governor has a trim adjustment, this can be set between 5% and 20% of maximum throttle. This
parameter limits the governor’s maximum increase in a pressure recovery attempt. The message
center will flash OPERATOR when this limit is reached and the RPM will not increase further. The
operator must take positive action to restore discharge pressure. If pressure is not restored within 4
seconds, the governor will reduce output to the last known output where pressure was maintained. The
operator must input a new setpoint with the INC/DEC or PRESET switches. If the pressure rises above
the original setpoint and the governor controls a decrease in engine speed, the governor will return to
normal operation and PSI MODE is displayed.
C:\manuals\Uni-Gov-V6-107490 3
v6 . 0 Features
Version Display
While the governor is at idle and [MODE] is being displayed, if the IDLE switch is depressed for 7
seconds, the message center will scroll through the version number, governor settings and I/O voltage.
When the sequence is complete, the display will return to [MODE] and normal operation is available.

PSI Enable
The pressure governor will not control pressure until a discharge pressure of 70 PSI is attained. It will
act as a throttle until this pressure point is achieved.

Setting PRESET
If the PRESET switch is the held down for 10 seconds after a Power On Cycle (before pressing any
other switch), the governor will enter the PRESET programming mode.

Selecting Engine Type

Only the INC and PRESET switches are active in the engine selection menu.
Selecting the engine type is only necessary at first power on of a new governor.

RPM Preset Disable

If there is pressure on the pump transducer or the Pump Engaged Interlock is active, RPM Preset is
disabled and a DISABLED message will be displayed in the Message Center.

Pressure Preset
While the governor is attempting to reach the preset PSI, the increase is tested at intervals and if the
pressure is not increasing, the governor will maintain the engine speed at the point the pressure stops
increasing and uses that as the pressure setpoint.

High Idle
The High Idle feature is disabled if there is > 10 PSI at the pump transducer.

Switch Session Pressure

If the INC switch is held and the operating pressure is above 90 PSI, the governor will not allow a change
greater than 80 PSI without releasing the INC switch and pressing it again. This is to prevent high
pressures from being introduced by a distracted operator.

New Messages
OPERATOR will be flash anytime the governor can’t achieve a desired pressure.
This indicates that the governor will not increase engine speed until the pump operator intervenes.
-INTAKE- will be displayed anytime the governor is operating in pressure mode and the discharge
pressure drops below 30 PSI. If pressure remains below 30 PSI, the display will change to LoSupply
and engine speed will be reduced to idle. When LoSupply is displayed the governor is no longer
active and the operator must ensure an adequate water supply and reinstate governing using the MODE
Switch and either INC or PRESET.

OPERATOR will be flashed anytime the governor can’t achieve a function or pressure.
This indicates that the governor will not increase engine speed until the pump operator intervenes.
CTRL INC will be flash in the display if the governor cannot regain the set pressure. It will change
to OPERATOR flashing if pressure cannot be regained within 4 seconds.
During these periods, the governor will not command an increase in engine speed and will return
to the last known engine speed command where the setpoint was achieved.


When the governor is initially powered up, neither the RPM

nor the PRESSURE LED will be illuminated. If the IDLE
Switch is held on prior to power being applied, the informa-
tion will remain in the message center as long the IDLE Switch
is depressed.
V 6.0b444

At this point, the operator must select an operating mode [MODE]

with the MODE switch before the governor will operate.

The governor will check for a valid pressure transducer sig-

nal at power up, if none is found SENSOR will be displayed SENSOR
in the message center. The governor will operate, but will not
be able to maintain a pump pressure.

If no interlocks are established, NO-INTLK will be displayed

in the message center when the MODE switch is pressed
and the governor will not respond to an increase or decrease

If only the OEM throttle interlock is active, you may select RPM
RPM mode and RPM will be displayed.

C:\manuals\Uni-Gov-V6-107490 5


If you attempt to select pressure mode, NO-INTLK will be dis-

played when the MODE switch is pressed and the governor will
revert to RPM mode and RPM will be displayed.

The governor will respond to increase and decrease commands

from the INC and DEC switches within the operating capabilities
of the engine. When the INC switch is pressed, INCREASE is
displayed in the message center.

When the DEC switch is pressed, DECREASE is displayed.

Each time the INC or DEC switch is released, the current en- RPM
gine RPM is maintained by the governor and the message cen-
ter will display RPM to indicate that the governor is active and
which mode it is operating in.

When the PTO Engaged Interlock is active, pressure mode can P S I

be selected and governor operation is identical to RPM mode
except that PSI is displayed instead of RPM and the PRES-
SURE LED will be illuminated.



Whenever you desire to return to idle, press the IDLE switch

with a firm positive switch depression. The message center
will display IDLE REQ and the engine speed will be reduced
to normal idle. This clears the governor of any pressure or
RPM set points and [MODE] will be displayed in the mes- [MODE]
sage center.


The PRESET switch can be used anytime after an operating

mode has been chosen to promptly bring the engine or pump R P M MODE
to the preset point.
The message center will display -PRESET- while the engine
is being adjusted and then either RPM or PSI will be dis-
played dependent on the operating mode selected.


While the governor is powered up and the OEM Throttle In-

terlock is active, a remote High Idle function is available. A
12 volt input is available to activate this feature.
This feature will not activate if a governing mode has been [MODE]
selected, the pump engaged interlock is active or the throttle
interlock is lost. If the High Idle is active, it will drop out if the
pump is engaged or the throttle interlock is lost. While the
high idle feature is active, HighIdle will be displayed in the
message center. The INC and DEC switches are active in
the High Idle Mode.
C:\manuals\Uni-Gov-V6-107490 7


When operating in pressure mode, once the pump pressure

exceeds 70 PSI, the governor will monitor the pump discharge
pressure and respond to changes in pressure by modulating
engine/pump speed.

If the discharge pressure drops and the governor is unable to -INTAKE-

regain pressure within 4 seconds, the Message Center will
flash -INTAKE- to indicate an insufficient water supply the gov-
ernor will then reduce speed to the point that the pressure was
last achieved. At this time the Message Center will display OP-
ERATOR and will no longer attempt to automatically regulate a
decrease in pressure until the pump operator presses the
DEC,INC or PRESET switches. The governor will respond to
an increase in pressure if it occurs.

If the pump discharge pressure drops below 30 PSI for more -INTAKE-
than 5 seconds, the governor will return the engine to idle.
LOSUPPLY will be displayed in the message center. The gov-
ernor enters it’s initial power up state and a mode must be se-
lected to enable governing again.


