On the
Vizhinjam Port
School of Infrastructure
Amity University, Noida
I hereby declare that the project report submitted by me is based on actual and original work
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material obtained from other sources have been duly cited and referenced. I further certify
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Working on this summer internship project has been a great learning experience for me,
which provided a brisk and viable experience to me. My experience while working in this
project ranges from the moment of anxiety, when I could not solve for several days, to
moments of ecstasy when after struggling for several days I was ultimately able to find
solution to my problem. It would not have been possible for me to complete the project
without the help of many people. I would like to express my gratitude to all of them but some
omissions are inevitable.
It is said that behind the accomplishment of any effort there are some dedicated individuals
who put in their best to get the job done.
Firstly, we would like to express our appreciation and gratitude to our esteemed project guide
Mr. DTV Raghuramaswamy for the endless hours of help, suggestions, ideas and advice
during the development of this project for his endless support. Their technical know-how in
this subject is only surpassed by their experience.
I am also grateful to all the faculty members for their sincere remarks and suggestions about
my project and grateful for their time to time useful and productive suggestions.
Last but not the least, we would also like to thank to all my college friends who directly or
indirectly gave their significant contribution in my project.
Ports are one of the most crucial links in the development of a country’s trade and its
economy. This is self-evident in the case of insular economies such as Hong Kong and
Singapore or the United Kingdom. Even for continental economies like India, globalisation of
trade is key to development of the economy. Since this trade is carried primarily by sea-borne
vessels, port development gains strategic importance as the key to economic development.
India has an approximately 5,423 km long peninsular coastline and is located close to major
shipping routes linking East Asia, Europe and the Middle East. India therefore has the
potential to significantly grow its maritime trade with other countries and as its economy
grows, necessity of developing ports for international trade will also grow.
Presently there are 12 Major Ports and 187 Non-Major ports in India. The Major Ports are all
Government owned and handle around 64% of India’s maritime trade.
The country’s ports sector has witnessed strong growth over the past decade with total traffic
handled by it increasing from nearly 300 million tonnes in FY01 to 883 million tonnes in
FY11. The traffic-handling capacity of major ports increased at a CAGR of 7.3% during
2006–2011 to reach 645 million tonnes. During the same year, traffic handled at non-major
ports grew at 8.6% year on year, largely due to the 12.4% year on year growth of Gujarat
Maritime Board (GMB) ports.
The 12 major ports carry about 64% of the total maritime transport of the country. The share
of non-major ports in cargo traffic has increased from less than 10 per cent in 1990 to the
current levels of 36% due to congestion and inefficiencies at major ports and with
development of minor ports by the respective states. There has been an impressive growth of
about 11.6% per annum in container traffic during the five years ending 2010-11. The
container trade went up to 10 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) by 2012 from 2.47
million TEU in 2000.
Along its coastline of nearly 585 km, Kerala has one major port at Cochin and 17 non major
ports. The non-major ports are under the administration of Government of Kerala.
Government of Kerala intends to provide a boost to coastal shipping with further
development of ports, which will ease the burden on the heavily congested highways
in the State apart from savings in transportation and social-emissions cost. Government,
besides acting as a catalyst for establishment of new ship repair and ship building industries,
also encourages other port based industries contributing to the development of ports.
Currently, Kerala government is in the process of modernizing ports at Vizhinjam, Azhikkal,
Beypore and Alappuzha.
The Government of Kerala (GoK) through its special purpose government company (SPV)-
Vizhinjam International Seaport Ltd (VISL), is developing deep water Multipurpose
Greenfield Port at Vizhinjam in Thiruvananthapuram, capital city of Kerala. The SPV is fully
owned by the Government of Kerala.
The GoK through VISL, appointed the International Finance Corporation (IFC) as its
Transaction Advisor to assist in the structuring and implementation of the Vizhinjam Port
project and also to help organize a well-structured and transparent bid transaction as the port
was initially proposed to be developed based on PPP model. IFC with the
help of Drewry Shipping’s International, UK, carried out the market assessment and Royal
Haskoning as their technical consultant to prepare preliminary project plan for the proposed
development. Drewry in their studies indicated that because of a small immediate hinterland,
the biggest potential for Vizhinjam project was to attract container transshipment traffic.
However, because of the intense competition from the ports of Colombo and Vallarpadam
terminal in Cochin and other ports, it was projected that Vizhinjam would need to
aggressively price its container handling services to be able to attract traffic away from the
competing ports.
The bidding for the project development took place for two rounds as part of the PPP process.
In the first round in 2004, consortium of Kaidi Electric Power Private Ltd (lead), Zoom
Developers Pvt. Ltd and China Harbour Engg was selected but could not get security
clearance from the Government of India. In the second round in 2007, consortium of Lanco
Kondapally Pvt Ltd (lead), Lanco Infratech Ltd and Pembinan Rezdai, Malaysia was
selected. Prolonged litigation by one of the unsuccessful bidders against the evaluation of the
bids eventually resulted in the winning bidder to withdraw after the letter of award was
issued. In the latest round in 2010 based on “Landlord Port Model”, out of the two bidders,
only one consortium (Welspun Infratech Limited (India) (lead); Welspun Corp. Limited
(India) and Leighton Contractors (India) Private Limited with no operator in the consortium)
got security clearance. Later the Govt. cancelled the bid and decided to go for fresh bid after
obtaining environmental clearance.
The proposed project is based on a Landlord Port Model1, where all the civil work facilities
viz., construction of basic infrastructure like breakwater, quay wall, dredging, reclamation,
rail and road access to the Port will be developed by VISL. Port Operation will be through the
PPP model for an agreed concession time period. Terminal operator(s) may be required to
develop the container yard, terminal buildings, and purchase & operate the cargo handling
equipments, depending on the final project structuring plan adopted by VISL. It is envisioned
to develop this port incorporating the proven and cost effective Green Port initiatives in all
aspects of construction and
VISL have appointed AECOM to prepare the “Detailed Project Report” (DPR) for the
Development of Vizhinjam Port as part of the EIA compliance and consolidate findings from
various studies conducted in past and present.
The port will be developed in three phases. Once fully developed, the Phase-1 of the port is
envisioned to have,
Breakwater of total length 3,180 (main breakwater 3,040m with 140m extension for fish
landing harbour)
to be developed in Phase-1.
Container berth length of 800m capable of handling upto current largest 18,000 TEU
container vessels.
Container yard behind the quay length with depth of up to 500m.
Port craft berth of 100m and Coast Guard berth of 120m length.
Cruise cum Multipurpose cargo Berth of 300m length.
Berthing and Storage/ operation facilities for Indian Navy with berth length 500m.
Fish landing center with a total berth length of 500m.
The port is designed primarily to cater to the container transhipment business. Fish Landing
berths and Cruise berth are being developed as part of CSR activities as an outcome of the
ESIA study to improve the fisheries and tourism sector in the project vicinity.
The Navy and Coast guard berths are as per the requirements of the security of the country as
desired by the Ministry of Defence, Government of India, considering the strategic location
of Vizhinjam Port in the Indian Peninsula for combined operations of the Army & Air force
stations located in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
The port location is selected to tap the potential of development of a deep water international
container transshipment port that can handle the largest container vessels serving the East-
West shipping route as shown in Figure. The proposed port location is just south to the
existing fishery harbour of Vizhinjam. The main competition of the port is with Colombo
Port, Sri Lanka.
Table summarizes number of container vessels traveling East-West or West-East that are
stopping at Colombo vs. not stopping at Colombo. More than 70% of container vessels that
are larger than 10,000 TEU in size do not stop at Colombo. On average only 50% of vessels
of size 6000 to 10000 TEU make a stop at Colombo in their East-West or West-East voyage.
