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HI Vac II - Tech Spec

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Steam Sterilizer HI VAC II

Useful space of the chamber (Medium)
 B0110-140 - 460 x 460 x 660 mm
 B0110-200 - 460 x 660 x 660 mm
 B0110-263 - 460 x 460 x 1245 mm
 B0110-370 - 460 x 660 x 1245 mm
 B0110-418 - 660 x 660 x 960 mm
 B0110-542 - 660 x 660 x 1245 mm
 B0110-716 - 660 x 660 x 1645 mm
 B0110-890 - 660 x 660 x 2045 mm
Thickness of the chamber
 4,763 mm (3/16”)
 7,938 mm (5/16”)
Chamber Material
 Stainless steel 316L
 Stainless steel 316Ti
Camera Finish
 Polished (standard)
 Electropolished
 General sterilization
 Lactary
 Special cycles
 Hi Technology  Siemens
 Matrix Printer  Thermal Printer
 Recorder
 Supervisory control system
Control Sensor
 Chamber additional sensor Lateral closing APPLICATION
 Sensors with RBC calibration certificate  Without closing (standard) Sterilizer designed to meet the most demanding
 Loading Sensor  Painted finish - Single sterilization parameters and normatives of production
Electric Supply Power  Stainless steel - Single and national and international safety, being able to
 220 V  50 Hz  Stainless steel - Articulate
 380 V  60 Hz
dry and sterilize density materials such as fields,
Upper closing
Door configuration surgical clothes, instruments and utensils wrapped
 Without closing (standard)
 One door or not, glasses, gloves, syringes, rubber, liquid in
 Painted finish
 Two doors  Stainless steel airtight jars or not with calculation of F0, especially
Steam Feeding Back Closure necessary in quality control laboratories with specific
 Direct steam (Standard)  Without closing (standard) program for Bowie & Dick and Leak Test. Suitable
 Switch (direct steam more steam generator)  Painted finish for use in hospitals, emergency and ambulatory care
 Steam Generator 18 kW / 30 Kg/h  Stainless steel units, medical clinics, testing laboratories and clinical
 Steam Generator 36 kW / 60 Kg/h Tghtness laboratories for quality control.
 Steam Generator 44 kW / 73 Kg/h  No Tightness Using saturated steam from pressurized water with
 Steam Generator 52 kW / 86 Kg/h  Hospitalar - Painted conditioning load phase with air removal through
 Steam Generator 72 kW / 120 Kg/h  Hospitalar - Stainless steel vacuum and steam pressure pulses and vacuum drying.
 Steam Generator with industrial steam pipe coil  Biological - Stainless steel
Vacuum System Air Compressor
 Liquid ring vacuum pump 1,5 hp MODELS AND CAPACITY
 Compressed air system (standard)
 Liquid ring vacuum pump 3,0 hp HI VAC II line is composed of small, medium and
 Compressor R0100-170 (separate)
 Liquid ring vacuum pump 4,0 hp Accessories large sterilizers.
 Liquid ring vacuum pump 5,0 hp  Load rack  Tray for rack B0110-140 - capacity: 140 l
 Liquid ring vacuum double stage pump 3,0/5,0 hp  Rack trolleys  Wire mesh baskets B0110-200 - capacity: 200 l
 Dry vacuum pump 3,0 hp  Floor support  Wall support B0110-263 - capacity: 263 l
Piping  Casters B0110-370 - capacity: 378 l
 Brass Installation Components B0110-418 - capacity: 418 l
 Stainless steel  Steam valve system B0110-542 - capacity: 542 l
Proportional Integral Derivative Valve  Sanitary filter for steam B0110-716 - capacity: 717 l
 PID  Water valve B0110-890 - capacity: 891 l
Heat Exchanger  Water treatment
 Heat exchanger  Compressed air valve
 Electric panel
 Painted finish Configuration by the user: The HI VAC II allows
 Stainless steel  Points installation  Replacement Parts Kit the configuration of the equipment at purchasing time,
Front Cabinet  Validation  Preventive Maintenance aiming a better adequacy of the equipment to the needs
 Painted finish (default)  Training  Extended Warranty of the user.
 Stainless steel  Qualification  Gamp 5 Documentation User Accessible programming: user configurable