NOTE: While the governor is determining cavitation, the dis-

charge pressure drop will be treated normally. That is, the en-
gine will be commanded to increase speed to compensate for
the pressure reduction within the Trim Limit. This could result
in the engine running at a speed that can cause a pressure
“spike”. [MODE]

Class1 Uni-Governor Quick Tests

Operation description:

The governor is simply a Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) for the Engine Control Module (ECM). It sends
a varying voltage signal, or for Caterpillar Engines (CAT) a Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) signal to the
ECM at the remote throttle signal input. When operating in pressure (PSI) mode, the governor modu-
lates the output signal to maintain a specific input voltage from its pressure transducer. This voltage is
“set” into the governor’s memory by the use of the INC and DEC switches. A PRESET function is
available that causes the governor to attain either a specific pre-programmed voltage or pressure.
For Cummins, CAT and Navistar engines, once the ECM is programmed for remote throttle, the ECM
continuously looks for the signal. If it is not present, the ECM will record a fault and illuminate the CEL or
SEL dependent on the ECM. This is a quick check to see if a valid signal is present at the ECM. If there
is no Check Engine Light (CEL) or Stop Engine Light (SEL), then a valid signal from the governor is

For most engines the remote throttle must be ‘turned on’ in the ECM to use the remote throttle signal.
For Cummins and CAT, this is performed by grounding a terminal at the ECM. Navistar ECM’s use
switched voltage.

The governor will not operate in any mode unless 12 VDC is applied at terminal 2 of the 12 pin connec-
tor (THROTTLE READY Interlock). This is evidenced by the illumination of the THROTTLE READY
LED. This will allow the governor to operate in RPM mode. 12 VDC applied to pin 10 of the 12 pin
connector (PUMP ENGAGED Interlock) illuminates the PUMP Engaged LED. If both the THROTTLE
READY and PUMP ENGAGED LED’s are lit, then the governor will illuminate the OKAY TO PUMP LED
and the governor will operate in either PRESSURE (PSI) or THROTTLE (RPM) mode.
note: The THROTTLE READY and PUMP ENGAGED LED’s will illuminate if the governor has a
ground and the inputs are active (12 VDC). This is not dependent on the governor functioning or even
having power applied. The OKAY TO PUMP LED is turned on by governor software and usually indi-
cates that the governor is operational.

Preliminary Diagnostic information:

To assist in governor diagnostics there is some preliminary information necessary. When power is first
applied to the governor, a set of characters is displayed. These are referred to as the ‘V’ number. On
governors produced after January 2001, if the IDLE switch is held when power is applied, the ‘V’ num-
ber will continue to be displayed until the IDLE switch is released. A typical number will look like the
following: V3.7b444. This contains the software version number, the engine type programmed into the
governor and the parameter settings.

The other information necessary is a brief but accurate description of the problem trying to be resolved.
What are you trying to correct? Provide a brief description of the operational anomaly.




See page 3 for a diagnostic guide relating to this problem

C:\manuals\Uni-Gov-V6-107490 9
There are several diagnostic modes available in the governor. Access is provided by entering a pass-
word that uses the INC and IDLE switches in a specific sequence.
The Message Center must display [MODE] prior to entering any password.

Governor Self Test:

The Self Test password is:

This test is capable of determining if there is a problem with the governor that replacement of the gover-
nor display will correct.
Results are displayed in the Message Center as a numeral matching its position in the display.

The Message Center (Test) positions are numbered left to right as follows:


When the self test starts, the governor checks for the type of output signal present, analog (ANA) or
pulse width modulated (PWM). This is displayed along with the output voltage range if the signal is
analog (Make note of this range. It should vary from ~0.7 to 4.0 VDC). Once this output test is complete
the Message Center will display a results screen. Any X indicates that a particular function has not been

The Message Center will display X X X 3 - 5 X X for analog or X X X - 4 5 X X for PWM.

Either a ‘3 -’ or a ‘- 4’ are in the 3 and 4 positions dependent on whether the governor is
configured for Analog or PWM output. The 5 in position 5 indicates that the pressure transducer is
transmitting a no pressure signal (expected).
If the pump is engaged, an H (high) will be shown. If the signal is too low, an F (fail) will be displayed.

0 The input to terminal 2 Throttle Ready changed

Release the Park Brake or shift the Transmission to change the interlock

1 The input to terminal 10 Pump Engaged changed

Shift the Pump

2 Each of the switches on the governor have been pressed

The switch pressed will be displayed i-IDLE p-PRESET m-MODE u-INC d-DEC

3 Analog Output, a (-) will be in position 4

4 PWM Output, a (-) will be in position 3

5 Transducer voltage is between 0.3 and 0.9

an (H indicates voltage > 1.0) (F indicates voltage < 0.3)

6 The High Idle Input (terminal 3) has been toggled

Toggle the High Idle switch ON and then OFF if equipped

7 The internal relay has been activated


Contents Page

Problem specific tests:

1 Governor does not power up, Message Center is blank

THROTTLE READY led and/or PUMP ENGAGED LEDs may be illuminated.

2 No throttle response
Governor will not change engine RPM or pump pressure

3 Governor displays SENSOR

4 Governor changes engine RPM but will oscillate when in RPM mode

5 Governor changes engine RPM, Engine searches or hunts (oscillates) in pressure mode

6 Governor overshoots the PRESET PSI and then oscillates with increasingly wider swings

7 Governor does not respond fast enough to a discharge opening or closing (sluggish)

8 RPM PRESET, PSI PRESET or both not working

9 One or more switches are inoperative

10 Fast Idle does not work

11 Pressure Spikes

12 Control does not return to Cab Throttle when finished pumping

13 Message Center display garbled or dim

14 CAVITATE is displayed in the Message Center


C:\manuals\Uni-Gov-V6-107490 11
1 Governor does not power up, Message Center is blank

Check for power at pin 1 of the 4 pin connector and ground at pin 2 with a voltmeter across pin 1 (red
lead, power) and pin 2 (black lead, ground).
Check that the terminals are fully inserted into the connector, the orange wedge lock is inserted properly
and the weather seal is in place and not distorted.

If Power and Ground are present and the governor Message Center is still blank then the problem is
internal and the governor should be replaced.

If either power or ground is missing, then the problem is in the vehicle wiring and that should be investi-
gated. (contact OEM if necessary).
Replacing the governor will not rectify this situation.

2 Governor will not change engine RPM or pump pressure

The THROTTLE READY Interlock must be present. A visual determination can be made by observing
the THROTTLE READY LED. If it isn’t on then check for a 12 V interlock to pin 2 of the governor’s 12 pin
connector. This is an OEM function and must be present for the governor to operate.
If 12 VDC is not present at the wire installed at pin 2, then the governor is not the problem.
Contact the OEM for further assistance.

A MODE must be selected before the governor will control the engine. Make sure that either the RPM or
PRESSURE LED is illuminated and the Message Center indicates THROTTLE or PRESSURE.
The output signal will not change if a mode is not selected. Output will remain at hardware idle (approx.
0.7 VDC or 12% PWM). Once a mode is selected, the governor idle output will increase to the appro-
priate software idle signal.
To monitor the governor output voltage, an internal voltmeter is included.
With [MODE] showing in the display, enter the following Password:
The Message Center becomes an output voltmeter
The output voltage can be monitored to ensure that it increases and decreases with the INC and DEC
Check that the remote throttle switch is active at the ECM. Use a meter or diagnostic reader (DDR).
Most engines require this input before they will utilize a remote throttle signal.
The governor may or may not be used to satisfy this requirement. The OEM is best able to answer this
question. If the governor is being used, then the signal should be at pin 11 and the output to the engine
found at pin 12 after a MODE is selected. Check that the relay is switching and that terminal 11 and 12
of the 12 pin connector have continuity. If a mode can be selected, the governor output is changing, and
the relay closes then the governor is not the problem.
Contact the OEM for further assistance.