This shows that there is an opportunity to service these bigger vessels at Vizhinjam.
Competitive position of proposed Vizhinjam port vis-à-vis major competing ports in terms of
existing infrastructure available to handle container cargo and key performance parameters of
the terminal. The information summarized in here was collected from internet searches, and
latest information may have changed after submission of this report.
The data on site conditions for Vizhinjam Port site has been compiled from the various site
specific studies /investigations undertaken by various agencies with a view to ascertain the
suitability of the site for development of a deep water port and arrive at the design
Meteorological Data
This information has been extracted from previous studies for the project as well as from the
West Coast of India Pilot (WCIP) climatological table applicable for the Trivandrum area and
the project site.
Vizhinjam has a tropical humid climate with hot summers and the region is characterised by
two seasonal monsoons:
The North-East monsoon occurs between October to December and is characterised by
predominant north-easterly winds.
The South-West monsoon extends from June to September and is characterised by
occurrence of rain, with predominantly south westerly winds.
The mean maximum daily temperature varies from 29°C and 32°C. March, April and May
are considered to be the hottest months of the year with temperature rising up to 33° Celsius.
Mean minimum daily temperature varies between 24°C to 30°C, with the lowest occurring in
Relative Humidity
Humidity is high and rises to about 89% during the southwest monsoon in the month of June.
The mean monthly average relative humidity varies between 73% and 84%.
The average rainfall is around 1835mm per annum. The region gets most of the rainfall from
the south west monsoon which lasts till September, while the northeast monsoon commences
in October. May to November is the wettest months of the year with an average rainfall in
excess of 220mm per month, with a maximum of 356mm in June. Rainfall is at its peak in the
month of June and July.
Dry weather sets in by the end of December lasting up to May with average rainfall of
approximately 27mm per month.
Cyclones occasionally make landfall in the west coast compared to the east coast of India. It
is observed from the tracks of the cyclones in the Arabian Sea that in the last 100 years only 4
storms have passed nearby the project location of which only 2 had impact on the study
region in the above said period i.e. the frequency of the cyclone occurrence is approximately
once in 25 years.
Throughout the year visibility is good as the region has zero fog days and therefore there are
no constraints to the navigation in this regard.
Oceanographic Data
The hydrodynamics of the region is influenced by the prevailing local wind conditions. The
information provided in WCIP shows the presence of three distinct climatic conditions,
namely during SW monsoon, during NE monsoon and during the transition period. The three
major wind patterns prevalent during these seasons are moderate to strong wind blowing
from SW, moderate to strong wind blowing from NE and very low wind speeds.
LTR has analyzed offshore wind data at 8° 00’ 00” N and 76° 15’ 00” E from offshore
dataset (BMT ARGOSS) for the period of 1992 to 2009. The analysis of BMT ARGOSS data
revealed that the most prominent wind direction is SW during southwest monsoon period and
NE corresponding to the north east monsoons which are relatively less intense than the wind
from SW. During the SW monsoon, the wind blow predominantly from South to West
(during August to September). The wind gradually shifts towards north with reduced
intensity and gradually increasing towards east direction indicating the onset of north east
monsoons. The predominant wind direction is found to be between 240° and 315° that occurs
approximately for 54% of the time. The highest wind speeds are about 15m/s. During the
Non-Monsoon season, from January to April, wind direction varies strongly. The most
dominant directions are West and Northeast. Over 50% of all wind speeds are lower than 4
m/s in this season.
Four sets of offshore wave data have been obtained previously as listed below:
1. From BMT ARGOSS, for the period 18 years from 1992 to 2009
2. BMO data for the period of 8 years from 1995 to 2003 consisting time-series of wind wave
parameters (significant wave height, mean wave period and mean wave direction) with
records every 6 hours. These data do not represent the cyclone winds and waves that are
essential for estimating the design wind and wave conditions. Hence, the cyclone data was
extracted from:
3. Cyclone eAtlas from India Meteorological Department (IMD) for the period of 1891 to
4. From the Joint Typhoon Warning Centre (JTWC2) website, this is a combined United
States Air Force/Navy organization under the operational command of the Commanding
Officer, JTWC, and Pearl Harbour, Hawaii.
LTR Analysis
Cyclonic data in the form of storm tracks were collected from IMD by LTR. Data for almost
117 years covering the period 1891 – 2007 were analyzed and 4 selected cyclones of various
years namely 1961, 1987, 1993 and 2005 were considered for further analysis, as these were
most severe with regard to intensity that hit in the vicinity/ nearby of the proposed port
location. LTR concluded that all these cyclones passed through the land
mass before emerging into the sea near to the project site thus dissipating energy. Peak wind
velocity is occurring far from the project site (as seen in Figure 2.8). Due to these factors
LTR concluded that the effect of cyclone is expected to be insignificant at the project site of
Vizhinjam port and hence extreme analysis presented in applicable for the project site.
Water Levels
The tides in the region are of the semi-diurnal type i.e. characterized by occurrence of two
High and two Low
Waters every day. Tidal levels for Vizhinjam are extracted from National Hydrographic
Chart 222 as presented
Mean Highest High Water (MHHW) + 0.8 m
Mean Lowest High Water (MLHW) + 0.7 m
Mean Highest Low Water (MHLW) + 0.4 m
Mean Lowest Low Water (MLLW) + 0.3 m
Mean Sea Level (MSL) + 0.5 m
The storm surge heights calculated for various cyclones in the past were subjected to extreme
wind conditions.
Based on this, the storm surge height of 0.3m was calculated for the return period of 200
years. 30 days tide measurements for 3 seasons have been initiated by VISL and first set of
measurements were carried in the sea off Vizhinjam for the period from 22nd January 2013
to 4th April 2013. EMCON automatic tide gauge was used for the measurement and was
installed near the Coast Guard jetty, inside the fishing harbour for
measuring the tides. The variation on tide levels was recorded at 10 minute interval and the
recorded values were reduced to chart datum applicable for Vizhinjam. The recorded tides
show that the spring tidal range is about 0.5m to 0.7m during the measurement period.
Sea level around the world is observed to be increasing in the recent past due to global
warming. The available satellite observations data with nearly global coverage taken from
1970’s show that the sea level is rising at a rate of 3mm/yr and the same was confirmed from
the coastal tide gauge measurements. To arrive at the design deck level and onshore yard
level, it is pertinent to consider the effects of sea level arise for waterfront structures over the
port design life. In this regard, LTR carried out the model studies to assess this impact. IPCC
Special Report on Emission Scenarios (SRES) projected that by mid 2090’s the rise in global
sea level will be about 4mm/yr and the same was considered to arrive at the project sea level
rise. The projected sea level rise for the project location after 50,100 and 200 years will be
0.2, 0.4 and 0.8m.
Currents at the site are mostly of monsoon origin and tend to follow the trend of the coast.
The current speed is about 1knot for the months of December to January with a direction of
NW indicating the effects of north east monsoons and about 2knots during SW monsoon with
direction as SE.
The data on currents was collected as part of the oceanographic investigations carried out at
the project site by EGS Survey. The location plan of the current meter observations is shown
in Figure 2.9. Current measurements were carried out at three locations (CM1, CM2 & CM3
at -10m CD, -16m CD & -23m CD respectively). Teledyne RDI Workhorse Sentinel 600
KHz Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP) current meters were deployed at
locations CM2 & CM3 and 600 kHz Rio Grande ADCP was deployed, fixed to the side of the
vessel, at location CM1 in a downward looking mode to measure the speed and direction of
the current. ADCP was used to measure the current speed and direction for 3 depths (near
surface, mid-depth and near bottom) at each location.
The ADCPs were programmed to record the currents at intervals of 10 minutes for a period of
30 days to cover one lunar cycle at each location.
