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A abutment analog n (2005): a replica of the superior portion of a den-

Abbe flap \ab#e flap\ [Robert Abbe, New York, N.Y. surgeon, 1851- tal implant. Usually used to provide an exact form of the dental im-
1928]: eponym for a lip switch operation. A triangular, full thickness plant abutment within the dental laboratory during fabrication of a
flap from the lower lip used to fill in a deficit in the upper lip. prosthesis supported in part or whole by the dental implant
Specifically applied to the midportion of the upper or lower lip— abutment clamp \a-but#ment klamp\ (1998): any device used for po-
called also lip switch operation sitioning a dental implant abutment upon the dental implant body
Abbe, R. A new plastic operation for the relief of deformity due to double abutment driver n (2005): any hand instrument usually specifically
harelip. Med Rec 1898;53:477. made to assist in insertion and securing of a dental implant abut-
ab duct \ab dukt#\ vt (1834): to draw away from the median plane— ment to the superior portion of a dental implant
comp ADDUCT abutment healing cap n (2005): any temporary cover used to provide
ab er rant \a-ber#ant\ adj (ca. 1798) 1: a deviation from the normal or a seal over the superior portion of a dental implant; most such cov-
usual course, form, or location 2: straying from the normal way ers are metallic and are intended for interim usage following expo-
ab frac tion \ab frak#shun\ n (1991): the pathologic loss of hard sure of the dental implants superior surface
tooth substance caused by biomechanical loading forces. Such abutment post n (2005): that component of a dental implant abut-
loss is thought to be due to flexure and chemical fatigue degrada- ment which extends into the internal structure of a dental implant
tion of enamel and/or dentin at some location distant from the and is used to provide retention and/or stability to the dental im-
actual point of loading—comp ABLATION, ABRASION, plant abutment
ATTRITION, and EROSION abutment screw n (1998): that component which secures the dental
ab la tion \a-bla#shun\ n (15c) 1: separation or detachment; extirpa- implant abutment to the dental implant body. See also
tion; eradication 2: removal of a part, especially by cutting—see ATTACHMENT SCREW
ABFRACTION, EROSION ac cel er ant \ak-sel#a-rant#\ n (1916): a substance used to accelerate a
abrade \uh-brad#\ vt (1677): to rub away the external covering or layer process (as in enhancing the speed of a chemical reaction)
of a part—comp ATTRITION, EROSION ac cel er a tor \ak-sel#a-ra#ter\ n (1611) 1: a substance that speeds a
abra sion \a-bra #shun\ n (1656) 1: the wearing away of a substance or chemical reaction 2: in physiology, a nerve, muscle, or substance
structure (such as the skin or the teeth) through some unusual or that quickens movement or response
abnormal mechanical process 2: an abnormal wearing away of ac cre tion \a-kre#shun\ n (1615) 1: the process of enlargement or
the tooth substance by causes other than mastication—comp growth by a gradual build-up 2: in periodontics, the accumulation
ATTRITION, EROSION on teeth or dental implants of foreign material such as plaque, cal-
abra sive \uh-bra # siv, -ziv\ n (1853): a substance used for abrading, culus, and materia alba
smoothing, or polishing acentric relation: see ECCENTRIC RELATION
abra sive \uh-bra # siv, -ziv\ adj (1875) 1: tending to abrade 2: caus- ach ro mat ic \ak#ra-mat#ık\ adj (1766) 1: lacking in hue and sat-
ing irritation—abra sive ly adv, abra sive ness n uration, therefore falling into a series of colors that varies only
ab ra si vity \uh-bra#siv-ı-te, -ziv-ı-te\ v (1998): the property of one in lightness or brightness 2: possessing no hue; being or in-
material to wear away another material by means of frictional con- volving black, gray or white
tact achromatopsia \a-kro#ma-top#zhe-a\ n 1: monochromatism 2: a type
absorbed dose \ab-sôrbd#,-zôrbd# dos\: the amount of energy from of monochromatism in which all colors are perceived as achro-
ionizing radiation absorbed per unit mass of matter, expressed in matic, called also achromatism, total color perception deficiency
Gray units acid etched bonded splint: see RESIN-BONDED SPLINT
ab sorp tance \ab-sôrp#tans, -zôrp#tans\ n (ca. 1931): the ratio of the acid etched bridge: see RESIN-BONDED PROSTHESIS
radiant energy absorbed by a body to that incident upon it acid etched fixed partial denture: see RESIN-BONDED
ab sorp tion \ab-sôrp#shun, -zôrp#-\ n (1741) 1: the uptake of sub- PROSTHESIS
stances into or through tissues, e.g., mucosa, skin, and intestine ac quire \a-kwır#\ vt ac quired; ac quir ing (15c) 1: to obtain as
2: in radiology, the uptake of energy by matter with which the ra- one’s own; to come to have as a new or additional trait, character-
diation interacts—see A. of RADIATION—comp ADSORPTION istic or capability 2: attained with time
absorption of radiation \ab-sôrp#shun uv ra#de-a#shun\: collision- acquired centric: see ECCENTRIC RELATION, MAXIMAL
like interactions between the individual particulate or quantum acquired centric occlusal position: see ECCENTRIC RELATION,
components of a beam of radiation and the subatomic parts of mat- MAXIMAL INTERCUSPAL POSITION
ter that occur at random during irradiation. Each interaction may acquired centric position: see ECCENTRIC RELATION,
result in partial or complete transfer of energy MAXIMAL INTERCUSPAL POSITION
abut ment \a-but#ment\ n (1634) 1: that part of a structure that di- acquired centric relation: see ECCENTRIC RELATION,
rectly receives thrust or pressure; an anchorage 2: a tooth, a portion MAXIMAL INTERCUSPAL POSITION
of a tooth, or that portion of a dental implant that serves to support acquired eccentric relation \a-kwırd# ık-sen#trık rı-la#shun\: any ec-
and/or retain a prosthesis—usage see ANGULATED A., centric relationship position of the mandible relative to the maxilla,
HEALING A., DENTAL IMPLANT A., INTERMEDIATE A., whether conditioned or learned by habit, which will bring the teeth


acquired occlusal position agnosia d

acquired occlusal position \a-kwırd# a-kloo#zal pa-zish#an\: the rela- adhesive resin: any resin material with incorporated adhesive chemi-
tionship of teeth in maximum intercuspation regardless of jaw po- cals such as organophosphates, HEMA (hydroxyethyl methacry-
sition—see MAXIMAL INTERCUSPAL POSITION late), or 4-META (4 methacrylethyl trimellitic anhydride); in
acquired occlusion: see MAXIMAL INTERCUSPAL POSITION dentistry, it describes the luting agents used with resin bonded
acrylic resin \a-krıl#ık rez#ın\ 1: pertaining to polymers of acrylic acid, prostheses
methacrylic acid, or acrylonitrile; for example, acrylic fibers or adiadochokinesia \ad#e-a do cho kı ne#zha\ n : inability to perform
acrylic resins 2: any of a group of thermoplastic resins made by po- rapid alternating movements such as opening and closing the
lymerizing esters of acrylic or methylmethacrylate acids jaws or lips, raising and lowering the eyebrows, or tapping the fin-
acrylic resin base \a-krıl#ık rez#ın bas\: a denture base made of acrylic ger
resin adipose atrophy \ad#ı-pos# at#ra-fe\: reduction of fatty tissue
acrylic resin veneer: usually referring to fixed dental prosthesis, the ve- adjustable anterior guidance \a-just#a#bul an-tîr#e-or gıd#ns\: an an-
neering or lamination of the facial and/or buccal surfaces of a terior guide on an articulator whose surface may be altered to pro-
crown or fixed dental prosthesis using acrylic resin. The intention of vide desired guidance of the articulator’s movement mechanism;
such veneering is to provide a natural tooth color to the viewable the guide may be programmed (calibrated) to accept eccentric in-
portions of the restoration terocclusal records
activated resin obs : see AUTOPOLYMERIZING RESIN adjustable articulator \a-just#a#bul är-tık#ya-la#tor\: an articulator
ac ti va tor \ak#tı-va# tôr\ n : a removable orthodontic prosthesis in- that allows some limited adjustment in the sagittal and horizontal
tended to stimulate perioral muscles planes to replicate recorded mandibular movements—see
ac tiv a tor \ak#tı-va# tôr\ n. (1998) 1: any chemical agent which trig- ARTICULATOR
gers an initiator chemical to begin a chemical reaction. 2: a sub- adjustable axis facebow: see FACE-BOW
stance used in small proportions to increase the effectiveness of an adjustable occlusal pivot \a-just#a bul a kloo#sal pıv#ot\ obs : an occlu-
accelerator chemical sal pivot that may be adjusted vertically by means of a screw or other
acute closed lock \a-kyoot# klozd lok\: a form of temporomandibular device (GPT4)
joint dysfunction characterized by limitation in jaw movement ad just ment \a-just#mant\ n (1644) l: the act or process of modifying
caused by anterior displacement of the intra-articular disc and asso- physical parts 2: in dentistry, a modification made on a dental pros-
ciate with pain, limitation of jaw opening to 25 to 30 mm (as mea- thesis or natural tooth to enhance fit, function, or acceptance by the
sured in the incisor area) and, with jaw opening, a deflection of the patient—see OCCLUSAL A.
mandible toward the affected joint ad sorp tion \ad-sôrp#shun, -zôrp#-\ n (1882): the adhesion, in an
acute pain: pain having a brief and relatively severe course extremely thin layer, of molecules to the surfaces of liquids or
adaptation \ad#ap-ta#shun\ n (1610) 1: the act or process of adapting; solids with which they are in contact—comp
the state of being adapted 2: the act of purposefully adapting two ABSORPTION—ad sorp tive adj
surfaces to provide intimate contact 3: the progressive adjustive adult speech aid prosthesis \a-dult# spech ad pros-the#sıs\: a definitive
changes in sensitivity that regularly accompany continuous sensory maxillofacial prosthesis which can improve speech in adult cleft pal-
stimulation or lack of stimulation 4: in dentistry, (a) the degree of fit ate patients either by obturating (sealing off) a palatal cleft or fis-
between a prosthesis and supporting structures, (b) the degree of tula, or occasionally by assisting an incompetent soft palate. Both
proximity of a restorative material to a tooth preparation, (c) the mechanisms are necessary to achieve velopharyngeal competency.
adjustment of orthodontic bands to teeth Editor’s note: Generally this prosthesis is fabricated when no further
adaptation syndrome \ad#ap-ta#shun sın#drom#\: a syndrome charac- growth is anticipated and the objective is to achieve long term use,
terized by alterations in response as an accommodation to the en- hence, more precise materials and techniques are utilized.
vironment Occasionally such procedures are accomplished in conjunction with
adaptive occlusion: see MAXIMAL INTERCUSPAL POSITION precision attachments in fixed dental prostheses undertaken on some
additive color mixture \ad# ı-tıv kul#ur mıks#chur\: the perceived or all maxillary teeth, to achieve improved esthetics—syn
color that results when the same area of the retina of the eye is illu- PROSTHETIC SPEECH APPLIANCE, SPEECH AID,
minated by lights of different spectral distribution such as by two SPEECH BULB
colored lights—comp SUBTRACTIVE COLOR SYSTEM af ter im age \af#ter ım#ıj\ n (1874): in visual acuity, a prolongation
ad duct \a-dukt#,-a-\ vt (1836): to draw toward the median plane or or renewal of a visual sensory experience, ascribable to residual ex-
toward the axial line —comp ABDUCT citation after external stimuli have ceased to operate
ad her ence \ad-hîr#ens, -enz\ n (1531): the act, quality, or action of afterloading technique \af#ter-lod#ing tek-nek#\: in therapeutic radi-
adhering; persistent attachment ology, the use of applicators for brachytherapy so designed that
ad he sion \ad-he#zhun\ n (1624) 1: the property of remaining in they may be quickly loaded with radioactive sources after place-
close proximity, as that resulting from the physical attraction of ment within the patient
molecules to a substance or molecular attraction existing between the agar \a#gar#, ä#gar#\ n (1889): a complex sulfated polymer of galac-
surfaces of bodies in contact 2: the stable joining of parts to each tose units, extracted from Gelidium cartilagineum, Gracilaria
other, which may occur abnormally 3: a fibrous band or struc- confervoides, and related red algae. It is a mucilaginous substance
ture by which parts abnormally adhere—comp CAPSULAR that melts at approximately 100 C and solidifies into a gel at ap-
FIBROSIS, FIBROUS A., INTRACAPSULAR A., proximately 40 C. It is not digested by most bacteria and is used as a
MYOFIBROTIC CAPSULAR CONTRACTURE gelation agent in dental impression materials and a solid cul-
ad he sive \ad-he#siv, -ziv\ adj (1670): sticky or tenacious ture media for microorganisms.
ad he sive \ad-he#siv, -ziv\ n (1912) 1: any substance that creates age atrophy \aj at#ra-fe\: a wasting away; the normal diminution of all
close adherence to or on adjoining surfaces 2: a luting agent—see tissues due to advanced age
DENTURE A., MAXILLOFACIAL PROSTHETIC A. agen e sis \a-jen#ı-sıs\ n (ca. 1879): absence, failure of formation, or
adhesive capsulitis \ad-he#siv,-ziv kap#sul-ı#tis\: within the temporo- imperfect development of any body part—see CONDYLAR
mandibular joint, any situation in which the disk is in normal posi- AGENESIS
tion, joint space volume is decreased, and motion is restricted ag na thia \ag-na#the-a\ n : a developmental anomaly characterized by
adhesive failure \ad-he#siv,-ziv fal#yur\ (1998): bond failure at an in- absence of the mandible
terface between two materials due to a tensile or shearing force—see ag no sia \ag-no#zha\ n (ca. 1900): diminution or loss of the ability to
COHESIVE FAILURE recognize the import of sensory stimuli; the varieties correspond

JULY 2005 11

agnosia analgesic

with the senses and are distinguished as auditory, gustatory, olfac- all-polymer prosthesis: a fixed dental prosthesis fabricated from non-
tory, tactile, and visual metallic or ceramic components typically composed of an internal
ag o nist \ag#a-nıst\ n (ca. 1626) 1: in physiology, a muscle that is glass fiber-reinforced composite framework covered by a particu-
controlled by the action of an antagonist with which it is paired late composite resin
2: in anatomy, a prime mover 3: in pharmacology, a drug that has alpha particle \al#fa par#tı-kal\ n (1903): a positively charged nuclear
an affinity for and stimulates physiologic activity in cell recep- particle identical with the nucleus of a helium atom that consists of
tors normally stimulated by naturally occurring substances two protons and two neutrons and is ejected at high speed in cer-
air abrasion: see AIRBORNE PARTICLE ABRASION tain radioactive transformations
air-bone gap \âr#bon# gap\: in audiology, the difference in patient acu- altered cast \ôl#terd kast\: a final cast that is revised in part before pro-
ity to sound transmitted though air and through bone that reflects cessing a denture base—called also corrected cast, modified cast
hearing loss due to middle ear dysfunction or pathology altered cast partial denture impression \ôl#terd kast pär#shal
airborne-particle abrasion \âr#bôrn# pär#tı-kal a-bra#zhun\: the pro- den#cher ım-presh#an\: a negative likeness of a portion or portions
cess of altering the surface of a material through the use of abrasive of the edentulous denture bearing area(s) made independent of
particles propelled by compressed air or other gases and after the initial impression of the natural teeth. This technique
air chamber: see RELIEF AREA employs an impression tray(s) attached to the removable dental
air conduction \âr kon-duk#shun\: the normal process of conducting prosthesis framework or its likeness
sound waves through the ear canal to the tympanic membrane aluminum oxide \a-loo#mi-num ok#sıd#\ 1: a metallic oxide constitu-
air dose \âr dos\: in therapeutic radiology, the amount of energy ab- ent of dental porcelain that increases hardness and viscosity 2: a
sorbed per unit mass of tissue at a given site, in air high strength ceramic crystal dispersed throughout a glassy phase to
Akers clasp \A#kerz klasp\ [Polk E. Akers, Chicago, III, dentist]: ep- increase its strength as in aluminous dental porcelain used to fab-
onym for a one piece cast partial denture with cast clasps. He is said ricate aluminous porcelain crowns 3: a finely ground ceramic par-
to have improved and standardized the one piece casting method for ticle (frequently 50 um) often used in conjunction with air-borne
fabricating gold alloy removable partial dental prostheses in the
particle abrasion of metal castings before the application of porce-
early 1920s—see SUPRABULGE CLASP
lain as with metal ceramic restorations
Akers PE Partial dentures. J Amer Dent Assoc 1928;15:717-22.
aluminous porcelain \a-loo#mi-nus pôr#si-lin, por#-\: a ceramic mate-
ala \a#la\ n, pl alae (1738): a wing or a wing-like anatomic part or
rial composed of a glass matrix phase with 35% or more of alumi-
process—alar adj
num oxide, by volume
ala nasi \ä#la nas#e\ n : in anatomy, the cartilaginous processes forming
al ve o lar \al-ve#a-ler\ adj (1799): that part of the jaws where the
the wing-like flare of each nares
teeth arise
ala-tragus line \a#lah tra#gus lın\: a line running from the inferior bor-
alveolar augmentation \al-ve#a-ler ôg#men-ta#shun\: any surgical
der of the ala of the nose to some defined point on the tragus of the
procedure employed to alter the contour of the residual alveolar
ear, usually considered to be the tip of the tragus. It is frequently
used, with a third point on the opposing tragus, for the purpose of
alveolar bone \al-ve#a-ler bon\: the bony portion of the mandible or
establishing the ala tragus plane. Ideally the ala-tragus plane is
considered to be parallel to the occlusal plane. The occlusal plane is maxillae in which the roots of the teeth are held by fibers of the per-
at an angle of approximately 10 degrees relative to the iodontal ligament—called also dental alveolus
Frankfort horizontal plane, when viewed in the mid-sagittal alveolar crest: see RESIDUAL RIDGE CREST
plane—see CAMPER’S LINE alveolar mucosa \al-ve#a-ler myoo-ko#sa\: the fixed mucosal covering
al gi nate n (ca. 1909): see IRREVERSIBLE HYDROCOLLOID of the alveolar process, loosely attached to the bone
all-ceramic restoration: see CERAMIC RESTORATION alveolar process \al-ve#a-ler pro-ses#\: the cancellous and compact
al lo dynia \al o deen#ya\ n : pain resulting from a non-noxious stim- bony structure that surrounds and supports the teeth
ulus to normal skin or mucosa alveolar reconstruction \al-ve#a-ler re#kon-struk#shun\ : any surgical
al lo ge ne ic \al a jn#ık\ adj (1963): in transplantation biology, de- procedure employed to recreate a severely resorbed residual alveo-
noting individuals (or tissues) that are of the same species however lar ridge
antigenically distinct—called also homologous alveolar resorption: see RESIDUAL RIDGE RESORPTION
allogeneic graft: see HOMOGRAFT alveolar ridge: see RESIDUAL RIDGE
al lo graft \al#a-graft#\ n (1964): a graft of tissue between genetically al ve o lec tomy n : see OSTEOTOMY
dissimilar members of the same species—called also allogeneic graft al ve o lo plasty n : see OSTEOTOMY
and homograft al ve o lus n, pl al ve o li (ca. 1706): one of the cavities or sockets
al lo plast \al#a plast#\ n 1: an inert foreign body used for implantation within the alveolar process of the maxillae or mandible in which
within tissue 2: a material originating from a nonliving source that the attachment complex held the root of a tooth after the tooth’s
surgically replaces missing tissue or augments that which remains removal
alloplastic graft \al#a-plas#tık graft\: a graft consisting of an inert amal gam n: 1: an alloy of mercury 2: dental amalgam is an alloy of
material mercury, silver, copper, and tin, which may also contain palladium,
alloplastic material \al#a-plas#tık ma-tîr#e-al\: any non-biologic mate- zinc, and other elements to improve handling characteristics and
rial suitable for implantation as an alloplast clinical performance
al loy \al#oi#, a-loi#\ n (14c): a mixture of two or more metals or metal- am bient \AM-bee-unt\ adj: existing or present on all sides; encom-
loids that are mutually soluble in the molten state; distinguished as passing
binary, ternary, quaternary, etc., depending on the number of met- a mor phous \a-mor#fus\: without crystalline structure; having ran-
als within the mixture. Alloying elements are added to alter the dom arrangement of atoms in space
hardness, strength, and toughness of a metallic element, thus ob- an al ge sia \an#al-je ze-a,-zha\ n (ca. 1706): absence of sensibility to
taining properties not found in a pure metal. Alloys may also be pain, designating particularly the relief of pain without loss of con-
classified on the basis of their behavior when solidified— usage: sciousness
an al ge sic \an#al-je# zık, -sık\ adj: relieving pain
alloying element \a-loi#ıng el#a-ment\ (1998): metallic or non-metal- 2
an al ge sic \an#al-je#zık, -sık\ n : an agent that alleviates pain without
lic elements added to or retained by a pure metal for the purpose of causing loss of consciousness—see A. BLOCKING AGENT, A.
giving that metal special properties DIAGNOSTIC BLOCK


analgesic blocking agent angular cheilitis


analgesic blocking agent \an#al-je#zık blok#ing a#jent\: any analgesic for the removable component. First attributed to James Andrews,
that blocks or prohibits sensory perception DDS, Amite, LA
analgesic diagnostic block \an#al-je#zık dı#ag-nos#tık blok\: the selec- Everhart, RJ and Cavazos, E. Jr. Evaluation of a fixed removable partial den-
tive use of a local anesthetic injection or application of a topical an- ture: Andrews Bridge System. J Prosthet Dent 1983;50(2):180-4
esthetic to identify a pain source an es the sia \an#ıs-the#zha\ n (ca. 1721): loss of feeling or sensation;
an a log \an#a-lôg, -log\ n (1826) 1: in dentistry, something that is also spelled anaesthesia
analogous in part or whole to something else; i.e., a replica of a por- anesthesia dolorosa \an#ıs-the#zha do#la-ro#sa\: pain within an area or
tion of an implant abutment made of brass, aluminum, steel, or region that is anesthetic or anesthetized
plastic 2: an organ similar in function to an organ of another animal an es thet ic \an#ıs-thet#ık\ adj (1846) 1: capable of producing anes-
or plant but with different structure and origin—spelled also ana- thesia 2: lacking awareness or sensitivity
logue an es thet ic \an#ıs-thet#ık\ n (1848) 1: a substance that produces
an am ne sis \an#am-ne#sıs\ n, pl -ne ses (ca. 1593) 1: a recalling to anesthesia 2: something that brings relief
mind; a reminiscence 2: the past history of disease or injury based angle of gingival convergence \ang#gl uv jın#ji-val, -jın-jı#- kun-
on the patient’s memory or recall at the time of interview and exam- vûr#jens\ 1: according to Schneider, the angle of gingival conver-
ination 3: a preliminary past medical history of a medical or psychi- gence is located apical to the height of contour on the abutment
atric patient tooth. It can be identified by viewing the angle formed by the tooth
anatomic crown \an#a-tom#ık kroun\: the portion of a natural tooth surface gingival to the survey line and the analyzing rod or undercut
that extends coronal from the cementoenamel junction—called gauge in a surveyor as it contacts the height of contour 2: the angle
also anatomical crown formed by any surface of the tooth below the survey line of the
anatomic landmark \an#a-tom#ık land#mark\: a recognizable ana- height of contour, with the selected path of insertion of a prosthesis 3:
tomic structure used as a point of reference the angle formed by the tooth surface below the height of con-
anatomic occlusion \an#a-tom#ık a-kloo#zhun\: an occlusal arrange- tour with the vertical plane, when the occlusal surface of the tooth is
ment for dental prostheses wherein the posterior artificial teeth oriented parallel to the horizontal plane
have masticatory surfaces that closely resemble those of the natural Schneider RL. J Prosthet Dent 1987;58:194-6.
healthy dentition and articulate with similar natural or artificial sur- angle of incidence \ang#gl uv ın#sı-dens\: the angle formed between
faces—called also anatomical occlusion the axis of a light beam and a perpendicular to the object’s surface
anatomic teeth \an#a-tom#ık teth\ 1: artificial teeth that duplicate the angle of reflection \ang#gl uv rı-flek#shun\: the angle formed between
anatomic forms of natural teeth 2: teeth that have prominent cusps the axis of a reflected light beam and a perpendicular to the object’s
on the masticating surfaces and that are designed to articulate with surface
the teeth of the opposing natural or prosthetic dentition 3: ana- Angle’s classification of occlusion \ang#gulz klas#a-fı-ka#shun uv a-
tomic teeth with cuspal inclinations greater than 0 degrees that kloo#shun\ [Edward Harley Angle, American orthodontist,
tend to replica natural tooth anatomy—usage cusp teeth (30 to 1855-1930]: eponym for a classification system of occlusion based
45 degrees) are considered anatomic teeth. Modified occlusal on the interdigitation of the first molar teeth originally described
forms are those with a 20-degree cusp incline or less—called also by Angle as four major groups depending on the anteroposterior
anatomical teeth jaw relationship. Class IV is no longer in use. Class I (normal occlu-
Boucher CO. J PROSTHET DENT 1953;3:633-56. sion or neutrooclusion): the dental relationship in which there is
anatomy \a-nat#a-me\ n, pl -mies (14c) 1: a branch of morphology normal anteroposterior relationship of the jaws, as indicated by
that involves the structures of organs 2: the structural makeup correct interdigitation of maxillary and mandibular molars, but
esp. of an organ or any of its parts 3: separating or dividing into with crowding and rotation of teeth elsewhere, i.e., a dental dys-
parts for examination—an a tom ic or an a tom i cal adj plasia or arch length deficiency. Class II (distoclusion): the dental
ANB angle \A N B ang#gl\: in cephalometric analysis, the angle relationship in which the mandibular dental arch is posterior to
formed between the nasion point A line and the nasion point B line the maxillary dental arch in one or both lateral segments; the
anchorage area \ang#ker-ıj âr#e-a\ : that area which, by its situation, mandibular first molar is distal to the maxillary first molar.
configuration and/or preparation, is suitable for the retention of a Class II can be further subdivided into two divisions. Division
prosthesis 1: bilateral distal retrusion with a narrow maxillary arch and pro-
anchorage component: see ENDOSTEAL DENTAL IMPLANT truding maxillary incisors. Subdivisions include right or left (uni-
BODY laterally distal with other characteristics being the same).
anchorage element: see ENDOSTEAL DENTAL IMPLANT Division 2: bilateral distal with a normal or square-shaped max-
ABUTMENT ELEMENT(S) illary arch, retruded maxillary central incisors, labially malposed
ancillary prostheses: one of the three main categories of dental pros- maxillary lateral incisors, and an excessive vertical overlap.
theses made by those in the field of prosthodontics; any prosthesis Subdivisions include right or left (unilaterally distal with other
not able to be described as either a dental prosthesis or a maxillofa- characteristics the same). Class III (mesioocclusion): the dental re-
cial prosthesis. Examples may include guides, stents, splints, con- lationship in which the mandibular arch is anterior to the max-
formers, carriers and the like. Most such prostheses are intended for illary arch in one or both lateral segments; the mandibular first
short term or special usage molar is mesial to the maxillary first molar. The mandibular in-
Anderson splint [Roger Anderson, American orthopedic surgeon, cisors are usually in anterior cross bite. Subdivisions include
1891-1971]: eponym for a skeletal traction splint with pins in- right or left (unilaterally mesial with other characteristics the
serted into proximal and distal ends of a fractured bone. same). Class IV: the dental relationship in which the occlusal re-
Reduction is obtained by an external plate attached to the lations of the dental arches present the peculiar condition of be-
pins—called also BYPHASIC SPLINT ing in distal occlusion in one lateral half and in mesial occlusion
Anderson R. Ambulatory method of treating fractures of the shaft of the fe- in the other (no longer used).
mur. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1936;62:865. Angle EM. Classification of malocclusion. Dental Cosmos 1899;41:248-64,
Andrews bridge \an#droos brıj\: the combination of a fixed dental 350-7.
prosthesis incorporating a bar with a removable dental prosthesis angular cheilitis \ang#gya-ler kı-lı#tıs\: inflammation of the angles of
that replaces teeth within the bar area, usually used for edentulous the mouth causing redness and the production of fissures—called
anterior spaces. The vertical walls of the bar may provide retention also perleche

JULY 2005 13

angulated abutment anti-rotation


angulated abutment \ang#gya-lat#ıd a-but#ment\ (1998): any endos-

teal dental implant abutment which alters the long axis angulation
between the dental implant and the angulated dental implant abut-
an ky lo glos sia \ang#kı-lo-glos#e-ah, -glo-sha\ n : the binding of the
tip of the tongue to the floor of the mouth or the alveolar ridge due
to abnormal attachment of the lingual frenum. This often restricts
movement of the tongue, often due to the position of the lingual
frenulum, resulting in speech impediments; may be complete or
partial—called also adherent tongue, lingua frenata, and tongue-tie
ankylosis \ang#ki-lo#sıs\ n, pl -lo ses (1713): immobility and consol-

idation of a joint or tooth due to injury, disease, or a surgical pro-

INTRACAPSULAR A.; spelled also anchylosis
an neal \a-nel#\ vt (1580) 1: to heat a material, such as metal or glass,
followed by controlled cooling to remove internal stresses and cre-
ate a desired degree of toughness, temper, or softness to a material 2:
to heat a material, such as gold foil, to volatilize and drive off im-
purities from its surface, thus increasing its cohesive properties.
This process is termed degassing 3: to homogenize an amalgam al-
loy by heating in an oven
an nu lar \an#ya-ler\ n (1571): a term used to describe a ring like an-
atomic structure
an o don tia \an#o-don#she-a\ n : a rare dental condition character-
ized by congenital absence of all teeth (both deciduous and perma-
an o don tism n : see ANODONTIA
anomalous trichromatic vision \a-nom#a-lus trı#kro-mat#ık
vızh#un\: a form of defective color vision in which three stimuli
are required for color matching, but the proportions in which
they are matched differ significantly from those required by the
normal trichromat. There are three forms of anomalous trichro-
matic vision: protanomalous, deuteranomalous, and tritanomalous
a nom a ly \a-nom#a-le\ n, pl a nom a lies (1664) 1: something dif-

ferent, abnormal, peculiar, or not easily classified 2: an aberration or

deviation from normal anatomic growth, development, or func-
tion 3: marked deviation from the normal standard, especially as a
result of congenital defects
ANS: Acronym for Anterior Nasal Spine. The outline of the anterior
nasal spine as seen on the lateral cephalometric radiograph. It is
used as a cephalometric landmark
an tag on ist \an-tag#a-nıst\ n (1599) 1: a tooth in one jaw that ar-
ticulates with a tooth in the other jaw—called also dental an-
tagonist 2: a substance that tends to nullify the actions of
another, as a drug that binds to cell receptors without eliciting a
biologic response 3: a muscle whose action is the direct op-
posite of another muscle
Ante’s Law [Irwin H: Ante, Toronto, Ontario Canada, dentist]: epo-
nym, in fixed dental prosthodontics, for the observation that the
combined pericemental area of all abutment teeth supporting a
fixed dental prosthesis should be equal to or greater in pericemental
area than the tooth or teeth to be replaced; as formulated for re-
movable dental prosthodontics, the combined pericemental area
of the abutment teeth plus the mucosa area of the denture base
should be equal to or greater than the pericemental area of the
missing teeth
Ante IH. The fundamental principles, design and construction of crown and
bridge prosthesis. Dent Item Int 1928;50:215-32.
an te ri or \an-tîr#e-or\ adj (1541) 1: in front of or the front part; sit-
uated in front of 2: the forward or ventral position 3: a term used to
denote the incisor or canine teeth or the forward region of the
anterior disk displacement: see DISK DISPLACEMENT
anterior guidance \an-tîr#e-or gıd#ns\ 1: the influence of the contact-
ing surfaces of anterior teeth on tooth limiting mandibular move-
ments 2: the influence of the contacting surfaces of the guide pin
and anterior guide table on articulator movements—usage see
anterior protected articulation \an-tîr#e-or pro-tek#tıd är-tık#ya-
la#shun\: a form of mutually protected articulation in which the
vertical and horizontal overlap of the anterior teeth disengages
the posterior teeth in all mandibular excursive movements—see
ANTERIOR GUIDE TABLE 3: the fabrication of a relationship of the anterior reference point \an-tîr#e-or ref#er-ens, ref#rens point\: any
anterior teeth preventing posterior tooth contact in all ec- point located on the midface that, together with two posterior ref-
centric mandibular movements—see ANTERIOR PROTECTED erence points, establishes a reference plane
ARTICULA-TION, GROUP FUNCTION, MUTUALLY anterior teeth \an-tîr#e-or teth\: the maxillary and mandibular incisors
anterior guide: see ANTERIOR GUIDE TABLE anterior tooth arrangement \an-tîr#e-or tooth a-ranj#ment\: the po-
anterior guide pin \an-tîr#e-or gıd pın\: that component of an articu- sitioning of the anterior teeth for esthetics and phonetics
lator, generally a rigid rod attached to one member, contacting the anterior tooth form \an-tîr#e-or tooth form\: the outline form as
anterior guide table on the opposing member. It is used for the pur- viewed in any selected plane or/and other contours of an anterior
pose of maintaining the established vertical separation. The ante- tooth
rior guide pin and table, together with the condylar elements, direct the anteroposterior curve \an-ter-o-po-stîr#e-or kûrv\: the anatomic
movements of the articulators’ separate members curve established by the occlusal alignment of the teeth, as pro-
anterior guide table \an-tîr#e-or gıd ta#bl\: that component of an ar- jected onto the median plane, beginning with the cusp tip of the
ticulator on which the anterior guide pin rests to maintain the oc- mandibular canine and following the buccal cusp tips of the premo-
clusal vertical dimension and influence articulator movements. The lar and molar teeth, continuing through the anterior border of the
guide table influences the degree of separation of the casts in all re- mandibular ramus, ending with the anterior most portion of the
lationships—see also ANTERIOR PROGRAMMING DEVICE mandibular condyle. First described by Ferdinand Graf Spee,
anterior nasal spine \an-tîr#e-or na#zal spın\: a sharp median bony German anatomist, in 1890—see CURVE OF SPEE
antiflux \an#te-fluks#\ n : materials that prevent or confines solder at-
process, adjacent to the inferior margin of the anterior aperture tachment or flow
of the nose, formed by the forward prolongation of the two maxil- an ti me tab o lite \an#te-ma-tab#a-lıt\ n (1945): a substance that
lae competes with, replaces, or antagonizes a particular metabolite
anterior open bite (obs): see ANTERIOR OPEN OCCLUSAL anti-Monson curve: see REVERSE CURVE
RELATIONSHIP an ti neo plas tic \an#te-ne#a-plas#tık\ adj (1969) 1: inhibiting or
anterior open occlusal relationship \an-tîr#e-or o#pen a-kloo#zal rı- preventing the development of neoplasms; inhibiting the matura-
la#shen-shıp#\: the lack of anterior tooth contact in any occluding tion and proliferation of malignant cells 2: an agent having such
position of the posterior teeth properties
anterior programming device \an-tîr#e-or pro#gram ıng dı-vıs#\: an antineoplastic drug \an#te-ne#a-plas#tık drug\: an agent used in treat-
individually fabricated anterior guide table that allows mandibular ment or palliation of the symptoms of cancer
motion without the influence of tooth contacts and facilitates the recording anti-rotation \an#te-ro-ta#shun\ (1998): a structural feature of some
of maxillomandibular relationships; also used for depro- endosteal dental implant components that prevents relative
gramming—see also deprogrammer


anti-rotation articulator

rotation of fastened parts. This feature may exist between a dental arcon articulator \ar#kon är-tık#ya-la#tor\: an articulator that applies
implant body and the dental implant abutment, and/or the dental the arcon design; this instrument maintains anatomic guidelines
implant abutment and dental implant abutment element(s) by the use of condylar analogs in the mandibular element and fossae
an ti tra gus \an#tı-tra#gus\ n, pl an ti tra gi: a projection of the car- assemblies within the maxillary element
tilage of the auricle in front of the cauda helicis, just above the lob- arrow point tracer \ar#o point tra#ser\ 1: a mechanical device used to
ule and posterior to the tragus, from which it is separated by the trace a pattern of mandibular movement in a selected plane—usu-
inter tragal notch ally parallel to the occlusal plane 2: a mechanical device with a
ap at ite \ap#a-tıt#\ n (1803): calcium phosphate of the composition marking point attached to one jaw and a graph plate or tracing
Ca5(PO4)3OH; one of the mineral constituents of teeth and bones plane attached to the other jaw. It is used to record the direction
(with Ca CO3) and range of movements of the mandible—see GOTHIC ARCH
apertognathia: a condition in which the anterior or posterior teeth TRACER
are not in contact. See OPEN BITE; OPEN OCCLUSAL arrow point tracing: see STYLUS TRACING
RELATIONSHIP ar thral gia \ar-thral#ja, -je-a\ n (ca. 1848): pain in a joint or joints ar
ap er ture \ap#er-chur\ n (15c): an opening or open space; a hole thri tis \är-thrı#tis\ n (14c): inflammation of a joint or joints
apex \a#peks#\ n, pl apex es or api ces (1601) 1: the uppermost point; arthrodial joint \är-thro#de al joint\: a joint that allows gliding motion
the vertex 2: in dentistry, the anatomic end of a tooth root of the surfaces
apha gia \a fa#je-a, -ja\ n : inability to swallow; abstention from eating arthrodial movement \är-thro#de al moov#ment\: gliding joint move-
apha sia \a-fa#zha\ n (1867): defect or loss of the power of expression ment
by writing, speech or signs, or of comprehending written or spoken ar throg ra phy \är-throp#a-the\ n 1: roentgenography of a joint after
language due to disease of or injury to the brain injection of an opaque contrast material 2: in dentistry, a diagnostic
apho nia \a-fo#ne-a\ n. (1778): loss or absence of voice as a result of technique that entails filling the lower, upper, or both joint spaces of
the failure of the vocal cords to vibrate properly the temporomandibular joint with a contrast agent to enable ra-
api cal \ap#ı-kal, -a#pı-\ adj (1828): of, relating to or pertaining to the diographic evaluation of the joint and surrounding structures; used to
diagnose or confirm disk displacements and perforations
top or apex—api cal ly adv
a plastic \a-plas#tık\ adj : devoid of form; without development ar throp a thy n (ca. 1860): a disease of a joint
apho nia \a-fo#ne-a\ n (1778): loss or absence of voice as a result of the ar thro plas ty \är-thro#plas-te\ n : the surgical formation or reforma-
tion of a joint
failure of the vocal cords to vibrate properly
ar thro sis \är-thro#sıs\ n (1634) 1: a joint or articulation 2: a disease
apla sia \a-pla#zha, -zhe-\ n : defective development or congenital ab-
of a joint
sence of an organ or tissue
ar tic u lar \är tık#ya-ler\ adj (15c): of or relating to a joint
ap pli ance n, slang, obs (1561): see DEVICE, RESTORATION,
articular capsule \är tık#ya-ler kap#sel\: the fibrous ligament that enc-
loses a joint and limits its motion. It is lined with the synovial mem-
ap posi tion \ap#a-zısh#un\ n (15c): the condition of being placed or
fitted together; in juxtaposition or coadaptation
articular cartilage \är tık#ya-ler kär#tl-ıj\: a thin layer of hyaline carti-
ap prox i ma tion \a-prok#si-ma#shun\ n (15c) 1: the process of
lage located on the joint surfaces of some bones not found on
drawing together 2: the quality of being close or near—
the articular surfaces of the temporomandibular joints which is cov-
ap prox i ma tive adj
ered with an avascular fibrous tissue
aprax ia \a-prak#se-a\ n (1888): the loss of ability to carry out familiar,
articular disc: a ring of fibrocartilage that separates the articular surfa-
purposeful movements in the absence of paralysis or other sensory
ces of a joint
or motor impairment, especially the inability to make proper use of
articular temporomandibular joint disk: see DISK
an object 1
ar tic u late \är-tık#ya-lat#\ vb (1691) 1: to join together as a joint 2:
apron n, obs : see LINGUAL PLATE the relating of contacting surfaces of the teeth or their artificial rep-
arc of closure \ark uv klo#zhur\: the circular or elliptic arc created by licas in the maxillae to those in the mandible
closure of the mandible, most often viewed in the mid-sagittal 2
ar tic u late \är-tık#ya-lat#, -lıt\ adj (1586): in speech, to enunciate
plane, using a reference point on the mandible (frequently either clearly or be clearly spoken
mandibular central incisors’ mesial incisal edge) articulating paper \är-tık#ya-lat#ing pa#per\: ink-coated paper strips
arc therapy \ark ther#a-pe\: in therapeutic radiology, external beam ra- used to locate and mark occlusal contacts
diation in which the source of radiation is moved about the patient ar tic u la tion \är-tık#ya-la#shun\ n (15c) 1: the place of union or
on an arc during treatment. Multiple arcs may be used. In some junction between two or more bones of the skeleton—see
cases the beam is stationary and the patient is rotated in a vertical CRANIOMANDIBULAR A., TEMPOROMANDIBULAR A. 2:
plane in speech, the enunciation of words and sentences—see
arch bars \ärch bärz\: a rigid bar or/and wire used for intermaxillary SPEECH A. 3: in dentistry, the static and dynamic contact rela-
fixation in treatment of fractures of the maxillae and mandible tionship between the occlusal surfaces of the teeth during func-
and/or stabilization of injured teeth, generally attached to the re- tion—see ANTERIOR PROTECTED A., BALANCED A.,
maining natural dentition and/or occlusal splints DENTAL A., FUNCTIONAL A., MONO-PLANE A.,
arch form \ärch form\: the geometric shape of the dental arch when MUTUALLY PROTECTED A.
viewed in the horizontal plane (square, tapering, ovoid, etc.) ar tic u la tor \är-tık#ya-la#tor\ n : a mechanical instrument that rep-
arch length discrepancy \ärch lengkth dı-skrep#ens-se\: the abnormal resents the temporomandibular joints and jaws, to which maxillary
relationship between the size of the mandible and/or maxilla and and mandibular casts may be attached to simulate some or all man-
their component teeth, especially as viewed and analyzed in the oc- dibular movements—usage: articulators are divisible into four clas-
clusal plane ses. Class I articulator: a simple holding instrument capable of
arch wire \ärch-wır\ n : an orthodontic wire placed intraorally for the accepting a single static registration; vertical motion is possible—
application of force see NONADJUSTABLE A. Class II articulator: an instrument that
ar con \ar#kon\ n : a contraction of the words ‘‘ARTICULATOR’’ and permits horizontal as well as vertical motion but does not orient
‘‘CONDYLE,’’ used to describe an articulator containing the con- the motion to the temporomandibular joints. Class III articulator:
dylar path elements within its upper member and the condylar ele- an instrument that simulates condylar pathways by using averages
ments within the lower member or mechanical equivalents for all or part of the motion; these instru-

JULY 2005 15

articulator autopolymer

ments allow for orientation of the casts relative to the joints and atypical facial pain \a-tıp#ı-kul fa#shul pan\: a painful syndrome char-
may be arcon or nonarcon instruments—see SEMI-ADJUST- acterized by dull aching or throbbing, rather than paroxysms of
ABLE A. Class IV articulator: an instrument that will accept three pain, such as seen in trigeminal, glossopharyngeal, or postherpetic
dimensional dynamic registrations; these instruments allow for or- neuralgia, occurring in areas supplied by various nerve groups, in-
ientation of the casts to the temporomandibular joints and simula- cluding the fifth and ninth cranial nerves and the second and third
tion of mandibular movements—see FULLY ADJUSTABLE A., cervical nerves. The distribution of atypical facial pain does not fol-
FULLY ADJUSTABLE GNATHOLOGIC A. low the established pathways of innervation of the major sensory
ar ti fact \är#ti-fakt#\ n (1821) 1: any characteristic product of human nerves, however (i.e., trigeminal neuralgia). Attacks last from a
activity, i.e., any hand-made object that could represent a particular few days to several months and often occur after dental care or sinus
culture or stage in its technologic development 2: a product of an manipulation, but examination of the teeth, nose, sinuses, ears, and
artificial character due to extraneous agency—used in medicine to temporomandibular joints seldom reveals any abnormalities. A psy-
signify details or conditions that are misleading or unnatural due to chogenic or vascular etiology has been suggested. This is believed
imperfect materials or techniques by some to not be a specific disease entity but rather a symptom,
artificial crown \är#ti-fish#al kroun\: a metal, plastic, or ceramic resto- the etiology of which has not been determined—called also atypical
ration that covers three or more axial surfaces and the occlusal sur- facial neuralgia and facial causalgia
face or incisal edge of a tooth au dio gram \ô#de-o-gram\ n (1927): a record of the thresholds of
artificial denture: see COMPLETE DENTURE hearing of an individual over various sound frequencies
artificial stone: see DENTAL STONE au di ol o gy \ô#de-ol-a-je\ n (1946): the study of the entire field of
asep sis \a-sep#sıs, a-\ n (1892) 1: free from infection 2: the prevention hearing, including the anatomy and function of the ear, impair-
of contact with microorganisms ment of hearing, and the education or reeducation of the person
asep tic \a-sep#tık, a-\ adj (ca 1859): free of infection or septic mate- with hearing loss
rial; sterile; free from pathogenic microorganisms—asep ti cal ly au di om e ter \ô#de-om#ı-ter\ n (1879): an instrument used to assess
hearing at various intensity levels and frequencies
au di tion \ô-dısh#un\ n (1599): the power or sense of hearing auditory
asym met ri cal \a#sı-met#rı-kal\ adj (1690): characterized by or per-
discrimination \ô#dı-tôr#e, -tor#e- dı-skrım#a-na#shun\:
taining to asymmetry
ability to discriminate between sounds of different frequency, in-
asym me try \a-sım#ı-tre\ n (1690): absence or lack of symmetry or
tensity, and pressure pattern components; ability to distinguish
balance; dissimilarity in corresponding parts or organs on opposite
one speech sound from another
sides of the body
aug ment \ôg-ment#\ vb (15c): to make greater, more numerous,
asymmetry of movement \a-sım#ı-tre uv moov#mant\: the condition
larger, or more intense
observed when mandibular movement has a lateral component
aug men ta tion \ôg#men-ta#shun\ n (14c): to increase in size beyond
on opening and closing, especially when viewed in the frontal plane
the existing size. In alveolar ridge augmentation, bone grafts or al-
asymmetry of the mandible \a-sım#ı-tre uv the man#di-bul\: the con-
loplastic materials are used to increase the size of an atrophic alve-
dition that exists when the right and left sides of the mandible are not
olar ridge
mirror images of one another
auricular defect \ô-rık#ya-lar de#fekt#, dı-fekt#\: absence or partial ab-
atrophic fracture \a trof#ık frak#cher\: spontaneous fracture due to at- sence of the external ear
rophy auricular prosthesis \ô-rık#ya-ler pros-the#sıs\: a removable maxillofa-
at ro phy \at#ra-fe\ n, pl -phies (1601) 1: a wasting away 2: a diminu- cial prosthesis that artificially restores part or the entire natural
tion in size of a cell, tissue, organ or part—atro phic adj— ear—called also artificial ear, ear prosthesis
atro phy vb—see ADIPOSE A., AGE A., BONE A., DISUSE auriculotemporal syndrome \ô-rı-ku-lo-tem#pral sın#drom\: sweat-
A., MUSCULAR A., POSTMENOPAUSAL A., SENILE A. ing and flushing in the preauricular and temporal areas when cer-
attached gingival \a-tachd# jın#ja-va, jın#jı-\: the portion of the gin- tain foods are eaten
giva that is firm, dense, stippled, and tightly bound to the underly- aus cul ta tion \ô#skal-ta#shun\ n (ca. 1828): the process of determin-
ing periosteum, bone, and tooth ing the condition of various parts of the body by listening to the
attachment \a-tach#ment\ n (15c) 1: a mechanical device for the fixa- sounds they emit
tion, retention, and stabilization of a prosthesis 2: a retainer con- au tog e nous \ô-toj#a-nus\ adj (1846): originating or derived from
sisting of a metal receptacle and a closely fitting part; the former sources within the same individual; self-produced; self-generated;
(the female {matrix} component) is usually contained within the autologous
normal or expanded contours of the crown of the abutment tooth autogenous graft \ô-toj#a-nus graft\: a graft taken from the patients
and the latter (the male {patrix} component), is attached to a pon- own body—called also autograft
tic or the denture framework—see FRICTIONAL A., INTERNAL auto glaze v: the production of a glazed surface by raising the temper-
A., KEY and KEYWAY A., PARALLEL A., PRECISION A., ature of a ceramic to create surface flow—comp OVERGLAZE
RESILIENT A., SLOTTED A. au to graft \ô#ta-graft\ n (ca.1913): a graft of tissue derived from an-
attachment apparatus \a-tach#ment ap#a-ra#tus, -rat#us\: in perio- other site in or on the body of the organism receiving it—called also
dontics, a general term used to designate the cementum, periodon- autochthonous graft, autologous graft, and autoplast
tal ligament and alveolar bone au tol o gous \ô-tol#o-gus\ (ca. 1921) 1: related to self; designating
attachment screw (1998): any component used to secure a fixed den- products or components of the same individual organism 2: autog-
tal prosthesis to the dental implant abutment(s). See also enous
ABUTMENT SCREW autonomic nervous system \ô#ta-nom#ık nûr#vus sıs#tam\: the part of
attenuation of radiation \a-ten#yoo-a#shun uv ra#de-a#shun\: the re- the nervous system that enervates the cardiovascular, digestive, re-
duction in intensity of radiation as a result of scattering and absorp- productive, and respiratory organs. It operates outside of con-
tion of radiation. Attenuation of electron beams always lowers the sciousness and controls basic life-sustaining functions such as
average beam energy heart rate, digestion, and breathing. It includes the sympathetic
attrition \a-trısh#un\ n (14c) 1: the act of wearing or grinding down by nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system
friction 2: the mechanical wear resulting from mastication or par- au to poly mer \ô#to-pol#a-mer\ n : a material that polymerizes by
afunction, limited to contacting surfaces of the teeth—comp chemical reaction without external heat as a result of the addition of
ABRASION, EROSION an activator and a catalyst—au to poly mer i za tion vb


auto polymerizing resin Beilby layer


auto polymerizing resin \ô#to-pol-a-mer-ı#zing rez#ın\: a resin whose riorly or laterally) that are developed for the purpose of stabilizing
polymerization is initiated by a chemical activator dentures (GPT-4)
average axis facebow \av#er-ıj, av#rıj ak#sıs fas bo\: a device used to re- balancing side obs : see NONWORKING SIDE
late the maxillary cast to the condylar elements of an articulator us- bar \bär\ n (12c): a straight or curvolinear piece of metal or wood that
ing average anatomic landmarks to estimate the position of the is longer than it is wide. It may have several uses including a lever,
transverse horizontal axis on the face. barrier, fastener, handle, or support. In prosthodontics, it serves to
average value articulator \av#rıj val#yoo är-tık#ya-la#ter\: an articula- connect two or more parts of a removable dental prosthesis or fixed
tor that is fabricated to permit motion based on mean mandibular dental prosthesis—usage see B. CONNECTOR
movements—called also Class III articulator bar clasp \bär klasp\: a clasp retainer whose body extends from a major
avul sion \a-vul#shun\ n (1622): a forcible separation or detachment, connector or denture base, passing adjacent to the soft tissues and
as in a tearing away of a body part surgically or accidentally approaching the tooth from a gingivo-occlusal direction
avulsion fracture \a-vul#shun frak#cher\: a tearing away or traumatic bar clasp arm: see BAR CLASP
separation of a part of a bone bar connector \bar ka-nek#tor\: a metal component of greater length
axial contour: the shape of a body that is in its long axis than width that serves to connect the parts of a removable partial
axial inclination \ak#se-al ın#kla na#shun\ 1: the relationship of the denture—usage see LABIAL B.C., LINGUAL B.C., PALATAL
long axis of a body to a designated plane 2: in dentistry, the align- B.C.
ment of the long axis of a tooth to a selected plane, often the hor- bar retainer \bar rı-ta#ner\ obs : a metal bar usually resting on lingual
izontal plane surfaces of teeth to aid in their stabilization and to act as indirect
axial loading \ak#se-al lo#dıng\: the force directed down the long axis retainers (GPT-4)—see BAR CONNECTOR
of a body Editorial note—Usually used to describe the force of occlusal basal \ba#sal, -zal\ adj (1828): pertaining to or situated near the base
contact upon a natural tooth, dental implant or other object, axial basal bone \ba#sak bon\: the osseous tissue of the mandible and max-
loading is best described as the force down the long axis of the tooth illae exclusive of the alveolar process
or whatever body is being described. Loading ‘‘the axis’’ is an error basal seat: see DENTURE FOUNDATION AREA
in syntax basal surface: see DENTURE BASE
axial reduction: the amount of tooth removal (alteration, prepara- base \bas\ vt (1587): the act of placing a lining material under a dental
tion) along its long axis—comp INCISAL REDUCTION, restoration
OCCLUSAL REDUCTION base \bas\ n (14c): any substance placed under a restoration that
axial surface: the exterior of a body that is oriented in its long axis blocks out undercuts in the preparation, acts as a thermal or chem-
axial wall: 1: the side of a body that is in its long axis 2: in dentistry, the ical barrier to the pulp, and/or controls the thickness of the over-
surface of a tooth preparation that is in its long axis lying restoration—called also base material—usage: adjectives such
ax is \ak#sıs\ n, pl ax es (14c): a line around which a body may rotate as insulating b., therapeutic b. may also be used
or about which a structure would turn if it could revolve—see base \bas\ n (19c): the portion of a denture that supports the artificial
dentition and replaces the alveolar structures and gingival tis-
sues—see DENTURE B.
base material \bas ma-tîr#e-al\ obs : any substance of which a denture
axis of preparation \ak#sıs uv prep#a-ra#shun\: the planned line or
base may be made, such as acrylic resin, vulcanite, polystyrene, or
path of placement and removal for a dental restoration
metal (GPT-4)
axis orbital plane \ak#sıs ôr#bı tal plan\: the horizontal plane estab-
base metal \bas met#l\ : any metallic element that does not resist tarnish
lished by the transverse horizontal axis of the mandible with a point
and corrosion—see NOBLE METAL
on the inferior border of the right or left bony orbit (orbitale). This
base metal alloy \bas met#l al#oi#\: an alloy composed of metals that
plane can be used as a horizontal reference point
are not noble
ax le \ak#sul\ n (14c): a rigid shaft or rod that directs rotary motion
baseplate \bas#plat\ n : a rigid, relatively thin layer of wax, shellac, or
thermoplastic (heat, chemical, photo activated) polymer adapted
B over edentulous surfaces of a definitive cast to form a base which,
back pressure porosity \bak presh#er pa-ros#ı-te\: porosity produced together with an attached occlusion rim made of wax or similar ma-
in dental castings thought to be due to the inability of gases in the terial, serves as the record base -see RECORD BASE
mold to escape during the casting procedure baseplate wax \bas#plat waks\: a hard wax used for making occlusion
back ing \bak#ıng\ n (1793): a metal support that attaches a veneer to rims, waxing dentures, and other dental procedures
a prosthesis basket endosteal dental implant \bas#kıt en#da-stel# den#tl ım-
back scat ter or back scat ter ing n (1940): see SCATTERED plant\: a perforated, cylindric, endosteal dental implant, the im-
RADIATION plant body of which is designed in the form of single, double,
balanced articulation \bal ansd är-tık#ya-la#shun\: the bilateral, simul- and/or triple contiguous cylinder(s)
taneous, anterior, and posterior occlusal contact of teeth in centric bead-brush technique: a method of applying an auto polymerizing
and eccentric positions—see CROSS ARCH B.A., CROSS resin mix to a surface whereby a brush tip is first dipped in liquid
TOOTH B.A. monomer and then polymer powder forming a small bead that is
balanced bite: see BALANCED ARTICULATION incrementally applied to form the desired shape
balanced occlusal contact: see NONWORKING SIDE OCCLUSAL beading \be#dıng\: creating an irregular surface by means of stipples,
CONTACTS dots, speckles, or the like
balanced occlusion: see BALANCED ARTICULATION beam \bem\ n, obs : a term once used instead of bar with specific refer-
balancing condyle: see NONWORKING SIDE CONDYLE ence to the bar connector—usage included cantilever beam, con-
balancing contact: see BALANCING OCCLUSAL CONTACT tinuous beam, simple beam (GPT-4)
balancing interference \bal#ans ıng ın#ter-fear#ans\: undesirable con- bees’ wax n (1676): a low-melting wax obtained from honeycomb and
tact(s) of opposing occlusal surfaces on the nonworking side used as an ingredient of many dental impression waxes
balancing occlusal contact: see NONWORKING SIDE Beilby layer [Sir George Thomas Beilby, British chemist, 1850-
OCCLUSAL CONTACTS 1924]: eponym for the molecular disorganized surface layer of a
balancing occlusal surfaces \bal#ans ıng a kloo#zal sûr#fas es\ obs : the highly polished metal. A relatively scratch-free microcrystalline
occluding surfaces of dentures on the balancing side (antero poste- surface produced by a series of abrasives of decreasing coarseness.

JULY 2005 17

Beilby layer bolusd

Beilby GT. Aggregation and flow of solids, 1921. bio in te gra tion \bı#o-in#tı-gra#shun\ n (1998): the benign accep-
bench set \bench set\: a stage of resin processing that allows a chemical tance of a foreign substance by living tissue —see OSSEOUS
reaction to occur under the conditions present in the ambient en- INTEGRATION
vironment; also used to describe the continuing polymerization of biologic width \bı#a-loj#ı-kal\ (1998): the combined width of connec-
impression materials beyond the manufacture’s stated set time tive tissue and junctional epithelial attachment formed adjacent to a
Bennett angle \Ben#et ang#gal\ obs : the angle formed between the sag- tooth and superior to the crestal bone
ittal plane and the average path of the advancing condyle as viewed Gargiulo, AW et al J Periodontology 1961; 32:261-267
in the horizontal plane during lateral mandibular movements Cohen, DW. Lecture at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, June 3, 1962
(GPT-4) bio ma te ri al \bı#o-ma-tîr#e-al\ n (1966): any substance other than
Bennett’s movement [Sir Norman Godfrey Bennett, British dental a drug that can be used for any period of time as part of a system that
surgeon, 1870-1947]: see LATEROTRUSION treats, augments, or replaces any tissue, organ, or function of the
Bennett NG. A contribution to the study of the movements of the mandible. body
Proc Roy Soc Med (Lond) 1908;1:79-98 (Odont Section) bio me chan ics \bı#o-mı-kan#iks\ n, pl but sing or pl in constr
Bennett’s side shift [Sir Norman Godfrey Bennett, British dental (1933) 1: the application of mechanical laws to living structures,
surgeon, 1870-1947]: see MANDIBULAR LATERAL specifically the locomotor systems of the body 2: the study of
biology from the functional viewpoint 3: an application of the
Bennett NG A contribution to the study of the movements of the mandible.
principles of engineering design as implemented in living organ-
Proc Roy Soc Med (Lond) 1908;1:79-98 (Odont Section)
1 isms—see also DENTAL B
bevel \bev#al\ n (1611): a slanting edge
2 bi om e try n (1831): the science of the application of statistical methods to
bevel \bev#al\ vt : the process of slanting the finish line and curve of
biologic facts, as the mathematical analysis of biologic data
a tooth preparation
bi op sy n, pl -sies (1895): the removal of tissue for histologic exam-
Bezold-Brucke effect [Helmholtz, 1867]: the apparent change in hue
ination and diagnosis
that accompanies a change in luminance
B.I.D.: acronym for L. Bis In Di’e, twice a day bio sta tis tics \bı#o-sta-tıs#tıks\ n, pl but sing in constr (1950): the
bifid condyle \bı#fıd kon#dıl#, -dl#\: a condylar anomaly where an ex- science of the application of statistical methods to biologic facts,
aggerated central depression exists as the mathematical analysis of biologic data—see BIOMETRY
bi fur ca tion \bı#fur-ka#shu\ n (1615) 1: division into two branches biphasic pin fixation \bı#o-faz#ık pın fık-sa#shun\: the use of external
2: the site where a single structure divides into two parts, as in two pin fixation in the treatment of bone fractures
roots of a tooth Bis-GMA: acronym for BISPHENOL-A GLYCIDYL DIMETHA-
bi lat er al \bı-lat#er-al\ adj (1775): having or pertaining to two sides Bisphenol-A glycidyl dimethacrylate: a high molecular weight resin
bilateral balanced articulation: also termed balanced articulation, constituent of most dental composite resins
the bilateral, simultaneous anterior and posterior occlusal contact of biscuit bite slang : see MAXILLOMANDIBULAR RELATIONSHIP
teeth in centric and excentric positions RECORD
bilateral distal extension removable partial denture \bı-lat#er-al bisque bake \bısk bak\ : a series of stages of maturation in the firing of
dıs#tal ık-sten#shun rı-moo#va-bal pär#shal den#chur\: a removable ceramic materials relating to the degree of pyro chemical reaction
dental prosthesis replacing the distal most tooth or teeth on each and sintering shrinkage occurring before vitrification (glazing)—
side of one arch of the mouth—see KENNEDY CLASSIFICA- called also biscuit bake
TION OF REMOVABLE PARTIAL DENTURES bite \bıt\ vb, obs : the act of incising or crushing between the teeth—see
bimanual manipulation technique: a method for placement of the OCCLUSION RECORD
mandible using both thumbs on the chin and the fingers on the in- bite analysis: see OCCLUSAL ANALYSIS
ferior border of the mandible to guide the jaw into centric relation. bite block: see OCCLUSION RIM, RECORD RIM
First described by Peter Dawson, DDS, St. Petersburg, FL bite closing: see DECREASED OCCLUSAL VERTICAL DIMEN-
Dawson PE Temporomandibular joint pain-dysfunction problems can be SION
solved. J Prosthet Dent 1973;29: 100-12 bite guard: see OCCLUSAL DEVICE
bimaxillary protrusion \bı-mak#sa-ler#e pro-troo#zhen\: a simulta- bite opening: see OCCLUSAL VERTICAL DIMENSION
neous dental or skeletal protrusion of both the maxillary and man- bite plane: see OCCLUSAL PLANE
dibular jaws and/or teeth bite plate: see OCCLUSION RIM, RECORD RIM bite
bi meter \bı-me#ter\ n (20c): a gnathodynamometer equipped with raising: see OCCLUSAL VERTICAL DIMENSION bite
a central bearing plate of adjustable height—see rim: see OCCLUSION RIM, RECORD RIM biting force:
bio ac cept ability \bı#o-ak-sep#ta-bıl#ı-te#\ (1998): the quality of biting pressure: see OCCLUSAL FORCE
compatibility in a living environment in spite of adverse or un- biting strength: see OCCLUSAL FORCE
wanted side effects black triangle: see INTERDENTAL GINGIVAL VOID
bio com pat i ble \bı#o-kom-pat#a-bal\ adj : capable of existing in blade endosteal dental implant \blad en-dos-te#al den#tl ım-plant\: a
harmony with the surrounding biologic environment faciolingual narrowed, wedge-shaped dental implant body with
bio feed back \bı#o-fed#bak#\ n (1971) 1: the process of furnishing an openings or vents through which tissue may grow
individual information, usually in an auditory or visual mode, on blade implant: see BLADE ENDOSTEAL DENTAL IMPLANT
the state of one or more physiologic variables such as blood pres- block out \blok out\ adj : 1: elimination of undesirable undercuts on a
sure, skin temperature muscle tonus or heart rate; this procedure cast, 2: the process of applying wax or another similar temporary
often enables an individual to gain some voluntary control over substance to undercut portions of a cast so as to leave only those
the variable being sampled 2: the instrumental process or tech- undercuts essential to the planned construction of a prosthesis. A
nique of learning voluntary control over automatically regulated blocked out cast may also include other surface modifications
body functions needed relative to the construction of the prosthesis
bio functional orthopedics: see FUNCTIONAL JAW bo lus \bo#lus\ n (1562): a rounded mass, as a large pill or soft mass of
ORTHOPEDICS chewed food


blowout fracture bulb d

blowout fracture \blo#out frak#chur\: coll expression for a fracture of Bonwill WGA. Scientific articulation of the human teeth as founded on geo-
the orbital floor caused by a sudden increase in intraorbital pressure metrical, mathematical and mechanical laws. Dental Items Int 1899;21:617-
due to traumatic force 56, 873-80.
board-certified prosthodontist \bôrd-sûr#ta-fıd pros#tha-don#tıst\: bony ankylosis \bo#ne ang#ka-lo#sıs\: the bony union of the compo-
in the United States, as defined by the American Board of nents of a joint resulting in complete immobility
Prosthodontics, a prosthodontist who has passed the certifying ex- bor der \bôr#der\ n (14c): the circumferential margin, edge or surface;
amination administered by the American Board of Prosthodontics a bounding line, edge, or surface—see DENTURE BORDER
board-eligible prosthodontist \bôrd-el#ı-ja-bal pros#tha-don#tıst\: in border molding \bôr#der mol#ding\ 1: the shaping of the border areas
the United States, as defined by the American Board of of an impression material by functional or manual manipulation of the
Prosthodontics, a prosthodontist whose application for examina- soft tissue adjacent to the borders to duplicate the contour and size of
tion for certification is current and has been accepted for examina- the vestibule 2: determining the extension of a prosthesis by using
tion by the American Board of Prosthodontics tissue function or manual manipulation of the tissues to shape the
body porcelain: a porcelain blend used for the bulk of a ceramic restor- border areas of an impression material
ation—comp INCISAL PORCELAIN, GINGIVAL PORCELAIN border movement \bôr#der moov#ment\: mandibular movement at
boil out: see WAX ELIMINATION the limits dictated by anatomic structures, as viewed in a given
Boley gauge: a caliper-type sliding gauge used for measuring thickness plane
and linear dimension border position: see POSTERIOR B. P.
bond \bond\ n (12c) 1: the linkage between two atoms or radicals of a border seal \bôr#der sel\: the contact of the denture border with the
chemical compound 2: the force that holds two or more units of underlying or adjacent tissues to prevent the passage of air or other
matter together—see SECONDARY BONDS, substances
VANDERWALL’S BOND border tissue movements’: the action of the muscles and other tissues
bond strength \bond strengkth, strength\: the force required to break adjacent to the borders of a denture
a bonded assembly with failure occurring in or near the adhesive/ boxing an impression \bok#sing an ım-presh#an\: the enclosure (box)
adherens interface of an impression to produce the desired size and form of the base of
bonded bridge: see RESIN-BONDED PROSTHESIS the cast and to preserve desired details
bond ing \bon#dıng\ n (1976) 1: joining together securely with an ad- boxing wax \bok#sing waks\: wax used for boxing an impression
hesive substance such as cement or glue 2: the procedure of using brac ing \bra#sıng\ adj : the resistance to horizontal components of
an adhesive, cementing material or fusible ingredient to combine, masticatory force
unite, or strengthen 3: an adhesive technique in dentistry involving brack et \brak#ıt\ n : an orthodontic device attached to an individual
conditioning of enamel and/or dentin so as to create tags in the tooth to hold arch wires
tooth structure for mechanical retention of restorative material brazing investment \bra#zing ın-vest#ment\ : an investment having a
bonding agent \bon#dıng a#jent\: a material used to promote adhe- binding system consisting of acidic phosphate such as monoammo-
nium phosphate and a basic oxide such as magnesium oxide
sion or cohesion between two different substances, or between a brazing material \bra#zing ma-tîr#e-al\: an alloy suitable for use as a
material and natural tooth structures filler material in operations with which dental alloy(s) is/are joined
bone \bon\ n (bef. 12c): the hard portion of the connective tissue to form a dental restoration
which constitutes the majority of the skeleton; it consists of an braze \braz\ vt (1677): to join with a nonferrous alloy that melts at a
inorganic or mineral component and an organic component lower temperature than that of the metals being joined
(the matrix and cells); the matrix is composed of collagenous fi- breakdown potential \brak#doun# pa-ten#shul\: the last noble poten-
bers and is impregnated with minerals, chiefly calcium phosphate tia where pitting and/or crevice corrosion will initiate and propa-
(approx. 85%) and calcium carbonate (approx. 10%), thus im- gate
parting the quality of rigidity—called also osseous tissue—see bridge n, slang : see FIXED DENTAL PROSTHESIS
B., CORTICAL B. brittle \brıt#l\ 1: easily broken or shattered; fragile or crisp, 2: prone to
bone atrophy \bon a-tro#fe\: bone resorption noted internally by a de- fracture or failure; the fracture that occurs when the proportional
crease in density and externally by a reduction in form limit of a material is exceeded
bone augmentation: see AUGMENTATION brux ism \bruk-sız#em\ n (ca. 1940) 1: the parafunctional grinding of
bone conduction \bon kun-duk#shun\: the conduction of sound to teeth 2: an oral habit consisting of involuntary rhythmic or spas-
the inner ear through the bones of the skull—called also cranial modic nonfunctional gnashing, grinding, or clenching of teeth,
conduction, osteotympanic conduction and tissue conduction in other than chewing movements of the mandible, which may
bone curettage \bon kyoor#ı-tazh\: the surgical shaving or smoothing lead to occlusal trauma—called also tooth grinding, occlusal neurosis
of the bones external surface brux o ma nia \bruks-o-ma#ne-a, -man#ya\ vb, obs : the grinding of
bone expansion \bon ik-span#shun\: manipulation of a bony ridge by
placement of an osteotome to split the cortical ridge and hence en- teeth occurring as a neurotic habit during the waking state
hance bone width (GPT-4)
bone factor \bon fak#tor\: relative response of alveolar bone to stimu- buc cal \buk#al\ adj (ca. 1771): pertaining to or adjacent to the cheek
lation or irritation; the ratio of osteogenesis to osteolysis buccal flange \buk#al flanj\: the portion of the flange of a denture that
bone marrow \bon mar#o\: the soft vascular tissue that fills bone cav- occupies the buccal vestibule of the mouth
ities and cancellous bone spaces which consists primarily of fat cells, buccal vestibule \buk#al ves#ti-byool\: the portion of the oral cavity
hematopoietic cells, and osteogenetic reticular cells that is bounded on one side by the teeth, gingiva, and alveolar ridge
Bonwill triangle \Bon#wıl trı#ang#gl\ [William Gibson Arlington (in the edentulous mouth, the residual ridge) and on the lateral side
Bonwill, American dentist, 1833-1899]: eponym for a 4 inch equi- by the cheek posterior to the buccal frenula
lateral triangle bounded by lines connecting the contact points of buccolingual relationship \buk#o-lıng#gwal rı-la#shun-shıp\: any po-
the mandibular central incisor’s incisal edge (or the mid-line of sition of reference relative to the tongue and cheeks
the mandibular residual ridge) to each condyle (usually its mid buc co ver sion \buk#ko-vûr#shun\ n : a deviation toward the cheek
point) and from one condyle to the other, first described by bulb \bulb\ n, slang, chiefly dialectic : see OBTURATOR, SPEECH
Bonwill in 1858 while introducing his Anatomical Articulator AID PROSTHESIS