3 Governor Message Center displays SENSOR

The governor will display SENSOR whenever the transducer input is less than 0.3 VDC. This input is at
pin 7 of the governor 12 pin connector. You can measure this voltage in either of two ways. A voltmeter
back probing pin 7 or on the governor Message Center.
Enter the password:
The message center will display XDC=x.xV where x.x is the voltage to one decimal place that is read at
pin 7.
There are 2 main requirements for the transducer to operate correctly.
1. Five volts supplied from the governor at pin 6 to the transducer pin B.
2. Ground supplied from the governor at pin 5 to the transducer pin A.
If either of these are missing, check the output at the governor and if present, check the wiring.

If both are present at the transducer, then with power on and the connector installed, back probe terminal
C of the transducer and check for 0.7 VDC. This is the zero pressure output of the transducer +- 0.1
VDC. If present, check the signal wire to the governor.

Note: There have been many cases of moisture and corrosion in the transducer connections causing
problems. Use a bright light and inspect the transducer and connector for visible moisture, corrosion
and/or mineral deposits. If present, this might be the reason for the SENSOR reading. There is a
removable seal on the round section of the transducer connector, ensure that it is still present. Check
under the wire weather seal for corrosion and moisture as well. If moisture or corrosion is present, clean
the contacts (the use of a moisture displacing chemical is recommended (WD40, CRC 5-56, etc.) and
check for signal voltage again.
Once SENSOR is displayed, the SENSOR message will not clear until power to the governor is re-
moved and reapplied even if the error is corrected.





4 Governor changes engine RPM but will oscillate when in RPM mode

This is usually attributable to the governor sending out a PWM signal when the engine requires an
analog signal. Check the V number for an ‘a’ or an ‘F’. An F indicates the governor is programmed for
CAT and an ‘a’ shows that there is a 12 VDC input on terminal 4 of the 12 pin connector. If this is not the
case then a poor ground at pin 9 or a fluctuating 5 volt supply at pin 1 needs to be investigated.

C:\manuals\Uni-Gov-V6-107490 13
5 Governor changes engine RPM but will search or hunt (oscillate) when in pressure

There are three programmable parameters that can fine tune governor operation. These are RAMP,
To enter the Menu System:
With [MODE] showing in the Message Center,
Press and hold the IDLE and PRESET switches. While still holding these, press MODE. This puts you
into the MENU system where the RAMP, GAIN and SENS settings can be changed. Scroll through the
3 parameters using the MODE switch. Use the INC or DEC switch to enter that parameter and change
the values. Press PRESET before scrolling to the next parameter.
The governor is shipped from Class1 with all 3 set to 5.

This parameter controls how much voltage increase or decrease occurs with each press of the
INC or DEC switch. The nominal value of 5 will work on every engine and normally doesn’t need t o
be changed.

This parameter controls how fast the voltage will change automatically in response to a pressure
change or when using the PRESET switch. The lower the value, the slower the response. A
value of 5 on some engine-pump combinations will exacerbate the hunt condition.
(The governor is commanding changes faster than the apparatus can follow)
Try a value of 4 first and don’t change any other setting. If this slows the oscillations but they are still
present, then change the SENSitivity setting (described below). The effect of decreasing the GAIN is to
slow down the governor reaction to change. If it becomes too slow, then the governor will not be able to
decrease RPM fast enough when a discharge is closed. Usually 4 is slow enough but in extreme cases
a 3 might be necessary. Do not go to 3 until you have tried a sensitivity change first.


This parameter controls how much pressure deviation is allowed before the governor responds.
A setting of 5 allows approximately 5 PSI swings before the governor attempts to restore the set
pressure. The higher the number, the “looser’” the “window”. After setting the GAIN to a 4, set the SENS
to 6 if necessary. Normally this value should never be higher than 7. A setting of 10 allows up to 30 PSI

Randomly changing values can be counterproductive. Lower the GAIN first, try it and then the SENS
and back to GAIN if necessary. Change by a value of 1 only. If you go too far, it might solve the oscillation
problem but create a response problem. There is no magic set of numbers that will optimize your
installation. Each installation is unique to Engine Torque, Transmission Gearing, Transfer Gear ratio
and pump capacity and design. The parameters are used to match the governor to the apparatus.

A note about two-stage pumps:

In pressure mode, engine RPM is relatively low compared to a single stage pump or the two-
stage in volume mode. This places the engine outside of it’s optimal torque range and small changes in
RPM equate to substantial changes in pressure. This can create two problems.
1 The engine is slow to respond to commands and the governor starts a lead lag situation that
can result in oscillations. The setup cannot be “tweaked” for best performance in both volume
and pressure.
2 Snapping a nozzle closed will result in a pressure “spike” that is too fast to be controlled by a
governor or a discharge relief valve. This could also result in an uncontrollable oscillation.

Discretion should be used whenever operating in Pressure Mode, this mode allows for governor opera-
tion in which the governor and engine have the least ability to compensate for pressure changes.

6 Governor overshoots the PRESET PSI and then oscillates with increasingly wider swings

This can be caused by GAIN being set too high or SENSitivity set too low. In a few cases, the PRESET
is just set too high. PRESET is intended to allow very fast initial response to get up and pumping and a
normal setting would be around 125 PSI. Once the apparatus is pumping water, the pressure setpoint
should be manually invoked with the INC or DEC switches. A two stage pump in pressure mode and a
PRESET PSI of 150 PSI or greater could easily result in oscillations.
Check the GAIN and SENS settings. A lower GAIN will have the biggest impact on this condition.
Do not compensate for operating procedures that can create problems by substituting less than opti-
mum governor operation.

7 Governor does not respond fast enough to a discharge opening or closing (sluggish)

This is normally the result of the GAIN being set too low. Check the GAIN setting and if less than 4,
change it to a 4 and reevaluate operation. In a rare case, it could be caused by the SENS being set to
7 or greater. Check this and bring it back to a 6 or 7 if necessary. Potentially, this could be caused by
torque loading of the engine being excessive and the apparatus does not have enough “muscle” to
adequately control the pump. If after setting the governor parameters to the best values for response, try
a different pump loading scenario to evaluate power-train efficiency.

8 RPM PRESET, PSI PRESET or both not working

The governor must have 12 VDC on pin 2 to operate in RPM mode and THROTTLE MODE must be
If the RPM PRESET doesn’t work, then verify that there is an RPM PRESET. Enter the Password:
INC IDLE IDLE INC IDLE INC IDLE INC This will place the governor in it’s view settings
mode. The parameter settings will be shown RAMP GAIN SENS is the sequence displayed as X
X X.
This will be followed by the Idle CNTS and then the Pressure Preset PXXX and this is followed by the
RPM preset as a CNT value.