The data reveals that the current flow was parallel to the coast and the surface currents are
mostly wind driven. The maximum current of 0.89 knots was measured at the water surface
and during the period of observation the current speed was mainly in the range of 0 to 0.5
The sea bed engineering surveys were carried out by Fugro Geotech Pvt. Ltd. in May 2011.
The survey maps
were prepared in UTM co-ordinates (Universal Transverse Mercator) and supplemented by
geographical coordinates
(latitudes and longitudes in degrees, minutes and seconds), on WGS 84. The depths are
indicated with
respect to chart datum.
Bathymetry Survey
Odom Echotrac MK II dual frequency single beam echo sounder, with transducer operating at
33 kHz and 210 kHz frequencies was used for measuring water depths. R2 Sonic 2024 multi
beam echo sounder system was used for acquiring swath bathymetric data within the survey
area to study the extent and bed profile of rock outcrop within the survey area. Prior to
commencing survey works the echo sounder was calibrated against a ‘Bar Check’.
The bathymetric survey covered an area extending upto 21m contour into the sea which is at
a distance of approximately 1.5km from the shoreline and 5km along the shore. Water depths
within the survey area were ranging between a minimum of 0.0 m (at the northern extreme of
the survey area, near to shore line) and a maximum of 22.5 m (at the southern extreme of the
survey area). The recorded depths within the survey area were reduced to chart datum using
predicted tides. Figure 2.10 shows the bathymetric survey map for the project site. Contours/
Isobaths at 1m interval are depicted in survey map. Generally, Isobaths within the survey area
are oriented parallel to the coast line, except the unevenness observed at the rock outcropping
The following classification was generally adopted to define bathymetric gradients:
Development of Vizhinjam Port
Detailed Project Report 2-14
<1° Very gentle
1° - 5° Gentle
5° - 10° Moderate
10° - 15° Steep
>15° Very steep
In general, the seabed within the survey area was gently sloping down towards south west.
The seabed between the shoreline and 10 m depth contour in the project site has a slope of 1:
36 (1.59°) is comparatively steeper than the seabed between 10 m and 15 m depth contours
and these contours run parallel to the shoreline.
Consequently the reverse trend is conspicuous in the deeper water i.e., along the seabed
between 10 m and 15m depth contours which has slope of 1: 110 (0.5°) which continues with
the similar trend in the region beyond 15m depth in the study region.
This survey reveals the sea bed features and any obstruction to the navigational operations.
Geo-Acoustics Side
Scan Sonar System SS941 Trans receiver159 DF with Tow fish 100 / 410 kHz transducers,
soft and FUGRO’s
proprietary GLog /GPlot geophysical digital data acquisition system were used for
acquisition of side scan sonar
data within the area.
Seabed sediments within the survey area was classified into following types based on the
acoustic reflectivity
observed on the side scan sonar records.
Type 1: Low to medium reflective seabed interpreted as Clayey / Silty Fine SAND
Type 2: Medium reflective seabed interpreted as fine to medium SAND
Type 3: High reflective seabed interpreted as Rock Outcrops
In general, Type 1 and Type 2 sediments were predominant within the survey area and were
randomly distributed
over the survey area. Rock out crops (Type 3) was predominant in areas close to the shore
line. Distribution of
various seabed types within the survey area is depicted.
Total five (5) sonar contacts were recorded within the survey area. All the sonar contacts
were found without any
measurable height and were classified as hard contacts.
No significant seabed features were identified within the survey area. No existing pipelines /
cables were
identified on the survey records within the survey area. The output of side scan surveys is
This survey is essential in order to assess the compactness of the seabed which could affect
the dredging and/or navigation. Geo-Acoustics 5430A sub-bottom profiler (pinger) system
was deployed to obtain the sub-seabed shallow geological information within the survey area.
Boomer system was deployed for collecting the subseabed shallow geological information
within the survey area. An Applied Acoustic Engineering CSP -1500 with Boomer Plate was
used as the seismic energy source and the returning seismic signal was received by an
Geopulse eight element hydrophone array. The penetration of acoustic waves primarily
depends on the type of instruments, the frequency used and the geology of the surveyed area.
The compactness of the sediment derived from the seismic records, is presented in the form
of Isopach map. Isopachs at 1m interval, showing the thickness of this unit, is as. Isopachs are
contours connecting points of equal thickness. Isopachs are true stratigraphic thicknesses; i.e.
perpendicular to bedding surfaces. For example, the isopach contour of 9 m implies that the
sediment column is present for atleast 9 m thickness without presence of any hard strata.
To assess and confirm the sub soil data available based on the above, VISL commissioned the
geotechnical investigations through M/s Fugro Geotech Ltd. Mumbai (Fugro). The broad
objectives of the investigation were as follows:
To acquire detailed geotechnical information on the sub seabed
To assess the engineering properties and classification of soil / rock samples
To provide geotechnical parameters and interpretation of the lithology across the site
The scope of work for the geotechnical investigations comprised drilling of 16 boreholes with
various field and laboratory tests generally in accordance with relevant India/ British/
American Codes in practice. The various components of the work were drilling using jack-up
mounted drill rigs, conducting SPT, sampling, coring, laboratory testing on the soil and rock
samples collected and preparation of report. The results of the data obtained from the above
boreholes and laboratory investigations of the samples obtained are discussed and presented
in the following paragraphs.
Based on the concept layout developed by RH, marine geotechnical investigations were
undertaken by M/s. Fugro Geotech Pvt. Ltd as part of the investigation study. The location
plan of marine boreholes conducted at site is presented in. Specific borehole data has been
utilized to prepare soil profiles to study the distribution of the sub strata and assess the
geotechnical conditions of the particular component. The various soil profiles along the
important components of the port are shown in Figure 2.17 to Figure 2.21 respectively
Soil Profile 1: Along Northern Breakwater (BW 02, 03, 04, 05)
The top layer is loose to medium dense silty sand with shell fragments. The depth of this
layer varies from 5 m at the north to 21 m along the south of the breakwater. This layer is
underlain immediately by a layer of very dense clayey sand. This layer is underlain with very
dense sand with gravels in borehole BW 02. The dense sub soil layer of very dense silty
clayey sand is observed in all the profile boreholes which continue up to the termination
depth of the borehole. The profile boreholes were terminated at an average depth of -50 m
Soil Profile 2: Along Northern Breakwater (BA 01, BW 01, 02)
This profile is similar to Profile 1 with the top layer of loose to medium dense silty sand with
shell fragments. The depth of this layer varies from 5 m at the north to 21 m along the
breakwater. The profile boreholes were terminated at an average depth of -50 m CD.
Soil Profile 3: Along Basin and Approach channel (BW 01, BA 02, BA 03, AC 01, AC 02,
AC 03)
The top layer of all the boreholes along this profile is loose to very dense grey silty fine sand
with shell fragments.
This layer is followed with the layer of stiff to very dense silty clayey sand which continues
up to the termination depth in BW 01. The borehole was terminated at the depth of -47m CD
while, rest of the other boreholes in the channel were terminated at an average depth of -24m
Soil Profile 4: Along Container Berths (BA 01, TA 01, TA 02, TA 03, TA 04, TA 05)
The top layer in this profile is loose to medium dense clayey sand with the shell fragments as
well as some portion of weathered rock fragments. The subsequent layer in this profile is of
weathered charnockite ranging from weak to strong in nature. Hard rock in the form of
Gneiss and Khandolite is encountered in borehole TA 04.