JULY 2005 19

BULL cartilage

BULL: acronym for Buccal of the Upper, Lingual of the Lower (cusps); cam phoro quin one n: a visible-light-sensitive chemical responsible
applies to Clyde H. Schuyler’s rules for occlusal adjustment of a for initiating free-radical polymerization
normally related dentition in which those cusps contacting in max- can cel lous bone \kan-sel#us, kan#se-lus bon\ (1836): the reticular,
imum intercuspation (mandibular buccal and maxillary lingual) are spongy or lattice-like portion of the bone; the spongy bone tissue
favored by adjustment of those cusps that are not in occlusal con- located in the medulla of the bone; this bone is composed of a var-
tact in maximum intercuspation (maxillary buccal and mandibular iable trabecular network containing interstitial tissue that may be
lingual)—called also the BULL RULE hematopoietic
bur \bûr\ n (14c): a steel or tungsten carbide rotary cutting instrument can dle \kan#dl\ n (12c): a unit of luminous intensity, equal to 1/60 of
bur head \bûr hed\ n (2005): the cutting portion of a dental bur the luminous intensity of a square centimeter of a black body
bur head length \bûr hed lengkth, length\ (2005): the axial dimension heated to the temperature of the solidification of platinum
of the bur head (1773 C)
bur head shape \bûr hed shap\ (2005): the geometrical outline form of candle power \kan#dl pou#er\: luminous intensity expressed in candles
the cutting surface edges, usually described successively by proxim- canine eminence \ka#nın# em#i-nans\: the labial prominence on the
ity from the shank to the tip end maxillary alveolar process corresponding to the position of the
bur shank \bûr shangk\ n (2005): that component of a dental bur root of the canine tooth
which fits into the hand piece; the shaft section of the dental bur canine guidance: see CANINE PROTECTED ARTICULATION
that may be friction gripping or latch-type in form canine protected articulation \ka#nın pra-tek#tid är-tık#ya-la#shun\: a
bur nish \bûr#nısh\ vt (14c): to make shiny or lustrous by rubbing; form of mutually protected articulation in which the vertical and
also to facilitate marginal adaptation of restorations by rubbing horizontal overlap of the canine teeth disengage the posterior teeth in
the margin with an instrument the excursive movements of the mandible—comp ANTERIOR
bur nish ibil i ty \bûr#nısh-a-bıl#ı-te\ n : the ease with which a mate- PROTECTED ARTICULATION
rial can be burnished canine protection: see CANINE PROTECTED ARTICULATION
burn out \burn out\ adj : see WAX ELIMINATION can ti lever \kan#tl-e#ver\ n (1667): a projecting beam or member
butt \but\ v (14c): to bring any two flat-ended surfaces into contact supported on one end
without overlapping, as in a butt joint cantilever bridge: slang, see CANTILEVER FIXED DENTAL
button implant obs : see MUCOSAL IMPLANT cantilever fixed dental prosthesis \kan#tl-e#ver fıkst den#tl pros-
the#sis \: a fixed dental prosthesis in which the pontic is cantilev-
C ered, i.e., is retained and supported only on one end by one or
Ca: acronym for CArcinoma or CAncer more abutments
CAD-CAM: acronym for Computer Aided Design-Computer Aided cap splint \kap splınt\: a plastic or metallic device used in the treatment
Manufacturer (or Computer Assisted Machining) of maxillary or mandibular fractures and designed to cover the clin-
calcium hydroxide \kal#se-um hı-drok#sıd\: an odorless white powder ical crowns of the teeth and usually luted to them
that is very slightly soluble in water and insoluble in alcohol. capillary attraction \kap#a-ler#e a-trak#shun\: that quality or state
Aqueous and non-aqueous suspensions of calcium hydroxide are which, because of surface tension, causes elevation or depression
often employed as cavity liners to protect the dental pulp from the of the surface of a liquid that is in contact with the solid walls of
irritant action of restorative materials; also used in pulp a vessel
capping, pulpotomy and apexification procedures cap su lar \kap#su-ler\ adj (ca. 1730): pertaining to a capsule
calcium sulfate \kal#se-um sul#fat#\: a product obtained by capsular contracture: see CAPSULAR FIBROSIS
calcination of gypsum under steam pressure. The alpha form is capsular fibrosis \kap#su-ler fı-bro#sıs\: fibrotic contracture of the
composed of regularly shaped grains, with low porosity, and capsular ligament of the temporomandibular joint
requiring little water for a satisfactory mix. Forms include capsular ligament \kap#su-ler lıg#a-ment\: as it relates to the tempo-
alpha, alpha-modified and beta. romandibular joint, a fibrous structure that separately encapsulates
calcium sulfate plaster \ka#se-um sul#fat# plas#ter\: compounds oc- the superior and inferior synovial cavities of the temporomandibu-
curring in anhydrous form as anhydrite and in the natural form as lar articulation
gypsum or gypsum dehydrate. The term ‘‘plaster’’ also applies to a cap sule \kap#sal,-sool\ n (1693): a fibrous sac or ligament that enclo-
mixture consisting of water and calcium sulfate hemihydrate ses a joint and limits its motion. It is lined with synovial membrane
(CaSo4. ½ H2O) capsulitis \kap#sa-lı#tıs\ n : the inflammation of a capsule, as that of the
cal cu lus n: in dentistry, a chalky or dark deposit attached to tooth joint, lens, liver, or labyrinth
structure, essentially made of mineralized microbial plaque. car at \kar#at\ n (15c): a standard of gold fineness. The percentage of
Found on tooth structure in a supragingival and/or a subgingival gold in an alloy, stated in parts per 24. Pure gold is designated 24
location carat
cameo surface \kam#e-o sûr#fas\ obs : the viewable portion of a remov- carbide bur: a rotary cutting instrument made from tungsten carbide
able denture prosthesis; the portion of the surface of a denture that carbon fiber: filaments made by high temperature carbonizing of
extends in an occlusal direction from the border of the denture and acrylic fiber. Used in the production of high strength com-
includes the facial, lingual, and palatal surface. It is the part of the posites
denture base that is usually polished, and includes the buccal and Cartesian coordinates: [René Descartes, French philosopher and
lingual surfaces of the teeth (GPT-7)—see POLISHED mathematician, 1596-1650]: eponym, one of two coordinates
DENTURE SURFACE relative to intersecting axes that locate a point on a plane or
Camper’s line: see ALA-TRAGUS LINE one of three coordinates that locate a point in space
Camper’s plane \kam#perz plan\ l: a plane established by the inferior car ies n singular: a dental disease causing the destruction of enamel,
border of the ala of the nose (or the average between the two) and dentin and/or cementum. The etiology is generally ascribed to
the superior border of the tragus of each ear 2: a plane passing from acid-producing bacteria
the acanthion to the center of each bony external auditory meatus; car ti lage \kär#tl-ıj\ n (15c): a derivative of connective tissue arising
called also acanthion-external auditory meatus plane—see also from the mesenchyme. Typical hyaline cartilage is a flexible, rather
ALA-TRAGUS LINE elastic material with a semitransparent glasslike appearance. Its


cartilage centric relation


ground substance is a complex protein through which there is dis- cel lu li tis \sel#ya-lı#tıs\ n (1861): diffuse and especially subcutaneous
tributed a large network of connective tissue fibers inflammation of connective tissue
case \kas\ n, substand, chiefly dialect (13c): 1: the dental patient 2: a ce ment \sı-ment\ n (14c) 1: a binding element or agent used as a
particular instance of a disease, as a case of diphtheria; sometimes substance to make objects adhere to each other, or something
used incorrectly to designate the patient with the disease process serving to firmly unite 2: a material that, on hardening, will fill a
case series substand : a collection of common diagnostic findings or/ space or bind adjacent objects- syn luting agent
treatment modalities within a group of patients, best termed a ce ment \sı-ment\ vt (15c): to unite or make firm by or as if by cement;
patient series to lute
case study substand : presentation of the diagnostic findings and treat- ce men ta tion \se#men-ta#shun\ : 1: the process of attaching parts by
ment for a patient, usually termed a patient study means of cement 2: attaching a restoration to natural teeth by
case history substand : the collected data about an individual, family, means of a cement (GPT-4)
environmental factors (including medical/dental history) and any cemented pin \sı-men#tıd\: a metal rod luted into a hole drilled in
other information that may be useful in analyzing and diagnosing dentin to enhance retention
conditions or for instructional purposes; best termed the patient cemento-dentinal junction \se#men-to den#tı-nal jungk#shun\: the
history area of union of the dentin and cementum
cast \kast\ vb (13c): to produce a shape by thrusting a molten liquid or cemento-enamel junction \se#men-to ı-nam#al jungk#shun\: that area
plastic material into a mold possessing the desired shape where the enamel and cementum meet at the cervical region of a
cast \kast\ n (14c): a life-size likeness of some desired form. It is tooth
formed within or is a material poured into a matrix or impression of ce me ntoid \sı-men#toid#\ n : the uncalcified surface layer of
the desired form—see DENTAL C., DIAGNOSTIC C., cementum including incorporated connective tissue fibers
FINAL C., PRELIMINARY C., REFRACTORY C., ce men tum \sı-men#tum\ n (1842): the thin calcified tissue of
REMOUNT C. ectomesenchymal origin that covers the root of a tooth
cast clasp: a removable dental prosthesis clasp fabricated by the cementum fracture \sı-men#tum frak#chur\: the tearing of fragments
lost-wax casting process of the cementum from the tooth root
cast connector: a cast metal union between the retainer(s) and center of the ridge \sen#ter uv the rıj\: the faciolingual or buccolingual
pontic(s) in a fixed dental prosthesis mid-line of the residual ridge
cast metal core: the foundation restoration made for a fixed dental center of rotation: see ROTATION CENTER
prosthesis formed indirectly by lost-wax casting central bearing \sen#tral bâr#ıng\ obs : the application of forces be-
cast post-and-core: a one-piece foundation restoration for an tween the maxilla and mandible (by means of a central bearing trac-
endodontically treated tooth that comprises a post within the ing device) at a single point that is located as near as possible to the
root canal and a core replacing missing coronal structure to form the center of the supporting areas of the maxillary and mandibular jaws.
tooth preparation It is used for the purpose of distributing closing forces evenly
cast relator \kast rı-la#tor\: a mechanical device that orients opposing throughout the areas of the supporting structures during the
casts to each other without reference to anatomic landmarks—see registration and recording of maxillomandibular relations and
ARTICULATOR during the correction of occlusal errors (GPT-4)
castable \kast#a-bl\ n (1998): any refractory material that has a bond- central bearing point \sen#tral bâr#ing point\ obs : the contact point of
ing agent added and can be mixed with water or other liquid agents a central bearing device (GPT-4)
and poured in a mold to set central bearing tracing \sen#tral bâr#ing tras#ing\: the pattern ob-
castable ceramic \kast#a-bl se-ram#ik\: for dental applications, a glass- tained on the horizontal plate used with a central bearing tracing
ceramic material that combines the properties of a restorative ma- device
terial for function with the capability to be cast using the lost wax central bearing tracing device \sen#tral bâr#ing tras#ing dı-vıs\: a
process device that provides a central point of bearing or support
cast ing \kas#tıng\ n (14c): something that has been cast in a mold; between the maxillary and mandibular dental arches. It consists of
an object formed by the solidification of a fluid that has been a contacting point that is attached to one dental arch and a plate
poured or injected into a mold attached to the opposing dental arch. The plate provides the
2 surface on which the bearing point rests or moves and on which
cast ing \kas#tıng\ vt : the act of forming an object in a mold—see
VACUUM C. the tracing of the mandibular movement is recorded. It may be
casting flask \kas#tıng flask\: see CASTING RING used to distribute occlusal forces evenly during the recording of
casting ring \kas#tıng rıng\: a metal tube in which a refractory mold is maxillomandibular relationships and/or for the correction of
made for casting dental restorations disharmonious occlusal contacts. First attributed to Alfred Gysi,
casting wax \kas#tıng waks\: a composition containing various waxes Swiss prosthodontist, in 1910
with desired properties for making wax patterns to be formed cen tric \sen#trık\ adj (1590) 1: located in or at a center; central 2:
into metal castings concentrated about or directed toward a center
cat a lyst \kat#l-ıst\ n (1902): a substance that accelerates a chemical centric check bite: see CENTRIC RELATION RECORD centric
reaction without affecting the properties of the materials involved interocclusal record: see CENTRIC RELATION RECORD centric
cath ode \kath#od\ n (1834): the negative pole in electrolysis jaw record: see CENTRIC RELATION RECORD centric jaw
CAT: acronym for Computerized Axial Tomography relation: see CENTRIC RELATION
cau tery \kô#te-re\ n, pl -ter ies (15c): the application of a caustic sub- centric occlusion \sen#trık a-kloo#zhen\: the occlusion of opposing
stance, hot instrument, electric current, or other agent used to teeth when the mandible is in centric relation. This may or may
burn, scar, or destroy tissue not coincide with the maximal intercuspal position—comp
cavity varnish \kav#ı-te\ : a combination of copal resin or other MAXIMAL INTERCUSPAL POSITION
synthetic resins dissolved in an organic solvent such as chloroform centric position \sen#trık pa-zish#en\ obs : the position of the mandible
or ether when the jaws are in centric relation (GPT-1)
CD: acronym for Complete Denture centric range: see INTERCUSPAL CONTACT AREA
CDA: acronym for Certified Dental Assistant centric record: see CENTRIC RELATION RECORD
CDL: acronym for Certified Dental Laboratory centric relation \sen#trık rı-la#shun\ 1: the maxillomandibular
CDT: acronym for Certified Dental Technician relationship in which the condyles articulate with the thinnest

JULY 2005 21

centric relation chewing cycle


avascular portion of their respective disks with the complex in the ceph a lo stat \sef#a-lo-stat\ n : an instrument used to position the
anterior-superior position against the shapes of the articular em- head to produce spatially oriented, reproducible, radiographs or
inencies. This position is independent of tooth contact. This po- photographs
sition is clinically discernible when the mandible is directed ce ram \sa-ram\ n : a heat treatment process that converts a specially
superior and anteriorly. It is restricted to a purely rotary move- formulated glass into a fine grained glass-ceramic material
ment about the transverse horizontal axis (GPT-5) 2: the most 1
ce ram ic \sa-ram#ik\ adj (1850): of or relating to the manufacture of
retruded physiologic relation of the mandible to the maxillae to any product made essentially from a nonmetallic mineral (as clay) by
and from which the individual can make lateral movements. It firing at a high temperature
is a condition that can exist at various degrees of jaw separation. 2
ce ram ic \sa-ram#ik\ n (1859): the product of ceramic manufacture
It occurs around the terminal hinge axis (GPT-3) 3: the most ret- ceramic crown \sa-ram#ik kroun\: a ceramic fixed dental prosthesis
ruded relation of the mandible to the maxillae when the condyles that restores a clinical crown without a supporting metal frame-
are in the most posterior unstrained position in the glenoid fossae work
from which lateral movement can be made at any given degree of ceramic inlay: a ceramic intracoronal restoration
jaw separation (GPT-1) 4: The most posterior relation of the ceramic flux \sa-ram#ık fluks\: a glass modifier; metallic ions such as
lower to the upper jaw from which lateral movements can be calcium, potassium or sodium, usually as carbonates, which inter-
made at a given vertical dimension (Boucher) 5: a maxilla to man- rupt the oxygen/silica bond, thus enhancing fluidity
dible relationship in which the condyles and disks are thought to ce ram ics \sa-ram#iks\ n 1: compounds of one or more metals with a
be in the midmost, uppermost position. The position has been nonmetallic element, usually oxygen. They are formed of chemical
difficult to define anatomically but is determined clinically by and biochemical stable substances that are strong, hard, brittle, and
assessing when the jaw can hinge on a fixed terminal axis (up inert nonconductors of thermal and electrical energy 2: the art of
to 25 mm). It is a clinically determined relationship of the man- making porcelain dental restorations
dible to the maxilla when the condyle disk assemblies are posi- ce ram ist \sa-ram#ist\ or cer am i cist \sa-ram#ı-sist#\ n (1855): one
tioned in their most superior position in the mandibular fossae who engages in ceramics
and against the distal slope of the articular eminence (Ash) 6: ceramometal restoration: see METAL CERAMIC RESTORATION
the relation of the mandible to the maxillae when the condyles cermet \sûr#met\ (1998): fused glass powder with silver particles
are in the uppermost and rearmost position in the glenoid fossae. formed through high temperature sintering of a mixture of the
This position may not be able to be recorded in the presence of two minerals
dysfunction of the masticatory system 7: a clinically determined Certified Dental Laboratory: in the United States, a dental labora-
position of the mandible placing both condyles into their anterior tory that has met established specific standards for personnel skills,
uppermost position. This can be determined in patients without laboratory facilities and infection control and is certified by The
pain or derangement in the TMJ (Ramsfjord) National Board for Certification of Dental Laboratories
Boucher CO. Occlusion in prosthodontics. J PROSTHET DENT 1953; Certified Dental Technician: in the United States, a dental technician
3:633-56. Ash MM. Personal communication, July 1993. who has met established specific standards and is certified by The
Lang BR, Kelsey CC. International prosthodontic workshop on complete National Board for Certification of Dental Laboratories
denture occlusion. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan School of cervical \sûr#vı-kel\ adj (1681) 1: in anatomy, pertaining to the cervix
Dentistry, 1973. or neck 2: in dentistry, pertaining to the region at or near the
Ramsfjord SP. Personal communication, July 1993. cementoenamel junction
centric relation interocclusal record: see CENTRIC RELATION cer vix \sûr#viks\ n, pl cer vi ces \sûr#vı-sis\ (15c) 1: the neck 2: a
RECORD constricted portion of a part or organ
centric relation occlusion: see CENTRIC OCCLUSION 1
cham fer \cham#fer\ n 1: a finish line design for tooth preparation in
centric relation position: see CENTRIC RELATION which the gingival aspect meets the external axial surface at an
centric relation record \sen#trık rı-la#shun rı-kord\: a registration of obtuse angle 2: a small groove or furrow 3: the surface found by
the relationship of the maxilla to the mandible when the mandible is cutting away the angle of intersection of two faces of a piece of
in centric relation. The registration may be obtained either material (i.e., stone, metal, wood): a beveled edge
intraorally or extraorally 2
cham fer \cham#fer\ vt cham fer ed; cham fer ing; cham fers 1: to
centric slide \sen#trık slıd\ obs : the movement of the mandible while in cut a furrow in 2: to make a chamfer on; to cut or reduce to a
centric relation, from the initial occlusal contact into maximum chamfer; bevel 3: generally thought of as producing a curve from the
intercuspation (GPT-4) axial wall to the cavosurface
centric stop \sen#trık stop\: opposing cuspal/fossae contacts that chamfer angle \cham#fer ang#gel\ n : the angle between a chamfered
maintain the occlusal vertical dimension between the opposing surface and one of the original surfaces from which the chamfer
arches is cut
ceph a lo gram n : see CEPHALOMETRIC RADIOGRAPH characterization: to alter by application of unique markings, indenta-
ceph a lo m e ter \sef#a-lom#a-ter\ n : an instrument for measuring tions, coloration and similar custom means of delineation on a
the head or skull; an orienting device for positioning the head for tooth or dental prosthesis thus enhancing natural appearance
radiographic examination and measurement char ac ter ize \kar#ak-ta-rız\: to distinguish, individualize, mark,
cephalometric radiograph \sef#a-lo-met#rık ra#de-o-graf#\: a stan- qualify, singularize, or differentiate something
dardized radiograph of the skull characterized denture base \kar#ak-ter#ızd den#chur bas\: a denture
cephalometric tracing \sef#a-lo-met#rık tra#sing\: a line drawing of base with coloring that simulates the color and shading of natural
structural outlines of craniofacial landmarks and facial bones, oral tissues
made directly from a cephalometric radiograph check bite slang : see INTEROCCLUSAL RECORD
cephalometry \sef#a-lam#a tre#\ n, cephalometric \sef#a-lo-met#rık\ che ili tis \kı-lı#tıs\: inflammation of the lip
adj 1: the science of measurement of the dimensions of the head cheiloplasty: plastic surgery of the lip
2: in dentistry, certain combinations of angular and linear measure- cheilorrhaphy: surgical correction of the cleft lip deformity
ments developed from tracing frontal and lateral radiographic head che ilo sis \kı-lo#sıs\: a fissured condition of the lips and angles of the
films used to assess craniofacial growth and development on a mouth; often associated with riboflavin deficiency
longitudinal basis and to determine the nature of orthodontic chew-in record: see STEREOGRAPHIC RECORD
treatment response chewing cycle: see MASTICATORY CYCLE


chewing force closed bite


chewing force: see MASTICATORY FORCE angles, and which generally contacts the tooth throughout the ex-
Christensen’s phenomenon \Krıs#chen-senz fı-nom#a-non#, -nen\ tent of the clasp, with at least one terminal located in an undercut
[Carl Christensen, Danish dentist and educator]: eponym for the area
space that occurs between opposing occlusal surfaces during circumferential clasp arm: see CIRCUMFERENTIAL CLASP
mandibular protrusion clamping force: the compressive force which a fastener exerts on a
Christensen C. The problem of the bite. D Cosmos 1905;47:1184-95. bolted joint. The stability of a bolted joint depends upon the
chroma \kro#ma\ n (1889) 1. the purity of a color, or its departure maintenance of the clamping force
from white or gray 2. the intensity of a distinctive hue; saturation clasp \klasp\ n (14c): the component of the clasp assembly that engages
of a hue 3. chrome describes the strength or saturation of the a portion of the tooth surface and either enters an undercut for
hue (color)—see also SATURATION retention or remains entirely above the height of contour to act as
Munsell AH. A color notation. Baltimore: Munsell Color Co. Inc. 1975:14-7. a reciprocating element. Generally it is used to stabilize and re-
chromatic stimulus \kro-mat#ik stım#ya-lus\: a stimulus that under tain a removable dental prosthesis—see BAR C, CIRCUMFER-
prevailing conditions of adaptation gives rise to a perceived ENTIAL C., COMBINATION C., CONTINUOUS C.
chromatic color clasp arm: see CLASP
chromaticity coordinates \kro#ma-tıs#ı-te ko-ôr#dı-nıtz\: the two clasp assembly \klasp a-sem#ble\: the part of a removable dental pros-
dimensions of any color order system that exclude the lightness thesis that acts as a direct retainer and/or stabilizer for a prosthesis
dimension and describe the chromaticity. Unless otherwise by partially encompassing or contacting an abutment tooth—
specified, the term refers to the CIE coordinates x, y, and z for usage: components of the clasp assembly include the clasp, the
Illuminant C and 2 degrees (1931) Standard Observer—called reciprocal clasp, the cingulum, incisal or occlusal rest, and the
also color coordinates minor connector
chromaticity diagram \kro#ma-tıs#ı-te dı#a-gram\: a plane diagram in clasp bridge slang : see UNILATERAL REMOVABLE DENTAL
which each point represents a different combination of dominant PROSTHESIS
wavelength and purity and which is usually constructed in some clasp guideline: see SURVEY LINE
form of a triangle with colorimetric primaries represented at the classification system: see PROSTHODONTIC DIAGNOSTIC
corners. The CIE standard chromaticity diagram is essentially a INDEX
right angle triangle representing hypothetical primaries and the
clear ance \klîr#ens\ n (1563) obs : a condition in which bodies
complete chromaticity gamut of the CIE standard observer
may pass each other without hindrance. Also, the distance between
chro mat ic ness \kro#mat#ık-nes\ n : the intensity of hue as expressed
bodies (GPT-4)
in the Natural Color System 1
cleft \kleft\ n 1: a space or opening made through splitting 2: a hollow
chro ma top sia \kro#ma-top#zha\ n : an abnormal state of vision in
between ridges or protuberances
which colorless objects appear colored; a visual defect in which 2
cleft \kleft\ adj : partially split or divided
colored objects appear unnaturally colored and colorless objects
cleft palate \kleft pal#ıt\ n (1841) 1: a congenital fissure or elongated
appear color tinged
opening in the soft and/or hard palate 2: an opening in the hard
chron ic \kron#ik\ adj (1601): marked by long duration or
and/or soft palate due to improper union of the maxillary process and
frequent recurrence; not acute; always present—chron ical ly
the median nasal process during the second month of intrau-
adj—chro nic i ty n
terine development—syn PALATAL CLEFT—see COMPLETE
chronic closed lock \kron#ik klozd lok\: with respect to the temporo-
mandibular joint, a restriction in motion of the joint caused by an
anteriorly displaced intraarticular disk and usually characterized by cleft palate prosthesis: see SPEECH AID PROSTHESIS
pain, especially during function cleft palate speech aid prosthesis: see SPEECH AID PROSTHESIS
clench ing \klen#chıng\ vt (13c): the pressing and clamping of the jaws
chronic pain \kron#ik pan\ : pain marked by long duration or frequent
recurrence and teeth together frequently associated with acute nervous
CIE: acronym for Commission Internationale d’Eclairage tension or physical effort
CIE LAB system \C I E Lab sıs#tem\: CIE LAB relates the tristimulus click \klık\ n (1611): a brief sharp sound; with reference to the tempo-
values to a color space. This scale accounts for the illuminant and romandibular joint, any bright or sharp sound emanating from the
the observer. By establishing a uniform color scale, color measure- joint—see CLICKING, EARLY CLOSING C., EARLY
ments can be compared and movements in color space defined OPENING C., LATE CLOSING C., LATE OPENING C.,
CIE standard illuminant \C I E stan#dard ı-loo#ma-nent\: the illumi- MID OPENING C. RECIPROCAL C.
click ing \klı#kıng\ n (611): a series of clicks, such as the snapping,
cracking, or noise evident on excursions of the mandible; a
nants A, B, C, D65 and other illuminants, defined by the CIE in
distinct snapping sound or sensation, usually audible (or by
terms of relative spectral power distributions; A = Planckion radia-
stethoscope) or on palpation, which emanates from the
tion (a theoretical body that absorbs all incident optical radiant en-
temporomandibular joint(s) during jaw movement. It may or
ergy) a temperature of about 2856 K; B = Direct solar radiation
48,000 K; C = Average daylight; D 65 = Daylight including the may not be associated with internal derangements of the
ultraviolet region: 6500 K temporomandibular joint
cin e flu o ros co py \sın e#flo rah ska#ko pe\ n : dynamic fluoroscopic clin i cal \klın#ı-kel\ adj (ca. 1755) 1: of or related to or conducted in
images recorded on motion picture film cin e ra di og ra phy \sın# or as if within a clinic 2: analytical or detached—clin i cal ly adv
a-ra#de-o-gra#fe\ n : the making of a motion picture record of succes- clinical crown \klın#ı-kel kroun\: the portion of a tooth that extends
sive images appearing on a fluoroscopic screen from the occlusal table or incisal edge to the free gingival margin
cin gu lum \sıng#gya-lum\ n, pl -la (1845) 1: an anatomical band or clinical remount: see REMOUNT PROCEDURE
encircling ridge—cin gu late \sıng#gya-lat\ adj 2: the lingual clin om e ter n (1811): a device for measuring angles of elevation,
lobe of many anterior teeth; a convex protuberance at the lingual inclination or declination—cli no met ric adj—cli nom etry n
cervical one third of the anatomic crown clip \klıp\ n (15c) slang 1: any of numerous devices used to grip, clasp,
cingulum rest \sıng#gya-lum rest\: a portion of a removable dental or hook 2: a device used to retain a removable dental prosthesis in-
prosthesis that contacts the prepared or natural cingulum of the traorally to a fixed abutment; i.e., a bar, crown, or other retainer
tooth, termed the cingulum rest seat closed bite slang : see DECREASED OCCLUSAL VERTICAL
circumferential clasp \ser-kum-fa-ren#shal klasp\: a retainer that DIMENSION
encircles a tooth by more than 180 degrees, including opposite

JULY 2005

closed lock combination clasp


closed lock \klozd lok\: an internal derangement of the temporoman- col or \kul#or\ n (13c) 1: a phenomenon of light or visual perception
dibular joint in which the disk is dislocated anteriorly and usually that enables one to differentiate otherwise identical objects 2: the
medial to the condyle; displacement or dislocation of the disk with- quality of an object or substance with respect to light reflected or
out spontaneous reduction on mouth opening—see ACUTE transmitted by it. Color is usually determined visually by measure-
CLOSED LOCK, CHRONIC CLOSED LOCK, DISK ment of hue, saturation, and luminous reflectance of the reflected
DISPLACEMENT WITHOUT REDUCTION light 3: a visual response to light consisting of the three dimensions of
closed reduction of a fracture \klozd rı-duk#shun uv a frak#chur\: re- hue, value, and saturation—see PERCEIVED C.,
duction (repositioning) and fixation of fractured bones without PSYCHOPHYSICAL C.
making a surgical opening to the fracture site color blindness \kul#or blınd#nıs\: abnormal color vision or the
closest speaking space \klo#sest spe#king spas\: the space between the inability to discriminate certain colors, most commonly along the
anterior teeth that, according to Dr. Earl Pound, should not be red-green axis
more or less than 1 to 2 mm of clearance between the incisal edges of color constancy \kul#or kon#stan-se\: relative independence of
the teeth when the patient is unconsciously repeating the letter ‘‘S.’’ perceived color to changes in color of the light source
Dr. Meyer M. Silverman termed this speaking centric, which was color deficiency \kul#or dı-fısh#en-se\: a general term for all forms of
defined as the closest relationship of the occlusal surfaces and incisal color vision that yield chromaticity discrimination below normal
edges of the mandibular teeth to the maxillary teeth during function limits, such as monochromatism, dichromatism, and anomalous
and rapid speech. This was later called closest speaking level by Dr. trichromatism
Silverman and finally the closest speaking space color difference \kul#or dıf#er-ens\: magnitude and character of the
Silverman MM. Speaking centric. Dent Digest 1950;55:106-11. difference between two colors under specified conditions; referred
Silverman MM. Accurate measurement of vertical dimension by phonetics to as delta E
and speaking centric space. Dent Digest 1951;57:261-5. color difference equations \kul#or dıf#er-ens ı-kwa#zhanz, -shanz\:
Silverman MM. The speaking method in measuring vertical dimension. J equations that transform CIE (Commission Internationals
PROSTET DENT 1953;3:193-9. d’Eclairage) coordinates into a more uniform matrix such that a
Pound E. Esthetics and phonetics in full denture construction. J Calif Dent specified distance between two colors is more nearly proportional to
Assoc 1950;20:179-85. the magnitude of an observed difference between them regard-
Pound E. The mandibular movements of speech and their seven related val- less of their hue
ues. J PROSTHET DENT 1966;16:835-43. color notation \kul#or no-ta#shun\: the use of symbols in some orderly
Pound E. The vertical dimension of speech, the pilot of occlusion. J Calif fashion by which the attributes of color may be defined or may be
Dent Assoc 1975;6:42-7. set down in written formula
Pound E. Let /s/ be your guide. J PROSTHET DENT 1977;38:482-9. color rendering index \kul#or ren#der-ing ın#deks\: a number from
clutch \kluch\ coll n : a device placed in both the maxillary and 1 to 100 given to a light source to indicate its relative equivalence
mandibular arches for the purpose of supporting components to pure white light which has a color rendering index (CRI) of 100.
used to record mandibular movement The closer the number is to 100, the more it resembles pure white
co ada pt ed \ko-a-dap#tıd\ adj (1836) 1: mutually adapted, espe- light
cially by natural selection 2: in medicine, the proper realignment color scale \kul#or skal\: an orderly arrangement of colors showing
of displaced parts—co ad ap ta tion n graduated change in some attribute or attributes of color as a value
Coble balancer \Ko#bel bal#an-ser\ [Lucian G. Coble, North scale
Carolina, U.S. dentist] 1: an intraoral balancing device used to de- color solid \kul#or sol#ıd\: a symbolic figure in three dimensions that
termine centric relation and the centric relation record 2: used to represents the relations of all possible colors with respect to their
equilibrate complete removable dental prostheses intraorally—see primary attributes of hue, lightness, and saturation. Usually, value
CENTRAL BEARING TRACING DEVICE (lightness) appears as the vertical axis of the figure with hue and sat-
Coble LG. Correct centric position must be established for good denture fit uration represented in polar coordinates about the lightness axis,
and function. Dent Survey 1951;27:1391-3. saturation being radial. The boundaries of the solid are actually
Coble LG. A complete denture technique for selecting and setting up teeth. J irregular, but it is sometimes represented as a cylinder, a sphere,
PROSTHET DENT 1960;10:455-8. or a cube
co he sion \ko-he#zhun\ n (1660) 1: the act or state of sticking color standard \kul#or stan#dard\: a color whose psychophysical di-
together tightly 2: the force whereby molecules of matter adhere to mensions have been accurately measured and specified
one another; the attraction of aggregation 3: molecular attraction color stimulus \kul#or stım#yu-lus\ : visible radiation entering the eye
by which the particles of a body are united throughout their mass and producing a sensation of color, either chromatic or achromatic
cohesive failure \ko-he#sıv fal#yur\ : bond failure within a dental color temperature \kul#or tem#per-a-choor#, tem#pra-\: the tempera-
material due to a tensile or shearing force— see ADHESIVE ture in degrees Kelvin (Celsius plus 273 ) of a totally absorbing or
FAILURE black body (object) that produces colors as the temperature
cold curing resin: see AUTOPOLYMERIZING RESIN changes. The range is from a dull red to yellow to white to blue.
collarless metal ceramic restoration \kol#er-les me#l sa-ram#ık res#ta- This term is sometimes used incorrectly to describe the color of
ra#shun\: a metal ceramic restoration whose cervical metal portion ‘‘white’’ light sources. The correct term to describe the color of
has been eliminated. Porcelain is placed directly in contact with the light sources is correlated color temperature
prepared finish line col or im e ter \kul#a-rım#ı-ter\ n (ca. 1863): a device that analyzes
collateral ligaments \ka-lat#er-al\: two or more ligaments paired to a color by measuring it in terms of a standard color, scale of colors,
single joint for the specific purpose of restricting extension and or certain primary colors; an instrument used to measure light
flexion within one plane only reflected or transmitted by a specimen
colloid \kol#oid\: a material in which is suspended a constituent col or ing \kul#or-ıng\ n (14c) 1: the act of applying colors 2: some-
in a finely divided state that is invisible to the eye but capable of thing that produces color or color effects 3: the effect produced by
scattering light applying or combining colors—see EXTRINSIC C., INTRINSIC
colloidal silica: submicroscopic fumed silica frequently used as a C.
suspension in liquid; contained in the liquid mixed with many combination clasp \kom#bi-na#shun klasp\: a circumferential retainer
phosphate-bonded casting investments to improve casting for a removable dental prosthesis that has a cast reciprocal arm and a
smoothness and control expansion wrought wire retentive clasp


combination syndrome condylar articulator


combination syndrome \kom#bi-na#shun sın#drom\: the characteris- complete denture prosthetics \kom-plet den#chur pros-thet#iks\: obs
tic features that occur when an edentulous maxilla is opposed by 1: the replacement of the natural teeth in the arch and their
natural mandibular anterior teeth, including loss of bone from associated parts by artificial substitutes 2: the art and science of
the anterior portion of the maxillary ridge, overgrowth of the the restoration of an edentulous mouth (GPT-4)—see COM-
tuberosities, papillary hyperplasia of the hard palate’s mucosa, PLETE DENTURE PROSTHODONTICS
extrusion of the lower anterior teeth, and loss of alveolar bone complete denture prosthodontics \kom-plet den#chur pros#tho-
and ridge height beneath the mandibular removable dental don#tıks\: that body of knowledge and skills pertaining to the res-
prosthesis bases—also called anterior hyperfunction syndrome toration of the edentulous arch with a removable dental prosthesis
Kelly, E. Changes caused by a mandibular removable partial denture oppos- complete facial moulage \kom-plet fa#shal moo-läzh\: an impression
ing a maxillary complete denture. J Prosthet Dent 1972;27:140-150. procedure used to record the soft tissue contours of the whole face
comminuted fracture \kom#a-noo#tıd frak#chur\: a fracture in which complicated fracture \kom#plı-ka#tıd frak#chur\: a fracture with sig-
the bone is broken in several places in the same region; a fracture in nificant injury to adjacent soft tissues (i.e., neurovascular injury)
which the bone is crushed and splintered components of mastication: those factors of food manipulation
com mi nu te \kom#a-noot\ vt -nut ed; -nut ing (1626) obs : the and comminution that follow ingestion and precede deglutition
reduction of food into small parts (GPT-4)—com mi nu tion com po mer \kom#po-mer\ n (1998): a poly-acid modified composite
\kom#a-noo#shun\ n
com mis sure \kom#a-shoor\ n (15c): a point of union or junction es- resin, composed of glass filler, acid-modified dimethacrylate resin,
pecially between two anatomic parts i.e., corner of the mouth— and a photo initiator
com mis sur al \kom#ız-ur#l\ adj components of occlusion \kom-po#nentz uv a-kloo#zhun\: the
commissure splint \kom#a-shoor splınt\: 1. a ancillary prosthesis various elements that are involved in occlusion, such as the
placed between the lips that assist in achieving increased opening temporomandibular joints, the associated musculature, the teeth,
between the lips 2. a device placed between the lips which assists in their contacting surfaces and investing tissues, and/or the dental
achieving increased opening between the lips. Use of such supporting structures—see also DETERMINANTS OF
devices enhances opening where surgical, chemical or electrical MANDIBULAR MOVEMENT
alterations of the lips has resulted in severe restriction or composite resin: a highly cross-linked polymeric material reinforced
contractures —called also lip splint by a dispersion of amorphous silica, glass, crystalline, or organic
compact bone \kom#pakt# bon\: any osseous substance that is dense or resin filler particles and/or short fibers bonded to the matrix by a
hard coupling agent
compaction composite resin \kon-dens-a#bel kom-poz#ıt rez#ın\ : a com pound n, slang (19c): see MODELING PLASTIC
highly filled composite resin in which the filler particles have IMPRESSION COMPOUND
been altered so that the material is compacted in a layered, compound joint \kom-pound# joint\: a joint involving three or more
compression technique bones
compensating curve \kom#pen-sat#ıng kûrv\ 1: the anteroposterior compression molding \kom-presh#on mol#ding\: the act of pressing
curving (in the median plane) and the mediolateral curving (in or squeezing together to form a shape within a mold; the adapta-
the frontal plane) within the alignment of the occluding surfaces tion, under pressure, of a plastic material into a mold
and incisal edges of artificial teeth that is used to develop balanced compression of tissue: see TISSUE DISPLACEMENT
occlusion 2: the arc introduced in the construction of complete re- compressive stress \kom-pres#ıv stres\: the internal induced force that
movable dental prostheses to compensate for the opening influen- opposes the shortening of a material in a direction parallel to the di-
ces produced by the condylar and incisal guidance’s during lateral rection of the stresses; any induced force per unit area that resists de-
and protrusive mandibular excursive movements—called also com- formation caused by a load that tends to compress or shorten a body
pensating curvature, compensating curve computerized tomography \kom-pyoo#ta-rızd to-mog#ra-fe\: (CT)
complementary colors \kom#pla-men#ta-re, -tre kul#orz\ : 1. two col-
ors that, when mixed together in proper proportions, result in a the technique by which multidirectional x-ray transmission
neutral color. Colored lights that are complementary when mixed data through a body is mathematically reconstructed by a
in an additive manner form white light and follow the laws of addi- computer to form an electrical cross-sectional representation of a
tive color mixture. Colorants that are complementary when mixed patient’s anatomy. CT is used as an acronym to designate any
together form black or gray and follow the laws of subtractive technical field associated with these techniques
colorant mixture 2. colors located in directly opposite positions con cres cen ce \kon-kres#ens\ n : the union of roots of approximating
teeth via deposition of cementum
on the color wheel. Colorants that are complementary when mixed
con cre tion \kon-kre#shun\ n : any inorganic mass in a natural cavity
together form black or gray and follow the laws of subtractive color
or organ
complete arch subperiosteal implant \kom-plet# ärch sub-per#e-os-
compaction composite resin \kon-dens-a#bel kom-poz#ıt rez#ın\: a
highly filled composite resin in which the filler particles have
tel ım-plant\: a device placed under the periosteum on the residual been altered so that the material is compacted in a layered,
ridge to provide abutments for supporting a removable or fixed compression technique
dental prosthesis in a fully edentulous arch—usage of such implants con den sa tion n : 1: the compaction of dental amalgam using force
should be described by means of their relationship to their bases of to remove excess mercury and ensure continuity of the matrix phase
support, the alveolar bone. As such, at placement, the implant is de- 2: the process of increasing the density of dental porcelains during
scribed as an eposteal dental implant—see EPOSTEAL DENTAL processing by removing excess water with vibration and blotting
IMPLANT condensation reaction \kon#den-sa#shun re-ak#shun\: any chemical
complete cleft palate \kom-plet# kleft pal#ıt \: an opening extending reaction between two molecules to form a larger molecule, with the
through the anterior alveolar ridge, and primary and secondary elimination of a smaller molecule
palates—see PALATAL CLEFT conditional color match \kon-dısh#a-nal kul#or mach\: a pair of col-
complete crown \kom-plet kroun\: a restoration that covers all the cor- ors that appear to match only under limited conditions, such as a
onal tooth surfaces (mesial, distal, facial, lingual, and occlusal) particular light source and a particular observer; a metameric match
complete denture \kom-plet den#chur\: a removable dental prosthesis condylar agenesis \kon#da-lar a-jen#ı-sıs\: a developmental abnormal-
that replaces the entire dentition and associated structures of the ity characterized by the absence of the condyle
maxillae or mandible; called a complete removable dental prosthesis condylar articulator \kon#da-lar är-tık#ya-la-tôr\: an articulator
whose condylar path components are part of the lower member

JULY 2005

condylar articulator continuous spectrum


and whose condylar replica components are part of the upper con nec tor \ka-nek#tor\ n (15c): in removable dental prosthodon-
member—called also nonarcon articulator tics, the portion of a removable dental prosthesis that unites its
condylar axis \kon#da-lar ak#sıs\: a hypothetical line through the components—usage: see BAR C., CONTINUOUS BAR C.,
mandibular condyles around which the mandible may rotate MAJOR C., MINOR C.
condylar dislocation \kon#da-lar dıs#lo-ka#shun\: a non self-reducing 2
con nec tor \ka-nek#tor\ n: in fixed dental prosthodontics, the
displacement of the mandibular condyle usually forward of the portion of a fixed dental prosthesis that unites the retainer(s) and
articular eminence pontic(s)—usage: see INTERNAL C., NONRIGID C., RIGID
condylar displacement: positioning of the condyle out of its normal C., SUBOCCLUSAL C.
location in the glenoid fossa connector bar: see BAR CONNECTOR
condylar guidance \kon#da-lar gıd#ns\ vt : mandibular guidance con sul ta tion \kon-sul#ta#shun\ n (15c): a deliberation between
generated by the condyle and articular disc traversing the contour those who render health care regarding a patient’s diagnosis
of the glenoid fossae and/or their treatment
condylar guidance \kon#da-lar gıd#ns\ n : the mechanical form lo- 1
con tact \kon#takt\ n (1626): the union or junction of surfaces; the
cated in the upper posterior region of an articulator that controls apparent touching or tangency of bodies—usage: see
movement of its mobile member PROXIMAL CONTACT
condylar guide assembly \kon#da-lar gıd a-sem#ble\: the components 2
con tact \kon#takt\ vi (1834): to make contact; to bring into contact;
of an articulator that guide movement of the condylar analogues to enter or be in contact with—usage: see BALANCING
condylar guide inclination \kon#da-lar gıd ın#kla-na#shun\: the angle OCCLUSAL C., DEFLECTIVE OCCLUSAL C., INITIAL
formed by the inclination of a condylar guide control surface of an OCCLUSAL C., OCCLUSAL C.
articulator and a specified reference plane—see LATERAL contact surface \kon#takt sûr#fas\: the region on the proximal surface
CONDYLAR INCLINATION of a tooth that touches an adjacent tooth
condylar hinge position \kon#da-lar hınj pa-zısh#an\ obs : the position continuous bar connector \kon-tın#yoo-us bär ka-nek#tor\: a metal
of the condyles of the mandible in the glenoid fossae at which hinge bar usually resting on the lingual surfaces of mandibular anterior
axis movement is possible (GPT-4) teeth to aid in their stabilization and act as an indirect retainer in
condylar inclination \kon#da-lar ın#kla-na#shun\: the direction of the extension base partial removable dental prostheses
lateral condyle path (GPT-4) continuous bar indirect retainer: see CONTINUOUS BAR
condylar path \kon#da-lar path\: that path traveled by the mandibular CONNECTOR
condyle in the temporomandibular joint during various mandibu- continuous bar retainer: see CONTINUOUS BAR CONNECTOR,
condylar path element \kon#da-lar path el#a-ment\: the member of a continuous beam \kon-tın#yoo-us bem\ obs : a beam that continues
dental articulator that controls the direction of condylar movement over several supports, with those supports not at the beam end
condylar path tracing \kon#da-lar path tra#sıng\: a graphic registra- bearing equally free supports (GPT-4)
tion of the movement of the condyle—see MANDIBULAR continuous clasp \kon-tın#yoo-us klasp\ 1: in removable dental pros-
TRACING thodontics, a circumferential retainer (clasp) whose body emanates
condylar slant: see CONDYLAR PATH, LATERAL CONDYLAR from an occlusal rest and extends across the buccal or lingual sur-
PATH face of more than one tooth (hence, continuing on) before engag-
condylar subluxation \kon#da-lar sub#luk-sa#shun\: a self-reducing ing an undercut on the proximal wall farthest from the occlusal rest
incomplete or partial dislocation of the condyle 2: any one of several early 20 th century designs for clasping natural
con dy lar throsis \kon#da-lar-thro#sıs\ n : an ellipsoidal articulation; teeth to retain a partial removable dental prosthesis; terms for such
a modification of the ball/socket type of synovial joint in which the clasps included wrought continuous interdental clasp, wrought
articular surfaces are ellipsoid rather than spheroid. Owing to the continuous interdental support.
arrangement of the muscles and ligaments around the joint, all Kennedy E. Partial denture construction. Brooklyn: Dental Items of Interest
movements are permitted except rotation about a vertical axis— Publishing, 1928:377-90.
called also articulation ellipsoidea, condylar articulation, condylar continuous gum denture \kon-tın#yoo-us gum den#chur\ obs 1: an ar-
joint, condyloid joint, or ellipsoidal joint tificial denture consisting of porcelain teeth and tinted porcelain
con dyle \kon#dıl, -dl\ n (1634): an articular prominence of a bone, denture base material fused to a platinum base (GPT-4) 2: accord-
i.e., in the mandible, an ellipsoidal projection of bone that articu- ing to Joseph Richardson, ‘‘plain single teeth, made for the pur-
lates with the glenoid fossa—con dy lar adj—see CONDYLAR pose, are arranged and soldered to a plate properly fitted to the
PATH, LATERAL CONDYLAR PATH, MANDIBULAR mouth, after which different mineral compounds, made to repre-
CONDYLE, NECK OF THE CONDYLE sent the natural gums, roof, etc., are applied to the plate and teeth
condyle chord: see CONDYLAR AXIS in a plastic state, then carved and trimmed in proper form, and by
condyle head: see CONDYLE means of a strong furnace heat these compounds, which are called
condyle path: see CONDYLAR PATH the body and the gum enamel, are fused, thus producing a
condylectomy: surgical removal of the condyle continuous gum, root, and rugae of the mouth, without seam or
condylotomy: surgical cut through the neck of the condyloid process. crevice.’’ The technique is attributed to Dr. John Allen (American)
Also refers to surgical removal of a portion of the articulating Richardson J. A practical treatise on mechanical dentistry. Philadelphia:
surface of the mandibular condyle (called a condylar shave) Lindsay & Blakiston, 1880:307-35.
cone \kon\ n (1562): one of the receptors of color vision found in the continuous loop wire clasp \kon-tın#yoo-us loop wır klasp\ obs :
retinal layer of the eye and concentrated in the macula lutea attributed to J. Wright Beach, DDS, this clasp assembly was used
con gen i tal \kon-jen#ı-tl\ adj (1796): existing at, and usually before, to completely encircle a tooth, particularly ‘‘a straight sided’’
birth; referring to conditions that are present at birth, irrespective of tooth, by means of one wire. If the retained was not continuous, it
their causation was described as an open loop wire clasp
connecting bar: see MAJOR CONNECTOR Roach FE. Partial dentures. The Dental Summary 1915:35:203-10.
connective tissue \ka-nek#tıv tısh#oo\: a tissue of mesodermal origin continuous spectrum \kon-tın#yoo-us spěk#trum\: a spectrum or
rich in interlacing processes that supports or binds together other section of the spectrum in which radiations of all wavelengths are
tissues present; opposed to line spectra or band spectra


contour creep

con tour \kon#toor\ n (1662): an outline, especially of a curving or co ro no plas ty \kor#a-no-plas#te\ n (20c): alteration or change in
irregular figure: the line representing this outline; the general morphology of the coronal portion of natural teeth by the use of
form or structure of something—usage: see HEIGHT OF abrasive instruments
con tour \kon#toor\ adj (1844): following contour lines or forming corrective wax: see DENTAL IMPRESSION WAX
furrows or ridges along them; made to fit the contour of something correlated color temperature \kôr#a-la#tid kul#er tem#per-a-choor\:
con tour \kon#toor\ vt (1871): to shape the contour of; to shape so as the term describing the color of white light sources. Specifically,
to fit contours; to construct in conformity to a contour it is the temperature of the Planckion (black body) radiator that
con tra be vel \kon#tra-bev#el\ n (20c) 1: an external bevel arising produces the chromaticity most similar to that produced by the
from the occlusal surface or edge of a tooth preparation and placed at light source expressed in degrees Kelvin or in mired; it is measured
an angle that opposes or contrasts the angle of the surface it arises in degrees Kelvin, to which a black body must be raised to provide
from 2: an external bevel arising from the occlusal surface or edge of the closest match, in chromaticity, to a particular light source
a preparation—see BEVEL cor rode \ka-rod\ vt (15c) 1: deterioration of a metal due to an electro-
con trac tion \kon-trak#shun\ n (15c): in muscle physiology, the de- chemical reaction within its environment 2: to eat away by degrees
velopment of tension in a muscle in response to a stimulus—usage: as if by gnawing 3: to wear away gradually usually by chemical
con trac ture \kon-trak#chur\ n (1658): a permanent shortening of cor ro sion \ka-ro#zhen\ n (15c): the action, process, or effect of
a muscle—see MUSCLE C., MYOFIBROTIC CAPSULAR C., corroding; a product of corroding; the loss of elemental constitu-
MYOSTATIC C. ents to the adjacent environment
con tra lat er al \kon#tra-lat#er-al\ adj (1882): occurring on or acting cor ro sive \ka-ro#sıv\ adj (14c): tending or having the power to
in conjunction with similar parts on an opposite side corrode
contralateral condyle: see NONWORKING SIDE CONDYLE cortical bone \kôr#tı-kal\: the peripheral layer of compact osseous
convergence angle \kon-vûr#jens ang#gel\ 1. the taper of a crown tissue
preparation 2. the angle, measured in degrees, formed between Costen’s syndrome [James Bray Costen, American otolaryngologist,
opposing axial walls when a tooth or teeth are prepared for crowns or
1895-1962]: eponym for TEMPOROMANDIBULAR DIS-
fixed dental prostheses. Usage- this term is best described as the total
occlusal convergence
Costen JB. A syndrome of ear and sinus symptoms dependent upon dis-
co or di na tion \ko-ôr#dn-a#shun\ n (1643): smooth, controlled
turbed functions of the temporomandibular joint. Ann Otol Rhinol
symmetrical movement
1 Laryngol, 1934;43:1-15.
cope \kop\ n (bef.12c): the upper half of any flask used in casting; the
coun ter die \koun#ter-dı\ n, obs : the reverse image of a die; usually
upper or cavity side of a denture flask used in conjunction with the
made of a softer and lower fusing metal than the die (GPT-1)
drag or lower half of the flask—see DRAG
2 coup ling \kup#lıng\ n : a device that serves to link or connect the ends
cope \kop\ v: to dress, cover, or furnish with a cope; to cover, as if with
of adjacent parts or objects
a cope or coping
1 coupling lug \kup#lıng lug\: a small projecting part of a larger
cop ing \ko#pıng\ n 1: a long, enveloping ecclesiastical vestment 2a:
member; a projection or a casting to which a bolt or other part
something resembling a cope (as by concealing or covering) 2b: coping
2 may be attached
cop ing \ko#pıng\ n (ca. 1909): a thin covering or crown—usage: see
covalent bond \ko-va#lent bond\ n (1939): a chemical bond between
two atoms or radicals formed by the sharing of a pair (single bond),
coping impression \ko#pıng ım-presh#an\: an impression, usually
encompassing an entire dental arch, that uses metal or resin copings two pairs (double bond), or three pairs (triple bond) of electrons
placed on prepared teeth. The copings are repositioned before the —called also primary bond
pouring of a working cast cover screw: see HEALING SCREW
coping pick-up impression: see COPING IMPRESSION cranial base \kra#ne-al bas\: the inferior part of the skull that is thought
coping prosthesis obs : see OVERDENTURE to be relatively stable throughout life and is used in cephalometrics
copolymer resin \ko-pol#a-mer\: polymers formed from more than as a landmark from which to measure changes due to growth, time,
one type of molecular repeat unit or treatment
copper band \kop#er band\ : a copper cylinder employed as a matrix for cranial prosthesis \kra#ne-al pros-the-sıs\: a biocompatible,
making an impression permanently implanted replacement (maxillofacial prosthesis) for a
cor al i form \kor#al-ı#form\ adj : having the form of coral; branched portion of the skull bones; an artificial replacement for a portion of
like a coral; often with reference to certain types of hydroxylapatite the skull bones—called also cranial implant, cranioplasty
implant materials prosthesis, skull plate
core \kôr, kor\ n (14c): the center or base of a structure craniofacial defects \kra#ne-o-fa#shal de#fekts, dı#fekts\: malforma-
co ro nal \kôr#a-nal, kor#-, ka-ro#nal\ adj (15c) 1: of or relating to a tions associated with the head and face craniofacial dysjunction
corona or crown 2: or relating to any longitudinal plane or section fracture: see LE FORT III FRACTURE
that passes through a body at right angles to the median plane 3: craniomandibular articulation \kra#ne-o-man-dıb#ya-lar är-tık#ya-
pertaining to the crown of a tooth la#shun\: both temporomandibular joints functioning together as
coronal plane \ka-ro-nal plan\: lying in the direction of the coronal su- a bilateral sliding hinge joint connecting the mandible to the
ture, of or relating to the frontal plane that passes through the long cranium—syn TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINTS
axis of a body cra ter n : in periodontics, a saucer shaped defect of soft tissue or bone
coronoid maxillary space \kôr#a-noid#, kor#- mak#sa-ler#e spas\: the craze \kraz\ vb. craz ed \krazd\; craz ing \kra#zıng\ vt (14c): to
region between the medial aspect of the coronoid process of the produce minute cracks on the surface or glaze of; to develop a
mandible and the buccal aspect of the tuberosity of the maxilla, mesh of fine cracks
bounded anteriorly by the zygomatic arch craze \kraz\ n (1534): a crack in a surface or coating (as of glaze or
coronoid process \kôr#a-noid#, kor#- pro-ses\: the thin triangular enamel)
rounded eminence originating from the anterosuperior surface of 1
creep \krep\ vi crept \krept\; creep ing \krep#ıng\ (12c): to slip
the ramus of the mandible—see HYPERPLASIA OF THE C.P. or gradually shift position; to change shape permanently due to
coronoidectomy: surgical removal of the coronoid process prolonged stress or exposure to high temperature

JULY 2005 27

creep curve of Wilson


creep \krep\ n (1818): the slow change in dimensions of an object due crown-root ratio \kroun-root ra#sho, ra#she-o#\: the physical
to prolonged exposure to high temperature or stress relationship between the portion of the tooth within alveolar
crep i ta tion \krep#ı-ta#shun\ n : a crackling or grating noise in a joint bone compared with the portion not within the alveolar bone, as
during movement, liken to the throwing of fine salt into a fire or determined by radiograph
rubbing hair between the fingers; the noise made by rubbing crown slitter \kroun slıt#er\ obs : a mechanical device used to slit the
together the ends of a fracture axial surface of a swayed artificial crown to facilitate its removal
crep i tus n : see CREPITATION, JOINT C. [GPT-4]
crest \krest\ n (14c): a ridge or prominence on a part of a body; in cru ci ble \kroo#sa-bal\ n (15c): a vessel or container made of any
dentistry, the most coronal portion of the alveolar process refractory material (frequently porcelain) used for melting or
crest of the ridge \krest uv tha rıj\: the highest continuous surface of calcining any substance that requires a high degree of heat
the residual ridge—not necessarily coincident with the center of crucible former \kroo#sa-bal fôr#mer\: the base to which a sprue for-
the ridge mer is attached while the wax pattern is being invested in refractory
crevicular epithelium \kre#vı-kyoo#lar ep#a-the#le-um\: the non- investment; a convex rubber, plastic, or metal base that forms a
keratinized epithelium of the gingival crevice concave depression or crucible in the refractory investment
crevicular fluid \kre#vı-cyoo#lar floo#id\: the fluid that seeps through CT: acronym for Computerized Tomography
the crevicular epithelium; this is usually increased in the presence of crypt \krıpt\ n (1789) 1: a chamber wholly or partly underground 2: in
inflammation anatomy, a pit, depression or simple tubular gland
cribriform plate \krıb#ra-fôrm\ obs : in dentistry, the alveolar bone cuff \kuf\ n (14c): something that encircles; a band about any body
proper cul-de-sac \kul-dı-sak\ n (1738): a blind pouch or tubular cavity closed
crist o bal ite \krıs#to-ba#lıt\ n : an allotropic form of crystalline silica at one end
used in dental casting investments cumulative dose \kyoom#ya-la#tıv, -ya-la-tıv dos\: the total accumu-
cross arch balance: see C.A.B. ARTICULATION lated dose resulting from a single or repeated exposure to radiation
cross arch balanced articulation \krôs, kros ärch bal#ansd är-tık# of the same region or of the whole body; if used in area monitoring, it
ya-la#shun\: the simultaneous contact of the buccal and lingual represents the accumulated radiation exposure over a given
cusps of the working side maxillary teeth with the opposing buccal period of time
and lingual cusps of the mandibular teeth, concurrent with contact cure vb (14c): see POLYMERIZE
of the nonworking side maxillary lingual cusps with the mandibular curve \kûrv\ adj (15c): bent or formed into a curve
curve \kûrv\ vb curved \kûrvd\; curv ing \kûrv#ing\ vi (1594): to take
buccal cusps
a turn, change, or deviation from a straight line or plane surface
cross arch stabilization \kros, krôs ärch sta#ba-lı#za-shun\: resistance
without angularity or sharp breaks; a non-angular deviation from a
against dislodging or rotational forces obtained by using a partial
straight line or surface—see REVERSE C.
removable dental prosthesis design that uses natural teeth on the
curve of Monson \kûrv uv Mon-son\ [George S. Monson, St. Paul,
opposite side of the dental arch from the edentulous space to assist in
Minnesota, U.S. dentist, 1869-1933]: eponym for a proposed ideal
curve of occlusion in which each cusp and incisal edge touches or
conforms to a segment of the surface of a sphere 8 inches in
cross bite teeth: see REVERSE ARTICULATION TEETH
diameter with its center in the region of the glabella
cross bite occlusion: see REVERSE ARTICULATION
Monson GS. Occlusion as applied to crown and bridgework. J Nat Dent
cross pinning \krôs, kros pın#ing\: the augmentation achieved in
Assoc 1920;7:399-417.
retention of a cast restoration by the placement of a pin through the
Monson GS. Some important factors which influence occlusion. J Nat Dent
axial wall of a dental casting into tooth dentin
Assoc 1922;9:498-503.
cross tooth balance: see BALANCED ARTICULATION, CROSS
curve of occlusion \kûrv uv a-kloo#shun\: the average curve estab-
lished by the incisal edges and occlusal surfaces of the anterior
cross tooth balanced articulation \krôs, kros tooth bal#ansd
and posterior teeth in either arch
är-tık#ya-la#shun\: the harmonious contact of opposing working curve of Pleasure \kûrv uv Plezh#er\ [Max A. Pleasure, New York, U.S.
side buccal and lingual cusps dentist, 1903-1965] 1: eponym for a helicoid curve of occlusion
crown \kroun\ n (12c) 1: the highest part, as the topmost part of the that, when viewed in the frontal plane, conforms to a curve that
skull, head or tooth; the summit; that portion of a tooth occlusal to is convex from the superior view, except for the last molars which
the dentinoenamel junction or an artificial substitute for this 2: an reverse that pattern 2: in excessive wear of the teeth, the oblitera-
artificial replacement that restores missing tooth structure by sur- tion of the cusps and formation of either flat or cupped-out occlusal
rounding part or all of the remaining structure with a material surfaces, associated with reversal of the occlusal plane of the premo-
such as cast metal, porcelain, or a combination of materials such as lar, first and second molar teeth (the third molars being generally
metal and porcelain unaffected), whereby the occlusal surfaces of the mandibular teeth
crown \kroun\ vt (12c): to place on the head, as to place a crown on a slope facially instead of lingually and those of the maxillary teeth in-
tooth, dental implant or tooth substitute—usage : implies fabrica- cline lingually—syn ANTIMONSON CURVE, FREQUENCY
tion of a restoration for a tooth on a natural tooth, dental implant CURVE, PROBABILITY CURVE, REVERSE CURVE
and/or dental implant abutment Pleasure MA. Prosthetic occlusion—a problem in mechanics. J Am Dent
crown flask \kroun flask\: a sectional, box like case in which a sectional Assoc and Dent Cosmos 1937;24:1330-8.
mold is made of artificial stone or plaster of parts for the purpose of Pleasure MA. Practical full denture occlusion. J Am Dent Assoc Dent
processing dentures or other resinous restorations Cosmos 1938;25:1606-17.
crown fracture \kroun frak#chur\: micro or macroscopic cleavage in curve of Spee [Ferdinand Graf Spee, Prosector of Anatomy, Kiel,
the coronal portion of a tooth Germany, 1855-1937]: eponym for ANTEROPOSTERIOR
crown-implant ratio: the physical relationship between the portion of CURVE
the implant-supported restoration within alveolar bone compared Spee FG. Die Verschiebrangsbahn des Unterkiefers am Schadell. Arch Anat
with the portion not within the alveolar bone, frequently deter- Physiol (Leipz) 1890;16:285-94.
mined by radiographic examination curve of Wilson [George H. Wilson, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S. dentist,
crown lengthening slang : see LENGTHENING OF THE 1855-1922] 1: eponym for the MEDIOLATERAL CURVE 2: in
CLINICAL CROWN the theory that occlusion should be spherical, the curvature of


curve of Wilson delayed dentition


the cusps as projected on the frontal plane expressed in both arches; Davis WC. Essentials of operative dentistry. 2nd ed. St. Louis: The C V
the curve in the lower arch being concave and the one in the upper Mosby Co., 1916.
arch being convex. The curvature in the lower arch is affected by an de bride ment \da#bred-mäN#, dı-bred#ment\ n (ca. 1842): the
equal lingual inclination of the right and left molars so that the tip removal of inflamed, devitalized, contaminated tissue or foreign
points of the corresponding cross-aligned cusps can be placed into material from or adjacent to a lesion
the circumferences of a circle. The transverse cuspal curvature of deciduous dentition: see PRIMARY DENTITION
the upper teeth is affected by the equal buccal inclinations of their de cor ti ca tion \de-kôr#tı-ka#shun\ n (ca. 1623) 1: a process of re-
long axes moving the outer covering (as in enamel, bark, husks, etc.) from
Wilson GH. A manual of dental prosthetics. Philadelphia Lea & Febiger, something 2: surgical removal of the cortex of an organ, an
1911:22-37. enveloping membrane or fibrinous covering—de cor ti cate
cur vi lin ear \kûr#va-lın#e-er\ adj (1710): consisting of or bounded \de-kôr#tı-kat\ vt—de cor ti cat or \de-kôr#tı-ka#tor\ n
by curved lines; represented by a curved line decreased occlusal vertical dimension \dı-kresd a-kloo#sal vûr#tı-kal
cusp n : cone-shaped protuberance on the crown of a tooth that forms dı-men#shun\: a reduction in the distance measured between two
the occlusal surface anatomic points when the teeth are in occlusal contact
cusp angle \kusp ang#gal\: the angle made by the average slope of a deep bite: see VERTICAL OVERLAP
cusp with the cusp plane measured mesiodistal or buccolingually deep heat therapy: see DIATHERMY
cusp-fossa articulation scheme: an occlusal arrangement where the defective color vision \dı-f ek#tıv kul#er vızh#un\: the condition in
maxillary and mandibular centric cusps articulate with the opposing which color discrimination is significantly reduced in comparison
fossae in maximum intercuspation with the normal trichromat. The forms of color defective vision
cusp height \kusp hıt\: the perpendicular distance between the tip of a can be divided into three main groups—dichromatic vision, anom-
cusp and its base plane alous trichromatic vision, and monochromatic vision—see
cusp-marginal ridge articulation scheme: an occlusal arrangement COLOR BLINDNESS, COLOR DEFICIENCY
where the mandibular second premolar buccal cusp and mandibu- definitive cast: \dı-f ın#ı-tıv kast\: a replica of the tooth surfaces, resid-
lar molar mesiobuccal cusps articulate with the opposing occlusal ual ridge areas, and/or other parts of the dental arch and/or facial
embrasures in maximum intercuspation structures used to fabricate a dental restoration or prosthesis; called
cusp plane \kusp plan\: the plane determined by the two buccal cusp also final cast
tips and the highest lingual cusp of a molar defective occlusal contact \dı-fek#tıv a-kloo#sal kon#takt#\ obs : contact
cusp plane angle \kusp plan ang#gal\: the incline of the cusp plane in that is capable of guiding the mandible from its original path of ac-
relation to the plane of occlusion tion into a different path of motion or capable of disturbing the re-
cuspal interference: see DEFLECTIVE OCCLUSAL CONTACT lation between a denture base and its supporting tissues (GPT-1)
cuspid guidance: see CANINE PROTECTED ARTICULATION definitive obturator \dı-fın#ı-tıv ob#ta-ra#ter\: a maxillofacial prosthe-
cuspid guided articulation: see CANINE PROTECTED sis that replaces part or all of the maxilla and associated teeth lost due
ARTICULATION to surgery or trauma Editorial note: a definitive obturator is made
cuspid lift: see CANINE PROTECTED ARTICULATION when it is deemed that further tissue changes or recurrence of tumor
cuspid lifted articulation: see CANINE PROTECTED ARTICU- are unlikely and a more permanent prosthetic rehabilitation can be
LATION achieved; it is intended for long- term use
cuspid protected occlusion: see CANINE PROTECTED ARTICU- definitive palatal lift prosthesis: see PALATAL LIFT PROSTHESIS
LATION definitive prosthesis \dı-fın#ı-tıv pros-the#sıs\: any dental or maxillo-
cuspid rise: see CANINE PROTECTED ARTICULATION facial prosthesis designed for long-term use
cuspid rise articulation: see CANINE PROTECTED ARTICULA- definitive speech aid prosthesis: see SPEECH AID PROSTHESIS
TION de flec tion \dı-flek#shun\ n (1605) 1: a turning aside or off course 2:
cuspless teeth \kusp#les teth\: teeth designed without cuspal promi- a continuing eccentric displacement of the mandibular midline
nence on the occlusal surface—see NONANATOMIC TEETH, incisal path symptomatic of restriction in movement
deflective occlusal contact \dı-flek#tıv a-kloo#sal kon#takt\: a contact
custom anterior guide table: used for transferring to an articulator that displaces a tooth, diverts the mandible from its intended move-
ment, or displaces a removable denture from its basal seat—usage :
the contacts of anterior teeth when determining their influence
on border movements of the mandible. Acrylic resin is molded by
the articulator pin to record and preserve this information— comp
de for ma tion \de#fôr-ma#shun, def#-er-\ n (15c): the change of
form or shape of an object
de gas \de-gas#\ vt; de gassed \de-gasd#\ pt., pp; de gassing \de-gas#-
custom tray \kus#tum tra\: an individualized impression tray made
ing\ ppr (1920) 1: to remove gas from an object or substance 2: the
from a cast recovered from a preliminary impression. It is used in
name commonly used to denote the first heat cycle (oxidation
making a final impression
cycle) in fabrication of a metal ceramic restoration that removes
cy ano acryl ate \sı#a-no-ak#ra-lat\ n (20c): a single component,
surface impurities from the metallic component and produces
moisture activated, thermoplastic group of adhesives characterized
surface oxides prior to the application of opaque porcelain
by rapid polymerization and excellent bond strength
degenerative arthritis: see OSTEOARTHRITIS
degenerative joint disease: see OSTEOARTHRITIS
D de glu ti tion \de#gloo-tısh#un\ n (1650): the act of swallowing
Davis crown [Wallace Clyde Davis, Lincoln, Nebraska, U.S. dentist de hisce \dı-hıs#\ vt; de hisced \dı-hısd\; de hisc ing \dı-hıs#sing\
(1866-1950)] obs : eponym for a dental restoration supported by a (1658): to split or peal down along a natural line; to discharge the
dowel in the root canal over which was cemented a porcelain contents by so splitting
tube tooth in direct contact with the root face of the tooth. A later de his cence \dı-hıs#sens\ n (ca. 1828): an act or instance of dehiscing,
modification involved a gold casting that improved the fit between i.e., separation of wound margins
the root and artificial tooth delayed dentition \dı-lad# den-tısh#en\: the eruption of the first teeth
Davis WC. Essentials of operative dentistry. 1st ed. Lincoln, Neb.: Author as of the primary dentition or the permanent dentition considerably
publisher, 1911. later than the normally expected time (after the thirteenth month