Steam Sterilizer HI VAC II
parameters through command interface and password. and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII; and pressure sensors.
Guillotine type door: with vertical movement, · NBR 5601:1998 – Aços Inoxidáveis; Multifunctional Keyboard: interface through the
automatically driven with no physical effort. Equipment · NBR 5410:2004 – Instalações elétricas de baixa virtual keyboard on the touch screen for the selection
may be configured with single or double door for tensão; of the process parameters and data entry in the cycles
installation at sanitary barrier. · NBR 5419:2005 – Proteção de estruturas contra programming.
Chamber: with central fold to increase the withdrawal descargas atmosféricas. The command allows the configuration of the cycle
of condensate, optimizing process and saving water. parameters through password in the safety guidelines
Piping: All the existing piping is AISI 316 stainless REGULATORY PARTS defined in the project.
steel (optionally brass / bronze). · RDC Nº 56:2001 – Requisitos mínimos para Printer: optionally installed in the sterilizer front
No Tightness or With Tightness: collapsible, comprovar a segurança e eficácia de produtos para panel, the printer allows the documentation of the
making easier to handle through elevator doors, saúde; process with the register of the starting time; time
hallways, and standard dimension door-post during · RDC Nº 59:2000 – Boas Práticas de Fabricação data, chamber temperature and pressure during the
transport and installation process. Optionally, de Produtos Médicos; sterilization process; start of cycle, cycle phases, start
Biological tightness level ISO 5. · NR 13:1997 – Caldeiras e Vasos de Pressão; and end of the exposure phase and the unit operator’s
Validation: The Equipment is ready for validation · ANSI/AAMI ST 45:1992 – BIER/Steam vessels. and supervisor’s signatures.
according to international regulations The 40 column dot matrix impact printer is constituted
COMMAND AND CONTROLS AND of an ABS high resistance thermoplastic structure
STANDARDS INSTRUMENTATION material; paper reel and printing head protective cover
Projects, materials and the construction of the Command Panel: Located at a height to facilitate with quick impact printing mechanism of eight needles.
equipment are in accordance with the following: visualization and operation on the loading side, Recorder: optionally installed in the sterilizer front
· EN 285:2006 – Sterilization - Steam sterilizers - containing microprocessed command interface; on/ panel. High quality graphic recorder for obtaining data
Large sterilizers; off power switch; start button; pressure gauge for such as: time, temperature and pressure. It presents six
· NBR 11816:2003 – Esterilizadores a vapor com vacuum and chamber pressure reading, manometer configurable channels which allow the visualization of
vácuo, para produtos de saúde; for the following up of the pressure in the jacket and measures, scales or graphic bars. The recorder may be
· NBR ISO 17665-1 – Esterilização de produtos manometer for the generator pressure reading, all operated through operation keys or using a PC through
para a saúde - Vapor Parte1: Requisitos para o of them with glycerin to allow stable readings and a Compact Flash card or serial port.
desenvolvimento, validação e controle de rotina nos emergency button. The panel has an optional printer The graphic recorder operation may be performed on
processos de esterilização de produtos para a saúde; and recorder. the equipment or at distance via ETHERNET, as well
· ISO 17665-2:2009 – Sterilization of health care Secondary Panel: Located at the unloading side for as the data collection which may be done through the
products - Moist heat - Part 1: Requirements for the double door model, containing a microprocessed Compact Flash memory card connected to the recorder
the development, validation and routine control of a interface, glycerin pressure gauge for vacuum and or though the ETHERNET.
sterilization process for medical devices; chamber pressure reading, selector switch for opening Temperature Control: electronic temperature control
· IEC 61010-1:2001 – Safety requirements for the door and emergency button system in the chamber through two PT-100 - class A