Borehole TA 02, 03 and 04 were terminated at an average depth of -50m CD where the
refusal layer was encountered while in the other borehole the termination depth were at -30m
Soil Profile 5: Along the Inner Southern Breakwater (South Breakwater not needed now)
(RV 01, RV 02)
The top layer along this profile is of silty sand. The depth of this layer varied from 2m close
to the shore to 12m near the tip of the breakwater. A layer of weathered moderately strong
rock of gneiss is sandwiched between the top layer and the layer of moderately weathered
rocky layer of Khandolite which continues up to the borehole termination depth. RV 01 was
terminated at -31m CD while RV 02 was terminated at -52m CD where the refusal.
Topographic Information
Topography along the shore is very steep with weathered rock patches and high land areas.
General topography of the port back-up land right behind the shoreline varies from +5m CD
to up to +35m CD. The red arrows on the figure are showing steepness of the topography.
The red arrow is connecting 10m & 35m elevation contours. Mulloor Naga Temple shown in
the figure is located at approximately +12m elevation on a high land area.
The proposed project falls under Seismic Zone III (moderate seismic disturbance up to 0-0.2)
as per IS 1893 (Part I) of Indian Seismic Map. The zoning map as per Geological Survey of
Road Link
The Thiruvananthapuram district is well connected by road, rail & airport to the rest of the
country. National highway NH 47 passes through Thiruvananthapuram and is at a distance of
approximately 8km and running almost parallel to the shoreline. NH47 connects Salem to
Kanyakumari and is connected to Cochin Port through NH 47A. From Cochin to further
north it is connected to Mumbai through NH 17. Thiruvananthapuram in North
and Nagercoil & Kanyakumari in south are the nearest major urban centers on the NH 47. It
is also connected to the major towns such as Thrissur, Palakkad, Kollam, Alappuzha in
Kerala; and Coimbatore and Salem in Tamil Nadu. NH 47 is connected to Chennai and the
Power Supply
The main supply of power to Vizhinjam and nearby surrounding villages is from 66 KV
substation located at Vizhinjam which is at a distance of approximately 5km from the port
site. The supply to these lines is from the Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB). This
substation is already being utilized to the maximum at peak time and drawing the power
requirement from the above substation was not found to be feasible.
Upgradation of the existing 66 KV lines and towers in the route between Balarampuram and
Vizhinjam to the KSEB Vizhinjam substation to 220 KV is underway through double circuit
line. In between this route, at about 9km from Balaramapuram (Tower No.VZM 27), one of
the 220KV line will deviate 3km to the proposed VISL 220KV substation at Kdarakkuzhy.
The operation needs for the project development are proposed to be supplied by KSEB, by
drawing a 220 KV double circuit line from Kattakkada to the proposed GIS substation of the
Vizhinjam Project at Kdarakkuzhy adjoining the proposed NH47 bypass and the truck
terminal area. This substation will act as the main receiving substation for which the state
government will provide the power supply. KSEB has already carried out the feasibility study
in this regard.
Water Source
The GoK has committed to provide water supply to the port from the available natural water
source of Vellayani lake. The water supply scheme designed by the Kerala Water Authority
(DER, August, 2006) is for drawing 3.30 MLD of water from Vellayani Lake and to treat the
same at a treatment plant located at Vizhinjam in the land available with the Harbour
Engineering Department (HED). As per the report, 3.00 MLD of water will be available
after treatment. Further, 2% (0.06 MLD) is required for backwash and 15% (0.45 MLD) is
required for UFW (unusable flow water), resulting in a net availability of 2.49 MLD.
Of the total 2.49 MLD, 1.00 MLD has been allotted to Vizhinjam Port and 0.05 MLD to
existing Vizhinjam Fishery Harbour, and remaining 1.44 MLD will be allocated as part of the
Corporate Social Responsibility to the local community which is facing an acute drinking
water shortage in the localities in and around the site of the
proposed Vizhinjam Port.The water supply scheme has been commissioned on 25th April
2013, by supplying water to the local community as part of CSR activities of VISL. The
supply terminates at Karimpallikkara from where it can be connected to the
port premises as per requirements. Figure 2.27 shows the location of the Vellayani Lake that
will be the source of water for the Vizhinjam Port.
VISL through IFC appointed Drewry Shipping Consultants for determining the traffic
potential at Vizhinjam Port after assessing and analysing the impact of various factors
influencing the maritime trade globally. The cargo volume projections for Vizhinjam Port
were forecast under three different scenarios viz. High case, Base case and Low case
scenarios. AECOM presents the summary of Drewry findings in this chapter, which is the
base for planning the facilities in the DPR. It is recommended to reference the Drewry study
for additional information required on the Traffic numbers presented in this report.
Project Need
India’s GDP is expected to grow at 6.6% over the forecasted period FY 2014-2044. During
this period, India’s container’s gateway traffic is forecasted to grow at 7.5% from 7.3 M TEU
in FY 09 to 91.0 M TEU in FY 44. North West India would continue to dominate the
container traffic handling volumes with estimated 60% of the forecast traffic in FY44
handled at Maharashtra and Gujarat ports. The central and upper east coast would have a
market share of 8%, a slight increase from 7.1% share in FY09. The share of lower west &
lower east coast ports in India is likely to increase from 25% in FY09 to approximately 32%
in FY 44.
Drewry carried out historical traffic analysis for the Indian Sub-Continent (ISC) to
understand the regional trade and commodity profiles together with a hinterland assessment
to map the key consumption areas and production centers in India and traffic potential for the
Vizhinjam Port. Drewry concluded that providing of container handling services at the
proposed port would constitute as the primary opportunity justifying the need to build the
Vizhinjam Port.
Container Business
The Indian Sub-Continent (ISC) gateway container volumes have increased from 4.3 M TEU
in 1997 to 14.7 M TEU in 2008. The west coast of India contributes the largest share (50%)
of container traffic in the region. Almost 2.5% of the total gateway traffic is regional ISC
traffic, 66% of the gateway traffic is served through feeder services and rest 31.5% is carried
on mainline vessels in the region.
In principle, container transshipment is needed to transfer the containers from a smaller
feeder vessel to a much larger mainline vessels transiting along the East-West corridor and
vice-versa. Larger (>10000 TEU) container vessels tend to provide cost savings of atleast
30% per TEU as compared to feeder vessels of sizes less than 4000 TEU. Note that almost
60% of the ISC transshipment cargo is being handled by Ports outside of ISC, who are fed
from ISC feeder ports mostly using smaller container vessels of less than 6000 TEU.
Colombo is the largest transshipment hub for ISC traffic in the region and handles around
35% of the total ISC transshipment traffic, whereas 4.1% of the ISC transshipment volume is
handled by ports other than Colombo within the ISC region, while it is important to note that
almost 61% of the ISC transshipment traffic is handled by hub ports outside ISC, namely
Singapore, Salalah, Jebel Ali, etc. Cost of importing/exporting from India is relatively higher
than in other developed countries, primarily due to inefficiencies in the logistics chain, lack
of deep draft port facilities and capacity constrained hinterland cargo
evacuation system. Vizhinjam is strategically located along south of the Kerala coast and is
only 10-20 nautical miles away from the East-West world shipping corridor. Its planned
location is endowed with natural deep draft water and is estimated to have minimal
maintenance dredging needs. The Greenfield location has enabled for the master plan to be
developed to provide world class infrastructure for efficient services and to cater for future
development potential of the region.
Vizhinjam has a good potential to capture the transshipment cargo from Colombo and outside
of ISC region ports. With these advantages and planned facilities to handle the biggest
container vessels (upto 18,000 TEUs),
Vizhinjam will be able to attract mainline vessels to call directly instead of trans-shipment at
other ports outside of the country. This will result in savings in overall import/export logistics
cost for the Indian consumer.
Transshipment Business
From a volume and market share point of view, Vizhinjam Port poses a very good business
case. The Indian growth story will provide cargo for Vizhinjam and considerable cargo will
flow through Vizhinjam, mainly due to its geographical advantage to the main cargo
consuming and generating clusters in India.