The RPM Preset CNT should be higher than the Idle CNT value by at least 15.
The CNT value is the number of steps on the digital potentiometer used by the governor.
low CNTS=low output and high CNTS=high output. Operational CNTS can be viewed using the
The values seen can be used to identify how many counts relate to engine RPM values.
If the governor works in THROTTLE mode, then the RPM PRESET should work. It is most likely that
the RPM PRESET is not set.

To set PRESET values, enter the following Password:

The Message Center should display PRESET, select a mode with the MODE switch. You must view
the RPM/PRESSURE LED’s to know which mode you are operating in. Use the INC/DEC switches
to attain the RPM or Pressure you want as a PRESET and then press the PRESET switch to store
the value. Select the other MODE if desired, adjust the setpoint and then store that value with the
PRESET switch. You must then press the IDLE switch to save these settings to memory and exit the
PRESET mode.

If the PSI PRESET does not work, it will be most likely because the transducer signal is not changing.
Operate the apparatus with the pump engaged and water available. Enter one of the following two
passwords dependent on which is easier for you to correlate to operating conditions.

INC IDLE IDLE IDLE IDLE IDLE INC IDLE places you in the transducer voltmeter mode. The
voltage should increase with pressure.

INC IDLE IDLE INC IDLE IDLE INC INC places you in the PSI display mode. The pressure dis-
played should be reasonably close to the master discharge Gauge reading. (+- 25 PSI)
If the values appear not to change with pressure then you will have to diagnose the transducer system.
see Section Three (3).
C:\manuals\Uni-Gov-V6-107490 15
9 One or more switches are inoperative

This condition can be diagnosed with the self test IDLE INC IDLE INC IDLE INC IDLE INC
If you cannot enter the selftest, then one of the switches is shorted to ground and the governor must be
replaced. If you can enter the selftest, when the Message Center displays X X X 3 - 5 X X Each time
you press a switch a letter will be displayed in position 2, just before the 3.
u=INC (i is used for idle)
If there is a letter constantly displayed in position 2 then that switch is shorted and the governor should
be replaced. If one of the switches does not display it’s letter, then that is the switch that is bad and
again the governor should be replaced. If all of the switches display, then the governor is OK and one
of the functions is not set properly. PRESET would be the most likely one, however if the governor is
configured for the wrong engine type it could show up as the INC switch not seeming to operate.
note: The IDLE switch has a longer ‘debounce’ time than the rest. It must be held for a half second to
adequately be read. This is to prevent an accidental drop to idle when operating.

10 Fast Idle does not work

An RPM PRESET must be configured. Refer to section 8

12 VDC must be present on pin 2 (Throttle Ready)
12 VDC must NOT be present on pin 10 (Pump Engaged)
12 VDC must be actively toggled at pin 3 once the governor has been powered on. If it is present at
governor power on, it will be ignored until it is turned off and then back on. Automatic Fast Idle activation
can cause this to occur.

11 Pressure Spikes

This can usually be traced to the GAIN setting. Set GAIN to a higher number if it is at 3 or below. The
other possibility is that the discharge is being closed too fast. The governor can maintain pressure
within 30 PSI as long as the change is not faster than 3 seconds. The governor can actually manage
faster changes than this, but the NFPA specification is 3-10 seconds. The governor operates best in
this range.
Snapping a nozzle closed could result in a pressure spike that the governor cannot handle fast enough
to protect other Firefighters.

12 Control does not return to Cab Throttle when finished pumping

This condition is the result of the PTO ON switch not being released. The governor drops out its internal
relay whenever the IDLE switch is pressed. (The governor has no Mode selected.) This can be tested
with a voltmeter at terminals 11 and 12 of the governor 12 pin connector. The PTO ON switch can be
tested at the engine ECM or with a Diagnostic Data Reader (DDR) with the appropriate software. The
governor is not necessarily used to control the PTO ON switch.

Consult your OEM for additional trouble shooting assistance in this area.

13 Message Center display garbled or dim

This is an internal component of the governor and there is no field repair to correct a dim display. The
governor should be replaced.
Contact Class1 at 1 800 533 3569

14 CAVITATE is displayed in the Message Center

This indicates that the governor has performed a cavitation check and the transducer signal remained
below 25 psi for at least 5 seconds. If the apparatus was run away from water then this is the case. If not,
the transducer circuit needs to be checked.


These LED’s are connected directly to their associated interlock. If 12 VDC is present at pin 2, then the
THROTTLE READY LED should be on. If 12 VDC is present at pin 10, then the PUMP ENGAGED LED
should be on.
If 12 VDC is present and the LED is not on, the governor will need to be replaced. The LED’s can be
damaged by electrical “spikes” from the chassis and this condition may or may not be covered by the
Class1 warranty. In any event, this condition is most likely the result of external conditions and they
should be investigated before replacing the governor to prevent a recurrence.

C:\manuals\Uni-Gov-V6-107490 17
Self Test
POS-1 PTO Interlock
The apparatus should have the engine running at idle POS-2 Switch Panel
with the transmission in neutral, the parking brake POS-3 Analog Type
POS-4 PWM Type
applied and the pump should not be engaged.
POS-5 Transducer
POS-6 High Idle Input
Monitor the Message Center and note what is dis- POS-7 Internal Relay
played. If type=ANA is displayed, it will be followed
by a voltage range. This range is very important for x x x x x x x x

To exit the selftest, press IDLE and PRESET at the
same time.
Enter the Self Test by pressing in sequence: IDLE INC IDLE INC IDLE INC IDLE INC
Below is a guide to the tests and at the bottom, a place to record your readings.
The Okay to Pump LED will begin flashing and the output type is checked. The Message Center will
display: Type = ANA or Type = PWM
ANA will be followed by a voltage range, please note this range below.
After determining output type, the Message Center will normally look like one of these.
X X X 3 - X X 7 X X X -4 X X 7
The 7 may or may not be shown depending on the condition of the interlocks.
OEM Interlock Test POS-0 Release the Park Brake or Shift from Neutral
0 X X 3 - X X 7 Reapply the Parking Brake or shift back to Neutral
0 indicates that the interlock input changed. X indicates that the input has not changed.
PTO Interlock Test POS-1 Shift into Pump Gear
Shift to Back to Road Gear
0 1 X 3 - X X 7
1 indicates that the interlock input changed. X indicates that the input has not changed.
Transducer 0 PSI test POS-5
0 1 X 3 - 5 X 7 0 1 X 3 - H X 7 0 1 X 3 - F X 7
5 indicates normal 0 PSI H indicates more than 0 PSI F indicates failure.
Switch Panel Test POS-2 (press each switch at least once, in any order)
0 1 u 3 - 5 x 7 0 1 p 3 - 5 x 7 0 1 2 3 - 5 x 7
A 2 indicates that all switches were recognized. X indicates at least one was missed.
High Idle Switch Test POS-6 Engage the High Idle Switch if equipped.
0 1 2 3 - 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 - 5 X 7
A 6 indicates that the High Idle switch was recognized. X indicates that the switch was not seen, if High
Idle worked, then this would mean that the governor High Idle circuit is not being used.
Enter your results here... Type = ANA ( ) Analog PWM ( ) Pulse Width Modulated (CAT)
Analog ____.____ to ____.____ VDC

0 __
__ 1 __
2 __
3 __
4 __
5 __
6 __
At this point, all of the basic governor functions have been tested. If all sections passed, then the prob-
lem is likely not in the governor. You can press PRESET and IDLE at the same time to exit the Self Test.
Remove power from the governor. Press and hold the IDLE switch and reapply power to the governor.
A ‘V’ number will appear and remain as long as you continue to hold the IDLE switch.
Record the V number here: __
V __ 6 __ . __
0 __ x __ 4 __ 4 4__

Control Module
The control module requires a rectangular cutout as shown. The module is watertight and may be mounted in
any location on the operators panel.