electrical equipment for measurement, control and Electrical Panel: on the lateral side of the equipment, platinum - thermoresistors located at the chamber
laboratory use – Part 1: General requirements; allowing easy access for maintenance. condensate discharge drain. The sterilizer foresees
· IEC 61010-2-040:2005 – Safety requirements Power Supply: stabilized and with low voltage output a continuous inspection and cycle temperature
for electrical equipment for measurement, control and system (24 VDC). certification system with the placement of another PT-
laboratory use – Part 2 – 040: Particular requirements Electronic Command: automatic, microprocessed 100 sensor along with the sensor, whose measurement
for sterilizers and washer-disinfectors used to treat with color Touch Screen which allows the complete will be also recorded in the printer. It has a comparison
medical materials; parameterization of the sterilization cycle according system between the main temperature sensor and the
· IEC 61326-1:2005 – Electrical equipment for to the user`s requirements, with memory for up reference sensor alerting in cases of differences higher
measurement, control and laboratory use – EMC to 30 cycles and parameterization F0, connection, than the allowed at the sterilization phase. In this case,
requirements – Part 1: General requirements; programming and maintenance. the command will allow the definition of this sensor
· EN 980:2003 – Graphical symbols for use in the Ongoing program is showed directly on screen. or of the one placed at drain, as the responsible for
labelling of medical devices; Command allows visualization in real time of the the cycle control.
process parameters and following up of the cycle Chamber and Jacket pressure control: performed
· EN 554:1994 – Sterilization of medical devices
phases; language configuration by the user, with by electronic pressure transducers manufactured
– validation and routine control of sterilization by
options in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Other in stainless steel, with electronic temperature
moist head;
languages may be optionally configured by the compensation and absolute pressure reading,
· ISO 14971:2007 – Medical devices - Application
manufacturer upon request. regardless of the atmospheric pressure in the area
of risk management to medical device;
The command allows, in the operation module: where the equipment is installed. The pressure
· ISO 7000:2004 – Graphical symbols for use on
· Choice of the sterilization cycle. transducers have output signal ranging from 4 to
20mA and precision of 0,5% from the scale bottom
· EN ISO 13845:2003 – Medical devices - Quality · Digital reading of the temperature in the chamber.
(0,5% FE). The indications are performed digitally
management systems - Requirements for regulatory · Digital reading of the temperature in the jacket
through loading and unloading panels in millesimal
purposes (ISO 13485:2003); (optional).
or centesimal of bar.
· EN ISO 9001:2000 – Quality management systems · Digital reading of the pressure in the chamber.
Supervisory: A second PLC can be optionally
– Requirements; · Digital reading of the pressure in the jacket. provided as a completely independent supervisor
· IEC 60878:2005 – Graphical symbols for electrical · Digital reading of the descending sterilization time for the completely independent control system, which
equipment in medical practice; during the sterilization phase. constantly receives the reading of the control system
· EN ISO 15223:2000 – Symbols to be used · Digital reading of the descending drying time during and compares with their own sensors, completely
with medical labels, labelling and information to be the drying phase. independent from the control sensors. The Control
supplied; · Cycle status messages. system supervisor is able to print all process data in a
· ASME, Section VIII, Division I – ASME Boiler · Graphical display of real-time data of the temperature
Steam Sterilizer HI VAC II
printer, eliminating the need of a separate line recorder. below 500 C, and external surface made of stainless · Cycle for Instruments and glassware: indicated
Command Valves: control the entry of steam into steel plate AISI 304 with brushed finish. The equipment for the sterilization of surgical instruments and