Majority of the cargo that Vizhinjam port is planning to handle is currently not handled by
any of the Indian port. As detailed in the Drewry report, currently the majority of India’s
container traffic is transhipped through ports outside of India. More than 60% of India’s
containerized import/export cargo is transhipped and handled on feeder vessels and only less
than 40% of the containers are coming in directly to Indian Ports by mainline vessels,
resulting in higher cost of import/export for Indian citizens and businesses. India’s
import/export cost per TEU is relatively much higher than many other developed countries in
the West and Asia. The Vizhinjam port has potential to become a world class trans-shipment
hub primarily for ISC cargo servicing entire India. The port mainly faces competition from
Colombo for the transshipment cargo and ICTT for gateway traffic. The gateway traffic will
be limited to about 20% of total traffic sourced from Kollam and Trivandrum as the
main hinterland of the Vizhinjam Port, resulting in overall reduction in congestion and air
emissions by reducing the average truck travel distance.
Drewry carried out study of the container traffic analysis and traffic trade trend/pattern of the
Indian Subcontinent as bases of container traffic forecast for Vizhinjam port.
Container traffic forecast for India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka was estimated based
on the current traffic pattern and estimated GDP growth rate and container traffic growth.
Forecasted container traffic was being analysed with the international traffic fleets of mother
vessel and feeder vessels.
Gateway container traffic for Vizhinjam Port was forecasted based on linear equation
considering estimated GDP growth. The average growth in import-export traffic in the region
has been 12.9% p.a. in the last 11 years. The west coast of India has shown the strongest
growth, nearing 15% p.a., whilst Sri Lanka has seen a more modest 6.7% p.a. growth rate.
Total gateway traffic reached 11.6 million TEU in 2008, up from 3.1 million TEU in 1997.
Other Traffic
Traffic forecast for bulk cargo traffic was separately carried out by Drewry. Commodities
considered for bulk cargo traffic forecast depending upon hinterland market study and
opportunities with their respective traffic forecast is as under:
Coal Traffic
State of Kerala has neither coal based power plants nor steel plants, which are the key coal
consumers. The power demand in Kerala is met by hydro power plants, wind power plants
and diesel-based thermal power plants. Vizhinjam Port may have a chance to attract coal
importers with proper road and rail connectivity like Tuticorin and Cochin Ports. Overall, the
opportunity for coal cargo traffic at Vizhinjam Port is very small. Coal traffic forecast for
Vizhinjam Port for base and high case scenario is given in Table.
India is the third largest producer of the fertilizers, but still India has to import fertilizers to
meet the demand. Over the last decade, India’s fertilizer production has remained constant.
One of the reasons for no increase in production capacity is unavailability of economically
viable raw materials.
Considering the fertilizer production units of Kerala and Tamil Nadu, they are operating at
the lowest production capacity utilization around 30%. The production capacity utilization
rate is expected to go up after completion of the under construction gas grid connectivity.
Fertilizer imports traffic forecast for Vizhinjam Port is given in Table
Kerala state has very limited chemical consumption. It is expected to grow at the CAGR of
8.7% for year 2013-14 to 2043-44. The current demand of Kerala state for petro product is
being served by Kochi port. Mangalore port is acting as the importer of LPG to cater to
demand of the state. Table 3.4 and Table represent the Chemical & petrochemical traffic and
Petro products traffic forecast for Vizhinjam respectively
Edible Oil
India is second only to China in edible oil imports. The competitive ports of Vizhinjam port
themselves handle around 3.3% of the country’s total import of edible oil. Government of
Kerala had banned the import of all types of crude edible oil in year 2008-09 to protect
interest of local coconut farmers. But the ban had not created much impact on production of
edible oil refineries as they shifted their import to New Mangalore Port. Traffic forecast for
Edible oil import is as Table 3.6. It is to be noted that Vizhinjam Port will not provide any
significant advantage to existing oil refineries once the ban on imports is lifted.
Cruise market
Kerala is one of the major tourist destinations in India. Tourism has significant contribution
in economy of Kerala State. Location of Vizhinjam port has an advantage that it is in reach of
many tourist destinations of the state, a potential for cruise business. The operational window
for cruise vessels would typically peak in the non-monsoon period from November to April,
with lower activity during the monsoon. It was concluded that World class cruise facilities
will be needed at competitive rates to capitalize on this market niche and hence Drewry
advised on a coordinated and collaborative marketing and promotion strategy to boost cruise
vessel calls at Vizhinjam. Key findings of the study are stated below:
Kovalam is a major tourist destination in India. This can be leveraged to attract cruise
vessels at Vizhinjam;
High port dues and inadequate cruise vessel and passenger handling facilities are seen as a
major deterrent for cruise operators in India;
A marketing and promotion strategy along with world class specialized cruise facilities at
competitive port charges can promote cruise tourism at Vizhinjam;
Average passenger spend per port is around USD 100 to 120. This could bring in revenue
of around USD 80,000 to 96,000 per vessel call;
Collaborative effort of state government, players in the hospitality industry and cruise
operators are prerequisite;
Drewry estimated following number of cruise vessel calls based on the preliminary study:
In 2010, VISL in consultation with IFC had decided to develop the proposed port for
container handling and multipurpose terminal with limited number of commodities handled at
the port. Port will be developed under three phases and the phase wise cargo traffic forecast
adopted for development is as shown in Table
Transshipment Containers
Container transshipment is the primary cargo for Vizhinjam Port right from the Phase-1
development. Based on the projections, the maximum vessel size at the port is likely to be
driven by the Transshipment traffic. During Phase-1, the design vessel considered is 18,000
The projected import / export trade through the port hinterland is relatively modest. In this
case, it is likely that the vessel sizes for import/ export trade will be driven by the use of the
transshipment vessels for carrying the import/export cargo as well. For other direct vessel
calls serving the import/export cargo, the design vessels considered are in the range of 1,000
TEU to 6,000 TEU.
Based on the outcome of ship size analysis for container traffic carried out in the preceding
paragraphs, the design ship sizes considered for development of VISL port have been
presented in Table
It is difficult to predict the size or type of general cargo ship that will use the port as it
depends on what industries establish in the free trade zone.
The traditional general cargo ship with central accommodation and a series of holds under
deck mounted derricks has almost disappeared in favour of small bulk carriers with aft (rear
of the ship) accommodation. The general cargo commodities such as Fertiliser, Raw cashew
and Timber are likely to be handled in ships, which range from 25,000 DWT to 40,000 DWT
discharged using shore cranes or slewing cranes mounted on the ship. For port planning
purposes a 40,000 DWT is recommended as the maximum design size of general cargo ship
to be calling at the proposed Vizhinjam Port.
Cruise Vessels
As per the Drewry report, the estimated size of the cruise vessel varies from 1200 passengers
in Phase-1 to up to 3000 passengers in the Master Plan. Since the cruise market assessment
conducted during the planning process predicts increasing cruise ship lengths and larger
cruise passenger populations on each ship, the cruise berths are planned in the start of Phase-
1 port development and the requirements of the projected larger fleet are accommodated in
the Phase-1 itself.
Based on the outcome of ship size analysis for major commodities carried out in the
preceding paragraphs, the design ship sizes considered for Phase-1 development of
Vizhinjam port is presented in Table
The Integrated Master Plan for the proposed port at Vizhinjam has been submitted by
AECOM in November 2012. Considering the needs of the Indian Navy and considering the
outcome of the ESIA and modeling studies, the master plan layout has been further optimized
in May, 2013. This section provides a summary of the master plan. Please refer to the master
plan report available through VISL for additional details.