Pressure Transducer
Locate the pressure transducer where it can read pump discharge pressure without turbulence. A ‘tee’ at the
Master Discharge Gauge would be a good location, this should also reduce vibration to the transducer. Threads
are 1/4 NPT and a sealant should be applied prior to installation. The transducer should be located in an area
with minimum turbulence. When tightening the transducer, apply torque to the 1-1/4” hex flange of the trans-
ducer, not the body. Every effort should be made to eliminate the chance for moisture entering the transducer
connector including immediate connection of the transducer harness connector after installation.

System Wiring
The pressure governor comes with wiring and connectors for installation.
Refer to the diagrams in the manual for specific input requirements.
Refer to the appropriate Engine Electronic Application and Installation Guide for information on engine electri-
cal interfacing and programming.

C:\manuals\Uni-Gov-V6-107490 19
-4 & -12 Connector


Connector A DT06-4S

1 System Power 12 VDC INPUT

2 System Ground Ground INPUT
3 Plug NC ---------
4 Plug NC ---------

Connector B DT06-12S

1 5 VDC input 5 VDC INPUT

2 Throttle Interlock 12VDC INPUT
3 High Idle 12 VDC INPUT
5 Transducer Ground XDucer Ground OUTPUT
6 Transducer Voltage XDucer 5 VDC OUTPUT
7 Transducer IN Xducer Signal INPUT
8 Analog Out Control Signal OUTPUT
9 Signal Ground Ground INPUT
10 Pump Engaged Interlock 12 VDC INPUT
11 Delay Relay Common (30) Enable Input INPUT
12 Delay Relay NO (87) Enable Output OUTPUT

Governor Connectors

PSI Transducer
Pressure Transducer cable and connector.


5HG9'& 5HG9'& $ &
Shielded Cable

300 PSI
Low mV
0-22 680
23-34 988
35-44 1168
45-54 1307
55-64 1427

65-74 1567
75-84 1708
85-94 1846 WARNING

95-104 1988 Make certain that the

105-114 2105 weather seal is in place
115-124 2243 before inserting into the
125-134 2384
135-144 2522
145-154 2664

Pressure Transducer
Locate the pressure transducer where it can read pump discharge pressure without
A ‘tee’ at the Master Discharge Gauge would be a good location, this should also
serve to reduce vibration and shock to the transducer. Threads are 1/4 NPT and a
sealant should be applied prior to installation. When tightening the transducer, apply
torque to the 1-1/4” hex flange of the transducer, not the body.
Every effort should be made to eliminate the chance for moisture entering the trans-
ducer connector including immediate connection of the transducer harness connec-
tor after installation.
C:\manuals\Uni-Gov-V6-107490 21
326:,5('(6&5,37,21 &RORU:,5('(6&5,37,21
9'& 5('9'&
2(0,17(5/2&.9'& %ODFN6LJQDO*URXQG
&$7,17(5/2&.9'& %URZQ&$7,'
75$16'8&(5*5281' 2UDQJH(QDEOH,QSXW
75$16'8&(56833/< %OXH(QDEOH2XWSXW

326:,5('(6&5,37,21 &LUFXLW
5('9'& 6XSSO\9'&
%/$&.*5281' *URXQG

Power and Ground
It is imperative that the Class1 Pressure Governor be supplied power and ground from the same
source as the engine Electronic Control Module.
This is the only configuration that will assure reliable operation.

Terminal A-1 This is the Governor power input 12/24 VDC.

Terminal A-2 This is the Governor ground input.

There are two (2) 12 VDC interlocks that must be supplied to the governor for operation.
Terminal B-2
The Throttle Ready or OEM Interlock must be continuously maintained once it is established. This
input allows the governor to operate in RPM mode and accept a High Idle input.
Terminal B-10
The Pump Engaged Interlock is necessary to initiate pressure governing and it must not cause the
OEM interlock to dropout when it is established or erratic operation of the governor could ensue.
When the pump engaged interlock is active, the high idle function is precluded.

If a CAT Engine is installed, provide 12 VDC to terminal 12-4. This will ensure that the governor
will always output a PWM signal and ignore any engine type programming. This engine type will
show up as an ’a‘ during the power on sequence.

High Idle
Terminal B-3
This 12 volt signal input causes the governor to bring the engine to a preset RPM.

Throttle Enable Relay

Terminals B-11 and B-12
There is a governor controlled relay available to switch signal voltage or ground to the remote
throttle enable signal. This is the recommended configuration to handle the throttle source switch-
ing function from the cab throttle to the remote throttle. Since it is controlled by the governor, it
disables remote throttle operation whenever [MODE] is shown in the display.

Transducer Connection
Terminals B-5, B-6 & B-7
Sensor ground is provided at terminal B-5.
Sensor voltage (5VDC) for the pressure transducer is at terminal B-6.
Sensor signal is input at terminal B-7.
Wiring should be straight from the transducer for at least 2 inches before being bent.

Engine ECM Connections

Terminal B-1, B-8 and B-9
The engine control signal output (B-8) is sent to the engine ECM. It should be connected to the
remote throttle input terminal. B-1 is ECM 5 VDC and B-9 is ECM signal ground.

C:\manuals\Uni-Gov-V6-107490 23
Cummins ISC Governor Wiring Revision

Pressure Governor Cummins ISCWiring
Connector DT06-4S
Terminal Sockets
Reference Voltage C12-1 RED B-10 +5VDC
Position Wire Color Description
1 RED + 12 VDC Reference Ground C12-9 B-20 Throttle Return
2 Black Ground
3 Plug NC Control Signal C12-8 BLACK B-9 Remote Throttle
4 Plug NC
Delay Rly 30 C12-11 B-45 Remote Thottle ON/
Connector DT06-12S
Terminal Sockets Delay Rly 87 C12-12 Ground

Position Wire Color Description

1 Red + 5 VDC 4-1 12 VDC
2 White OEM Interlock ECU Power OE
3 White High Idle 4-2 Ground High Idle Switch Interlo
4 Brown NC
5 Black Sensor Ground High Idle C12-3 FAST
6 Red Sensor Voltage IDLE
7 White Sensor Signal
8 Yellow Control Signal Throttle Ready C12-2 Throttle
9 Black Throttle Return Ready
10 White PTO Interlock
11 Orange Enable Input Pump Engaged C12-10 Pump
12 Blue Enable Output Engage