the chamber and the drain outlet, independent and may be supplied with single door or double door for stainless steel material or other surface material such
pneumatic driven, built in AISI 316 stainless steel, the installation in sanitary barrier. as glassware, kidney basin and stainless steel utensils
solenoid valves actuated by compressed air. Electric A micro-switch positioned over the door allows the and others. The cycle profile presents load conditioning
solenoid valves for controlling the other electrical control system to determine whether the door is phase through vacuum and steam phases; 134°C
supply lines. closed or not. Mechanical locking system prevents the temperature exposure phase, and mechanical vacuum
opening of the door when the sterilizer is in operation. drying phase. All the parameters such as vacuum depth,
CONSTRUCTION Silicone gasket: round, activated by compressed number of pulses, sterilization temperature and timing
Chamber: built with double wall, with central crease air to maintain the tightness of the door during the of each one of the phases may be configured by the
and drop. sterilization process. The gasket, located inside user through password.
Internal Chamber: built in AISI 316L Stainless steel a gasket slot around the rectified door for better · Cycle for liquids (Flasks and Culture
or AISI 316 Ti, with sanitary polish (optionally, it may adjustment, is activated by the compressed air pressure medium): for liquids in not airtight packaging. Cycle
be supplied with electropolishing). in the closing and by the vacuum activation when profile presents conditioning phase through a single
Jacket: built in AISI 316L Stainless steel or AISI 316 opening the door. steam pulse: sweeping; 121°C temperature exposure
Ti. Chamber is tested with hydrostatic pressure equal to phase and slow cooling phase with cycle end defined
1,5 times the project pressure. Externally, a rock wool STERILIZATION CYCLES by temperature. In this profile the user may define
layer coated with Stainless steel AISI 430 or aluminum The sterilizer has four programs available: the initial vacuum depth at the initial pulse limited by
reduces steam condensation and heat irradiation. Program “B” - Sterilizer is supplied with five cycles: software in order to avoid liquid spill, sweeping phase
The unit is dimensioned to withstand the following Cycle 1 – Profile for Packages; time, process temperature and chamber temperature
pressures according to Standard ASME, section VIII, Cycle 2 – Profile for Latex; Cycle 3 – Profile for Liquids; or of the liquid to finalize the cycle. The process may
division I: Cycle 4 – Bowie & Dick Test; Cycle 5 – Leak Test; be calculated by the F0 value calculated based on the
· Working pressure: up to 3,0 kgf/cm²; Program “C” – is composed of “B” and four more temperatures measured by the load sensor, placed in
· Hydrostatic test pressure: 4,5 kgf/cm², for both cycles: control flask.
chamber and jacket. Cycle 6 – Profile for Heavy Instruments / Caps; Cycle · Cycle for Bowie & Dick Test: to determine the
Piping: manufactured in Stainless steel AISI 316. The 7 – Profile for Instruments; capacity of the equipment in providing the withdrawal
piping also has thermal insulation to avoid heat loss. Cycle 8 – User “A” Cycle (Profile for Packages); Cycle of air and penetration of the steam in the load to be
Chamber support structure: built with carbon steel 9 – User “B” Cycle (Profile for Liquids); Program sterilized. Cycle time of 210 seconds and temperature
with anti corrosive treatment (optionally stainless steel “HL” - Sterilizer supplied with four specific sterilization of 134°C, fixed values according the specific regulation
AISI 304). Adjustable feet allow leveling of the system. cycles for Lactary: (GMP) The number of pulses in the conditioning phase
Two independent validation inlets: on the lateral side of Cycle 10 - Profile for lactary Cycle 11- Profile for and steam pressure may be modified by the user to
the chamber, allows introduction of sensors for process liquids Cycle 12 - Profile for liquids Cycle 13 - Profile adequate the chosen profile for density material at
temperature data collection. It is composed of: for latex sterilization cycles.