The final Master Plan (also referred to as Phase-3 of development) results from identifying
the infrastructure needed to achieve the projected market demand over the 30-year planning
horizon for the Vizhinjam Port’s two core commodities: containerized cargo and cruise. This
is based on the traffic projections in the IFC/Drewry 2010 report, and considering the limited
/ utilizable shore length of 2.5 Km at Vizhinjam. This infrastructure will include:
Ability to berth fully laden two 12,500 20-foot equivalent container units (TEU) vessels in
Phase-1 itself with capability to handle up to 18,000 TEU vessels.
Ability to handle 3,000 passenger capacity cruise ships.
Additional fish landing berths on the sea side sheltered section of breakwater.
Liquid bunker fuel berth in Master Plan.
Container Yard on reclaimed land.
Rail line to port and the railway yard.
Berthing facilities for Coast Guard and Indian Navy.
Other support and ancillary facilities.
The AECOM team applied the site-specific physical constraints, based on the infrastructure
assessment, to identify the master plan while keeping VISL objectives in mind. These
constraints include proximity to an existing fishing harbor and fishermen settlements in the
north; a temple in the middle; a fishing village with long beach (Adimalathura) in the south
(Phase-3 end) and steep topography of the backup area. In summary the Master Plan
addresses four main factors:
Market: The master plan is based on the traffic analysis performed by IFC/Drewry (2010)
and is planned to accommodate the 2044 high case scenario. In addition, expansion potential
of the master plan will allow to port to expand beyond 2044. The master plan is flexible
enough to accommodate various types of cargoes depending on the market situation (cruise,
multi-purpose cargo). Based on the market forecast, it is recommended that Port of
Vizhinjam be developed in three phases with Phase-3 bringing it up to the final master plan
Technical: The master plan presents the most technically sound option after taking into
due consideration the physical constraints at the site and providing a futuristic world class
efficient facility with green design concepts.
Environmental: The master plan takes into account various environmental aspects such
Provides a 300m clearance between the existing fishing harbor to avoid disturbing the
facilities due to proposed port;
Minimizes the land cutting with efficient arrangement of terminal facilities;
Minimizes tree uprooting in the back land by locating terminal facilities away from
existing shoreline;
Provides flexibility to incorporate green initiatives.
Social: The Master Plan has been carefully arrived at to minimize impact on the adjoining
population, some of the factors considered are:
Fishing community near the proposed port site;
Additional fishery berths are provided for the fishing community;
Rail access has been planned for minimal impact on the adjoining village;
Tourism industry to improve through cruise vessels and the proposed land use will match
the current land use in the cruise terminal area;
Facilities for Indian Navy and Coast Guard to improve security of the country;
Master plan preserves the existing Mulloor Naga temple and provides for unimpeded
access to it. Development of Vizhinjam Port
mathematical modeling studies. The shape/ layout of the northern breakwater have been
designed in such a way that bunkering vessels can also
be berthed in future. The port design was made futuristic by considering 18,000 TEU vessels
as the design vessel in Phase-1 itself with a turning circle of 700m diameter, to cater to tug
assisted rotation of even futuristic vessels of 400+ m length. Considering that about 18m draft
is naturally available at Vizhinjam (which will be deepened to about 21m), currently the
biggest 18,000 TEU vessels (like MAERSK EEE class) will also be able to
berth. After modeling studies, it became evident that south breakwater was not needed for
maintaining tranquillity within the harbour and has been subsequently removed. The
navigation studies have been used to further optimize and
verify the navigational channel of the harbour. The harbour has been further optimized to
accommodate Indian Navy and Coast Guard facilities.
The harbour and breakwater alignment for Phase-2 will be maintained as per the Phase-1
layout. LTR modeling studies have shown that a 200m extension of the breakwater will be
required to achieve permissible level of tranquillity for Phase-2 berths. For the Master Plan
development a further breakwater extension of around 720m will be needed.
Container Berths
The master plan provides for a total of five, 400m each container berths. Phase-1
development will have a total of 800m berth length to accommodate two 12,500 TEU
container vessels. Phase-2 development will add another 400m berth to have a total of 1200m
berth length to accommodate up to three 12,500+ TEU container vessels.
Phase-3 will add two additional 400m berths to have a total of 2000m berth length to
accommodate up to five 12,500+ TEU container vessels. The berths have been planned so as
to meet the traffic forecast. These berths will be designed to be able to berth 18,000 TEU
vessels as well.
Each berth will be equipped with four quay container cranes. The Quay apron area has been
planned to accommodate the crane rail (upto 35m rail gauge), circulation lanes as well as
hatch cover laydown area. The apron area has been planned for a width of 70 meters.
Fishery Berths
The Phase-1 development plan provides for additional fishery berths for the local fishing
community. A total berth length of 500m is provided for along the sheltered sea-ward side of
the proposed north breakwater. The master plan report (2012), suggested that fish landing
berths could also be situated on the sea side of the existing Vizhinjam harbour south
breakwater. However, the modeling reports have shown that only 500m along the proposed
port breakwater are feasible.
6.2.4 Cruise cum Multipurpose Berths
For the port master development, cruise berth will be constructed on the leeside along the
northern breakwater, in order to optimize the container cargo handling berths and provide
flexibility for phasing the cruise berths on a need basis without interrupting the cargo
The master plan provides for two berths for Cruise vessels (300m length in Phase-1 with
200m length additional in Phase-3) along the northern breakwater. The depth required for
manoeuvring and berthing of cruise ships is naturally available at the proposed location and
will not involve any capital dredging. The berths are located on the lee-side of the breakwater
so as to utilize the structure and provide a wide area behind the berths.
Liquid Berth
A provision has been provided in the master plan for a dedicated liquid berth. This berth will
be used to import bunker fuel for the vessels calling at the Vizhinjam port. The berth will be
connected to the storage tanks through pipelines passing along the north breakwater. A
provision for 250m long berth has been provided in the Master Plan and will be able to berth
a 60,000 DWT liquid bulk tanker. The berth will be located south of the Indian Navy berth
along the lee side of the north breakwater. This location would cause minimum interference
between liquid berth operations with any other port vessel operations.
Container Yard
The master plan provides for around 100 hectares of Container Yard and support facilities.
The container yard is located adjacent to the berths allowing for the efficient transfer of
containers from the yard to the apron. The container yard has been planned for efficient
handling operations providing for dedicated areas for full, empty and reefer containers.
Dedicated circulation lanes have also been provided for quay to yard as well as within yard
circulation. The mode of operation for the container yard will be Rubber Tired Gantry (RTG)
Cranes in Phase-1 with provision for up gradation to Electric RTG’s in later phases. Side Pick
cranes are proposed for handling empty containers. Master Plan provides flexibility with
adequate space provision for terminal operator to choose a different container handling
operating mode such as RMG.
Railway Connectivity/Yard
Electrified railway lines (with two live & three service lines - one service line each in Phase
1, 2 and 3) with container handling facilities using Reach Stackers in Phase-1 and Phase-2,
upgradable to RTG’s or Rail Mounted Gantry’s (RMG’s) in Phase-3 have been planned. The
proposed port is essentially a transshipment container terminal with around 30% of gateway
container traffic. The split of gateway traffic coming through rail is assumed to be 30%. The
number of rail lines has been sized to accommodate this traffic. In future, the proximity of the
planned cruise berths to the rail yard can also be utilized to handle the multipurpose/ bulk
cargo from the cruise berths using rail for landside transfer.
Provisional future expansion space east of rail yard and north of the gate complex can be also
used for bunker fuel storage, which can also avail the proximity of rail yard, for bringing in
the liquid petroleum products in the port by rail.
Entry/Exit Gate Complex
The main terminal gate has been provided at the east end of the port. It will consist of a gate
canopy with three entry and three exit lanes with one bypass lane and one lane for port
vehicles on each side. It is planned that the gate operations in Phase-1 will consist of single
shift increasing to two and three shifts in Phase-2 and Phase-3 respectively. The proposed
port is essentially a transshipment container terminal with around 16% of total
Container traffic will be Gateway traffic handled by trucks.