Sensor Ground C12-5 A Black Ground

Sensor Voltage C12-6 B Red +5 VDC
Sensor Signal C12-7 C White Signal

ISC Wiring

Important: This governor version incorporates the Engine 5 Volt and Ground References
IT WILL NOT OPERATE without these circuits wired as shown.
Any questions should be directed to Class1 Support at 1-800-533-3569
Cummins ISM Governor Wiring Revision
ISM Wiring

Pressure Governor Cummins ISM Wiring

Connector DT06-4S
Terminal Sockets
Reference Voltage C12-1 A-48 +5VDC
Position Wire Color Description
1 RED + 12 VDC Reference Ground C12-9 A-49 Throttle Return
2 Black Ground
3 Plug NC Control Signal C12- 8 A-21 Remote Throttle
4 Plug NC
Delay Rly 30 C12-11 A-09 Switch Common
Connector DT06-12S
Terminal Sockets Delay Rly 87 C12-12 A-43 Remote Thottle ON/OFF

Position Wire Color Description
1 Red + 5 VDC 4-1 12 VDC
2 White OEM Interlock ECU Power OEM
3 White High Idle 4-2 Ground High Idle Switch Interlocks
4 Brown NC
5 Black Sensor Ground High Idle C12-3 FAST
6 Red Sensor Voltage IDLE
7 White Sensor Signal
8 Yellow Control Signal Throttle Ready C12-2 Throttle 12 VDC
9 Black Throttle Return Ready
10 White PTO Interlock
11 Orange Enable Input Pump Engaged C12-10 Pump
12 Blue Enable Output Engaged
Sensor Ground C12-5 A Black Ground
Sensor Voltage C12-6 B Red +5 VDC
Sensor Signal C12-7 C White Signal
Important: This governor version incorporates the Engine 5 Volt and Ground References.
IT WILL NOT OPERATE without these circuits wired as shown.
Any questions should be directed to Class1 Support at 1-800-533-3569
Caterpillar Wiring

Connector DT06-4S (C4)
Terminal Sockets
Pressure Governor
CAT ECM Terminals
Position Wire Color Description
4-1 RED + 12 VDC 12 VDC
4-2 Black Ground C4-1 PWM Signal 68 Remote Accelerator
3 Plug NC C12-8
ECU Power
4 Plug NC CAT ID 03 Input Sensor Common
C12-4 Enable Input
Connector DT06-12S (C12) C12-11 56 PTO ON/OFF
Terminal Sockets C4-2
Ground Enable Output
Position Wire Color Description C12-12
OEM Interlocks
1 Red NC High Idle Switch
2 White OEM Interlock
High Idle C12-3 FAST IDLE
3 White High Idle
4 Brown CAT ID Input 12 VDC Throttle Ready C12-2 Throttle Ready
5 Black Sensor Ground
6 Red Sensor Voltage Pump Engaged C12-10 Pump Engaged
7 White Sensor Signal
8 Yellow Control Signal 12 VDC
9 Black NC
10 White PTO Interlock
11 Orange Enable Input
Sensor Ground C12-5 A Black Ground
12 Blue Enable Output
Sensor Voltage C12-6 B Red +5 VDC
Sensor Signal C12-7 C White Signal
CAT Wiring

Important: This governor utilizes the CAT ID input at terminal 12-4 to ensure proper operation.
Any questions should be directed to Class1 Support at 1-800-533-3569
Navistar Governor Wiring

Navistar Wiring

Pressure Governor
Navistar Wiring
Connector DT06-4S
Terminal Sockets Red Wire
Reference Voltage C12-1 97DD Voltage Ref 5V
Position Wire Color Description Reference Ground C12-9 Black Wire
1 RED + 12 VDC 97HM Rem Acc. Return
2 Black Ground Control Signal C12- 8 99F Remote Sensor
3 Plug NC
4 Plug NC Delay Rly 30 C12-11 97DF Switch Voltage
Connector DT06-12S Delay Rly 87 C12-12 97CC Variable Enable
Terminal Sockets

Position Wire Color Description
1 Red 97 DD Input 12 VDC
4-1 12 VDC OEM
2 White OEM Interlock ECU Power High Idle Switch Interlocks
3 White High Idle 4-2 Ground
4 Brown CAT ID High Idle C12-3 FAST
5 Black Sensor Ground IDLE
6 Red Sensor Voltage
7 White Sensor Signal Throttle
8 Yellow Control Signal Throttle Ready C12-2
9 Black 97 HM Pump
12 VDC
10 White PTO Interlock Engaged
11 Orange Enable Input Pump Engaged C12-10
12 Blue Enable Output
A Black Ground
Sensor Ground C12-5
B Red +5 VDC
Sensor Voltage C12-6
C White Signal
Sensor Signal C12-7
Navistar Circuit ECM Pin Connector
97DF Switch Voltage 12 VDC 1 Amp
97CC Variable Enable 36
99F Remote Sensor Output 30
97DD 5 Volt reference 05
97HM Reference Ground 06
Important: This governor version incorporates the Engine 5 Volt and Ground References.
IT WILL NOT OPERATE without these circuits wired as shown.
Any questions should be directed to Class1 Support at 1-800-533-3569
DDEC Governor Wiring

Connector DT06-4S
Terminal Sockets
Position Wire Color Description Pressure Governor
1 RED + 12 VDC
2 Black Ground DDECWiring
3 Plug NC Reference Voltage C12-1 A-3 916 +5VDC
4 Plug NC
Reference Ground C12-9 C-3 952 Throttle Return
Connector DT06-12S
Terminal Sockets Control Signal C12-8 D-1 510 VSG Remote Throttle
525 Ground
Position Wire Color Description
1 Red ECM +5 VDC
2 White OEM Interlock
3 White High Idle
4 Brown NC
5 Black Sensor Ground Relay Out C12-12
6 Red Sensor Voltage Opposite Polarities
7 White Sensor Signal Relay In C12-11
8 Yellow ECM Control Signal
9 Black ECM Signal Ground
10 White PTO Interlock
11 Orange Enable Input
12 Blue Enable Output 4-1 12 VDC OEM
ECU Power High Idle Switch Interlocks
4-2 Ground
High Idle C12-3 FAST

Throttle Ready C12-2 Throttle

12 VDC
Pump Engaged C12-10 Pump

Sensor Ground C12-5 A Black Ground

Sensor Voltage C12-6 B Red +5 VDC
Sensor Signal C12-7 C White Signal

DDEC Wiring

Important: This governor version incorporates the Engine 5 Volt and Ground References.
IT WILL NOT OPERATE without these circuits wired as shown.
Any questions should be directed to Class1 Support at 1-800-533-3569
Mack Governor Wiring
Mack Wiring