· Access by 1” diameter pipe. Program “D” - It is composed of Program “C” plus · Cycle for Leak Test: indicated for the inspection
· CT 1 connection “BSP thread for adaptation. Chamber specials cycle. of tightness of the sterilization chamber. The cycle
drain protected with 1 ½” diameter filter in perforated · Cycle for Packages: for the sterilization of textile consists of vacuum pulse, accommodation time and
stainless steel plate. Located 300mm from the flange and density materials. The cycle profile presents load sealing inspection time. The parameters are configured
of the non-sterile door side conditioning phase through vacuum and steam pulses, by the manufacturer and available for modification.
Sterilizer front cabinet: manufactured with carbon 134° C temperature exposure phase and drying phase · Cycle for lactary: Sterilization Cycle for lacteal
steel plate with anti-corrosion protection and paint. under mechanical vacuum. All the parameters such formulas at 110°C: terminal cycle for the sterilization
Optionally, the cabinet may be supplied in stainless as vacuum depth, number of pulses, sterilization of baby bottles. Milk does not withstand high
steel plate with brushed finish. temperature, and elapsed time in each phase are temperatures or long exposure to heat. Thus, the cycle
Lateral closing (optional): the equipment may configurable by the user through password. allows only the terminal sterilization of formulas which
be provided without the lateral sides for installation · Cycle for Latex: Sterilization cycle for thermo must be prepared with aseptic procedures. The cycle
between double barrier, leaving free access for sensitive materials such as rubber bungs, polypropylene profile presents conditioning phase through a single
maintenance, and optionally with lateral sides made of bottles, surgical gloves, silicone tubes, among others. steam pulse, exposure phase at the temperature of
stainless steel or carbon steel plates with anti-corrosion The cycle profile presents load conditioning phase 110°C with time set by the user, usually in 10 minutes
protection and paint. through vacuum and steam pulses; 121°C temperature and slow cooling phase.
Top closing (optional): the equipment can be exposure phase and drying phase through mechanical · User “A” Cycle: indicated for the sterilization with
supplied without the top closing for installation between vacuum. All the parameters such as vacuum depth, totally open programming similar to the density cycles.
double barrier, leaving free access for maintenance, and number of pulses, sterilization temperature, and · User “B” Cycle: indicated for the sterilization with
optionally with the closing in stainless steel or carbon elapsed time in each phase are configurable by the totally open programming similar to the liquids cycles.
steel plates with anti-corrosion protection and paint. user through password. Flexible programming: The cycles allow the
Doors: guillotine type, with vertical movement, · Cycle for Heavy Instruments / Caps: for the programming by the user through password. The
automatically driven and keyboard on the command sterilization of surgical instruments and stainless steel parameters may be configured in the following range:
panel. Doors movements through a pneumatic cylinder, materials with cycle profile for density materials. As · Process temperature between 105°C and 135°C, with
without counterweight and with and anti-crush sensor standard, the cycle presents load conditioning phase degree by degree variation.
and calibrated clamping force. through vacuum and steam pulses; 134° C temperature · Number of vacuum and steam pulses – between 1
The door has internal side in stainless steel AISI 316L exposure phase and mechanical vacuum drying phase. and 9 pulses.
(optionally in AISI 316 Ti) with sanitary polished finish, All the parameters such as vacuum depth, number of · Vacuum pulse depth – between 0.8 a 0.05 bar
structural reinforcement with steel gusset, internal pulses, sterilization temperature and elapsed time of absolute.
insulation with rock wool blanket asbestos and chloride each one of the phases may be configured by the user
· Steam pressure in the conditioning phase – between
free in order to guarantee external door temperature through password.
1.0 a 1.8 bar absolute.