The gate complex is designed for handling the master plan gateway traffic handled by trucks.
Traffic forecast by IFC/Drewry has been considered for designing of gate complex. In case
there will be any change in market statistics and increase in gateway traffic by gate, there will
be possibility to expand gate complex further in northeast direction. In case of two or more
terminal operators, gate complex will remain same and secondary check gates will be
provided at terminal entry points.
Environmental Compliance
VISL has appointed LTR to prepare the integrated EIA report for the Vizhinjam port. VISL
appointed Royal Haskoning (RH) to perform the analysis for marine side impacts. LTR has
performed the analysis for the landside impacts and integrated the RH analysis to produce a
comprehensive EIA report. This chapter presents a summary of LTR work on environmental
compliance. It is recommended to reference the LTR EIA study for additional information
Environmental Baseline
The current state of the environment was studied (primarily for bench marking) in the project
area and within a radius of 10 km from the project site (further referred to as the study area).
The following components of the environment were taken into account: land environment,
water environment, marine environment, air environment, noise, biological environment,
infrastructure and public utilities and the quarry site. The outcomes are summarized in this
Land Environment
The study area consists of marine water and land that is partly covered under green coverage:
mainly coconut plantations in between the cultivated land. The coastal area consists of
multitude of rock outcrops/cliffs and few lateritic cliffs intermingled with beach pockets
without any eco-sensitive areas like mangroves or coral reefs. The land behind the pocket
beaches are intermingled with coconut trees and buildings. Behind the shoreline, at about
500 m inward, agricultural land and coconut plantations are present in-between human
settlements. The Vizhinjam fishing harbour, which is a harbour (natural bay) with manmade
infrastructures, is located at the northern side of the project site (at a distance of
approximately 300 m). This region is densely populated predominantly by fishermen
communities. To study the soil characteristics of the study area, five locations were selected
from where the soil samples were collected and analysed for important relevant physico-
chemical parameters. The soil fertility was observed to be high in the Vizhinjam, Nellimudu
and Mulloor area and lower in the Nedumam and Karinkulam area.
Construction Material: For the reclamation of the land area for the project site as well as the
construction of breakwater, rocks are required, which will be obtained from quarry sites. Four
suitable quarry locations have been shortlisted for the proposed project based on the distance
to the project site, size of quarry, quality of material and potential for environmental impact
(at quarry and via access/transport routes). They are: Karavaram (Kerala), Kadavila (Kerala),
Malayam (Kerala) and Thakala (Tamil Nadu). In August 2012, VISL confirmed that
out of the aforementioned four shortlisted quarry sites, Kadavila and/or Thottyode brownfield
quarries with barge access through Muthalapozhi and Colachel respectively (to minimise the
impact of conveyance through trucks) will be used as source of the quarry materials.
Nevertheless the final selection among the quarries will be carried out by the contractor. The
contractor will be obliged to, among others, consider National/relevant guidelines for
Construction Materials Extraction and the relevant legal framework of India as selection
Water Environment
The major surface water bodies present within the study area are the Karamana River, Neyyar
River and Vellayani Lake. Vellayani Lake is a fresh-water lake, which is the source of water
for Vizhinjam and nearby areas.
According to the available project documentation so far water for the proposed project in the
construction and operation phase will also be sourced from this lake. Neyyar River is along
the 10 km distance boundary.
Both surface and groundwater qualities were analysed at six and five representative locations
for three seasons respectively. The surface water samples were taken from the sources used
by communities for domestic or agricultural purpose and were analyzed for a wide range of
The results indicate that the surface waters were devoid of pollution as for total phenolic
compounds, heavy metals (Lead, Zinc, Chromium, Cadmium, Selenium, Mercury and
Arsenic), cyanide, oil & grease and free ammonia. The results of groundwater quality
analysis for heavy metals like Cadmium, Selenium, Arsenic, Mercury, Lead, Zinc and
Chromium, cyanide, phenolic compounds and Boron, for all samples, signify that the
groundwater is devoid of these kinds of chemical compounds. Total coliform and E. coli were
absent in all the sampled water, which signifies that the water was devoid of
bacteriological/sewage contamination.
Despite the fact that the groundwater table is recharged during the monsoon season (June to
October) the groundwater in Vizhinjam area is being over exploited.
The high population density in the area and an indiscriminate extraction of groundwater for
domestic and agricultural purpose through bore wells and dug wells contributes to water
availability related problems. Selling of water (Water marketing) during summer, especially
in the nearby Venganur Panchayat where it is an established activity, also leads to heavy
withdrawal of groundwater. The groundwater in general, including the water that is used by
communities for domestic or agricultural purposes, is devoid of pollution. The groundwater is
thereby devoid of bacteriological (sewage) contamination as well.
Marine Environment
The seabed within the project area is gently sloping down in a South-west direction. Water
depths within the survey area range between a minimum of 0.0 m and a maximum of 22.5 m.
The Northern part of the Vizhinjam harbour area has a natural deep bay, whereas the southern
side is dominated by rocky outcrops. At present the Vizhinjam fishing harbour has a total
basin area of 16.4 Ha.
The waves approach majorly from two directions: South to South-West and West to South-
West. Waves from the South to South-West direction approach the near shore in May to
October, whereas in the rest of the year the waves come from the West to South-West
direction. The highest wave in the offshore of the proposed project area is of about 4.0 to 5.0
m. Waves of about 1.0 m are most frequent (around 20% of all waves in a year are
between 1.0 m. and 1.25 m).
The predominant current direction is south-east in the period between February and October.
The speed of the current is highest during the monsoon season. The direction of the current is
reversed during the post monsoon period (November to January). There are three different
types of seabed in the project area: Clayey/silty fine sand, fine to medium sand and rock
outcrops. The first two types of sediments are predominant within the study
area. The rocky outcrop is predominant near the shoreline. No other significant seabed
features were identified in the project area.
For a safe operation of the harbour and the terminals, the channel for the ships to approach
and leave the harbour, as well as a turning space for the ships, needs to be dredged. That is,
sand needs to be removed to deepen these areas.
The approach channel that needs to be dredged has medium dense to very dense dark grey
silty sand, with occasional shell fragments on the top layer. Towards the deeper side of the
borehole the sediment is more soft and sandy clay/silty/dense in nature. In the turning circle
region the sediment is medium dense to dense clayey sand with shell fragments, and
occasionally silty.
Sediment samples from six locations were collected in different seasons and were analysed
for different physicochemical parameters (heavy metals, etc.). From the results it can be
concluded that the sediment was not contaminated with the parameters analysed for (within
the rage of the standard limits prescribed by USEPA).
Most of the dredged material (approximately 80%) will be used for reclamation. The dredged
material that is not suitable for reclamation will be dumped at two sites (Identified based on
silt dispersion model studies) further offshore, parallel to harbour, at about 2.0 to 4.0 km from
the dredging area.
The shoreline is not a fixed line and its position is dynamic. The shoreline changes naturally
during the years because of the suspension of sediment and transportation of the sediment.
The latter is caused by the current during the monsoon season.
Biological Environment
The study area falls under the coastal area (lowland) of the Thiruvananthapuram district. In
this area various tree and plant species can be found. These species include Veppu,
Kasumavu, Plavu, Arayal, Rubber, Mavu, Njaval, Teak, etc. Shrubs include Bougainvilla,
Kallanmula, etc. and herbs include Adalodakam, Thulasi, Kattavanakku,
etc. Local inhabitants use some of these species as medicines, fodder, food and firewood.