JULY 2005 29

delayed dentition dental stone


of life for the primary dentition and after the seventh year of life for age system provides the most support at initial placement deter-
the permanent dentition in humans) mines which category is used to best describe the dental implant;
delayed dis-occlusion: see DELAYED DISCLUSION the dental implant(s) provide bony support via the dental implant
delayed disclusion \dı-lad# dıs-kloo#shun\: deferred separation of the attachment while the dental implant abutment(s) connect the den-
posterior teeth due to the anterior guidance tal implant to the fixed or removable dental prosthesis—see
delta E \del#ta E\: total color difference computed by use of a color DENTAL IMPLANT, EPOSTEAL DENTAL IMPLANT,
difference equation. It is generally calculated as the square root TRANSOSTEAL DENTAL IMPLANT—comp MUCOSAL
of the sums of the squares of the chromaticity difference and the INSERT
lightness difference. It signifies the difference between sample dental implant abutment \ım#plant# a-but#ment\: the portion of a
and standard dental implant that serves to support and/or retain any fixed or re-
de min er al iza tion \de-mın#er-a-lı-za#shun\ n (ca. 1903) 1: loss movable dental prosthesis—usage : frequently dental implant abut-
of minerals (as salts of calcium) from the body 2: in dentistry, ments, especially those used with endosteal dental implants, are
decalcification, usually related to the dental caries process changed to alter abutment design or use before a definitive dental
de nas al i ty \de-na-zal#ı-te\ n : the quality of the voice when the na- prosthesis is fabricated. Such a preliminary abutment is termed an
sal passages are obstructed to prevent adequate nasal resonance interim (dental implant) abutment. The abutment chosen to sup-
during speech—see HYPONASALITY port the definitive prosthesis is termed a definitive (dental implant)
de ner va tion \de-nûr-va#shun\ n (1905): resection of or removal of abutment. Dental implant abutments frequently are described by
the nerves to an organ or part their form (i.e., cylindrical, barrel), material (i.e., ceramic, titanium,
den tal \den#tl\ adj (1594): of or pertaining to the teeth zirconia ceramic), or special design factors (i.e., internal hex lock,
dental arch \den#tl arch\: the composite structure of the natural teeth external hex lock, spline)
and alveolar bone dental implant attachment \ım#plant# a-tach#ment\: 1. the biochem-
dental articulation \den#tl är-tık#ya-la#shun\: the contact relation- ical/mechanical interconnection between the dental implant and
ships of maxillary and mandibular teeth as they move against the tissues to which it is attached 2. slang expression for the means
each other—usage : this is a dynamic process of retention of the dental implant abutment to the dental implant
dental biomechanics \den#tl bı#o-mı-kan#iks\: the relationship dental implant analog: a replica of the entire dental implant, not
between the biologic behavior of oral structures and the physical intended for human implantation
influence of a dental restoration—syn DENTAL BIOPHYSICS dental implant loading: the process of placing axial or tangential force
dental cast \den#tl kast\: a positive life size reproduction of a part or on a dental implant usually associated with the intentional exposure
parts of the oral cavity of the dental implant either at the time of initial surgical placement
dental casting investment \den#tl kas#tıng ın-vest#ment\: a material of the dental implant or subsequent surgical exposure. Such forces
consisting principally of an allotrope of silica and a bonding agent. may come from any of a variety of sources including intentional or/
The bonding substance may be gypsum (for use in lower casting and unintentional occlusal loading, unintentional forces from the
temperatures) or phosphates and silica (for use in higher casting tongue or other oral tissues, food bolus, as well as alveolar/osseous
temperatures) deformation. Generally application of intentional occlusal forces
dental dysfunction \den#tl dıs-fungk#shun\: abnormal functioning of may be termed immediate loading, progressive loading, or delayed
dental structures; partial disturbance or functional impairment of a loading -see AXIAL LOADING
dental organ dental implant system \ım#plant sıs#tem\ (1993): dental implant
dental element \den#tl el#a-ment\: slang for a dental prosthesis that re- components that are designed to mate together. An implant system
ceives part or all support/retention from one or more endosteal, can represent a specific concept, inventor, or patent. It consists of
eposteal or transosteal dental implants the necessary parts and instruments to complete the implant
dental engineering \den#tl en#ja-nîr#ing\ obs 1: the application of placement and abutment components
physical, mechanical, and mathematical principles to dentistry 2: dental impression \den#tl ım-presh#en\: a negative imprint of an oral
the application of engineering principles to dentistry (GPT-4) structure used to produce a positive replica of the structure to be
dental esthetics \den#tl es-thet#ıks, ıs\: the application of the principles used as a permanent record or in the production of a dental
of esthetics to the natural or artificial teeth and restorations restoration or prosthesis—see IMPRESSION
dental geriatrics \den#tl jer#e-at#rıks\ 1: the branch of dental dental impression wax \den#tl ım-presh#en waks\: any thermoplastic
care involving problems peculiar to advanced age and aging 2: wax used to make impressions for dental use
dentistry for the aged patient—see GERODONTICS, GERO- dental plaster \den#tl plas#ter\: the beta-form of calcium sulfate
DONTOLOGY hemihydrate. It is a fibrous aggregate of fine crystals with capillary
dental implant \den#tl ım-plant\: 1. a prosthetic device made of allo- pores that are irregular in shape and porous in character
plastic material(s) implanted into the oral tissues beneath the mu- dental prosthesis \den#tl pros-the#sis\: an artificial replacement (pros-
cosal or/and periosteal layer, and on/or within the bone to provide thesis) of one or more teeth (up to the entire dentition in either
retention and support for a fixed or removable dental prosthesis; a arch) and associated dental/alveolar structures. Dental prostheses
substance that is placed into or/and upon the jaw bone to support a usually are subcategorized as either fixed dental prostheses or remov-
fixed or removable dental prosthesis 2. the portion of an implant able dental prostheses —see also FIXED DENTAL PROSTHESIS,
that provides support for the dental implant abutment(s) through REMOVABLE DENTAL PROSTHESIS; comp to MAXILLOFA-
adaptation upon (eposteal), within (endosteal), or through (trans- CIAL PROSTHESIS, ANCILLARY PROSTHESIS
osteal) the bone —usage: although dental implants may be classi- dental prosthetic laboratory procedures \den#tl pros-thet#ik lab#ra-
fied by their silhouette or geometrical form (i.e., fin, screw, tôr#e pra-se#jerz\: the steps in the fabrication of a dental prosthesis
cylinder, blade, basket, root form, etc.) generally dental implants that do not require the presence of the patient for their completion
are classified based on their anchorage component as it relates to dental senescence \den#tl sı-nes#enz\: that condition of the teeth and
the bone that provides support and stability. Thus, there are three associated structures in which there is deterioration due to aging or
basic types of dental implants: eposteal dental implants, endosteal premature aging processes
dental implants, and transosteal dental implants. Some dental im- dental shade selection: see TOOTH COLOR SELECTION
plants possess both eposteal and endosteal components (by design dental stone \den#tl ston\: the alpha-form of calcium sulfate hemihy-
or subsequent anchorage change); the decision as to what anchor- drate with physical properties superior to the beta-form (dental


dental stone determinants of mandibular movement


plaster). The alpha-form consists of cleavage fragments and crystals denture packing \den#chur pak#ing\ substand : the act of pressing a
in the form of rods or prisms, and is therefore more dense than the denture base material into a mold within a refractory flask- see
den tate \den#tat#\ adj (1760): having teeth or pointed conical denture placement: see PLACEMENT
projections denture polished surface \den#chur pol#ısht\: the portion of the
den tin \den#tın\ n (1840): a calcareous material similar to but harder surface of a denture that extends in an occlusal direction from
and denser than bone that comprises the principle mass of the the border of the denture and includes the palatal surface. It is the
tooth—den tin al adj; also spelled den tine \den#ten\ part of the denture base that is usually polished, and it includes the
dentin porcelain obs:—see BODY PORCELAIN buccal and lingual surfaces of the teeth
den ti tion \den-tısh#on\ n (1615): the teeth in the dental arch denture processing \den#chur pro-ses#ing\ substand 1: the means by
dentofacial orthopedics \den#to-fa#shal ôr#tha-pe#dıks\: the branch which the denture base materials are polymerized to the form of
of dentistry that treats abnormal jaw and tooth relationships den to a denture 2: the conversion of the wax pattern of a denture or a
form \den#to-fôrm\: having the likeness of a tooth; a portion of a denture into resin or other material
tooth-like substitute denture prognosis \den#chur prog-no#sıs\ obs : an opinion or judg-
den tu lous \den#cha-lus\ adj (1926) 1: possessing natural teeth 2: a ment given in advance of treatment for the prospects for success
condition in which natural teeth are present in the mouth—syn in the fabrication of dentures and for their usefulness (GPT-4)
DENTATE denture prosthetics \den#chur pros-thet#iks\ obs 1: the replacement
den ture \den#chur\ n (1874): an artificial substitute for missing of the natural teeth in the arch and their associated parts by
natural teeth and adjacent tissues—usage: see COMPLETE D., artificial substitutes 2: the art and science of the restoration of an
PROSTHESIS., IMMEDIATE D., INTERIM D., denture resin packing \den#chur rez#ın pak#ing\: filling and pressing a
OVERDENTURE, PARTIAL D., PROVISIONAL D., denture base material into a mold within a refractory flask
REMOVABLE DENTAL PROSTHESIS., ROTATIONAL denture retention \den#chur rı-ten#shun\ 1: the resistance in the
movement of a denture away from its tissue foundation especially
in a vertical direction 2: a quality of a denture that holds it to the
tissue foundation and/or abutment teeth—see DENTURE
denture adhesive \den#chur ad-he#sıv\: a material used to adhere a
denture service \den#chur sûr#vıs\: the procedures that are involved in
denture to the oral mucosa
the diagnosis and subsequent fabrication and maintenance of arti-
denture basal surface: see DENTURE BASE
ficial substitutes for missing natural teeth and associated structures
denture base \den#chur bas\: the part of a denture that rests on the
denture space \den#chur spas\ 1: the portion of the oral cavity that is or
foundation tissues and to which teeth are attached—usage: see
may be occupied by the maxillary and/or mandibular denture(s) 2:
the space between and around the residual ridges that is available
denture base material \den#chur bas ma-tîr#e-al\: any substance of
for dentures 3: the area occupied by dentures where formerly the
which a denture base may be made
teeth, alveolar bone, and surrounding soft and hard tissues were
denture base saddle \den#chur bas sad#l\ obs 1: the part of a denture
that rests on the oral mucosa and to which the teeth are attached
denture stability \den#chur sta-bıl#ı-te\ 1: the resistance of a denture
2: the part of a complete or removable partial denture that rests on
to movement on its tissue foundation, especially to lateral (hori-
the basal seat and to which the teeth are attached
zontal) forces as opposed to vertical displacement (termed denture
retention) 2: a quality of a denture that permits it to maintain a state of
denture bearing area: see DENTURE FOUNDATION AREA
equilibrium in relation to its tissue foundation and/or abutment
denture border \den#chur bôr#der\ 1: the margin of the denture base
at the junction of the polished surface and the impression surface 2:
denture supporting area: see DENTURE FOUNDATION AREA
the peripheral border of a denture base at the facial, lingual, and denture supporting structures \den#chur sa-pôr#tıng struk#churz\
posterior limits obs : the tissues (teeth and/or residual ridges) that serve as the
denture characterization \den#chur kar#ak-ter-ı-za#shun\: modifica- foundation for removable partial or complete dentures (GPT-4)
tion of the form and color of the denture base and teeth to produce denture surfaces: see DENTURE POLISHED SURFACE
a more lifelike appearance den tur ism \den#chur-izum\ n : the fabrication and delivery of
denture curing \den#chur kyoor#ing\ obs : the process by which the removable dentures by non-dentists
denture base materials are hardened to the form of a denture den tur ist \den#chur-ist\ n (1965) 1: any non-dentist who makes,
mold (GPT-4)—see DENTURE PROCESSING fits, and repairs removable dentures directly for the public 2: a
denture design \den#chur dı-zın\ obs : a planned visualization of the non-dentist licensed to provide complete dentures directly to the
form and extent of a dental prosthesis arrived at after study of all public
factors involved (GPT-4) de pas siv a tion \de-pas#sı-va#shun\ n : loss of corrosion protection
denture esthetics \den#chur es-thet#ıks\: the effect produced by a den- due to damage or removal of the protective oxide surface film on
tal prosthesis that affects the beauty and attractiveness of the person a passivated metal
denture flange \den#chur flanj\: the part of the denture base that de pro gram mer \de-pro#gram#er\ n: various types of devices or
extends from the cervical ends of the teeth to the denture border materials used to alter the proprioceptive mechanism during
denture flask: see CASTING FLASK, CROWN FLASK mandibular closure
denture foundation \den#chur foun-da#shun\: the oral structures determinants of mandibular movement \dı-tûr#ma-nent\: those
available to support a denture anatomic structures that dictate or limit the movements of the
denture foundation area \den#chur foun-da#shun âr#e-a\: the mandible. The anterior determinant of mandibular movement is
surfaces of the oral structures available to support a denture the dental articulation. The posterior determinants of mandibular
denture occlusal surface \den#chur a-kloo#sal sûr#fas\: the portion of movement are the temporomandibular articulations and their
the surface of a denture that makes contact with its antagonist associated structures

JULY 2005 31

detrusion disk displacement with reduction


de tru sion \de-troo#shun\ n : downward movement of the mandibu- dia ther my \dı#a-thûr#me\ n (1909): tissue resistance generated heat
lar condyle resulting from high-frequency electric current
deuteranomalous vision \doo#ter-a-nom#a-lus, dyoo#-ter-a-nom# di a tor ic \dı#a-tôr#ik\ adj : a channel placed in denture teeth to
a-lus vızh#on\: a form of anomalous trichromatism in which the serve as a mechanical means of retaining the teeth in a chemically
viewer requires more green in a mixture of red and green to match dissimilar denture base material
spectral yellow than does a normal trichromat. The relative spectral dichromatic vision \dı#kro-mat#ık vızh#en\: defective color vision
visual sensitivity does not differ noticeably from normal. Hue characterized by the interpretation of wavelengths from the red
discrimination is poor in the red to green region of the spectrum portion of the spectrum matching a given green. There are two
deu ter an opia \doo#ter-a-no#pe-a, dyoo#-\ n (ca. 1901): green known sub classifications. One requires red light to be approxi-
mately 10 times brighter than the red selected by the other to
color blindness achieve a similar color mismatch
developmental anomaly \dı-vel#op-men#tl a-nom#a-le\: unusual di chro ma tism \dı-kro#ma-tız#um\ n (1884): a form of defective
sequelae of development; a deviation from normal shape or size color vision in which a mixture of only two can match all colors.
developmental dysmorphia \dı-vel#op-men#tl dıs#môr#fe-a\: In dichromatic vision, the spectrum is seen as comprising only
anomaly of growth seemingly related to extrinsic interference two regions of different hue separated by an achromatic band.
from contiguous or adjacent structures Dichromatic vision can be subdivided into three types: protano-
developmental dysplasia \dı-vel#op-men#tl dıs-pla#zha,-se-a\: any ab- pia, deuteranopia, and tritanopia
normality of growth or disharmony between parts due to growth die \dı\ n (14c): the positive reproduction of the form of a prepared
developmental hyperplasia \dı-vel#op-men#tl hı#per-pla#zha\: tooth in any suitable substance
excessive growth development die spacer \dı spas#er\: an agent applied to a die to provide space for the
developmental hypoplasia \dı-vel#op-men#tl hı#po-pla#zha\: diminu- luting agent in the finished casting
tion in growth development differential diagnosis \dıf#a-ren#shal dı#ag-no#sıs\: the process of
de vest \dı-vest\ vb : the retrieval of a casting or prosthesis from an identifying a condition by comparing the signs and symptoms
investing medium of all pathologic processes that may produce similar signs and
de vi a tion \de#ve-a#shun\ n (15c): with respect to movement of the symptoms
mandible, a discursive movement that ends in the centered position dilaceration \dıl-as#a-ra#shun\ 1: a tearing apart 2: in dentistry, a
and is indicative of interference during movement condition due to injury of a tooth during its development and
de vice \dı-vıs\ n : something developed by the application of ideas or characterized by a band or crease at the junction of the crown and
principles that are designed to serve a special purpose or perform a root, or alternatively by tortuous roots with abnormal curvatures
special function- see RESTORATION dimensional stability \dı-men#shun-l sta-bıl#ı-te\: the ability of a
de vit ri fi ca tion \de-vıt#ra-fı-ka#shun\ n (1832): to eliminate material to retain its size and form
vitreous characteristics partly or wholly; to crystallize dimensions of color \dı-men#shunz uv kul#er\: terms used to describe
di ag no sis \dı#ag-no#sis\ n; di ag no ses pl (ca. 1861): the determi- the three dimensional nature of color. In the Munsell Color Order
nation of the nature of a disease System, the dimensions are named hue, value, and chroma. These are
di ag nos tic \dı#ag-nos#tik\ n (1625): the practice of diagnosis used to describe the color family (hue), the lightness/darkness
di ag nos tic \dı#ag-nos#tik\ adj (1625): relating to or used in
(value), and the purity or strength (chroma)
direct bone impression \dı-rekt, dı- bon ım-presh#on\: a negative
diagnostic cast \dı#ag-nos#tik kast\: a life-size reproduction of a part or
likeness of bone from which overlying tissues have been reflected
parts of the oral cavity and/or facial structures for the purpose of
direct lift technique: a means of fabricating porcelain labial margins
study and treatment planning
whereby porcelain is condensed directly onto the die—comp
diagnostic denture \dı#ag-nos#tik den#chur\: an interim removable
dental prosthesis placed for the purpose of evaluation and planning
direct pulp capping \dı-rekt, dı- pulp kap#ing\: application of a mate-
later therapy
rial to exposed vital pulp to protect it and promote healing
direct retainer \dı-rekt, dı- rı-ta#ner\: that component of a partial re-
diagnostic mounting: see MOUNTING
movable dental prosthesis used to retain and prevent dislodgment,
diagnostic occlusal adjustment: an evaluation of the process and im-
consisting of a clasp assembly or precision attachment
plications of subtractive tooth adjustment on articulator-mounted
direct retention \dı-rekt, dı- rı-ten#shun\: retention obtained in a par-
casts for the determination of the benefits and consequences of an
tial removable dental prosthesis by the use of clasps or attachments
occlusal adjustment
that resist removal from the abutment teeth
diagnostic occlusal prosthesis: a removable dental prosthesis, usually
made of acrylic resin, that includes an overlay of the occlusal dis ar tic u la tion \dıs#är-tık#ya-la#shun\ n : separation of joint parts
disc \dısk\ n : var. spelling of disk
surfaces, designed to evaluate a patient’s response to extensive
disk-condyle complex \dısk-kon#dıl, -dl kom#pleks#\: the condyle and
restorative intervention
diagnostic radiation \dı#ag-nos#tik ra#de-a#shun\: the use of its disk articulation that functions as a simple hinge joint
radiographs for the determination of the nature of a disease disk \dısk\ n (1664): with respect to the temporomandibular joint, the
diagnostic setups: see TOOTH ARRANGEMENT avascular intraarticular tissue—spelled also disc
diagnostic splint: see OCCLUSAL DEVICE disk degeneration \dısk dı-jen#a-ra#shun\: degenerative changes in
diagnostic study cast: see DIAGNOSTIC CAST the temporomandibular joint articular disk
diagnostic tooth preparation: preparations on dental casts disk derangement \dısk dı-ranj#ment\: an abnormal relationship of
performed to evaluate and optimize definitive tooth preparations the articular disk to the condyle, fossa, and or/and eminence
diagnostic waxing: waxing of intended restorative contours on dental disk detachment: a peripheral separation of the disk from its capsular,
casts for the purpose of evaluation and planning restorations ligamentous, or osseous attachments
diagnostic wax up: see TOOTH ARRANGEMENT disk dislocation: see DISK DERANGEMENT
diarthrodial joint \dı#är-thro-de-al\: a freely moving joint disk displacement: see DISK DERANGEMENT
di ar thro sis \dı#är-thro#sıs\ n (1578): a specialized articulation disk displacement with reduction \dısk dıs-plas#ment wıth rı-duk#
permitting more or less free movement; a synovial joint shun\: disk displacement in which the temporomandibular joint
di a ste ma \dı#a-ste#ma\ n, pl -ma ta (1854): a space between two disk is displaced at rest (usually in an anterior-medial direction)
adjacent teeth in the same dental arch


disk displacement with reduction dysostosis d

but resumes a normal position on mandibular movement, usually prosthesis. The bar is straight with parallel sides and a round top.
accompanied by a clicking sound The sleeve or clip that fits over the bar gains retention by friction
disk displacement without reduction \dısk dıs-plas#ment wıth-out only. The bar may be of variable size and is pear shaped in cross
rı-duk#shun\: disk displacement in which the temporomandibular section, as is its accompanying sleeve. This clip allows for some
joint disk is displaced at rest and does not resume a normal position measure of rotational movement about the bar
on mandibular movement —see CLOSED LOCK Dolder EJ. The bar joint mandibular denture. J PROSTHET DENT
disk interference \dısk ın#ter-fîr#ens\: interference with mandibular 1961;11:689-707.
movement due to disk related pathosis and/or dysfunction donor site \do#ner sıt\: an area of the body from which a graft is taken
disk locking \dısk lok#ing\: disk derangement that will not reduce or double lip: hyperplasia of the mucosa of the upper lip producing a fold
restore to its normal place or relationship of tissue that gives the appearance of duplication of the lip
disk perforation \dısk pûr#fa-ra#shun\: a circumscribed tear in the double wire clasp \dub#al wır klasp\ obs : a back-to-back wire circum-
articular disk, generally as the result of degenerative thinning in ferential clasp
the central portion, usually with longstanding increased compres- dove tail \duv#tal#\ n (1565): a widened portion of a prepared cavity
sive forces, permitting communication between the superior and used to increase retention and/or resistance
inferior joint spaces. There is no disruption at the peripheral dow el \dou#al\ n, obs (13c): a post usually made of metal that is fitted
attachments to the capsule, ligaments, or bone into a prepared root canal of a natural tooth. When combined with
disk prolapse \dısk pro-laps\: rotation of the disk forward on the con- an artificial crown or core, it provides retention and resistance for the
dyle restoration— See POST
disk space \dısk spas\: the radiolucent area on a temporomandibular dowel core crown: see POST-CORE CROWN
joint radiograph between the mandibular condyle and the articular dowel crown obs : see DAVIS CROWN, RICHMOND CROWN
fossa dowel pin \dou#al pın\: a metal pin used in stone casts to remove die
disk thinning \dısk thın#ing\: degenerative decrease in disk thickness, sections and replace them accurately in the original position
usually as the result of long standing increased compressive forces drag \drag\ n : the lower or cast side of a refractory flask to which the
diskectomy: excision of the intraarticular disk cope is fitted
dis clu sion vb : see DISOCCLUSION draw \drô\ vt (bef. 12c): the taper or convergence of walls of a prepa-
dis junc tor \dıs-jungk#tor\ n : any component of a prosthesis that ration for a restoration; slang—DRAFT, DRAUGHT
serves to allow movement between two or more parts dross \dros, drôs\ n: 1. the solid scum formed on the surface of a metal
dislocated fracture \dıs#lo-ka#tıd frak#chur\: a fracture of a bone near when molten or melted, often formed from oxides of various
an articulation, with displacement of the condyloid process out of the metals but sometimes arising from impurities and waste materials,
articular fossa 2. waste matter; refuge
dis lo ca tion \dıs#lo-ka#shun\ n (15c): the state or act of being duc til i ty \duk-tıl#ı-te\ n (14c): the ability of a material to withstand
dislocated, as displacement of one or more bones at a joint—usage: permanent deformation under a tensile load without rupture; abil-
see CONDYLAR D., FUNCTIONAL D., MANDIBULAR D., ity of a material to be plastically strained in tension. A material is
PARTIAL D. brittle if it does not have appreciable plastic deformation in tension
dis oc clude: see DISOCCLUSION before rupture
dis oc clu sion \dıs#a-kloo#zhen\ vb : separation of opposing teeth dum my \dum#e\ n, pl dum mies \dum# ez\ (1598) obs : the replace-
during eccentric movements of the mandible—see DELAYED D., ment tooth or pontic in a fixed partial denture
IMMEDIATE D. duplicate denture \doo#plı-kıt den#chur\: a second denture intended
displacement of the mandible \dıs-plas#ment uv tha man#da-bl\: any to be a replica of the first
abnormal relationship of the mandible when at rest du rom e ter \doo#rom-ı-ter\ n (ca. 1890): an instrument for measur-
dis tal \dıs#tal\ adj (1808): remote; farther from the point of reference; ing hardness
away from the median sagittal plane of the face following the dwt: abbr [denarius + weight] pennyweight; called also pennyweight; a
curvature of the dental arch measurement of weight in the troy system equal to 24 grains, or
distal extension partial denture: see EXTENSION BASE PARTIAL 0.05 ounce. Its metric equivalent is 1.555 grams
REMOVABLE DENTAL PROSTHESIS dye \dı\ n : a colorant that does not scatter light but absorbs certain
dis to c clus sion: see ANGLE’S CLASSIFICATION OF wavelengths and transmits others
OCCLUSION dynamic relations \dı-nam#ık rı-la#shunz\ obs : relations of two objects
dis to ver sion \dıs#to-vûr#zhun\ vb : a deviation towards the distal involving the element of relative movement of one object to an-
distraction of the condyle \dı-strak#shun uv tha kon#dıl, -dl\: dis- other, as the relationship of the mandible to the maxillae (GPT-4)
placement of the condyle in and inferior direction dynamic splint: see FUNCTIONAL OCCLUSAL SPLINT
distraction osteogenesis: a procedure whereby a segment of the jaw dys es the sia \dıs-es-the#zha, -zhe-a, ıs-\ n : an unpleasant abnormal
is sectioned by osteotomy and gradually displaced by a controlled sensation
movement dys func tion \dıs-fungk#shun\ n (ca. 1916): the presence of
distributed mandibular lateral translation: see PROGRESSIVE functional disharmony between the morphologic form (teeth,
MANDIBULAR LATERAL TRANSLATION occlusion, bones, joints) and function (muscles, nerves) that may
disuse atrophy \dıs-yoos# at#ra-fe\: diminution in the size of a cell, tis- result in pathologic changes in the tissues or produce a functional
sue, organ, or part as a result of inactivity disturbance
di ver gence \dı-vûr#jens, dı-\ n (1656) 1: a drawing apart as a surface dys geu sia \dıs-gyoo#zha, -zhe-a\ n : any disturbance in the sense of
extends away from a common point 2: the reverse taper of walls of taste
a preparation for a restoration—di ver gen cy n, pl -cies \-cez\ (1709) dys ki nes ia \dıs-kın#ıs-zha, -ahe-a\ n (ca. 1706): impairment of
divergence angle \dı-vûr#jens ang#gl\ (1998): the sum of the angles of the power of voluntary movement resulting in fragmentary or
taper of opposing walls of a tooth preparation that diverge away incomplete movement—see also INCOORDINATION
from each other dys la lia \dıs-la#le-a\ n : defective articulation due to faulty learning or
docking device: see RADIATION CONE LOCATOR to abnormality of the external speech organs and not due to lesions
Dolder bar [Eugene J. Dolder, Zurich, Switzerland prosthodontist]: of the central nervous system
eponym for one of many bar attachments that splint teeth or roots dys ma se sis \dıs-mas#ı-sıs\ n : difficulty in mastication
together while acting as an abutment for a partial removable dental dys os to sis \dıs-os#ta-sıs\ n : imperfect ossification

JULY 2005 33

dysphagia electron volt


dysphagia \dıs-pla#zha\ n : difficulty in swallowing edge to edge occlusion: see EDGE TO EDGE ARTICULATION
dys phon ia \dıs-fo#ne-a\ n (ca. 1706): impairment in the voice; educationally qualified prosthodontist \ej#a-ka#shun-a-le kwol#a-fıd
difficulty in speaking pros#tha-don#tıst\: in the United States as defined by the American
dys pla sia \dıs-pla#zha\ n (ca. 1923): abnormality of development— Board of Prosthodontics, a prosthodontist who has successfully
see MANDIBULAR D., MAXILLOMANDIBULAR D. completed an advanced educational program accredited by the
dys ton ia \dıs-ton# ya\ n : acute irregular tonic muscular spasms, often ADA and is eligible to apply for examination by the American
with contortions of the tongue, jaw, eyes, neck, and sometimes the Board of Prosthodontics
entire body e las tic \ı-las#tık\ adj (1653): susceptible to being stretched, com-
pressed, or distorted and then tending to resume the original shape
elastic limit \ı-las#tık lım#it\: the greatest stress to which a material may
be subjected and still be capable of returning to its original
earbow \îr-bo\ n (20c): an instrument similar to a facebow that indexes
dimensions when such forces are released
to the external auditory meatus and registers the relation of the
elastic modulus \ı-las#tık moj#a-lus\: the stiffness or flexibility of a ma-
maxillary dental arch to the external auditory meatus and a
terial within the elastic range. Within the elastic range, the material
horizontal reference plane. This instrument is used to transfer the
deforms in direct proportion to the stress applied as represented by
maxillary cast to the articulator. The earbow provides an average
Hooke’s law
anatomic dimension between the external auditory meatus and
e las tic i ty \ı-la-stıs#ı-te\ n (1664): the quality that allows a structure
the horizontal axis of the mandible—see FACEBOW
or material to return to its original form on removal of an external
early closing click \ûr#le klos#ing klık\: a click emanating from the
force—see MODULUS OF E.
temporomandibular joint that occurs at the initiation of retrusive
e las to mer \ı-las#ta-mer\ n (ca. 1934): a polymer whose glass transi-
tion temperature is below its service temperature (usually room
early mandibular lateral translation \ûr#le man-dıb#ya-lar\: the
temperature). These materials are characterized by low stiffness
translatory portion of lateral movement in which the greatest
and extremely large elastic strains—e las to mer ic adj
portion occurs early in the forward movement of the nonworking
elastomeric impression material: a group of flexible chemical poly-
side condyle as it leaves centric relation—see IMMEDIATE mers, which are either chemically or physically cross-linked.
MANDIBULAR LATERAL TRANSLATION Generally, they can be easily stretched and rapidly recover their
early opening click \ûr#le o#pen-ing klık\: a temporomandibular joint original dimensions when applied stresses are released
click that occurs at initiation of the translation of the condyle(s) electrical discharge machining \ı-lek#trı-kal dıs-chärj ma-shen#ing\ 1.
EBA cement: acronym for eth oxybenzoic acid cement; reinforced the process by which metal(s) is (are) altered in form using electrical
zinc oxide-eugenol cement with part of the eugenol replaced by current through conductive objects brought into physical contact
2-ethoxybenzoic acid with the metal surface 2. a precision metal removal process using
eccentric \ık-sen#trık\ adj (14c) l: not having the same center 2: an accurately controlled electrical discharge (a spark) to
deviating from a circular path 3: located elsewhere than at the erode metal, usually performed in a liquid dielectric medium -
geometric center 4: any position of the mandible other than that syn SPARK EROSION
which is its normal position e lec trode \ı-lek#trod\ n (1834) 1: a medium used between an electric
eccentric checkbite: see ECCENTRIC INTEROCCLUSAL conductor and the object to which it is to be applied 2: an x-ray
RECORD tube component from which electrons emanate or to which they are
eccentric interocclusal record \ık-sen#trık ın#ter-a-kloo#sal rek#erd\: a attracted. The positive electrode is the anode; the negative
registration of any maxillomandibular position other than centric electrode is the cathode
relationship electromagnetic spectrum \ı-lek#tro-mag-net#ık spek#trum\: the
eccentric jaw record: see ECCENTRIC INTEROCCLUSAL range of energy waves that extend from gamma rays to radio waves.
RECORD The eye is sensitive to a very narrow band of wavelengths between
eccentric jaw relation \ık-sen#trık jô rı-la#shun\ obs : any relationship about 380 and 760 nm
between the jaws other than centric relation (GPT-4) electromagnetic wave \ı-lek#tro-mag-net#ık wav\: a disturbance that
eccentric occlusion \ık-sen#trık a-kloo#shun\: an occlusion other than propagates outward from any electric charge that oscillates or is
centric occlusion accelerated; far from the charge, it consists of vibrating electric
eccentric position: see ECCENTRIC RELATION and magnetic fields that move at the speed of light and are at right
eccentric record: see ECCENTRIC INTEROCCLUSAL RECORD angles to each other and to the direction of motion
eccentric relation \ık-sen#trik rı-la#shun\: any relationship of the man- electromyographic biofeedback \ı-lek-tro-mı-o#gra-fık bı#o-
dible to the maxilla other than centric relation—see ACQUIRED fed#bak\: an instrumental process that helps patients learn control
E.R. over muscle tension levels previously under automatic control
ec top ic \ek-top#ık\ adj (1873): occurring in an abnormal position or e lec tro my og ra phy \ı-lek#tro-mı-og#ra-fe\ n (1948): the graphic
in an unusual manner or form—ec top i cal ly \ek-to# pık-le\ adv recording of the electrical potential of muscle—see
ectopic eruption \ek-top#ik ı-rup#shun\: eruption of a tooth out of its NOCTURNAL E.
normal place or position e lec tron \ı-lek#tron\ n (1891): the elemental unit of electricity. A sta-
ede ma \ı-de#ma\ n (15c): abnormal accumulation of fluid in the ble elementary particle that is the negatively charged constituent of
tissues ordinary matter, having a mass of about 9.11 3 10-28 g (equivalent to
eden tics \e-den#tiks\ n, obs : the art, science, and technique used in 0.511 MeV) and a charge of about -1.602 3 10-19
treating edentulous patients (GPT-4) Coulomb—called also negative electron, negatron
e den tu late \e-den#cha-lat\ v, obs : to remove all teeth electron accelerator \ı-lek#tron ak-sel#a-ra#ter\: a device used in
e den tu lous \e-den#cha-lus\ adj (1782): without teeth, lacking teeth radiation treatment that accelerates electrons to high energies
edentulism \e-den#cha-lız-um\ (1998): the state of being edentulous; electron beam therapy \ı-lek#tron bem ther#a-pe\: treatment by elec-
without natural teeth trons accelerated to high energies by a machine such as the betatron
edge to edge articulation \ej too ej är-tık#ya-la#shun\: articulation in electron volt \ı-lek#tron volt\: a unit of energy equal to the energy ac-
which the opposing anterior teeth meet along their incisal edges quired by an electron when it passes through a potential difference of
when the teeth are in maximum intercuspation 1 volt in a vacuum; it is equal to (1.602192 + 0.000007) 3 10-19 volt.
edge to edge bite: see EDGE TO EDGE ARTICULATION Abbreviated eV


electroplating epithelium

e lec tro plat ing \ı-lek#tro-pla#tıng\ vt (ca. 1864): the process of endosseous blade implant: see BLADE ENDOSTEAL DENTAL
covering the surface of an object with a thin coating of metal by IMPLANT
means of electrolysis endosseous implant: see ENDOSTEAL DENTAL IMPLANT
e lec tro pol ish ing \ı-lek#tro-pol#ısh-ıng\ vt : the electrolytic endosteal dental implant \en-dos#te-l den#tl ım-plant#\: a device
removal of a thin layer of metal to produce a bright surface placed into the alveolar and/or basal bone of the mandible or
el e ments slang \el#a-ment\ (1993): when used in reference to dental maxilla and transecting only one cortical plate. The endosteal
implants, component parts of a dental implant structure such as the dental implant is composed of an anchorage component, termed
dental implant, dental implant abutment, and abutment screw the endosteal dental implant, which, ideally, is within the bone,
elevator muscle \el#a-va#ter mus#el\: one of the muscles that, on and a retentive component, termed the endosteal dental implant
contracting, elevates or closes the mandible abutment. The dental implant abutment connects to the dental
e lon ga tion \ı-lông#ga#shun\ n (14c) l: deformation as a result of implant (by means of screws, thread/screw interfacing, compres-
tensile force application 2: the degree to which a material will sion/luting agent etc. that can be termed elements), passes
stretch before breaking 3: the over eruption of a tooth through the oral mucosa, and serves to support and/or retain
em bed ment \em-bed-ment\ n (1794): 1. the process of using a ce- the prosthesis (fixed dental prosthesis, removable dental prosthe-
ramic powder mixed with water to surround a glass-ceramic cast- sis, maxillofacial prosthesis). The dental implant abutment may
ing. The purpose of the procedure is to prevent distortion and be for interim or definitive application—usage: interim abut-
limit the shrinkage of the casting 2. with reference to the physics ment, definitive abutment. Descriptions of the dental implant
of threaded unions, localized plastic deformation which occurs in or/and the dental implant abutment that use silhouette or geo-
screw threads or the mated components when applying preload. metric forms, such as cylinder, conical, pre-angled, angled,
em bou chure \äm#boo-shoor\ n (1760): the position and use of the blade, basket, or endodontic, may be used as adjectives to en-
hance understanding of the geometry of any endosteal dental
implant. Also, descriptive adjectives may be used to delineate
lips, tongue, and teeth in playing a wind instrument
the materials from which they are made, i.e. a ceramic dental im-
em bra sure \em-bra#zher\ n (1702) l: the space formed when adja-
plant abutment. Interim or definitive dental implant abutments
cent surfaces flair away from one another 2: in dentistry, the space
may be composed of one or more individual component parts,
defined by surfaces of two adjacent teeth; there are four embrasure
each of which is termed an element. The dental implant abut-
spaces associated with each proximal contact area: occlusal/incisal,
ment element(s) usually is (are) described by means of their geo-
mesial, distal, and gingival
metric form, function or means of adaptation, i.e., screw,
em brittle \em-brıt#l\ vt : to make brittle or plastic
coping, cylinder, lug, friction fitting, press-fit. Hence multiple
emergence angle \ı-mûr#jens ang#gel\ (1993): the angle of the dental
adjectives may be used to describe both the endosteal dental im-
implants’ transitional contour as determined by the relation of the
plant and abutment.—see also BASKET E.D.I., BLADE E.D.I.,
surface of the abutment to the long axis of the implant body
emergence profile \ı-mûr#jens pro#fıl\: the contour of a tooth or
restoration, such as a crown on a natural tooth or dental implant
endosteal dental implant (1998): that portion of the dental implant
abutment, as it relates to the adjacent tissues
that provides the anchorage to the bone through the process of tis-
EMG: acronym for ElectroMyoGram
sue integration
em i nence \em#i-nens\ n (15c): a prominence or projection, especially
endosteal dental implant abutment \en-dos#te-l den#tl ım-plant# a-
one on the surface of a bone
but#ment\ (1998): that portion of the dental implant which passes
empty mouth movement \emp#te mouth moov#ment\: voluntary or
through the oral mucosa and provides connection between the en-
reflex movements of the mandible when not engaged in incision
dosteal dental implant body and the prosthesis
or mastication
endosteal dental implant abutment element (s) \en-dos#te-l den-tl
en am el \ı-nam#el\ n (15c): in dentistry, the hard, thin, translucent
ım-plant a-but#ment el#a-ment\ (1998): any component used to
layer of calcified substance that envelopes and protects the dentin
secure either the dental implant abutment to the dental implant or
of the coronal aspect of the tooth; it is the hardest substance in the
the prosthesis to the dental implant abutment
body—called also adamantine layer
endosteal dental implant \en-dos#te-l den#tl ım-plant#\ (1998) that
enamel projection: an apical extension of enamel, usually toward a furcation
portion of the dental implant that provides the anchorage to the
in the roots
bone through the process of tissue integration.
enamel projection \ı-nam#el pro-jek#shun\: An apical extension of
end-to-end bite: see EDGE TO EDGE ARTICULATION
enamel, usually toward a furcation in the roots.
end-to-end occlusion: see EDGE TO EDGE ARTICULATION
en am el o plas ty n : see OCCLUSAL RESHAPING
entrance port \en-trans port\: the area of the surface of a patient or
en ar thro sis \en#är-thro#sıs\ n (1634): joints with a ball and socket
phantom on which a radiation beam is incident
arrangement (e.g., hip)
envelope of function \en#va-lop uv fungk#shun\: the three-dimen-
endodontic implants: see ENDODONTIC ENDOSTEAL
sional space contained within the envelope of motion that defines
mandibular movement during masticatory function and/or pho-
endodontic endosteal dental implant \en#do-don#tıks en-dos#te-l
den#tl ım-plant#\: a smooth and/or threaded pin implant that
envelope of motion \en#va-lop uv mo#shun\: the three-dimensional
extends through the root canal of a tooth into periapical bone
space circumscribed by mandibular border movements within
and is used to stabilize a mobile tooth, sometimes called an end-
which all unstrained mandibular movement occurs
odontic stabilizer
epithelial attachment: see JUNCTIONAL EPITHELIUM
endodontic pin \en#do-don#tık pın\ obs : a metal pin that is placed
epithelial cuff \ep#a-the#le-al kuf\: a term used to describe the relation-
through the apex of a natural tooth into the bone to stabilize a
ship between the mucosal and the dental implant. The use of this
mobile tooth (GPT-4)—see ENDODONTIC ENDOSTEAL
term implies a close adherence, but not necessarily a biochemical
attachment, between the implant and mucosa
endodontic stabilizer: see ENDODONTIC ENDOSTEAL
ep i the li um \ep#a-the#-le-um\ n, pl -lia \-le-a\ (1748): the mucosal
tissue serving as the lining of the intraoral surfaces. It extends into
en dog en ous \en-doj#a-nus\ adj (1830): developing or originating
the gingival crevice and adheres to the tooth at the base of the crev-
within the organism
en do scope \en#da-skop\ n (1861): a flexible or rigid thin tube used
for examining the interior of a structure

JULY 2005

epithelization exposure

ep i the li za tion \ep#a-the#lı-za#shun\ n (ca. 1934): the process of es thet ics \es-thet#ıks\ adj (1798) 1: the branch of philosophy dealing
becoming covered with or converted to epithelium—ep i the lize with beauty 2: in dentistry, the theory and philosophy that deal
\ep# a-the#lız\ vt with beauty and the beautiful, especially with respect to the appear-
eposteal dental implant \ep#os#te-al den#tl ım-plant#\: any dental im- ance of a dental restoration, as achieved through its form and/or
plant that receives its primary support by means of resting upon color. Those subjective and objective elements and principles un-
the bone—usage: a subperiosteal dental implant that conforms derlying the beauty and attractiveness of an object, design or prin-
to the superior surface of an edentulous area of alveolar bone ciple—see DENTAL E., DENTURE E.—aes thet i cal ly adj
is an eposteal dental implant. Any retaining screws or other ele- Estlander’s operation [Jakob August Estlander, Finnish surgeon,
ments that may secure the eposteal framework to the alveolar
bone and pass through the bone represent endosteal dental im- 1831-1881]: eponym for a lip switch operation. A triangular flap
plant components. Should the eposteal framework penetrate the of tissue borrowed from the lower lip is transferred to the upper
alveolar bone, technically, the framework becomes an endosteal lateral lip
dental implant—usage : an eposteal dental implants’ support sys- 1
etch \ech\ vb,vt (1634) la: to produce a retentive surface, especially on
tem has, heretofore, been termed the implant frame, implant glass or metal, by the corrosive action of an acid lb: to subject to
framework, or implant substructure; however, this is an integral such etching 2: to delineate or impress clearly
component of that dental implants’ form and is not subservient 2
etch \ech\ n (1896) 1: the effect or action of an etching acid on a sur-
to any other component —see ENDOSTEAL DENTAL IM- face 2: a chemical agent used in etching
PLANT, SUBPERIOSTEAL DENTAL IMPLANT, TRANSOS- etch ant \ech#ant\ n : an agent that is capable of etching a surface
TEAL DENTAL IMPLANT etch ing \ech#ing\ vt (1632) 1: the act or process of selective dissolu-
epoxy resin \ep#ok#se, ı-pok#- rez#ın\: a resin characterized by the re- tion 2: in dentistry, the selective dissolution of the surface of tooth
active epoxy or ethyloxyline groups that possess unique character- enamel, metal, or porcelain through the use of acids or other agents
istics in terms of adhesion to metals, woods, and glasses (etchants) to create a retentive surface
epoxy resin die \ep#ok#se, ı-pok#- rez#ın dı\: a reproduction formed in ethylene oxide \eth#a-len ok#sıd#\: a bactericidal agent occurring as a
epoxy resin colorless gas with a pleasant ethereal odor; the chemical in gas ster-
epulis fissuratum: overgrowth of intraoral tissue resulting from ilization systems used for many items that cannot be sterilized in a
chronic irritation high heat system; used as a disinfectant, especially for disposable
equalization of pressure \ı-kwıl#a-za#shun uv presh#ur\: the act of equipment
equalizing or evenly distributing pressure etiologic factors \e#te-o-loj#ık fak#tors\: the elements or influences
equil i brate \ı-kwıl#a-brat\ v -brat ed \-bra#tıd\; -brat ing that can be assigned as the cause or reason for a disease or lesion—
\-bra#tıng\; vt (1635): to bring or to place in equilibrium see LOCAL E.F., SYSTEMIC E.F.
equil i bra tion \ı-kwıl#a-bra#shun\ n (1635) 1: the act or acts of plac- e ti ol o gy \e#te-ol#a-je\ n (1555) 1: the factors implicated in the
ing a body in a state of equilibrium 2: the state or condition of be- cause or origin of a disease or disorder 2: the study or theory of
ing in equilibrium—usage: see MANDIBULAR E., OCCLUSAL the factors causing disease
E. e vis cer a tion \ı-vıs#a-ra#shun\ n : removal of the viscera or contents
equil i bra tor \ı-kwıl#a-bra#tor\ n (19c) obs : an instrument or device of a cavity. In ophthalmology, the removal of the contents of the
used in achieving or helping maintain a state of equilibrium eyeball, leaving the sclera
(GPT-4) e vul sion \ı-vul#shun\ n (1611): extraction; removed, usually of a
equi lib ri um \e#kwa-lıb#re-um, ek#wa-\ (1608) 1: a state of even ad- sudden nature
justment between opposing forces 2: that state or condition of a ex am in a tion \ıg-zam#a-na#shun\ n (14c): scrutiny or investigation
body in which any forces acting on it are so arranged that their pro- for the purpose of making a diagnosis or assessment
duct at every point is zero 3: a balance between active forces and excoriate \ex-skor-ee-ayt\: to wear off the skin; to abrade
negative resistance excoriation\ : a scratch or abrasion of the skin
e ro sion \ı-ro#zhun\ n (1541) 1: an eating away; a type of ulceration ex cur sion \ık-skûr#shun\ n (1577) 1: a movement outward and back
2: in dentistry, the progressive loss of tooth substance by chemical or from a mean position or axis; also, the distance traversed 2: in
processes that do not involve bacterial action producing defects dentistry, the movement occurring when the mandible moves
that are sharply defined, wedge-shaped depressions often in facial away from maximum intercuspation
and cervical areas—comp ABFRACTION, ABRASION, ex cur sive \ık-skûr#sıv\ adj (1673): constituting a digression; charac-
ATTRITION terized by digression
Essig splint [Norman S. Essig, DDS, Prof. of Prosthodontics, Temple excursive movement \ık-skûr#sıv moov#ment\: movement occurring
University School of Dentistry]: eponym for a stainless steel wire when the mandible moves away from maximum intercuspation
passed labially and lingually around a segment of the dental arch ex en ter a tion \ık-zen#ta-ra#shun\ n : removal of an organ. Used in
and held in position by individual ligature wires around the contact connection with the eye, an orbital exenteration denotes the re-
areas of the teeth; it is used to stabilize fractured or repositioned moval of the entire eye and surrounding structures
teeth and the involved alveolar bone. Variously ascribed to V. H. exercise prosthesis \ek#ser-sız# proth#ı-sıs\: a temporary, removable
Jackson, DDS, (N.Y.), C. J. Essig, DDS, N. S. Essig, DDS (Pa.), or dental prosthesis, usually without teeth and always without occlud-
W. H. Atkinson, DDS ing contact, used for the purpose of reconditioning the supporting
Essig CJ, ed. The American textbook of prosthetic dentistry. Philadelphia: structures (especially the residual ridge) by means of light, intermit-
Lea Brothers and Co., 1896:187, 208. tent biting pressure applied against bilaterally interposed fingers
Essig NS. Prosthetic dentistry. Brooklyn: Dental Items of Interest exostosis: bony projection extending beyond the normal contour of a
Publishing Co., 1937.
es thet ic \es-thet#ık\ 1: pertaining to the study of beauty and the sense bony surface
of beautiful. Descriptive of a specific creation that results from such expansion prosthesis \ık-span#shun proth#ı-sıs\: a maxillofacial pros-
study; objectifies beauty and attractiveness, and elicits pleasure 2: thesis used to expand the lateral segment of the maxilla in a unilat-
pertaining to sensation var of AESTHETIC eral or bilateral cleft of the soft and hard palates and alveolar
esthetic reshaping \es-thet#ık re-shap#ıng\: the physical modification processes
of the surfaces of teeth to improve appearance ex po sure \ık-spo#zher\ n (1606) 1: the act of laying open, as a surgi-
cal or dental exposure 2: in radiology, a measure of the roentgen
rays or gamma radiation at a certain place based on its ability to

exposure Farrar appliance


cause ionization. The unit of exposure is the roentgen, called also F

exposure dose—see ROENTGEN RAY fab ri ca tion \fab#rı-ka#shun\ n (1670): the building, making, or
ex ten sion \ık-sten#shun\ n (15c) 1: the movement by which the two constructing of a restoration
elements of any jointed part are drawn away from each other, the face form \fas form\ obs 1: the outline form of the face 2: the outline
process of increasing the angle between two skeletal levers having form of the face from an anterior view, sometimes described geo-
end-to-end articulation with each other. The opposite of flexion metrically as square, tapering, ovoid, or by various combinations of
2: in maxillofacial prosthetics, that portion of a prosthesis added these basic forms (GPT-4)—see FACIAL FORM
to fill a defect or provide a function not inherent in a dental resto- facebow \fas bo\: a caliper-like instrument used to record the spatial re-
ration, e.g., palatal extension, pharyngeal extension—see lationship of the maxillary arch to some anatomic reference point or
points and then transfer this relationship to an articulator; it orients
the dental cast in the same relationship to the opening axis of the
extension base partial removable dental prosthesis \ık-sten#shun bas
pär#shal rı-moo#va-bal den#tl pros-the#sıs\: a removable dental articulator. Customarily the anatomic references are the mandibu-
prosthesis that is supported and retained by natural teeth only at lar condyles transverse horizontal axis and one other selected ante-
one end of the denture base segment and in which a portion of the rior point; called also hinge bow—see EARBOW, KINEMATIC F.
facebow fork \fas bo fork\: that component of the facebow used to at-
functional load is carried by the residual ridge
extension bridge: see CANTILEVER FIXED DENTAL
tach the occlusion rim to the facebow
facebow record \fas bo rek#erd\: the registration obtained by means of
extension outline \ık-sten#shun out#lın\ obs 1: the outline of the area
a facebow
of the entire basal seat of a denture 2: the outline on the surface of a
facebow transfer: the process of transferring the facebow record of the
cast or mucous membrane that includes the entire area to be cov-
spatial relationship of the maxillary arch to some anatomic refer-
ered by a denture (GPT-1)
ence point or points and transferring this relationship to an articu-
external oblique ridge \ık-stûr#nal o-blek# rıj\: a smooth ridge on the
buccal surface of the body of the mandible that extends from
fac et \fas#ıt\ n (1625): a small, planar surface on any hard body—see
the anterior border of the ramus, with diminishing prominence, WEAR FACET—usage: the French spelling of facet, facette, has
downward and forward to the region of the mental foremen. continued to confuse the profession regarding pronunciation
This ridge changes very little in size and direction throughout facial \fa#shal\ adj : the surface of a tooth or other oral structure ap-
life proximating the face (including both the lips and cheeks)
ex tir pate \ek#stir-pat#\ vt. -pat ed \-pa#tıd\ -pat ing \-pa#tıng\ facial augmentation implant prosthesis \fa#shal ôg#men-ta#shun ım-
(1539) 1. To pull up or out, to destroy completely. 2. To cut plant proth#ı-sıs\ 1: a maxillofacial prosthesis made of implantable
out by surgery. —ex tir pa tion \ek#stir-pa#shun\ n. biocompatible material generally onlayed upon an existing bony
extracapsular ankylosis \ek#stra-kap#sa-lar ang#ka-lo#sıs\: ankylosis area beneath the skin tissue to fill in or selectively raise portions
due to rigidity of any structure external to the joint capsule of the overlaying facial skin tissues to create acceptable contours.
extracapsular disorder \ek#stra-kap#sa-lar dıs-ôr#der\: a problem as- Although some forms of pre made surgical implants are commer-
sociated with the masticatory system in which the etiological factors cially available, the facial augmentation implant prosthesis is usually
are located outside of the temporomandibular joint capsule custom made for surgical implantation for each individual patient
ex tra coro nal \ek#stra-kôr#a-nal, kor#-, ka-ro#nal\ adj : that which is due to the irregular or extensive nature of the facial deficit 2: an im-
outside or external to, the crown portion of a natural tooth; e.g., an plantable biocompatible material generally laid upon an existing
extracoronal preparation, restoration, partial or complete crown bony area beneath the skin tissues to fill in or selectively raise por-
extracoronal attachment: any prefabricated attachment for support tions of the overlaying facial skin tissues to create acceptable con-
and retention of a removable dental prosthesis. The male and tours (GPT7)—called also facial implant
female components are positioned outside the normal contour of the facial form \fa#shal form\: the outline form of the face from an anterior
abutment tooth—see INTRACORONAL ATTACHMENT, view
PRECISION ATTACHMENT facial moulage \fa#shal moo-läzh\: a negative reproduction (impres-
extracoronal retainer \ek#stra-kôr#a-nal, kor#-, ka-ro#nal rı-ta#ner\: sion) of the face that records soft tissue and bony contours of the
that part of a fixed dental prosthesis uniting the abutment to the face. It is used for diagnostic purposes or to create a prosthesis or
other elements of a prosthesis that surrounds all or part of the pre-
pared crown
facial profile \fa#shal pro#fıl\: the outline form of the face from a lateral
extraoral tracing \ek#stra-ôr#al, or#- tra#sıng\: a tracing of mandibular
movements made by means of devices that extend outside the oral
facial prosthesis \fa#shal proth#ı-sıs\: a maxillofacial prosthesis that ar-
cavity; a tracing made outside the oral cavity
tificially replaces a portion of the face lost due to surgery, trauma, or
ex tra ver sion: see LABIOVERSION
congenital absence—called also extraoral prosthesis, prosthetic dress-
ex tir pate vt -pat ed; -pat ing (1539) 1: to pull up or out; to destroy
completely 2: to cut out by surgery—ex tir pa tion n
facial prosthetic adhesive \fa#shal pros-thet#ık ad-he#sıv\: a material
ex trin sic \ık-strın#sık\ adj (1613): external, extraneous, as originat-
used to adhere a facial prosthesis to the skin
ing from or on the outside—ex trin si cal ly adv fac ing \fa#sıng\ n (1566): a veneer of any restorative material used on
extrinsic coloring \ık-strın#sık kul#or-ıng\: coloring from without; ap- a natural tooth or prosthesis as a restoration to simulate a natural
plying color to the external surface of a prosthesis tooth
ex tru sion \ık-stroo#zhun\ n (1540): the movement of teeth beyond failure \fa-teg# fal#yer\: in dental materials, fracture of any physical ma-
the natural occlusal plane that may be accompanied by a similar terial due to cyclic loading and unloading characterized by fracture
movement of their supporting tissues below its ultimate tensile strength
ex u date \eks#yoo-dat#\ n : 1. exuded molten material 2. any fluid Farrar appliance [William B. Farrar, Alabama, U.S. dentist]: a type of
that gradually passing through tissues. Inflammatory exudate is a occlusal device used to position the mandible anteriorly; used in the
fluid with a high content of serum proteins and leukocytes, formed as treatment of some types of temporomandibular joint disk disorders
a reaction to tissue injury. Farrar WB. A clinical outline of temporomandibular joint diagnosis and
treatment. 7th ed. Montgomery: Walker Printing Co., 1983.