Steam Sterilizer HI VAC II
· Exposure time between 0 and 999 min. · Start of cycle only if there is steam pressure in the Water (f1): for the Vacuum pump supply must be
· Drying time from 0 to 999 min. generator or in the supply line supplied with temperatures between 5°C and 15°C.
· End of cycle temperature – between 80°C and 98°C. · Automatic door elevation system with calibrated Higher temperatures will make the drying process more
Available only for cycle of liquids. working pressure for the operator’s safety. difficult. It is recommended water with total hardness of
· Opening the doors is impossible after the start of the CaCO3 below 170 mg/l; total alkalinity of CaCO3 up to
COMPONENTS E ACCESSORIES cycle and if there is steam pressure in the chamber. 180 mg/l; total dissolved solids up to 300 mg/l; and pH
Configurable for all the HI VAC II models. · Opening the two doors simultaneously by the between 6,5 and 8,0. It is recommend the installation
Vacuum system: through a monoblock water-ring operator is impossible (barrier sterilizers). of a 5 micron filter and manometer for the pressure
vacuum pump, optionally it can be supplied with liquid · Blocking of exposure time count in case of lack of reading in the supply line.
ring vacuum double stage pump or dry vacuum pump temperature defined for the cycle in the chamber. Water (f2): For steam generation the water supplied
which provides up to 70% more economy of filtered · Safety thermostat for the protection of electrical must be in accordance with standard NBR ISO 17665-1.
water. The system is responsible for the vacuum heaters. A previous water treatment is necessary by deionization
pulses in the initial load conditioning and final drying. · Emergency routine that in case of power failure or reverse osmosis system.
Dimensioned to comply with ABNT NBR 11816. maintains the doors locked and releases the chamber Steam (h): must be supplied with pressure between
The component may be configured at the moment of steam pressure. 2,5 and 3,0 bar, title over 95% (between 0.95 and
the order with options for 1,5hp; 3,0hp; 4,0hp and · Alarm system for water, steam and compressed air 1,0) and free from contaminants and particulate
5,0hp pump. failure. material. A sanitary filter installation is recommended.
Steam Supply: equipment with the possibility of dual Compressed Air (j): There must be a filter, pressure
· Emergency button on the equipment panel to turn off
supply steam, powered by central boiler and switching regulator and humidity eliminator in the supply line.
the sterilizer and depressurization of the sterilization
power through electrical generator incorporated, upon chamber
request. Steam switching power between central boiler · Door with anti-crush system, which interrupts the
and electric generator controlled by a PLC. movement of the door if it is obstructed.
Steam Generator: supplied optionally, the generator · Mechanical lock which prevents opening the door
is built with stainless steel AISI 316L (optionally AISI when the sterilizer is in operation.
316Ti), with automatic feeding through centrifugal
water pump. The generator has thermal insulation NOTES
through rock wool blanket and is protected by safety · The total width of the unpacked equipment is
valve calibrated and sealed in the work pressure. The indicated in the engineering data table. To facilitate
generator has automatic drainage device. the movement of equipment within the building, the
The water level is controlled by a float system, adjusted front part may be disassembled to reduce the width.
for the indication of high and low levels which control It is important to check the route that will be covered
the water supply and the level of safety by interrupting by the sterilizer within the building for the verification
the power supply of the heaters in the absence of water. of bottlenecks. The release of these points is the
Built according to ASME - Section VIII, Division I and responsibility of the buyer;
ABNT NBR 11816. In this case the generator will use
· The gauge connections and supply lines indicated in
industrial steam for the generation of pure steam which
the technical data table refer to the connection point
will feed the sterilizer.
with the sterilizer. The pipes that carry these supplies
The equipment has standard connection for the
to the installation place should be calculated by third
direct steam inlet and the steam generation system
parties and dimensioning depends on the distance, the
is optional.
supply pressures and necessary flows.
The heaters may be configured when ordered, with
· The electric supply power must be supplied from a
options for, 36 kW, 44kW, 52kW and 72kW of power,
switchboard, with the protections listed in the technical
with production capacity of 60 Kg/h, 73 Kg/h, 86 Kg/h
data table. The switchboard must be installed near
e 120 Kg/h, respectively.
the sterilizer;
Air compressor: optional item, assembled outside
· Although it is possible to install the equipment with
the equipment structure. The equipment has a tank
the right side leaning against the brickwork (facing the
with capacity for 25 liters and compressed air at the
front of the sterilizer load), the ideal is to provide access
flow of 170 liters per minute and pressure of 7,0 kgf/
around the periphery of the equipment;
cm². Electric power voltage of 220 V - 50/60 Hz
Clean air inlet for vacuum break: through a · It takes work spaces in front of the doors, on the
hydrophobic absolute filter with 99,9997% of 0,22 ìm loading and unloading side of the equipment.
efficiency, replaceable, according to NBR ISO 17665-
1. Electric power supply: three-phase, 220 or 380 V, ENGINEERING DATA
50/60Hz. Drain (i): the drainage line must be independent from
the building sewerage and connected to an external
SAFETY pass-through. When connecting the equipment to
The equipment presents the following safety items: the building sewerage line, a sealed connection is
not possible and steam will be released in the area.
· In case of power failure, steam inlet is closed.
Electricity (c): the electric panel must have protection
· In case of excess steam pressure, the steam inlet
by circuit breakers for each load element independently.
is closed.
The panel must be close to the equipment. The feeding
· Safety valve normalized and calibrated at 3,0 kgf/
voltage must not vary ± 5%.
cm², with cleaning and operation inspection device.