Although there are no forests present in or around the study area a lot of green coverage and
undisturbed natural patches are present and form a habitat for various animals. Important
mammals in the study area are, among
others, Dogs, Jackals, Mice, Moles, Porcupines and Mongooses. Most common reptiles are,
among others, Indian Cobra, Indian Chameleon, Python and the Russell Viper. Most common
avifauna is, among others, Black Partridge, Red Vented Bulbul, Baya Weaver and the
endangered Nilgiri wood-pigeon.
existing water schemes are piped water supply networks that transport water to households,
non-domestic connections; industrial connections and public stand posts. About 28.1% of the
people in the study area have piped water system in their houses. The major source of
drinking water is public tap (32.3%), house connection (41.6%) and others (31.9%)
respectively. The areas that are not connected to these pipe networks depend on either dug
wells or bore wells. Most of the areas in the PIA district
suffer from acute shortage of water for domestic use during summer, however the study area
has the highest water shortage in the district.
The project area lacks a good sewerage system as only the Thiruvananthapuram Municipal
Corporation has a running sewerage system; several other sewerage systems in the area are
under construction. Although based on population density Vizhinjam is also added to the
corporation area it will take many years for the Corporation
to extend these kinds of facilities to the Vizhinjam port area. Open sewage discharges into the
sea are a common sight in the project area.
Solid waste is generated mainly by households. Other sources are commercial sources and
waste collected via street sweeping. The Municipal Corporation has established a centralized
solid waste management plant in Vilappilasala, which is situated in the outskirts of the city
area and processes the generated solid wastes only by composting and closed recently due to
social issues. Apart from this plant there is no solid waste management
facility in the project area. The Vilappilasala is located outside the 10 km radius of the study
area of the proposed deep-water port. As most households lack a door to door collection
facility or waste bin nearby the house, solid wastes are either openly burned or dumped in
open places.
Apart from several tourism infrastructure (see the tourism section) and facilities other
infrastructural facilities in the PIA district are NHs, SHs (State highways), a railway station,
airport, harbours and various public offices such as a post office, telephone exchanges or
cinema houses.
There are two nos. of fishing harbours and various fish landing sites in the coast of PIA
district. Additionally three fishing harbours are under consideration over and above the
existing; Vizhinjam fishing harbour. At the fishing harbour occasional (not regular) dredging
is carried out in the basin to provide safe berthing for cargo ships.
Other ships and boats that enter the harbours are canoes and vessels. The active fisherman in
the PIA district is about 5, 52,897. (Marine Fisheries Statistics, GoK, 2010). Deep sea fishing
is thereby prohibited during the onset of monsoon period for 45 days from June 15th to July
30th every year; only near shore is allowed in that period.
During monsoon season people from far way places also operate from the Vizhinjam fishing
harbour. In the project core area except mussel fishing and shores in fishing on the northern
part of the proposed port and immediate south of the existing fishing harbour no other major
activities are visible and noticed. Except few residents near the identified back up areas, there
are no declared/approved fishing villages in the shadow area of the proposed deep-water port.
Quarry Sites
Quarry material is required for the construction of breakwaters. Quarry material can be
sourced from two sites:
Kadavila and Theviyodu. The former quarry site is located towards North-West direction
from the project site in Kerala (about 60 km from the proposed port site) whereas the latter is
located towards South-East direction from the project site in Tamil Nadu. The Kadavila
quarry site is surrounded by thick vegetation comprising both of natural trees as well as
rubber/coconut plantations. The plantations are intermingled with human settlements, on
both sides of the roadway that is proposed to be used for the transportation of quarry
materials. The quarry material from Kadavila is planned to be transported to Muthalapozhy
harbour through Kallambalam and Kadakavur Junction. From Muthalapozhy harbour, the
quarry material will be transported on barges to the project site.
The surroundings around the Theviyodu quarry area are sparsely vegetated with trees such as
Coconut, Amla and Neem. Only a few mud houses of workers working in the quarry are
present near the quarry area. Similar to the Kadavila quarry site, the quarry material will be
transported through roadway and sea. The quarry will be brought from the Theviyodu to
Colachel port, via Thottiyoodu and Monday market junction, from where it will be shipped in
barges to the project site (total 55 km).
Socio-Economic Baseline
General Setting and Study Area
The project stretch, which is the footprint of the project layout, falls under the
Thiruvananthapuram Municipal Corporation and Neyyattinkara Taluk, in PIA district. The
study area for the socio-economic baseline description consists of 10 km radius around the
project stretch and also coastal villages present between 25 km to 15 km distance from the
project stretch in the Northern and Southern directions, respectively.
Social Survey
Socio-economic data pertaining to the study area (10 km radial distance from the project
stretch) were not available. To collect study area specific socio-economic profile, a door to
door social survey of about 5900 households was conducted from April to June 2012. Totally,
43 Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) were conducted in the aforementioned period to create
public awareness about the project and to understand the apprehension of the local people.
Especially Project Affected People (PAP) i.e. fishermen and people involved in tourism
related activities in the shadow area of the project, have been involved. 28 FGDs for
fishermen population were conducted in 22 coastal villages (located between 25 km to 15 km
distance from the project stretch dotted with fishermen settlements in the Northern and
Southern directions, respectively). Another primary goal for these FGDs was to understand
the use of the project stretch as well as Vizhinjam fishing harbour by the fishermen (beyond
10 km region) and also by people involved in other economic activities, like tourism and
beach-related activities in the study area.
The remaining 15 FGDs and other consultations were conducted related to tourism and other
allied activities. 15 FGDs for people involved in tourism and its allied sector were conducted
in nine resorts and in Kovalam, which is a world renowned tourist place located about 2.0 km
towards the North West from the North of the project site. A separate structured
questionnaire has been prepared and circulated among the 31 resorts/hotels located in the
shadow area of the project to collect project site specific tourism data. Information was
received from nine resorts
The cargo terminal is an intermodal link in the logistics chain. And since a chain is as strong
as its weakest link the cargo terminal must be equipped with modern systems to fully
function (cargo tracking and handling, safety, security) in the logistics chain.
Typical systems just range between 5% and 7% of the total capital investment in cargo
terminals. These systems are crucial for productivity, serviceability and cost control, and
represent the higher risk in the implementation of any terminal development project.
A container terminal can be best managed when management and the supporting departments
can use an integrated set of software systems.
The operational process is automated by a software system such as the Terminal Operating
System (TOS) and its related modules. All of these systems are inter-related and can transfer
data between each other. The systems receive data via the Internet and EDI. The systems
provide information to the external stakeholders via the Internet.
Economic Analysis
The economic cost-benefit analysis is based on the financial analysis of the port project. After
the new Master Plan was prepared by AECOM, no financial feasibility study was carried out
which could be used as a reference point. Hence, a high-level basic financial model was
prepared to determine the financial cash flows of the project.
This financial analysis reveals that the project is not financially very attractive. In-spite of
high traffic giving substantial capacity utilization, the project is not able to generate sufficient
cash flows to generate a surplus. This is because the capital investment is relatively high.
The financial analysis was subjected to four principal adjustments to arrive at the economic
cash flows:
Revaluation of financial cash flows based on shadow exchange rates and standard
conversion factors
Estimating consumer surplus/deficit
Determining additional economic (non-financial) benefits and costs that will accrue
Determining effects of environmental externalities
The project creates consumer surplus by reducing costs of transporting containers. The port is
nearer the main
East-West shipping route as compared to some of the other trans-shipment hubs resulting in
savings in ship
bunker costs. Additionally, inland logistics cost for gateway traffic and coastal traffic from /
to the nearby.
This gives an economic internal rate of return on 12.93% and a Net Present Value of INR 650
crores. Hence, it can be concluded that the project is economically viable. A break-up of the
economic costs and benefits is shown in Tables below:-