JULY 2005

Farrar device fixed dental prosthesis


Farrar device: C. L. Goddard includes descriptions and illustrations of fine \fın\ adj (13c) 1: free from impurities 2: of a metal: having a stated
several devices used to retract teeth and ‘‘ . for many other purpo- proportion of pure metal in its composition, expressed in parts per
ses’’ that are attributed to J. N. Farrar, DDS. Farrar also is credited thousand . a gold coin 0.9265
with various ‘‘push- and pull-jacks’’ for tooth movement, and ‘‘ap- fine ness \fın#nes#\ n : the proportion of pure gold in a gold alloy; the
pliances’’ for moving roots forward and backward parts per 1000 of gold
Essig CJ, ed. The American textbook of prosthetic dentistry. 1st ed. finish \fın#ısh\ n (1779): to put a final coat or surface on; the refine-
Philadelphia: Lea Brothers and Co., 1986:153-209. ment of form prior to polishing
fa tigue \fa-teg#\: the breaking or fracturing of a material caused by re- finish junction: the path of union of a dental restoration with the tooth
peated cyclic or applied loads below the yield limit; usually viewed finish line \fın#ısh lın\ n (1899) 1: a line of demarcation determined by
initially as minute cracks followed by tearing and rupture; also two points 2 (obs) the peripheral extension of a tooth preparation 3:
termed brittle failure or fracture ,metal ;.—see FAILURE the planned junction of different materials 4: (obs) the terminal
feeding aid \fe#dıng ad\ obs : an ancillary prosthesis that closes the oral- portion of the prepared tooth
nasal cavity defect, thus enhancing sucking and swallowing, and fir ing \fır#ıng\: the process of porcelain fusion, in dentistry, specifi-
maintains the right and left maxillary segments of infants with cleft cally to produce porcelain restorations
palates in their proper orientation until surgery is performed to re- first stage dental implant surgery \fûrst den#tal ım-plant sûr#ja-re\:
pair the cleft—called also feeding appliance, feeding prosthesis the initial surgical procedure in dental implant placement. For
feeding appliance obs : see FEEDING AID eposteal dental implants, this refers to the reflection of the oral mu-
feeding prosthesis \fe#dıng pros-the#sıs\ obs : a ancillary prosthesis cosa, the impression made of the surgically exposed bone and usu-
constructed for newborns with cleft palates to permit normal suck- ally an interocclusal record made to fabricate the implant body
ing and feeding—see FEEDING AID followed by surgical closure. For an endosteal implant, this refers
feld spar \feld#spär, fel#-\ n (1757) 1: any one of a group of minerals, to the reflection of the oral mucosa and investing tissues, prepara-
principally aluminosilicate of sodium, potassium, calcium, or bar- tion of the implantation site (i.e., removal of alveolar bone and, oc-
casionally, tapping), placement of the dental implant body, and
ium, that are essential constituents of nearly all crystalline rocks
surgical closure of the overlying investing soft tissues—comp
2: a crystalline mineral of aluminum silicate with sodium, potas-
sium, barium, and/or calcium; a major constituent of some dental
Fischer’s angle [Rudolf Fischer, Swiss dentist, Zurich, Switzerland]:
eponym for the angle formed by the intersection of the protrusive
feld spath ic \feld-spath#ık, fel#-\ adj (ca. 1828): related to or contain-
and nonworking side condylar paths as viewed in the sagittal plane
ing feldspar; used especially with reference to porcelain glaze
Fischer R. Beziehungen zwischen den Kieferbewegungen und der Kaufla-
feldspathic porcelain: porcelain fabricated from the natural mineral
chenform der Zuhne. Schweizerische Monataschrift fur Zahnheilkunde
group feldspar. The material is composed of compounds of oxygen
Zurich 1926;74.
with lighter metals and nonmetals and is predominantly an amor-
Fischer R. Die Offnungsbewegungen des Unterkiefers und ibre Wiedergabe am
phous (non-crystalline) matrix with one or more crystalline phases
Artikulator. Schweizerische Monateschrift fur Zahnheilkunde
(such as leucite K2O Al2O3 4SiO2)
fer rule \fer#al\ n (15c) l: a metal band or ring used to fit the root or fis sure \fısh#ur\ n (15c): any cleft or grove, normally present or oth-
crown of a tooth 2: any short tube or bushing for making a tight erwise; a cleft or deep ditch in the surface of a tooth, usually due
joint to imperfect fusion of adjoining enamel lobes. Distinguished
fes toon \fe-stoon\ n (1630) 1: any decorative chain or strip hanging from a groove or sulcus—called also enamel fissure
between two points 2: in dentistry, carvings in the base material of a fissured fracture \fısh#urd frak#shur\: a fracture that extends partially
denture that simulate the contours of the natural tissues that are be- through a bone with displacement of the bony fragments
ing replaced by the denture fistula \fıs#cha-la\ n, pl -las \-las\ or -lea \-lea\ (14c): a pathologic or
fes toon \fe-stoon\ vt (1800): to shape into festoons abnormal passage resulting from incomplete healing; a communi-
FGP: acronym for Functionally Generated Path cation between two internal organs or one that leads from an inter-
fi bro in te gra tion \fı#bro-ın#tı-gra#shun\ n (1982): see FIBROUS nal organ to the surface of a body; usually designated according to the
INTEGRATION parts it communicates with, as oral-nasal f.
fibroosseous integration: see FIBROUS INTEGRATION fit \fıt\ v, fit ted \fıt#ıd\, also fit \fıt\; fit ting \fıt#ıng\ vt (1586) 1: to be
fi bro sis \fı-bro#sıs\ n (1873): the formation of fibrous tissue; fibroid suitable or to be in harmony with 2a: to conform correctly to the
or fibrous degeneration shape or size of 2b: to insert or adjust until correctly in place; to
fi brous \fı#brus\ adj (1626): composed of or containing fibers make or adjust to the correct size or shape, i.e., to adapt one struc-
fibrous adhesion \fı#brus ad-he#zhun\: a fibrous band or structure by ture to another, as the adaptation of any dental restoration to its
which parts abnormally adhere site, in the mouth
fibrous ankylosis \fı#brus ang#ka-lo#sıs\: reduced mobility of a joint fix \fıks\ vt (14c): to make firm, stable, or stationery, to attach to an-
due to proliferation of fibrous tissue other object so that separation of the parts cannot be accomplished
fibrous integration \fı#brus ın#tı-gra#shun\: the presence of a layer of without breaking of the mechanical and/or chemical bonds that
intervening fibrous connective tissue between a dental implant and hold the parts in spatial relationship with each other
the adjacent bone indicative of failed osseointegration fixed \fıkst\ adj (14c): securely placed or fastened; stationary; not sub-
field \feld\ n (bef. 12c) 1: an area or open space, as an operative field or ject to change; immobile
visual field 2: a range of specialization or knowledge, study, or oc- fixed bridge: see FIXED DENTAL PROSTHESIS
cupation fixed movable bridge \fıkst moov#va-bal brıj\ obs : a fixed partial den-
fil ter \fıl#ter\ n (1563): in radiology, a solid screen insert, usually of ture having one or more nonrigid connectors
varying thicknesses and different metals (aluminum, copper, tin) fixed partial denture \fıkst pär#shal den#chur\: see FIXED DENTAL
placed to filter out photons of longer wavelengths PROSTHESIS
final flask closure \fı#nal flask klo#zher\: the last closure of a dental fixed dental prosthesis retainer \fıkst den#tl pros-the#sıs rı-ta#ner\:
flask before polymerizing, after trial packing of the mold with a re- the part of a fixed dental prosthesis that unites the abutment(s)
storative material to the remainder of the restoration
final impression \fı#nal ım-presh#on\: the impression that represents fixed dental prosthesis \fıkst den#tl pros-the#sıs\: any dental prosthesis
the completion of the registration of the surface or object that is luted, screwed or mechanically attached or otherwise


fixed dental prosthesis Frankfort horizontal plane


securely retained to natural teeth, tooth roots, and/or dental im- flux \fluks\ n (14c) 1: in physics, the rate of flow of a liquid, particles or
plant abutments that furnish the primary support for the dental energy 2: in ceramics, an agent that lowers the fusion temperature
prosthesis. This may include replacement of one to sixteen teeth of porcelain 3: in metallurgy, a substance used to increase fluidity
in each dental arch. If a metallic or ceramic component is included and to prevent or reduce oxidation of a molten metal 4: any sub-
within the fixed dental prosthesis, that component is termed the stance applied to surfaces to be joined by brazing, soldering or
framework. Ed note: Dental prostheses (fixed dental prostheses, re- welding to clean and free them from oxides and promote union
movable dental prostheses) as well as maxillofacial prostheses can FMA: acronym for Frankfort Mandibular plane Angle
be supported and retained in part or whole by dental implants.
Terminology to assist in describing the means of retention, support foil \foil\ n (14c): an extremely thin, pliable sheet of metal, usually of
and dental materials should be limited to concatenation of three variable thickness—see GOLD F., PLATINUM F., TINFOIL
and no more than four adjectives to provide clarity. Descriptive ter- force \fôrs\ n (14c): an agency or influence that, when exerted on a
minology (modifiers) expressed as adjectives to each fixed dental body, tends to set the body into motion or to alter its present state of
prosthesis may include such items as the method of retention, com- motion. Force applied to any material causing deformation of that
position, nature of support, design characteristics, and/or form of an- material—see MASTICATORY F., OCCLUSAL F.
chorage forces of mastication \fôrs-es uv mas#tı-ka#shun\ obs : the motive force
Simon H, Yanase RT. Terminology for Implant Prostheses. Int J Oral created by the dynamic action of the muscles during the physio-
Maxillofac Implants 2003;18:539-43. logic act of mastication (GPT-4)
fixed prosthodontics \fıkst pros#tha-don#tıks\: the branch of prostho- form \form\ n (13c): the shape or configuration of anything, as dis-
dontics concerned with the replacement and/or restoration of tinguished from its material
teeth by artificial substitutes that not readily removed from the form \form\ vt (13c): to give shape, to mold, to adapt
mouth for nix \fôr#nıks\ n, pl for for ni ces \fôr#nı-sez\ (1681): an anatomi-
fix ture \fıks#chur\ n : something that is fixed or attached, as a struc- cal arch or fold
tural part or a permanent appendage forward protrusion \fôr#werd pro-troo#zhun\ obs : a protrusion for-
fix ture \fıks#chur\ substand (1982): an endosteal dental implant— ward of centric position (GPT-3)
see ENDOSTEAL DENTAL IMPLANT, DENTAL IMPLANT fossa \fos#a\ n, pl fossae \fos#e#\ (1771): an anatomical pit, groove, or
fixture cover \fıks#chur kuv#er\ substand (1982): the component depression
placed over a dental implant during the healing phase to prevent tis- foundation restoration \foun-da#shun res#ta-ra#shun\: the core
sue from proliferating into the internal portion of the implant buildup portion of a natural tooth restoration
body—see COVER SCREW foveae palatinae \fo#ve-e# pal#a-tın-e\: two small pits or depressions in
flabby tissue \flab#e tısh#oo\ obs : excessive movable tissue (GPT-4) the posterior aspect of the palatal mucosa, one on each side of the
flange \flanj\ n (ca 1688): a rib or rim used for strength, for guiding or midline, at or near the attachment of the soft palate to the hard pal-
attachment of another object—see BUCCAL F., DENTURE F., ate
LABIAL F. frac ture \frak#chur\ n (15c): the process or act of breaking; state of
flange \flanj\ vt, flang ed \flanjd\; flang ing \flanj#ing\ (ca. 1864): to being broken—see AVULSION F., BLOWOUT F.,
furnish with a flange CEMENTUM F., CLOSED REDUCTION OF A F.,
flange contour \flanj kon#toor\ obs : the design of the flange of a den- COMMINUTED F., COMPLICATED F., DISLOCATED F.,
ture (GPT-4) FIS
flask \flask\ n : a metal case or tube used in investing procedures—see
flask \flask\ v : to flask or surround; to invest F., PYRAMIDAL F., ROOT F., SECONDARY F., SIMPLE F.,
flask closure \flask klo#zher\: the procedure of bringing two halves, or SPONTANEOUS F., SUBCONDYLAR F., SUBPERIOSTEAL F.
parts, of a flask together—see FINAL F.C., TRIAL F.C. frac ture \frak#chur\ v, frac tured \frak#churd\; frac tur ing \frak#
flask ing \flask#ing\ vt (20c) 1: the act of investing in a flask 2: the pro-
cess of investing the cast and a wax replica of the desired form in a chur-ıng\ vt (1612): to cause a fracture in; to break, rupture, or tear
flask preparatory to molding the restorative material into the de- fracture strength \frak#chur strengkth\: strength at fracture based on
sired product the original dimensions of the specimen
flipper obs: see INTERIM PROSTHESIS; PROVISIONAL frame work \fram#wûrk\ n (1644): 1. an interior or imbedded, open-
PROSTHESIS work or structural frame used to support some other object or ob-
flowing composite resin \flo#a#bel kom-poz#ıt rez#ın\ (1998): com- jects 2. the skeletal portion of prosthesis (usually metal, sometimes
posite resin that is less highly filled than conventional composite ceramic) around which and to which are attached the remaining
resin and has improved wettability portions of the prosthesis to produce a finished restoration —usage:
flu o res cence \floo-res#ens\ n (1852): a process by which a material for dental prostheses, the framework may be any metal or combina-
absorbs radiant energy and emits it in the form of radiant energy of tion of metals or ceramic material, with various forms including de-
a different wavelength band, all or most of whose wavelengths ex- signed slots, incorporated corrective angulation patterns etc. which
ceed that of the absorbed energy. Fluorescence, as distinguished provide rigidity to a dental prosthesis. Such a framework can be
from phosphorescence, does not persist for an appreciable time af- made in whole or made of component parts. Frequently used to an-
ter the termination of the excitation process chor a prosthesis to natural teeth (by cementation) or dental im-
flu o res cent \floo-resent\ adj (1853): having or relating to fluores- plant abutments (by cementation, mechanical undercuts, screws)
cence or both
fluoride gel carrier \floor#ıd jel kar#e-er\ (20c): a ancillary prosthesis Frankfort mandibular plane angle \Frangk#fort man#dı-bu#lar plan
which covers the teeth in either dental arch and is used to apply top- ang#gal\: eponym for the angle formed by the intersection of the
ical fluoride in close proximity to tooth enamel and dentin for sev- Frankfort horizontal plane with the mandibular plane
Frankfort horizontal plane \Frangk#fort hôr#ı-zon#tl plan\ 1: eponym
eral minutes daily. Generally considered essential for all patients
for a plane established by the lowest point on the margin of the
with any natural dentition who undergo oral radiation therapy to
right or left bony orbit and the highest point on the margin of
assist in prevention of extensive secondary dental decay—syn
the right or left bony auditory meatus 2: a horizontal plane repre-
sented in profile by a line between the lowest point on the margin of
the orbit to the highest point on the margin of the auditory meatus;
adopted at the 13th General Congress of German Anthropologists
JULY 2005

Frankfort horizontal plane generated occlusal path


(the ‘‘Frankfort Agreement’’) at Frankfort am Main, 1882, and fi- full veneer crown: see COMPLETE CROWN
nally by the International Agreement for the Unification of fully adjustable articulator \fool#e a-just-a#bal är-tık#ya-la#tor\: an ar-
Craniometric and Cephalometric Measurements in Monaco in ticulator that allows replication of three dimensional movement of
1906; called also auriculo-orbital plane, eye-ear plane, Frankfort recorded mandibular motion—called also Class IV articulator
horizontal (FH), Frankfort horizontal line fully adjustable gnathologic articulator \fool#e a-just-a#bal nath#o-
Frankfort plane: see FRANKFORT HORIZONTAL PLANE loj#ik är-tık#ya-la#tor\: an articulator that allows replication of three
free gingival \fre jın#ja-va\ l: the part of the gingiva that surrounds the dimensional movement plus timing of recorded mandibular mo-
tooth and is not directly attached to the tooth surface tion—called also Class IV articulator
free gingival groove: the line demarcating the junction between free functional articulation \fungk#sha-nal är-tık#ya-la#shun\: the occlusal
and attached gingival tissue contacts of the maxillary and mandibular teeth during mastication
free gingival margin \fre jın#ja-val mär#jın\: the unattached gingiva and deglutition
surrounding the teeth in a collar-like fashion and demarcated functional chew-in record \fungk#sha-nal choo-ın rek#ord\ obs: a rec-
from the attached gingiva by a shallow linear depression, termed the ord of the movements of the mandible made on the occluding sur-
free gingival groove face of the opposing occlusion rim by teeth or scribing studs and
free mandibular movement \fre man-dıb#ya-lar moov#ment\ 1: any produced by simulated chewing movements (GPT-4)
mandibular movement made without interference 2: any uninhib- functional dislocation \fungk#sha-nal dıs#lo-ka#shun\: dislocation of
ited movement of the mandible the articular disk of the temporomandibular joint due to a seriously
free support \fre sa-pôrt\ obs : support that does not permit translation impaired disk-condyle complex function
of the beam perpendicular to its axis and presumably offers no re- functional jaw orthopedics \fungk#sha-nal jô ôr#tha-pe#dıks\: use of
straint to the tendency of the beam to rotate at the support orthodontic prostheses that rely on the patient’s own musculature
(GPT-4) for force application and that attempt to alter the skeletal structure of
freedom in intercuspal position: see INTERCUSPAL CONTACT the face
AREA functional mandibular movements’ \fungk#sha-nal man-dıb#u-lar
freeway space obs : see INTEROCCLUSAL REST SPACE moov#ments\: all normal, proper, or characteristic movements of
frem i tus \frem#ı-tus\ n (1879): a vibration perceptible on palpation; the mandible made during speech, mastication, yawning, swallow-
in dentistry, a vibration palpable when the teeth come into contact ing, and other associated movements
frenectomy: surgical excision of a frenum functional occlusal harmony \fungk#sha-nal a-kloo#sal här#ma-ne\
fren u lum \fren#ya-lem\ n, pl -la (1706): a connecting fold of mem- obs : the occlusal relationship of opposing teeth in all functional
brane serving to support or retain a part ranges and movements that will provide the greatest masticatory ef-
fren um \fre#num\ n, pl fren ums or fre na: see FRENULUM ficiency without causing undue strain or trauma on the supporting
frictional attachment \frık#shun-al a-tach#ment\: a precision or semi- tissues (GPT-4)
precision attachment that achieves retention by metal to metal con- functional occlusion \fungk#sha-nal a-kloo#shun\ obs : the contacts of
tact, without springs, clips or other mechanical means of the maxillary and mandibular teeth during mastication and deglu-
retention—see PRECISION ATTACHMENT tition (GPT-4)
friction retained pin \frık#shun rı-tand pın\: a metal rod driven into a functional record \fungk#sha-nal rek#ord\: a record of lateral and pro-
hole drilled into dentin to enhance retention; retained solely by trusive movements of the mandible made on the surfaces of an oc-
dentinal elasticity clusion rim or other recording surface
frit \frıt\ n (1662) 1: the calcined or partly fused matter of which glass functional occlusal splint \fungk#sha-nal a-kloo#sal splınt\: a device
is made 2: a mass of fused porcelain obtained by firing the basic that directs the movements of the mandible by controlling the
constituents and plunging them into water while hot. The frit is plane and range of motion
ground to make porcelain powders functional wax: see DENTAL IMPRESSION WAX
frit \frıt\ vt fri tted \frı-tıd\; frit ing \frı#tıng\ (1805) 1: to prepare functionally generated path \fungk#sha-na-le jen#a-rat#ıd path\: a
substances for glass by heating; to fuse 2: to convert into a frit registration of the paths of movement of the occlusal surfaces of
frontal plane \frun#tl\: any plane parallel with the long axis of the body teeth or occlusion rims of one dental arch in plastic or other media
and at right angles to the median plane, thus dividing the body into attached to the teeth or occlusal rims of the opposing arch
front and back parts. So called because this plane roughly parallels functioning condyle: see WORKING SIDE CONDYLE
the frontal suture of the skull fur ca tion \fûr#ka#shun\ n : the anatomic region of a multirooted
fulcrum line \fool#krum lın\ 1. a theoretical line passing through the tooth where the roots diverge
point around which a lever functions and at right angles to its
path of movement 2: an imaginary line, connecting occlusal rests, G
around which a partial removable dental prosthesis tends to rotate gag \gag\ n (1553) 1: an involuntary contraction of the muscles of the
under masticatory forces. The determinants for the fulcrum line are soft palate or pharynx that results in retching 2: a surgical device for
usually the cross arch occlusal rests located adjacent to the tissue holding the mouth open
borne components—see F.L. OF A REMOVABLE PARTIAL galvanic skin response \gal-van#ık\: the change in the electrical resis-
DENTURE, RETENTIVE F.L. tance of the skin in response to diverse stimuli
fulcrum line of a removable dental prosthesis \fool#krum lın uv a rı- galvanic stimulation \gal-van#ik stım#ya-la#shun\: stimulation of
moov#va-bal den#tl pros-the#sıs\: a theoretical line around which a muscles through the application of varying amplitudes and pulsa-
removable dental prosthesis tends to rotate tions of electrical current; used in the treatment of muscle disorders
full denture: see COMPLETE DENTURE gal van ism \gal#va-nız#um\ n (1797): accelerated corrosion of a
full denture prosthetics \fool den#chur pros-thet#ıks\ obs 1: the re- metal due to electrical contact with a more noble metal in a corro-
placement of the natural teeth in the arch and their associated parts sive electrolyte. The resulting current flow can produce nerve stim-
by artificial substitutes 2: the art and science of the restoration of an ulation, unpleasant tastes, and other physiological reactions
edentulous mouth (GPT-4)—see COMPLETE DENTURE commonly associated with this term
PROSTHODONTICS ga vage \ga-väzh#\ n (1889): forced feeding especially through a tube
full thickness graft \fool thık-nes\: a transplant of epithelium consist- passed into the stomach
ing of skin or mucous membrane with a minimum of subcutaneous generated occlusal path: see FUNCTIONALLY GENERATED
tissue PATH


genial GRAY

ge nial \jı-nı#al\ adj (1566): pertaining to the chin has been fired, producing a nonporous, glossy or semi-glossy sur-
genial tubercles \jı-nı#al too#ber-kalz, tyoo-\: mental spines; rounded face—see NATURAL G., OVERGLAZE
elevations (usually two pairs) clustered around the midline on the glenoid fossa: the concavity in the temporal bone by the zygomatic
lingual surface of the lower portion of the mandibular symphysis. arch that receives the mandibular condyle
These tubercles serve as attachments for the genioglossus and geni- gliding movement: see TRANSLATION
ohyoid muscles gliding occlusion \glı#dıng a-kloo#zhun\ obs : used in the sense of des-
ge nio plasty \jı-nı#o-plas#te\ n 1: a surgical procedure performed to ignating contacts of teeth in motion (GPT-4)—see
alter the contour of the mandibular symphysis 2: plastic surgery of ARTICULATION
the chin glos sal gia \glô#sal-ja\ n : pain in the tongue
geriatrics \jer#e-at#r#ks\ n, pl but sing in constr (1909): the branch of glos so py nia \glô#so-pın#ya\ n : painful or burning tongue
medicine that treats all problems peculiar to the aging patient, in- glos sec to my \glô#sek#ta-me\ n : partial or total resection of the
cluding the clinical problems of senescence and senility—see tongue
DENTAL G., GERODONTICS, GERODONTOLOGY glos so plas ty \glô#sa-plas-te\ n: plastic surgery of the tongue
gerodontics \jer#a-don#tıks\ n, pl but sing in constr : the treatment of glos so py ro sis \glô#sa-pı-ro#sıs\ n : a form of paresthesia character-
dental problems of aging persons; also spelled geriodontics ized by pain, burning, itching, and stinging of the mucosa of the
gerodontology \jer#a-don-tol#a-je\ n : the study of the dentition and tongue, without noticeable lesions; called also burning tongue
dental problems in aged or aging persons gnath ic \nath#ık\ adj (1882): of or pertaining to the jaw or cheek
Gillett bridge [Henry W. Gillett] obs : eponym for a partial removable gnath ion \nath#eon\ n : the lowest bony point, in the median plane of
dental prosthesis utilizing a Gillett clasp system, which was com- the mandible
posed of an occlusal rest notched deeply into the occlusal-axial sur- gnath o dy na mo me ter \nath#a-dın-a-mom#a-ter\ n 1: an instru-
face with a gingivally placed groove and a circumferential clasp for ment for measuring the force exerted in closing the jaws 2: an in-
retention. The occlusal rest was custom made in a cast restoration
strument used for measuring biting pressure
Kennedy E. The techniques of Gillett clasps in partial denture construction.
gnath ol o gy \nath#ol-a-ge\ n : the science that treats the biology of
Brooklyn: Dental Items of Interest Publishing Co., 1928:292-317.
the masticatory mechanism as a whole: that is, the morphology,
Cohn LA. The physiologic basis for tooth fixation in precision-attached par-
anatomy, histology, physiology, pathology, and the therapeutics of
tial dentures. J PROSTHET DENT 1956;6:220-44.
the jaws or masticatory system and the teeth as they relate to the
gin gi va \jın#ja-va, jın-jı-\ n, pl -vae \-ve#\: the fibrous investing tissue,
covered by epithelium, which immediately surrounds a tooth and is health of the whole body, including applicable diagnostic, ther-
contiguous with its periodontal membrane and with the mucosal apeutic, and rehabilitation procedures
tissues of the mouth—see ATTACHED G., FREE G., Goddard’s linear occlusion (William H. Goddard, Louisville,
MARGINAL G. Kentucky, U.S. dentist, 1808-1883): see LINEAR OCCLUSION
gingival crevice \jın#ja-val krev#ıs\: a shallow fissure between the mar- Golden Proportion: the ratio between succeeding terms in a mathe-
ginal gingiva and the enamel or cementum. It is bounded by the matical progression (called the Fibonacci series [Leonardo Pisano:
tooth surface on one side, the crevicular epithelium on the other, nickname Fibonacci, Italian Mathematician, c1170-c1240]) in
and the coronal end of the junctional epithelium at its most apical which each number is the sum of the two immediately preceding
point—called also gingival sulcus it (i.e., 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, and so on). The ratio
gingival denture contour \jın#ja-val den#chur kon#toor\: the form of converges on approximately 1.618 to 1. Claims have been made
the denture base or other material around the cervical regions of that the Golden Proportion exists in natural dentitions in the ratio
prosthetic teeth of the widths of incisors and canines as seen from the facial surfaces
gingival displacement \jın#ja-val dıs-plas#ment\: the deflection of the gold foil \gold\ 1: pure gold rolled into extremely thin sheets 2: a pre-
marginal gingiva away from a tooth
gingival embrasure: the space between adjacent teeth that is cervical cious-metal foil used in restoration of carious or fractured teeth
to the interproximal contact area gothic arch tracer \goth#ik arch tra#ser\ obs : the device that produces a
gingival porcelain: a porcelain blend used for the cervical portion of a tracing that resembles an arrowhead or a gothic arch. The device is
ceramic restoration comp BODY PORCELAIN, INCISAL attached to the opposing arches. The shape of the tracing depends
PORCELAIN on the relative location of the marking point and the tracing table.
gingival retraction: see GINGIVAL DISPLACEMENT The apex of a properly made tracing is considered to indicate the
ginglymoarthrodial joint: any joint, such as the temporomandibular most retruded, unstrained relation of the mandible to the maxillae,
joint, capable of both hinging and gliding articulation
i.e., centric relation (GPT-4)—see CENTRAL BEARING
ginglymus joint \jın#gla-mus joint\: a hinge joint
gin gly mus \jın#gla-mus\ n : a type of synovial joint which allows
gothic arch tracing: see CENTRAL BEARING TRACING
movement in one plane only (i.e., forward and backward), such
graft \graft\ n (14c): a tissue or material used to repair a defect or de-
as the hinge of a door; called also ginglymoid or hinge joint
ginglymus joint \jın#gla-mus joint\: a hinge joint
glare \glâr\ v (13c): the disturbance of the sensitivity of the eye, expe-
rienced when portions of the field of view have a brightness or in- HETEROGRAFT, HOMOGRAFT, ISOGRAFT, SPLIT-
tensity greatly in excess of that of the average for the field of view THICKNESS G., XENOGENIC G.
glass-ceramic \glas sa-ram#ik\: a solid material, crystalline and partly Grassman’s laws [author unknown]: eponym for three empirical laws
glassy, formed by controlled crystallization of a glass that describe the color-matching properties of additive mixtures of
glass ionomer \glas ı#a-no#mer\ (1998): a cement, luting or restora- color stimuli 1: to specify a color match, three independent varia-
tive agent composed of an acid-soluble glass, polyacrylic acid, bles are necessary and sufficient 2: for an additive mixture of color
and water that sets via an acid-base reaction stimuli, only their tri-stimulus values are relevant, not their spectral
glaze \glaz\ vb glazed \glazd\; glaz ing \gla#zıng\ vt (14c) 1: to cover compositions 3: in an additive mixture of color stimuli, if one or
with a glossy, smooth surface or coating 2: the attainment of a more components of the mixture are gradually changed, the result-
smooth and reflective surface 3: the final firing of porcelain in ing tri-stimulus values also change gradually. (Laws do not hold for
which the surface is vitrified and a high gloss is imparted to the ma- all observing conditions)
terial 4: a ceramic veneer on a dental porcelain restoration after it GRAY \gra\: a unit of absorbed radiation dose equal to 100 RADS.
Abbreviated Gy

JULY 2005

greenstick fracture hinge axis of the mandible


greenstick fracture \gren-stık\ n (1885): a fracture in which the break pansion of the mold during wax elimination. Because gypsum is not
in the bone is not complete. The bone appears to be bent on one chemically stable at temperatures exceeding 650 C (1200 F), these
side while the other side of the bone is broken investments are typically restricted to castings of conventional Type
Griffith flaws: eponym—see MICROCRACK II, III, and IV gold alloys
grinding-in \grın#dıng-ın\ obs : a term used to denote the act of cor-
recting occlusal disharmonies by grinding the natural or artificial H
groove \groov\ n : a long narrow channel or depression, such as the in- habitual occlusion: see MAXIMAL INTERCUSPAL POSITION
dentation between tooth cusps or the retentive features placed on Hader bar [after the Swiss tool and die technician, Helmut Hader]:
tooth surfaces to augment the retentive characteristics of crown eponym for a rigid bar connecting two or more abutments, which,
preparations when viewed in cross section, resembles a keyhole, consisting of a
group function \groop fungk#shun\: multiple contact relations be- rectangular bar with a rounded superior (occlusal) ridge that cre-
tween the maxillary and mandibular teeth in lateral movements ates a retentive undercut for the female clip within the removable
on the working side whereby simultaneous contact of several teeth prosthesis
acts as a group to distribute occlusal forces Breim SL., Renner RP. An overview of tissue bars. Gen Dent 1982: 406-15.
Guerin’s fracture [Alphonse Francois Marie Guerin, French surgeon, hamular notch: see PTERYGOMAXILLARY NOTCH
1816-1895]: eponym—see LE FORT I FRACTURE Hanau’s Quint [Rudolph L. Hanau, (1881-1930) Buffalo, New
guid ance \gıd#ns\ n (1590) 1: providing regulation or direction to York, U.S. engineer, born Capetown, South Africa]: rules for bal-
movement; a guide 2: the influence on mandibular movements anced denture articulation including incisal guidance, condylar
by the contacting surfaces of the maxillary and mandibular anterior guidance, cusp length, the plane of occlusion, and the compensat-
teeth 3: mechanical forms on the lower anterior portion of an artic- ing curve described by Rudolph Hanau in 1926
ulator that guide movements of its upper member—see Hanau R. Articulation defined, analyzed, and formulated. J Am Dent Assoc
CONDYLAR G. hard palate \hard pal#ıt\: the bony portion of the roof of the mouth
guide pin \gıd pın\: the component of a dental implant system that is healing abutment: see INTERIM ENDOSTEAL DENTAL
placed within the surgically prepared osseous site for an endosteal IMPLANT ABUTMENT
implant. It assists in determination of location and angulation of the healing component: see INTERIM ENDOSTEAL DENTAL
site relative to other soft tissue or bony landmarks IMPLANT ABUTMENT
guide plane \gıd plan\ obs 1: the plane developed in the occlusal surfa- healing screw \he#lıng skroo\: the component of an endosteal dental
ces of the occlusion rims (viz., to position the mandible in centric implant system used to seal, usually on an interim basis, the dental
relation) 2: a plane which guides movement (GPT-4) implant body during the healing phase after surgical placement.
guide table \gıd ta#bal\: the anterior element of an articulator on which The purpose of the healing screw is to maintain patency of the in-
the incisal pin rests. It may be custom contoured or mechanically ternal threaded section for subsequent attachment of the abutment
adjusted—see ANTERIOR G.T. during the second stage surgery
guided tissue regeneration \gı#dıd tısh#oo rı-jen#a-ra#shun\: any pro- heel n : see DISTAL
cedure that attempts to regenerate lost periodontal structures or al- height of contour \hıt uv kon#toor#\: a line encircling a tooth and des-
veolar process through differential tissue responses. Barrier ignating its greatest circumference at a selected axial position deter-
techniques, using synthetic materials that may or may not resorb, to mined by a dental surveyor; a line encircling a body designating its
exclude epithelial ingrowth (periodontal regeneration) or con- greatest circumference in a specified plane
nective tissue ingrowth (alveolar process regeneration) that is be- hemi glos sec to my \hem#ı-glô-sek#ta-me\ n : resection of one side
lieved to interfere with regeneration of the tongue
guiding occlusion \gı#dıng a-kloo#shun\ obs: used in the sense of des- hemi sec tion \hem#ı-sek#shun\ n : the surgical separation of a multi-
ignating contacts of teeth in motion (GPT-4) rooted tooth, especially a mandibular molar, through the furcation
guiding planes \gı#dıng planz\: vertically parallel surfaces on abutment in such a way that a root and the associated portion of the crown
teeth or/and dental implant abutments oriented so as to contrib- may be removed
ute to the direction of the path of placement and removal of a re- hemostatic agent: any chemical, such as aluminum chloride or ferric
movable dental prosthesis sulfate, that acts to control soft-tissue hemorrhage. Used during
guiding surfaces: see GUIDING PLANES impression making and restoration delivery
gum contour \gum kon#toor#\ obs : form of supporting structures of heterograft \het#a-ro-graft#\ n : a graft taken from a donor of another
the teeth or of the flanges of dentures around the teeth (GPT-1) species—called also xenograft
gums \gumz\ n, obs : the fibrous and mucosal covering of the alveolar heterotopic pain \het#er-a-tä#pık pan\: a general term designating
process or ridge (GPT-4)—see GINGIVA pain felt in an area other than the true originating site
Gunning’s splint [Thomas Brian Gunning, English-born American high fusing ceramic: a ceramic with a maturation or fusion range of
dentist, 1813-1889]: eponym for a device fabricated from casts of 1290o to 1370o C (2350o to 2500o F)
edentulous maxillary and mandibular arches to aid in reduction high fusing solder: any soldering alloy formulated to melt at approx-
and fixation of a fracture. His initial work described four types of imately 1100 C (2012 F) used to form connectors before ceramic
splints used in treating jaw fractures (1866-67), which allowed application
openings for saliva flow, nourishment, and speech—called also high lip line \hı lıp lın\: the greatest height to which the inferior border
occlusal splint of the upper lip is capable of being raised by muscle function
Fraser-Moodie W. Mr. Gunning and his splint. Br J Oral Surg 1969; 7: high noble metal alloy: as classified by the American Dental
112-5. Association (1984) any dental casting alloy with at least 60% noble
gus ta tion \gu-sta#shun\ n (1599): the act of perceiving taste metal (Au, Pt, Pd, Rh, Ru, Ir, Os) by weight with at least 40% gold
gyp sum \jıp#sum\ n (14c): the natural hydrated form of calcium sul- American Dental Association: Classification system for cast alloys. J Am
fonate, CaSO4 2H2O gypsum dihydrate Dent Assoc 1984;109:766.
gypsum-bonded investment: any casting investment with gypsum as hinge axis: see TRANSVERSE HORIZONTAL AXIS
a binder, also containing cristobalite or quartz as a refractory mate- hinge axis of the mandible: see TRANSVERSE HORIZONTAL
rial. The cristobalite and quartz are responsible for the thermal ex- AXIS


hinge axis point imbibition


hinge axis point: see POSTERIOR REFERENCE POINTS hyp al ge sia \hı#pal-ge-a\ n : diminished sensitivity to pain
hinge bow: see KINEMATIC FACEBOW hy per ac tiv i ty \hı#per-ak#tıv#ı-te\ n (1867): excessive motor activ-
hinge joint \hınj joint\: a ginglymus joint; a joint that allows motion ity. It is frequently, but not necessarily, associated with internal ten-
around one axis sion or a neurologic disorder. Usually the movements are more
hinge movement: see TRANSVERSE HORIZONTAL AXIS rapid than customary for the person
hinge position \hınj pa-zısh#an\ obs : the orientation of parts in a man- hy per al ges ia \hı#per-al-ge#se-a\ n: increased sensitivity or sensibil-
ner permitting hinge movement between them (GPT-4) ity to pain—see PRIMARY H.
homograft \ho#ma-graft#\ n (1923): a graft taken from one human hyperbaric chamber \hı#per-bar#ık\: an area in which a patient may be
and transplanted to another—called also allograft subjected to pressure of ambient gases greater than 1 atmosphere
horizontal axis of the mandible: see TRANSVERSE hyperbaric oxygenation \hı#per-bar#ık ok#sı-ja-na#shun\: the admin-
HORIZONTAL AXIS istration of oxygen under greater than atmospheric pressure; called
horizontal plane \hôr#ı-zon#tl, hor- plan\: any plane passing through also hyperbaric oxygen therapy
the body at right angles to both the median and frontal planes, thus hy per ce men to sis \hı#per-sı-men#to#sıs\ n : an excessive deposi-
dividing the body into upper and lower parts; in dentistry, the plane tion of cementum
passing through a tooth at right angles to its long axis hy per es the sia \hı#per-ıs-the#zha\ n (1849): increased sensitivity to
horizontal plane of reference \hôr#ı-zon-tl, hor#- plan uv ref#er-ans, stimulation
ref#rans\: a horizontal plane established on the face of the patient by hy per na sal i ty \hı#per-na-zal#ı-te\ n : a perceived voice quality in
one anterior reference point and two posterior reference points which the nasal cavity acts as a resonating cavity for non-nasal
from which measurements of the posterior anatomic determinants of sounds. Generally associated with palatopharyngeal inadequacy
occlusion and mandibular motion are made hy per os mia \hı#per-oz#me-a\ n : abnormally increased sensitivity to
horizontal overlap \hôr#ı-zon-tl, hor#- o#ver-lap#\: the projection of odors
teeth beyond their antagonists in the horizontal plane hy per pla sia \hı#per-pla#zha\ n (1861): the abnormal multiplication
horizontal reference plane: see HORIZONTAL PLANE OF or increase in the number of normal cells in normal arrangement in
REFERENCE a tissue
horseshoe plate \hôrs#shoo, hôrsh#- plat\ obs : a horseshoe or hyperplasia of the coronoid process: pathologic growth of the coro-
V-shaped removable prosthesis noid process of the mandible after normal growth has ended —
host site: see RECIPIENT SITE called also osteoma of the coronoid
hue \hyoo\ n (bef. 12c): often referred to as the basic color, hue is the hyperplastic tissue \hı#per-plas#tik tısh#oo\: excessive tissue prolifera-
quality of sensation according to which an observer is aware of the tion, usually as a response to chronic irritation
varying wavelengths of radiant energy. The dimension of color dic- hy per tro phy \hı-pûr#tra-fe\ n (1834): an enlargement or over-
tated by the wavelength of the stimulus that is used to distinguish growth of an organ or tissue beyond that considered normal as a
one family of color from another—as red, green, blue, etc. The at- result of an increase in the size of its constituent cells and in the ab-
tribute of color by means of which a color is perceived to be red, sence of tumor formation
yellow, green, blue, purple, etc. White, black, and grays possess hy po don tia \hı#pa-don#zha\ n : congenital absence of one or more,
no hue but not all, of the normal complement of teeth
Munsell AH. A color notation. Baltimore: Munsell Color Co. Inc, 1975: hy po es the sia \hı#po-ıs-the#zha\ n : diminished sensitivity to stim-
14-6. ulation
hunk bite obs: see INTEROCCLUSAL RECORD hy po geu sia \hı#pa-je#us-e#a\ n : diminished acuteness of the sense
hybrid \hı#brıd\ : 1. anything of mixed origin 2. offspring of two plants of taste—called also hypogeusesthesia
or animals of different genus or species hy po na sal i ty \hı#po-na-zal#ı-te\ n : reduced nasal resonance usu-
hybrid denture \hı#brıd den#chur\: slang for any modification or alter- ally from obstruction in the nasopharynx or nasal passages resulting
ation in the usual form of a dental prosthesis in an alteration of m, n, and -ng sounds
hybrid ionomer \hı#brıd ı#a-no#mer\: a conventional glass ionomer hy po pla sia \hı#po-pla#zha\ n (1889): defective or incomplete de-
that has been modified to include methacrylate groups in the liquid velopment of an organ or tissue
component. It may contain photo initiators. Setting is by an acid- hys ter e sis n : the lagging or delay in the effect of a system’s change.
base reaction with light and dual cure polymerization In dentistry, the affect of cooling and reheating of a casting invest-
syn—RESIN-MODIFIED GLASS IONOMER ment can cause casting inaccuracy because the refractory and
hybrid prosthesis \hı#brıd pros-the#sıs\: slang for a nonspecific term binder will not revert to their original forms
applied to any prosthesis that does not follow conventional design.
Frequently it is used to describe a dental prosthesis that is com- I
posed of different materials, types of denture teeth (porcelain, plas- i at ro gen ic \ı-at#ra-jen#ık\ adj (1924): resulting from the activity of
tic, composite), variable acrylic denture resins, differing metals or the clinician; applied to disorders induced in the patient by the
design etc. It may refer to a fixed dental prostheses, removable den- clinician
tal prostheses, or maxillofacial prostheses. I-bar clasp: see CLASP
hydrocolloid \hı#dra-kol#oid\ n (1916): a colloid system in which wa- id io path ic \ıd#e-o-path#ık\ adj (1669): self-originated; of
ter is the dispersion medium; those materials described as a colloid unknown causation
sol with water that are used in dentistry as elastic impression mate- idling condyle: see NONWORKING SIDE CONDYLE
rials—see IRREVERSIBLE H., REVERSIBLE H. il lum inance \ı-loo#ma-nans\ n (ca. 1938) 1: density of luminous flux
hydroxyapatite ceramic \hı-drok#se-ap#a-tıt sa-ram#ık\: a composi- on a surface 2: luminous flux incident per unit area of a surface
tion of calcium and phosphate in physiologic ratios to provide a il lum inant \ı-loo#ma-nant\ adj (15c): mathematical description of
dense, non-resorbable, biocompatible ceramic used for dental im- the relative spectral power distribution of a real or imaginary light
plants and residual ridge augmentation source, that is, the relative energy emitted by a source at each wave
hygienic pontic \hı#je-en#ık, hı-jen#- pon#tık\: a pontic that is easier to length in its emission spectrum—see CIE STANDARD
clean because it has a domed or bullet shaped cervical form and ILLUMINANT
does not overlap the edentulous ridge im bi bi tion n : the act or process of imbibing or absorbing. In den-
hygroscopic expansion \hı#gra-skop#ık ık-span#shun\: expansion due tistry, an example is the dimensional change caused in hydrocolloid
to the absorption of moisture impression materials if they are stored in water

JULY 2005 43

imbrication lines incisal guidance


imbrication lines: lines in the dentin caused by changes in mineraliza- other fixed dental prostheses, removable dental prostheses as well
tion during formation. Also called incremental lines of von as maxillofacial prostheses can be supported and retained in part
Ebner [Anton Gilbert Victor von Ebner, Austrian histologist, or whole by dental implants. Terminology to assist in understand-
1842-1925] ing the means of retention and support should be limited to con-
immediate denture \ı-me#de-ıt den#chur\: any removable dental pros- catenation of three and no more than four adjectives to provide
thesis fabricated for placement immediately following the removal clarity. Descriptive terminology may include the method of reten-
of a natural tooth/teeth tion, composition, nature of support, design characteristics, and
immediate disocclusion \ı-me#de-ıt dıs#a-kloo#shun\: instantaneous form of anchorage
separation of the posterior teeth due to the anterior guidance Simon H, Yanase RT. Terminology for Implant Prostheses. Int J Oral
immediate insertion denture: see IMMEDIATE DENTURE Maxillofac Implants 2003; 18:539-543.
immediate lateral translation: see IMMEDIATE MANDIBULAR implant prosthodontics \ım#plant# pros#tha-don#tıks\: the phase of
LATERAL TRANSLATION prosthodontics concerning the replacement of missing teeth
immediate mandibular lateral translation \ı-me#de-ıt man-dıb#ya- and/or associated structures by restorations that are attached to
lar lat#ar-al trans-la#shun\: the translatory portion of lateral move- dental implants
ment in which the nonworking side condyle moves essentially implant substructure \ım#plant# sub#struk#chur\ slang : the metal
straight and medially as it leaves the centric relation position- see framework of a eposteal dental implant that is embedded beneath
also EARLY MANDIBULAR LATERAL TRANSLATION; the soft tissues, in contact with the bone, and stabilized by means
PROGRESSIVE MANDIBULAR LATERAL TRANSLATION of endosteal screws. The periosteal tissues retain the framework
immediate obturator: see SURGICAL OBTURATOR to the bone. The framework supports the prosthesis, frequently
by means of dental implant abutments and other superstructure
immediate replacement denture: see IMMEDIATE DENTURE components
immediate side shift: see IMMEDIATE MANDIBULAR LATERAL implant surgery \ım#plant# sûr#ja-re\ (1993): the phase of implant
TRANSLATION dentistry concerning the selection, planning, and placement of
immediate temporary obturator: see SURGICAL OBTURATOR the implant body and abutment
impacted fracture \ım-pak#tıd\: a fracture in which one fragment is im plan tol o gy \ım#plan-tol#a-ge\ obs : a term historically conceived
driven into another portion of the same or an adjacent bone as the study or science of placing and restoring dental implants—
im plant \ım-plant#\ vt (1890): to graft or insert a material such as an see IMPLANT DENTISTRY, IMPLANT SURGERY, IMPLANT
alloplastic substance, an encapsulated drug, or tissue into the body of PROSTHODONTICS
a recipient im ple ment n : see DEVICE
im plant \ım-plant#\ n (1809): any object or material, such as an allo- im pres sion \ım-presh#an\ n (14c): a negative likeness or copy in re-
plastic substance or other tissue, which is partially or completely in- verse of the surface of an object; an imprint of the teeth and adja-
serted or grafted into the body for therapeutic, diagnostic, cent structures for use in dentistry—see ALTERED CAST
prosthetic, or experimental purposes—see DENTAL IMPLANT PARTIAL DENTURE I., DENTAL I., DIRECT BONE I., I.
implant connecting bar slang : usage— a connecting bar is not an im- AREA, I. MATERIAL, I. TRAY, MASTER I., PARTIAL
plantable device. It receives support and stability from the dental DENTURE I., PRELIMINARY I., SECTIONAL I., TUBE I.
implant(s) through the dental implant abutments and is termed a impression area \ım-presh#an âr#e-a\: the surface that is recorded in an
implant crown \ım#plant# kroun\ slang: usage— a crown or fixed den-
tal prosthesis is not an implantable device. The prosthesis receives
impression compound: slang: see MODELING PLASTIC I.C.
support and stability from the dental implant see DENTAL
impression coping \ım-presh#an ko#pıng\ (1998): 1: that component
of a dental implant system used to provide a spatial relationship of
implant dentistry \ım#plant# den#tı-stre\ (1993): the selection, plan-
an endosteal dental implant to the alveolar ridge and adjacent den-
ning, development, placement, and maintenance of restoration(s)
tition or other structures. Impression copings can be retained in the
using dental implants
impression or may require a transfer (termed an impression transfer
implant denture \ım#plant# den#chur\ slang: usage— a denture is not
procedure) from intraoral usage to the impression after attaching
an implantable device. Dental prostheses (fixed dental prostheses,
the analog or replicas 2: any device that registers the position of
removable dental prostheses) as well as maxillofacial prostheses
the dental implant or dental implant abutment relative to adjacent
can be supported and retained in part or whole by dental implants.
structures; most such devices are indexed to assure reproducible
Terminology to assist in describing the means of retention, support
and dental materials should be limited to concatenation of three three dimensional location
and no more than four adjectives to provide clarity. Descriptive ter- impression material \ım-presh#an ma-tîr#e-al\: any substance or com-
minology (modifiers) expressed as adjectives to each dental prosthe- bination of substances used for making an impression or negative
sis may include the method of retention, composition, nature of reproduction
support, design characteristics, and form of anchorage -See also impression post substand: see IMPRESSION COPING
PROSTHESIS impression surface \ım-presh#an sûr#fas\ obs : the portion of the den-
Simon H, Yanase RT. Terminology for Implant Prostheses. Int J Oral ture surface that has its contour determined by the impression
Maxillofac Implants 2003; 18:539-43. (GPT-4)—see IMPRESSION AREA
implant fixture: see DENTAL IMPLANT BODY impression technique \ım-presh#an tek#nek\ obs : a method and man-
implant infrastructure \ım#plant# ın#fra-struk#chur\ slang : usage— ner used in making a negative likeness (GPT-4)
while a dental implant may have an infrastructure, the proper geo- impression tray \ım-oresh#an tra\ 1: a receptacle into which suitable
metric reference to such an area of the implant is referenced relative impression material is placed to make a negative likeness 2: a device
to the long axis of the dental implant, in this case, the inferior por- that is used to carry, confine, and control impression material while
tion of the dental implant making an impression
implant interface \ım#plant# ın#ter-fas\: the junction of the surface of impression wax: see DENTAL IMPRESSION WAX
a dental implant and the surrounding host tissues—see FIBROUS incisal guidance \ın-sı#zal gıd#ans\ 1: the influence of the contacting
INTEGRATION, OSSEOUS INTEGRATION surfaces of the mandibular and maxillary anterior teeth on mandib-
implant prosthesis \ım#plant# pros-the#sıs\ slang : usage- a prosthesis ular movements 2: the influences of the contacting surfaces of the
is not an implantable device. Dental prosthesis such as crown and guide pin and guide table on articulator movements


incisal guide interdental space


incisal guide \ın-sı#zal gıd\ obs : the part of an articulator that maintains infrared radiation \ın#fra-red\: electromagnetic radiation of wave-
the incisal guide angle (GPT-4)—see ANTERIOR GUIDE TABLE lengths between 760 nm and 1000 nm
incisal guide angle \ın-sı#zal gıd ang#gal\ 1: anatomically, the angle in fra struc ture \ın#fra-struk#chur\ n : a metal or ceramic framework
formed by the intersection of the plane of occlusion and a line onto which a second framework or prosthesis will be placed
within the sagittal plane determined by the incisal edges of the max- ingot \ıng#gat\ n : 1: a mold in which metal is cast 2: a mass of metal
illary and mandibular central incisors when the teeth are in maxi- cast into a shape convenient for storage and measure that can be re
mum intercuspation 2: on an articulator, that angle formed, in the melted for later casting
sagittal plane, between the plane of reference and the slope of the initial occlusal contact \ı-nısh#al a-kloo#sal kon#takt\: during closure
anterior guide table, as viewed in the sagittal plane of the mandible, the first or initial contact of opposing teeth be-
incisal guide pin: see ANTERIOR GUIDE PIN tween the arches
incisal guide table: see ANTERIOR GUIDE TABLE injection molding \ın-jek#shun mol#dıng\: the adaptation of a plastic
incisal porcelain: a porcelain blend used for the incisal portion of a material to the negative form of a closed mold by forcing the ma-
ceramic restoration—comp BODY PORCELAIN, GINGIVAL terial into the mold through appropriate gateways—see
incisal reduction: the amount of tooth preparation at the in lay \ın-la#, ın#la#\ n (1667): a fixed intracoronal restoration; a dental
incisal edge—comp INCISAL REDUCTION, OCCLUSAL restoration made outside of a tooth to correspond to the form of
REDUCTION the prepared cavity, which is then luted into the tooth
incisal rest \ın-sı#zal rest\: a rigid extension of a removable partial den- inlay wax: see CASTING WAX
ture that contacts a tooth at the incisal edge in ser tion vb : see PLACEMENT
incisal restoration \ın-sı#zal res#ta-ra#shun\: any restoration extend- instantaneous axis of rotation \ın#stan-ta#ne-as ak#sıs uv ro-ta#shun\:
ing along the incisal edge of a tooth the hypothetical center of rotation of a moving body, viewed in a
incisive foramen \ın-sı#sıv fôr#man\: a foramen located in the midline given plane, at any point in time; for any body that has planar mo-
on the anterior of the hard palate. It transmits the nasopalatine tion, there exists, at any instant, some points that have zero velocity
nerves and vessels—called also nasopalatine foramen and will be fixed at a given instant. The line joining these points is
incisive papilla \ın-sı#sıv pa-pıl#a\: the elevation of soft tissue covering the instantaneous axis of rotation. The intersection of this line with
the foramen of the incisive or nasopalatine canal the plane of motion is called the instantaneous center of rotation
inclined plane \ın-klınd plan\: any of the inclined cuspal surfaces of a in stru ment \ın#stra-ment\ n : a tool or implement, especially one
incomplete cleft palate \ın#kam-ple#tıd kleft pal#ıt\: a cleft involving used for delicate work or for artistic or scientific purposes—see
only a part of the hard or/and soft palate DEVICE
in co or di na tion \ın-ko-ôr#dn-a#shun\ n (1876): inability to move in tagl io \ın-tal#yo, -täl#-\ n, pl -ios \-yos\ (1644) 1: an incised or en-
in a smooth, controlled, symmetrical movement graved figure in stone or any hard material depressed below the sur-
in dex \ın#deks#\ n (1571): a core or mold used to record or maintain face of the material such that an impression from the design would
the relative position of a tooth or teeth to one another, to a cast, or yield an image in relief 2: something carved in intaglio
to some other structure intaglio surface \ın-tal#yo, täl#- sûr#fas\: the portion of the denture or
indirect fracture \ın#dı-rekt#, -dı-\: a fracture at a point distant from other restoration surface that has its contour determined by the im-
the primary site of injury due to secondary forces pression; the interior or reversal surface of an object
indirect pulp capping \ın#dı-rekt#, -dı- pulp kap#ıng\: a procedure integration: see FIBROUS I., OSSEOUS I., TISSUE I.
that seeks to stimulate formation of reparative dentin by placing a interalveolar space: see INTERARCH DISTANCE
material over sound or carious dentin interarch distance \ın#ter-ärch\: the interridge distance; the vertical
indirect retainer \ın#dı-rekt#, -dı- rı-ta#ner\: the component of a par- distance between the maxillary and mandibular dentate or edentate
tial removable dental prosthesis that assists the direct retainer(s) in arches under specified conditions—see REDUCED I.D.
preventing displacement of the distal extension denture base by interarch expansion device: see TRISMUS APPLIANCE
functioning through lever action on the opposite side of the ful- interceptive occlusal contact: see DEFLECTIVE OCCLUSAL
crum line when the denture base moves away from the tissues in CONTACT
pure rotation around the fulcrum line in ter con dy lar \ın#ter-kon#da-lar\ adj : situated between two con-
indirect retention \ın#dı-rekt#, -dı- rı-ten#shun\: the effect achieved dyles
by one or more indirect retainers of a partial removable denture intercondylar axis: see CONDYLAR AXIS
prosthesis that reduces the tendency for a denture base to move in intercondylar distance \ın#ter-kon#da-lar dıs#tans\: the distance be-
an occlusal direction or rotate about the fulcrum line tween the rotational centers of two condyles or their analogues
in du rate \ın#da-rat, -dya-\ vb -rat ed \ra#tıd\; -rat ing \ra#tıng\ intercuspal contact \ın#ter-kus#pal kon#takt\: the contact between the
(1538): to make hard—in du ra tion \ın#da-ra#shun\ cusps of opposing teeth
n—in du ra tive \ın#da-ra#tıv\ adj intercuspal contact area \ın#ter-kus#pal kon#takt âr#e-a\: the range of
in du rat ed \ın#da-ra#tıd\ adj (1604): having become firm or hard, tooth contacts in maximum intercuspation
especially by an increase in fibrous elements intercuspal occlusion: see MAXIMAL INTERCUSPAL POSITION
in fra bulge \ın#fra-bulj\ n : that portion of the crown of a tooth apical intercuspal position: see MAXIMAL INTERCUSPAL POSITION
to the survey line in ter cus pa tion \ın#ter-kus-pa#shun\ n, obs : the interdigitation of
infrabulge clasp \ın#fra-bulj klasp\: a removable partial denture reten- cusps of opposing teeth (GPT-4)
tive clasp that approaches the retentive undercut from a cervical or in ter den tal \ın#ter-den#tl\ adj : between the proximal surfaces of
infrabulge direction the teeth within the same arch
in fra erup tion \ın#fra-ı-rup#shun\ n : failure in eruption of a tooth to interdental gingival void: any interproximal soft tissue loss due to
the established plane of occlusion periodontal disease, traumatic, mechanical or chemical preparation
infrared soldering: joining the components of a fixed dental prosthe- or crown lengthening procedures
sis with a specially designed unit that uses infrared light as its heat interdental papilla \ın#ter-den#tl pa-pıl#a\: a projection of the gingiva
source—comp OVEN SOLDERING filling the space between the proximal surfaces of two adjacent
in fra oc clu sion \ın#fra-a-kloo#shun\ n : malocclusion in which the teeth
occluding surfaces of teeth are below the normal plane of occlusion interdental space: see DIASTEMA, INTERARCH DISTANCE, and

JULY 2005

interdental splint intrusion


interdental splint \ın#ter-den#tl splınt\: a splint for treatment of frac- tissues within the capsule of the temporomandibular joint; an abnor-
tures and consisting of a metal or acrylic resin prostheses wired to mal relationship of the disk to the condyle, fossa, and/or eminence
the teeth in the maxilla and mandible and joined to keep the seg- internal rest: see PRECISION REST
ments immovable—see GUNNING’S SPLINT interocclusal \ın#ter-a-kloo#sal\ adj : between the occlusal surfaces of
interdigitated occlusion: see MAXIMAL INTERCUSPAL POSI- opposing teeth
TION interocclusal clearance \ın#ter-a-kloo#sal klîr#ans\ 1: the arrangement
in ter dig i ta tion n : see MAXIMAL INTERCUSPAL POSITION in which the opposing occlusal surfaces may pass one another with-
in ter fer ence \ın#ter-fîr#ans\ n (1783): in dentistry, any tooth con- out any contact 2: the amount of reduction achieved during tooth
tacts that interfere with or hinder harmonious mandibular move- preparation to provide for an adequate thickness of restorative ma-
ment terial
interim denture: see INTERIM PROSTHESIS interocclusal distance \ın#ter-a-kloo#sal dıs#tans\: the distance be-
interim endosteal dental implant abutment \ın#ter-ım en-dos#te-al tween the occluding surfaces of the maxillary and mandibular teeth
den#tl ım#plant# a-but#ment\: any dental implant abutment used when the mandible is in a specified position
for a limited time to assist in healing or modification of the adjacent interocclusal gap obs : see INTEROCCLUSAL DISTANCE
tissues interocclusal record \ın#ter-a-kloo#sal rek#ard\: a registration of the
interim obturator \ın#ter-ım ob#ta-ra#tor\: a maxillofacial prosthesis positional relationship of the opposing teeth or arches; a record
which is made following completion of initial healing following of the positional relationship of the teeth or jaws to each other
surgical resection of a portion or all of one or both maxillae; fre- interocclusal rest space \ın#ter-a-kloo#sal rest spas\: the difference be-
quently many or all teeth in the defect area are replaced by this pros- tween the vertical dimension of rest and the vertical dimension
thesis. This prosthesis replaces the surgical obturator which is while in occlusion
usually inserted at or immediately following the resection. interproximal contact \ın#ter-prok#sa-mal kon#takt\: the area of a
Generally, an interim obturator is made to facilitate closure of tooth that is in close association, connection, or touch with an ad-
the resultant defect after initial healing has been completed.
jacent tooth in the same arch
Editorial Note: Unlike the surgical obturator, which usually is
interproximal space \ın#ter-prok#sa-mal spas\: the space between ad-
made prior to surgery and frequently revised in the operating room
jacent teeth in a dental arch. It is divided into the embrasure space,
during surgery, the interim obturator is made when the defect mar-
occlusal to the contact point, and the septal space, gingival to the
gins are clearly defined and further surgical revisions are not
contact point
planned. It is a provisional prosthesis... Also, it frequently must be re-
interradicular space: the space between roots of adjacent teeth in a
vised (termed an obturator prosthesis modification) during subse-
dental arch
quent dental procedures (i.e. restorations, gingival surgery, etc.) as
interridge distance: see INTERARCH DISTANCE
well as to compensate for further tissue shrinkage before a definitive
interrupted bridge \ın#ta-rup#tıd brıj\ obs : a fixed dental prosthesis
obturator prosthesis is made.
interim ocular prosthesis \ın#ter-ım ok#ya-lar pros-the#sıs\: an in- with one or more nonrigid connectors
terim replacement generally made of clear acrylic resin for an eye intracapsular adhesion \ın#tra-kap#sa-lar ad-he#zhen\: adhesions oc-
lost due to surgery or trauma. No attempt is made to reestablish es- curring within the joint capsule, resulting in reduced mobility
thetics—syn CONFORMER, EYE SHELL, SHELL, OCULAR intracapsular ankylosis \ın#tra-kap#sa-lar ang#ka-lo#sıs\: diminished
CONFORMER joint motion due to disease, injury, or surgical procedure within a
interim palatal lift prosthesis: see PALATAL LIFT PROSTHESIS joint capsule
interim prosthesis \ın#ter-ı pros-the#sıs\: a fixed or removable dental intracapsular disorder \ın#tra-kap#sa-lar dıs-ôr#der\: a problem asso-
prosthesis, or maxillofacial prosthesis, designed to enhance esthet- ciated with the masticatory system in which the etiological factors
ics, stabilization and/or function for a limited period of time, after are located within the temporomandibular joint capsule
which it is to be replaced by a definitive dental or maxillofacial pros- intracapsular fracture \ın#tra-kap#sa-lar frak#chur\: a fracture of the
thesis. Often such prostheses are used to assist in determination of condyle of the mandible occurring within the confines of the cap-
the therapeutic effectiveness of a specific treatment plan or the form sule of the temporomandibular joint—called also intraarticular
and function of the planned for definitive prosthesis—syn fracture
PROVISIONAL PROSTHESIS, PROVISIONAL in tra con dy lar \ın#tra-kon#dı#lar\ adj : within the condyle
RESTORATION in tra cor o nal \ın#tra-kôr-a-nal\ adj 1: within the confines of the
interlock \ın#ter-lok\ n (1874): a device connecting a fixed unit or a cusps and normal proximal/axial contours of a tooth 2: within the
removable dental prosthesis to another fixed unit normal contours of the clinical crown of a tooth
interlocking cast core: a foundation restoration for an endodontically intracoronal attachment: any prefabricated attachment for support
treated, multirooted tooth that comprises multiple castings to en- and retention of a removable dental prosthesis. The male and fe-
gage divergent roots male components are positioned within the normal contour of the
intermaxillary fixation: see MAXILLOMANDIBULAR FIXATION abutment tooth—see EXTRACORONAL ATTACHMENT,
TIONSHIP in tra mu co sal \ın#tra-myoo-ko#sal\ adj : situated, formed by, or
intermediary jaw movement \ın#ter-me#de-er#e jô moov#ment\ obs : occurring within the mucosa
all movements between the extremes of mandibular excursions intramucosal implant: see MUCOSAL INSERT
(GPT-3) intramucosal insert: see MUCOSAL INSERT
intermediate abutment \ın#ter-me#de-ıt a-but#ment\: a natural tooth in tra or al \ın#tra-ôr#al\ adj : within the mouth
located between terminal abutments that serve to support a fixed or intraoral tracing \ın#tra-ôr#al tra#sıng\: a tracing made within the oral
removable dental prosthesis cavity—see ARROW POINT TRACING
internal attachment: see PRECISION ATTACHMENT in tra os seo us \ın#tra-os#e-us\ n : within bone
internal connector \ın-tûr#nal ka-nek#tor\: a nonrigid connector of intrinsic coloring \ın-trın#zık, -sık kul#ar-ıng\: coloring from within;
varying geometric designs using a matrix to unite the members of the incorporation of a colorant within the material of a prosthesis or
a fixed partial denture restoration
internal derangement \ın-tûr#nal dı-ranj#ment\: with respect to the in tru sion \ın-troo#zhen\ vb : movement of a tooth in an apical
temporomandibular joint, a deviation in position or form of the direction


invariant color match keyway d

invariant color match \ın-vâr#e-ant kul#ar mach\: a perfect color match jig \jıg\: a device used to maintain mechanically the correct positional
under all light conditions relationship between a piece of work and a tool or between compo-
inverted cusp tooth \ın-vur#tıd kusp tooth\ obs : a nonanatomic poste- nents during assembly or alteration
rior porcelain denture tooth that had circular indentations where joint \joint\ n (13c): the place of union of two or more bones—see
cusps would normally be located ARTHRODIAL J., COMPOUND J., DIARTHRODIAL J.,
in vest \ın-vest#\ vb : to surround, envelop, or embed in an investment GINGLYMOUS J., SIMPLE J., TEMPOROMANDIBULAR J.
material —see VACUUM INVESTING joint crepitus \joint krep#ı-tus\: the grating sensation caused by the
in vest ing \ın-ves#tıng\ v : the process of covering or enveloping, rubbing together of the bony surfaces of joints—called also articu-
wholly or in part, an object such as a denture, tooth, wax form, crown, lar crepitus
etc. with a suitable investment material before processing, soldering, junctional epithelium \jungk#shun-al ep#a-the#le-um\: a single or
or casting multi-layer of non-keratinizing cells adhering to the tooth surface
in vest ment n : see DENTAL CASTING I., REFRACTORY I. at the base of the gingival crevice—called also epithelial attachment
investment cast \ın-vest#ment kast\: a cast made of a material that will jump case slang : see REBASE, RELINE
withstand high temperature without disintegration—comp
ion exchange strengthening \ı#an, ı#on# ıks-chanj# strengk#tha- ka olin \ka#a-lın\ n (1727): fine, usually white, clay that is used in ce-
nıng\: the chemical process whereby the surface of a glass is placed ramics and refractory materials as a filler or extender
in compression by the replacement of a small ion by a larger one keep er \ke#par\ n (14c): any one of various devices used for keeping
while maintaining chemical neutrality something in position—usage: in dentistry, this is usually construed
ionizing radiation \ı#a-nı#zıng ra#de-a-shun\: any radiation capable of to mean a magnetized alloy attached to one element of a restora-
displacing electrons from atoms or molecules thereby producing tion to which a magnet may adhere
ions Kelly’s syndrome [Ellsworth Kelly, U.S. prosthodontist]: see
ir i des cent \ır#ı-des#ant\ adj (1796): colors produced by interfer- COMBINATION SYNDROME
ence, refraction, or diffraction Kelly E. Changes caused by a mandibular removable partial denture oppos-
irreversible hydrocolloid \ır#ı-vûr#sa-bal hı#dra-kol#oid#\: a hydro- ing a maxillary complete denture. J PROSTHET DENT 1972;27:140-50.
colloid consisting of a sol of alginic acid having a physical state Kelvin temperature [Thomson W. (Lord Kelvin), Scottish mathema-
that is changed by an irreversible chemical reaction forming insol- tician and physicist (1824-1907)]: absolute temperature indicated
uble calcium alginate— called also alginate, dental alginate by the symbol K. Zero Kelvin = 273 C
is chem ia \ı-ske#me-a\ n (ca. 1860): local and temporary deficiency of Kennedy bar [Edward Kennedy, U.S. dental surgeon]: see
blood, chiefly resulting from the contraction of a blood vessel CONTINUOUS BAR CONNECTOR
iso graft \ı#sa-graft\ n (1909): a graft from one individual to another Kennedy E. Partial denture construction. Brooklyn: Dental Items of
with the same genetic basis, as in twins—called also isogeneic graft, Interest, 1928.
syngraft Kennedy bar connector [Edward Kennedy, U.S. dental surgeon]: see
isometric contraction \ı#sa-met#rık kon-trak#shun\: muscular con- CONTINUOUS BAR CONNECTOR
traction in which there is no change in the length of the muscle dur- Kennedy E. Partial denture construction. Brooklyn: Dental Items of
ing contraction Interest, 1928.
isotonic contraction \ı#sa-ton#ık kon-trak#shun\: muscular contrac- Kennedy classification of removable partial dentures [Edward
tion in which there is a shortening of the length of the muscle while Kennedy, U.S. dental surgeon, variably dated 1923, 1925, and
the muscle maintains a constant tension 1928]: a classification of partially edentulous arches divisible into
iso tope \ı#sa-top#\ n (ca 1913): a chemical element having the same four classes. Class 1: a bilateral edentulous areas located posterior
atomic number as another but possessing a different atomic mass to the remaining natural teeth. Class II: a unilateral edentulous
J area located posterior to the remaining natural teeth. Class III: a
jacket crown: see CERAMIC CROWN, RESIN CROWN unilateral edentulous area with natural teeth located both anterior
Jackson crib clasp [V. H. Jackson, New York, N.Y., dentist] obs : a and posterior to it. Class IV: a single bilateral edentulous area lo-
one-piece clasp bent to engage the mesial and distal interproximal cated anterior to the remaining natural teeth. Edentulous areas,
undercuts in adjacent natural teeth. Usually it was made by hand in addition to those determining the main types, were designated
bending of a straight wire of appropriate dimensions as modification spaces. O. C. Applegate’s Rules govern application
Kennedy E. The Jackson crib clasp technique in partial denture construction. of the Kennedy system
Brooklyn: Dental Items of Interest, 1928. Kennedy E. Partial denture construction. Brooklyn: Dental Items of
Essig CJ. The American textbook of prosthetic dentistry. Philadelphia: Lea Interest, 1928.
Brothers and Co., 1896:185-7. ker a tin \ker#a-tın\ n (1847): a protein present in all cuticular (corni-
Jackson magnet [Thomas R. Jackson, U.S. dentist]: eponym for per- fied) structures of the body, such as hair, epidermis, horns, and the
manent magnetic alloy magnets using rare earth metals adapted organic matrix of the enamel of the teeth
for oral use ker a tin i za tion \ker#a-tın-ı-za-shun\ n : the process of maturation
Jackson TR. New rare earth magnetic technology: the Jackson solid state at- of keratinocytes. The formation of a protein layer (keratin) on the
tachment system. Trends Tech Contemp Dent Lab 1986;5:31-9. surface of some epithelia
jaw \jô\ n (14c): the bony structure bearing the teeth—see keratinized gingival \ker#a-tı-nızd jın#ja-va\: the oral surface of the
MANDIBLE, MAXILLA gingiva extending from the mucogingival junction to the gingival
jaw malposition \jô mal#pa-zısh#an\ obs : any abnormal position of the margin. In gingival health, the coronal portion of the sulcular epi-
mandible (GPT-3) thelium may also be keratinized. The pattern of keratinization may be
jaw movement: see MANDIBULAR MOVEMENT ortho-or para-
jaw record: see MAXILLOMANDIBULAR RELATIONSHIP RECORD key and keyway attachment: see ATTACHMENT
jaw relation: see MAXILLOMANDIBULAR RELATIONSHIP key way \ke#wa#\ n : an interlock using a matrix and patrix between the
jaw relation record: see MAXILLOMANDIBULAR RELATION- units of a fixed dental prosthesis. It may serve two functions: 1) to
SHIP RECORD hold the pontic in the proper relationship to the edentulous ridge
jaw repositioning: see MANDIBULAR REPOSITIONING and the opposing teeth during occlusal adjustment on the working