Steam Sterilizer HI VAC II



0,60 m
j f2 f1 A



j f1 f2
f1 h
j f2

2,00 m 2,00 m

Minimum operating Minimum operating

Distance Distance PERSPECTIVE


Steam Sterilizer HI VAC II
B0110- B010- B0110- B0110- B0110- B0110- B0110- B0110- B0110- B0110- B0110- B0110- B0110- B0110- B0110- B0110-
HI VAC II 140 140P 200 200P 263 263P 370 370P 418 418P 542 542P 716 716P 890 890P


Quantity 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

Filtered Water (f1)

Liquid ring vaccum pumb (Single stage)

Medium/peak consumption
93/200 93/200 125/250 125/250 125/250 125/250 125/250 125/250

Pressure (kg/cm²) 0,2 to 0,5 0,2 to 0,5 0,2 to 0,5 0,2 to 0,5 0,2 to 0,5 0,2 to 0,5 0,2 to 0,5 0,2 to 0,5

Connection Ø ½’’ ½’’ ½’’ ½’’ ½’’ ½’’ ½’’ ½’’

Liquid ring vaccum pump (Douple stage)

Medium/peak consumption
93/200 93/200 125/250 125/250 125/250 125/250 125/250 125/250

Pressure (kg/cm²) 0,2 to 0,5 0,2 to 0,5 0,2 to 0,5 0,2 to 0,5 0,2 to 0,5 0,2 to 0,5 0,2 to 0,5 0,2 to 0,5

Connection Ø ½’’ ½’’ ½’’ ½’’ ½’’ ½’’ ½’’ ½’’

Deionized Water (f2)

Medium/peak consumption
10/21 10/21 13/30 13/30 17/33 17/33 22/34 25/35

Pressure (kgf/cm²) 0,2 to 2 0,2 to 2 0,2 to 2 0,2 to 2 0,2 to 2 0,2 to 2 0,2 to 2 0,2 to 2

Steam (h)

Pressure (bar abs) 3,5 to 3,7 3,5 to 3,7 3,5 to 3,7 3,5 to 3,7 3,5 to 3,7 3,5 to 3,7 3,5 to 3,7 3,5 to 3,7

Medium/peak consumption 8,5/20 8,5/20 8,5/20 8,5/40 12/60 12/60 12/60 12/60

Connection Ø ½’’ ½’’ ½’’ ½’’ ½’’ ½’’ ½’’ ½’’

Compressed air (j)

Connection 3/8’’ 3/8’’ 3/8’’ 3/8’’ 3/8’’ 3/8’’ 3/8’’ 3/8’’

Pressure (kg/cm²) 5,0 to 8,0 5,0 to 8,0 5,0 to 8,0 5,0 to 8,0 5,0 to 8,0 5,0 to 8,0 5,0 to 8,0 5,0 to 8,0

Medium/peak consumption
5/20 5/20 5/20 5/20 8/20 8/20 12/40 15/410

Electricity (c) With Generator

Voltage (V) 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380

Frequency (Hz) 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/600 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60

Power (kW) 22,6 41,6 a 57,6 78,6

No Generator

Voltage (V) 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380 220/380

Frequency (Hz) 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60

Power (kW) 2,8 3,5 4,3


Chamber Dimensions (cm) 46x46x66 46x66x66 46x46x124,5 46x66x124,5 66x66x96 66x66x124,5 66x66x164,5 66x66x204,5

Capacity (I) 140 200 263 378 418 542 717 891

Number of Baskets ISO 2 3 4 6 6 9 12 15

Number of Baskets DIN 1 1/2” 2 1/2” 3 6 6 8 10 12

External Dimensions (Ax

104x92,5x195 104x92,5x195 120x151x195 120x151x195 140x122,5x195 140x151x195 140x191x195 140x231x195
BxC cm)

Package (mm) 1360x1122x2408 1360x1122x2408 1360x1712x2408 1360x1712x2408 1360x1712x2408 1552x1710x2421 1560x2112x2408 1560x2512x2408

Volume (m³) 2,95 2,95 5,14 5,14 4,9 5,94 7,34 8,74

Heat Released (BTU) 1500 2000 2000 2500 3000 3500 4750 5800


Drain (i) Ø 1 1/2’’ 1 1/2’’ 1 1/2’’ 1 1/2’’ 1 1/2’’ 1 1/2’’ 1 1/2’’ 1 1/2’’


Net (kg) + load 700 855 855 885 925 925 1070 1375

Net (kg) 670 830 830 850 875 875 1000 1300

Gross (kg) 800 960 960 990 1075 1075 1200 1500

(* 1) The drain line must be connected to an independent land drainage sewer.
(* 2) The compressor , if present, use the electric power expected for the command.
The gauges listed are the connections of the equipment. The dimensions of the supply pipes must be dimensioned by third parties.
6/6 130060052 - Version / Revision 3.000 - 2017-07
Av. Arnolfo de Azevedo, 210 • Pacaembu • São Paulo/ SP • 01236-030 • Caixa Postal: 1081• Tel: 11 3670 0000 • Fax: 11 3670 0053
Baumer S.A. www.baumer.com.br • e-mail: cmlbh@baumer.com.br

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