Pressure Governor Mack ECM Wiring

Connector DT06-4S
Terminal Sockets
Reference Voltage C12-1 VJ3-4 +5VDC
Position Wire Color Description
1 RED + 12 VDC Reference Ground C12-9 VJ3-6 Throttle Return
2 Black Ground
3 Plug NC Control Signal C12- 8 Method to VJ3-5 Remote Throttle
4 Plug NC control changing
Delay Relay 30 the throttle source
Connector DT06-12S using the Cab Throttle Signal
Terminal Sockets Delay Relay 87

delay relay
Position Wire Color Description
1 Red + 5 VDC
2 White OEM Interlock 4-1 12 VDC
3 White High Idle ECU Power OEM
4 Brown NC 4-2 Ground High Idle Switch Interlocks
5 Black Sensor Ground
6 Red Sensor Voltage High Idle C12-3 FAST
7 White Sensor Signal IDLE
8 Yellow Control Signal
9 Black Throttle Return Throttle Ready C12-2 Throttle 12 VDC
10 White PTO Interlock Ready
11 Orange Enable Input
12 Blue Enable Output Pump Engaged C12-10 Pump
Sensor Ground C12-5 A Black Ground
Sensor Voltage C12-6 B Red +5 VDC
Sensor Signal C12-7 C White Signal
Important: This governor version incorporates the Engine 5 Volt and Ground References.
IT WILL NOT OPERATE without these circuits wired as shown.
Any questions should be directed to Class1 Support at 1-800-533-3569
Mercedes MBE 900 Governor Wiring

Connector DT06-4S Mercedes MBE900

Terminal Sockets Pressure Governor VCU Wiring
Position Wire Color Description
1 RED + 12 VDC Reference Voltage C12-1 VCU3-17 +5VDC
2 Black Ground
3 Plug NC Reference Ground C12-9 VCU1-14 Sensor Common
4 Plug NC
Control Signal C12-8 VCU3-18 Remote Throttle Signal
Connector DT06-12S
Terminal Sockets Delay Rly 30 C12-11 VCU3-7 Throttle Select
Position Wire Color Description Delay Rly 87 C12-12
1 Red + 5 VDC
2 White OEM Interlock
3 White High Idle 4-1 12 VDC
4 Brown NC ECU Power OEM
5 Black Sensor Ground 4-2 Ground High Idle Switch Interlocks
6 Red Sensor Voltage
7 White Sensor Signal High Idle C12-3 FAST IDLE
8 Yellow Control Signal
9 Black Throttle Return
10 White PTO Interlock Throttle Ready C12-2 Throttle Ready 12 VDC
11 Orange Enable Input
12 Blue Enable Output
Pump Engaged C12-10 Pump Engaged

Sensor Ground C12-5 A Black Ground

Sensor Voltage C12-6 B Red +5 VDC
Sensor Signal C12-7 C White Signal

MBE9 0 0 Wiring

Important: This governor version incorporates the Engine 5 Volt and Ground References.
IT WILL NOT OPERATE without these circuits wired as shown.
Any questions should be directed to Class1 Support at 1-800-533-3569
Engine ECM
Special Programming Considerations for the engine
Some Engine Manufacturer’s Electronic Engine Control Module (ECM) must be programmed for
remote PTO or remote Throttle operation. Refer to the appropriate Engine Manual for details. If
available, the engine should operate in VSG mode when pumping.

The pressure governor can be combined with a Class1 Engine Status Center or ENFO III to
provide the pump operator with necessary engine information in a matching style display.

C:\manuals\Uni-Gov-V6-107490 31
Preset Programming
Changing the preset RPM or Pressure
Holding the PRESET switch as the first function after the governor Power On Cycle accesses the gover-
nor PRESET programming function.
Apply power to the controller and hold the preset switch until the display indicates PRESET, then re-
lease the switch (approx. 10 seconds).

Typically , the RPM Preset is an engine speed that either enhances alternator output or provides good
pump priming ability. Once set to department specification, it should not need to be changed.
The Preset Pressure is normally one that is set by the department for initial attack operation or a safe
pressure for pre-connects. If set too high, it could present a hazard to operators. The design intent is to
get the apparatus up and pumping in a minimal amount of time. Once the truck is operating, the pres-
sure should be adjusted to the operation being performed.

The display will show PRESET while in the PRESET programming mode.
The apparatus must be operating (engine running) to preset an RPM and the pump must be engaged to
preset a Pressure. The only indication of mode will be the two LED’s at the top left of the controller.
The green RPM LED will be illuminated in the Throttle Mode and the amber PRESSURE LED is illumi-
nated when operating in Pressure Mode.

Operate the controller using the INC and DEC switches until you attain the desired RPM or pressure.

Press the PRESET switch to store this value.

STORING will be displayed in the Message Center.

Change the operating mode and operate the controller to achieve the desired value for that mode.
Press the PRESET switch to store this value.

STORING will be displayed in the Message Center.

Press IDLE to return to normal operation and save the settings to memory.

UPDATING will be displayed in the Message Center.

The controller is now in operational condition with [MODE] showing in the Message Center.

To test the presets, select a mode and press the PRESET Switch. The governor should operate the
engine to the correct Preset Point for the mode you selected.

Presets can be set individually if desired.

Engine Type Programming
Selecting Engine Type
The engine code at powerup should reflect the engine type of the apparatus. If it becomes
necessary to change the engine type, a password can be entered to allow engine selection.

With [MODE} showing in the message Center, enter the following keypress sequence:

The Message Center will display ENG= ???

Select the correct engine type by scrolling through the options using the INC or DEC switches.
When the correct engine is displayed, press PRESET.
Engine Types Code Idle Output Max. Output
CAT using the CAT ID Input and type select a 12% 87%
Cummins = IS for ISX ISL ISB ISC ISM b 1.25 3.8 V
Navistar = NAV (All) c 0.7 4.2 V
Detroit Diesel Series 40 = S40 (Navistar) d 0.7 4.2 V
Detroit Diesel = DET (All DDEC) e 0.7 4.2 V
Mack (V-MAC III) f 0.7 4.2 V
Mercedes (MBE900) g 1.0 4.0 V
Custom Range h >0.7 <4.2 V
Caterpillar = ID wire, Not CAT select z 12% 87%
Caterpillar = CAT select, no ID wire Z 12% 87%

Programming the governor to match the engine

A Custom Engine setup is provided. This allows the governor to establish a unique idle value and
top engine speed.
Start the engine and enable the Throttle Ready Interlock. Enter the following password:
The Message Center will display IDLE=000
Use the INC and DEC switches to bring the engine to the desired low point (at the idle threshold or
a slight idle ‘bump’ as desired) press PRESET.

STORE LO will be displayed followed by


Increase engine speed to the desired maximum RPM and then press PRESET

STORE HI will be displayed followed by

then [MODE] and a return to normal operation.

C:\manuals\Uni-Gov-V6-107490 33
Parameter Programming
Programmable Parameters
These adjustable settings allow the governor to better match the engine/PTO/pump configuration of the

Press and hold the IDLE and PRESET switches, then press the MODE switch (All three depressed
simultaneously). The message center will show
press the MODE switch. This will scroll through the three menu options.
When the option that you want to change is displayed, press the INC switch to select it.
More detailed information on the effect of these settings is available on page 21.