JULY 2005 47

keyway laterosurtrusion

cast (during application of any veneering material) and 2) to rein- la bio ver sion \la#be-o-vûr#shun\ n : labial position of a tooth be-
force the connector after soldering yond the normal arch form
kinematic axis \kın#a-mat#ık ak#sıs\: the transverse horizontal axis lamina dura \lam#a-na dur#a\: the layer of compact bone forming the
connecting the rotational centers of the right and left condyles wall of a tooth alveolus
kinematic facebow \kın#a-mat#ık fas-bo\: a facebow with adjustable land area \land âr#e-a\: the portion of a dental cast that extends beyond
caliper ends used to locate the transverse horizontal axis of the the impression’s replica surface laterally that defines the area be-
mandible tween the end of the replica’s surface and the cast
kinematics \kın#a-mat#ıks\: the phase of mechanics that deals with the lap \lap\ vb lap ped \(lapd\; lap ping \la#ping\ vt (14c) la: to fold over
possible motions of a material body or around something; to wind about lb: to envelop entirely 2: to
Kingsley splint \Kıngz#le# splınt\ [Norman William Kingsley, U.S. fold over in successive layers 3: to place over and cover a part of an-
dentist, 1829-1913] obs : eponym for a maxillary splint used to apply other 4a: to dress smooth or to polish to a high degree 4b: to fit or
traction to reduce and immobilize maxillary fractures and immobi- shape by working two surfaces together with or without abrasives
lize them through wings attached to a head device by elastics. C. L. until a very close fit is achieved—lap per \la#per\ n
Goddard cites Dr. Kingsley as first using ‘‘the occipital appliance’’ laser \la#zer\ n (1957): acronym for Light Amplification by Simulated
in 1866 Emission of Radiation: a device that transforms light of various fre-
Essig CJ. The American textbook of prosthetic dentistry. Philadelphia: Lea quencies into an intense, small, and nearly non-divergent beam of
Brothers and Co., 1896:204. monochromatic radiation, within the visible range
Kingsley NW. Oral deformities. 1866:134. laser therapy \la#zer ther#a-pe\: the use of laser energy in the treatment
Knoop hardness number: (KHN) a measure of hardness obtained of tissue pathosis
with a diamond pyramid indenter and rhombic base with included laser welding \la#zer wel#dıng\: the joining of metal components
angles of 172.5 and 130 . KHN is the ratio of the applied load to the through the use of heat generated with a laser beam
area of the indentation late closing click \lat klo#zıng klık\: the sound emanating from the
F Knoop, CG Peters, WB Emerson. A sensitive pyramidal-diamond tool for temporomandibular joint that occurs just prior to termination of
indentation measurements. J Res Natl Bur Stands (U.S.) 1939; 23:39-61 closure in some patients with anteriorly displaced disks
Knoop hardness tests [Frederick Knoop, U.S. engineer, U.S. late opening click \lat o#pa-nıng klık\: the sound emanating from the
Department of Commerce]: eponym for a surface hardness test us- temporomandibular joint that occurs just prior to termination of
ing a diamond stylus. It is used for harder materials and is charac- opening in some patients with anteriorly displaced disks
terized by the diamond or rhomboid shaped indentation. The lat er al \lat#ar-al\ adj (15c) 1: positions either right or left of the mid-
indentation micro-hardness test uses a rhombic-based pyramidal sagittal plane 2: denotes a position farther from the median plane or
diamond indenter. The long diagonal of the resulting indentation is midline of the body or structure
measured to determine the hardness. This test is suitable for most lateral checkbite: see LATERAL INTEROCCLUSAL RECORD
classes of materials including brittle and elastomeric lateral condylar inclination \lat#ar-al kon#da-lar ın#kla-na#shun\: the
Knoop F, Peters CG, Emerson WB. A sensitive pyramidal diamond tool for
angle formed by the path of the moving condyle within the hori-
indentation measurements. J Res Nat Bur Stand 1939;12:39-45.
zontal plane compared with the median plane (anterior-posterior
Kubelka-Munk scattering coefficient [authors unknown]: eponym movement) and within the frontal plane when compared with
for the multiple (diffuse) scattering coefficient for a unit of thick- the horizontal plane (superior-inferior movement)—see
ness and concentration of scattering material in a medium of a dif-
lateral condylar path \lat#ar-al kon#da-lar path\: the path of move-
ferent refractive index as used in the Kubelka-Munk Equation. It is
ment of the condyle-disk assembly in the joint cavity when a lateral
the rate of increase of reflectance of a layer over black, as thickness is
mandibular movement is made
increased. Hence, the assumption is made that the entire scattering
lateral incisor \lat#ar-al ın-sı#zor\: the second incisor
is in the backward or reverse direction from that of the incident dif-
lateral interocclusal record \lat#ar-al ın#ter-a-kloo#sal rek#ard#\: a
fuse light
registration of the positional relationship of opposing teeth or
Kubelka P. New contributions to the optics of intensely light scattering ma-
arches made in either a right or left lateral position of the mandible
terials. Part 1. J Opt Soc Am 1948;38:448-57.
lateral mandibular movement: see MANDIBULAR LATERAL
Kubelka-Munk theory [authors unknown]: eponym for a theory de-
scribing the optical behavior of materials containing small particles
lateral mandibular relation \lat#ar-al man-dıb#ya-lar rı-la#shun\: the
that scatter and absorb radiant energy. It is widely used for color
relationship of the mandible to the maxillae in a position to the left
or right of the midsagittal plane
Kubelka P, Munk F. Ein Beitrag zur Optik der farbenstriche. Z Tech Phys
lateral movement \lat#ar-al moov#ment\ obs : a movement from either
right or left of the midsagittal plane (GPT-4)
lateral protrusion: see LATEROPROTRUSION
L lateral relation \lat#ar-al rı-la#shun\ obs : the relation of the mandible
lab i al \la#be-al\ adj (1594) 1: of or pertaining to the lip 2: toward the to the maxillae when the lower jaw is in a position to either side
lip of centric relation (GPT-4)
labial bar: see LABIAL BAR CONNECTOR lateral side shift: see MANDIBULAR TRANSLATION
labial bar connector \la#be-al bär ka-nek#tor\: a major connector lo- lat ero de tru sion \lat#ar-o-de-troo#zhun\ n : lateral and downward
cated labial to the dental arch movement of the condyle on the working side—see
labial flange \la#be-al flanj\: the portion of the flange of a denture that LATEROTRUSION
occupies the labial vestibule of the mouth lat ero pro tru sion \lat#ar-al-pro-troo#zhun\ n : a protrusive move-
labial splint \la#be-al splınt\: a device of plastic, metal, or both, made ment of the mandibular condyle in which there is a lateral compo-
to conform to the outer aspect of the dental arch and used in the nent
management of jaw and facial injuries lat ero re tru sion \lat-ar-o-rı-troo#shun\ n : lateral and backward
labial vestibule \la#be-al ves#ta-byool\: the portion of the oral cavity movement of the condyle on the working side
that is bounded on one side by the teeth, gingiva, and alveolar ridge lat ero sur tru sion \lat-ar-o-sûr-troo#shun\ n : lateral and upward
(in the edentulous mouth, the residual ridge) and on the other by the movement of the condyle on the working side—see
lips anterior to the buccal frenula LATEROTRUSION


laterotrusion Lucia jig


lat ero tru sion \lat-ar-o-troo#shun\ n : condylar movement on the lingual flange \lıng#gwal flanj\: the portion of the flange of a mandib-
working side in the horizontal plane. This term may be used in ular denture that occupies the alveololingual sulcus
combination with terms describing condylar movement in other lingual inclination \lıng#gwal ın-kla-na#shun\: deviation of the coro-
planes, for example, laterodetrusion, lateroprotrusion, lateroretru- nal portion of a tooth from the vertical plane toward the tongue
sion, and laterosurtrusion lingual plate \lıng#gwal plat\: the portion of the major connector of a
Le Fort fracture [Leon Clement Le Fort, French surgeon, 1829- partial removable dental prosthesis contacting the lingual surfaces of
1893]: eponym for a midfacial fracture, classified into three catego- the natural teeth—also spelled linguoplate
ries (I, II, III) lingual rest \lıng#gwal rest\: a metallic extension of a partial removable
Le Fort I fracture: eponym for a horizontal segmented fracture of the dental prosthesis framework that fits into a prepared depression
alveolar process of the maxilla, in which the teeth are usually con- within an abutment tooth’s lingual surface
tained within the detached portion lingual rest seat \lıng#gwal rest set\: the depression prepared on the
Le Fort II fracture: eponym for a pyramidal fracture of the midfacial lingual surface of an abutment tooth to accept the metal rest of a
skeleton with the principal fracture lines meeting at an apex at or partial denture (the lingual rest)
near the superior aspect of the nasal bones lingual splint \lıng#gwal splınt\: a dental splint conforming to the in-
Le Fort III fracture: eponym for a craniofacial dysjunction fracture in ner aspect of the dental arch
which the entire maxilla and one or more facial bones are com- lingual strap: see LINGUAL PLATE
pletely separated from the craniofacial skeleton lingualized occlusion \lıng#gwa-lızd a-kloo#shun\: first described by
leaf gauge \lef gaj\: a set of blades or leaves of increasing thickness used S. Howard Payne, DDS, in 1941, this form of denture occlusion
to measure the distance between two points or to provide metered articulates the maxillary lingual cusps with the mandibular occlusal
separation surfaces in centric working and nonworking mandibular positions.
lengthening of the clinical crown \lengk#tha-nıng uv tha klın#ı-kal The term is attributed to Earl Pound
kroun\: a surgical procedure designed to increase the extent of Payne SH. A posterior set-up to meet individual requirements. Dent Digest
supragingival tooth structure for restorative or esthetic purposes by 1941;47:20-22.
apically positioning the gingival margin, removing supporting bone, Pound E. Utilizing speech to simplify a personalized denture service. J
or both PROSTHET DENT 1970;24:586-600.
LET: acronym for Linear Energy Transfer: the energy dissipation of lin guo c clu sion \lıng#gwa-a-kloo#shun\ n : an occlusion in which a
ionizing radiation over a given linear distance. Highly penetrating tooth or group of teeth is located lingual to its normal position
radiations such as gamma rays cause low ion concentration and thus lin guo ver sion \lıng#gwa-vûr#zhun, -shun\ n : lingual or palatal po-
have a relatively low LET, x-rays and beta particles exhibit interme- sition of a tooth beyond the normal arch form
diate LET, and alpha particles have a high LET lip line: see HIGH L.L., LOW L.L.
light \lıt\ n (bef. 12c): the aspect of electromagnetic radiation of which lip switch operation \lıp swıch op#a-ra#shun\: tissues borrowed from
the human observer is aware through the visual sensations that arise one lip and transferred to the other; also used to describe a modified
from the stimulation of the retina of the eye vestibuloplasty procedure—see also ABBE FLAP, ESTLANDER’S
light source \lıt sors\: an object that emits light or radiant energy to OPERATION
which the human eye is sensitive. The emission of a light source Kiethley JL, Gamble JW: The lip switch: a modification of Kazanjian’s labial
can be described by the relative amount of energy, emitted at vestibuloplasty. J Oral Surg 36:701-705,1978
each wavelength in the visible spectrum; the emission may be de- loading: see IMMEDIATE LOADING; PROGRESSIVE LOADING
scribed in terms of its correlated color temperature lobe \lob\ n (1525): a curved or rounded projection or division, espe-
light ness \lıt#nıs\ n (bef. 12c) 1: achromatic dimension necessary to cially of a body organ or part
describe the three-dimensional nature of color, the others being local etiologic factors \lo#kal e#te-a-loj#ık fak#tarz\: the environmen-
hue and saturation. The lightness dimension may also be called tal influences that may be implicated in the causation, modification,
brightness. In the Munsell Color Order System, the lightness di- and/or perpetuation of a disease entity
mension is called value 2: perception by which white objects are localization film \lo#ka-lı-za#shun fılm\: a radiograph made with radi-
distinguished from gray and light objects from dark ones; equiva- opaque markers to localize the position of a body (i.e., a tumor) rel-
lent to shading in grays ative to external landmarks
lim bus \lım#bas\: a border or interface especially if marked by a differ- long axis \long ak#sıs\: a theoretical line passing lengthwise through
ence in color or structure between adjoining parts the center of a body
line angle \lın ang#gal\: the point of convergence of two planes in a cav- long centric articulation: see INTERCUSPAL CONTACT AREA
ity preparation longitudinal axis: see SAGITTAL AXIS
linear coefficient of thermal expansion: the fractional change in lost-wax casting technique:—also called investment casting. The cast-
length of a given material per degree change in temperature ing of a metal into a mold produced by surrounding (investing) an
line of occlusion \lın uv a-kloo#shun\: the alignment of the occluding expendable (wax) pattern with a refractory slurry that sets at room
surfaces of the teeth as viewed in the horizontal plane—see temperature, after which the pattern is removed through the use of
linear occlusion \lın#e-ar a-kloo#shun\: the occlusal arrangement of low lip line \lo lıp lın\ 1: the lowest position of the inferior border of
artificial teeth, as viewed in the horizontal plane, wherein the mas- the upper lip when it is at rest 2: the lowest position of the superior
ticatory surfaces of the mandibular posterior artificial teeth have a border of the lower lip during smiling or voluntary retraction
straight, long, narrow occlusal form resembling that of a line, usu- lower impression \lo#ar ım-presh#an\ slang : an impression of the
ally articulating with opposing monoplane teeth. mandibular jaw or dental structures (GPT-4)—see
Frush JP. Linear occlusion. Ill Dent J 1966;35:788-94. MANDIBULAR IMPRESSION
lin gual \lıng#gwal\ adj (15c): pertaining to the tongue; next to or to- lower ridge slope \lo#ar rıj slop\ obs 1: the slope of the mandibular re-
ward the tongue sidual ridge in the second and third molar region as seen from the
lingual apron: see LINGUAL PLATE buccal side (GPT-1) 2: the portion of the lower residual ridge, ei-
lingual bar: see LINGUAL BAR CONNECTOR ther lingual, labial, or buccal, between the crest of the ridge and the
lingual bar connector \lıng#gwal bär ka-nek#tor\: a major connector mucobuccal fold or flexion line of the peripheral tissues (GPT-1)
of a partial removable dental prosthesis located lingual to the dental Lucia jig [Victor O. Lucia, U.S. prosthodontist]: eponym—see

JULY 2005

Lucia jig mandibular trismus


Lucia VO. Treatment of the edentulous patient. Chicago: Quintessence, mandibular lateral translation: see MANDIBULAR
lug \lug\ n : something that projects away from an object and is gener- mandibular micrognathia \man-dıb#ya-lar mı#kro-na#the#a\: an ab-
ally used as a support or for connection to a body normally small mandible with associated recession of the chin
lu mi nance \loo#ma-nans\ n (1880): the intensity of light per unit mandibular movement \man-dıb#ya-lar moov#ment\: any movement
area of the lower jaw
1 mandibular nerve \man-dıb#ya-lar nûrv\: the third division of the tri-
lute \loot\ n (15c): a substance, such as cement or clay, used for plac-
ing a joint or coating a porous surface to make it impervious to liq- geminal nerve that leaves the skull through the foremen ovale and
uid or gas— see CEMENT provides motor innervation to the muscles of mastication, to the
2 tensor veli palatini m., the tensor tympani m., the anterior belly of
lute \loot\ vt; lut ed \loo#tıd\; lut ing \loo#tıng\: to fasten, attach, or
seal— see CEMENT the digastric m., and the mylohyoid m. It also provides the gen-
luting agent: any material used to attach or cement indirect restora- eral sensory innervation to the mandibular teeth and gingivae, the
tions to prepared teeth floor of the mouth, the epithelium of the anterior two thirds of the
lux a tion n (1552): an abnormal anterior displacement of the man- tongue, and the skin of the lower portion of the face
dibular condyle out of the glenoid fossa that is self-reducing mandibular orthopedic repositioning prosthesis \man-dıb#ya-lar
ôr#tha-pe#dık re#pa-zısh#a-nıng pros-the#sıs\: a removable dental
prosthesis that creates a different, yet temporary, dental occlusal
position that guides the mandible to close into a predetermined
mac ro glos sia \mak#ro-glo#zha\ n : excessive size of the tongue
and altered position
mac ula \mak#ya-la\ n, pl mac ula (1863): a patch of tissue that is al-
mandibular plane \man-dıb#ya-lar plan\: in cephalometrics, a plane
tered in color but usually not elevated; usually characteristic of var-
that passes through the inferior border of the mandible
ious diseases
mandibular protraction \man-dıb#ya-lar pro#trak#shun, pra-\: a type
maintenance dose \man#ta-nans dos\: the quantity of a drug necessary
of facial anomaly in which gnathion lies anterior to the orbital
to maintain a normal physiologic state or a desired blood or tissue
level of drug
mandibular relationship record \man-dıb#ya-lar rı-la#shun-shıp\:
major connector \ma#jar ka-nek#tor\: the part of a partial removable
any registration of the relationship of the mandible to the maxillae
dental prosthesis that joins the components on one side of the
mandibular repositioning \man-dıb#ya-lar re#pa-zısh#a-nıng\: guid-
arch to those on the opposite side
ance of the mandible to cause closure in a predetermined, altered
mal a lign ment: see MALOCCLUSION
mal le a ble \mal#e-a-bal\ adj (14c): capable of being extended or mandibular resection \man-dıb#ya-lar rı-sek#shun\: the surgical re-
shaped with a hammer or with the pressure of rollers moval of a portion or all of the mandible and the related soft tis-
mal oc clu sion \mal#a-kloo#shun\ n (1888) 1: any deviation from a sues—called also mandibulectomy
physiologically acceptable contact between the opposing dental mandibular resection prosthesis \man-dıb#ya-lar rı -sek#shun pros-
arches 2: any deviation from a normal occlusion—see ANGLE’S the#sıs\: a maxillofacial prosthesis used to maintain a functional po-
CLASSIFICATION OF OCCLUSION sition for the jaws (maxillae and mandible), improve speech and
mam e lon \mam#a-lon\ n : one of three tubercles sometimes found deglutition following trauma or/and surgery to the mandible
on the incisal edges of incisor teeth—mam e lon at ed \mam#a- or/and adjacent structures
la-na#tıd\ v, mam e lon a tion \mam#a-la-na#shun\ n —syn MANDIBULAR GUIDE PLANE PROSTHESIS, MANDIBULAR
man di ble \man#da-bal\ n (15c): the lower jawbone RESECTION PROSTHESIS WITH GUIDE, MANDIBULAR
man dib u lar \man-dıb#ya-lar\ adj : of or pertaining to the mandible RESECTION PROSTHESIS WITHOUT GUIDE, RESECTION
mandibular anteroposterior ridge slope \man-dıb#ya-lar an#ter-po- PROSTHESIS
stîr#e-ar rıj slop\: the slope of the crest of the mandibular residual mandibular rest position: see PHYSIOLOGIC REST POSITION
ridge from the third molar region to its most anterior aspect in re- mandibular retraction \man-dıb#ya-lar rı-trak#shun\: a type of facial
lation to the lower border of the mandible as viewed in profile anomaly in which gnathion lies posterior to the orbital plane—see
mandibular condyle: the articular process of the mandible, called also mandibular staple \man-dıb#ya-lar sta#pal\: a transosteal dental im-
the head of the mandible— see also CONDYLE plant placed from the inferior border of the mandible with posts
mandibular dislocation \man-dıb#ya-lar dıs#lo-ka#shun\: a non-self- (abutments) that extend through the mucosa into the oral cavity
reducing displacement of the mandibular condyle out of the gle- in the mandibular anterior region—called also transmandibular
noid fossa staple
mandibular dysplasia \man-dıb#ya-lar dıs-pla#zha\: disharmony in mandibular tracing \man-dıb#ya-lar tra#sıng\: a graphic representa-
size or form between the right and left halves of the mandible tion or record of the movements of the mandible within a given
mandibular equilibration \man-dib#ya-lar e#kwa-lıb#re-a#shun\ 1: plane
the act or acts performed to place the mandible in equilibrium 2: a mandibular translation \man-dıb#ya-lar trans-la#shun\: the transla-
condition in which all of the forces acting on the mandible are tory (medio-lateral) movement of the mandible when viewed in
neutralized the frontal plane. While this has not been demonstrated to occur as
mandibular glide \man-dib#ya-lar glıd\ obs : the side to side, protru- an immediate horizontal movement when viewed in the frontal plane,
sive, and intermediate movement of the mandible occurring it could theoretically occur in an essentially pure translatory form in
when the teeth or other occluding surfaces are in contact (GPT-4) the early part of the motion or in combination with rotation in the
mandibular guide plane prosthesis: see MANDIBULAR latter part of the motion or both—see also EARLY MAN-
mandibular hinge position \man-dıb#ya-lar hınj pa-zish#an\ obs: the DIBULAR LATERAL TRANSLATION, PROGRESSIVE
position of the mandible in relation to the maxilla at which opening MANDIBULAR LATERAL TRANSLATION
and closing movements can be made on the hinge axis (GPT-4) mandibular trismus \man-dıb#ya-lar trız#mas\: reduced mobility of
mandibular impression \man-dıb#ya-lar ım-presh#an\: an impression the mandible resulting from tonic contracture of the masticatory
of the mandibular jaw or dental structures muscles


mandibulectomy meatus d

mandibulectomy \man-dıb#u-lek#ta-me\ n : the removal of part or the maxillary resection \mak#sa-ler#e rı-sek#shun\: the surgical removal of
entire mandible a part or all of the maxilla—called also maxillectomy
man drel \man#dral\ also man dril \man#dral\ n (1790) 1a: usually a maxillary sinus \mak#sa-ler#e sı#nas\: the anatomic space located supe-
tapered or cylindrical axle, spindle, or arbor placed in a hole to sup- rior to the posterior maxillary alveolus
port it during machining 1b: a metal bar which serves as a core maxillary tuberosity \mak#sa-ler#e too#ba-ros#ı-te\: the most distal
about which material may be cast, molded, compressed, forged, portion of the maxillary alveolar ridge
bent or shaped 2: the shaft and bearings on which a tool is mounted max il lec to my \mak#sa-lek#ta-me\ n : the removal of part or all of
Maryland bridge: see RESIN-BONDED PROSTHESIS the maxilla—called also maxillary resection
max il lo fa cial \mak#sa-la-fa#shul\ adj : pertaining to the dental
Livaditis, GJ, Thompson, VP: Etched castings: an improved retentive mech- arches, the face, head and neck structures
anism for resin-bonded retainers JPD 1982; 47-52 maxillofacial prosthesis \mak#sa-la-fa#shul pros-the#sıs\: any prosthe-
mar gin \mär#jın\ n (14c): the outer edge of a crown, inlay, onlay, or sis used to replace part or all of any stomatognathic and/or crani-
other restoration. The boundary surface of a tooth preparation ofacial structure. Editorial Note: the taxonomy for maxillofacial
prostheses may include modifiers (adjectives) to provide descriptive
and/or restoration is termed the finish line or finish curve
evidence of the nature of the prosthesis including anatomic loca-
marginal gingiva \mär#ja-nal jın#ja-va\: the most coronal portion of
tion, retention, support, time, materials, and form. Frequently,
the gingiva; often used to refer to the free gingiva that forms the
the means of retention is used, and may encompass descriptive ad-
wall of the gingival crevice in health
jectives such as the adjacent tissue, teeth, dental/craniofacial im-
marginal ridge \mär#ja-nal rıj\: a component of the tooth structure
plants or a combination of such, thus appropriate terminology
forming the occlusal proximal margin of a premolar or molar
can include tissue retained MP, tooth retained MP, implant retained
mask ing \mas#kıng\ n : the process of applying an opaque covering to
MP, tissue/implant retained MP. Descriptive terminology may also
camouflage the metal component of a prosthesis
be included to delineate time utilization for the prosthesis such as
master cast: see DEFINITIVE CAST
surgical, interim and definitive.
master impression \mas#tar ım-presh#an\: the negative likeness made
maxillofacial prosthetic adhesive \mak#sa-la-fa#shul pros-thet#ık ad-
for the purpose of fabricating a prosthesis
he#sıv\: a material used to adhere external maxillofacial prostheses
masticating cycles \mas#tı-ka#tıng sı#kalz\ obs : the patterns of man-
to skin and associated structures around the periphery of an exter-
dibular movements formed during the chewing of food (GPT-1) nal anatomic defect
mas ti ca tion \mas#tı-ka#shun\ n (1649): the process of chewing maxillofacial prosthetics \mak#sa-la-fa#shul pros-thet#iks\: the
food for swallowing and digestion branch of prosthodontics concerned with the restoration and/or
masticatory apparatus: see MASTICATORY SYSTEM replacement of the stomatognathic and craniofacial structures
masticatory cycle \mas#tı-ka-tôr#e, -tor#e sı#kal\: a three dimensional with prostheses that may or may not be removed on a regular or
representation of mandibular movement produced during the elective basis
chewing of food maxillomandibular dysplasia \mak#sa-la-man-dıb#ya-lar dıs-
masticatory efficiency \mas#tı-ka-tôr#e, -tor#e ı-fısh#an-se\: the effort pla#zha,-zhe-a\: disharmony between one jaw and the halves of
required achieving a standard degree of comminution the mandible
masticatory force \mas#tı-ka-tôr#e fôrs, fors\: the force applied by the maxillomandibular fixation: fastening together of the maxillary
muscles of mastication during chewing and mandibular teeth, as for immobilization of a mandibular
masticatory movements’ \mas#tı-ka-tôr#e moov#mentz\: mandibular fracture—syn IMF
movements used for chewing food—see MASTICATORY CYCLE maxillomandibular record: see MAXILLOMANDIBULAR
masticatory mucosa: see MUCOSA RELATIONSHIP RECORD
masticatory muscle \mas#tı-ka-tôr#e mus#al\: muscles that elevate the maxillomandibular registration: see MAXILLOMANDIBULAR
mandible to close the mouth (temporalis m., superficial and deep RELATIONSHIP RECORD
masseter m., medial pterygoid m.)—see ELEVATOR MUSCLE maxillomandibular relation: see MAXILLOMANDIBULAR
masticatory pain \mas#tı-ka-tôr#e pan\: discomfort about the face and RELATIONSHIP
mouth induced by chewing or other use of the jaws but indepen- maxillomandibular relationship \mak#sa-la-man-dıb#ya-lar rı-
dent of local disease involving the teeth and mouth la#shun-shıp#\: any spatial relationship of the maxillae to the man-
masticatory performance \mas#tı-ka-tôr#e par-fôr#mans\: a measure dible; any one of the infinite relationships of the mandible to the
of the comminution of food attainable under standardized testing maxillae
conditions maxillomandibular relationship record \mak#sa-la-man-dıb#ya-lar
masticatory system \mas#tı-ka-tôr#e sıs#tam\: the organs and struc- rı-la#shun-shıp# rek#ard#\: a registration of any positional relation-
tures primarily functioning in mastication. These include the teeth ship of the mandible relative to the maxillae. These records may be
with their supporting structures, craniomandibular articulations, made at any vertical, horizontal, or lateral orientation
mandible, positioning and accessory musculature, tongue, lips, maxillomandibular registration: see MAXILLOMANDIBULAR
cheeks, oral mucosa, and the associated neurologic complex RELATIONSHIP RECORD
ma trix \ma#trıks\ n, pl ma tri ces \ma#trı-sez#\ (15c) 1: a mold or im- maximal intercuspal contacts \mak#sa-mal ın#ter-kus#pal# kon#
pression in which something is formed 2: the portion of an attach- takts#\: tooth contact in the maximum intercuspal position maximal
ment system that receives the patrix intercuspal position \mak#sa-mal ın#ter-kus#pal# pa-
max il la \mak-sıl#a\ n, pl max il lae \mak-sıl#e\ (15c): the irregularly zısh#an\: the complete intercuspation of the opposing teeth inde-
shaped bone that, with its contralateral maxilla, forms the upper pendent of condylar position, sometimes referred to as the best fit
jaw. It assists in the formation of the orbit, the nasal cavity, and the of the teeth regardless of the condylar position—called also
hard palate; it contains the maxillary teeth maximal intercuspation—comp CENTRIC OCCLUSION
maxillary impression \mak#sa-ler#e\: an impression of the maxillary mean foundation plane \men foun-da#shun plan\ obs : the mean of the
jaw or dental structures various irregularities in form and inclination of the basal seat
maxillary micrognathia \mak#sa-ler#e mı#kro-na-the#a\: abnormally (GPT-4)
small maxillae with associated retraction of the middle third of me a tus \me-a#tus\ n, pl me a tus es or me a ti (1665): a natural
the face body passage; a general term for any opening or passageway in
maxillary protraction \mak#sa-ler#e pro-trak#shun, pra-\: a type of fa- the body
cial anomaly in which subnasion lies anterior to the orbital plane

JULY 2005

mechanical anterior guidance table milling in d

mechanical anterior guidance table: an adjustable articulator compo- metameric pair \met#a-mer#ik pâr\: a pair of objects whose colors
nent that guides the articulator pin’s movement to simulate lateral match when viewed in a described way, but which do not match
and anterior guidance during mandibular movement—comp if the viewing conditions are changed. Thus a metameric pair of
CUSTOM ANTERIOR GUIDE TABLE see also ANTERIOR samples exhibit the same tri-stimulus values for a described set of
GUIDE TABLE: viewing conditions (observer, light source, geometry of the illumi-
mechanically balanced occlusion \mı-kan#ı-ka#le bal#ansd nation and viewing arrangement) but have different spectral distri-
a-kloo#shun\ obs : a balanced occlusion without reference to physi- butions. Hence, they exhibit a match that is conditional
ologic considerations, as on an articulation (GPT-4) me tam er ism \ma-tam#a-rız#um\ n. (1877): pairs of objects that
median line \me#de-an lın\: the centerline dividing a body into the have different spectral curves but appear to match when viewed in
right and left a given hue exhibit metamerism. Metamerism should not be
median mandibular point \me#de-an man-dıb#a-lar point\ obs : a confused with the term’s flair or color constancy, which apply to ap-
point on the anteroposterior center of the mandibular ridge in parent color change exhibited by a single color when the spectral
the median sagittal plane (GPT-4) distribution of the light source is changed or when the angle of il-
median plane \me#de-an plan\: an imaginary plane passing longitudi- lumination or viewing is changed
nally through the body, from front to back, and dividing it into left methyl methacrylate resin \meth#al meth-ak#ra-lat rez#ın\: a transpar-
and right halves ent, thermoplastic acrylic resin that is used in dentistry by mixing
median relation \me#de-an rı-la#shun\ obs : any jaw relation when the liquid methyl methacrylate monomer with the polymer powder.
mandible is in the median sagittal plane (GPT-4) The resultant mixture forms a pliable plastic termed dough, which is
median retruded relation: see CENTRIC RELATION packed into a mold prior to initiation of polymerization
mediolateral curve \me#de-o-lat#ar-al kûrv\: in the mandibular arch, mi cro crack \mı#kro-krak\ n : in porcelain, one of the numerous sur-
that curve (viewed in the frontal plane) which is concave above face flaws that contribute to stress concentrations and results in
and contacts the buccal and lingual cusp tips of the mandibular mo- strengths below those theoretically possible
lars; in the maxillary arch, that curve (viewed in the frontal plane) mi cro gnath ia \mı#kro-na#the-a\ n : a congenital or acquired
which is convex below and contacts the buccal and lingual cusp condition characterized by an abnormally small jaw—see
tips of the maxillary molars.
mi cro glos sia \mı#kro-glô#zha\ n : presence of a small tongue
me di o tru sion \me#de-o-troo#shun\ n : a movement of the condyle
mi cro max il lae n : see MAXILLARY MICROGNATHIA
medially—see NONWORKING SIDE
mi cro sto mia \mı#kro-stôm#ya\ n : an abnormally small oral orifice
mem brane \mem#bran\ n (15c) 1: a thin soft pliable sheet or layer, es-
mi cro tia \mı#kro-sha\ n : a developmental anomaly characterized by
pecially of plant or animal origin 2: a thin layer of tissue that lines a
hypoplasia or aplasia of the pinna of the ear, associated with an im-
cavity, envelops a vessel or part, or separates a space or organ
patent or absent external auditory meatus
me nis cus \ma-nıs#kas\ n, pl me nis ci \ma-nıs#ı\: see DISK
midfacial deficiency \mıd-fa#shul dı-fısh#an-se\: failure of the mid-
meniscectomy: excision of the intraarticular disk. see DISKECTOMY
third of the face, including the maxilla, to grow in proportion to
me si al \me#ze-al\ adj (1803): near or toward the centerline of the
the upper and lower thirds
dental arch; toward the median sagittal plane of the face, following
midfacial fracture \mıd-fa#shul frak#chur\: fractures of the zygomatic,
the curvature of the dental arch
maxillary, nasal, and associated bones
mesial drift \me#ze-al drıft\: movement of teeth toward the midline
mid-opening click \mıd-o#pa-nıng klık\: the abnormal sound
me sio clu sion n : any occlusion in which the mandibular teeth artic-
emanating from the temporomandibular joint that occurs during
ulate with the maxillary teeth in a position anterior to normal—syn
mid protrusive translation of the condyles
MIE theory: the theory that relates the scattering of a single spherical
mesioversion \me#ze-o-vûr#zhun, -shun\: with reference to a tooth, particle in a medium to the diameter of the particle, the difference
nearer than normal in its position toward the median line of the in refractive index between the particle and the medium, and the
face, along the dental arch wavelength of radiant energy in the medium that is incident on
met al \met#l\ n (13c): any strong and relatively ductile substance that the particle. This theory relates to the direct observation of the scat-
provides electropositive ions to a corrosive environment and that tering of a single particle as compared with the Kubelka-Munk
can be polished to a high luster. Characterized by metallic atomic Theory and also takes into account the absorption that the particle
bonding may also exhibit
met al \met#l\vt -aled or -alled; -al ing or -al ling (1610): to cover 1
mill \mıl\ n : a machine or device used for working or forming mate-
or furnish with metal rials into a desired form, to blend materials, or to perform other
metal base \met#l bas\: the metallic portion of a denture base forming a mechanical operations
part or the entire basal surface of the denture. It serves as a base for 2
mill \mıl\ vt (1570) 1: to subject to an operation or process in a mill;
the attachment of the resin portion of the denture base and the to grind 2: to shape or dress by means of instruments
teeth mill in \mıl ın\ v 1: the procedure of refining occluding surfaces
metal ceramic restoration \met#l sa-ram#ık res-ta-ra#shun\: a tooth through the use of abrasive materials—see SELECTIVE
or/and implant retained fixed dental prosthesis that uses a metal GRINDING 2: the machining of boxes or other forms in cast re-
substructure upon which a ceramic veneer is fused—see storations to be used as retainers for fixed or removable prostheses
COLLARLESS M.C.R. milled in curve obs : see MILLED IN PATH
metal collar: a narrow band of highly polished metal immediately ad-
jacent to the facial/buccal margin on a metal-ceramic restora- milled in path \mıld ın path\: a contour pattern carved into the occlu-
tion—comp PORCELAIN LABIAL MARGIN sal surface of an occlusion rim during various mandibular move-
metal insert teeth \met#l ın-sûrt teth\: artificial denture teeth contain- ments by teeth or studs placed in the opposing arch
ing metal cutting edges; teeth designed to contain metal cutting mill ing \mıl#ıng\ v : the machining of proximal boxes, recesses, or
edges in the occlusal surface other forms on cast restorations to be used as retainers for fixed
metal saddle \met#l sad#l\ obs : a metal denture base (GPT-4) or removable prostheses
met a mer \met#a-mer#\ n : one of a pair of objects whose colors match milling in \mıl#ıng ın\ obs : the procedure of refining or perfecting the
when viewed in a described way but do not match under all viewing occlusion of teeth by the use of abrasives between their occluding
conditions surfaces while the dentures are rubbed together in the mouth or on the
articulator (GPT-3)—see MILL IN


minor connector Munsell color order system


minor connector \mı#nar ka-nek#tor\: the connecting link between MORA device: acronym for Mandibular Orthopedic Repositioning
the major connector or base of a partial removable dental prosthesis Appliance, a type of removable dental prosthesis with a modifica-
and the other units of the prosthesis, such as the clasp assembly, tion to the occlusal surfaces used with the goal of repositioning
indirect retainers, occlusal rests, or cingulum rests the mandible to improve neuro-muscular balance and jaw relation-
mixed dentition \mıkst den-tısh#an\: a stage of development during ship
which the primary and permanent teeth function together in the Gelb H. Clinical management of head, neck and TMJ pain and dysfunction.
mouth—syn TRANSITIONAL DENTITION Philadelphia: W B Saunders Co, 1977:314.
MMF: acronym for Maxillo Mandibular Fixation mother matrix mold \muth#ar ma#trıks mold\ obs : a negative form,
mo bile \mo#bal, -bel, -bıl\ adj (15c): capable of moving or being usually in sections, used for positive casts (GPT-1)
moved; movable— mou lage \moo-läzh#\ n (1902) 1: the negative impression of a body
mod el \mod#l\ n (1575): a facsimile used for display purposes; a min- structure 2: an impression or cast made for use, especially as evi-
iature representation of something; an example for imitation or denced in a criminal investigation 3: impression or reverse likeness
emulation; see CAST of a part that produces a model when converted to a positive
modeling composition obs : see MODELING PLASTIC replica, i.e., by means of plaster
mount ing \moun’tıng\ v : the laboratory procedure of attaching a
modeling compound obs : see MODELING PLASTIC cast to an articulator or cast relater
IMPRESSION COMPOUND mount ing \moun#tıng\ n : the relationship of dental casts to each
modeling plastic: see MODELING PLASTIC IMPRESSION other and the instrument to which they are attached; see also—
modeling plastic impression compound \mod#lıng plas#tık ım- mounting ring: see MOUNTING PLATE
presh#an kom-pound#\: a thermoplastic dental impression material mounting plate \moun#tıng plat\: removable metal or resin devices
composed of wax, rosin, resins, and colorants that attach to the superior and inferior members of an articulator,
modeling wax \mod#lıng waks\: a wax suitable for making patterns in which are used to attach casts to the articulator
the fabrication of nonmetallic restorations mouth guard \mouth gard\: a removable dental prosthesis made of
modes of appearance \modz uv a-pîr#ans\: various manners in which resilient material which is useful in reducing mouth injuries and
colors can be perceived, depending on spatial distributions and protecting the teeth and surrounding structures from injury
temporal variations of the light causing the sensation mouth protector: see MOUTH GUARD
modified cast: see ALTERED CAST mouth rehabilitation \mouth re#ha-bıl#ı-ta#shun\ obs : restoration of
modified ridge lap \mod#a-fıd# rıj lap\: a ridge lap surface of a pontic the form and function of the masticatory apparatus to as near
that is adapted to only the facial or buccal aspect of the residual normal as possible (GPT-4)
ridge mouth stick \mouth stık\: a device held in the mouth by a disabled
mod i fi er \mod#a-fı#ar\ n : a substance that alters or changes the person that aids in performing certain functions
color or properties of a substance MRI: acronym for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
mo dio lus \mo-dı#a-las\ n : the area near the corner of the mouth mucobuccal fold \myoo#ko-buk#al fold\: the line of flexure of the
where eight muscles converge that functionally separates the labial mucous membrane as it passes to the cheek
vestibule from the buccal vestibule mucogingival: see MUCOGINGIVAL JUNCTION
modulus of elasticity \moj#a-las uv ı-la-stıs#ı-te, e-la-\: in metallurgy, mucogingival junction \myoo#ko-jın#ja-val, jın#jı-\: the junction of
the coefficient found by dividing the unit stress, at any point up to gingiva and alveolar mucosa
the proportional limit, by its corresponding unit of elongation mucolabial fold \myoo#ko-la#be-al\: the line of flexure of the oral
(tension) or strain. A ratio of stress to strain. As the modulus of elas- mucous membrane as it passes from the maxillary or mandibular
ticity rises, the material becomes more rigid alveolar ridge to the lip
modulus of resilience \moj#a-las uv rı-zıl-yans\: the work or energy re- mu co peri os te um \myoo#ko-per#e-os#te-am\ n: a term
quired to stress a cubic inch of material (in one direction only) from synonymous with a full-thickness flap implying the inclusion of
zero up to the proportional limit of the material, measured by the both mucosa and periosteum during flap elevation
ability of the material to withstand the momentary effect of an mu co sa \myoo-ko#sa\ n (1880): a mucous membrane comprised of
impact load while stresses remain within the proportional limit epithelium, basement membrane, and lamina propria—see
mold \mold\ n (13c) 1: a cavity in which a substance is shaped, as a ma- ALVEOLAR M., ORAL M.
mucosal implant: see MUCOSAL INSERT
trix for casting metal or plastics; a negative form in which an object mucosal insert \myoo-ko#sal ın-sûrt\: any metal form attached to the
is cast or shaped 2: the size and shape of an artificial tooth or teeth tissue surface of a removable dental prosthesis that mechanically en-
mold chart \mold chart\: an illustration of the manufacturer’s shapes gages undercuts in a surgically prepared mucosal site—called also
and sizes of denture teeth button implant, intramucosal insert, mucosal implant
mold guide \mold gıd\: a selection of denture teeth demonstrating the mu co si tis \myoo#ko-sı#tıs\ n : inflammation of the mucous
molds offered by a manufacturer membrane
monochromatic vision \mon#a-kro-mat#ık vısh#an\: vision in which mu co sta tic \myoo#ko-stat#ık\ adj : the state of the oral mucosa
there is no color discrimination when external forces are not displacing it
mon o mer \mon#a-mar\ n (1914): a chemical compound that can muf fle \muf#al\ n : the portion of a furnace, usually removable or re-
undergo polymerization; any molecule that can be bound to a sim- placeable, in which material may be placed for processing without
ilar molecule to form a polymer direct exposure to heating element
mon o plane \mon#a-plan\ adj : an arbitrary plane for the arrange- Munsell chrome [Alfred H. Munsell, Massachusetts, U.S. artist and
ment of denture teeth that is flat both medial-laterally and teacher, 1858-1918]: eponym for the Munsell color system
anterior-posteriorly chrome, which is that quality by which a strong color is distin-
monoplane articulation \mon#a-plan är-tık#ya-la#shun\: the arrange- guished from one that is weak. The departure of a color sensation
ment of teeth by which they are positioned in a single plane from that of white or gray; the intensity of a distinctive hue color
monoplane occlusion \mon#a-plan a-kloo#shun\: an occlusal arrange- intensity—see also SATURATION
ment wherein the posterior teeth have masticatory surfaces that Munsell color order system [Alfred H. Munsell, Massachusetts, U.S.
lack any cuspal height artist and teacher, 1858-1918]: eponym for a color order system;
Monson curve: see CURVE OF MONSON

JULY 2005

Munsell color order system myospasmd

developed in 1905, it places colors in an orderly arrangement

encompassing the three attributes of hue, value, and chrome
Munsell AH. A color notation. Baltimore: Munsell Color Co., 1975:14-6.
Munsell hue [Alfred H. Munsell, Massachusetts, U.S. artist and
teacher, 1858-1918]: eponym for that quality by which one color
family is distinguished from another, as red from yellow, and green
from blue or purple. The dimension of color determined by
Munsell value [Alfred H. Munsell, Massachusetts, U.S. artist and
teacher, 1858-1918]: eponym for the relative brightness of a color.
The quality of grayness in comparison to white (high value) and
black, (low value); in the Munsell color system, the value of a color
is determined by which gray on the value scale it matches in light-
ness/darkness (black is assigned a value of zero; white a value of 10)
mus cle \mus#al\ n (14c): an organ that by contraction produces

movements of an animal; a tissue composed of contractile cells or

fibers that effect movement of an organ or part of the body
muscle contraction \mus#al kan-trak#shun\: the shortening and
development of tension in a muscle in response to stimulation
muscle contracture \mus#al kan-trak#chur\: a condition of high
resistance to passive stretching of a muscle resulting from fibrosis
of the tissues supporting the muscle or the joint; sustained
increased resistance to passive stretch with reduced muscle length
muscle hyperalgesia \mus#al hı#par-al-ge#sha\: increased sensitivity to

pain in a muscle evoked by stimulation at the site of pain in the

muscle hypertenseness \mus#al hı#par-tens#nes\ obs : increased
muscular tension that is not easily released but that does not
prevent normal lengthening of the muscles involved (GPT-4)
muscle hypertonicity: increased contractile activity in some motor
units driven by reflex arcs from receptors in the muscle and/or
alpha motor neurons of the spinal cord
muscle marking: see BORDER MOLDING
muscle relaxant \mus#al rı-lak#sant\: a drug or therapy that diminishes
muscle tension
muscle spasm \mus#al spaz#am\: a sudden involuntary contraction of a
muscle or group of muscles attended by pain and interference with
function. It differs from muscle splinting in that the contraction is
sustained even when the muscle is at rest and the pain/dysfunction is
present with passive and active movements of the affected part—
called also myospasm
muscle spasticity \mus#al spa-zıs#ı-te\: increased muscular tension
of antagonists preventing normal movement and caused by an
inability to relax (a loss of reciprocal inhibition)
muscle-splinting \mus#al-splınt#ıng\ slang : involuntary contraction
(rigidity) of muscles occurring as a means of avoiding the pain
caused by movement of the part (resistance to passive stretch).
The involved muscle(s) relaxes at rest
muscle-trimming slang : see BORDER MOLDING
muscular atrophy \mus-kya#lar at#ra-fe\: a wasting of muscular tissue,
especially due to lack of use
muscular splinting \mus-kya#lar splınt#ıng\: contraction of a muscle
or group of muscles attended by interference with function and
producing involuntary movement and distortion; differs from
muscle spasm in that the contraction is not sustained when the
muscle is at rest
musculoskeletal pain \mus#kya-lo-skel#ı-tl pan\: deep, somatic pain
that originates in skeletal muscles, facial sheaths, and tendons
(myogenous pain), bone and periosteum (osseous pain), joint,
joint capsules, and ligaments (arthralgic pain), and in soft connective
mush bite \mush bıt\ obs : a maxillomandibular relationship record
made in a softened material, frequently beeswax, without the
benefit of record bases—see INTEROCCLUSAL RECORD
mutually protected articulation \myoo#choo-al-le pra-tek#tıd är-
tık#ya-la#shun\: an occlusal scheme in which the posterior teeth
prevent excessive contact of the anterior teeth in maximum inter-
myofascial trigger point \mı#a-fash#al trıg#ar point\: a hyperirritable
spot, usually within a skeletal muscle or in the muscle fascia, that
is painful on compression and can give rise to characteristic referred
pain, tenderness (secondary hyperalgesia), and autonomic
cuspation, and the anterior teeth disengage the posterior teeth in myofibrotic capsular contracture \mı#a-fı-bra#tık kap#sa-lar
all mandibular excursive movements. Alternatively, an occlusal kan-trak#chur\: muscle contracture resulting from the formation of
scheme in which the anterior teeth disengage the posterior teeth excessive fibrous tissue within the muscle or its sheath
in all mandibular excursive movements, and the posterior teeth my o func tion al \mı#a-fungk#sha-nal\: relating to the function of
prevent excessive contact of the anterior teeth in maximum muscles. In dentistry, the role of muscle function in the cause or
intercuspation correction of muscle related problems
mutually protected occlusion: see MUTUALLY PROTECTED myofunctional therapy \mı#a-fungk#sha-nal ther#a-pe\: the use of
ARTICULATION exercises to improve the action of a group of muscles used as an
my al gia \mı-al#je-a\ n (1860): pain in a muscle or muscles adjunct to orthodontic or craniomandibular dysfunction treatment
my co tic \mı-ko#tık\ n : pertaining to a mucosis; caused by fungi myogenous pain \mı#a-jen#us\: deep somatic musculoskeletal pain
mylohyoid concavity \mı#la-hoid kon-kav#ı-te\: the fossa in the originating in skeletal muscles, fascial sheaths, or tendons
mandible below the mylohyoid line in the molar region Myo-monitor \mı#o mon#e ter\: a digital electronic pulse generator
mylohyoid groove or canal \mı#la-hoid groov ôr ka-nal#\: the groove specifically optimized for bilateral transcutaneous electrical neural
in the mandible running downward and forward toward the stimulation of the stomatognathic system; an electrical device
submandibular fossa, which contains the mylohyoid muscle, nerve, introduced in 1969 by Bernard Jankelson, DDS as a means of
and vessels applying muscle relaxation as a prerequisite to obtain an occlusal
mylohyoid region \mı#la-hoid re#jan\ obs : the region on the lingual position that would sustain a relaxed musculature
surface of the mandible marked by the mylohyoid ridge and the at- Jankelson B, Radke JO. The Myo-monitor: its use and abuse. Quintessence Int
tachment of the mylohyoid muscle (GPT-4) 1978;9:47-52.
mylohyoid ridge \mı#la-hoid rıj\: an oblique ridge on the lingual sur- Jankelson B, Sparks S. Crane PF, Radke JC. Neural conduction of the
face of the mandible that extends from the level of the roots of the Myo-monitor stimulus: a quantitative analysis. J PROSTHET DENT
last molar teeth and that serves as a bony attachment for the mylo- 1975;34:245-53.
hyoid muscles forming the floor of the mouth Jankelson BR. Neuromuscular dental diagnosis and treatment. St. Louis:
my o cen tric \mı#o sen#trık\ adj : that terminal point in space in Ishiyaki Euro America Intl, 1990:73-7.
which, with the mandible in rest position, subsequent colonic mus- myostatic contracture \mı#a-stat#ık kan-trak#chur\: muscle contrac-
cle contraction will raise the mandible through the interocclusal ture resulting from reduced muscle stimulation
space along the myocentric (muscle balanced) trajectory. Also my o si tis \mı#a-sı-tıs\ n (ca. 1819): inflammation of muscle tissue my
described as the initial occlusal contact along the myocentric o spasm n : see MUSCLE SPASM
trajectory (isotonic closure of the mandible from rest position)
Jankelson B. Dent Clin North Am 1979;23:157-68.
Jankelson BR, Polley ML. Electromyography in clinical dentistry. Seattle: VOLUME 94 NUMBER 1
Myotronica Research Inc, 1984:52.

myotonia nonanatomic teeth


my o ton ia \mı#a-to#ne-a\ n (1896): increased muscular irritability neurogenous pain \noo-roj#a-nus pan\: pain that is generated within
and contractility with decreased power of relaxation; tonic muscle the nervous system as a result of some abnormality of neural
spasms structures
neuromuscular dysfunction: a collective term for muscle disorders of
N the masticatory system with two observable major symptoms: pain
NA: acronym for NAsion; a cephalometric landmark located where the and dysfunction. Common observations include muscle fatigue,
muscle tightness, myalgia, spasm, headaches, decreased range of
intranasal and nasofrontal sutures meet
motion and acute malocclusion. The five types of masticatory mus-
nano me ter \nan#a-me#tar\ n (1963): unit of length to measure the
cle disorders include protective co-contraction (muscle splinting),
wavelength of light. It is equivalent to 1 x 10 -9 M or 10 angstroms.
local muscle soreness (noninflammatory myalgia), myofascial
1 nm = 1/1,000,000 mm
pain (trigger point myalgia), myospasm (tonic contraction myal-
narrative report \nar#a-tıv\: a complete description of the clinical
gia), and chronic centrally mediated myalgia (chronic myositis)
findings, diagnosis, and treatment rendered for a given patient
Okeson, Management of Temporomandibular Disorders and Occlusion.
nasal grimace \na#zal grım#ıs, grı-mas#\: movements in the tissue of
(4th Ed pp 180-82)
the nares reflecting the attempts of the oronasal system to compen- neu rop a thy \noo#rop-a-the\ n (1857): a general term used to des-
sate for palatopharyngeal insufficiency ignate an abnormality or pathologic change in a peripheral nerve
nasal prosthesis \na#zal pros-the#sıs\: a removable maxillofacial pros- neutral zone \noo#tral, nyoo#- zon\: the potential space between the
thesis that artificially restores part or the entire nose—syn lips and cheeks on one side and the tongue on the other; that
ARTIFICIAL NOSE area or position where the forces between the tongue and cheeks or
nasal turbulence \na#zal tûr#bya-lans\: the excessive ‘‘noise’’ or air lips are equal
passing over resistance in the nasal passages neu tro oc clus ion: see ANGLE’S CLASSIFICATION OF
nasal septal prosthesis \na#zal sep#tal pros-the#sıs\: a maxillofacial OCCLUSION
prosthesis used to occlude (obturate) a hole within the nasal septal nickel-chromium alloy: a low density, large grained base metal dental
wall—syn SEPTAL BUTTON, SEPTAL PLUG casting alloy with prominent dendritic structure, composed of up
nasal spine \na#zal spın\: a sharp bony protuberance of the lower to 30% Cr and 70% Ni with trace elements that may include small
margin of the anterior aperture of the nares formed by the forward amounts of Mo, Mn, Si, C, and Al. Chromium, by its passivation
prolongation of the two maxillae effect insures corrosion resistance of the alloy. Increased nickel con-
nasal stent \na#zal stent\: a removable intranasal maxillofacial prosthe- tent tends to result in reduced strength, hardness, modulus of elas-
sis used to support the form of the nose ticity and fusion temperature while ductility may increase
na sal i ty \na-zal#ı-te\ n (1656): the quality of speech sounds when ni dus \nı#das\ n, pl ni di \dı#\ or ni dus es (1742): a place or sub-
the nasal cavity is used as a resonator stance in an animal or plant where bacteria or other organisms
nas ion \na#zhun\ n : a bony cephalometric landmark at which the lodge and multiply
nasofrontal suture is bisected by the midsagittal plane night guard slang : see OCCLUSAL DEVICE
nasion relator: an adjustable arbitrary facebow component that NMR: acronym for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance; a radiologic
engages the outer point of intersection between the nasion-sella procedure that gives images in any plane without radiation or any
line and the soft tissue profile to stabilize the bow while recording the biologic after effect by picking up signals from resonating hydrogen
position of the maxillary teeth nuclei
nas o phar ynx \na#zo-far#ıngks\ n (1877): the part of the pharynx noble metal \no#bal met#l\: those metal elements that resist oxidation,
situated above the soft palate tarnish, and corrosion during heating, casting, or soldering and
natural color system \nach#ar-al, nach#ral kul#ar sıs#tam\: a color or- when used intraorally; examples include gold and platinum—comp
der system derived by Anders Hard that defines six color percep- BASE METAL
tions using the concept of percentage for localizing nuances noble metal alloy: as classified by the American Dental Association
within the three part system. The six perceptions are white, black, (1984) any dental casting alloy containing a minimum of 25% by
red, green, yellow, and blue. The dimensions of hue, blackness or weight of Au, Pt, or/and Pd
American Dental Association: Classification system for cast alloys. J Am
whiteness, and chrome are used to relate colors within this system
Dent Assoc 1984; 109:766.
natural dentition \nach#ar-al, nach#ral den-tısh#an\: the natural teeth,
no ci cep tive \na-sı-sep#tıv\ adj (1904): receiving injury; applicable
to a neuron receptive to painful sensations
as considered collectively, in the dental arch, which may be nociceptive pathway \na-sı-sep#tıv path#wa#, päth#-\: an afferent
deciduous, permanent, or mixed neural pathway that mediates pain impulses
natural glaze \nach-ar-al, nach#ral glaz\: the production of a glazed no ci cep tor \na-sı-sep#tor\ n : a sensory receptor preferentially sensi-
surface by the vitrification of the material itself and without addi- tive to noxious or potentially noxious stimuli
tion of other fluxes or glasses nocturnal electromyography \nok-tûr#nal ı-lek#tro-mı-og#ra-fe\:
neck of the condylar process \nek uv tha kon#dah ler pro ses\: the con- electromyographic registrations made during sleep
stricted inferior portion of the mandibular condylar process that is nonadjustable articulator \non-a-just#a-bal är-tık#ya-la#tor\: an artic-
continuous with the ramus of the mandible; that portion of ulator that does not allow adjustment to replicate mandibular
the condylar process that connects the mandibular ramus to the movements—see also CAST RELATOR
condyle nonarcon articulator: 1: any articulator which broadly replicates the
ne cro sis \na-kro#sıs, ne-\ n, pl ne cro ses \sez\ (1665): localized three dimensional motions of the left and right condylar compart-
death of living tissue ments 2: any articulator design in which the condylar element (an-
needlepoint tracing: see CENTRAL BEARING TRACING alog) is not part of the lower member of the articulator and may be
DEVICE used to simulate the three dimensional motions of the left and right
Nesbit prosthesis [Norman Nesbit, dentist, Boston, Massachusetts, condylar compartments
U.S.] obs : eponym for a unilateral partial removable dental prosthe- nonanatomic teeth \non-a-no#tom-ık teth\: artificial teeth with occlu-
sis design that Dr. Nesbit introduced in 1918 sal surfaces that are not anatomically formed. The term nonana-
neu ral gia \noo-ral#ja\ n (ca. 1822): neurogenous pain felt along the tomic as applied to artificial posterior teeth, and especially their
peripheral distribution of a nerve trunk occlusal forms, means that such teeth are designed in accordance
neu ri tis \noo-rı#tıs\ n (1840): inflammation of a nerve

JULY 2005

nonanatomic teeth occlusal form


with mechanical principles rather than from the viewpoint of ana- ture base due to tissue compression, augmentation of the seal or
tomic replication. I. R. Hardy, DDS, first introduced nonanatomic border regions to effect adequate sealing or separation between the
teeth with flat occlusal surfaces set to a flat occlusal plane nasal and oral cavities
Sears VH. Thirty years of nonanatomic teeth. J PROSTHET DENT 1953; oc clude \a-klood#\ vb oc clud ed; oc clud ing vt (1597) 1: to bring
3:596-617 together; to shut 2: to bring or close the mandibular teeth into
Hardy IR. Technique for use of nonanatomic acrylic posterior teeth. Dent contact with the maxillary teeth
Digest 1942;48:562-6. occluded gas porosity \a-kloo#dıd gas pa-ros#ı-te\: porosity produced
nonfunctioning condyle: see NONWORKING SIDE CONDYLE in castings due to the inability of gasses in the mold to escape
nonpivoting condyle: see NONWORKING SIDE CONDYLE oc clud er \a-klood#ar\ n : a name given to some articulators—see
nonprecious metal: see BASE METAL CAST RELATOR
non re sorb able \non-re-sorb#a-bal\ adj : the property exhibited by occluding centric relation record \a-klood#ıng sen#trık rı-la#shun
substances that demonstrate relatively limited in-vivo degradation rek#ard\ obs : a registration of centric relation made at the estab-
nonrigid connector \non-rıj#ıd ka-nek#tor\: any connector that per- lished occlusal vertical dimension (GPT-4)
mits limited movement between otherwise independent members of occluding frame \a-klood#ıng fram\ obs : a name given to a device for
a fixed dental prosthesis relating casts to each other for the purpose of arranging teeth
nonworking side \non-wûr#kıng sıd\: that side of the mandible that (GPT-1)
moves toward the median line in a lateral excursion. The condyle occluding jaw record \a-kloo#dıng jô rek#ard\: the registration of
on that side is referred to as the nonworking side condyle centric relation made at the occlusal vertical dimension
nonworking side condyle \non-wûr#kıng sıd kon#dıl\: the condyle on occluding relation \a-klood#ıng rı-la#shun\ obs : the jaw relation at
the nonworking side which the opposing teeth occlude (GPT-4)
nonworking side condyle path \non-wûr#kıng sıd kon#dıl path\: the oc clu sal \a-kloo#zal, -sal\ adj (1897): pertaining to the masticatory
path the condyle traverses on the nonworking side when the man- surfaces of the posterior teeth, prostheses, or occlusion rims
dible moves in a lateral excursion, which may be viewed in the three occlusal adjustment \a-kloo#zal, -sal a-just#mant\ 1: any change in the
reference planes of the body occlusion intended to alter the occluding relation 2: any alteration of
nonworking side interference \non-wûr#kıng sıd ın#tar-fîr#ans\: the occluding surfaces of the teeth or restorations—see also
undesirable contacts of the opposing occlusal surfaces on the OCCLUSAL RESHAPING
nonworking side occlusal analysis \a-kloo#zal,-sal a-nal#ı-sıs\: an examination of the oc-
nonworking side occlusal contacts \non-wûr#kıng sıd a-kloo#sal clusion in which the interocclusal relations of mounted casts are
kon#takts#\: contacts of the teeth on the side opposite to the side evaluated
toward which the mandible moves in articulation occlusal balance \a-kloo#zal, -sal bal#ans\: a condition in which there
notch n : see PTERYGOMAXILLARY N. are simultaneous contacts of opposing teeth or tooth analogues
noxious stimulus \nok#shas stım#ya-las\: a tissue damaging stimulus (i.e., occlusion rims) on both sides of the opposing dental arches
nu ance \noo-äns#, nyoo-, noo#äns#, nyoo#-\ n, nu anced adj (1781) during eccentric movements within the functional range
1: a subtle distinction or variation, such as in tone or color 2: a occlusal clearance: see INTEROCCLUSAL CLEARANCE
subtle quality 3: delicate shading occlusal contact \a-kloo#zal, -sal kon#takt#\ 1: the touching of
null detector \nul dı-tek#tor\: a detector of the point at which there is opposing teeth on elevation of the mandible 2: any contact relation of
no color difference between two samples. The human eye is an ex- opposing teeth—see DEFLECTIVE O.C, INITIAL O.C
cellent null detector; it is considerably less trustworthy in estimat- occlusal correction: see OCCLUSAL ADJUSTMENT, OCCLUSAL
ing how large a given difference is RESHAPING
occlusal curvature \a-kloo#zal, -sal kûr#va-choor#, -char\: the curve of
O the dentition in which the occlusal surfaces lie, when viewed in the
oblique ridge \o-blek#, a-blek# rıj\: the elevation in the enamel that frontal and sagittal planes
runs obliquely across the occlusal surface of a maxillary molar occlusal device \a-kloo#zal, -sal dı-vıs#\: any removable artificial occlu-
ob tun dent \ob-tun#dant\ n : an agent or remedy that lessens or sal surface used for diagnosis or therapy affecting the relationship of
relieves pain or sensibility the mandible to the maxillae. It may be used for occlusal stabiliza-
ob tu ra tor \ob#ta-ra#tar\ n (ca. 1727): 1. a maxillofacial prosthesis tion, for treatment of temporomandibular disorders, or to prevent
used to close a congenital or acquired tissue opening, primarily wear of the dentition
of the hard palate and/or contiguous alveolar/soft tissue struc- occlusal disharmony \a-kloo#zal, -sal dıs-har#ma-ne\: a phenomenon
tures (GPT7) 2. that component of a prosthesis which fits into in which contacts of opposing occlusal surfaces are not in harmony
and closes a defect within the oral cavity or other body defect 3. with other tooth contacts and/or the anatomic and physiologic
a maxillofacial prosthesis used to close, cover or maintain the integ- components of the craniomandibular complex
rity of the oral and nasal compartments resulting from a congenital, occlusal dysthesia \a-kloo#zal, -sal dıs-the#zha\: unusual sensory
acquired or developmental disease process, i.e., cancer, cleft palate, perceptions during occlusal contact
osteoradionecrosis of the palate. The prosthesis facilitates speech occlusal embrasure \a-kloo#zal, -sal em-bra#zhar\: the interdental
and deglutition by replacing those tissues lost due to the disease space that is coronal to the contact area
process and can, as a result, reduce nasal regurgitation and hyper- occlusal equilibration \a-kloo#zal, -sal ı-kwıl#a-bra#shun\: the
nasal speech, improve articulation, deglutition and mastication. modification of the occlusal form of the teeth with the intent of
An obturator prosthesis is classified as surgical, interim or definitive equalizing occlusal stress, producing simultaneous occlusal
and reflects the intervention time period used in the maxillofacial contacts or harmonizing cuspal relations
rehabilitation of the patient. Prosthetic restoration of a defect often occlusal facet: see WEAR FACET
includes use of a surgical obturator, interim obturator, and defini- occlusal force \a-kloo#zal, -sal fôrs, fors\: the result of muscular force
tive obturator —see DEFINITIVE O., INTERIM O., applied on opposing teeth; the force created by the dynamic action
SURGICAL O.—comp SPEECH AID PROSTHESIS of the muscles during the physiologic act of mastication; the result of
obturator prosthesis modification \ob#ta-ra#tar pros-the#sıs mod#a- muscular activity applied to opposing teeth
fı-ka#shun\: revision or alteration of an existing obturator (surgical, occlusal form \a-kloo#zal, -sal form\ obs : the form the occlusal surface
interim, or definitive); possible revisions include relief of the den- of a tooth or a row of teeth (GPT-4)


occlusal harmony opaque porcelain


occlusal harmony \a-kloo#zal, -sal här#ma-ne\ obs : a condition in occlusal wear \a-kloo#zal, -sal wâr\: loss of substance on opposing oc-
centric and eccentric jaw relation in which there are no interceptive clusal units or surfaces as the result of attrition or abrasion
or deflective contacts of occluding surfaces (GPT-4) occlusion \a-kloo#shun\ n (1645) 1: the act or process of closure or of
occlusal interference \a-kloo#zal, -sal ın#tur-fîr#ans\: any tooth con- being closed or shut off 2: the static relationship between the incis-
tact that inhibits the remaining occluding surfaces from achieving ing or masticating surfaces of the maxillary or mandibular teeth or
stable and harmonious contacts tooth analogues—see CENTRIC O., COMPONENTS OF O.,
occlusal path \a-kloo#zal, -sal path, path\ obs 1: a gliding occlusal ECCENTRIC O., LINE OF O., LINEAR O., MONOPLANE
contact 2: the path of movement of an occlusal surface (GPT-4) O., PATHOGENIC O., SPHERICAL FORM OF O. —comp
occlusal pattern \a-kloo#zal, -sal pat#arn\: the form or design of the ARTICULATION
masticatory surfaces of a tooth or teeth based on natural, modified occlusion analysis \a-kloo#shun a-nal#ı-sıs\ obs : a systematic examina-
anatomic or nonanatomic teeth tion of the masticatory system with special consideration to the ef-
occlusal pivot \a-kloo#zal, -sal pıv#at\: an elevation placed on the oc- fect of tooth occlusion on the teeth and their related structures
clusal surface, usually in the molar region, designed to act as a ful- (GPT-4)
crum, thus limiting mandibular closure and inducing mandibular occlusion record \a-kloo#shun rek#ard\ obs : a registration of opposing
rotation occluding surfaces made at any maxillomandibular relationship
occlusal plane \a-kloo#zal,-sal plan\ 1: the average plane established by (GPT-4)
the incisal and occlusal surfaces of the teeth. Generally, it is not a occlusion rim \a-kloo#shun rım\: occluding surfaces fabricated on in-
plane but represents the planar mean of the curvature of these sur- terim or final denture bases for the purpose of making maxilloman-
faces 2: the surface of wax occlusion rims contoured to guide in the dibular relation records and arranging teeth—called also record rim
arrangement of denture teeth 3: a flat metallic plate used in arrang- occult cleft palate \a-kult#, o-kult#, ok#ult# kleft pal#ıt\: a separation of
ing denture teeth—comp to CURVE OF OCCLUSION muscle in the soft palate with mucous membrane covering the de-
occlusal position \a-kloo#zal, -sal pa-zısh#an\ obs : the relationship of fect. This is often characterized by a notch in the hard palate, bifur-
the mandible and maxillae when the jaw is closed and the teeth are
cation of the uvula, displaced musculature, and an attenuated
in contact; this position may or may not coincide with centric
occlusion (GPT-4)
oc tant \#äkt*nt\: Latin octant-,octans half quadrant, from octo eight
occlusal prematurity \a-kloo#zal, -sal pre#ma-tyoor#ı-te, -toor#-,
1: the position or aspect of a celestial body (as the moon or a
-choor#-\: any contact of opposing teeth that occurs before the
planet) when halfway between conjunction or opposition and
planned intercuspation
quadrature 2: an instrument used for observing altitudes of a
occlusal pressure \a-kloo#zal, -sal presh#ar\ obs : any force exerted on
celestial body from a moving ship or aircraft and having a
the occlusal surfaces of teeth (GPT-4)
maximum angle of 45 degrees between its reflecting mirrors
occlusal reduction: the quantity (usually measured in millimeters) of
tooth structure that is removed to establish adequate space for a re-
ocular prosthesis \ok#ya-lar pros-the#sıs\: a maxillofacial prosthesis
storative material between the occlusal aspect of the tooth prepara-
tion and the opposing dentition that artificially replaces an eye missing as a result of trauma, surgery,
occlusal reshaping \a-kloo#zal, -sal re-shap#ıng\: the intentional alter- or congenital absence. The prosthesis does not replace missing eye-
ation of the occlusal surfaces of teeth to change their form lids or adjacent skin, mucosa or muscle—syn ARTIFICIAL EYE,
occlusal rest \a-kloo#zal, -sal rest\: a rigid extension of a partial remov- GLASS EYE— comp INTERIM OCULAR PROSTHESIS
able dental prosthesis that contacts the occlusal surface of a tooth or o don tal gia \o-don#tal-ja\ n : toothache; pain in a tooth
restoration, the occlusal surface of which may have been prepared to odontogenous pain \o-don-taj#a-nus pan\: deep somatic pain
receive it—see REST SEAT originating in the dental pulp and/or periodontal ligament
occlusal rest arm \a-kloo#zal, -sal rest ärm\ obs : a minor connector o don to graph \o-don#ta-graf\ n : a device used to demonstrate ir-
used to attach an occlusal rest to a major part of a removable partial regularities occurring in the surface of tooth enamel
denture (GPT-1) o don to plasty \o-don#ta-plas-te\: the reshaping of a portion of a
occlusal rim: see OCCLUSION RIM tooth
occlusal splint: see OCCLUSAL DEVICE ol i go don tia \ol#ı-go-don#cha\: the formation of less than a full
occlusal stability \a-kloo#zal, -sal sta-bıl#ı-te\: the equalization of con- complement of teeth; many such teeth are smaller than normal
tacts that prevents tooth movement after closure on lay \on#la, ôn#-\: a restoration that restores one or more cusps and
occlusal stop: see OCCLUSAL REST adjoining occlusal surfaces or the entire occlusal surface and is re-
occlusal strength: see MASTICATORY FORCE tained by mechanical or adhesive means
occlusal surface \a-kloo#zal, -sal sûr#fas\ obs : a surface of a posterior onlay graft \on#la, ôn- graft\ (1998): augmentation of the height or
tooth or occlusion rim that is intended to make contact with an width of the alveolar ridge with autologous bone or bone substi-
opposing occlusal surface (GPT-1) tutes placed beneath the periosteum
occlusal system \a-kloo#zal, -sal sıs#tam\ obs : the form or design and o pac i ty \o-pas#ı-te\ n (1611): the quality or state of a body that
arrangement of the occlusal and incised units of a dentition or makes it impervious to light
the teeth on a denture (GPT-4) o paque \o-pak#\ adj (1641): the property of a material that absorbs
occlusal table \a-kloo#zal, -sal ta#bal\: the portion of the occlusal and/or reflects all light and prevents any transmission of light
surfaces of posterior teeth that lies within the perimeter of the opaque dentin: modified body porcelain with increased opacity, used
cusp tips and marginal ridges; the functional portion(s) of the where fewer translucencies are required such as in the gingival area
occlusal surface(s) of a posterior tooth (teeth) of a pontic or incisal mamelon to mimic existing anatomic features
occlusal trauma \a-kloo#zal, -sal trou#ma, trô#-\: trauma to the perio- of adjacent natural teeth
dontium from functional or parafunctional forces causing damage opaque modifier: colored dental porcelain formulated to be selec-
to the attachment apparatus of the periodontium by exceeding its tively mixed with opaque porcelain to increase the saturation of
adaptive and reparative capacities. It may be self-limiting or pro- the desired pigment
gressive—see PRIMARY O.T., SECONDARY O.T. opaque porcelain: the first porcelain layer applied in the metal-ce-
occlusal vertical dimension \a-kloo#zal, -sal vûr#tı-kal dı-men#shun\: ramic technique to the underlying metal framework to establish
the distance measured between two points when the occluding the bond between the porcelain and metal while simultaneously
members are in contact masking the dark color of the metallic oxide layer. Opaque

JULY 2005 57

opaque porcelain pack d

porcelain provides the primary source of color for the completed os si fi ca tion \os#a-fı-ka#shun\ n (1697) 1: the natural process of
restoration bone formation; the hardening into a bony substance 2: a mass
open bite slang : see OPEN OCCLUSAL RELATIONSHIP; of ossified tissue
APERTOGNATHIA os te i tis \os#te-ı#tıs\ n (ca. 1839): inflammation of bone
open fracture \o#pan frak#chur\: any fracture in which there is an ex- os te o ar thri tis \os#te-o-är-thrı#tıs\ n (1878): chronic degenera-
ternal wound leading to a break in the bone; called also compound tion and destruction of the articular cartilage and/or fibrous con-
fracture nective tissue linings of the joint components and disks, leading
open occlusal relationship \o#pan a-kloo#zal, -sal rı-la#shun-shıp#\: to bony spurs, pain, stiffness, limitation of movement, and changes
the lack of tooth contact in an occluding position—see in bone morphology. Advanced conditions may involve erosions
ANTERIOR O.O.R., POSTERIOR O.O.R. and disk degeneration with crepitus—syn DEGENERATIVE
opening movement \o#pa-nıng\ obs : movement of the mandible JOINT DISEASE
executed during jaw separation; movement executed during jaw os te o gen e sis \os#te-o-jen#ı-sıs\ n : development of bone; forma-
separation (GPT-1)—see ENVELOPE OF MOTION tion of bone
oral flora \ôr#al, or#- flôr#a, flor#a\: the various bacterial and other os te o in duc tion \os#te-o-ın-duk#shun\ n : the capability of chem-
microscopic forms of life inhabiting the oral cavity icals, procedures, etc., to induce bone formation through the dif-
oral mechanism \ôr#al, or#- mek#a-nız#um\: the functioning struc- ferentiation and recruitment of osteoblasts
tures of the oral cavity os te o in te gra tion n : see OSSEOUS INTEGRATION
oral orifice \ôr#al, or#- ôr#a-fıs, or#-\: the longitudinal opening of the os te o tome \os#te-o-tom\ n : a chisel for use in cutting bone
mouth between the lips that provides the entrance to the oral cavity os tec to my \os-tek#to-me\ n : the excision of bone or a portion of a
oral mucosa \ôr#al, or#- myoo-ko#sa\: the lining of the oral cavity bone, usually by means of a saw or chisel, for the removal of a se-
oral orthopedics \ôr#al, or#- ôr#tha-pe#dıks\ 1: a concept in dentistry questrum, the correction of a deformity, or any other purpose
concerned with postural relationships of the jaws, both normal and os te ot o my \os#te-ot#a-me\ n : the surgical cutting of a bone; fre-
abnormal 2: analysis of the harmful effects of an improper relation- quently used to also describe smoothing, leveling, or altering exter-
ship of the mandible and the maxillae on dental and other related nal contours of the bone- see ALVEOLECTOMY;
structures 3: the diagnosis and correction of such relationships ALVEOPLASTY
and the treatment and/or prevention of disturbances resulting os teo po ro sis \os#te-o-pa-ro#sıs\ n, pl -ro ses (1846): a medical
therefrom condition characterized by a decrease in bone mass with diminished
orbital prosthesis \ôr#bı-tal pros-the#sıs\: a maxillofacial prosthesis density and concurrent enlargement of bone spaces, which produ-
that artificially restores the eye, eyelids, and adjacent hard and ces porosity and fragility—osteoporotic adj
soft tissues outline form: the shape of the area of a tooth preparation that is in-
orbiting condyle: see NONWORKING SIDE CONDYLE cluded within the cavosurface margins
organ of mastication \ôr#gan uv mas#tı-ka#shun\: the combination of ovate pontic: a pontic that is shaped on its tissue surface like an egg in
all the structures involved in the reception, mastication, and two dimensions, typically partially submerged in a surgically-pre-
deglutition of food pared soft-tissue depression to enhance the illusion that a natural
organic occlusion: see ANTERIOR PROTECTED tooth is emerging from the gingival tissues
ARTICULATION oven soldering: any soldering procedure using heat from a furnace to
or i fice \ôr#a-fıs, or#-\ n (15c): an opening into a body cavity melt and refuse the solder as opposed to using a gas-air or gas-
oronasal fistula \ôr#a-na#zal fıs#cha-la\: a pathologic opening between oxygen torch as the heat source
the oral and nasal cavities o ver bite \o#var-bıt#\ n, slang : see VERTICAL OVERLAP
oro phar ynx \ôr#a-far#ıngks\ n (1887): the part of the pharynx lying o ver clo sure \o#var-klo#zhar\ n : an occluding vertical dimension at a
between the soft palate and the upper edge of the epiglottis—called reduced interarch distance; an occluding vertical dimension that re-
also oral pharynx, pars oralis pharyngis, pharyngo oral cavity, and sults in excessive interocclusal distance when the mandible is in the
vestibule of the pharynx rest position; it results in a reduced interridge distance when the
orthodontic band \ôr#tha-don#tık\: a metal orthodontic device that teeth are in contact
holds a bracket or tube and encircles a tooth o ver den ture \o#var-den#chur\ n : any removable dental prosthesis
orthognathic surgery: surgical repositioning of all or parts of the that covers and rests on one or more remaining natural teeth, the
maxillae or mandible roots of natural teeth, and/or dental implants; a dental prosthesis
or tho gnath ous \or#thog-nath#ık\ adj : pertaining to or character- that covers and is partially supported by natural teeth, natural tooth
ized by minimal protrusion of the mandible or minimal progna- roots, and/or dental implants___ called also overlay denture, overlay
thism prosthesis, superimposed prosthesis
orthopedic craniofacial prosthesis \ôr-tha-pe#dık\ (1998): a dynamic o ver glaze \o#var-glaz\ adj (1879): the production of a glazed surface
orthopedic maxillofacial prosthesis used to maintain or position the by the addition of a fluxed glass that usually vitrifies at a lower
craniofacial osseous segments that are malaligned due to trauma or temperature
craniofacial anomalies. o ver hang \o#var-hang\ n (1864): excess restorative material
orthotic device \ôr-tho#tık dı-vıs#\: a device designed to brace, acti- projecting beyond a cavity or preparation margin
vate, or supplement a weakened limb or function o ver jet n, obs : see HORIZONTAL OVERLAP
os seo in te gra tion n [P.I. Branemark, ca. 1982]: see OSSEOUS o ver jut n, obs : see HORIZONTAL OVERLAP
os se ous \os#e-as\ adj (1707): bony OVERLAP
osseous integration \os#e-as ın#tı-gra#shun\ (1993) 1: the apparent overlay denture: see OVERDENTURE
direct attachment or connection of osseous tissue to an inert, allo- overlay prosthesis: see OVERDENTURE
plastic material without intervening connective tissue 2: the pro-
cess and resultant apparent direct connection of an exogenous P
materials’ surface and the host bone tissues, without intervening fi- pack \pak\ vt (14c) l: to make into a compact form 2: to completely fill
brous connective tissue present 3: the interface between alloplastic 3: to crowd together 4: to compress—pack a bil i ty \pak#a-bıl#ı-
materials and bone te\ n—pack able \pak#a-bal\ adj


pack parafunction

pack \pak\ n: any material used to protect tissue, fill space or prevent pal a to gram \pa-lıt#a-gram\ n : a graphic representation of the area
hemorrhage of the palate contacted by the tongue during a specified activity,
packing \pak#ıng\ vt : the act of filling a mold—see DENTURE P. usually speech
pain \pan\ n (13c): a subjective unpleasant sensory and emotional ex- palatopharyngeal closure \pa-lıt#a-fa-rın#je-al, -jal, -far#ın-je#al
perience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or de- klo#zhur\: a sphincteric action sealing the oral cavity from the nasal
scribed in terms of such damage—see ACUTE P., CHRONIC P., cavity during swallowing and phonation by the synchronous move-
HETEROTOPIC P., MASTICATORY P., MUSCULOSKEL- ment of the middle third of the soft palate in a superior and poste-
ETAL P., MYOGENOUS P., NEUROGENOUS P., ODON- rior direction, the lateral pharyngeal wall medially, and the
TOGENOUS P., PRIMARY P., PROJECTED P., posterior walls of the pharynx anteriorly—syn
palatal augmentation prosthesis \pal#a-tal ôg#men-ta#shun pros- palatopharyngeal inadequacy \pa-lıt#a-fa-rın#je-al, -jal, -far#ın-je#al
the#sıs\: a removable maxillofacial prosthesis which alters the ın-ad#ı-kwa-se\: a condition where there is lack of effective closure
hard and/or soft palate’s topographical form adjacent to the between the soft palate and one or more of the pharyngeal walls
tongue. It allows reshaping of the hard palate to improve during swallowing or speech sounds that require high intraoral
tongue/palate contact during speech and swallowing due to im- pressure. Nasal reflux escape of air during speech or hypernasality
paired tongue mobility as a result of surgery, trauma, or neurolog- may result. This lack of closure may be due to palatopharyngeal in-
ical/motor deficits competence, insufficiency or from lack of movement of the pharyn-
palatal bar connector \pal#a-tal bär ka-nek#tor\: a major connector of PALATOPHARYNGEAL INSUFFICIENCY
a removable dental prosthesis that crosses the palate and is charac- palatopharyngeal incompetence \pa-lıt#a-fa-rın#je#al ın-kom#pı-
terized by being relatively narrow anterior and posteriorly tans\: the inability of an anatomically intact soft palate to contribute
palatal cleft \pal#a-tal kleft\ 1: an opening in the roof of the mouth to a functional palatopharyngeal closure usually due to disease or
and/or in the functional soft palate. A deformity of the palate trauma of a neurogenic or muscular nature—see PALATOPHA-
from improper union of the maxillary process with the median nasal RYNGEAL INADEQUACY, PALATOPHARYNGEAL INSUF-
process during the second month of intrauterine development 2: a FICIENCY
cleft in the palate between the two palatal processes. If both the hard palatopharyngeal insufficiency \pa-lıt#a-fa-rın#je#al ın#sa-fısh#an-se\:
and soft palate are involved, it is termed uranostaphyloschisis; if only an acquired or congenital anatomic defect of the soft palate that
the soft palate is divided, it is termed uranoschisis—see CLEFT makes the palatopharyngeal sphincter incomplete—see PALATO-
palatal drop prosthesis: see PALATAL AUGMENTATION palatopharyngeal sphincter \pa-lıt#a-fa-rın#-je#al sfıngk#tar\: the
PROSTHESIS functional sphincter that separates the nasopharynx and orophar-
palatal expansion \pal#a-tal ık-span#shun\: the lateral movement of ynx during swallowing and phonation, formed by the posterior
the maxillae to increase palatal width and superior movement of the middle third of the soft palate, the
palatal incompetence \pal#a-tal ın-kom#pı-tans\: the inability of an anterior movement of the posterior pharyngeal wall, and the
anatomically intact soft palate to effect a functional palatopharyn- medial movement of the lateral pharyngeal walls—see
palatal insufficiency \pal#a-tal ın#sa-fısh#an-se\: an anatomical inade- SPHINCTER
quacy of the soft palate in which the palatopharyngeal sphincter is palatorrhaphy: surgical repair of a cleft palate
incomplete pal lia tive \pal#e-a#tıv\ adj (1543): affording relief but not a cure
palatal lift prosthesis: a maxillofacial prosthesis which elevates the soft pal pate \pal#pat#\ vt pal pat ed \pal-pa#tıd\; pal pat ing \pal-
palate superiorly and aids in restoration of soft palate functions pa#tıng\ (1849): to examine by touch—pal pa tion n
which may be lost due to an acquired, congenital or developmental panoramic radiograph \pan#a-ram#ık ra#de-o-graf#\: a tomogram of
defect. A definitive palatal lift is usually made for patients whose the maxilla and mandible taken with a specialized machine de-
experience with a diagnostic palatal lift has been successful, espe- signed to present a panoramic view of the full circumferential
cially if surgical alterations are deemed unwarranted. An interim lengths of the maxilla and mandible on a single film—called also
palatal life prosthesis is usually made as a diagnostic aid to assess orthopantograph
the level of possible improvement in speech intelligibility. Some panoramic radiography \pan#a-ram#ık ra#de-og#ra-fe\: a method of
clinicians believe use of a palatal lift may stimulate an otherwise radiography by which a continuous radiograph of the maxillary
flaccid soft palate to increase functional activity, subsequently and/or mandibular dental arches and their associated structures
lessening its need. may be obtained
palatal lift prosthesis modification \pal#a-tal lıft pros-the#sıs\: alter- Panorex adj—trademark (1966): see PANORAMIC RADIO-
ations in the adaptation, contour, form, or function of an existing GRAPH
palatal lift necessitated due to tissue impingement, lack of function, pan to gram n : see PANTOGRAPHIC TRACING
poor clasp adaptation, or the like pan to graph \pan#ta-gräf#\ n (1723) 1: an instrument used for copy-
palatal plate \pal#a-tal plat\: a major connector of a removable dental ing a planar figure to any desired scale 2: in dentistry, an instrument
prosthesis that covers a significant portion of the palatal surface used to graphically record in, one or more planes, paths of mandib-
palatal seal: see POSTPALATAL SEAL ular movement and to provide information for the programming of
palatal stent: see SURGICAL STENT an articulator
palatal strap \pal#a-tal strap\ slang : a maxillary major connector of a pantographic tracing \pan#ta-gräf#ık tra#sıng\: a graphic record of
removable dental prosthesis having an anterior/posterior dimen- mandibular movement usually recorded in the horizontal, sagittal
sion of 13 to 20 mm that directly or obliquely traverses the palate and frontal planes as registered by styli on the recording tables of a
and is generally located in the area of the second premolar and first pantograph or by means of electronic sensors
molar pa pil la \pa-pıl#a\ n, pl pa pi llae \-pıl#e\ (1713): any small, nipple-
palatal vault \pal#a-tal volt\ 1: the deepest and most superior part of shaped elevation—see INCISIVE P., INTERDENTAL P.
the palate 2: the curvature of the palate para func tion \par#a-fungk#shun\ adj : disordered or perverted
pal ate \pal#ıt\ n (14c): see HARD P., SOFT P. function

JULY 2005 59

parallax pennyweight

par al lax \par#a-laks#\ n : a difference in the perceived location of an of the plane of the hard palate—called also Passavant’s bar,
object when observed from two different points not on a straight Passavant’s cushion, Passavant’s pad, and Passavant’s ridge
line with the object Passavant PG. Uber die Verschliesung des Schlunmdes beim Sprechen,
parallel attachment: see PRECISION ATTACHMENT (Virchows) Arch Path Anat (Berlin) Virchows 1869;1-31.
par al lel o me ter \par#a-le-lom#ı-tar\ n 1: an instrument used for pas si vate \pas#ı-vat\ vt -at ed; -at ing (1913) 1: to render inactive or
determining the exact parallel relationships of lines, structures, less reactive 2: to protect against contamination by coating or
and surfaces in dental casts and prostheses 2: an apparatus used for surface treating
making one object parallel with another object, as in paralleling pas si va tion \pas#ı-va#shun\ n : a process whereby metals and alloys
attachments and abutments for fixed dental prostheses or precision are made more corrosion resistant through surface treatment. This
attachments for removable dental prostheses process produces a thin and stable inert oxide layer on the external
pa ral y sis \pa-ral#ı-sıs\ n (1525): loss or impairment of motor func- surfaces—called also passive corrosion conditioning
tion as the result of a trauma or pathosis pas sive \pas#ıv\ adj (14c) 1: not active or in operation; inert; latent 2:
paresthesia \par#ıs-the#zha\ n : lacking normal sensation, such as resistant to corrosion 3: existing or occurring without being active,
tingling or burning; morbid or perverted sensation; abnormal direct, or open
sensation pas si vi ty \pa-sıv#ı-te\ n (14c): the quality or condition of inactivity
partial coverage restoration:—see PARTIAL VENEER CROWN or rest assumed by the teeth, tissues, and denture when a removable
partial denture \pär#shal den#chur\: a removable dental prosthesis or a dental prosthesis is in place but not under masticatory pressure
fixed dental prosthesis that restores one or more but not all of the pat ent \pat#nt\ adj (14c): open or unobstructed path of dislodgment:
natural teeth and/or associated parts and may be supported in part the specific direction in which a removable dental prosthesis may be
or whole by natural teeth, dental implant supported crowns, dental dislodged
implant abutment(s), or other fixed dental prostheses and/or the path of insertion: see PATH OF PLACEMENT
oral mucosa; usage: a partial denture can be described as a fixed den- path of placement \path, path uv plas#mant\: the specific direction in
tal prosthesis or removable dental prosthesis based on the patient’s ca- which a prosthesis is placed on the abutment teeth or dental
pability to remove or not remove the prosthesis. If the prosthesis is implant(s)
a fixed dental prosthesis that can only be removed by a clinician, i.e., path of withdrawal:—see PATH OF PLACEMENT
a fixed dental prosthesis (FDP) supported by dental implants that pathogenic occlusion \path#a-jen#ık\: an occlusal relationship capable
has been retained by means of a mechanical system [i.e., screw(s)], of producing pathologic changes in the stomatognathic system
this prosthesis is also termed a fixed dental prosthesis. Adjectives pat tern \pat#urn\ n (14c): a form that is used to make a mold; a model
(modifiers) may be added to the clinical description of the dental for making a mold—see OCCLUSAL P.
prosthesis, if needed, to designate the means of mechanical reten- pa trix \pa-trıks\ n, pl pa trices 1: a pattern or die used in type found-
tion, i.e., a screw retained fixed dental prosthesis. Any such prosthesis ing to form a matrix 2: the extension of a dental attachment system
luted to dental implants (in the same manner as luting a fixed dental that fits into the matrix
prosthesis to natural teeth) needs no additional designation as to its pawl \pôl\ n (1626): a pivotal tongue or bolt on one part of a machine
means of retention—see BILATERAL DISTAL EXTENSION that is adapted to fall into notches or spaces on another part so as to
REMOVABLE D.P., FIXED D.P., REMOVABLE D.P., permit motion in only one direction, i.e., a ratchet wheel
partial denture construction \pär#shal den#chur kon-struk#shun\ obs : pear-shaped pad \pâr-shapd pad\: the most distal extension of at-
the science and techniques of designing and constructing partial tached keratinized mucosa overlying the mandibular ridge crest
dentures (GPT-4) formed by the scarring pattern after extraction of the most poste-
partial denture impression \pär#shal den#chur ım-presh#an\ coll : a rior molar. It should be differentiated from the retromolar area
negative likeness of a part or all of a partially edentulous arch pediatric speech aid prosthesis \pe#de-at#rık spech ad pros-the#sıs\: a
Editorial note: the impression is made of the denture bearing areas, temporary or interim maxillofacial prosthesis used to close a defect
teeth, implant abutments etc, not of the removable dental prosthesis in the hard and/or soft palate of an infant or child. It may replace
partial denture rest \pär#shal den#chur rest\: a rigid extension of a tissue lost due to developmental or surgical alterations. It is neces-
fixed or removable dental prosthesis that prevents movement sary for the production of intelligible speech. Normal lateral
toward the mucosa and transmits functional forces to the teeth or growth of the palatal bones necessitates replacement of this pros-
dental implant thesis occasionally. Intermittent revisions of the obturator section
partial denture retention \pär#shal den#chur rı-ten#shun\: the ability can assist in maintenance of palatal pharyngeal closure (termed a
of a removable dental prosthesis to resist movement away from its speech aid prosthesis modification). Frequently, such prostheses are
foundation area and/or abutments not fabricated before the deciduous dentition is fully erupted since
partial dislocation \pär#shal dıs#lo-ka#shun\: displacement of the ar- clasp retention is often essential—syn BULB, CLEFT PALATE
ticular disk resulting in a seriously impaired disk-condyle complex APPLIANCE, NASOPHARYNGEAL OBTURATOR, OBTU-
partial veneer crown \pär#shal va-nîr# kroun\: a restoration that SPEECH BULB
restores all but one coronal surface of a tooth or dental implant pedicle graft: a skin flap sustained by a blood-carrying stem from the
abutment, usually not covering the facial surface donor site during transfer; in periodontal surgery, a flap used to
partitive color mixing \pär#tı-tıv\: color mixing in which both addi- increase the width of attached gingiva, or to cover a root surface, by
tive and subtractive principles are involved. The eye interprets moving the attached gingiva, which remains joined at one side,
tiny dots of subtractive color too small to be individually resolved at to an adjacent position and then suturing the free end
the viewing distance. The resultant color will be the average of the peg lateral \peg lat#ar-al\: an undersized, tapered maxillary lateral
colors used incisor
Passavant’s pad: see PASSAVANT’S RIDGE pellucid \pa-loo#sıd\ adj: admitting maximum pedage of light without
Passavant’s ridge [Philip Gustav Passavant, German surgeon, 1815- diffusion or distortion; reflecting light evenly from all surfaces
1893]: eponym for a prominence on the posterior wall of the nasal pen ny weight n : a unit of mass in the Troy system used to measure
pharynx formed by contraction of the superior constrictor muscle precious metals and equivalent to 1.555 grams. Defined also as
of the pharynx during swallowing. Contraction occurs at the level 24 grains in the p. and 12 p. in the Troy Oz. Abbr: dwt (from


pennyweight pier abutment


Latin denarius, a small silver coin). The abbreviation pwt is also These investments exhibit considerable thermal expansion and
sometimes seen in publications can be used when casting higher fusing metal-ceramic alloys and
perceived color \par-sevd# kul#ar\: attribute of visual perception that partial denture frameworks
can be described by color names: white, gray, black, yellow, orange, phos phor es cence \fos#fa-res#ans\ n (1796): a form of photolumi-
brown, red, green, blue, purple, etc., or by a combination of names nescence based on the properties of certain molecules to absorb en-
per cus sion \pur-kush#an\ n (1544) 1: the act of striking a part with ergy (either near ultra violet or visible), and emit it in the form of
sharp blows as an aid in diagnosing the condition of the underlying visible radiation at a higher wavelength. Distinguished from fluo-
parts by means of the sound obtained 2: in dentistry, striking a part rescence in that light continues to be emitted for some time after
with short, sharp blows as a diagnostic aid in evaluation of a tooth or the exciting energy has ceased—see FLUORESCENCE,
dental implant by the sound obtained LUMINANCE
per i ap i cal \per#ı-ap#ı-kal, a#pı-\ adj : relating to tissues surround- pho to ac tive \fo#to-ak#tıv\ adj : reacting chemically to visible light
ing the apex of a tooth, including the alveolar bone and periodontal or ultraviolet radiation—pho to ac ti va tion
ligament pho tom et er \fo-tom#ı-ter\ n (1884): an instrument for the
peri-implantitis \per#ı-ım-plan-tı#tıs\ substand : a term used to measurement of emitted, reflected, or transmitted light. For the
describe inflammation around a dental implant, usually the dental measurement of luminous intensity, a visual receptor element
implant abutment Editorial note: peri-implantitis is a misnomer (the eye) may be used in the measuring device or a physical receptor
since the peri-implant mucosa, not the dental implant and/or dental element may be used that can be related to the calculated response of a
implant abutment, is the inflamed entity. Suggested terminology may standard observer—see PHYSICAL P., VISUAL P.
include acute or chronic gingivitis.. pho ton \fo#ton\ n (ca. 1922): a massless particle, the quantum of the
perikymata: small transverse ridges on the surface of the enamel of electromagnetic field, carrying energy, momentum, and angular
permanent teeth that represent overlapping prism groups within momentum—called also light quantum
the enamel photopic vision \fo-top#ık vızh#an\: vision as it occurs under illumina-
peri mo lysis \per#ı-mol#ı-sıs\ (1998): acidic erosion of the teeth due tion sufficient to permit the full discrimination of colors. It is the
to chronic gastric regurgitation. function of the retinal cones and is not dependent on the retinal
House RC et al., Perimolysis: Unveiling the Surreptitious Vomiter, Oral rods— called also daylight vision as contrasted with twilight or
Surg Oral Med Oral Path 1981 Feb 51(2): 152-155. scotopic vision
per i o don tal \per#e-o-don#tl\ adj : pertaining to or occurring photoreceptor process \fo#to-rı-sep#tar pros#es#, pro#ses#\: that spe-
around a tooth cific process that is set in motion in a visual sensory end organ or
per io don tom e try \per#e-o-don#tom#ı-tre\ n : the measurement other photic receptor by the incidence of its adequate stimulus,
of tooth mobility i.e., light
periosteum \per#e-os#te-am\ n, pl -tea (1597): the membrane of physical elasticity of muscle \fız#ı-kal ı-la-stıs#ı-te, e#la- uv mus#al\
connective tissue that closely invests all bones except at articular obs : the physical quality of muscle of being elastic; that is, yielding
surfaces to active or passive physical stretch (GPT-4)
per i ra dic u lar \per#ı-rad#ı-kyoo-lar\ adj : around or surrounding a physical photometer \fız#ı-kal fo-tom#ı-ter\: a photometer in which
tooth root the measurement is made by some physical or chemical effect in-
peripheral seal: see BORDER SEAL stead of by visual methods
pe riph er y n, pl -eries (1571): see DENTURE BORDER physiologically balanced occlusion \fız#e-a-loj#ı-ka-le bal#ansd
permanent dentition \pûr#ma-nant den-tısh#an\: the teeth that erupt a-kloo#zhun\ obs : a balanced occlusion that is in harmony with the
after the primary dentition that do not shed under normal temporomandibular joints and the neuromuscular system (GPT-4)
conditions physiologic elasticity of muscle \fız#e-a-loj#ık ı-la-stıs#ı-te uv mus#al\
phantasmagoria \fan-taz-muh-GOR-ee-us\ n: 1: an exhibition or dis- obs : the unique biologic quality of muscle of being capable of
play of optical effect and illusions 2a: a constantly shifting complex change and of resuming its size under neuromuscular control
succession of things seen or imagined, 2b. a scene that constantly (GPT-4)
changes 3. a bizarre or fantastic combination, collection or assem- physiologic occlusion \fız#e-a-loj#ik a-kloo#zhun\ obs : occlusion in
blage harmony with the functions of the masticatory system (GPT-4)
pharyngeal flap \fa-rın#je-al, -jal, far#ın-je#al\: tissue elevated from the physiologic rest position \fız#e-a-loj#ık rest pa-zısh#un\ 1: the man-
posterior pharyngeal wall and inserted into the soft palate to correct dibular position assumed when the head is in an upright position
palatopharyngeal inadequacy and the involved muscles, particularly the elevator and depressor
pharyngeal speech aid prosthesis: see DEFINITIVE groups, are in equilibrium in tonic contraction, and the condyles
OBTURATOR, INTERIM OBTURATOR, SURGICAL are in a neutral, unstrained position (GPT-1) 2: the position as-
OBTURATOR sumed by the mandible when the attached muscles are in a state
pharyngeal walls \fa-rın#je-al, -jal, far#ın-je-al\: posterior and lateral of tonic equilibrium. The position is usually noted when the
walls of the naso- and oropharynx head is held upright (GPT-1) 3: the postural position of the man-
phar ynx \far#ingks\ n, pl phar yn ges \fa-rın#jez\ (ca. 1693): a dible when an individual is resting comfortably in an upright posi-
funnel-shaped tube of muscle tissue between the mouth, nares, tion and the associated muscles are in a state of minimal contractual
and the esophagus, which is the common pathway for food and activity — comp OCCLUSAL VERTICAL DIMENSION, REST
air. The nasopharynx is above the level of the soft palate. The VERTICAL DIMENSION
oropharynx lies between the upper edge of the epiglottis and the physiologic \fız#e-a-loj#ık\ or physiological \fız#e-a-loj#ı-kal\ adj
soft palate, whereas the laryngopharynx lies below the upper edge (1814) 1: characteristic of or conforming to the innate function of
of the epiglottis and the openings into the esophagus and larynx a tissue or organ 2: pertaining to organic processes or to functions
phosphate-bonded investment: any casting investment with a binder in an organism or in any of its parts 3: the opposite of pathologic
pick le \pık#al\ n (15c): a solution or bath for preserving or cleaning;
formed from magnesium oxide and mono-ammonium phosphate. any of various baths used in cleaning or processing
The resulting colloidal multi molecular (NH 4MgPO4 6H2O)n co- pick le \pık#al\ vt pick led \pık#ald\ pick ling \pık#lıng\ (1552): to
agulates around MgO and fillers. This is combined with silica in the treat, preserve, or clean in or with an agent
form of quartz, cristobalite or both in a concentration of about pier \pîr\ n : an intermediate abutment for a fixed dental prosthesis
80%. Upon heating the binder undergoes several changes believed pier abutment: see INTERMEDIATE ABUTMENT
to be responsible for increased strength at higher temperatures.

JULY 2005

pigment porcelain

pig ment \pıg#mant\ n (14c): finely ground, natural or synthetic, inor- Pleasure curve [Max Pleasure, 1903-1965]: eponym for a curve of oc-
ganic or organic, insoluble dispersed particles (powder), which, clusion which, when viewed in the frontal plane, conforms to a line
when dispersed in a liquid vehicle, may provide, in addition to that is convex in the cephalic direction, except when viewed
color, many other essential properties such as opacity, hardness, through the molar region
durability, and corrosion resistance. The term is used to include plunger cusp \plun#jer kusp\: a cusp that tends to force food into in-
an extender, white or color pigments. The distinction between terproximal areas
powders that are pigments and those that are dyes is generally con- po gon ion \pa-gon#yun\ n : the most anterior point on the mandible
sidered on the basis of solubility—pigments being insoluble and point A \point A\: a bony landmark representing the deepest point of
dispersed in the material, dyes being soluble or in solution as used the premaxillary concavity between the anterior nasal spine and
pin \pın\ n (bef. 12c): a small cylindrical piece of metal—see prosthion as viewed on a lateral cephalometric radiograph
point angle \point ang#gal\: in the development of a cavity prepara-
ANTERIOR GUIDE P., CEMENTED P., FRICTION tion, that place of convergence of three planes or surfaces—comp
pin hole n : a tooth preparation feature used to provide retention and point B: see SUPRAMENTALE
resistance to displacement. Typically a 2-3 mm hole is prepared in the pol ish \pol#ısh\ vb (14c): to make smooth and glossy, usually by fric-
dentin tion; giving luster; the act or process of making a denture or casting
pinledge \pın#lej\ (1998): a partial veneer retainer preparation incor- smooth and glossy
porating pins holes to provide retention pol ish \pol#ısh\ n (1704): a smooth, glossy surface; having luster
pin-retained cast metal core: a cemented cast foundation restoration polished denture surface \pol#ısht den#chur sûr#fas\ obs : that portion
for an extensively damaged vital tooth retained by cast tapered pins of the surface of a denture that extends in an occlusal direction from
that are integral with the core. An extracoronal restoration is the border of the denture and includes the palatal surfaces. It is that
subsequently placed over the core part of the denture base that is usually polished, and it includes the
pin-retained restoration: a restoration for an extensively damaged buccal and lingual surfaces of the teeth (GPT-4)
vital tooth that in part relies on threaded or cemented pins placed polished layer: see BEILBY LAYER
in the dentin for its retention and resistance form pol ish ing \pol#ısh-ıng\ v, obs 1: to make smooth and glossy, usually
pivoting condyle: see WORKING SIDE CONDYLE by friction; to give luster to (GPT-1) 2: obs: the act or process of
place ment \plas#mant\ v : the process of directing a prosthesis to a de- making a denture or casting smooth and glossy (GPT-1)
sired location; the introduction of prosthesis into a patient’s polishing agents \pol#ısh-ıng a#jants\: any material used to impart
mouth—substand DELIVERY, INSERTION—called also denture luster to a surface
placement, prosthesis placement polycarboxylate cement: —see ZINC POLYCARBOXYLATE
plane \plan\ n (1570): a flat surface defined by three points—see AXIS CEMENT
ORBITAL P., CAMPER’S P., CORONAL P., CUSP P., FRANK- poly eth er \pol#e-e#thar\ adj : an elastomeric impression material of
FORT HORIZONTAL P., FRONTAL P., HORIZONTAL P., ethylene oxide and tetra-hydrofluro copolymers that polymerizes
INCLINED P., MANDIBULAR P., MEDIAN P., OCCLUSAL under the influence of an aromatic ester
P.,SAGITTALP. poly mer \pol#a-mar\ n (1866): a chemical compound consisting of
plane motion \plan mo#shun\ 1: motion that is a combination of ro- large organic molecules built by repetition of smaller monomeric
tation and translation in a given plane. The motion is described units
by instantaneous centers of rotation. When the center of rotation is polymerization \pa-lı#ar-ı-za#shun\ n (1872): the forming of a com-
fixed, the body is rotating 2: the combined motions of translation and pound by the joining together of molecules of small molecular
rotation of a rigid body within a given plane weights into a compound of large molecular weight
plane of occlusion: see OCCLUSAL PLANE pol ym er ize \pol#a-ma-rız#, pa-lım#a-\ vb : to effect a chemical
plane of reference \plan uv ref#ar-ans\: any plane with defined land- reaction by joining together individual molecules to form large
marks from which measurements can be made—see molecules made up of many repeated units
HORIZONTAL PLANE OF REFERENCE poly(methyl methacrylate): a stable, hard transparent resin of marked
plas ter \plas#tar\ n : a paste-like composition (usually of water, lime, clarity with a Knoop hardness number ranging from 18-20, a
and sand) that hardens on drying and is used for coating walls, ceil- tensile strength of approximately 60 MPa, a density of 1.19 and a
ings, and partitions—slang: in dentistry, a colloquial term applied to modulus of elasticity of approximately 2.4 GPa
dental plaster of paris poly som nog raph y \pol#ı-som-og#ra-fe\ n : the all-night recording
plaster of paris \plas#tar uv par#ıs\ (15c): a white, powdery, slightly of a variety of physiologic parameters (e g., brain waves, eye move-
hydrated calcium sulfate made by calcination of gypsum, used ments, muscle tonus, respiration, heart rate) as an aid in the diag-
for making casts and molds when combined with water to form a nosis of sleep related disorders
quick-setting paste poly sul fide \pol#e-sul#fıd\ n (1849): an elastomeric impression ma-
plaster wash \plas#tar wosh, wôsh\ obs : a thin mix of plaster used to terial of polysulfide polymer (mercaptan) that cross-links under the
improve the accuracy of a preliminary impression (GPT-4) influence of oxidizing agents such as lead peroxide
plas tic \plas#tık\ adj (1632) 1: capable of being shaped or formed 2: poly(vinyl siloxane) \pol#e-vı#nal sı-loks#an#\ n : an addition reaction
pertaining to the alteration or reformation of living tissues silicone elastomeric impression material of silicone polymers hav-
plas tic \plas#tık\ n (ca. 1909): any of numerous organic synthetic or
ing terminal vinyl groups that cross-link with silanes on activation by
processed materials that generally are thermoplastic or thermoset-
a platinum or palladium salt catalyst.
ting polymers, usually of high molecular weight. They can be cast,
pon tic \pon#tık\ n : an artificial tooth on a fixed dental prosthesis that
extruded, molded, drawn, or laminated into films, filaments, and
replaces a missing natural tooth, restores its function, and usually
fills the space previously occupied by the clinical crown
plastic base \plas#tık bas\ obs : a denture or record base made of a plastic
por cel ain \pôr#sa-lın, por#-\ n (known in Europe, ca. 1540): a ce-
material (GPT-4)
ramic material formed of infusible elements joined by lower fusing
plate n, slang : see PROSTHESIS
materials. Most dental porcelains are glasses and are used in the fab-
platinum foil \plat#n-um foil\: a precious-metal foil with a high fusing
rication of teeth for dentures, pontics and facings, metal ceramic re-
point that makes it suitable as a matrix for various soldering
procedures as well as to provide an internal form for porcelain storations including fixed dental prostheses, as well as all-ceramic
restorations during their fabrication


porcelain preload

restorations such as crowns, laminate veneers, inlays, onlays, and horizontal axis, which, together with an anterior reference point,
other restorations establish the horizontal reference plane
porcelain fused to metal restoration: see METAL CERAMIC posterior tooth form \po-stır#e-ar tooth form\: the distinguishing
RESTORATION contours of the occlusal surfaces of posterior teeth
porcelain jacket crown:—see ALL-CERAMIC RESTORATION postmenopausal atrophy \post-men#a-pôz#al at#ra-fe\: atrophy of
porcelain labial margin \pôr#sa-lın, por#- la#be-al mär#jın\: the exten- various tissues, such as oral mucosa, occurring after menopause
sion of ceramic material to the finish line of the preparation without postpalatal seal \post-pal#a-tal sel\: the seal area at the posterior
visible metal substructure in the marginal area—syn PORCELAIN border of a maxillary removable dental prosthesis
BUTT MARGIN postpalatal seal area \post-pal#a-tal sel âr#e-a\: the soft tissue area at or
porcelain laminate veneer: a thin bonded ceramic restoration that re- beyond the junction of the hard and soft palates on which pressure,
stores the facial surface and part of the proximal surfaces of teeth within physiologic limits, can be applied by a complete RDP to aid
requiring esthetic restoration in its retention
porcelain release agent: any coating to facilitate separation of unfired postsurgical mandibular prosthesis: a maxillofacial prosthesis used
porcelain from a die to optimize intra/extraoral contours to improve speech and deglu-
porcelain wax technique: application of a mixture of body porcelain tition after mandibular or contiguous soft tissue surgery due to tu-
and wax (approximately 6:1 ratio by weight) to the die to achieve mor ablation, or reconstruction of acquired or congenital defects,
optimal adaptation of a porcelain labial margin of a metal-ceramic where mandibular continuity is maintained or reestablished
restoration postsurgical maxillary prosthesis: a maxillofacial prosthesis used to
po ros i ty \pa-ros#ı-te, pô-\ n, pl -ties (14c) 1: the presence of voids optimize maxillary contours to improve speech and deglutition af-
or pores within a structure 2: the state or quality of having minute ter a maxillary resection due to a tumor or reconstruction of ac-
pores, openings or interstices—see BACK PRESSURE P., quired or congenital defects of the maxilla, where there is no
OCCLUDED GAS P., SHRINK-SPOT P., SOLIDIFICATION oral-antral or oral-nasal communication
postsurgical prosthesis: see DEFINITIVE OBTURATOR,
positional record \pa-zısh#a-nal rek#ard\: an intraoral or extraoral
registration of a specified mandibular position
postural contraction \pos#chur-al kan-trak#shun\: that minimal tonic
post and core crown \post-kôr,kor kroun\: a restoration in which the
muscle activity necessary to resist the forces of gravity and thus
crown and cast post are one unit
maintain posture; maintenance of muscle tension (usually isomet-
post-ceramic solder: 1. a soldering procedure to join metal-ceramic
ric) sufficient to maintain posture, dependent on muscle tone
restorations after final shaping and glazing of the ceramic veneer.
postural position \pos#chur-al pa-zısh#an\: any mandibular
Also used to join Type III or Type IV gold castings to metal-
relationship occurring during minimal muscle contraction
ceramic units. 2. an alloy formulated for post-ceramic soldering
pour hole \pôr, por hol\ obs : an aperture in investment or any other
post dam: see POSTPALATAL SEAL
mold material leading to the prosthesis space into which prosthetic
post dam area: see POSTPALATAL SEAL AREA
material is poured (GPT-4)
posterior \po-stîr#e-ar, po-\ adj (1534) 1: situated behind or in back
pre ceramic solder: 1. a soldering procedure joining framework
of; caudal 2: in human anatomy, dorsal
components of a metal-ceramic prosthesis prior to application of
posterior bite collapse: see POSTERIOR OVERCLOSURE the ceramic veneer 2. an alloy formulated for pre-ceramic soldering
posterior border jaw relation \po-stîr#e-ar, po- bôr#dar jô rı-la#shun\
precious metal \presh#as met#l\: a metal containing primarily elements
obs : the most posterior relation of the mandible to the maxillae at of the platinum group, gold, and silver
any specific vertical relation (GPT-4) precious metal alloy \presh#as met#l al#oi#, a-loi#\: an alloy predomi-
posterior border movement \po-stîr#e-ar, po- bôr#dar moov#mant\: nantly composed of elements considered precious, i.e., gold, the six
movements of the mandible along the posterior limit of the metals of the platinum group (platinum, osmium, iridium, palla-
envelope of motion dium, ruthenium, and rhodium), and silver
posterior border position \po-stîr#e-ar, po- bôr#dar pa-zısh#an\: precision attachment \prı-sızh#un a-tach#mant\ : 1: a retainer consist-
the most posterior position of the mandible at any specific vertical ing of a metal receptacle (matrix) and a closely fitting part (patrix);
relation the matrix is usually contained within the normal or expanded con-
posterior determinants of mandibular movement \po-stîr#e-ar, tours of the crown on the abutment tooth/dental implant and the
po- dı-tûr#ma-nant uv man#dıb-u-lar moov#mant\: the temporo- patrix is attached to a pontic or the removable dental prosthesis
mandibular articulations and associated structures—see DETER- framework 2: an interlocking device, one component of which is
MINANTS OF MANDIBULAR MOVEMENT fixed to an abutment or abutments, and the other is integrated
posterior determinants of occlusion: see DETERMINANTS OF into a removable dental prosthesis in order to stabilize and/or
posterior open bite slang : see POSTERIOR OPEN OCCLUSAL precision rest \prı-sızh#un rest\: a prefabricated, rigid metallic exten-
RELATIONSHIP sion (patrix) in a fixed or removable dental prosthesis that fits inti-
posterior open occlusal relationship \po-stîr#e-ar o#pan a-kloo#zal mately into the box-type rest seat or keyway (matrix) portion of a
rı-la#shun-shıp\: lack of posterior tooth contact in any occluding precision attachment in a restoration
position of the anterior teeth preextraction cast: see DIAGNOSTIC CAST
posterior opening movement \po-stîr#e-ar o#pa-nıng moov#mant\ preliminary cast \prı-lım#a-ner#e\: a cast formed from a preliminary
obs : the opening movement of the mandible about the terminal impression for use in diagnosis or the fabrication of an impression
hinge axis (GPT-4) tray
posterior overclosure \po-stîr#e-ar o#var-klo#zher\: the loss of occlud- preliminary impression \prı-lım#a-ner#e ım-presh#an\: a negative
ing vertical dimension as a result of the loss or drifting of posterior likeness made for the purpose of diagnosis, treatment planning,
teeth or the fabrication of a tray
posterior palatal seal: see POSTPALATAL SEAL preload: the tension created in a screw, especially the fluked thread-
posterior palatal seal area: see POSTPALATAL SEAL AREA ings, when tightened. An engineering term used in dentistry to
posterior reference points \po-stır#e-ar ref#ar-ans points\: two points, describe the degree of tightness of a screw, usually in implant
located one on each side of the face in the area of the transverse dentistry.

JULY 2005 63

premature contact prosthesis


premature contact: see DEFLECTIVE OCCLUSAL CONTACT pro file \pro#fıl#\ n (ca. 1656): an outline or contour, especially one
pre ma tur i ty n : see DEFLECTIVE OCCLUSAL CONTACT representing a side view of a human head
preoperative cast \pre-op#ar-a-tıv, -op#ra-, -op#a-ra- kast\: a positive profile record \pro#fıl rek#ard\: a registration or record of the facial
likeness of a part or parts of the oral cavity for the purpose of diag- profile of a patient—see also EMERGENCE PROFILE
nosis and treatment planning—see DIAGNOSTIC CAST prog nath ic \prog-nath#ık, -na#thık\ n : a protruded position of the
preoperative record \pre-op#ar-a-tıv, -op#ra-, -op#a-ra- rek#ard\ obs : mandible in relation to the maxillae—called also caput progeneum,
any record made for the purpose of study or treatment planning exognathia, progenia, and prognathia
(GPT-4) prog na thism \prog-na-thız#um\ n (ca. 1864): an overgrowth of the
preoperative wax-up: a dental diagnostic procedure in which planned mandible in an anteroposterior direction; a protrusion of the man-
restorations are developed in wax on a diagnostic cast to determine dible in relation to the maxillae
optimal clinical and laboratory procedures necessary to achieve the prog no sis \prog-no#sıs\ n (1655): a forecast as to the probable result
desired esthetics and function—called also diagnostic wax-up, of a disease or a course of therapy
preoperative waxing progressive loading \pra-gres#ıv lo#dıng\ (1998): the gradual increase
preprosthetic surgery \pre-pros-thet#ık sûr#ja-re\: surgical procedures in the application of force on a dental implant whether intentionally
designed to facilitate fabrication of a prosthesis or to improve the done with a dental prosthesis or unintentionally via forces placed by
prognosis of prosthodontic care adjacent anatomic structures or parafunctional loading
pressure area \presh#ar\: a region of mucosa that is being subjected to progressive mandibular lateral translation \pra-gres#ıv man-dıb#
excessive pressure from a dental prosthesis ya-lar lat#ar-al trans-la#shun\ 1: the translatory portion of mandibular
pressure indicating paste \presh#ar ın#dı-ka-tıng past\: any substance movement when viewed in a specified body plane 2: the translatory
applied to a dental prosthesis, which, when seated on a structure, portion of mandibular movement as viewed in a specific body plane
demonstrates the adaptation of the prosthesis to the structure it that occurs at a rate or amount that is directly proportional to the
opposes forward movement of the nonworking condyle—see
pressure relief \presh#ar rı-lef#\ obs : alteration of the denture-bearing MANDIBULAR TRANSLATION
surface of a denture to reduce force on the underlying tissues progressive side shift: see MANDIBULAR TRANSLATION
(GPT-4) projected pain \pra-jek#tıd pan\: heterotopic pain felt in the anatomi-
pressure welding \presh#ar wel#dıng\: bonding of two metals together cal peripheral distribution of the same nerve that mediates the pri-
by sufficiently large force applied perpendicular to the surface. Such mary pain
force must be of magnitude to produce permanent distortions that proportional limit \pra-pôr#sha-nal lım#ıt\: that unit of stresses be-
expose a film-free metal contact yond which deformation is no longer proportional to the applied
pretreatment records \pre-tret#mant rek#ardz\: any records made for load
the purpose of diagnosis, recording of the patient history, or treat-
proprioception \pro#pre-o-sep#shun\ n (1906): the reception of stim-
ment planning in advance of therapy
ulation of sensory nerve terminals within the tissues of the body
primary colors \prı#mer#e, -ma-re kul#erz\: three basic colors used to
that give information concerning movements and the position of
make most other colors by mixture, either additive mixture of lights
the body; perception mediated by proprioceptors
or subtractive mixture of colorants
pros the sis \pros-the#sıs\ n, pl -ses (1900) 1: an artificial replacement
primary colors (additive) \prı#mer#e, -ma-re kul#erz ad#ı-tıv\: three
of an absent part of the human body 2: a therapeutic device to im-
colored lights from which all other colors can be matched by addi-
prove or alter function 3: a device used to aid in accomplishing a
tive mixture. The three must be selected so that no one of them can
desired surgical result Editorial note: The taxonomy of the word
be matched by mixture of the other two. Generally, red, green,
prostheses is as complex as are the varieties of items made by humans
and blue are used. Additive primaries are the complements of the
for any utilitarian purpose. While classification of botanical or zoo-
subtractive primaries
logical species can be relatively precise due to the common nature
primary colors (subtractive) \prı#mer#e, -ma-re kul#erz sab-trak#tıv\:
of genetic derivation (including descriptions of genetic altera-
colors of three colorants or colored materials which, when mixed
tions), such is not the case with respect to many things made by hu-
together subtract from one another, resulting in black or a very
mans. One has only to think about the range of forms used in the
dark neutral color. Subtractive primaries are generally cyan,
course of human history classified as ‘‘items of transportation’’ to
magenta, and yellow
primary dentition \prı#mer#e den-tısh#an\: the teeth that erupt first be convinced of the complexity and frequently transient nature of
and are normally shed and replaced by permanent (succedaneous) such a mode as the automobile! With respect to dentistry, the
teeth—syn DECIDUOUS DENTITION noun prosthesis generally is described first by a type adjective (dental,
primary hyperalgesia \prı#mer#e hı#par-al-ge#zha\: stimulation maxillofacial or ancillary) (Figs. 1-4) and frequently second by use
evoked primary pain due to lowered pain threshold of one or more additional adjectives (termed modifiers) to clarify
primary impression: see PRELIMINARY IMPRESSION such matters as anatomic location, form, materials, means of reten-
primary occlusal trauma \prı#mer#e a-kloo#al trou#ma\: the effects tion, support, time of usage, or other items. Using coordinate ad-
induced by abnormal or excessive occlusal forces acting on teeth jectives (two or more adjectives separated by a comma, instead of
with normal periodontal support by coordinating conjunctions) to assist in further description of
primary pain \prı#mer#e pan\: pain that identifies the true source of the prosthesis is helpful but should generally be limited to three
nociceptive input or at most four for convenience in maintaining understanding of
pro cess \pros#es, pro#ses#\ n, pl pro ces ses (14c) 1: in anatomy, a the noun prosthesis. Frequently, an adjective clause ,descriptor.
prominence or projection of bone 2a: in dentistry, any technical can be used following the word prosthesis to help clarify such issues
procedure that incorporates a number of steps 2b: the procedure of as the nature of the support [i.e. tooth number(s), dental implant
bringing about polymerization of dental resins for prostheses or number(s)] available for the prosthesis. A descriptor is something
bases—see DENTURE PROCESSING (a word, phrase or characteristic feature) that serves to identify or
processed denture base \pro#sesd den#chur bas\: that portion of a po- describe; especially a word or phrase (as an index term) used to
lymerized dental prosthesis covering the oral mucosa of the maxillary identify an item in an information retrieval system. Use of acronyms
and/or mandible to which artificial teeth will be attached by means to describe a prosthesis is to be discouraged since such descriptors
of a second processing do not transfer between languages and thus can be easily
process jig: see ANALOG misunderstood.


prosthesis prosthodontic diagnostic index


Fig. 1

Fig. 3

Fig. 4

Fig. 2 hybrid prosthesis

hybrid denture prosthesis
{modifier} (type) prosthesis ,descriptor. interim plate
coordinate adjective(s) noun adjective clause see also DEFINITIVE P., DENTAL P., INTERIM P., MAXILLOFACIAL P.,
Modifier: {anatomic location} i.e. maxillary, mandibular, inferior,
superior prosthesis placement: see PLACEMENT
{form} i.e. complete, partial, splint, stent, carrier, bar, ovoid, round prosthesis placement: see PLACEMENT
{material} i.e. ceramic, metal, resin pros thet ic \pros-thet#ık\ adj, pros thet i cal ly \pros-thet#ı-ka-le\
{retention} i.e. cement, screw, friction, tissue, fixed, removable adv (ca. 1890): relating to a prosthesis or prosthetics
{support} i.e. tooth, implant, tissue prosthetic dentistry: see PROSTHODONTICS
{time} i.e. surgical, temporary, interim, definitive prosthetic restoration \pros-thet#ık\ obs : an artificial replacement for
{other} i.e. soft, zirconium an absent part of the human body (GPT-4)
prosthetic speech aid: see ADULT SPEECH AID PROSTHESIS,
Type: (dental, maxillofacial, ancillary) PEDIATRIC SPEECH AID PROSTHESIS
pros thet ics \pros-thet#ıks\ n, pl but sing or pl in constr (ca. 1894): the
Descriptor: ,support. tissue borne, implant borne, tooth/implant art and science of supplying artificial replacements for missing parts
of the human body—see also MAXILLOFACIAL P.
pros the tist \pros#thı-tıst\ n : a person involved in the construction of
dental prosthesis an artificial replacement for any part of the human body
maxillary, removable, partial, dental prosthesis pros tho don tia n : see PROSTHODONTICS
surgical, obturator, maxillofacial prosthesis prosthodontic diagnostic index [American College of
mandibular, fixed, partial, dental prosthesis on dental implants # 28, Prosthodontists , (2004)]: a clinical diagnostic index classifica-
30 and 31 tion for 1) the edentulous patient, 2) the partially edentulous pa-
cemented, fixed, partial, dental prosthesis on teeth # 12 and 14 tient, and 3) the completely dentate patient. (see Appendix B, C
cemented, fixed, partial, dental prosthesis on dental implant #12 and D) The classifications use specific diagnostic criteria to delin-
and tooth #14 eate treatment complexity into four classes: Class I (ideal or mini-
ceramic, fixed, partial, dental prosthesis on dental implants #3 and 5 mally compromised), Class II (moderately compromised), Class III
(substantially compromised) or Class IV (severely compromised)
To be avoided examples... McGarry TJ, Nimmo A, Skiba JF, Ahlstrom RH, Smith CR, Koumjian JH.
rigid, interim, mandibular, removable, partial, dental prosthesis re- Classification system for complete edentulism. The American College of
placing teeth #23-30 Prosthodontics. J Prosthodont. 1999 Mar;8(1):27-39.

JULY 2005 65

prosthodontic diagnostic index quick-cure resin


McGarry TJ, Nimmo A, Skiba JF, Ahlstrom RH, Smith CR, Koumjian JH, prox i mal \prok#sa-mal\ adj (1727) 1: situated close to 2: next to or
Arbree NS. Classification system for partial edentulism. J Prosthodont. 2002 nearest the point of attachment or origin, a central point especially,
Sep;11(3):181-93. located toward the center of a body—comp DISTAL—
McGarry TJ, Nimmo A, Skiba JF, Ahlstrom RH, Smith CR, Koumjian JH, prox i mal ly adj
Guichet GN; American College of Prosthodontics. Classification system for proximal contact: see INTERPROXIMAL CONTACT
the completely dentate patient. J Prosthodont. 2004 Jun;13(2):73-82. pseudoisochromatic color tests \soo#do-ı#sa-kro-mat#ık ku#lar tests\:
pros tho don tics \pros#tha-don#tıks\ n, pl but sing or pl in constr tests for detecting color vision deficiency. The charts are made up of
(1947): prosthodontics is the dental specialty pertaining to the di- colored spots that yield a legible pattern (number, letter, figure,
agnosis, treatment planning, rehabilitation and maintenance of the etc.,) for a normal observer but yield no legible pattern for
oral function, comfort, appearance and health of patients with clin- observers with anomalous types of color vision
ical conditions associated with missing or deficient teeth and/or psy cho phys i cal \sı#ko-fız#ı-kal\ adj (1847): used to describe the
maxillofacial tissues using biocompatible substitutes—see FIXED sector of color science that deals with the relationship between
PROSTHODONTICS, IMPLANT PROSTHODONTICS, physical description or specification of stimuli and the sensory
PROSTHODONTICS psychophysical color \sı#ko-fız#ı-kal ku#lar\: a specification of color
pros tho don tist \pros#tha-don-tıst\ n (1917) 1: a specialist in pros- stimulus in terms of operationally defined values, such as three
thodontics 2: a dentist who has successfully completed an advanced tri-stimulus values
education program in prosthodontics that is accredited by the ap- psychosomatic dentistry \sı#ka-so-mat#ık den#tı-stre\ 1: dentistry
propriate accrediting body. In the United States, that body is the that concerns itself with the mind-body relationship 2: dentistry
Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental that acknowledges a relationship between the psychic and normal
Association—see BOARD-CERTIFIED P., BOARD-ELIGIBLE physiological functions
pro ta no pia \pro#ta-no#pe-a\: a form of dichromatism in which red pterygoid plates \ter#ı-goid# platz\: broad, thin, wing-shaped pro-
and blue-green stimuli are confused cesses of the spheroid bone separated by the pterygoid fossa. The
protanomalous vision \pro#ta-nom#a-lus vızh#un\: a form of color inferior end of the medial plate terminates in a long curved process
deficient vision in which the ability to perceive blue and yellow is or hook for the tendon of the tensor veli palatini muscle. The lateral
retained. Hue discrimination is poor in the red to green region of the plate gives attachment to the medial and lateral pterygoid muscles
spectrum pterygomaxillary notch \ter#ı-ga-mak#sa-ler#e noch\: the palpable
pro tru sion \pro-troo#zhan\ n (1646): a position of the mandible an-
terior to centric relation—see LATEROPROTRUSION notch formed by the junction of the maxilla and the pterygoid
pro tru sive \pro-troo#sıv, -zıv\ adj, pro tru sive ly \pro-troo#sıv-le\ hamulus of the sphenoid bone
adv, pro tru sive ness \pro-troo#sıv-nes\ n (1676): thrusting for- pulp \pulp\ n : the richly vascularized connective tissue of mesodermal
ward; adjective denoting protrusion origin with much innervation contained in the central cavity of the
protrusive checkbite: see PROTRUSIVE INTEROCCLUSAL tooth
RECORD pulp capping \pulp kap#ıng\: application of a material to protect the
protrusive condyle path \pro-troo#sıv kon#dıl#, -dl path\: the path the pulp from external influences and promote healing, done either di-
condyle travels when the mandible is moved forward from its initial rectly or indirectly
position pulpectomy \pulp-ek#to-me\ n : the complete removal of the dental
protrusive deflection \pro-troo#sıv dı-flek#shun\: a continuing eccen- pulp
tric displacement of the midline incisal path on protrusion, symp- pulpitis \pul#pı-tıs\ n: inflammation of the dental pulp
tomatic of a restriction of movement pulpotomy \pul-pa-ta#me\ n : surgical amputation of the coronal por-
protrusive deviation \pro-troo#sıv de#ve-a#shun\: discursive tion of the dental pulp
movement on protrusion that ends in the centered position and is 1
pum ice \pum#ıs\ n (15th cent.) 1: a type of volcanic glass used as an
indicative of interference during movement abrasive. It is prepared in various grits and used for finishing and
protrusive jaw relation \pro-troo#sıv jô rı-la#shun\ obs : a jaw relation polishing 2: a polishing agent, in powdered form, used for natural
resulting from a protrusion of the mandible (GPT-4) teeth and fixed and removable restorations
protrusive interocclusal record \pro-troo#sıv ın#tar-a-kloo#zal 2
pum ice \pum#ıs\ vt pum iced \pum#isd\ pum ic ing \pum#ı-sıng\
rek#ard\: a registration of the mandible in relation to the maxillae (15th cent.): to finish or dress with pumice
when both condyles are advanced in the temporal fossa pyramidal fracture \pır#a-mıd frak#chur\: a fracture of the midfacial
protrusive movement: mandibular movement anterior to centric bones, with the principal fracture lines meeting at an apex in the
relation. area of the nasion—called also Le Fort II fracture
protrusive occlusion \pro-troo#sıv a-kloo#zhun\ obs : an occlusion of
the teeth when the mandible is protruded (GPT-4) Q
protrusive record: see PROTRUSIVE INTEROCCLUSAL Q.D.: acronym for L. Qad’que Di’e, every day
RECORD Q.H.: acronym for L. Qua’que Ho’ra, every hour
protrusive relation \pro-troo#sıv rı-la#shun\ obs: the relation of the Q.I.D.: acronym for L. Qua’ter In Di’e, four times a day
mandible to the maxillae when the mandible is thrust forward Q.L.: acronym for L. Quan’tum Li’bet, as much as desired
(GPT-4) Q.Q.H.: acronym for L. Qua’que Quar’ta Ho’ra, every 4 hours
provisional cementation: cementation of an interim or definitive quadrant \kwod#rant\ n (15c) 1: any of the four quarters into which
restoration with a luting agent with weak retentive properties to something is divided by two real or imaginary lines that intersect
facilitate the planned future removal of the restoration each other at right angles 2: in dentistry, one of the four sections
provisional denture: see INTERIM PROSTHESIS of the dental arches, divided at the midline - see also SEXTANT,
provisional prosthesis: see INTERIM PROSTHESIS OCTANT
provisional restoration: see INTERIM PROSTHESIS quartz \kwôrts\ n (ca. 1631): an allotropic form of silica; the mineral
provisional splint \pra-vızh#a-nal splınt\: an interim device to stabilize SiO2 consisting of hexagonal crystals of colorless, transparent
teeth during diagnosis or therapy—syn INTERIM SPLINT silicon dioxide
quick-cure resin: see AUTOPOLYMERIZING RESIN


RAD refractory

R ra phe \ra#fe\ n (1753) 1: line of union of symmetrical parts 2: a fi-

RAD: acronym for Radiation Absorbed Dose, a unit of measurement of brous band or bands where paired muscles meet
the absorbed dose of ionizing radiation. The biologic effect of one re at tach ment \re-a-tach#mant\ n : in periodontics, the reunion of
rad varies with the type of radiation tissue is exposed to—see also epithelial and connective tissues with root surfaces and bone such
GRAY as occurs after incision or injury
radiation \ra#de-a#shun\ n (1570): the emission of electromagnetic re base \re-bas#\ n : the laboratory process of replacing the entire den-
waves, such as light, short wave, radio, ultraviolet, or x-rays, or par- ture base material on an existing prosthesis
ticulate rays such as alpha, beta, and gamma rays receptor sites \rı-sep#tar sıtz\: specific sites at which molecular binding
radiation carrier \ra#de-a#shun kar#e-ar\: an ancillary prosthesis used occurs that results in specific biologic responses
to administer radiation to confined areas by means of capsules, recipient site \rı-sıp#e-ant sıt\: the site into which a graft or transplant
beads or needles of radiation emitting materials such as radium material is placed
or cesium. Its function is to hold the radiation source securely in re cip ro cal \rı-sıp#ra-kal\ adj, obs : the manner in which one part of a
the same location during the entire period of treatment. prosthesis is made to counter the effect created by another part
Radiation oncologists occasionally request these devices to achieve (GPT-1)
a close approximation and controlled application of radiation to a reciprocal arm: see RECIPROCAL CLASP
tumor deemed amiable to eradication—syn CARRIER reciprocal clasp \rı-sıp#ra-kal klasp\: a component of the clasp assem-
PROSTHESIS, INTRACAVITY APPLICATOR, bly specifically designed to provide reciprocation by engaging a re-
ciprocal guiding plane; it contacts the action of the clasp during
removal and insertion of a partial removable dental prosthesis
radiation cone locator \ra#de-a#shun kon lo#katar\: an ancillary pros-
reciprocal click \rı-sıp#ra-kal klık\: clicks emanating from the tempo-
thesis used to direct and reduplicate the path of radiation to an oral
romandibular joint, one of which occurs during opening move-
tumor during a split course of irradiation—syn CONE
ment and the other during closing movement
re cip ro ca tion \rı-sıp#ra-ka#shun\ n (1561) 1: the mechanism by
radiation shield \ra#de-a#shun sheld\: a intraoral ancillary prosthesis
which lateral forces generated by a retentive clasp passing over a
designed to shield adjacent tissues from radiation during orthovol-
tage treatment of malignant lesions of the head and neck region— height of contour are counterbalanced by a reciprocal clasp passing
syn LEAD SHIELD, RADIATION STENT, TONGUE along a reciprocal guiding plane 2: a mutual exchange 3: an alter-
PROTECTOR nating motion—re cip ro ca tive \rı-sıp#ra-ka#tıv\ adj
radiation shield/positioner \ra#de-a#shun sheld/pa-zısh#nar\: a cus- re cord \rı-kord\ vb (14c) 1: to register data relating to specific con-
tom made ancillary prosthesis to direct, align, and protect adjacent ditions that exist currently or previously 2: to register permanently by
tissues during irradiation. The shield/positioner will prevent radi- mechanical means, i.e., jaw relationships—see CENTRIC
ation damage to tissues that are unaffected by a tumor RELATION R., ECCENTRIC INTEROCCLUSAL R.,
radiation source device \ra#de-a#shun sôrs, sors dı-vıs#\: custom made INTEROCCLUSAL R., OCCLUDING JAW R., TERMINAL
ancillary prosthesis to align a radiation source to a specific anatomic JAW RELATION R.
site re cord \rı-kord\ n (14c) 1: an official document 2: a body of known
radiation source prosthesis: a custom made ancillary prosthesis to or recorded facts about someone or something
align a radiation source to a specific anatomic site. This prosthesis record base \rek#ard bas\: an interim denture base used to support the
is used to carry or direct a radiation source to a tumor site record rim material for recording maxillomandibular records
radiation stent: see RADIATION SHIELD record rim \rek#ard rım\: the occlusal surfaces fabricated on a record
rad i cle \rad#ı-kal\ n (1671): the lower part of the axis of an object base for the purpose of making maxillomandibular relationship re-
rad ic u lar \ra-dı-kyoo#lar\ adj (1830): pertaining to the root of a cords and/or arranging teeth—called also occlusion rim
tooth reduced interarch distance \rı-doosd# ın#tar-ärch\: an occluding ver-
ra di o gram n: see RADIOGRAPH tical dimension that results in an excessive interocclusal distance
ra di o graph \ra#de-o-graf#\ n (1880): an image produced on any when the mandible is in rest position and in a reduced interridge
sensitive surface by means of electromagnetic radiation other distance when the teeth are in contact—called also overclosure
than light; a x-ray photograph re duc tion \rı-duk#shun\ n (1546): the correction of a fracture or dis-
ra di o graph \ra#de-o-graf#\ vt (1896): to make a radiograph of location; the restoration by surgical or manipulative procedures of a
ra di o lu cent \ra#de-o-loo#sant\: permitting the passage of radiant part to its normal anatomic location
energy with relatively little attenuation by absorption reference plane locator \ref#ar-ans, ref#rans plan lo#ka#tar\: a device
ra di o paque \ra#de-o-pak#\ (1917): a structure that strongly inhibits
used to facilitate location of the horizontal reference plane on the
the passage of radiant energy
face of a patient
ramus endosteal implant \ra#mas en-dos#te-al ım-plant#\: an endos-
re flec tance \rı-flek#tans\ n (1926): the ratio of the intensity of re-
teal dental implant that is attached, in part, to the ramus of the
flected radiant flux to that of the incident flux. In popular usage,
it is considered as the ratio of the intensity of reflected radiant
ramus frame endosteal implant \ra#mas fram en-dos#te-al ım-plant#\:
a dental implant design that consists of a horizontal intraoral supra- flux to that reflected from a defined reference standard. Specular re-
gingival abutment in the form of a bar and endosteal implant body flection is the angle of reflection equal to the angle of incidence.
segments that are placed into the rami and symphysis areas as one Surface reflection is associated with objects having optically smooth
section (implants fabricated from one piece of metal), or two sec- surfaces. These objects are usually termed glossy
tions (implants of anterior and horizontal segments that are con- re flec tion \rı-flek#shun\ (14c) n 1: the elevation and folding back of
nected at the time of placement), or five sections (an implant all or part of the mucosa to expose underlying structures 2: the re-
consisting of five sections in which the endosteal implant body seg- turn of light or sound waves from a surface
re frac tion \rı-frak#shun\ n (1603): the deflection of light or energy
ments are independently placed and connected with fitted parts)
waves from a straight path that occurs when passing obliquely from
range of motion \ranj uv mo#shun\: the range, measured in degrees of
one medium into another in which its velocity is different
re frac tory \rı-frak#ta-re\ adj (1606): difficult to fuse or corrode; ca-
a circle, through which a joint can be extended or flexed. The range of
pable of enduring high temperatures
the opening, lateral, and protrusive excursions of the temporo-
mandibular joint