RPM Ramp Rate: This parameter controls how fast the governor responds to increase and
decrease switch requests. Values are 0-10 with 5 being the default.
The lower the value, the greater the response with each switch press.
Ramp XX
is displayed where XX is the current numeric value. Pressing the INC/DEC switches changes the value.
Press PRESET to save the change. Press MODE to scroll to the next parameter.

PSI Gain: This parameter controls the pressure gain or how quickly the governor controls the
engine when reacting to pressure changes. Values are 0-10 with 5 being the default. The lower the
value, the slower the response.
Gain XX
is displayed where XX is the current numeric value. Pressing the INC/DEC switches changes the value.
Press PRESET to save the change. Press MODE to scroll to the next parameter.
note; this parameter is critical to good operation. If set too high, the governor can cause an oscillation or
surging condition with high pressures resulting. If it is set too low, the governor might not respond fast
enough to pressure changes. This parameter should only be adjusted when flowing water in a ‘normal’

PSI Sensitivity: This parameter controls the pressure sensitivity or how much the pressure
is allowed to deviate from the set point before the governor will control the engine to restore the set point
pressure. Values are 0-10 with 5 being the default. The lower the value, the tighter the pressure window
the governor will maintain.
Sense XX
is displayed where XX is the current numeric value. Pressing the INC/DEC switches changes the value.
Press PRESET to save the change. Press MODE to scroll to the next parameter.

Trim: This parameter controls how much the governor will increase engine speed in an attempt
to correct a pressure drop. It can be varied from 5% to 20% of maximum governor output.
Essentially this will limit an RPM increase to between 200 and 400 RPM above the RPM used to achieve
the pressure setpoint. If the engine is running at 1500 RPM and the trim is set to 5%, the engine speed
will increase to only around 1700 RPM. If the trim is at 20%, the RPM could increase to around 1900
RPM. The actual increases are engine dependent and the figures stated here are only approximations.
Pressing IDLE twice exits from the Menu and saves the current parameters. The message displayed is:

! !
Incorrectly configured parameters can cause erratic operation, serious injury or
even death. Contact your OEM or Class1 for guidance in their configuration.
It is essential that the governor be powered at the same time as the engine ECM and that the
control signal does not drop out when the engine is started. This signal can be checked at the 12
way connector terminal 8 with a voltmeter. Valid signals for idle are 0.6• VDC and higher, for
maximum throttle 3.6 to 4.2 VDC.

The governor must have a throttle interlock (12 VDC) signal at terminal 12-2 in order to operate as
a throttle or to act on a fast idle input (12 VDC) at terminal 12-3. Additionally, a pump engaged (12
VDC) signal must be present at terminal 12-10 before it can operate in the pressure governing
If the governor is powered with the OEM Throttle interlock and the High Idle request active, it will
ignore the High Idle request. High Idle requires an active toggle.

The governor does not default to an operating mode, this means that the operator must select
which mode to operate in before the unit will respond. If the interlocks exist for pressure mode,
the first selection will be PRESSURE. Once a mode is selected, it remains in effect until the mode
switch is pressed, the idle switch is pressed, the unit is powered off, the OEM Throttle interlock is
lost or cavitation is detected.

The PRESET function is very useful to expedite initial pumping operations. It can also be very
useful to have both a THROTTLE and a PRESSURE preset. Any time that the PRESET switch is
pressed, the engine will go to that point either from a higher pressure/RPM or a lower one. You do
not have to be at idle for PRESET to function.

When increasing engine RPM from idle using the INCrease switch, the governor output must go
from its base idle output and cross the idle threshold of the engine being governed. This is very
similar to “taking up the slack” in a mechanical engine throttle cable. By using the PRESET
function, the “slack” is taken care of automatically and the engine will increase to a known
parameter eliminating the guesswork.
Note: A custom engine configuration can be programmed that will tailor the minimum idle output
for an application.

Cavitation (running away from water). The governor will react to a pressure drop below 30 PSI for
five seconds or more by dropping the engine to idle speed and showing LoSupply in the Message
Center. If the pressure climbs above 30 PSI before water loss is recognized, the 5 second timer
resets. This means that if the pump has some water, the governor may never “see” a continuous
pressure drop below 30 PSI and the engine could run at an advanced speed until it is manually
decreased. The maximum speed will be restricted to the last value plus the trim parameter, usually
less than a 300 RPM increase. If water is introduced during the period that engine speed is
advanced, a pressure spike could result.

Pump operators should be trained in all aspects

of governor operation and have knowledge
of all powertrain operating characteristics.
C:\manuals\Uni-Gov-V6-107490 35
The f irst time that the governor is powered up on a vehicle, the Message Center will display ENG?
Use the INC and DEC switches to find the proper engine and then press PRESET to save.

For all engines except CAT, the control signal is an analog voltage that is software controlled for minimum and
maximum output. There is a hardware minimum of 700 mV for idle and 4.2 V for maximum throttle .
If the signal is present and varies with the INC/DEC switches, it is functioning.
CAT uses a PWM signal. This is a 400 Hz square wave that varies from 12% to 87% duty cycle. It can be measured
as voltage. Range is 0.68 to 4.0 VDC.

A relay is incorporated that activates when the MODE switch is pressed if a 12 V input on terminal 2 of the 12 pin
connector. Common (30) at pin 11 and NO (87) at pin 12.

12 V at pin 2 allows Throttle Operation and 12 V at pins 2 and 10 allow Pressure Governing.

The transducer must have 5 VDC from the governor (B-6) at terminal B.
The transducer must have ground from the governor (B-5) at terminal A.
The transducer returns a variable voltage signal from terminal C to the governor (B-7).
Check for signal voltage and ground at the transducer with a meter between pins A and B
with the transducer unplugged. It must bbee +5 .0 VDC +- 0
+5.0 .1 V. If the voltage and ground
are correct, plug the transducer in and check for PSI voltage at the governor (B-7). It must
range between 700 mV and 4.5 V and vary with pressure.

Self diagnostics are entered from the keypad by entering 55:

Complete instructions are on page 18.

Engine selection is available from the keypad by entering 65:

Engine types:
CAT using the CAT ID Input and CAT a 12%
Cummins = IS for ISX ISL ISB ISC ISM b 1.25
Navistar = NAV (All) c 0.7
Detroit Diesel Series 40 = S40 (Navistar) d 0.7 55 Self Test
65 Set Engine Type
Detroit Diesel = DET (All DDEC) e 0.7 81 Output Display
Mack (V-MAC III) f 0.7 82 Xducer Display
Mercedes (MBE900) g 1.0 83 Defaults
Custom Range h x.x 91 PWM
Caterpillar = CAT ID wire z 12% 92 RAW XDCR
93 PSI
Caterpillar = CAT (All) w/o ID wire Z 12% 94 POT Counts
95 Show Setpoints
Press PRESET to save selection. 96 PRESET
97 Custom Range
To return the governor to default settings, enter 83: 99 SET--ACT PSI
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