JULY 2005

refractory cast resin-bonded prosthesis


refractory cast \rı-frak#ta-re kast\: a cast made of a material that will partial removable dental prostheses retained by clasps or/and other
withstand high temperatures without disintegrating—called also connector devices to natural teeth or/and dental implants
investment cast removable die system: a segmented final cast system that permits ac-
refractory die: any die material that is capable of enduring the high curate removal and replacement of dies of individually prepared
temperatures that occur during firing or casting procedures. The teeth
die is an integral part of the mold; the restoration is directly cast, removable partial denture prosthesis \rı-moo#va-bal par#shal den#
molded or fired onto the refractory die chur\: any prosthesis that replaces some teeth in a partially dentate
refractory flask: see CASTING FLASK arch. It can be removed from the mouth and replaced at will - also
refractory investment \rı-frak#ta-re ın-vest#mant\: an investment ma- called partial removable dental prosthesis
terial that can withstand the high temperatures used in soldering or removable prosthodontics \rı-moo#va-bal pros-tha-don#tıks\: the
casting branch of prosthodontics concerned with the replacement of teeth
refractory mold \rı-frak#ta-re mold\: a refractory cavity into which a and contiguous structures for edentulous or partially edentulous
substance is shaped or cast patients by artificial substitutes that are readily removable from
refractory prosthodontic patient: a patient unable to achieve treat- the mouth
ment expectations despite the thoroughness or frequency of the rep li ca \rep#lı-ka\ n (1852) 1: a reproduction or facsimile, especially
treatment provided by the makers, of an original 2: a copy or duplicate, i.e., a duplicate
re gen er a tion \rı-jen#a-ra#shun\ n (14c): renewal or restoration of a of the surface of a component of a dental implant used to process a
body or bodily part after injury or as a normal process—see restoration
GUIDED TISSUE REGENERATION re po si tion ing \re-pa-zısh#a-nıng\ adj : the changing of any relative
reg is tra tion \rej#ı-stra#shun\ n (1566) l: the making of a record of position of the mandible to the maxillae, usually altering the occlu-
the jaw relationships present, or those desired, thus allowing their sion of the natural or artificial teeth
transfer to an articulator to assist in proper fabrication of a dental repositioning splint \re-pa-zısh#a-nıng splınt\ n : an intraoral maxillo-
prosthesis 2: a record made of the desired maxillomandibular rela- facial prosthesis constructed to temporarily or permanently alter
tionship and used to relate casts to an articulator—see MAXILLO- the relative position of the mandible to the maxillae
MANDIBULAR RELATIONSHIP RECORD residual bone \rı-zıj#oo-al bon\: that component of maxillary or man-
re im plan ta tion \re-ım-plan-ta#shun\ n : the act of replacing a dibular bone that remains after the teeth are lost
tooth in the same alveolar socket from which it had been removed, residual ridge \rı-zıj#oo-al rıj\: the portion of the residual bone and its
either surgically or as a result of trauma soft tissue covering that remains after the removal of teeth
re lief \rı-lef#\ adj : the reduction or elimination of undesirable pres- residual ridge crest \rı-zıj#oo-al rıj krest\: the most coronal portion of
sure or force from a specific region under a denture base. The cre- the residual ridge
ation of space in an impression tray for impression material residual ridge resorption \rı-zıj#oo-al rıj re-sôrb#shun, -zôrb#-\: a
relief area \rı-lef# âr#e-a\: that portion of the dental prosthesis that is term used for the diminishing quantity and quality of the residual
reduced to eliminate excessive pressure ridge after teeth are removed
relief chamber: see RELIEF AREA Ortman HR. Factors of bone resorption of the residual ridge. J PROSTHET
re line \re-lın#\ vt (1851): the procedures used to resurface the tissue DENT 1962;12:429-40.
side of a removable dental prosthesis with new base material, thus Atwood DA. Some clinical factors related to rate of resorption of residual
producing an accurate adaptation to the denture foundation ridges. J PROSTHET DENT 1962;12:441-50.
area—comp REBASE re sil ient \rı-zıl#yant\ adj (1674): characterized or noted by resil-
re mod el \re-mod#l\ vt : the morphologic change in bone as an adap- ience, as a) capable of withstanding shock without permanent de-
tive response to altered environmental demands. The bone will formation or rupture or b) tending to recover from or easily adjust to
progressively remodel where there is a proliferation of tissue and re- change syn ELASTIC—re sil ient ly adv
gressive remodeling when osteoclastic resorption is evident resilient attachment \rı-zl#yant a-tach#mant\ (1998): an attachment
remount cast \re-mount#\: a cast formed of a prosthesis for the pur- designed to give a tooth borne/soft tissue borne removable dental
pose of mounting the prosthesis on an articulator prosthesis sufficient mechanical flexion to withstand the variations
remount procedure \re-mount# pra-se#jur\: any method used to relate in seating of the prosthesis due to deformations of the mucosa and
restorations to an articulator for analysis and/or to assist in devel- underlying tissues without placing excessive stress on the abut-
opment of a plan for occlusal equilibration or reshaping ments
remount record index \re-mount# rek#ard ın#deks#\: a record of max- res in \rez#ın\ n (14c) 1: any of various solid or semisolid amorphous
illary structures affixed to the mandibular member of an articulator natural organic substances that usually are transparent or translu-
useful in facilitating subsequent transfers cent and brown to yellow; usually formed in plant secretions; are
removable appliance: see REMOVABLE DENTAL PROSTHESIS soluble in organic solvents but not water; are used chiefly in var-
removable bridge: see REMOVABLE DENTAL PROSTHESIS nishes, inks, plastics, and medicine; and are found in many dental
removable complete denture prosthesis: a removable dental prosthe- impression materials 2: a broad term used to describe natural or
sis that replaces the entire dentition and associated structures of the synthetic substances that form plastic materials after polymeriza-
maxillae or mandible tion. They are named according to their chemical composition,
removable dental prosthesis \rı-moo#va-bal pros-the#sıs\: 1: any den- physical structure, and means for activation of polymerization—see
tal prosthesis that replaces some or all teeth in a partially dentate AUTOPOLYMERIZING R., COPOLYMER R.
arch (partial removable dental prostheses) or edentate arch (complete resin-bonded prosthesis \rez#ın-bon#dıd pros-the#sıs\: a fixed dental
removable dental prostheses). It can be removed from the mouth and prosthesis that is luted to tooth structures, primarily enamel, which
replaced at will, 2: any dental prosthesis that can be readily inserted has been etched to provide mechanical retention for the resin ce-
and removed by the patient. The means of retention for such pros- ment. Early design incorporated perforations on the lingual plate
theses include tissue retained RDP, tooth retained RDP, implant re- (Rochette Bridge) through which the resin bonded material passed
tained RDP or tooth and implant retained RDP. Editorial Note: to achieve a mechanical lock; subsequently, use of acid etching of
examples of tissue retained removable dental prostheses include com- the metal plate (Maryland Bridge) eliminated the need for perfora-
plete removable dental prostheses, interim prostheses and provisional tions.
prostheses devoid of any attachment to natural teeth; tooth retained Rochette, Alain L. Attachment of a splint to enamel of lower anterior teeth J
partial removable dental prostheses include interim and definitive Pros Dent 1973; 30: 418-423.


resin-bonded prosthesis Richmond crown


Livaditis, GJ, Thompson, VP.: Etched castings: an improved retentive retentive fulcrum line \rı-ten#tıv ful#krum lın\ 1: an imaginary line
mechanism for resin-bonded retainers J Pros Dent 1982; 47-52 connecting the retentive points of clasp arms on retaining teeth ad-
resin-bonded splint \rez#ın bon#dıd splınt\: a fixed splint made of jacent to mucosa-borne denture bases 2: an imaginary line, con-
heavy wire, fibrous resin materials or/and cast metal that is bonded necting the retentive points of clasp arms, around which the
to the labial or lingual surface of natural teeth with an acid etch removable dental prosthesis tends to rotate when subjected to dis-
technique. It is used to stabilize traumatically displaced or perio- lodging forces
dontal compromised teeth retinal fovea \ret#n-al fo#ve-a\: a small ellipse-shaped depression in the
resin crown \rez#ın kroun\: a resin restoration that restores a clinical central region of the retina somewhat less than a degree of visual an-
crown without a metal substructure gle in maximum diameter and characterized by the sharpest cone
resin-modified glass ionomer: a modified glass ionomer cement that vision. The fovea centralis is the normal center for visual fixation
incorporates polymerizing monomer and a cross-linking agent; this and attention
type of cement has a longer working time and is less sensitive to wa- retrodiscal tissue \ret#ro-dıs#kal tısh#oo\: a mass of loose, highly vas-
ter contamination than conventional glass ionomer cements; also cular and highly innervated, connective tissue attached to the pos-
called hybrid ionomer cement terior edge of the articular disk and extending to and filling the
resin-retained prosthesis: see RESIN-BONDED PROSTHESIS loose folds of the posterior capsule of the temporomandibular joint
resin-veneered restoration: a fixed restoration that uses a metal —called also bilaminar zone
framework on which an esthetic resin veneer is applied ret ro gnath ic \ret#ro-na#thık\ n : a retruded position of the mandi-
resistance form \rı-zıs#tans form\: the features of a tooth preparation ble in relation to the maxillae
that enhance the stability of a restoration and resist dislodgment retromolar pad \ret#ra-mo#lar pad\: a mass of tissue comprised of non-
along an axis other than the path of placement
keratinized mucosa located posterior to the retromolar papilla and
resorption \re-sôrp#shun, zôrp#-\ n (1818): the loss of tissue sub- overlying loose glandular connective tissue. This freely movable
stance by physiologic or pathologic processes—see ALVEOLAR
area should be differentiated from the pear-shaped pad
retromylohyoid area \ret#ro-mı#lo-yoid âr-e-a\ obs : that area in the al-
rest \rest\ n (15c): a projection or attachment, usually on the side of an veolingual sulcus just lingual to the retromolar pad that extends
object—see CINGULUM R., INCISAL R., LINGUAL R., down to the floor of the mouth and back to the retromylohyoid
curtain. It is bounded anteriorly by the lingual tuberosity (GPT-4)
retromylohyoid space \ret#ro-mı#lo-yoid spas\: an anatomic area in
rest area: see REST SEAT
rest jaw relation \rest jô rı-la#shun\ obs : the habitual postural jaw rela- the alveololingual sulcus just lingual to the retromolar pad
tion when the patient is resting comfortably in an upright position bounded anteriorly by the mylohyoid ridge, posteriorly by the ret-
and the condyles are in a neutral, unstrained position in the glenoid romylohyoid curtain, inferiorly by the floor of the alveololingual
fossae (GPT-4) sulcus, and lingually by the anterior tonsillary pillar when the
rest occlusion: see PHYSIOLOGIC REST POSITION tongue is in a relaxed position
rest position: see PHYSIOLOGIC REST POSITION retruded contact \rı-troo#dıd kon#takt\: contact of a tooth or teeth
rest relation: see PHYSIOLOGIC REST POSITION along the retruded path of closure. Initial contact of a tooth or
rest seat \rest set\: the prepared recess in a tooth or restoration created teeth during closure around a transverse horizontal axis
to receive the occlusal, incisal, cingulum, or lingual rest retruded contact position \rı-troo#dıd kon#takt pa-zısh#an\: that
rest vertical dimension \rest vûr#tı-kal dı-men#shun\: the distance be- guided occlusal relationship occurring at the most retruded posi-
tween two selected points (one of which is on the middle of the face tion of the condyles in the joint cavities. A position that may be
or nose and the other of which is on the lower face or chin) mea- more retruded than the centric relation position
sured when the mandible is in the physiologic rest position re tru sion \rı-troo#shun\ vb : movement toward the posterior re
res to ra tion \res#ta-ra#shun\ n (1660): a broad term applied to any tru sive \rı-troo#sıv\ adj : denotes a posterior location
material or prosthesis that restores or replaces lost tooth structure, reverse articulation \rı-vûrs# är-tık#ya-la#shun\: an occlusal relation-
teeth, or oral tissues ship in which the mandibular teeth are located facial to the oppos-
re tain er \rı-ta#nar\ n (1540): any type of device used for the stabili- ing maxillary teeth; the maxillary buccal cusps are positioned in the
zation or retention of a prosthesis—see DIRECT R., FIXED central fossae of the mandibular teeth
PARTIAL DENTURE R., INDIRECT R. reverse articulation teeth \rı-vûrs# är-tık#ya-la#shun teth\: posterior
re ten tion \rı-ten#shun\ n (15c): that quality inherent in the dental teeth designed to accommodate the buccal cusps of the maxillary
prosthesis acting to resist the forces of dislodgment along the teeth positioned in the fossae of the mandibular teeth
path of placement— see DIRECT R., INDIRECT R. reverse curve \rı-vûrs# kurv\: a curve of occlusion defined by the cusp
retention arm \rı-ten#shun ärm\: an extension that is part of a partial tips and incisal edges which, when viewed in the sagittal plane, is
removable dental prosthesis and is used to aid in the fixation of the curved upward or in a cephalic manner—comp CURVE OF SPEE
prosthesis; a part of a clasp reverse occlusal curve: see REVERSE CURVE
retention form \rı-ten#shun form\: the feature of a tooth preparation reverse swallow: see TONGUE THRUSTING
that resists dislodgment of a crown in a vertical direction or along reversible hydrocolloid \rı-vûr#sa-bal hı#dra-kol#oid#\: colloidal gels
the path of placement in which the gelation is brought about by cooling and can be re-
retention of the denture \rı-ten#shun uv the den#chur\ obs : the resis- turned to the sol condition when the temperature is sufficiently
tance of a denture to dislodgment (GPT-4) increased
retentive arm: see RETENTIVE CLASP reversible splint \rı-vûr#sa-bal splınt\: any means of stabilizing teeth
retentive circumferential clasp \rı-ten#tıv sur-kum#fa-ren#shal klasp\: that does not irreversibly alter the structure of the teeth
a circumferential clasp arm that is flexible and engages the infra- Richmond crown [C.M. Richmond, U.S. dentist (1835-1902)] obs 1:
bulge area of the abutment tooth at the terminal end of the arm a dowel-retained crown made for an endodontically treated tooth
retentive clasp \rı-ten#tıv klasp\ 1: a clasp specifically designed to pro- using a porcelain facing 2: an artificial crown consisting of a metal
vide retention by engaging an undercut 2: a flexible segment of a base that fits the prepared abutment of the natural tooth and carries a
partial removable dental prosthesis that engages an undercut on an post or pivot for insertion into the endodontically treated root
abutment and that is designed to retain the prosthesis canal: a porcelain facing reinforces the metal backing—called also
porcelain-faced dowel crown

JULY 2005

Richmond crown scallop d

Richmond CM. New method of attaching gold crowns to natural roots of root \root, root\ n (bef. 12c): the portion of the tooth apical to the ce-
teeth. Am J Dent Sci 1878-79;12:425. mentoenamel junction that is normally covered by cementum and
ridge \rıj\ n (bef. 12c): an elevated body part; a long, narrow, raised is attached to the periodontal ligament and hence to the supporting
THE R., RESIDUAL R. root form endosteal dental implant \root form ın-dos#te-al den#tl
ridge augmentation \rıj ôg#men-ta#shun\: any procedure designed to ım#plant\: an endosteal dental implant shaped in the approximate
enlarge or increase the size, extent, or quality of deformed residual form of a tooth root
ridge root fracture \root frak#chur\: a microscopic or macroscopic cleavage
ridge crest \rıj krest\: the highest continuous surface of the residual of the root in any direction
ridge not necessarily coincident with the center of the ridge rotating condyle: see WORKING SIDE CONDYLE
ridge lap \rıj lap\: the surface of an artificial tooth that has been shaped ro ta tion \ro-ta#shun\ n (1555) 1: the action or process of rotating on
to accommodate the residual ridge. The tissue surface of a ridge lap or as if on an axis or center 2: the movement of a rigid body in
design is concave and envelops both the buccal and lingual surfaces which the parts move in circular paths with their centers on a fixed
of the residual ridge line called the axis of rotation. The plane of the circle in which the
ridge relation: see RIDGE RELATIONSHIP body moves is perpendicular to the axis of rotation
ridge relationship \rıj rı-la#shun-shıp\: the positional relationship of rotation center \ro-ta#shun sen#tur\: a point around which all other
the mandibular residual ridge to the maxillary residual ridge points in a body move
ridge resorption: see RESIDUAL RIDGE RESORPTION rotation line obs : see FULCRUM LINE
ridge slope \rıj slop\ obs : the slope of the crest of the mandibular resid- rotational path removable partial denture \ro-ta#shun-al path re-
ual ridge from the third molar region to its most anterior aspect in moov#a-bal pär#shal den#chur\: a partial removable dental prosthe-
relation to the inferior border of the mandible as viewed in profile sis that incorporates a curved, arcuate, or variable path of placement
(GPT-4) allowing one or more of the rigid components of the framework to
rigid connector \rıj#ıd ka-nek#tar\: a cast, soldered, or fused union be- gain access to and engage an undercut area
tween the retainer(s) and pontic(s) rouge \roozh\ n (1753): a compound composed of ferric oxide and
ring less investment technique: an investing technique that uses a re- binders used for imparting a high luster to a polished surface, glass,
movable paper or plastic cylindrical outer form permitting unre- metal, or gems
stricted expansion of the investment by comparison to the use of a RPD: acronym for Removable Partial Denture (now termed a Partial
steel casting ring Removable Dental Prosthesis)
Roach clasp [Finnis Ewing (Frank) Roach, U.S. prosthodontist, edu- RPI: acronym for Rest, Proximal Plate, and I-BAR; the clasp compo-
cator, and inventor, (1865-1960)]: eponym—see INFRABULGE nents of one type of partial removable dental prosthesis clasp as-
CLASP sembly
Roach FE. Principles and essentials of bar clasp partial dentures. J Amer Dent ruga \roo#ga\ n, pl gae \-ge#, -gı\ (ca. 1775): an anatomic fold or wrin-
Assoc 1930;17:124-38. kle—usually used in the plural sense; the irregular fibrous connec-
Rochette Bridge [Alain L. Rochette, French physician and dentist]: a tive tissue ridges located in the anterior third of the hard palate
resin-bonded fixed dental prosthesis incorporating holes within the rugae area: see RUGA
metal framework and lutes to the lingual aspect of teeth adjacent to rugae zone: see RUGA
an edentulous space that replaces one or more teeth —see RESIN-
Rochette, Alain L. Attachment of a splint to enamel of lower anterior teeth sad dle n, obs : see DENTURE BASE
JPD 1973; 30:418-23. saddle pontic obs : a pontic with a broad concave facio-lingual area of
Rockwell hardness number: (RHN) a hardness measurement ob- contact with the residual ridge. It is also know as a ridge lap pontic.
tained from the depth of indentation after use of either a steel This type of pontic is known to be uncleanseable and result in tissue
ball or conical diamond point. The Rockwell hardness number is irritation at the area of contact with the ridge mucosa
designated to the particular indenter and load employed sag it tal \saj#ı-tl\ adj (1541): situated in the plane of the cranial sag-
(Rockwell C, Rockwell M, etc.) ittal suture or parallel to that plane—usage: see SAGITTAL
rod \rod\ n (bef. 12th cent.): the photoreceptor in the retina that con- PLANE
tains a light-sensitive pigment capable of initiating the process of sagittal axis \saj#ı-tl ak#sıs\: an imaginary anteroposterior line around
scotopic vision, i.e., low intensity for achromatic sensations only which the mandible may rotate when viewed in the frontal plane
roent gen \rent#gan, -jan, runt#-\ adj [W. C. Roentgen, German sagittal axis of the mandible: see SAGITTAL AXIS
physicist (1845-1923)]: relating to x-rays sagittal plane \saj#ı-tl plan\: any vertical plane or section parallel to the
roent gen \rent#gan, -jan, runt#-\ n (ca. 1929): the international unit median plane of the body that divides a body into right and left por-
of measurement of x- or gamma radiation in air—abb r or R tions
roentgen ray \rent#gan, -jan, runt#- ra\ n, often cap 1st R (1898) 1: the sanitary bridge obs : see HYGIENIC PONTIC
electromagnetic radiation [greater than 100eV] emitted from a sanitary pontic obs : a trade name originally designed as a manufac-
highly evacuated tube, excited by the bombardment of the target tured convex blank with a slotted back. The name was used occasio-
anode with a stream of electrons from a heated cathode 2: electro- naly as a synonym for a hygienic pontic, wherein the pontic does not
magnetic radiation produced by the excitation of the inner orbital contact the residual ridge
electron of an atom sat u ra tion \sach#a-ra#shun\ n (1554): the attribute of color percep-
roent gen o gram \rent#gan-a-gram, -jan-, runt#-\ n (1904): a pho- tion that expresses the degree of departure from gray of the same
tograph made with x-rays lightness. All grays have zero saturation
roent gen o graph \rent#gan-a-graf, -jan-, runt#-\ n (ca. 1905): a scaf fold \skaf#ald\ n (14c): a supporting surface, either natural or
shadow image record made on a sensitized film or plate by roent- prosthetic, that maintains the contour of tissue; a supporting
gen rays framework
roentgenographic interpretation \rent#gan-a-graf#ık ın-tûr#prı- l
scal lop \skol#ap\ n (15c): one of a continuous series of circles
ta#shun\ obs : an opinion formed from the study of a roentgeno- scal lop \skol#ap\ vt (1737): to shape, cut, or finish in scallops; seg-
graph (GPT-1) ments or angular projections forming a border


scanning electron micrograph shell crown d

scanning electron micrograph: a micrograph resulting from use of class II defects—loss of ridge height with normal ridge width; class
electron microscopy in which specimens are coated with heavy III defects—a combination of loss in both dimensions
metal and scanned by an electron beam. The image is built up on Seibert JS Reconstruction of deformed, partially edentulous ridges, using
a monitor screen (in the same way as the raster builds a conven- full thickness onlay grafts. Part I. Technique and wound healing.
tional television image). The resolution is less than transmission Compend Contin Educ Dent 1983;4: 437-53
electron microscopy, but preparation is easier (often by fixation fol- selective grinding: see OCCLUSAL RESHAPING
lowed by critical point drying), the depth of focus is relatively large self-curing resin: see AUTOPOLYMERIZING RESIN
allowing significant magnification and observation of the specimen self-separating plaster \self-sep#a-rat#ıng plas#tar\ obs : an impression
surface plaster that disintegrates in hot water (GPT-4)
scattered radiation \skat#ard ra#de-a#shun\: radiation that, during self-threading pin \self-thred#ıng pın\: a pin screwed into a hole pre-
passage through a substance, has been deviated in direction. It pared in dentin to enhance retention
may also have been modified by an increase in wavelengths. It is one sella turcica \sel-la tur-se#ka\: a cephalometric landmark in the geo-
form of secondary radiation metric center of the pituitary fossa of the spheroid bone; a bony an-
scat ter ing \skat-a-rıng\ n (14c): diffusion or redirection of radiant atomic landmark
energy encountering particles of different refractive index; scatter- semi-adjustable articulator \sem#e-a-just#a-bal är-tık#ya-la-tor\: an
ing occurs at any such interface, at the surface, or inside a medium articulator that allows adjustment to replicate average mandibular
containing particles movements—called also Class III articulator
scattering coefficient \skat#ar-ıng ko#ı-fısh#ant\: single scattering co- semiprecious metal alloy \sem#e-presh#as met#l al#oi#, a-loi#\: an alloy
efficient of a particle in a medium of different refractive index, ex- composed of precious and base metals. There is no distinct ratio of
pressed as a ratio between scattering cross section and geometric components separating semiprecious alloys from another group
cross section of the particle. It should properly be called scattering semiprecision attachment: a laboratory fabricated rigid metallic ex-
efficiency, but in popular use, called scattering coefficient tension (patrix) of a fixed or removable dental prosthesis that fits
scotopic vision \ska-to#pık vı#shun\: vision that occurs in faint light or into a slot-type keyway (matrix) in a cast restoration, allowing
dark adaptation and is attributable to the retinal rods. The maxi- some movement between the components—comp PRECISION
mum of the relative spectral visual sensitivity is shifted to 510 nm ATTACHMENT
and the spectrum is seen uncolored semiprecision rest \sem#e-prı-sızh#an rest\: a rigid metallic extension
screw endosteal dental implant \skroo ın-dos-te-al den#tl ım-plant#\ of a fixed or removable dental prosthesis that fits into an intracor-
1: any dental implant whose configuration resembles a screw 2: any onal preparation in a cast restoration
screw-shaped dental implant; it may be hollow or solid, and usually senile atrophy: see AGE ATROPHY
consists of the dental implant abutment and the dental implant separating medium \sep#a-rat#ıng me#de-am\ 1: a coating applied to a
scribe \skrıb\ vt; scrib ed \skrıbd\ scrib ing \skrı#bıng\ (1678): to write, surface and serving to prevent a second surface from adhering to
trace, or mark by making a line or lines with a pointed instrument the first 2: a material, usually applied on an impression, to facilitate
second stage dental implant surgery \sek#and staj den#tl ım-plant removal of the cast
sûr#ja-re\ 1: for eposteal dental implant surgery, the term refers sep tum \sep#tum\ n, pl sep ta \sep#ta\ (1726): a dividing wall or mem-
to the procedure involving placement of the eposteal framework brane, especially between bodily spaces or masses
fabricated after the first stage implant surgery 2: for endosteal den- sequestrum: a portion of devitalized bone entirely separated from the
tal implant surgery, after surgical reflection, the occlusal aspect of adjacent vital bone
the dental implant is exposed, the cover screw is removed, and ei- sequestrectomy: surgical removal of a sequestrum
ther the interim or definitive dental implant abutment is placed. setting expansion \set#tıng ık-span#shun\: the dimensional increase
After this, the investing tissues are (when needed) sutured that occurs concurrent with the hardening of various materials,
secondary bonds \sek#an-der-e bondz\: weak inter-atomic bonds aris- such as plaster of paris, dental stone, die stone, and dental casting
ing from dipoles within atoms or molecules investment
secondary crown: see TELESCOPIC CROWN setup v, obs : see TOOTH ARRANGEMENT
secondary dentition: see PERMANENT DENTITION sex tant \sekst*nt\:n New Latin sextant-, sextans, from Latin, sixth part
secondary fracture \sek#an-der-e\: a fracture occurring as a conse- of anything, from sextus sixth +-ant-,-ans -ant: 1: the sixth part of a
quence of infection, necrosis or some other disease of the bone circle 2: an instrument for measuring altitudes of celestial bodies
secondary occlusal trauma \sek#an-der-e a-kloo#zal\: the effects in- from a moving ship or airplane with a maximum angle of 60 degrees
duced by occlusal force (normal or abnormal) acting on teeth between its reflecting mirrors 3: in dentistry, a subdivision of the
with decreased periodontal support dental arch by adjacent tooth grouping. The maxillary and mandib-
secondary pain \sek#an-der-e pan\: heterotopic pain and/or second- ular arches may be divided into a total of 6 areas termed sextants. In
ary hyperalgesia induced by deep somatic pain as a central excita- the maxilla, the right posterior sextant extends from tooth # 1-5, the
tory effect anterior maxillary sextant extends from tooth #6-11, and the left
sec tion \sek#shun\ n. the portion of a maxillofacial prosthesis that posterior maxillary sextant extends from #12-16. The mandib-
serves to fill a defect as a part of the prosthesis. ular arch may be divided into three similar sextants: teeth # 17-21, #
sectional facial moulage impression: a procedure used to record the 22-27 and #28-32-comp OCTANT
soft tissue contours of a portion of the face. Occasionally several shade \shad\ n 1: a term used to describe a particular hue, or variation
separate sectional impressions are made, and then reassembled to of a primary hue, such as a greenish shade of yellow 2: a term used
provide a full facial contour cast. The impression is utilized to create a to describe a mixture with black (or gray) as opposed to a tint that is a
partial facial moulage and generally is not reusable mixture with white—see TOOTH COLOR SELECTION
sectional impression \sek#shun-al ım-presh#an\: a negative likeness shade selection: see TOOTH COLOR SELECTION
that is made in sections shearing stress \shîr#ıng stres\: the internal induced force that opposes
seg ment \seg#mant\ n (1570): any of the parts into which a body nat- the sliding of one plane on an adjacent plane or the force that resists a
urally separates or is divided either actually or by an imaginary line twisting action
or plane shellac base \sha-lak# bas\ obs: a record base constructed using a shel-
Seibert classification: the classification of residual alveolar ridge form lac-based wafer that has been adapted to the cast with heat (GPT-4)
into three categories identified as class I, II and III. Class I de- shell crown \shel kroun\ obs 1: an artificial full-veneer crown swaged
fects—faciolingual loss of tissue width with normal ridge height; from metal plate 2: an artificial crown that is adapted like a shell

JULY 2005 71

shell crown spectrophotometric curve


or cap over the remaining clinical crown of a tooth; the space be- soft palate \soft, soft pal#ıt\: the movable part of the palatal anatomy
tween the crown and the shell is filled with cement—called also posterior to the hard palate
cap crown soft palate obturator: see SPEECH AID PROSTHESIS
shim stock n : a thin (8-12 micrometer) strip of polyester film used to soft splint \soft, soft splınt\: a resilient device covering either the max-
identify the presence or absence of occlusal or proximal contacts illary or the mandibular teeth for the purpose of preventing trauma to
shoulder finish line \shol#dar fın#ısh lın\ n : a finish line design for the dentition or acting as a deprogrammer
tooth preparation in which the gingival floor meets the external ax- sol der \sod#ar\ n (15c): a fusible metal alloy used to unite the edges
ial surfaces at approximately a right angle or surfaces of two pieces of metal; something that unites or cements
shrink-spot porosity \shrıngk-spot pa-ros#ı-te\: an area of porosity in sol der \sod#ar\ v, sol der ed \sod#ard\ sol der ing \sod#ar-ıng\ sol-
cast metal that is caused by shrinkage of a portion of the metal as it der a bil i ty \sod#ar-a-bıl#ı-te\ n—sol der er \sod#ar-er\ n : to
solidifies from the molten state without flow of additional molten unite, bring into, or restore to a firm union; the act of uniting
metal from surrounding areas two pieces of metal by the proper alloy of metals
side shift: see MANDIBULAR TRANSLATION soldering antiflux: a material, such as iron oxide (rouge) dissolved in a
si li ca \sıl#ı-ka\ n (ca 1301): silicon dioxide occurring in crystalline, suitable solvent such as turpentine placed on a metal surface to con-
amorphous, and usually impure forms (as quartz, opal, and sand, fine the flow of molten solder
respectively) soldering flux: a material such as borax glass (Na 2B4O7) applied to a
silica-bonded investment: a casting investment with ethyl silicate or a metal surface to remove oxides or prevent their formation in order
silica gel as a binder, the latter reverting to silica upon heating. This to facilitate the flow of solder
is combined with cristobalite or quartz as the refractory material. soldering index: 1: a mold used to record the relative position of mul-
Such investments exhibit considerable thermal expansion and can be tiple cast restorations prior to investing for a soldering procedure.
used when casting higher fusing chromium alloys 2: a rigid resin connection between multiple cast restorations fixing
silent period \sı#lant pır#e-ad\: a momentary electromyographic de- their relative position prior to a soldering procedure
crease in elevator muscle activity on initial tooth contact presum- solidification porosity \sa-lıd#a-fı-ka#shun pa-ros#ı-te\: a porosity
ably due to the inhibitory effect of stimulated periodontal that may be produced by improper spruing or improper heating of
membrane receptors either the metal or the investment
simple fracture \sım#pl frak#chur\: a linear bony fracture that is not in so ma to pros thet ics \so-mat#a-pros-thet#ıks\ n (ca. 1950): the art
communication with the exterior and science of prosthetic replacement of external parts of the body
simple joint \sım#pul joint\: a joint in which only two bones articulate that are missing or deformed
simulation film \sım#ya-la#shun fılm\: radiographs made with the son i cate \son#ı-kat\ vt -cat ed \-ka#tıd\ -cat ing \-ka#tıng\ (1961): to
same field size, source-to-skin distance, and orientation as a therapy disrupt (i.e. bacteria) by means of application of high frequency
beam to mimic the beam and for visualization of the treated volume sound waves — son i ca tion \son#ı-ka#shun\ n
on a radiograph space \spas\ n (14c): a delimited, three-dimensional region; physical
single crystal sapphire \sıng#gal krıs#tal saf#ır\: a material composed space independent of what occupies it—see DENTURE S., IN-
of a single crystalline alpha aluminum oxide that is identical in crys- TERPROXIMAL S., INTERRADICULAR S., RETROMYLO-
talline structure to a gem sapphire HYOID S.
single denture construction \sıng#gal den#chur kun-struk#shun\ obs : space of Donders [F.C. Donders]: eponym for the space that lies above
the making of a maxillary or mandibular denture as distinguished the dorsum of the tongue and below the hard and soft palates when
from a set of complete dentures (GPT-1) the mandible and tongue are in the rest position
sinter \sın#tar\ n (1780): a deposit formed by evaporation of lake or Donders FC. Ueber den Mechanismus des Saugens. Pflugers Archiv fur die
spring water Gesamte Physiologie Des Menschen Und Der Tiere. 1875;10:91-4.
sinter \sın#tar\ vt (1871): to cause to become a coherent mass by span length \span lengkth\: the length of a beam between two sup-
heating without melting ports
sinus tract: an abnormal passage from a pathological process to an ex- spat u la \spach#a-la\ n (1525): a flat-bladed instrument used for mix-
ternal surface ing or spreading materials
sialorrhea: excessive flow of saliva spat u late \spach#a-lıt\ adj (1760): shaped like a spatula
skia graph \skı#a-graf#, -gräf#\ n (1801) obs 1: a figure formed by shad- spat u late \spach#a-lıt\ vt -ed/-ing/-s: to work or treat with a spat-
ing in the outline of a shadow 2: a radiograph—called also skia- ula
gram (GPT-1) spat u la tion \spach#a-la#shun\ v : the manipulation of material with
sleeper \sle#par\: slang for any dental implant body not used for sup- a spatula to produce a homogenous mass
port and stabilization of a dental prosthesis speaking space \spe#kıng spas\: the space that occurs between the in-
sliding movement: see TRANSLATION cisal or/and occlusal surfaces of the maxillary and mandibular teeth
slotted attachment: see PRECISION ATTACHMENT during speech
sluice \sloos\ n (14c): an artificial passage for water fitted with a valve spectral curve: see SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC CURVE
or gate for stopping or regulating the flow spectral reflection \spek#tral rı-flek#shun\: reflection in which the an-
2 gle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence. Associated with
sluice \sloos\ vb sluic ed \sloosd\ sluic ing \sloo#sıng\ vt (1593) 1: to
draw off by or via a sluice 2: to wash with or in water through or objects having optically smooth (glossy) surfaces—called also mir-
from a sluice 3: to drench with a sudden flow rored reflection
SNA angle: acronym for Sella-Nasion-A point—in cephalometrics, an spec tro pho tom e ter \spek#tro-fo-tom#ı-tar\ n : a photometry de-
angle measuring the anteroposterior relationship of the maxillary vice for the measurement of spectral transmissions, reflectance, or
basal arch to the anterior cranial base; it shows the degree of max- relative emissions. Spectrophotometers are normally equipped
illary prognathism with dispersion optics (prism or grating) to give a continuous spec-
snap impression obs : see PRELIMINARY IMPRESSION tral curve
SNB angle: acronym for Sella-Nasion-B point—in cephalometrics, an spectrophotometric curve \spek#tro-fo-ta-met#rık kûrv\: a curve mea-
angle showing the anterior limit of the mandibular basal arch in re- sured on a spectrophotometer hence, a graph of relative reflectance
lation to the anterior cranial base or transmittance (or absorption) as the ordinate, plotted versus
sock et \sok#ıt\ (15c): any opening or hollow that forms a holder for wavelengths or frequency as the abscissa. The most common curves
something, e.g., a tooth in the visible region use wavelength units of a nanometer, with the


spectrophotometric curve stain d

short wavelength to the left of the scale. The word spectral is fre- spontaneous fracture \spon-ta#ne-us frak#chur\: a fracture occurring
quently used in place of the longer spectrophotometric, but they are without any external injury trauma-also called pathologic fracture
not necessarily synonymous spoon denture \spoon\ obs : a maxillary provisional removable dental
spec trum \spek#trum\ n 1: band of colors produced when sunlight is prosthesis, without clasps, whose palatal resin base resembles the
passed through a prism 2: spatial arrangements of components of shape of a spoon. The resin base does not contact the lingual sur-
radiant energy in order of their wavelengths, wave numbers, or fre- faces of the teeth and is confined to the central portion of the palate.
quency___ spec tral adj It was often used during periodontal treatment because the resin
speech aid \spech ad\: any therapy or any instrument, apparatus, or de- base extension did not promote plaque accumulation around the
vice used to improve speech quality teeth and permitted surgical procedures to be performed
speech aid prosthesis \spech ad pros-the#sıs\: a removable maxillofa- sports dentistry \sports, sports den#tı-stre\: all aspects of dentistry, ei-
cial prosthesis used to restore an acquired or congenital defect of ther preventive or therapeutic, directly or indirectly involved with
the soft palate with a portion extending into the pharynx to sepa- sports and recreation
rate the oropharynx and nasopharynx during phonation and deglu- spot grinding: see OCCLUSAL RESHAPING
tition, thereby completing the palatopharyngeal sphincter—syn spring plate \sprıng plat\ obs : according to James Harrison Prothero,
ADULT S.A.P., PEDIATRIC S.A.P.—called also pharyngeal DDS, Emeritus Professor of Prosthetic Dentistry and Metallurgy at
s.a.p, cleft palate prosthesis Northwestern University Dental School, Chicago, IL, ‘‘a spring
speech aid prosthesis modification \spech ad pros-the#sıs mod#a-fı- plate was a denture molded over the cast of a mouth with teeth
ka#shun\: any revision of a pediatric or adult speech aid prosthesis bearing the relation to each other as stated (ed. note: providing lin-
not necessitating its replacement gual undercuts), which would spring as it passes over the points of
speech articulation \spech är-tık#ya-la#shun\ 1: the production of in- nearest approach of the teeth involved and resume its normal width
dividual sounds in connected discourse 2: the movement and without undue lateral pressure when firmly seated on the oral tis-
placement during speech of the organs that serve to interrupt or sues’’—called also spring lock bridge
sprue \sproo\ n (1880) 1: the channel or hole through which plastic or
modify the voiced or unvoiced air stream into meaningful sounds 3:
metal is poured or cast into a gate or reservoir and then into a mold
the speech function performed largely through the movements of
2: the cast metal or plastic that connects a casting to the residual
the lower jaw, lips, tongue, and soft palate
sprue button
speech bulb: see SPEECH AID PROSTHESIS
sprue button \sproo but#n\: the material remaining in the reservoir of
speech prosthesis: see SPEECH AID PROSTHESIS
the mold after a dental casting
spherical form of occlusion \sfîr#ı-kal, sfer#- form uv a-kloo#shun\
sprue former \sproo fôr#mar\: a wax, plastic, or metal pattern used to
obs : an arrangement of teeth that places their occlusal surfaces on the
form the channel or channels allowing molten metal to flow into a
surface of an imaginary sphere (usually 8 inches in diameter) with
mold to make a casting
its center above the level of the teeth (GPT-4)
sprue pin: see SPRUE FORMER
sphinc ter \sfıngk#ter\ n (1578): a ringlike band of muscle fibers that
stab il ize vb -liz ed; -liz ing vt, stabilization v (1861) 1: to make
constricts to close an orifice or passage
firm, steadfast, stable 2: to hold steady, as to maintain the stability
spider partial \spı#dar par#shal\ substand : a unilateral partial remov-
of any object by means of a stabilizer
able dental prosthesis
sta bil i ty \sta-bıl#ı-te\ (15c) 1: that quality of maintaining a constant
splint \splınt\ n (14c) 1: a rigid or flexible device that maintains in po- character or position in the presence of forces that threaten to dis-
sition a displaced or movable part; also used to keep in place and turb it; the quality of being stable; to stand or endure 2: the quality of
protect an injured part 2: a rigid or flexible material used to protect, a removable dental prosthesis to be firm, steady, or constant, to resist
immobilize, or restrict motion in a part—see ANDERSON S., CAP displacement by functional horizontal or rotational stresses 3.
S., ESSIG S., FUNCTIONAL OCCLUSAL S., GUNNING’S S., resistance to horizontal displacement of a prosthesis—see
PROVISIONAL S., RESIN-BONDED S., SOFT S., sta b i li za tion \sta#ba-lı-za#shun\ n, obs : the seating of a fixed or re-
SURGICAL S., WIRE S. movable denture so that it will not tilt or be displaced under pres-
splint \splınt\ v (1543): to immobilize, support, or brace sure (GPT-1)
splint ing \splın#tıng\ v 1: in dentistry, the joining of two or more stab il ize \sta#ba-lız#\ vb -liz ed \lızd\ -liz ing \lı-zıng\ vt, stabiliza-
teeth into a rigid unit by means of fixed or removable restorations or tion \sta#ba-lı-za#shun\ v (1861) 1: to make firm, steadfast, stable
devices 2: in physiology, prolonged muscle spasms that inhibit or 2: to hold steady, as to maintain the stability of any object by means
prevent movement of a stabilizer
split-cast method \splıt-kast meth#ad\ obs 1: a procedure for placing stabilized base plate: see STABILIZED RECORD BASE
indexed casts on an articulator to facilitate their removal and re- stabilized record base \sta#ba-lızd rek#ard bas\: a record base lined
placement on the instrument 2: the procedure of checking the abil- with a material to improve its fit and adaptation to the underlying
ity of an articulator to receive or be adjusted to a maxillomandibular supporting tissues
relation record (GPT-4) stabilizing circumferential clasp arm \sta#ba-lı#zıng sar-kum#fa-re-
split-cast mounting \splıt-kast moun#tıng\: a method of mounting n#shul klasp ärm\: a circumferential clasp arm that is relatively rigid
casts wherein the dental cast’s base is sharply grooved and keyed and contacts the height of contour of the tooth
to the mounting ring’s base. The procedure allows verifying the ac- 1
stain \stan\ n (1583) 1: a soiled or discolored spot; a spot of color in
curacy of the mounting, ease of removal and replacement of the contrast to the surrounding area 2: a preparation used in staining 3:
casts in dentistry, the discoloration of a tooth surface or surfaces as a re-
split-dowel crown \splıt-dou#al kroun\ obs : an artificial crown sup- sult of ingested materials, bacterial action, tobacco, and/or other
ported and retained by a dowel that was split longitudinally in an substances. This may be intrinsic, extrinsic, acquired, or develop-
attempt to use spring retention in an undersized dowel space mental
split-thickness graft \splıt-thık#nıs graft\: a transplant of skin or mu- 2
stain \stan\ vb (14c) 1: to suffuse with color 2: to color by processes
cous membrane consisting of epithelium and a portion of the der- affecting chemically or otherwise the material itself 3: in dentistry,
mis to intentionally alter restorations through the application of intrin-
spontaneous anterior dislocation: see MANDIBULAR DIS- sic or extrinsic colorants to achieve a desired effect, best termed
LOCATION characterization or to characterize a restoration

JULY 2005 73

stanch sublingual crescent


stanch \stwnch\ v 1: to check or stop the flow of; also: to stop the flow stock tray \coll : a metal prefabricated impression tray typically available
of blood from (a wound) 2 a: to stop or check in its course 2b: to in various sizes and used principally for preliminary impres-
make watertight: stop up sions—comp CUSTOM TRAY
standard illuminant \stan#dard ı-loo#ma-nant\: the illuminants A, B. sto ma \sto#ma\ n, pl sto ma ta \sto#ma-ta\, also sto mas \sto#mäs\
C, D (and others) defined by the CIE in terms of their relative (ca 1684) 1: any simple bodily opening 2: an artificial permanent
power distribution curves. ‘‘A’’ is an illuminant with a Planckion opening usually made surgically
temperature of approximately 2854 K. It is intended to represent sto mat o gnath ic \sto-mat#a-na#thık\ n : denoting the jaws and
a common tungsten filament source. ‘‘B’’ approximates solar mouth collectively
radiation—4870 K—and is obsolete. ‘‘C’’ is average daylight, stomatognathic system \sto-mat#a-na#thık sıs#tum\: the combination
6740 K. ‘‘D’’ is daylight with the near ultraviolet source included of structures involved in speech, receiving, mastication, and deglu-
standard light source \stan#dard lıt sôrs, sors\: a reference light source tition as well as parafunctional actions
sto ma tol o gy \sto#ma-tol#a-je\ n : the study of the structures, func-
tions, and diseases of the mouth
whose spectral power distribution is known
stone n : see DENTAL STONE
standard observer \stan#dard ob-zûr#vur\: a hypothetical observer
stone die: see MODEL, REPLICA
with a visual response mechanism possessing the calorimetric prop-
stop clasp \stop klasp\ obs : as described by James Harrison Prothero,
erties defined by the CIE in 1931 as representative of the human
DDS, ‘‘the stop clasp was an early forerunner to the conventional
population having normal color vision
clasp assembly by the addition of a lug (occlusal rest) to the reten-
standard of care: the level of care that reasonably prudent healthcare tive and reciprocal clasp assembly’’
providers in the same or a similar locality would provide under sim- Prothero JH. Prosthetic dentistry. 2nd ed. Chicago: Medico-Dental
ilar circumstances Publishing Co., 1916:332.
stat ic \stat#ık\ adj : related to bodies at rest or forces in equilibrium strain \stran\: change in length per unit length when stress is applied;
static fatigue \stat#ık fa-teg\: the delayed failure of glass and ceramic the change in length/original length
materials resulting from stress enhanced chemical reactions aided by stress \stres\ n (14c): force per unit area; a force exerted on one body
water vapor acting on surface cracks. Analogous to stress corro- that presses on, pulls on, pushes against, or tends to invest or com-
sion occurring in metals press another body; the deformation caused in a body by such a
static relation \stat#ık rı-la#shun\: the relationship between two parts force; an internal force that resists an externally applied load or
that are not in motion force. It is normally defined in terms of mechanical stress, which
stay plate n obj: see INTERIM DENTAL PROSTHESIS is the force divided by the perpendicular cross sectional area over
Steinmann’s pin [Fritz Steinmann, Swiss surgeon, 1872-1932]: epo- which the force is applied—see COMPRESSIVE S., SHEARING
nym for a firm metal pin that is sharpened on one end; used for the S., TENSILE S.
internal fixation of fractures stress-bearing area: see STRESS-BEARING REGION
steam cleaning: the process of debris removal from a restoration, stress-bearing region \stres-bâr#ıng\ 1. the surfaces of oral structures
framework or dental prosthesis through use of pressurized steam that resist forces, strains, or pressures brought on them during
sten o sis \sta-no#sıs\ n, pl -no ses (ca. 1860): a narrowing or constric- function 2: the portion of the mouth capable of providing support for
tion in the diameter of a passage or orifice—ste not ic \sta-not#ık\ a denture—see also DENTURE FOUNDATION AREA
adj stress breaker: see STRESS DIRECTOR
stent \stent\ n [Charles R. Stent, English dentist, 18??-1901]: eponym stress concentration: an area or point of significantly higher stress as-
for any supplementary prosthesis used in conjunction with a surgi- sociated with a structural discontinuity such as a crack or pore; a
cal procedure to keep a skin graft in place; often modified with marked change in dimension of a structure
acrylic resin or dental modeling impression compound that was stress director \stres dı-rek#tar, dı-\: a device or system that relieves
previously termed Stent’s mass; also refers to any device or mold specific dental structures of part or all of the occlusal forces and re-
used to hold a skin graft in place or provide support for anasto- directs those forces to other bearing structures or regions
mosed structures— see NASAL S., SURGICAL S. stress-strain curve: the graphic representation of the tensile or com-
ste reo graph \ster#e-o-graf#, stır#-\ n (1859): an instrument that re- pressive stress and associated strain of a material
cords mandibular movement in three planes. Engraving, milling, or study cast obs: see DIAGNOSTIC CAST
burnishing the recording medium by means of styli, teeth, abrasive stylus tracing \stı#lus tra#sıng\: a planar tracing that resembles an ar-
rowhead or gothic arch made by means of a device attached to
rims, or rotary instruments thus obtains the registrations
the opposing arches. The shape of the tracing depends on the loca-
stereographic record \ster#e-a-graf#ık\: an intra or extraoral recording
tion of the marking point relative to the tracing table, i.e., in the in-
of mandibular movement as viewed in three planes in which the
cisal region as opposed to posteriorly. The apex of a properly made
registrations are obtained by engraving, milling, or burnishing
anterior tracing is considered to indicate the centric relation posi-
the recording medium by means of studs, rotary instruments, styli,
teeth, or abrasive rims tion, called also arrow-point tracing, gothic arch tracing, needle-
ster ile \ster#al\ adj (1558): free from living microorganisms; aseptic point tracing—see CENTRAL BEARING TRACING DEVICE
sterile technique \ster#al tek-nek#\: a standard surgical technique in sub antral augmentation \sub#an-tral ôg#men-ta#shun\: augmenta-
which an aseptic area is established and maintained, including
proper sterilization of instruments, drapes, gowns, gloves, and tion of the antral floor with autologous bone or bone substitutes to
the surgical area. With respect to dental implant placement, the sys- provide a host site for dental implants - called also, SINUS LIFT,
tematic maintenance of asepsis with special emphasis on non-con- ANTHROPLASTY
tamination of instruments and implant elements throughout an subcondylar fracture \sub-kon#dı-lar frak#chur\: a fracture beneath
the condylar head and within the condylar neck
implant placement procedure
subdermal implant: see MUCOSAL INSERT
ster il i za tion \ster#a-lı-za#shun\ n : the process of completely elim-
subgingival margin: the restoration margin or tooth preparation fin-
inating microbial viability
ish line that is located apical to the free gingival tissue
stip ple \stıp#al\ vt stip pled \stı#puld\ stip pling \stıp#lıng\ (1760) 1:
sub lin gual \sub#lıng#gwal\ adj (1661): pertaining to the region or
to engrave by means of dots or/and flicks 2: to make small short
structures located beneath the tongue
touches that together produce an even or softly graded shadow 3:
sublingual crescent \sub#lıng#gwal kres#ant\: the crescent shaped area
to speckle or fleck—stip pler \stıp#lar\ n
on the anterior floor of the mouth formed by the lingual wall of the


sublingual crescent surgical obturator


mandible and the adjacent sublingual fold. It is the area of the an- and localized lingering of molten metal after the casting, as a whole,
terior alveolingual sulcus has solidified
sublingual fold \sub#lıng#gwal fold\: the crescent-shaped area on the suction chamber \suk#shun cham#bar\ obs : relief provided in the mid-
floor of the mouth following the inner wall of the mandible and ta- line palatal area of a maxillary denture in an attempt to obtain ad-
pering toward the molar region. The sublingual gland and submax- ditional retention by means of the theoretical vacuum created
illary duct form it (GPT-4)
sublingual fossa \sub#lıng#gwal fos#a\: a smooth depression on the suction cup \suk#shun\ obs : a thin rubber disk, usually with a hole in its
lingual surface of the body of the mandible near the midline, above center, which fits over a button that is larger in diameter than the
the mylohyoid line and below the alveolus. This fossa accommo- hole. This causes the disk to assume a cup shape. When applied to
dates part of the sublingual gland the tissue surface of a denture, the cup attaches itself to the mu-
sub lux a tion \sub#luk-sa#shun\ n (ca. 1688): an incomplete or par- cous membrane by suction (GPT-1)
tial dislocation that is self-reducing— see CONDYLAR sulcular epithelium: see CREVICULAR EPITHELIUM
submersible endosteal implant obj : see ENDOSTEAL DENTAL superimposed prosthesis: see OVERDENTURE
IMPLANT superjacent \soo-per-JAY-sunt\ adj: lying above or upon; overlying
submersible implant obj : see ENDOSTEAL DENTAL IMPLANT su per struc ture \soo#par-struk#chur\ n : the superior part of a fixed
submucosal inserts: see MUCOSAL INSERT or removable dental prosthesis that includes the replacement teeth
submucous cleft palate: see OCCULT CLEFT PALATE and associated gingival/alveolar structures
subocclusal connector \sub#a-kloo#zal ka-nek#tar\: an interproximal sup port \sa-pôrt, -port\ n (14c): the foundation area on which a den-
nonrigid connector positioned apical to and not in communication tal prosthesis rests. With respect to dental prostheses, the resistance
with the occlusal plane to displacement away from the basal tissue or underlying structures
subocclusal surface \sub#a-kloo#zal sûr#fas\ obs : a portion of the oc- sup port \sa-pôrt, -port\ vt (14c): to hold up, serve as a foundation,
clusal surface of a tooth that is below the level of the occluding por- or prop for
tion of the tooth (GPT-1) supporting area \sa-pôrt#ıng âr-e#a\ obs 1: the surface of the mouth
subperiosteal dental implant \sub-per#e-os#te-al den#tl ım-plant#\: available for support of a denture (GPT-1) 2: those areas of the
an eposteal dental implant that is placed beneath the periosteum maxillary and mandibular edentulous ridges that are considered
while overlying the bony cortex - first attributed to Swedish best suited to carry the forces of mastication when the dentures are
Dentist, G.S. Dahl in function (GPT-1)
Dahl, GS 1943. Om mojlighenten for implantation, kaken av metall skelett supporting cusps \sa-pôrt#ıng kusps\: those cusps or incisal edges of
som bas eller retention for fasta eller avatagbara protesor, Odontol.Foren. teeth that contact in and support maximum intercuspation.
Tidskr 51:440. Usually facial cusps of the mandibular posterior teeth, the maxillary
Goldberg, NI, and Gershkoff, A. 1949. The implant lower denture, Dent palatal cusps, and the incisal edges of the mandibular anterior teeth
Digest 55:490. su pra bulge \soo#pra-bulj\ adj : that portion of a tooth or crown
Linkow, LI. 1984 Evolutionary Design Trends in the Mandibular that converges toward the occlusal surface, i.e., above the height of
Subperiosteal Implant, J Oral Implant 11:402-438. contour
subperiosteal dental implant abutment \sub-per#e-os#te-al den#tl suprabulge clasp \soo#pra-bulj klasp\: any partial removable dental
ım-plant a-but#mant\ obs : that portion of the implant that pro- prosthesis retentive clasp that approaches the retentive undercut
trudes through the mucosa into the oral cavity for the retention or from an occlusal or suprabulge direction
support of a crown or a fixed removable denture (GPT-4)—see su pra erup tion \soo#pra-ı-rup#shun\ n : movement of a tooth or
ABUTMENT teeth above the normal occlusal plane
subperiosteal dental implant substructure \sub-per#e-os-te-al ım- su pra gin gi val \soo#pra-jın#ja-val\ adj 1: located above the gingiva
plant sub#struk#chur\: a cast metal framework that fits on the resid- 2: that portion of a natural or artificial tooth that is coronal to the
ual ridge beneath the periosteum and provides support for a dental gingival crest
prosthesis by means of posts or other mechanisms protruding su pra men tal e \soo#pra-men#tal\ n : a landmark representing the
through the mucosa; the implant body deepest point of the symphyseal cavity between infradentale and
subperiosteal dental implant superstructure \sub-per#e-os-te-al pogonion
den#tl ım-plant# soo#par-struk#chur\: the metal framework, usually su pra oc clus ion \soo#pra-a-kloo#zhun\ n : malocclusion in which
within a removable dental prosthesis, that fits onto the dental im- the occluding surfaces of teeth extend beyond the normal occlusal
plant abutment(s) and provides retention for artificial teeth and plane—called also overeruption
the denture base material of the prosthesis. It is a structural compo- surface tension \sûr#fas ten#shun\: a property of liquids in which the
nent of the fixed or removable dental prosthesis exposed surface tends to contract to the smallest possible area, as
subperiosteal fracture \sub-per#e-os-te-al frak#chur\: a bony fracture in the spherical formation of drops. This is a phenomenon attrib-
occurring beneath the periosteum, without displacement uted to the attractive forces, or cohesion, between the molecules of
subtractive color system \sub-trak#tıv ku#lar sıs#tum\: the system the liquid
whereby light is removed by filtration or absorption from a white sur fac tant n : a surface active substance (as a detergent) applied to a
source. The primary colors of the subtractive system are magenta, substrate to facilitate its wetting by another material
cyan, and yellow—called also pigment mixture color system surgical baseplate: see SURGICAL OBTURATOR
subtractive primary colors \sub-trak#tıv prı#mer#e, -ma-re\: the pri- surgical guide: see SURGICAL PROSTHESIS, SURGICAL
mary colorant substances for pigment and filtering mixtures typi- TEMPLATE
cally evoking responses of cyan (blue-green), magenta (red-blue), surgical maxillomandibular relation \sûr#jı-kal mak-sıl#o-man-
and yellow (red-green). The complementary colors of the subtrac- dıb#ya-lar rı-la#shun\: the establishing and recording of the correct
tive primary colors are red, green, and blue. Magenta is a mixture of vertical dimension and centric relation between a surgically ex-
red and blue and is the complement of green. Cyan is a mixture of posed bone surface and opposite arch at the time of making a sur-
blue and green and is the complement of red. Yellow is a mixture of gical bone impression
red and green and is the complement of blue surgical obturator \sûr#jı-kal ob#ta-ra#tor\: a temporary maxillofacial
suck-back porosity coll : a shrinkage void in a solidified casting oppo- prosthesis inserted during or immediately following surgical or
site the location of the sprue attachment, resulting from a heat swell traumatic loss of a portion or all of one or both maxillary bones

JULY 2005 75

surgical obturator temporomandibular disorders


and contiguous alveolar structures (i.e. gingival tissue, teeth). 2

swage \swaj\ vt swaged \swajd\ swag ing \swaj#ıng\ (1881): to shape
Frequent revisions of surgical obturators are necessary during the a material by hammering or adapting it onto a die with a swage in-
ensuing healing phase (approximately six months). Some dentists strument
prefer to replace many or all teeth removed by the surgical proce- swallowing threshold \swol#o-ıng thresh#old\: the critical moment of
dure with the surgical obturator, while others do not replace any reflex action initiated by sufficient stimulation before the act of de-
teeth. Further surgical revisions may require fabrication of another glutition
surgical obturator (i.e., an initially planned small defect may be re- sympathetic nervous system \sım#pa-thet#ık nûr#vas sıs#tum\: the
vised and greatly enlarged after the final pathologic report indicates part of the autonomic nervous system that responds to dangerous
margins are not free of tumor)—see INTERIM OBTURATOR or threatening situations by preparing a person physiologically for
surgical occlusion rim \sûr#jı-kal a-kloo#zhun rım\: an occlusion rim ‘‘fight or flight’’— see PARASYMPATHETIC NERVOUS
used in recording surgical maxillomandibular relations symphysis \sım#fı-sıs\ n, pl -physes (ca. 1578) 1: a type of cartilaginous
surgical prosthesis \sûr#jı-kal pros-the#sıs\: any ancillary prosthesis joint in which the opposed bony surfaces are firmly united by a plate
prepared for insertion during a surgical procedure and intended for of fibrocartilage 2: the immovable dense midline articulation of
short-term use the right and left halves of the adult mandible
surgical splint \sûr#jı-kal splınt\: any ancillary prosthesis designed to symp tom \sım#tum, sımp-\ n (14c): subjective evidence of disease or
utilize existing teeth and/or alveolar processes as points of anchor- physical disturbance; something that indicates the presence of a
age to assist in stabilization and immobilization of broken bones bodily disorder
during healing. It is used to re-establish, as much as possible, nor- syn chro ny \sıng#kra-ne, sın#-\ n (1848): the simultaneous appear-
mal occlusal relationships, during the process of immobilization. ance of two separate events
Frequently, an existing prosthesis (i.e. a patient’s complete remov- syn drome \sın#drom#\ n (1541): a group of symptoms that occur to-
able dental prosthesis) can be modified to serve as a surgical splint. gether
Frequently surgical splints have arch bars added to facilitate inter- synovial fluid \sı-no#ve-al floo#ıd\ : a viscid fluid contained in joint cav-
ities and secreted by the synovial membrane
maxillary fixation. Rubber elastics may be used to assist in this pro-
synovial membrane: the articular membrane composed of specialized
cess. Circummandibular eyelet hooks can be utilized for enhanced
endothelial cells capable of producing synovial fluid filling the joint
stabilization with wiring to adjacent bone— syn CAST METAL
cavity surrounded by the membrane
systemic etiologic factors \sı-stem#ık e#te-o-loj#ık fak#turs\: general-
ized biologic factors that are implicated in the causation, modifica-
tion, and/or perpetuation of a disease entity
surgical stay plate: see SURGICAL OBTURATOR
surgical stent \sûr#jı-kal stent\: named for the dentist who first de-
scribed their use, Charles R. Stent, such ancillary prostheses are
ta ble \ta#bal\ n (bef. 12c): a flat surface; a raised horizontal surface—
used to apply pressure to soft tissues to facilitate healing and pre-
vent cicatrization or collapse—syn COLUMELLAR STENT,
ta per: in dentistry, the convergence of two opposing external walls of
a tooth preparation as viewed in a given plane. The extension of
surgical template \sûr#jı-kal tem#plıt\ 1: a thin, transparent form du-
those average lines within that plane form an angle describe as the
plicating the tissue surface of a dental prosthesis and used as a guide
angle of convergence
for surgically shaping the alveolar process 2: a guide used to assist in
tech nic \tek#nık\ n (1855): a detailed procedure in the fabrication of a
proper surgical placement and angulation of dental implants 3: a
prosthesis—spelled also technique
guide used to assist in establishing the desired occlusion during or-
tech nique \tek-nek#\ n (1817): a body of technical methods; a
thognathic surgery
method of accomplishing a desired end; the method or procedure
surface tension \sûr#fas ten#shun\: a property of liquids in which the
and its details
exposed surface tends to contract to the smallest possible area, as telescopic coping: see COPING
in the spherical formation of drops; this is a phenomenon attrib-
telescopic crown \tel#a-skop#ık kroun\: an artificial crown constructed
uted to the attractive forces, or cohesion, between the molecules of to fit over a coping (framework). The coping can be another crown,
the liquid a bar or any other suitable rigid support for the dental prosthesis
sur vey \sur-va#, sûr#va#\ v 1: to examine as to condition, value, or sit- telescopic denture: see OVERDENTURE
uation; to appraise 2: to determine the form and position of a given tem plate \tem#plıt\ n (1877) 1: a pattern, mold, or gauge used as a
entity by means of taking linear and angular measurements 3: to in- guide to form a piece being made 2: a curved or flat surface pattern
spect or scrutinize 4: the procedure of locating and delineating the that is used as an aid in arranging teeth—see also SURGICAL
contour and position of the abutment teeth and associated struc- TEMPLATE
tures before designing a removable partial denture (GPT-1) sur temporary base: see RECORD BASE
vey ed, sur vey ing temporary denture: see INTERIM PROSTHESIS
survey line \sûr#va# lın\: a line produced on a cast by a surveyor mark- temporary prosthesis: see INTERIM PROSTHESIS
ing the greatest prominence of contour in relation to the planned temporary restoration: see INTERIM PROSTHESIS
path of placement of a restoration temporomandibular articulation: see TEMPOROMANDIBULAR
sur vey ing \sur-va#ıng\ n : an analysis and comparison of the promi- JOINT
nence of intraoral contours associated with the fabrication of a den- temporomandibular disorders \tem#pa-ro#man-dıb#ya-lar dıs-ôr#
tal prosthesis derz\ 1: conditions producing abnormal, incomplete, or impaired
sur vey or \sur-va#or\ n (15c): a paralleling instrument used in con- function of the temporomandibular joint(s) 2: (obs) a collection
struction of a dental prosthesis to locate and delineate the contours of symptoms frequently observed in various combinations first de-
and relative positions of abutment teeth and associated structures scribed by Costen (1934, 1937), which he claimed to be reflexes
sut ur ing \soo#chur-ıng\ vt (1777): the process of uniting the tissues due to irritation of the auriculotemporal and/or chorda tympanic
separated by either a traumatic or a surgical wound in a specific nerves as they emerged from the tympanic plate caused by altered
manner using an appropriate material anatomic relations and derangements of the temporomandibular
swage \swaj\ n (ca 1812): any tool used for shaping metal by striking joint associated with loss of occlusal vertical dimension, loss of
with a hammer or sledgehammer


temporomandibular disorders tooth d

posterior tooth support, and/or other malocclusions. The symp- tin foil \tın#foil#\ n (15c) 1: paper thin metal sheeting usually of a tin-
toms can include headache about the vertex and occiput, tinnitus, lead alloy or aluminum (a misnomer) 2: a base-metal foil used as a
pain about the ear, impaired hearing and pain about the tongue— separating material between the cast and denture base material dur-
acronym TMD ing flasking and polymerizing
temporomandibular dysfunction syndrome: see TEMPOROMAN- tinners’ joint: an overlapping folded joint between two abutting
DIBULAR DISORDERS sheets of metal of uneven length in which the longer portion is first
temporomandibular joint \tem#pa-ro#man-dıb#ya-lar joint\ 1: the folded over the shorter after which the combined layers are folded
articulation between the temporal bone and the mandible. It is a bi- over once more resulting in a quadruple layer of material.
lateral diarthrodial, bilateral ginglymoid joint 2: the articulation of Originally used by tinsmiths to join sheets of tin. In dentistry,
the condylar process of the mandible and the intraarticular disk used to secure a thin platinum matrix that is applied to a die of a pre-
with the mandibular fossa of the squamous portion of the temporal pared tooth to support dental porcelain during firing
bone; a diarthrodial, sliding hinge (ginglymus) joint. Movement tin ni tus \tın#ıtus\ n (1843): a noise in the ears, often described as
in the upper joint compartment is mostly translational, whereas ringing or roaring
that in the lower joint compartment is mostly rotational. The joint tinted denture base \tınt#ıd den#chur bas\: a denture base with color-
connects the mandibular condyle to the articular fossa of the tem- ing that simulates the color and shading of natural oral tissues
poral bone with the temporomandibular disk interposed tis sue \tısh#oo\ n (1771) 1: the various cellular combinations that
temporomandibular joint derangement: see INTERNAL make up the body 2: an aggregation of similarly specialized cells
DERANGEMENT united in the performance of a particular function—see
temporomandibular joint hypermobility \tem#pa-ro#man-dıb#ya- HYPERPLASTIC TISSUE
lar joint hı#par-mo#bıl#ı-te\: excessive mobility of the temporo- tissue-bearing area: see DENTURE FOUNDATION AREA
mandibular joint tissue displaceability \tısh#oo dıs-plas#a-bıl#ı-te\ 1: the quality of oral
temporomandibular joint remodeling: see REMODEL tissues that permits them to be placed in other than a relaxed posi-
temporomandibular joint syndrome: see TEMPOROMANDIBU- tion 2: the degree to which tissues permit displacement
LAR DISORDERS tissue displacement \tısh#oo dıs-plas#mant\: the change in the form or
TENS: acronym for Transcutaneous Electrical Neural Stimulation—
position of tissues as a result of pressure. Frequently used to de-
scribe gingival tissue placement prior to impression making.
tissue integration \tısh#oo ın#tı-gra#shun\: as clinically observed,
tensile stress \ten#sal, -sıl stres\: the internal induced force that resists
the apparent direct and healthy attachment of living tissue to an
the elongation of a material in a direction parallel to the direction of
alloplastic material, i.e., a dental implant—see OSSEOUS
the stresses
ten sion \ten#shun\ n (1533): the state of being stretched, strained, or
tissue molding: see BORDER MOLDING
tissue reaction \tısh#oo re-ak#shun\: the response of tissues to an
terminal hinge axis: see TRANSVERSE HORIZONTAL AXIS
altered condition
terminal hinge position: see RETRUDED CONTACT POSITION
tissue registration \tısh#oo rej#ı-stra#shun\ obs 1: the accurate registra-
terminal jaw relation record \tûr#ma-nal jô rı-la#shun rek#ard\: a rec-
tion of the shape of tissues under any condition by means of a suit-
ord of the relationship of the mandible to the maxillae made in the
terminal hinge position able material (GPT-1) 2: an impression (GPT-1)
therapeutic prosthesis: see RADIATION CARRIER tissue trimming: see BORDER MOLDING
thermal expansion \thûr#mal ık-span#shun\: expansion of a material TMD: acronym for TemporoMandibular Disorders—see TEMPORO-
ther mo plas tic \thûr#ma-plas#tık\ adj (1883): a characteristic or to mo gram \tom#a-gram\ n (1940): a radiograph made by using a to-
property of a material that allows it to be softened by the applica- mograph
tion of heat and return to the hardened state on cooling— to mo graph \tom#a-graf\ n : a device for moving an x-ray source in
ther mo plas tic i ty n one direction as the film moves in the opposite direction
thread \ thred\ n (before 12c) 1: a filament, a group of filaments to mo graph \tom#a-graf\ n : a radiograph produced from a machine
grouped together, or a filamentous length formed by spinning that has the source of radiation moving in one direction and the
and twisting short fibers into a continuous strand 2: a projecting film moving in the opposite direction
helical rib (as on a pipe) by which parts can be screwed together: a to mo gra phy \to-mog#ra-fe\ n : a general term for a technique that
screw thread provides a distinct image of any selected plane through the body,
thread crest: the top part of the thread; for external threads, the thread while the images of structures that lie above and below that plane are
crest is the region of the thread which is on its outer surface, blurred. Also, the term body-section radiography has been ap-
whereas for internal threads it is the region which forms the inner plied to the procedure, although the several ways of accomplishing it
diameter have been given distinguishing names
thread flank: the thread flanks join the thread roots to the crest of a tongue habit \tung hab#ıt\: conscious or unconscious movements of
screw the tongue that are not related to purposeful functions. Such habits
thread root: the bottom of the thread where it meets the shaft of the may produce malocclusion or injuries to tissues of the tongue or the
screw attachment apparatus of the teeth
thread run out: that portion at the end of a threaded shank which is tongue thrusting \tung thrust-ıng\: the infantile pattern of suckle-
not cut or rolled to full depth, but which provides a transition be- swallow in which the tongue is placed between the incisor teeth
tween full depth threads and the fastener shank or alveolar ridges during the initial stages of deglutition, resulting
threaded post: any post used for the restoration of endodontically sometimes in an anterior open occlusion, deformation of the jaws,
treated teeth that has a screw thread to engage radicular dentin and/or abnormal function
three-quarter crown obs : see PARTIAL VENEER CROWN tooth \tooth\ n, pl teeth \teth\ (bef. 12c): any hard calcified structure
tic \tık\ n (ca. 1822): an intermittent, involuntary, spasmodic move- in the alveolar processes of the maxilla or mandible used for masti-
ment of a group of muscles, often without a demonstrable external cation of food, or a similar structure—see ANATOMIC T.,
T.I.D.: acronym for L. Ter In Di’e, three times a day REVERSE ARTICULATION T., TUBE T., ZERO-DEGREE T.

JULY 2005 77

tooth arrangement treatment denture


tooth arrangement \tooth a-ranj#mant\ 1: the placement of teeth on a transepithelial abutment \trans-ep#a-the#le-al a-but#mant\ slang : the
denture with definite objectives in mind 2: the placement of teeth dental implant abutment that passes through the epithelium and
on trial bases—see ANTERIOR TOOTH ARRANGEMENT attaches to the dental prosthesis—called also the dental implant
tooth borne: see TOOTH SUPPORTED abutment
tooth color selection \tooth kul#ar sı-lek#shun\: the determination of transfer coping \trans-fûr#, trans#fur ko#pıng\: a metallic, acrylic
the color and other attributes of appearance of an artificial tooth or resin, or other covering or cap used to position a die in an impres-
set of teeth for a given individual sion
tooth form \tooth form\: the characteristics of the curves, lines, angles, transit dose \tran#sıt, -zıt dos\: a measure of the primary radiation
and contours of various teeth that permit their identification and transmitted through the patient and measured at a point on the
differentiation—see ANTERIOR T.F., POSTERIOR T.F. central ray at some point beyond the patient
tooth placement: see TOOTH ARRANGEMENT transitional contour \tran-zısh#an-al kon#toor\: with respect to any
tooth preparation: 1. the process of removal of diseased and/or restoration supported by a dental implant, the external form
healthy enamel and dentin and cementum to shape a tooth to re- achieved between the abutment and the implant body
ceive a restoration. 2. the resulting prepared tooth transitional denture \tran-zısh#an-al den#chur\: a removable dental
tooth selection \tooth sı-lek#shun\: the selection of a tooth or teeth of prosthesis serving as an interim prosthesis to which artificial teeth
a shape, size, and color to harmonize with the individual character- will be added as natural teeth are lost and that will be replaced after
istics of a patient postextraction tissue changes have occurred. A transitional denture
tooth size discrepancy \tooth sız dı-skrep#an-se\: abnormally sized may become an interim complete dental prosthesis when all of the
teeth or groups of teeth natural teeth have been removed from the dental arch—called also
tooth supported \tooth sa-pôr#tıd\: a term used to describe a dental complete denture
prosthesis or part of a prosthesis that depends entirely on the nat- transitional prosthesis: see INTERIM PROSTHESIS, TRANSI-
ural teeth for support TIONAL DENTURE
tooth-supported base \tooth-sa-pôr#tıd bas\: a dental prosthesis base translating condyle: see NONWORKING SIDE CONDYLE
that restores an edentulous region that has abutment teeth at each trans la tion \tran-zısh#an, -sısh#-\ n (14c): that motion of a rigid
end for support. The tissue that it covers is not used for support body in which a straight line passing through any two points always
tooth-supported denture: see OVERDENTURE remains parallel to its initial position. The motion may be described
tor que \tôrk\ n (ca. 1884): a twisting or rotary force. The movement as a sliding or gliding motion
of a system of forces producing rotation translatory movement \trans-la#tor-e\ obs : the motion of a body at
any instant when all points within the body are moving at the
tor us \tôr#us\ n, pl tori (1563): 1: a smooth rounded anatomical pro-
same velocity and in the same direction (GPT-1)
tuberance 2. in dentistry, prominence (s) sometimes seen on the
trans luc en cy \trans#loo#san-se\ n (1611): having the appearance
lingual surface of the mandible and the midline of the hard palate
between complete opacity and complete transparency; partially
total elasticity of muscle \tot#l\ obs : the combined effect of physical
and physiologic elasticity of muscle (GPT-4)
trans mu co sal \trans-myoo-ko#sal\ adj : passing through the gingiva
tough ness \tuf#nes\ n : the ability of a material to withstand stresses
or oral mucosa
and strains without breaking
trans os teal \trans-os#te-al\ adj : the penetration of both the internal
toxic dose \tok#sık\: the amount of a drug that causes untoward symp-
and external cortical plates of a bone
toms in most persons
transosteal dental implant \trans#os-te-al den#tl ım-plant#\ 1: a den-
tox ic i ty \tok-sıs#ı-te\ n : the adverse reactions (dose-response-time
tal implant that penetrates both cortical plates and passes through
relationships) of tissues to selected foreign substances resulting in
the full thickness of the alveolar bone 2: a dental implant composed
unacceptable in-vivo interactions. The toxicity can be at the local or
of a metal plate with retentive pins to hold it against the inferior
systemic level depending on the amount, rate of release, and spe-
border of the mandible that supports transosteal pins that penetrate
cific type of substance available to the tissues through the full thickness of the mandible and pass into the mouth in
trac er n (ca. 1552): see ARROW-POINT T. the parasymphyseal region—called also staple bone implant,
trac ing \tra#sıng\ n (15c) 1: a line or lines scribed by a pointed instru- mandibular staple implant, transmandibular implant
ment 2: a traced copy of a drawing, photograph, radiograph, or transverse axis: see TRANSVERSE HORIZONTAL AXIS
similar entity—see ARROW POINT T., CEPHALOMETRIC T. transverse facial fracture: see LE FORTE III FRACTURE,
TOGRAPHIC T., STYLUS T. transverse horizontal axis \trans-vûrs#, tranz-, trans#vûrs#, tranz#-\:
tracing device \tra#sıng dı#vıs\: a device that provides a central point of an imaginary line around which the mandible may rotate within
bearing, or support, between maxillary and mandibular occlusion the sagittal plane
rims or dentures. It consists of a contacting point that is attached to trans ver sion \trans-vûr#shun\ n : displacement of a tooth from its
one occlusion rim or denture and a plate attached to the oppos- usual position or proper numerical position in the jaw
ing occlusion rim or denture that provides the surface on which the trau ma \trou#ma, trô#-\ n, pl trau ma ta \trou#ma-ta\ or trau mas,
bearing point rests or moves \trou#mas\, trau mat ic \trou#mat-ık\ adj— trau mat i cal ly
transcranial oblique radiograph \trans-kra#ne-al o-blek#, a-blek# \trou#mat-ı-ka-le\ adv (1693): an injury or wound, whether phys-
ra#de-o-graf#\: a flat radiographic projection in which the central ical or psychic
beam travels across the cranium and through the temporomandib- trauma from occlusion: see OCCLUSAL TRAUMA
ular joint on the opposite side showing an oblique lateral view of the traumatic occlusion: see OCCLUSAL TRAUMA
condyle trau ma to gen ic \trou#ma-ta-jen#ık\ adj : capable of producing a
transcutaneous electrical neural stimulation \trans-kyoo-ta#ne-us ı- wound or injury
lek#trı-kal noor#al stım#yu-la#shun\: application of low-voltage traumatogenic occlusion \trou#ma-ta-jen#ık a-kloo#zhun\ obs : an oc-
electrical stimulation through the skin to nerves in order to inter- cluding of the teeth that is capable of producing injury to oral struc-
fere with the sensation of pain in the brain and increase blood tures (GPT-4)
flow to the region—colloquial TENS traveling condyle: see NONWORKING SIDE CONDYLE
trans epi the li al \trans-ep#a-the#le-al\ adj : penetrating or passing treatment denture \tret#mant den#chur\ 1: a dental prosthesis used
through the epithelium, as in a dental implant for the purpose of treating or conditioning the tissues that is called


treatment denture value d

on to support and retain it 2: a dental prosthesis that is placed in cast for the attachment of the tooth to a fixed or removable denture
preparation for future therapy—see INTERIM PROSTHESIS base
treatment plan \tret-mant plan\: the sequence of procedures planned tu ber cule \too-bûr#kyool\ n (1578): a small bony prominence or ex-
for the treatment of a patient after diagnosis crescence; a nodule
tre phine n : a hollow rotary instrument (resembling a hole saw) used tu ber os i ty n, pl -ties (ca. 1611): see MAXILLARY T.
to make circular cuts. Used in dentistry to create a trough around tunnel dissection \tun#ul\: a dissection of the periosteum from bone
pins or posts in a natural tooth prior to their removal or for removal of through a small incision, in a tunnel-like fashion
a dental implant from bone tur gid \tûr#jıd\ adj (1620): being on a state of distention; swollen
trial base \trı#al bas\: a material or device representing the base of a re- ty po dont \tı#po-dent\: a replica of the natural dentition and alveolar
movable dental prosthesis. It is used for making maxillomandibular mucosa, set to average condylar motions, used in training students in
relationship records and for the arrangement of teeth dental care —syn TYPODENT
trial denture \trı#al den#chur\: a preliminary arrangement of denture
teeth that has been prepared for placement into the patient’s U
mouth to evaluate esthetics and maxillomandibular relationships UCLA abutment substand : a colloquial term used to describe a dental
trial fitting: see TRIAL PLACEMENT crown that is attached directly to the implant body by means of a
trial flask closure \trı#al flask klo#zhar\: any preliminary closure made screw without an intervening abutment
for the purpose of eliminating excess material and insuring that the ultimate strength \ul#ta-mıt\: the greatest stress that may be induced
mold is completely filled in a material at the point of rupture—called also ultimate tensile
trial placement \trı#al plas#mant\: the process of placing a trial denture strength
in the patient’s mouth for evaluation—see TRIAL DENTURE ul tra vi o let \ul#tra-vı#a-lıt\: radiant energy of wavelengths shorter
trial plate obs : see TRIAL DENTURE than extreme violet and lying beyond the ordinarily visible spec-
tricalcium phosphate \trı-kal#se-um fos#fat\: an inorganic particulate trum. Usually assigned to wavelengths shorter than 380 nm
or solid form of relatively biodegradable ceramic that is used as a 1
un der cut \un#dur-kut\ n (1859) 1: the portion of the surface of an
scaffold for bone regeneration. It may be used as a matrix for object that is below the height of contour in relationship to the
new bone growth path of placement 2: the contour of a cross-sectional portion of a
trichromatic system \trı-kro-mat#ık sıs#tam\: a system for specifying
residual ridge or dental arch that prevents the insertion of a dental
color stimuli in terms of the tri-stimulus value based on matching
prosthesis 3: any irregularity in the wall of a prepared tooth that
colors by additive mixtures of three primary colored lights
prevents the withdrawal or seating of a wax pattern or casting
tri chro ma tism \trı-kro#ma-tız#um\ n : a type of vision in which the 2
un der cut \un#dur-kut\ v (ca. 1598): to create areas that provide me-
colors seen require, in general, three independently adjustable pri-
chanical retention for materials placement
maries (such as red, green, and blue) for their duplication by mix-
uniform color space \yoo#na-fôrm kul#ar spas\: color space in which
ture; trichromatism may be either anomalous trichromatism or
equal distances are intended to represent threshold or above
normal vision
threshold perceived color differences of equal size
trigger area: see TRIGGER POINT
u ni lat er al \yoo#na-lat#ur-al\ adj (1802): relating to one side; one-
trigger point \trıg#ur point\: a focus of hyperirritability in tissue which
when palpated, is locally tender and gives rise to heterotopic pain
unilateral partial denture: see UNILATERAL REMOVABLE
trigger spot: see TRIGGER POINT
trigger zone: see TRIGGER POINT
unilateral removable dental prosthesis \yoo#na-lat#ur-al rı-moov#a-
tripod marking \trıg#ur mär#kıng\: those marks or lines drawn on a
bal den#tl pros-the#sis\: a removable dental prosthesis which re-
cast in a single plane perpendicular to the survey rod to assist
stores lost or missing teeth on one side of the arch only
with repositioning the cast on a dental surveyor in a previously de-
unilateral subperiosteal implant \yoo#na-lat-ur-al sub-per#e-os#te-al
fined orientation
ım-plant#\: an eposteal dental implant that provides abutments for
tri pod i za tion \trıp#a-dı-za#shun\ n : an occlusal scheme character-
support of a removable or fixed dental prosthesis in a partially eden-
ized by a cusp to fossa relationship in which there are three points of
tulous arch
contact about the cusp and opposing fossa with no contact on the
unstrained jaw relation \un#rı-strand# jô rı-la#shun\ obs : 1: the rela-
cusp tip
tion of the mandible to the skull when a state of balanced tonus ex-
tris mus n (ca. 1693): see MANDIBULAR T.
trismus appliance \trız#mus a-plı#ans\: a ancillary prosthesis that as- ists among all the muscles involved 2: any jaw relation that is
sists the patient in increasing the oral aperture width to eat and attained without undue or unnatural force and that causes no un-
maintain oral hygiene—syn DYNAMIC BITE OPENER, due distortion of the tissues of the temporomandibular joints
tri-stimulus value \trı-stım#ya-lus val#yoo\: (R, G, B: X, Y, Z, etc.) up right \up#rıt\ adj : the movement of a tooth into an erect or normal
amounts of the three reference color stimuli, in a given trichromatic position
system, required to match the color of the stimulus considered
tri ta no pia \trı-ta#no-pe#a\ n : form of dichromatism in which red- V
dish blue and greenish yellow stimuli are confused. Tritanopia is a vacuum casting \väk#yoo-um kast#ıng\: the casting of a material (i.e.,
common result of retinal disease but may be inherited—called also metal, plastic) in the presence of a partial vacuum
blue blindness, hence tritanope vacuum investing \väk#yoo-um ın-vest#ıng\: the process of investing a
try in: see TRIAL PLACEMENT pattern within a partial vacuum
tube impression \toob, tyoob ım-presh#an\ 1: a cylinder used as a tray vacuum mixing \väk#yoo-um mıks#ıng\: a method of mixing a mate-
to confine and direct impression material to make an impression of rial such as plaster of paris or casting investment below atmospheric
a single tooth 2: the impression resulting from this procedure pressure
tube teeth \toob teth\ obs : artificial teeth with an internal, vertical, cy- val ue \val#yoo\ n (14c): the quality by which a light color is dis-
lindrical aperture extending from the center of the base upward tinguished from a dark color, the dimension of a color that
into the body of the tooth, into which a pin may be placed or denotes relative blackness or whiteness (grayness, brightness).

JULY 2005 79

value waxing up

Value is the only dimension of color that may exist alone—see vibrating line \vı#bra-tıng lın\: an imaginary line across the posterior
MUNSELL VALUE part of the palate marking the division between the movable and
Munsell, AH. A color notation. Baltimore: Munsell Color Co., 1975:14-7. immovable tissues of the soft palate. This can be identified when the
van der Walls’ bond [Johannes D. van der Walls, Dutch physicist] (ca movable tissues are functioning
1926): eponym for a bond that involves weak inter-atomic attrac- Vickers hardness number: (VHN) a measure of hardness obtained
tions such as variation in physical mass or location of electrical with a diamond pyramidal indenter with a square base and an angle
charge; e.g., molecular polarization, electrical dipoles and disper- of 136 . VHN is proportional to the ratio of the applied load to the
sion effects—hydrogen bridges—called also secondary bond area of the indentation. Devised in the 1920’s by engineers at
vascular pain \vas#kya-lur pan\: a type of deep somatic pain of visceral Vickers, Ltd. in the United Kingdom
origin that emanates from the afferent nerves that innervate blood videofluoroscopy \vıd#e-o#floo#a-ros#ka-pe, floo-ros#-\ n: dynamic x-
vessels rays recorded on videotape
ve lum \vel#um\ n (1771): a covering; a general term for a veil or veil viewing conditions \vyoo#ıng kun-dısh#unz\: various conditions un-
like structure—see SOFT PALATE der which visual observation is made including the size of the stim-
veneer \va-nîr#\ n (1702): 1: a thin sheet of material usually used as a ulus, characteristics of the surrounding area, nature of the
finish 2: a protective or ornamental facing 3: a superficial or attrac- illuminant, angle of viewing, area of the retina, etc.
tive display in multiple layers, frequently termed a laminate veneer Virginia bridge: see RESIN-BONDED PROSTHESIS
1 visceral pain \vıs#ur-al pan\: deep somatic pain originating in visceral
vent n : 1: a small auxiliary sprue to aid and improve casting proce-
dures 2: a small perforation placed in a cast restoration to facilitate structures such as mucosal linings, walls of hollow viscera, paren-
complete cementation by minimizing hydraulic pressure chyma of organs, glands, dental pulps, and vascular structures
2 visible spectrum \vız#a-bal spek#trum\ : the section of the electromag-
vent v : venting ppr : 1: to place an auxiliary sprue 2: to place a
perforation netic spectrum that is visible to the human eye. It ranges from 380 nm
verti-centric \vûr#te-sen#trık\ [Earl Pound, U.S. prosthodontist, to 760 nm
1901-1986]: a record used in complete removable dental prosthe- visual adaptation \vızh#oo-al ad#äp-ta#shun\: adjustive change in vi-
sis fabrication. It involves the simultaneous recording of the vertical sual sensitivity due to continued visual stimulation or lack of stim-
dimension of occlusion with the jaws in centric relation ulation. Three recognized types are: 1) scotopic or dark adaptation
vertical axis: see VERTICAL AXIS OF THE MANDIBLE 2) photopic or light adaptation 3) chromatic or color adaptation
vertical axis of the mandible \vûr#tı-kul ak#sıs uv tha man#dı-bal\: an visual photometry \vızh#oo-al fo-tom#ı-tre\: the measurement of lu-
imaginary line around which the mandible may rotate through the minous radiation based on its effect on the visual receptors
horizontal plane vul can ite \vul#ka-nıt\ n : an obsolete denture base material that is a
vertical dimension \vûr#tı-kal dı-men#shun\: the distance between combination of caoutchouc and sulfur. These harden in the pres-
two selected anatomic or marked points (usually one on the tip ence of suitable heat and application of pressure
of the nose and the other upon the chin), one on a fixed and one on vul can ize \vul#ka-nız#\ vb -nized; -niz ing vt (1846): to produce
a movable member—see OCCLUSAL V.D., REST V.D., V.D. flexible or hard rubber, as desired, by subjecting caoutchouc, in
OF SPEECH the presence of sulfur, to heat and high steam pressure in a process-
vertical dimension decrease \vûr#tı-kal dı-men#shun dı-kres\ obs : de- ing unit, termed a vulcanizer, made for that purpose
creasing the vertical distance between the mandible and the maxil-
lae by modifications of teeth, the positions of teeth or occlusion W
rims, or through alveolar or residual ridge resorption (GPT-1) warp \wôrp\ vt (13c): torsional change of shape or outline; to turn or
vertical dimension increase \vûr#tı-kal dı-men#shun\ obs : increasing twist out of shape
the vertical distance between the mandible and the maxillae by wash impression slang : see FINAL IMPRESSION
modifications of teeth, the positions of teeth, or occlusion rims wave length \wav lengkth\: the distance at any instant between two ad-
(GPT-1)—see OCCLUSAL VERTICAL DIMENSION jacent crests (or identical phases) of two series of waves that are ad-
vertical dimension of occlusion: see OCCLUSAL VERTICAL vancing through a uniform medium. The wavelength varies
DIMENSION inversely with the vibration rate or number of waves passing any
vertical dimension of rest position: see PHYSIOLOGIC REST given point per unit period of time
POSITION wax \waks\ n (bef. 12c): one of several esters of fatty acids with higher
vertical dimension of speech \vûr#tı-kal dı-men#shun uv spech\: that alcohols, usually monohydric alcohols. Dental waxes are combina-
distance measured between two selected points when the occlud- tions of various types of waxes compounded to provide desired
ing members are in their closest proximity during speech physical properties—see BASEPLATE W., BOXING W.,
vertical overlap \vûr#tı-kal o#var-lap\ 1: the distance teeth lap over wax addition technique: the process used to develop a wax pattern
their antagonists as measured vertically; especially the distance
the maxillary incisal edges extend below those of the mandibular through organized sequential addition of wax to shape the individ-
teeth. It may also be used to describe the vertical relations of oppos- ual components of the desired anatomic form
ing cusps 2: the vertical relationship of the incisal edges of the max- wax elimination \waks ı-lım#a-na#shun\: the removal of wax from a
illary incisors to the mandibular incisors when the teeth are in mold, usually by heat
maximum intercuspation wax expansion \waks ık-span#shun\: a method of expanding a wax pat-
ves ti bule \ves#ta-byool\ n (ca. 1728) 1: any of various bony cavities, tern to compensate for the shrinkage of gold during the casting
especially when serving as or resembling an entrance to another 2: process
the portion of the oral cavity that is bounded on the medial side by wax model denture: see TRIAL DENTURE
the teeth, gingiva, and alveolar ridge or the residual ridge, and on wax pattern \waks pat#urn\: a wax form that is the positive likeness of
the lateral side by the lips and cheeks—see BUCCAL V., LABIAL an object to be fabricated
V. wax try in: see TRIAL PLACEMENT
ves tib u lo plas ty \ve-stıb#u-lo-plas-te\ n : a surgical procedure de- wax ing \waks#ıng\ v obs : the contouring of a wax pattern or the wax
signed to restore alveolar ridge height by lowering muscles attach- base of a trial denture into the desired form (GPT-1)
ing to the buccal, labial, and lingual aspects of the jaws waxing up \waks#ıng up\ obs 1: the contouring of a pattern in wax gen-
erally applied to the shaping in wax of the contours of a trial denture


waxing up Standard References

(GPT-1) 2: the process of waxing and carving of the wax to the Y
shape and contour desired (GPT-1) yield strength \yeld strengkth\: the strength at which a small amount
wear facet \wâr fas#ıt\: any wear line or plane on a tooth surface caused of permanent (plastic) strain occurs, usually 0.1% or 0.2%, and most
by attrition frequently measured in MPa or psi
Weber-Fergusson incision [Sir E.S. Fergusson, Scottish surgeon, Young’s modulus: [Thomas Young (1773-1829) English physician
dates vary: 1808-1877 or 1871-1944]: eponym for a facial incision and physicist] eponym for the constant of proportionality expressed
used in exposing the maxillary bone in a maxillectomy procedure in the stress-strain plot as the slope in the elastic region where elas-
Zange J. Operationen im Bereich der nase und ibver nebenholen. In: Theil tic recovery occurs upon release of the stress inducing the strain;
R. Opthalmologische, Operationslehre. Leipzig: Vebthieme, 1950. usually given the symbol E. A higher modulus (GPa, psi) denotes
weld \weld\ n (1831): a welded joint; the state or condition of being a greater stiffness or material rigidity. Also termed MODULUS
weld \weld\ vb : to unite or fuse two pieces by hammering, compres-
sion, or by rendering soft by heat with the addition of a fusible ma- Z
terial zero-degree teeth \zır#o-dı-gre#, ze#ro#- teth\: posterior denture
whit ing \hwı#tıng, wı#-\ n : pure white chalk (calcium carbonate) teeth having 0-degree cuspal angles in relation to the plane estab-
that has been ground and washed; it is used for polishing dental lished by the horizontal occlusal surface of the tooth— called also
materials zero-degree nonanatomic teeth—see NONANATOMIC TEETH
wire splint \wır splınt\: a device used to stabilize teeth in the maxillae zinc oxide eugenol cement: a cement or luting agent resulting from
or mandible loosened by an accident or by a compromised perio- mixing zinc oxide with eugenol (oil of cloves), typically dispensed
dontium; a device to reduce and stabilize maxillary or mandibular in the form of a powder and liquid or sometimes two pastes. ANSI/
fractures by application to both arches and connection with inter- ADA Type I or Type II zinc oxide and eugenol cements are respec-
maxillary wires or elastic bands tively designated for provisional or permanent cementation of re-
Wolff’s Law [Julius Wolff, German anatomist, 1836-1902]: eponym storations fabricated outside of the mouth—see EBA CEMENT
for the principle that a bone, either normal or abnormal, will de- zinc phosphate cement: a cement or luting agent resulting from mix-
velop the structure most suited to resist those forces acting on it
work \work\ n (bef. 12c): the product of a force acting on a body and ing zinc oxide (powder component) with phosphoric acid, water,
the distance through which the point of application of the force aluminum phosphate and zinc phosphate (liquid component).
moves Magnesium oxide is often used as the principal modifier
work authorization: a signed written order provided by the dentist to zinc polycarboxylate cement: a cement or luting agent resulting from
the dental laboratory detailing the work to be performed and spec- mixing zinc oxide, magnesium oxide and sometimes stannous ox-
ifying the materials to be used ide (powder component) with an aqueous solution of polyacrylic
working articulation \wûr#kıng ar-tık#ya-la#shun\: the occlusal con- acid and copolymers
tacts of teeth on the side toward which the mandible is moved zirconia ceramic post: a ceramic post used in the restoration of
working bite: see WORKING ARTICULATION endodontically treated teeth, especially when a metal post may
working bite relation: see WORKING ARTICULATION compromise esthetics. Typically used with composite resin or com-
working cast: —see FINAL CAST pression ceramics to form the core
working condyle: see WORKING SIDE CONDYLE zygoma \zı-go#ma\ n (ca. 1684): the area formed by the union of
working contacts \wûr#kıng kon#takts\ obs : contacts of teeth made on the zygomatic bone with the zygomatic processes of the temporal
the side of the occlusion toward which the mandible has been and maxillary bones
moved (GPT-1)
working model: see CAST
working occlusal surface \wûr#kıng a-kloo#zal sûr#fas\ obs : the sur- STANDARD REFERENCES
face or surfaces of teeth on which mastication can occur (GPT-1)
working occlusion \wûr#kıng a-kloo#zhun\ obs : the occlusal contacts COLOR
of teeth on the side to which the mandible is moved (GPT-1) Agoston GA. Color theory and its applications in art and design.
working side \wûr#kıng sıd\: the side toward which the mandible 2nd ed. Springer series in optical sciences, vol. 19. Heidelberg:
moves in a lateral excursion SpringerVerlag, 1987.
working side contacts \wûr#kıng sıd kon#takts\: contacts of teeth Kelly KL, Judd DB. Color: universal language and dictionary of
made on the side of the articulation toward which the mandible names. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, National
is moved during working movements Bureau of Standards, December 1976; Spec. Publication no. 440.
working side condyle \wûr#kıng sıd kon#dıl\: the condyle on the Nassan K. The physics and chemistry of color: the fifteen causes of
working side color. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1983.
working side condyle path \wûr#kıng sıd kon#dıl path\: the path the MacAdam DL. Color measurement: theme and variations. 2nd ed.
condyle travels on the working side when the mandible moves in a Springer series in optical sciences, vol. 27. Heidelberg: SpringerVerlag,
lateral excursion 1985.
wrought \rôt\ adj (13c) 1: worked into shape; formed 2: worked into Billmeyer FW Jr, Saltzman M. Principles of color technology. New
shape by tools; hammered York: John Wiley and Sons, 1981.
Wyazecki G, Stiles WA. Color science: concepts and methods, quanti-
X tative data and formulea. 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1982.
X-ray \eks#ra\ vt (1896): the process of exposing objects to roentgen Hunt RWG. Measuring colour. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons,
rays and projecting their shadow on sensitized surfaces 1987.
X-ray \eks#ra\ n (1900): see ROENTGEN RAY Hunter RS, Harold RW. The measurement of appearance. 2nd ed.
X-ray picture: see ROENTGENOGRAM New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1987.
xenogenic graft \zen#a-jen#ık\: a graft from one species to another
species— called also heterologous graft COMPLETE DENTURE
xer o stomia \zîr#a-sto#me-a\ n : dryness of the mouth from lack of PROSTHODONTICS
normal secretions Goddard PB.The anatomy, physiology and pathology of the human
teeth: with the most approved methods of treatment; including

JULY 2005

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Standard References
Reigner H. Kronen und bracken arbeitem, sin lehrbuch. Leipzig A Mouton C. Essai d’Odontotechnique, ou Dissertation sur les Dents
Felix, 1895. Artificielles. Paris: Private printing, 1746. (First complete book on
Sheffield LT. An easy account of crown work and bridgework in artificial tooth replacements).
dentistry. New York: Private printing, 1895. Hunter J. The natural history of the human teeth. London:
Mason Detachable Tooth Co., Mason detachable porcelains for J. Johnson, 1755. (Section on artificial tooth replacements).
crown and bridge work: with instructions in the method of mounting. Wooffendale R. Practical observations on the human teeth.
Mason Detachable Tooth Co., 1900. London: J. Johnson, 1783. (Section on artificial tooth replacements).
Goslee HJ. Principles and practice of crown and bridgework. A prac- Dubois de Lhemant N. A dissertation on artificial teeth: evincing
tical, systematic modern treatise upon the requirements and technique the advantages of teeth made of mineral paste, over every denomina-
of artificial crown work including some incidental reference to bridge- tion of animal substance: to which is added, advise to mothers and
work. 4th ed. New York: Consolidated Dental Manufacturing Co., nurses on the prevention and cure of those dieseases which attend
1903. the first dentition. 1797; (Section on artificial tooth replacements.)
Roussel GA. Traite theorique et practique des couronnes artifi- Fox J. The history and treatment of the diseases of the teeth, the
cielles et du bridge work. Paris: D. Doin, 1906. gums, and the alveolar processes, with the operations which they re-
Chance PR. Ash’s tube teeth in aesthetic crown and bridgework. spectively require. To which are added, observations on other diseases
London: Private printing, 1907. of the mouth, and on the mode of fixing artificial teeth. London:
Havestadt JF. Principles and techniques of crowns and bridges. Thomas Cox, 1806. (Section on artificial tooth replacements.)
Boston: Kitter and Flebee, 1915. James B. A treatise on the management of the teeth. Philadelphia:
Peeso, FA. Crown and bridgework for students and practitioners. Private printing, 1814. (First illustrated United States dental work
Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1916. with a section on artificial teeth.)
Krummnow F. Lehrbuch der kronen brucken und Delabarre CF. Traite de la partie mecanique de l’art du chiru den-
porzellantechnick. Berlin: Halensee Zahntechmischer Verlag, 1920. tiste (in two volumes). Paris: Private printing, 1820. (Section on arti-
Chayes HES. Movable removable bridgework. With a detailed, ficial tooth replacements.)
illuerated technique for the construction of a unilateral compound Jobson DW. Outlines of the anatomy and physiology of the teeth
movable removable partial bridge, and a description of the instru- & c. Their diseases and treatment. With practical observations on arti-
ments and attachments employed. New York: Chayes System ficial teeth. Edinburgh: William Tait, 1834. (Section on artificial tooth
Laboratories, 1922. replacements.)
Columbus Dental Manufacturing Co., Steele’s interchangeable Koecker L. An essay on artificial teeth, obturators, & plates, with the
tooth: illustrated: showing technical detail of construction and manip- principles for their construction and application, illustrated by 26 cases
ulation, embracing all features of their application. Columbus: and 21 plates. London: for S. Highley, 1835. (Section on artificial
Columbus Dental Manufacturing Co., 1924. tooth replacements.)
Haupl K, Reichborn Kjemerud I. Moderne zahnartzliche krown Saunders E. Mineral teeth: their merits & manufacture: with obser-
und brucken arbeiten. Berlin: H. Mausser, 1929. vations on those cases in which they are or are not applicable: and on the
Doxtater LW. Procedures in modern crown and bridgework. The best means of preserving artificial teeth. Philadelphia: Private print-
principles and technique of stationary and removable bridges. ing, 1841. (Section on artificial tooth replacements.)
Brooklyn: Dental Items of Interest Publishing Co., 1931. Arthur R. A popular treatise on the diseases of the teeth: including a
Knapp KW. Manual of fixed bridgework. New York: N.Y. description of their structure and modes of treatment; together with
University Press Book Store, 1935. the usual mode of inserting artificial teeth. Philadelphia: Lindsay &
Schwartz JR. Cavity prepamtion and abutment construction in Blakiston, 1845. (Section on artificial tooth replacements.)
bridgework. Brooklyn: Dental Items of Interest Publishing Co., 1936. Harbert SC. A practical treatise on the operations of surgical and
Hildebrand GY. Studies in dental prosthodontics. Vol. 1. mechanical dentistry. Philadelphia: Barrett & Jones, 1847.
Stockholm: Fahlerantz, 1937. Howard T. On the IOBB of teeth; and on the best means of restor-
Knapp KW. Inlays and fixed bridgework. Buffalo: Williams Gold ing them. London: Simpkin and Marshall, 1857. (Section on artificial
Refining Co., 1939. tooth replacements.)
Tylman SD. Theory and practice of crown and bridge prosthesis. St. Lukyn E. Dental surgery and mechanism. A popular treatise on the
Louis: The C V Mosby Co., 1940. preservation, management, and surgical treatment of the teeth and
Coelho DH. A complete fixed bridge procedure. St. Louis: The CV gums: with the most modern and improved modes of supplying the
Mosby Co., 1949. lobs of teeth. London: Savill and Edwards, 1859. (Section on artificial
Ewing JE. Fixed partial prosthesis. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, tooth replacements.)
1954. Allen J. Teeth: an improved method of constructing artificial den-
tures: combining five important points not heretofore attained: to-
gether with directions for the development and subsequent
preservation of the natural teeth. Philadelphia Private printing, 1860.
GENERAL PATHOLOGY Mosely E. Teeth, their natural history: with the physiology of the
Kissane JM, ed. Anderson’s pathology. 9th ed. St. Louis: The C V human mouth, in regard to artificial teeth. London: Robert
Mosby Co., 1990. Hardwicke, 1862. (Section on artificial tooth replacements.)
Myers EN, Suen JY. Cancer of the head and neck. 2nd ed. New Eskell FA. A new system for treating and fixing artificial teeth: the art
York: Churchill Livingstone, Inc., 1989. to prevent the loss of the teeth: the instructions calculated to enable
Guepp DR, ed. Contemporary issues in surgical pathology, vol. 10, heads of families to adopt the author’s practice of treating and preserv-
Pathology of the head and neck. New York: Churchill Livingstone, ing the teeth. Private printing, 1862.
Inc. Coles JO. On deformities of the mouth, congenital and acquires,
with their mechanical treatment. Philadelphia Lindsay and Blakiston,
GENERAL PROSTHODONTICS 1870. (Section on artificial tooth replacements.)
Fauchard P. Le Chirurgien Dentiste ou Traute des Dents (in two vol- Coles JO. A manual of dental mechanics. 2nd ed. London: J & A
umes). Paris: 1728 (section on artificial tooth replacements in vol. II). Churchi H., 1876. (Section on artificial tooth replacement.)


Standard References
Dejardin A Jr. Restaurations prosthetiques faites dans les hopitaux Walker DG. The construction of vulcanite applicators for applying
de Paris, precede de [’hygiene de la bouche. Paris: E. Bicheron, radium to lesions of the buccal cavity, lips, orbit and antrum. London:
1877. Private printing, 1938.
Burnot G. Contribution a [’etude de la graffe dentaire. Paris: J.B. Beder OK. Surgical and maxillofacial prosthetics. Seattle: King’s
Balilliere, 1886. Crown Press, 1949.
Cigrand BJ. The rise, fall and revival of dental prosthesis. Chicago:
Periodical Publishing Co., 1892.
Parreidt J.; Handbuch der Zahnersatakunde. Leipzig: A. Felix,
Cingrand BJ. A compendium of dental prosthesis arranged in ques- Hamilton B, Guides B. Medical acronyms, symbols and abbrevia-
tions and answers. Chicago: Periodical Publishing Co., 1894. tions. 2nd ed. New York: Neal
Essig CJ, ed. The American textbook of prosthetic dentistry. In Schuman Publishers, Inc., 1988:277 pages. Mossman J, ed.
contributions by eminent authorities. Philadelphia: Lea Brothers and Acronyms, initialisms and abbreviations dictionary. 15th ed. Detroit:
Co., 1896. Gale Research Inc., 1990.
Richarson J. A practical treatise on mechanical dentistry.
Philadelphia: P. Blakiston’s Sons and Co., 1903.
Cigrand BJ. The lower third of the face or the dental domain; a
study of art in dentistry. Chicago: Blakely Printing Co., 1904.
Steadman’s Medical Dictionary. 25th ed. Baltimore: Williams and
Wilson GH. A manual of dental prosthetics. Philadelphia: Lea &
Wilkins, 1990.
Febiger, 1911.
Jablonsit S. Illustrated dictionary of dentistry. Philadelphia: W B
Prothero JH. Prosthetic dentistry. 2nd ed. Chicago: Medico Dental
Publishing Co., 1916. Saunders Co., 1982.
Bodee CA, Rabell UL. Text book on prosthetic dentistry. New
York: Private printing, 1921.
Martinier P. Villian G. Prothese. Paris: J.B. BaiHiere and fils, 1922. MEDICAL EPONYMS
Clapp GW. The life and work of James Leon Williams. New York: Firkin BG, Whitworth JA. Dictionary of medical eponyms. Park
The Dental Digest, 1925. Ridge, N.J.: The Parthenon Publishing Group, 1987.
Logan JD. Dental prosthetics. Edinburgh: E & S Livingstone,
Shaw DM. Dental prosthetic mechanics. London: Edward Arnold
and Co., 1927.
Nichols IG. Prosthetic dentistry. An encyclopedia of full and partial PROSTHODONTICS
denture prosthesis. St. Louis: The C V Mosby Co., 1930. Kennedy E. Partial denture construction. Brooklyn: Dental Items of
Logan JD. Dental prosthetics. Outlines of dental science, vol IV. Interest Publishing Co., 1928.
New York: Private printing, 1934. Nichols IG. Prosthetic dentistry. An encyclopedia of full and partial
Boyle HH. Principles and practice of applied dental aesthetics. denture prosthesis. St. Louis: The C V Mosby Co., 1930.
London: H. Kimpton, 1936. Doxtater LW. Full and partial denture prosthesis. Brooklyn: Dental
Hildebrand GT. Studies in dental prosthetics. Stockholm: A.B. Items of Interest Publishing Co., 1936.
Fahlerants, 1937. Elbrecht A. Systematik der abnehembaren partieHen prostheses.
Osborne J. Dental mechanics for students. London: Trinity Press Leipzig: H. Meusser, 1937.
Ltd., 1939.
Neurohr FG. Partial dentures; a system of functional restoration.
Schwartz, JR. Modern methods of tooth replacement. Brooklyn:
Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1939.
Dental Items of Interest Publishing Co., 1942.
MiHer RG. Synopsis of full and partial dentures. St. Louis: The C V
Sears, VH. Basic principles of dentistry. New York: Pitman
Mosby Co., 1942.
Publishing Corp., 1942.
Craddock FW. Prosthetic dentistry: a clinical outline. St. Louis: The C Applegate SG, Perry CK. Outline for removable partial denture ser-
V Mosby Co., 1945. vice. Detroit: Prosthetic Department, University of Detroit School of
Schweitzer JM. Restorative dentistry; a clinical photographic pre- Dentistry, 1943.
sentation. St. Louis: The C V Mosby Co., 1947. Godfrey RJ. A manual of removable partial denture design.
Weinmann JP, Sicher H. Bone and bones. St. Louis: The C V Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1948.
Mosby Co., 1947. J.M. Ney Co. The Ney surveyor book. Hartford: J.M. Ney Co.,
Fenn HRB, Liddelow KP, Gimson AP. Clinical dental prosthetics.
London: Staples Press, 1953.
MAXILLOFACIAL PROSTHODONTICS Applegate OC. Essentials of removable partial denture prosthesis.
Koecker L. An essay on artificial teeth, obturators, & plates, with the Philadelphia: W B Saunders Co., 1954.
principles for the construction and application, illustrated by 26 cases Swenson MG, Terkla LG. Partin dentures. St. Louis: The C V
and 21 plates. London: for S. Highley, 1935. Mosby Co., 1955.
Ramsay R. Coles JO. The mechanical treatment of deformities of
the mouth, congenital and accidental. London: J. ChurchiH and
Sons, 1868.
Case CS. A practical treatise on the techniques and principles of SYNDROMES
dental orthopedia and prosthetic correction of cleft palate. Chicago: Magalini SI, Magalini SC, de Francisci G. Dictionary of medical syn-
CS Case Private press, 1921. dromes. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1990.
Fritsch C. Zahnartzliche sowie zahnarztlich chirurgische prothetik. Jablonski S. Jablonski’s dictionary of syndromes and eponymic dis-
Leipzig: G. Thieme, 1925. eases. 2nd ed. Malabar, Fla.: Krieger Publishing Co., 1990.

JULY 2005 85

Appendix A Avoirdupois to Metric Weight Conversion Table

Ounces Grams Ounces Grams Pounds Grams Kilograms
Tables and Measures
1/16 1.772 7 198.447 1 16 oz. 453.59
1/8 3.544 8 226.796 2 907.18
Celsius / Fahrenheit Conversion Table 1/4 7.088 9 255.146 3 1360.78 1.36
1/2 14.175 10 283.495 4 1814.37 1.81
1 28.350 11 311.845 5 2267.96 2.27
240 240.0 9 48.2 58 136.4 2 56.699 12 340.194 6 2721.55 2.72
239 238.2 10 50.0 59 138.2 3 85.049 13 368.544 7 3175.15 3.18
238 236.4 11 51.8 60 140.0 4 113.398 14 396.893 8 3628.74 3.63
237 234.6 12 53.6 61 141.8 5 141.748 15 425.243 9 4082.33 4.08
236 232.8 13 55.4 62 143.6 6 170.097 16 1 lb. 453.59 10 4535.92 4.54
235 231.0 14 57.2 63 145.4
234 229.2 15 59.0 64 147.2
233 227.4 16 60.8 65 149.0
232 225.6 17 62.6 66 150.8
231 223.8 18 64.4 67 152.6
230 222.0 19 66.2 68 154.4
229 220.2 20 68.0 69 156.2
228 218.4 21 69.8 70 158.0
227 216.6 22 71.6 71 159.8
226 214.8 23 73.4 72 161.6
225 213.0 24 75.2 73 163.4
224 211.2 25 77.0 74 165.2
223 29.4 26 78.8 75 167.0
222 27.6 27 80.6 76 168.8
221 25.8 28 82.4 77 170.6
220 24.0 29 84.2 78 172.4
219 22.2 30 86.0 79 174.2
218 20.4 31 87.8 80 176.0
217 +1.4 32 89.6 81 177.8
216 3.2 33 91.4 82 179.6
215 5.0 34 93.2 83 181.4
214 6.8 35 95.0 84 183.2
213 8.6 36 96.8 85 185.0
212 10.4 37 98.6 86 186.8 Metric to Apothecary Liquid Measure
211 12.2 38 100.4 87 188.6 Approximate
210 14.0 39 102.2 88 190.4 Metric Apothecary Equivalent
29 15.8 40 104.0 89 192.2
28 17.6 41 105.8 90 194.0 1000 ml 1 quart
750 ml 1 ½ pints
500 ml 1 pint
250 ml 8 fluid ounces200 ml
7 fluid ounces
Measures of Capacity
100 ml 3 ½ fluid ounces
50 ml 13⁄4 fluid ounces
30 ml 1 fluid ounce
Multiples and submultiples of the Metric System 15 ml 4 fluid drams
10 ml 2 ½ fluid drams
Multiples and Submultiples Prefix Symbol 8 ml 2 fluid drams
5 ml 1 ¼ fluid drams
1,000,000,000,000 (10 ) tera- T 4 ml 1 fluid dram
1,000,000,000 (109) giga- G 3 ml 45 minims
1,000,000 (106) mega- M 2 ml 30 minims
1,000 (103) kilo- k 1 ml 15 minims
100 (102) hecto- h 0.75 ml 12 minims
10 (101) deka- da 0.60 ml 10 minims
0.1 (1021) deci- d 0.50 ml 8 minims
0.01 (1022) centi- c 0.30 ml 5 minims
0.001 (1023) mill- m 0.25 ml 4 minims
0.000,001 (1026) micro- m 0.20 ml 3 minims
0.000,000,001 (1029) nano- n 0.10 ml 1 ½ minims
0.000,000,000,001 (10212) pico- p 0.06 ml 1 minim
0.000,000,000,000,001 (10215) femto- f 0.05 ml 3
⁄4 minim
0.000,000,000,000,000,001 (10218) atto- a 0.03 ml ½ minim


Apothecaries 2 Metric Liquid Measure Table Measures of Mass

Fluid Fluid
Minims Milliliters Drams Milliliters Ounces Milliliters
Avoirdupois Weight Table
0.06 1 3.70 1 29.57
0.12 2 7.39 59.15 Metric Equivalents
3 0.19 3 11.09 3 Grains Drams Ounces Pounds (grams)
4 0.25 4 14.79 4 118.29 1 0.0366 0.0023 0.00014 0.0647989
5 0.31 5 18.48 147.87 27.34 1 0.0625 0.0039 1.772
10 0.62 6 22.18 6 177.44 437.5 16 1 0.0625 28.350
15 0.92 7 25.88 7 207.01 7000 256 16 1 453.5924277
20 1.23 8 29.57 8 236.58
(1 ft oz)
25 1.54 9 266.16
30 1.85 10 295.73 Apothecaries Weight Table
35 2.16 11 325.30
Equivalents Grains Scruples Drams Pounds Metric Ounces
40 2.46 12 354.88
45 2.77 13 384.45 1 0.05 0.0167 0.0021 0.00017 0.0647989
50 3.08 14 414.02 20 1 0.333 0.042 0.0035 1.296
55 3.39 15 443.59 60 3 1 0.125 0.0104 3.888
60 (1 fl dr) 3.70 16 (1 pt) 473.17 480 24 8 1.000 0.0833 31.103
32 (1 qt) 946.33 5760 28 96 12.000 1.0000 373.24177
128 (1 gal) 3785.32 8

Metric 2 Apothecaries Liquid Measure Table

Milliliters Minims Illiliters Fluid Drams Milliliters Fluid Ounces

1 16.231 5 1.35 30 1.01

2 32.5 10 2.71 40 1.35
3 48.7 15 4.06 50 1.69
4 64.9 20 5.4 500 16.91
5 81.1 25 6.76 1000 (1 L) 33.815
30 7.1

Apothecaries (Wine) Measure Table

Fluid Fluid Cubic Cubic

Minims Drams Ounces Gills Pints Quarts Gallons Inches Milliliter Centimeters

1 0.0166 0.002 0.0005 0.00013 0.00376 0.06161 0.06161

60 1 0.125 0.0312 0.0078 0.0039 - 0.22558 3.6967 3.6967
480 8 1 0.25 0.0625 0.0312 0.0078 1.80468 29.5737 29.5737
1920 32 4 1 0.25 0.125 0.0312 7.21875 118.2948 118.2948
7680 128 16 4 1 0.5 0.125 28.875 473.179 473.179
15360 256 32 8 2 1 0.25 57.75 946.358 946.358
61440 1024 128 32 8 4 1 231 3785.434 3785.434

JULY 2005 87

Metric Weight Table

Deca- Equivalents
Micro-Gram Milli-Gram Centi-Gram Deci-Gram Gram Gram Hecto-Gram Kilo-Gram Avoirdupois Apothecaries

1 - 0.000015 gr
103 1 - 0.015432 gr
10’ 10 1 - - 0.154323 gr
105 100 10 1 - 1.543235 gr
108 1000 100 10 1 - 15.432356 gr
107 10a 1000 100 10 1 - 5.6438 dr 7.7162 scr
108 106 10 1000 100 10 1 - 3.215 oz 3.527 oz
109 106 106 10’ 1000 100 10 1 2.2046 lb 2.6792 lb
1012 109 108 107 106 105 10’ 1000 2204.6223 lb 2679.2285 lb

Metric Measures of Length Table

Micro-Meter Milli-Meter Centi-Meter Deci-Meter Meter Deka-Meter Hecto-Meter Kilo-Meter Mega-Meter Equivalents

1 0.001 10-’ 0.000039 inch

103 1 10-’ 0.03937 inch
104 10 1 - 0.3937 inch
105 100 10 1 - - 3.937 inches
106 1000 100 10 1 - 39.37 inches
107 104 1000 100 10 1 - 10.9361 yards
108 105 104 1000 100 10 1 - 109.3612 yards
109 106 105 104 1000 1000 10 1 1093.6121 yards
1010 107 106 105 104 1000 100 10 - 6.2137 miles
1012 109 108 107 106 105 104 1000 1 621.370 miles

Troy Weight Table Apothecary to Metric Weight Conversion Table

Metric Equivalents Grains Grams Grains Grams Scruples Grams
Grains Pennyweights Ounces Pounds (grams)
1/150 0.0004 2/5 0.03 1 1.296(1.3)
1 0.042 0.002 0.00017 1.0647989 1/120 0.0005 1/2 0.032 2 2.592(2.6)
24 1 0.05 0.0042 1.555 1/100 0.0006 3/5 0.04 3 (1 3) 3.888(3.9)
480 20 1 0.083 31.103 1/90 0.0007 2/3 0.043
5760 240 12 1 373.24177 1/80 0.0008 3/4 0.05 Drams Grams
1/64 0.001 7/8 0.057 1 3.888
1/60 0.0011 1 0.065 2 7.776
1/50 0.0013 1 1/2 0.097(0.1) 3 11.664
1/48 0.0014 2 0.12 4 15.552
1/40 0.0016 3 0.20 5 19.440
1/36 0.0018 4 0.24 6 23.328
1/32 0.002 5 0.30 7 27.216
1/30 0.0022 6 0.40 8 (1 3) 31.103
1/25 0.0026 7 0.45
1/20 0.003 8 0.50 Ounces Grams
1/16 0.004 9 0.60 1 31.103
1/12 0.005 10 0.65 2 62.207
1/10 0.006 15 1.00 3 93.310
1/9 0.007 20 (1 3) 1.30 4 124.414
1/8 0.008 30 2.00 5 155.517
1/7 0.009 6 186.621
1/6 0.01 7 217.724
1/5 0.013 8 248.828
1/4 0.016 9 279.931
1/3 0.02 10 311.035
11 342.138
12 (1 lb) 373.242


Metric to Apothecary Weight Conversion Table

Milligrams Grains Grams Grains Grams Equivalents

1 0.015432 0.1 1.5432 10 2.572 drams

2 0.030864 0.2 3.0864 15 3.858 2.572 drams
3 0.046296 0.3 4.6296 20 5.144 2.572 drams
4 0.061728 0.4 6.1728 25 6.430 2.572 drams
5 0.077160 0.5 7.7160 30 7.716 2.572 drams
6 0.092592 0.6 9.2592 40 1.286 oz
7 0.108024 0.7 10.8024 45 1.447 1.286 oz
8 0.123456 0.8 12.3456 50 1.607 1.286 oz
9 0.138888 0.9 13.8888 100 3.215 1.286 oz
10 0.154320 1.0 15.4320 200 6.430 1.286 oz
15 0.231480 1.5 23.1480 300 9.644 1.286 oz
20 0.308640 2.0 30.8640 400 12.859 1.286 oz
25 0.385800 2.5 38.5800 500 1.34 lb
30 0.462960 3.0 46.2960 600 1.61 lb
35 0.540120 3.5 54.0120 700 1.88 lb
40 0.617280 4.0 61.728 800 2.14 lb
45 0.694440 4.5 69.444 900 2.41 lb
50 0.771600 5.0 77.162 1000 2.68 lb
100 1.543240 10.0 154.324

Metric Fluid Measure Table

Micro-Liter Milli-Liter Centi-Liter Deci-Liter Deka-Liter Hecto-Liter Kilo-Liter Mega-Liter (Apothecaries’ Fluid)

1 0.01623108 min
103 1 - 16.23 min
104 10 1 - 2.7 fl dr
105 100 10 1 - 3.38 fl oz
106 103 100 10 1 2.11 pts
107 104 103 100 10 1 - 2.64 gal
108 105 104 103 100 10 1 - - 26.418 gals
109 106 105 104 103 100 10 1 - 264.18 gals
1012 109 108 107 105 105 104 103 1 26418 gals
1 liter = 2.113363738 pints (Apothecaries’)

JULY 2005 89

Metric to Apothecary Weight Conversions sured at the area of least vertical bone height, b) a maxillo-mandibular relation-
ship permitting normal tooth articulation and an appropriate ridge relationship,
Metric Approximate Apothecary Equivalents c) a maxillary residual ridge morphology that resists horizontal and vertical
movement of the denture base, and d) muscle attachments that exert limited
30.0 g 1 ounce
compromise on denture base stability and retention.
15.0 g 4 drams
10.0 g 2 ½ drams The PDI for the Edentulous Class 3 Patient
7.50 g 2 drams A patient who presents with substantially compromised complete edentulism
6.00 g 90 grains and exhibits a) limited interarch space of 18-20 millimeters and/or temporo-
5.00 g 75 grains mandibular disorders, b) a residual mandibular bone height of 11-15 millimeters
4.00 g 60 grains (1 dram) measures at the area of least vertical bone height, c) an Angle Class I, II, or III
3.00 g 45 grains maxillomandibular relationship, d) muscle attachments that exert a moderate
2.00 g 30 grains (1/2 dram) compromise on denture base stability and retention, and e) a maxillary residual
1.50 g 22 grains ridge morphology providing minimal resistance movement of the denture base
1.00 g 15 grains
750 mg 12 grains The PDI for the Edentulous Class 4 Patient
600 mg 10 grains A patient who presents with the most debilitated form of complete edentulism,
500 mg 7 ½ grains where surgical reconstruction is usually indicated and specialized prosthodontic
400 mg 6 grains techniques are required to achieve an acceptable outcome. The Class 4 Patient
300 mg 5 grains exhibits a) a residual mandibular bone height of 10 millimeters or less, b) an
250 mg 4 grains Angle Class I, II, or III maxillomandibular relationship, c) a maxillary residual
200 mg 3 grains ridge morphology providing no resistance to movement of the denture base,
150 mg 2 ½ grains and d) muscle attachments that exert a significant compromise on denture
125 mg 2 grains base stability and retention.
100 mg 1 ½ grains
75 mg 1 ¼ grains Appendix C
60 mg 1 grain Prosthodontic Diagnostic Index (PDI) for the Partially
50 mg 3
⁄4 grain Edentulous Patient
40 mg 2/3 grain The official classification system for the partially edentulous patient developed by
30 mg ½ grain the American College of Prosthodontists. The system classifies the partially
25 mg 3/8 grain edentulous treatment complexity based on four diagnostic criteria: a) the loca-
20 mg 1/3 grain tion and extent of the edentulous areas, b) the condition of the abutment teeth,
15 mg ¼ grain
c) the occlusal scheme, and d) the residual ridge. These four criteria identify pa-
12 mg 1/5 grain
tients as Class 1 (ideal or minimally compromised), Class 2 (moderately compro-
10 mg 1/6 grain
mised), Class 3 (substantially compromised) or Class 4 (severely compromised).
6 mg 1/10 grain
5 mg 1/12 grain PDI for the Partially Edentulous (PE) Class 1 Patient
4 mg 1/15 grain A patient who presents with a) partial edentulism confined to a single arch, b)
3 mg 1/20 grain minimal compromise to the abutment teeth, c) an ideal or minimally compro-
2 mg 1/30 grain mised occlusion, d) an Angle Class I molar and jaw relationships, and e) an
1 mg 1/60 grain Angle Class I residual ridge (See PDI for the Class I Completely Edentulous
Patient, Appendix B). The PE Class 1 patient includes those with any anterior
maxillary span not exceeding two incisors, any anterior mandibular span not ex-
Appendix B ceeding four missing incisors and any posterior span not exceeding two premo-
Prosthodontic Diagnostic Index (PDI) for Complete lars or one premolar plus a molar.
Edentulism PDI for the Partially Edentulous Class 2 Patient
The official classification system for edentulism developed by the American
A patient who presents with a) partial edentulism that is moderately compro-
College of Prosthodontists. The system classifies edentulous patient treatment mised, confined to a single arch, b) moderate compromise to the abutment teeth
complexity using four diagnostic criteria: a) mandibular bone height, b) max- in at least one sextant, c) a moderately compromised occlusal scheme that re-
illo-mandibular relationship, c) maxillary residual ridge morphology, and d) quires adjunctive therapy, d) an Angle Class I molar and jaw relationships and
muscle attachments. These four criteria identify patients as Class 1 (ideal or min- 5) an Angle Class II residual ridge (See PDI for the Class II Completely
imally compromised), Class 2 (moderately compromised), Class 3 (substantially Edentulous Patient, Appendix B). The PE Class 2 patient includes those with
compromised) or Class 4 (severely compromised). any anterior maxillary span not exceeding all incisors, any anterior mandibular
The PDI for the Edentulous Class 1 Patient span not exceeding four missing incisors and any posterior span not exceeding
A patient who presents with ideal or minimally compromised complete edentu- two premolars or one premolar plus a molar or any missing canine.
lism that can be treated successfully by conventional prosthodontic techniques. PDI for the Partially Edentulous Class 3 Patient
The Class 1 patient exhibits a) a residual mandibular bone height of at least A patient who presents with a) partial edentulism that is substantially compro-
21 millimeters measured at the area of least vertical bone height, b) a maxillo- mised, in multiple areas in one or both arches, b) substantial compromise to
mandibular relationship permitting normal tooth articulation and an ideal ridge the abutment teeth in three sextants, c) a substantially compromised occlusal
relationship, c) a maxillary ridge morphology that resists horizontal and vertical scheme requiring reestablishment of the entire occlusal scheme without a change
movement of the denture base, and d) muscle attachment locations conducive to in the vertical dimension, d) an Angle Class II molar and jaw relationship, and/or
denture base stability and retention. e) an Angle Class III residual ridge description (See PDI for the Class III
Completely Edentulous Patient, Appendix B).
The PDI for the Edentulous Class 2 Patient
A patient who presents with moderately compromised complete edentulism and PDI for the Partially Edentulous Class 4 Patient
continued physical degradation of the denture supporting anatomy. The Class 2 A patient who presents with a) partial edentulism that is severely compromised in
patient exhibits a) a residual mandibular bone height of 16-20 millimeters mea- multiple areas and opposing arches, b) severe compromise to the abutment teeth


in four or more sextants, c) a severely compromised occlusal scheme requiring Type: (dental, maxillofacial, ancillary) (Figs. 1-4)
reestablishment of the entire occlusal scheme and a change in the vertical dimen-
sion, d) an Angle Class II and/or Angle Class III molar and jaw relationships, Descriptor: ,support. tissue borne, implant borne, tooth/implant
and e) at least one edentulous ridge having a guarded prognosis. The PE Class borne ,other modifiers.
4 patient also includes congenital or maxillofacial defects, those with at least
one severely compromised edentulous arch, severe manifestations of local or sys- Examples..
temic disease, severe ataxia or dyskinesia and the refractory patient. dental prosthesis
maxillary removable partial dental prosthesis
surgical obturator maxillofacial prosthesis
mandibular fixed partial dental prosthesis on dental im-
Appendix D plants # 28, 30 and 31
Prosthodontic Diagnostic Index (PDI) for the Completely cemented fixed partial dental prosthesis on teeth # 12 and
Dentate Patient 14
The official classification system for the completely dentate patient developed by cemented fixed partial dental prosthesis on dental implant
the American College of Prosthodontists. This standardized identification #12 and tooth #14
grouping of dentate patient treatment complexities is based on two criteria: 1) ceramic fixed partial dental prosthesis on dental implants #3
the condition of the teeth and 2) the occlusal scheme. These criteria identify pa- and 5
tients as Class 1 (ideal or minimally compromised), Class 2 (moderately compro-
mised), Class 3 (substantially compromised) or Class 4 (severely compromised). To be avoided examples...
rigid interim mandibular removable partial dental prosthe-
Prosthodontic Diagnostic Index for the Completely Dentate Class 1 Patient A
sis replacing teeth #23-30 (five coordinate adjectives)
patient who presents with 1) a dentition that is minimally compromised and 2)
hybrid prosthesis (of what?)
with contiguous, intact dental arches requiring prosthodontic treatment on
hybrid denture prosthesis (of what?)
three teeth or less that do not require adjunctive therapy (periodontal treatment,
endodontic treatment, orthodontic treatment, etc.).
interim plate (poor noun selection)

Prosthodontic Diagnostic Index for the Completely Dentate Class 2 Patient A

patient who presents with 1) a dentition that is moderately compromised with no
edentulous areas, 2) an intact anterior guidance, 3) pathology affecting the
coronal morphology of 4 or more teeth in only one sextant, and 4) teeth that re-
quire adjunctive treatment (periodontal treatment, endodontic treatment, or -
thodontic treatment, etc.) on four or more teeth in one sextant.

Prosthodontic Diagnostic Index for the Completely Dentate Class 3 Patient

A patient who presents with 1) a dentition that is substantially compromised with
no edentulous areas, 2) an impaired anterior guidance, 3) substantial posterior
occlusal wear and a normal vertical dimension, 4) pathology affecting the coronal
morphology of 4 or more teeth in three or more sextants, and 5) teeth that are
substantially compromised requiring adjunctive therapy (periodontal treatment,
endodontic treatment, orthodontic treatment, etc.) in two sextants.

Prosthodontic Diagnostic Index for the Completely Dentate Class 4 Patient A

Fig. 1
patient who presents with 1) a dentition that is severely compromised with no
edentulous areas, 2) an impaired anterior guidance, 3) severe posterior occlusal
wear with loss of vertical dimension, 4) the need for the reestablishment of the
entire occlusion with a change in vertical dimension, and 5) teeth that require
adjunctive therapy (periodontal treatment, endodontic treatment, orthodontic
treatment, etc.) in three or more sextants.

Appendix E
Nomenclature for prosthetic restorations
{modifier} (type) prosthesis ,descriptor.
coordinate adjective(s) noun adjective clause

Modifier: {anatomic location} maxillary, mandibular, inferior, su-

{form} complete, partial, splint, stent, carrier, bar, ovoid,
{material} ceramic, metal, resin
{retention} fixed, removable, cement, screw, friction, tissue
{support} tooth, implant, tissue
{time} surgical, temporary, interim, definitive
{other} soft, zirconium, etc. Fig. 2

JULY 2005 91

Fig. 3
Fig. 4


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